function inbox_read_base($fields = "*", $condition = "", $get_type = "", $num = "", $by_col = "mess_id", $order = "desc", $cache = "", $cache_key = "") { global $tablePreStr; global $page_num; global $page_total; $uid = get_sess_userid(); $t_scrip = $tablePreStr . "msg_inbox"; $result_rs = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $by_col = $by_col ? " {$by_col} " : " mess_id "; $order = $order ? $order : "desc"; $get_type = $get_type == 'getRow' ? "getRow" : "getRs"; $sql = " select {$fields} from {$t_scrip} where user_id = {$uid} and mesinit_id!='' {$condition} order by {$by_col} {$order} "; if ($cache == 1 && $cache_key != '') { $key = 'inbox_' . $cache_key . $uid . '_' . $num; $key_mt = 'inbox_' . $cache_key . 'mt_' . $uid . '_' . $num; $result_rs = model_cache($key, $key_mt, $dbo, $sql, $get_type); } if (empty($result_rs)) { $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); $result_rs = $dbo->{$get_type}($sql); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; } return $result_rs; }
function plugins_set_mine($id, $is_del = 0) { $id = intval($id); $is_del = intval($is_del); $val = ''; $uid = get_sess_userid(); global $tablePreStr; $t_users = $tablePreStr . "users"; $t_plugins = $tablePreStr . "plugins"; $result_rs = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $u_apps = get_sess_apps(); if ($is_del == 0) { if ($u_apps == '') { $val = $id; } else { $val = $u_apps . "," . $id; } } else { $val = str_replace(",{$id},", "", ",{$u_apps},"); } $sql = " update {$t_users} set use_apps = '{$val}' where user_id = {$uid} "; if ($dbo->exeUpdate($sql)) { set_sess_apps($val); if ($is_del == 0) { $sql = " update {$t_plugins} set use_num=use_num+1 where id={$id} "; } else { $sql = " update {$t_plugins} set use_num=use_num-1 where id={$id} "; } return $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); } else { return 0; } }
function scrip_send($sender, $title, $content, $to_id, $scrip_id = '') { global $tablePreStr; $uid = get_sess_userid(); $uico = get_sess_userico(); $t_scrip = $tablePreStr . "msg_inbox"; $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('w'); $sql = "insert into {$t_scrip} (mess_title,mess_content,from_user,from_user_ico,user_id,add_time,from_user_id,mesinit_id)" . "value('{$title}','{$content}','{$sender}','{$uico}',{$to_id},NOW(),{$uid},'{$scrip_id}')"; return $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); }
function code_exists() { $is_admin = ''; $sendor_id = ''; $admin_id = get_session('admin_id'); if ($admin_id) { $is_admin = 1; $sendor_id = $admin_id; } else { $user_id = get_sess_userid(); if (!$user_id) { return false; exit; } $is_admin = 0; $sendor_id = $user_id; } if ($sendor_id != '' && $is_admin !== '') { global $inviteCodeValue; global $tablePreStr; global $inviteCodeLength; $t_invite_code = $tablePreStr . "invite_code"; $t_users = $tablePreStr . "users"; if ($is_admin == 0) { $user_info = api_proxy('user_self_by_uid', 'integral', $sendor_id); $intg = $user_info['integral']; if ($inviteCodeValue > $intg) { return false; } } $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $invite_code = randkeys($inviteCodeLength); $sql = "select id from {$t_invite_code} where code_txt='{$invite_code}'"; $is_exists = $dbo->getRow($sql); if ($is_exists['id']) { code_exists(); } else { $time = time(); $sql = "insert into {$t_invite_code} (sendor_id,code_txt,is_admin,add_time) values({$sendor_id},'{$invite_code}',0,{$time})"; $success = $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); if ($success) { if ($is_admin == 0) { $sql = "update {$t_users} set integral=integral-{$inviteCodeValue} where user_id={$sendor_id}"; $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); } return $invite_code; } else { return false; } } } }
