function rtgui_session_start() { global $tmp_add_dir, $private_storage_dir, $always_show_tags; if (!$_SESSION) { if (@file_put_contents("{$private_storage_dir}/test.txt", 'testing')) { @unlink("{$private_storage_dir}/test.txt"); } else { die('<h1>ERROR: could not write to private storage directory (defined by the $private_storage_dir setting).</h1>'); } if (@file_put_contents("{$tmp_add_dir}/test.txt", 'testing')) { @unlink("{$tmp_add_dir}/test.txt"); } else { die('<h1>ERROR: could not write to temporary directory (defined by the $tmp_add_dir setting).</h1>'); } session_name(get_rtgui_path()); session_start(); } $tags_filename = "{$private_storage_dir}/tags.txt"; if (!is_array($_SESSION['tags']) || @filemtime($tags_filename) > $_SESSION['tags_modified']) { $tags = new PersistentObject($tags_filename); $used_tags = array(); if (is_array($tags->data)) { foreach ($tags->data as $hash => $this_tags) { foreach ($this_tags as $this_tag) { $used_tags[$this_tag] = true; } } $used_tags = array_keys($used_tags); if (count($used_tags)) { sort($used_tags); } $_SESSION['tags'] = $tags->data; } else { $_SESSION['tags'] = array(); } $_SESSION['used_tags'] = $used_tags; $_SESSION['tags_modified'] = @filemtime($tags_filename); } if (is_array($always_show_tags)) { $_SESSION['used_tags'] = array_unique(array_merge($_SESSION['used_tags'], $always_show_tags)); } }
// along with rtGui. If not, see <>. $execstart = microtime(true); require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; rtgui_session_start(); extract($_REQUEST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'r'); // Try using alternative XMLRPC library from // (see if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { require_once ''; require_once ''; } if (!isset($r_debug)) { $r_debug = 0; } $config = array('diskAlertThreshold' => $disk_alert_threshold, 'debugTab' => $debug_mode, 'dateAddedFormat' => $date_added_format, 'rtGuiPath' => get_rtgui_path(), 'canHideUnhide' => $can_hide_unhide, 'defaultFilterText' => 'Filter'); $user_settings = array('refreshInterval' => (int) get_user_setting('refresh_interval'), 'sortVar' => get_user_setting('sort_var'), 'sortDesc' => get_user_setting('sort_desc') == 'yes' ? true : false, 'theme' => get_current_theme(), 'useDialogs' => get_user_setting('use_dialogs') == 'yes' ? true : false, 'showHidden' => get_user_setting('show_hidden') == 'yes' ? true : false); // Reset saved data (if any) $_SESSION['rpc_cache'] = array(); $_SESSION['persistent'] = array(); // Get the list of torrents downloading if (!$r_view) { $r_view = 'main'; } $data = get_all_torrents(array('for_html' => true, 'view' => $r_view)); // Sort the list of torrents function compare_torrents($a, $b) { global $user_settings; $cmp = $user_settings['sortDesc'] ? -1 : 1; $value_a = $a[$user_settings['sortVar']];
function set_user_setting($key, $value) { @setcookie($key, $value, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, get_rtgui_path()); // HACK: make the desired value available before the next page load $_COOKIE[$key] = $value; }