文件: index.php 项目: neevan1e/Done
            $pattern = '/xml:lang="en">(.*)</';
            preg_match($pattern, $data, $match);
            return $match[1];
$status = "";
if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
    $ID = $_POST['status'];
    //getting skype status icon
    $ico = get_skype_status("{$ID}", true, true);
    $status .= "<p>Skype icon:</p>";
    $status .= "<p><img src='" . $ico . "'/></p>";
    //getting skype status image
    $image = get_skype_status("{$ID}", true);
    $status .= "<p>Skype image:</p>";
    $status .= "<p><img src='" . $image . "'/></p>";
    //getting skype status text
    $text = get_skype_status("{$ID}");
    $status .= "<p>Skype status:</p>";
    $status .= "<p>{$text}</p>";
    $status = 'Your skype id: ' . $ID . ' status:<br>' . $status . '<br>';
echo $status . '
	<form action="index.php" method="post">
		<input type="text" name="status" id="status" placeholder="Skype Username" /><input type="submit" value="Get Status" style="padding: 5px;" />
		<p>This is <strong>version <?php echo SOSVERSION; ?></strong> of the Skype Online Status plugin for WordPress 2+.<br />
			Release date: <?php echo SOSVERSION_DATE; ?>. <br />
			The latest available release is: <strong>version <?php if(isset($r->new_version)) { echo $r->new_version . " <span class=\"updated fade\">PLEASE, <a href=\"" . $r->url . "\">UPDATE</a> BEFORE REPORTING BUGS !</span>"; } else { echo SOSVERSION; } ?></strong></p>
			Report bugs, feature requests and user experiences on <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/wp-skype-online-status">Skype Online Status - Google Discussion Group</a>. <br />
		<p>This plugin is in beta testing stage and is released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt">GNU General Public License</a>. You can use it free of charge but at your own risk on your personal or commercial blog.</p>
		<p>If you enjoy this plugin, you can thank me by way of a small donation for my efforts and the time I spend maintaining and developing this plugin and giving <a href="#live">live user support</a> in dutch, english and even a little french and german :).</p>
		<p>I appreciate every contribution, no matter if it&#8217;s two or twenty euro/dollar or any other amount. Please, use the link in the sidebar.</p>
		<p>Thanks!<br />
		<p id="live" align="right"><a href="#wphead">back to top</a></p>

		<h4>Live Support</h4>
		<p>To get live support on this plugin with Skype, simply click the Skype button below. Hover the button and it will state wether I'm online and available for a chat or not.</p>
			<?php get_skype_status('skype_id=ravanhagen&user_name=Live Support&button_theme=chat_smallclassic_blue'); ?></p>

		<p id="credits" align="right"><a href="#wphead">back to top</a></p>
		<p>This plugin was built by <em>RavanH</em>. It was originally based upon the neat little plugin <a href="http://anti.masendav.com/skype-button-for-wordpress/">Skype Button v2.01</a> by <em>Anti Veeranna</em>. My continued development of this plugin is supported by donators, mentioned in the sidebar. Many thanks!</p>

		<p id="revhist" align="right"><a href="#wphead">back to top</a></p>
		<h4>FAQ's, Revision History, Todo and other info</h4>
		<p>See the included <a href="<?php echo SOSPLUGINURL; ?>readme.txt">README</a> file:</p>
		<iframe src="<?php echo SOSPLUGINURL; ?>readme.txt" border="0" scrolling="auto" allowtransparency="yes" style="margin:0;padding:0;border:none;width:100%;height:600px"></iframe>
		<p align="right"><a href="#wphead">back to top</a></p>
	</div> <!-- #notes -->
		<p>It is also possible to use multiple Skype buttons for different Skype Users and with different themes across your blog pages.</p>
		<p><strong>In posts and page content</strong>, use the shortcode syntax <strong><code>[skype-status parameter1="something" parameter2="something_else"]</code></strong></p>
		<p><strong>In theme files</strong>, use the function syntax <strong><code>get_skype_status('parameter1=something&parameter2=something_else');</code></strong></p>
		<h4>Available Parameters</h4>
			<dl><dt><strong>skype_id</strong></dt><dd>Alternative Skype ID.</dd>
				<dt><strong>user_name</strong></dt><dd>Define the full Skype user or screen name.</dd>
				<dt><strong>button_theme</strong></dt><dd>Define the theme template file to use for the button. Value must match a filename (without extention) from the /plugins/skype-online-status/templates/ directory or the predefined theme template will be used.</dd>
				<dt><strong>use_voicemail</strong></dt><dd>Set to 'on' if you want to display the 'Leave a voicemail' link in the Dropdown themes. Use this only if you have a <a href="https://support.skype.com/en/category/ONLINE_NUMBER_SKYPEIN/" target="_blank">SkypeIn number</a> or <a href="https://support.skype.com/en/category/VOICEMAIL/" target="_blank">Skype Voicemail</a>. Set of 'off' if you have a predefined setting 'on' and you want to override it.</dd>
				<dt><strong>button_function</strong></dt><dd>Define the button's function. Value must match a valid Skype function like 'call', 'add', 'chat', 'userinfo', 'voicemail' or 'sendfile'.</dd>
				<dt><strong>use_getskype</strong></dt><dd>Set to 'on' if you want to display the <em>Get Skype</em> link. Set to 'off' to remove the link.</dd>
		<p>The php-code <strong><code>get_skype_status('skype_id=echo123&amp;user_name=Skype voice test&amp;button_theme=callme_mini_blue')</code></strong> will generate a Skype button with all your predefined settings <em><strong>except</strong></em> for Skype user 'echo123' (the Skype voice test user) with the screen name 'Skype voice test' and using template file 'callme_mini.html':</p>
get_skype_status('skype_id=echo123&user_name=Skype voice test&button_theme=callme_mini_blue');

		<p id="templ" style="text-align:right"><a href="#wphead"><?php 
		<h4>Skype Button Templates</h4>
		<p>Whenever the options on the Skype Buttons Options page are saved, the template is read either from the selected template file or the editable textarea (customizable view) and loaded into the database. To change the Skype legacy button view to your liking you can choose to edit an existing template file, create a new one or edit the preloaded template in the editable textarea on the 'Skype Legacy Buttons Settings' page. Remember that after editing a template file, the new content must be reloaded into the database before changes apply.</p>
		<p>All template files can be found in the /plugins/skype-online-status/templates/ directory. You add new or edit existing ones with any simple text editor (like Notepad) or even a WYSIWYG editor (like Dreamweaver) as long as you follow some rules.</p>
		<h4>Template file rules</h4>
			<li>All template files must have a name consisting of only <strong>lowercase letters</strong>, <strong>numbers</strong> and/or <strong>underscores (_)</strong> or <strong>dashes (-)</strong>. Please, avoid any other signs, dots or whitespaces. Do not use the name <strong>custom_edit</strong> as is reserved for the customizable view.</li>
			<li>The template files must reside in the <strong>/templates/</strong> subdirectory of this plugin directory.</li>
			<li>The template files must have the <strong>.html</strong> extention. All other extentions in the templates directory will be ignored.</li>