/** * Returns an array of 'items' corresponding to the search id. * It can be either a quick search or a regular search. * * @param int $search_id * @param bool $super_order_by * @param string $images_where optional aditional restriction on images table * @return array */ function get_search_results($search_id, $super_order_by, $images_where = '') { $search = get_search_array($search_id); if (!isset($search['q'])) { $result['items'] = get_regular_search_results($search, $images_where); return $result; } else { return get_quick_search_results($search['q'], array('super_order_by' => $super_order_by, 'images_where' => $images_where)); } }
define('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH', './'); include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/common.inc.php'; check_status(ACCESS_FREE); include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/functions_search.inc.php'; $page['body_id'] = 'thePopuphelpPage'; $title = l10n('Piwigo Help'); $page['page_banner'] = ''; $page['meta_robots'] = array('noindex' => 1, 'nofollow' => 1); include PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/page_header.php'; $template->set_filenames(array('search_rules' => 'search_rules.tpl')); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Textual rules creation | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Rules are stored in database, serialized in an array. This array must be // transformed into a list of textual rules. $search = get_search_array($_GET['search_id']); if (isset($search['q'])) { $template->append('search_words', $search['q']); } else { $template->assign(array('INTRODUCTION' => 'OR' == $search['mode'] ? l10n('At least one listed rule must be satisfied.') : l10n('Each listed rule must be satisfied.'))); } if (isset($search['fields']['allwords'])) { $template->append('search_words', l10n('searched words : %s', join(', ', $search['fields']['allwords']['words']))); } if (isset($search['fields']['tags'])) { $template->assign('SEARCH_TAGS_MODE', $search['fields']['tags']['mode']); $query = ' SELECT name FROM ' . TAGS_TABLE . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $search['fields']['tags']['words']) . ') ;';