function get_shipping_fee($shippingid, $countyid, $stateid, $city, $weight) { $fee = array(); $dao = D("Shipping_area"); if (!is_numeric($city)) { $cityid = get_region_id($city); } else { $cityid = $city; } $list = $dao->where("shipping_id=" . $shippingid)->findall(); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $config = unserialize($v["config"]); if (is_numeric($cityid) && $cityid && in_array($cityid, $config)) { return $this->shipping_fee($v, $weight); } elseif (is_numeric($stateid) && $stateid && in_array($stateid, $config)) { return $this->shipping_fee($v, $weight); } elseif (is_numeric($countyid) && $countyid && in_array($countyid, $config)) { return $this->shipping_fee($v, $weight); } } } else { $price['price'] = 0; return $price; } }
function item_region_box($region_txt, $region_select_txt) { $aRegions = osc_get_regions(); $item = osc_item() != null ? osc_item() : array(); switch (count($aRegions)) { case 0: // 0 regions ?> <div class="clearfix"> <label><?php echo $region_txt; ?> </label> <div class="input"> <input class="region_name" id="region_name" type="text" name="region" value="<?php echo get_region_name($item); ?> " /> </div> </div> <?php break; case 1: // only one region ?> <input class="region_id" id="region_id" type="hidden" name="regionId" value="<?php echo get_region_id($item); ?> " /> <?php break; default: // more than one region ?> <div class="clearfix"> <label><?php echo $region_txt; ?> </label> <div class="input"> <select class="region_id" id="region_id" name="regionId"> <option value=""><?php echo $region_select_txt; ?> </option> <?php foreach ($aRegions as $region) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $region['pk_i_id']; ?> "><?php echo $region['s_name']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php break; } }
?> ; twitter_theme.photo_remove_text = "<?php _e('Remove', 'twitter_bootstrap'); ?> " ; twitter_theme.max_images_fields_txt = "<?php _e('Sorry, you have reached the maximum number of images per ad', 'twitter_bootstrap'); ?> " ; twitter_theme.country_select_id = "<?php echo get_country_id(osc_item() != null ? osc_item() : array()); ?> " ; twitter_theme.region_select_id = "<?php echo get_region_id(osc_item() != null ? osc_item() : array()); ?> " ; twitter_theme.city_select_id = "<?php echo get_city_id(osc_item() != null ? osc_item() : array()); ?> " ; twitter_theme.ajax_url = "<?php echo osc_base_url(true) . '?page=ajax'; ?> " ; twitter_theme.text_select_country = "<?php _e('Select a country...', 'twitter_bootstrap'); ?> " ; twitter_theme.text_select_region = "<?php
function get_region_id($name, $first = 1) { global $ft; $sys = $ft->dbh->_select_row_as_object('SELECT regionid FROM tbl:regions WHERE name = ?', array($name)); if ($sys) { return $sys->regionid; } if ($first) { $ft->dbh->_do_query('INSERT INTO tbl:regions (name) VALUES (?)', array($name)); return get_region_id($name, 0); # 0 to not retry the insert if we fail again } return 0; }
Замечательные люди 5 Исторический 6 Логический 10 Музей/экскурсия 8 Природный 1 Прогулка 9 Техноген 3 Фортификация 7 Экстремальный 11 Неопределенный 0 */ // аттрибуты //---------- } $geo_region = $region_Grab['oblast'] != '' ? $region_Grab['oblast'] : $region_Grab['strana']; get_region_id($geo_region, $region_Grab['strana']); //$errors .= '<font size="3">'. $region_id[0] .'</font><hr>'; $s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array('geo_name' => htmlspecialchars($nameg), 'geo_link' => $geouid, 'geo_country' => $region_id[1], 'geo_region' => $region_id[0], 'geo_last_edit_user' => time(), 'geo_poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'], 'geo_coord' => $wgsfull, 'geo_google' => $lat . ',' . $lon, 'geo_type' => $gtype, 'geo_author' => $author, 'geo_date' => $geo_date)); $template->assign_vars(array('HIDDEN_FIELD' => $s_hidden_fields)); } } else { $errors .= $user->lang['Error_url']; } } } if ($action == 'send') { if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) { trigger_error($user->lang['Error_auth']); } include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/functions_meeting.' . $phpEx; $geo_name = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('geo_name', '', true));
$errors .= '<font size="3">' . $author . '</font><hr>'; // название get_name($line); $errors .= '<font size="3">' . $nameg . '</font><hr>'; // тип get_type($line); $errors .= '<font size="3">' . $type . '</font><hr>'; } $first_line = false; find_me('<body>', $line); //если результат, то данные из следующей линии $first_line = $find_res == false ? false : true; // аттрибуты //-------- } get_region_id($geo_region); $data_geo = array('geo_meeting_id' => $id, 'geo_marshrut_id' => $meeting_marshrut, 'geo_name' => htmlspecialchars($nameg), 'geo_country' => $region_id[1], 'geo_region' => $region_id[0], 'geo_link' => $meeting_geo[$i]['link'], 'geo_save' => $meeting_geo[$i]['save'], 'geo_poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'], 'geo_last_edit_user' => time(), 'geo_coord' => $wgsfull, 'geo_google' => $lat . ',' . $lon, 'geo_type' => $type, 'geo_author' => $author, 'geo_date' => $geo_date); //trigger_error($type. '+'. $author. '+'.$geo_date); proverka_geo($data_geo, $i); $geocashing[] = $geo_old['geo_id']; } } $field_g = 'mode=conf'; $field_g .= $id == 0 ? '' : '&id=' . $data_geo['geo_meeting_id']; $field_g .= !$meeting_marshrut ? '' : '&m=' . $meeting_marshrut; $field_g .= !$id || $id == 0 ? '&n=' . $next_id : ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($geocashing); $i++) { $field_g .= '&t[' . $i . ']=' . $geocashing[$i] . '&s[' . $i . ']=' . $meeting_geo[$i]['save']; } //Проверка, есть ли уже в Покатушке? for ($i = 0; $i < count($geocashing); $i++) {