isset($PAY[$bank]) or message($L['charge_pass_bank']); $PAY[$bank]['enable'] or message($L['charge_pass_bank_close']); $fee = $PAY[$bank]['percent'] ? dround($amount * $PAY[$bank]['percent'] / 100) : 0; $charge = $fee + $amount; preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\\-\\,\\|]{3,}\$/i", $reason) or $reason = ''; $auto = isset($auto) ? $auto : 1; //debug? if ($fee == 0) { $auto = 1; } if ($auto) { $goto = 1; } if (isset($goto)) { $receive_url = $MOD['linkurl'] . 'charge.php'; $charge_title = get_reason($reason); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$DT_PRE}finance_charge (username,bank,amount,fee,sendtime,reason) VALUES ('{$_username}','{$bank}','{$amount}','{$fee}','{$DT_TIME}','{$reason}')"); $orderid = $db->insert_id(); set_cookie('pay_id', $orderid); include DT_ROOT . '/api/pay/' . $bank . '/'; exit; } else { $head_title = $L['charge_title_confirm']; } break; case 'pay': $MOD['pay_online'] or dheader('?action=card'); $auto = 0; if ($MOD['mincharge']) { if (strpos($MOD['mincharge'], '|') !== false) { $mincharge = 0;
$user_col = 'userID'; $db->SelectDB('mle'); } else { $user_col = 'affid'; $db->SelectDB('fap'); } // extract email from mle or fap if exists, if not exist abort, move on to next file if ($db->Query("SELECT {$col} FROM users WHERE {$user_col} = '{$userID}' AND {$col} != '' LIMIT 1")) { list($email) = $db->FetchRow(); } else { break; } if ($dbug) { echo "email -> {$email} :: DB -> {$db->GetDBName()}\n"; } $reason = get_reason($filename); // determine if this is a quota bounce or not, and set db column to update in mle.bounced table if (stristr($contents, 'full') or stristr($contents, 'quota')) { $bounced_col = 'mailboxfull'; $reason = $reason ? "Mailbox is Over Quota!\n" . $reason : 'Mailbox is Over Quota.'; } else { $bounced_col = 'count'; $reason = $reason ? "Mailbox is Bouncing!\n" . $reason : 'Mailbox is Bouncing!'; } $db->SelectDB('mle'); // insert into mle.bounced table $reason = $db->EscapeString($reason); // get other bounced column $col_other = $bounced_col == 'count' ? 'mailboxfull' : 'count'; $sql = "INSERT INTO bounced (bademail, {$bounced_col}, reason, datelogged) VALUES ('{$email}', '1', '{$reason}', NOW())\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {$bounced_col}={$bounced_col}+1, {$col_other}=0, reason='{$reason}', datelogged=NOW()"; if (!$dbug) {
echo $cur_report['id']; ?> ]" value=" Zap " /></div></th> <td> <?php if (isset($cur_report['status'])) { ?> <p><?php echo 'Reported at (' . $cur_report['x'] . ', ' . $cur_report['y'] . ') while: ' . pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_report['status']); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><?php echo get_reason($cur_report['reason']); ?> </p> </td> </tr> <?php if (!empty($cur_report['packets'])) { ?> <tr> <th scope="col" colspan="2" style="text-align:center">Recent packets</th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <textarea style="width:100%;height:100px" readonly="readonly"> <?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_report['packets']);