function get_series_rss_link($echo = false, $series_id = '') { $permalink_structure = get_option('permalink_structure'); //check for series_id and attempt to find it if possible if ($series_id == '') { $series = get_query_var(SERIES_QUERYVAR); } if ($series_id == '') { return; } if ('' == $permalink_structure) { $link = get_option('home') . '?feed=rss2&' . SERIES_QUERYVAR . '=' . $series_id; } else { $link = get_series_link($series_id); $link = trailingslashit($link) . user_trailingslashit('feed', 'feed'); } $link = apply_filters('series_feed_link', $link); if ($echo) { echo $link; } return $link; }
/** * get_series_icon() - Template tag for insertion of series-icons * * @package Organize Series WordPress Plugin * @since 2.0 * * @uses parse_str() * @uses stripslaghes_gpc_arr() * @uses get_the_series() * @uses is_array() * @uses series_get_icons() * @uses seriesicons_path() * @uses seriesicons_url() * @uses get_series_link() * @uses getimagesize() * @uses series_fit_rect() * * @param int[-1] $fit_width Maximum width (or desired width if $expanded=true) of the image. * @param int[-1] $fit_height Macimum height (or desired height if $expanded=true) of the image. * @param boolean [false] $expand Whether the image should be expanded to fit the rectangle specified by fit_xxx. * @param int $series Series ID. If not specified, the current series is used or the current post's series. * @param string $prefix String to echo before the image tag. If no image, no otuput. * @param string $suffix String to echo after the image tag. Ignored if no image found. * @param string [] $class Class attribute for the image tag. * @param boolean [1] $link If true the image is made a hyperlink (wrapped by anchor tag). * @param boolean [1] $display If true the function will echo the image. If false the function will return the assembled image as a string. * * @return mixed|bool|string Will return false if image is not found. Will return string containing assembled html code for image if $display is false. Will echo image if the $display param = true. */ function get_series_icon($params = '') { global $orgseries; parse_str($params, $p); if (!isset($p['fit_width'])) { $p['fit_width'] = -1; } if (!isset($p['fit_height'])) { $p['fit_height'] = -1; } if (!isset($p['expand'])) { $p['expand'] = false; } if (!isset($p['series'])) { $p['series'] = get_query_var(SERIES_QUERYVAR); } if (!isset($p['prefix'])) { $p['prefix'] = ''; } if (!isset($p['suffix'])) { $p['suffix'] = ''; } if (!isset($p['class'])) { $p['class'] = 'series-icon-' . $p['series']; } if (!isset($p['link'])) { $p['link'] = 1; } if (!isset($p['display'])) { $p['display'] = 1; } stripslaghes_gpc_arr($p); if (empty($p['series']) && isset($GLOBALS['post'])) { $serieslist = get_the_series($GLOBALS['post']->ID); if (is_array($serieslist)) { $p['series'] = $serieslist[0]->term_id; } } $p['series'] = series_exists($p['series']); if (!isset($p['series'])) { return; } //make sure we get the id for the series (in case just the slug is given $icon = series_get_icons($p['series']); $s_name = get_series_name($p['series']); $file = seriesicons_path() . $icon; $url = seriesicons_url() . $icon; if ($p['link']) { $p['prefix'] .= '<a href="' . get_series_link($p['series']) . '">'; $p['suffix'] = '</a>' . $p['suffix']; } if (is_file($file)) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($file); list($w, $h) = series_fit_rect($width, $height, $p['fit_width'], $p['fit_height'], $p['expand']); $series_icon = $p['prefix'] . '<img class="' . $p['class'] . '" src="' . $url . '" width="' . $w . '" height="' . $h . '" alt="' . $icon . '" />' . $p['suffix']; if ($p['display'] == 1) { echo $series_icon; } else { return $series_icon; } } return false; }
function orgSeries_custom_column_action($column_name, $id) { global $orgseries; $seriesid = null; $series_part = null; $series_name = null; $column_content = null; $post_types = apply_filters('orgseries_posttype_support', array('post')); if ($column_name == 'series') { $column_content .= '<div class="series_column">'; $column_content .= '<input type="hidden" name="is_series_save" value="1" />'; if ($series = get_the_series($id, false)) { $seriesid = $series[0]->term_id; $series_name = $series[0]->name; $series_link = get_series_link($series_name); $series_part = get_post_meta($id, SERIES_PART_KEY, TRUE); $count = $series[0]->count; $draft_posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => $post_types, 'post_status' => array('draft', 'future', 'pending'), 'taxonomy' => 'series', 'term' => $series_name)); $count_draft_posts = count($draft_posts); $drafts_included = ''; if ($count_draft_posts != 0) { $all_serie_posts = $count_draft_posts + $count; $drafts_included = "({$all_serie_posts})"; } $post_status = get_post_status($id); if ($series && in_array($post_status, array('publish', 'private'))) { $column_content .= sprintf(__('Part %1$s of %2$s%6$s in the series <br/><a href="%3$s" title="%4$s">%5$s</a>', 'organize-series'), $series_part, $count, $series_link, $series_name, $series_name, $drafts_included); $column_content .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">' . $seriesid . '</div><div class="series_inline_part">' . $series_part . '</div><div class="series_post_id">' . $id . '</div><div class="series_inline_name">' . $series_name . '</div></div>'; } else { $column_content .= sprintf(__('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a> - (currently set as Part %4$s)', 'organize-series'), $series_link, $series_name, $series_name, $series_part); $column_content .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">' . $seriesid . '</div><div class="series_inline_part">' . $series_part . '</div><div class="series_post_id">' . $id . '</div><div class="series_inline_name">' . $series_name . '</div></div>'; } } else { $column_content .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_series_' . $id . '"><div class="series_inline_edit">' . $seriesid . '</div><div class="series_inline_part">' . $series_part . '</div><div class="series_post_id">' . $id . '</div><div class="series_inline_name">' . $series_name . '</div></div>'; $column_content .= '<em>' . __('No Series', 'organize-series') . '</em>'; } $column_content .= '</div>'; echo $column_content; } }