function message_get_remind_count($uid = '') { $uid = intval($uid); $result_rs = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $uid = $uid ? $uid : get_sess_userid(); global $tablePreStr; $t_remind = $tablePreStr . "remind"; $sql = "select count(*) from {$t_remind} where user_id={$uid} and is_focus=1"; return $dbo->getRow($sql); }
function msgboard_self_by_uid($fields = "*", $uid = "", $is_read = "", $num = "", $date = "") { $uid = $uid ? $uid : get_sess_userid(); $is_read = intval($is_read); $fields = filt_fields($fields); $condition = " to_user_id = {$uid} "; if ($date != '') { $condition .= str_replace("{date}", "add_time", date_filter($date)); } if ($is_read != '') { $condition .= " and readed = {$is_read} "; } return msgboard_read_base($fields, $condition, "getRs", $num); }
function pals_sort($uid = '') { $uid = intval($uid); if ($uid == 0) { $uid = get_sess_userid(); } global $tablePreStr; $t_pals_sort = $tablePreStr . "pals_sort"; $result_rs = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $sql = " select * from {$t_pals_sort} where user_id={$uid} "; $result_rs = $dbo->getALL($sql); return $result_rs; }
function scrip_notice_get($fields = "*", $num = "", $condition = "") { global $tablePreStr; global $page_num; global $page_total; $fields = filt_fields($fields); $uid = get_sess_userid(); $t_scrip = $tablePreStr . "msg_inbox"; $result_rs = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $sql = " select {$fields} from {$t_scrip} where user_id = {$uid} and mesinit_id='' {$condition} order by mess_id desc "; $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); $result_rs = $dbo->getRs($sql); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; return $result_rs; }
function check_pri($holder, $exp = '') { $sess_uid = get_sess_userid(); $is_admin = get_sess_admin(); if ($sess_uid != $holder && !$is_admin) { if ($exp) { if (!$sess_uid) { return false; } if ($exp == '!all') { //全否定 return false; } if (strpos(",{$exp}", "{")) { //限定人 $per_str = preg_replace("/{([,\\d]+)}/", "\$1", $exp); if (strpos(",{$per_str}", ",{$sess_uid},")) { return true; } } if (strpos(",{$exp}", "[")) { //限定组 $sort_str = preg_replace("/\\[([,\\d]+)\\]/", "\$1", $exp); global $dbo; global $tablePreStr; global $dbServs; if (!$dbo) { $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); } $table = $tablePreStr . "pals_mine"; $sql = "select pals_sort_id from {$table} where pals_id={$sess_uid} and user_id={$holder}"; $sort_id = $dbo->getRow($sql); $sess_sort_id = $sort_id['pals_sort_id']; if (strpos(",{$sort_str}", ",{$sess_sort_id},")) { return true; } } } else { return true; } } else { return true; } }
function share_act($dbo, $type_id, $for_content_id, $s_title = '', $tag = '', $link_href = '', $link_thumb = '', $re_m_link = '') { $user_id = get_sess_userid(); $user_name = get_sess_username(); $userico = get_sess_userico(); global $tablePreStr; $t_share = $tablePreStr . 'share'; if ($for_content_id == 0) { $sql = "select max(s_id) as max_id from {$t_share}"; $last_id = $dbo->getRow($sql); if ($last_id['max_id'] == NULL) { $for_content_id = 1; } else { $for_content_id = $last_id['max_id'] + 1; } } $sql = "insert into {$t_share} ( type_id,user_id,user_name,user_ico,add_time,for_content_id,s_title,out_link,movie_thumb,movie_link,`tag`) values " . "({$type_id},{$user_id},'{$user_name}','{$userico}',NOW(),{$for_content_id},'{$s_title}','{$link_href}','{$link_thumb}','{$re_m_link}','{$tag}')"; $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); return mysql_insert_id(); }
