<td><?php echo get_team($vo['blue_team'], 'name'); ?> </td ><?php } else { ?> <td>弃权</td><?php } ?> <?php if ($vo['red_team'] != '0') { ?> <td><?php echo get_team($vo['red_team'], 'name'); ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td>弃权</td><?php } ?> <td><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vo['start_time']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $vo["round"]; ?>
/** * Displays the widget settings controls on the widget panel. * Make use of the get_field_id() and get_field_name() function * when creating your form elements. This handles the confusing stuff. */ function form($instance) { /* Set up some default widget settings. */ $defaults = array('title' => 'Featured Team Member', 'display-options' => 'random-member', 'member-select' => ''); $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $defaults); ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?> "><?php _e('Title:', 'team-member-widget'); ?> </label> <input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?> " value="<?php echo $instance['title']; ?> " class="widefat" /> </p> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('display-option'); ?> "> <?php _e('Display Option:', 'team-member-widget'); ?> </label> <select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('display-option'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('display-option'); ?> " class="widefat" style="width: 100%;"> <option value="all-members" <?php if ('all-members' == $instance['display-option']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >Show All Team Members</option> <option value="random-member" <?php if ('random-member' == $instance['display-option']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >Show Random Team Member</option> <option value="single-member" <?php if ('single-member' == $instance['display-option']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >Show One Team Member</option> </select> </p> <?php if ($instance['display-option'] == 'single-member') { ?> <?php $team = get_team(); ?> <?php if ($team) { ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('member-select'); ?> "> <?php _e('Member Select:', 'team-member-widget'); ?> </label> <select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('member-select'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('member-select'); ?> " class="widefat" style="width: 100%;"> <?php foreach ($team as $member_id => $member_name) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $member_id; ?> " <?php if ($member_id == $instance['member-select']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $member_name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p>You must first add team members.</p> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
$data['siteurl'] = $INI['system']['wwwprefix']; $data['items'] = array(); //团购信息 $teams = DB::LimitQuery('team', array('condition' => array('`begin_time` < ' . time(), '`end_time` > ' . time()), 'order' => 'ORDER BY id DESC')); $data['items'] = $teams; //城市信息 $citys = option_category('city', true); //商家信息 $allPartners = DB::LimitQuery('partner', array('condition' => array('id>0'))); $partners = array(); foreach ($allPartners as $v) { $partners[$v['id']]['title'] = $v['title']; $partners[$v['id']]['phone'] = $v['phone']; $partners[$v['id']]['address'] = $v['address']; } $output = get_team($data); echo $output; unset($output); //$team 包含公共信息和每个团购的数据 function get_team($team) { if (!$team) { return ''; } $xmlitems = ''; $id = 1; foreach ($team['items'] as $k => $v) { /*处理城市*/ $city = Table::Fetch('category', $team['items'][$k]['city_id']); $city_name = $city['name']; if ($city['name'] == "") {
} $error = ""; if (empty($_GET['step'])) { $step = 1; } else { $step = $_GET['step']; } if ($step == 1) { include_once 'view/auth/register-user.php'; } else { if ($step == 2) { if (!empty($_POST['team_name']) && !empty($_POST['team_password'])) { $form = $_POST; $form['team_password'] = md5($form['team_password']); require_once 'model/auth/get-team.php'; $team = get_team($form); if ($team) { include_once 'view/auth/register-user-2.php'; } else { include_once 'view/auth/register-user.php'; } } else { include_once 'view/auth/register-user.php'; } } else { if ($step = 3) { if (!empty($_POST['user_login']) && !empty($_POST['user_password']) && !empty($_POST['team_name'])) { if ($_POST['user_password'] != $_POST['user_password2']) { $error = "Mot de passe non identiques"; $team['name'] = $_POST['team_name']; include_once 'view/auth/register-user-2.php';
echo "<li>" . team_link_from_id($team) . "</li>"; } ?> </ul> <? endif; ?> <h4>Description</h4> <p><?php echo $description; ?> </p> <? if(check_captain($player_id) and !check_participation(get_team($player_id),$sports_id)): ?> <a href="<?php echo URL::base(); ?> sport/join/<?php echo $sports_id; ?> ">Add your team to this sport</a> <? elseif(check_captain($player_id)): ?> <a href="<?php echo URL::base(); ?> sport/results/<?php echo $sports_id; ?> /<?php echo get_team($player_id); ?> ">Report results from game</a> <? endif; ?>
function handle_team_registration($bid, $pin, $extra_args = array()) { $team_registration = sanitized_team_registration(); $user = get_user($bid); $tid = $user["tid"]; $team = get_team($tid); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); // Choose appropriate action to perform. if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "remove") == 0) { $userToRemove = get_user($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"]); if ($userToRemove != null && $userToRemove["tid"] == $tid) { assign_user_to_team($userToRemove["bid"], PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_REMOVE_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user_to_add["uid"], "targetBid" => $user_to_add["bid"], "targetTid" => PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team = get_team($tid); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberJustRemoved" => $user_to_remove, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "create") == 0) { if (valid_team_name($team_registration["teamName"])) { $tid = register_team($team_registration["teamName"], $user["uid"]); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_CREATE_TEAM, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); if ($tid == PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID) { return array("view" => "team_registration_create", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin) + $extra_args); } assign_user_to_team($bid, $tid); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_ADD_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user["uid"], "targetBid" => $user["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team_members = get_team_members($tid); $team = get_team($tid); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamJustCreated" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_create", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamNameInvalid" => true) + $extra_args); } } else { if (strcmp($team_registration["teamRegistrationAction"], "add") == 0) { $user = get_user($bid); $team = get_team($user["tid"]); $team_members = get_team_members($user["tid"]); if (count($team_members) < MAX_TEAM_MEMBERS) { if (validate_login($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"], $team_registration["teamRegistrationPin"])) { $user_to_add = get_user($team_registration["teamRegistrationBid"]); if ($user_to_add["tid"] == PASSPORT_NO_TEAM_TID) { assign_user_to_team($user_to_add["bid"], $tid); log_entry(LOG_MODE_USER, LOG_USER_ACTION_ADD_TEAM_MEMBER, array("actorUid" => $user["uid"], "actorBid" => $user["bid"], "targetUid" => $user_to_add["uid"], "targetBid" => $user_to_add["bid"], "targetTid" => $tid, comment => addslashes(serialize($team_registration)))); $team_members = get_team_members($user["tid"]); return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberJustAdded" => $user_to_add, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "alreadyOnTeam" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMemberBad" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } else { return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamFull" => true, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); } } } } // No action specified, just need to show the user the current members. return array("view" => "team_registration_add", "args" => array("bid" => $bid, "pin" => $pin, "teamMembers" => $team_members, "team" => $team) + $extra_args); }