function update_online_time($dbo, $table) { $user_id = get_sess_userid(); $now_time = time(); $kick_time = 20; //设置超时时间 if ($user_id) { $sql = "update {$table} set active_time='{$now_time}' where user_id={$user_id}"; if (!$dbo->exeUpdate($sql)) { global $tablePreStr; $t_online = $tablePreStr . "online"; $user_id = get_sess_userid(); $user_name = get_sess_username(); $user_ico = get_sess_userico(); $user_sex = get_sess_usersex(); $sql = "insert into {$t_online} (`user_id`,`user_name`,`user_sex`,`user_ico`,`active_time`,`hidden`) values ({$user_id},'{$user_name}','{$user_sex}','{$user_ico}','{$now_time}',0)"; $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); } } $sql = "delete from {$table} where {$now_time}-active_time>{$kick_time}*60"; $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); }
function group_self_by_uid($fields = "*", $id = '', $get_type = '') { global $tablePreStr; $id = intval($id) ? $id : get_sess_userid(); $t_group_members = $tablePreStr . "group_members"; $gid_array = array(); $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $sql = "select group_id from {$t_group_members} where user_id='{$id}' and state>0"; $gid_array = $dbo->getRs($sql); if ($gid_array) { $gid_str = ''; foreach ($gid_array as $rs) { if ($gid_str != '') { $gid_str .= ','; } $gid_str .= $rs['group_id']; } $fields = filt_fields($fields); return group_self_by_gid($fields, $gid_str, $get_type); } else { return array(); } }
<?php //引入模块公共权限过程文件 require "foundation/fpages_bar.php"; require "api/base_support.php"; //引入语言包 $m_langpackage = new msglp(); //变量获得 $user_id = get_sess_userid(); //当前页面参数 $page_num = trim(get_argg('page')); $msg_inbox_rs = api_proxy("scrip_inbox_get_mine", "*"); $isNull = 0; $content_data_none = "content_none"; $show_data = ""; if (empty($msg_inbox_rs)) { $isNull = 1; $show_data = "content_none"; $content_data_none = ""; }
<?php //引入语言包 $g_langpackage = new grouplp(); $url_uid = intval(get_argg('user_id')); $ses_uid = get_sess_userid(); //引入模块公共权限过程文件 $is_self_mode = 'partLimit'; $is_login_mode = ''; require "foundation/auser_validate.php"; require "foundation/module_users.php"; require "foundation/module_group.php"; require "api/base_support.php"; $group_rs = array(); //按钮控制 $button = 0; $button_show = "content_none"; $button_hidden = ""; if ($is_self == 'Y') { $group_title = $g_langpackage->g_mine; $no_data = $g_langpackage->g_none_group; $button = 1; $button_show = ""; $button_hidden = "content_none"; $show_mine = ""; $show_his = "content_none"; } else { $show_mine = "content_none"; $show_his = ""; $holder_name = get_hodler_name($url_uid); $group_title = str_replace("{holder}", $holder_name, $g_langpackage->g_his_group);
<?php //引入语言包 $pu_langpackage = new publiclp(); //变量取得 $comment_content = get_argp("comment_content"); $comment_type = get_argp("comment_type"); //$user_id = get_session('user_id'); $commenter_id = get_sess_userid(); if (empty($commenter_id)) { header("location:error.php"); exit; } $paper_id = get_argp("paper_id"); //数据表定义区 $t_comments = $tablePreStr . "comments"; $t_papers = $tablePreStr . "papers"; $current_time = date('y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $dbo = new dbex(); //增加评论数 //insert into isns_papers (user_id, content, picture, create_time) value (1, '纸条内容', '纸条路径', '2015-08-12 15:57:12'); dbplugin('r'); $get_comment_count_sql = "select {$t_papers}.comment_count,{$t_papers}.private_count from {$t_papers} where {$t_papers}.paper_id={$paper_id}"; $result_rs = $dbo->getRow($get_comment_count_sql); $comment_count = $result_rs['comment_count']; $private_count = $result_rs['private_count']; if ($comment_type == 0) { $comment_count += 1; } else { $private_count += 1; }
<?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if (!file_exists('docs/install.lock')) { header("location:install/index.php"); } require "foundation/asession.php"; require "configuration.php"; require "includes.php"; require "foundation/module_users.php"; require "foundation/fcontent_format.php"; require "foundation/fplugin.php"; require "api/base_support.php"; //语言包引入 $pu_langpackage = new publiclp(); if (get_sess_userid()) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">location.href="main.php";</script>'; } $tg = get_argg('tg'); if ($tg == 'invite') { $index_ref = "modules/invite.php"; } elseif ($tg == 'search_pals_list') { $index_ref = "modules/mypals/search_pals_list.php"; } else { $index_ref = "modules/default.php"; } //数据表定义区 $t_plugins = $tablePreStr . "plugins"; $rec_rs = array(); $rec_rs0 = array(); $rec_rs1 = array();
<?php //$lim_message='';//可重定义限制访问返回消息 //$lim_rdurl='';//可重定义跳转url //引入语言包 $ref_langpackage = new gobacklp(); $lim_mess = ''; $lim_message = ''; if ($lim_message != '') { $lim_mess = $lim_message; } else { $lim_mess = $ref_langpackage->ref_see_popedom; } if ($is_login_mode == 'accessLimit') { if (!get_sess_userid()) { if ($lim_rdurl == "login") { echo '<script language=javascript>alert("' . $ref_langpackage->ref_no_land . '");top.location="do.php?act=logout";</script>'; } else { if ($lim_rdurl != "") { echo '<script language=javascript>top.location="' . $lim_rdurl . '";</script>'; } } } } $is_self = ''; $userid = ''; if ($is_self_mode == 'partLimit') { if ($url_uid == '' && $ses_uid != '' || $url_uid != '' && $url_uid == $ses_uid) { $userid = $ses_uid; $is_self = 'Y'; } else {
* 如果您开启了debug模式运行,那么您可以省去上面这一步,但是debug模式每次都会判断程序是否更新,debug模式只适合开发调试。 * 如果您正式运行此程序时,请切换到service模式运行! * * 如有您有问题请到官方论坛(提问,谢谢您的支持。 */ //引入公共模块 require "foundation/fpages_bar.php"; require "foundation/module_group.php"; require "api/base_support.php"; //引入语言包 $g_langpackage = new grouplp(); $mn_langpackage = new menulp(); //变量区 $url_group_id = intval(get_argg('group_id')); $subject_id = intval(get_argg('subject_id')); $visitor_id = get_sess_userid(); $visitor_name = get_sess_username(); $user_id = get_argg('user_id'); $role = ''; //数据表定义 $t_blog = $tablePreStr . "blog"; //权限判断 if ($visitor_id != '') { $role = api_proxy("group_member_by_role", $url_group_id, $user_id); $role = $role[0]; } $g_join_type = api_proxy("group_self_by_gid", "*", $url_group_id); $join_type = $g_join_type['group_join_type']; //控制评论 $isNull = 0; $show_com = '';
<?php require "foundation/aintegral.php"; require "api/Check_MC.php"; //引入语言包 $mb_langpackage = new msgboardlp(); //变量取得 $to_user_id = intval(get_argg('user_id')); $mess_id = intval(get_argg('mess_id')); $from_user_id = get_sess_userid(); //数据表定义区 $t_message = $tablePreStr . "msgboard"; $dbo = new dbex(); //读写分离定义函数 dbtarget('w', $dbServs); //评论相册 $sql = "delete from {$t_message} where mess_id={$mess_id} "; if ($dbo->exeUpdate($sql)) { increase_integral($dbo, $int_del_com_msg, $to_user_id); } //回应信息 action_return(1, "", "-1");
function calc_all_distance($res) { $user_id = get_sess_userid(); $user_lat = get_session("position_y"); $user_long = get_session("position_x"); $deal = false; $isNull = empty($user_lat) || empty($user_long); if (is_array($res)) { if (array_key_exists("user_id", $res)) { if ($res["user_id"] == $user_id) { $res["distance_to_me"] = 0; $deal = true; } } if (!$deal && array_key_exists("position_x", $res) && array_key_exists("position_y", $res)) { $x = $res["position_x"]; $y = $res["position_y"]; if ($isNull || empty($x) || empty($y)) { $res["distance_to_me"] = rand(1000, 100000); $deal = true; } else { $res["distance_to_me"] = calc_distance($y, $x, $user_lat, $user_long); $deal = true; } } if (!$deal) { foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $isSameUser = false; if (array_key_exists("user_id", $value)) { if ($value["user_id"] == $user_id) { $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = 0; $isSameUser = true; } } if (!$isSameUser && array_key_exists("position_x", $value) && array_key_exists("position_y", $value)) { $x = $value["position_x"]; $y = $value["position_y"]; if ($isNull || empty($x) || empty($y)) { $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = rand(1000, 100000); } else { $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = calc_distance($y, $x, $user_id, $user_long); } } } } } return $res; }
function pals_self_isset($holder_id, $pals_id = '') { global $tablePreStr; $t_pals = $tablePreStr . "pals_mine"; $result_rs = array(); $pals_id = $pals_id ? $pals_id : get_sess_userid(); if ($pals_id) { $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('r'); $sql = "select id from {$t_pals} where user_id={$holder_id} and pals_id={$pals_id}"; $result_rs = $dbo->getRow($sql); } else { $result_rs = 0; } return $result_rs; }
function message_del_affair($rid) { global $tablePreStr; $t_recent_affair = $tablePreStr . "recent_affair"; $dbo = new dbex(); dbplugin('w'); $uid = get_sess_userid(); $sql = "delete from {$t_recent_affair} where id={$rid} and user_id={$uid}"; return $dbo->exeUpdate($sql); }
</ul> </dt> <dt><a href="main.php?app=mypals_search_list&online=1" hidefocus="true"><?php echo $mn_langpackage->mn_online; ?> </a></dt> <dt><a href="main.php?app=msg_minbox" hidefocus="true"><?php echo $mn_langpackage->mn_scrip; ?> </a></dt> </dl> </div> <div class="right_nav"> <dl> <dt><a href="home.php?h=<?php echo get_sess_userid(); ?> " hidefocus="true"><?php echo filt_word(get_sess_username()); ?> </a></dt> <dt><a href="modules.php?app=mypals_invite" target="frame_content" hidefocus="true"><?php echo $mn_langpackage->mn_user_invite; ?> </a></dt> <dt><a href="javascript:void(0);" hidefocus="true" onmouseout="setMenuShow(false);" onclick="setMenuShow(true);"><?php echo $mn_langpackage->mn_user_set; ?> </a> <div id="set_menu_bridge" style="width:58px;height:13px;display:none;" onmouseover="setMenuShow(true);" onmouseout="setMenuShow(false);"> <ul id="set_menu" onmouseover="setMenuShow(true);" onmouseout="setMenuShow(false);" class="set_menu" style="display:none;">
<?php //引入公共方法 $session_power = true; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../api/base_support.php"; if (get_sess_userid()) { $group_users = api_proxy('pals_self_by_uid', "pals_id,pals_name,pals_ico,pals_sort_id,pals_sort_name", get_sess_userid()); $data_str = 'var menu_pop_data=['; $group_length = count($group_users); if ($group_length) { $group_pointer = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $group_length; $i++) { if ($group_pointer == -1 || $group_pointer != $group_users[$i]['pals_sort_id']) { $group_pointer = $group_users[$i]['pals_sort_id']; if ($data_str != 'var menu_pop_data=[') { $data_str = substr($data_str, 0, -1); $data_str .= ']],'; } if ($group_users[$i]['pals_sort_id'] == 0) { $data_str .= '["' . $group_users[$i]['pals_sort_id'] . '","默认分组",['; } else { $data_str .= '["' . $group_users[$i]['pals_sort_id'] . '","' . $group_users[$i]['pals_sort_name'] . '",['; } } $data_str .= '["' . $group_users[$i]['pals_id'] . '","' . $group_users[$i]['pals_name'] . '","' . $group_users[$i]['pals_ico'] . '"],'; } if ($data_str != 'var menu_pop_data=[') { $data_str = substr($data_str, 0, -1); $data_str .= ']]];'; } echo $data_str;
} parent.showDiv(); </script> </head> <body id="main_iframe"> <input type='hidden' id='affair_type' value=0 /> <input type='hidden' id='affair_start_num' value=0 /> <div class="mypanel"> <div class="myphoto"><img src="<?php echo get_sess_userico(); ?> " /></div> <div class="myinfo"> <span class="left"> <a class="strong" href="<?php echo get_uhome_url(get_sess_userid()); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo filt_word(get_sess_username()); ?> </a> <span id='on_line_state' class="mystatus" onmouseover='show_obj("set_state");' onmouseout='hidden_obj("set_state");'> <img id="ol_ioc_gif" src='skin/<?php echo $skinUrl; ?> /images/online.gif'> <span id='ol_label_txt' style='color:#838383'></span> <span id='set_state' class='mystatus' onmouseover='show_obj("set_state");' onmouseout='hidden_obj("set_state");' style="display:none;"></span> </span> </span> <span class="stats"> <?php
if ($img_ext == 'gif') { $temp_img = imagecreatefromgif($ico_url); } if ($img_ext == 'png') { $temp_img = imagecreatefrompng($ico_url); } $s_ico = str_replace('.' . $img_ext, '_small.' . $img_ext, $ico_url); $small_ico = imagecreatetruecolor(70, 70); imagecopyresampled($small_ico, $temp_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70, 70, 200, 200); imagejpeg($small_ico, $s_ico); } else { $s_ico = $ico_url; } if (update_user_ico($dbo, $t_users, $user_ico, $u_field_id, $user_id, $s_ico)) { if (get_sess_userico() == "skin/{$skinUrl}/images/d_ico_0_small.gif" or get_sess_userico() == "skin/{$skinUrl}/images/d_ico_1_small.gif") { increase_integral($dbo, $int_one_ico, get_sess_userid()); } //更新数据 update_user_ico($dbo, $t_mypals, $pals_ico, $p_field_id, $user_id, $s_ico); update_user_ico($dbo, $t_pals_req, $req_ico, $q_field_id, $user_id, $s_ico); set_sess_userico($s_ico); if (preg_match("/uploadfiles\\/photo_store/", $photo_url)) { unlink($photo_url); //删除临时图片文件 } //记录新鲜事 $title = $u_langpackage->u_picture_update; $content = '<img class="photo_frame" onerror=parent.pic_error(this) src="' . $ico_url . '" align="top">'; api_proxy("message_set", 0, $title, $content, 1, 7); action_return(1, "", 'modules.php?app=user_ico'); } else {
function show_action($creator, $member_num, $manager) { $exit_action = "content_none"; $drop_action = "content_none"; $manage_action = "content_none"; $user_id = get_sess_userid(); if ($user_id == $creator && $member_num <= 1) { $drop_action = ""; } if (strstr($manager, "," . $user_id . ",") || $user_id == $creator) { $manage_action = ""; } else { $exit_action = ""; } return $action = array("drop" => $drop_action, "manage" => $manage_action, "exit" => $exit_action); }