function get_votes($time) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp; $res = $db->get_results("select vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, vote_ip, vote_user_id, link_id, link_title, link_url, link_status, link_date, link_published_date, link_votes, link_author from " . table_votes . ", " . table_links . " where vote_date > from_unixtime({$time}) and link_id = vote_link_id and vote_user_id != link_author and link_status!='discard' and vote_type = 'links' order by vote_date desc limit 20"); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res as $event) { if (substr($event->vote_ip, 0, 3) != '0.0') { $id = $event->vote_id; $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if ($uid > 0) { $user = $db->get_var("select user_login from " . table_users . " where user_id = {$uid}"); } else { $user = preg_replace('/\\.[0-9]+$/', '', $event->vote_ip); } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); } $status = get_status($event->link_status); $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:' . $id; $events[$key] = 'ts:"' . $event->timestamp . '", type:"' . $type . '", votes:"' . $event->link_votes . '", link:"' . $event->link_id . '", title:"' . addslashes($event->link_title) . '", who:"' . addslashes($who) . '", status:"' . $status . '", uid:"' . $uid . '"'; //echo "($key)". $events[$key]; if ($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } } } }
function get_votes($dbtime) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp, $foo_link, $max_items, $current_user; $res = $db->get_results("select vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, INET_NTOA(vote_ip_int) as vote_ip, vote_user_id, link_id, link_title, link_uri, link_status, link_date, link_votes, link_anonymous, link_comments from votes, links, sub_statuses where = " . SitesMgr::my_id() . " and vote_type='links' and vote_date > {$dbtime} and link_id = and = vote_link_id and vote_user_id != link_author order by vote_date desc limit {$max_items}"); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res as $event) { if ($current_user->user_id > 0) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['friends']) && $event->vote_user_id != $current_user->user_id) { // Check the user is a friend if (User::friend_exists($current_user->user_id, $event->vote_user_id) <= 0) { continue; } elseif ($event->vote_value < 0) { // If the vote is negative, verify also the other user has selected as friend to the current one if (User::friend_exists($event->vote_user_id, $current_user->user_id) <= 0) { continue; } } } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['admin']) && $current_user->admin) { $user_level = $db->get_var("select user_level from users where user_id={$event->vote_user_id}"); if ($user_level != 'admin' && $user_level != 'god') { continue; } } } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { if ($_REQUEST['novote']) { continue; } if ($event->link_status == 'published' && $_REQUEST['nopubvotes']) { continue; } } else { if ($_REQUEST['noproblem']) { continue; } } $foo_link->id = $event->link_id; $foo_link->uri = $event->link_uri; $foo_link->get_relative_permalink(); $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if ($event->vote_user_id > 0) { $res = $db->get_row("select user_login from users where user_id = {$event->vote_user_id}"); $user = $res->user_login; } else { $user = preg_replace('/\\.[0-9]+$/', '', $event->vote_ip); } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); // Show user_login if she voted more than N negatives in one minute if ($current_user->user_id > 0 && $current_user->admin) { $negatives_last_minute = $db->get_var("select count(*) from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_user_id={$event->vote_user_id} and vote_date > date_sub(now(), interval 30 second) and vote_value < 0"); if ($negatives_last_minute > 2) { $who .= "<br>({$user})"; } } } $json['status'] = get_status($event->link_status); $json['type'] = $type; $json['ts'] = $event->timestamp; $json['votes'] = $event->link_votes + $event->link_anonymous; $json['com'] = $event->link_comments; $json['link'] = $foo_link->get_relative_permalink(); $json['title'] = $event->link_title; $json['who'] = $who; $json['uid'] = $event->vote_user_id; $json['id'] = $event->link_id; if ($event->vote_user_id > 0) { $json['icon'] = get_avatar_url($event->vote_user_id, -1, 20); } $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:' . $event->vote_id; $events[$key] = $json; if ($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } } }
function do_shaken() { global $db, $rows, $user, $offset, $page_size, $globals; if ($globals['bot']) { return; } do_user_subheader(array(_('envíos propios') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'history'), _('votados') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'shaken'), _('favoritos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'favorites'), _('votados por amigos') => get_user_uri($user->username, 'friends_shaken')), 1, 'rss?voted_by=' . $user->id, _('votadas en rss2')); $rows = -1; //$db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_user_id=$user->id"); $links = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_link_id as id, vote_value FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_user_id={$user->id} ORDER BY vote_date DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$page_size}"); if ($links) { foreach ($links as $linkdb) { $link = Link::from_db($linkdb->id); if ($link->author == $user->id) { continue; } echo '<div style="max-width: 60em">'; $link->print_summary('short', 0, false); if ($linkdb->vote_value < 0) { echo '<div class="box" style="z-index:1;margin:0 0 -5x 0;background:#FF3333;position:relative;top:-5px;left:85px;width:8em;padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px;border-color:#f00;opacity:0.9;text-align:center;font-size:0.9em;color:#fff;text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000">'; echo get_negative_vote($linkdb->vote_value); echo "</div>\n"; } echo "</div>\n"; } echo '<br/><span style="color: #FF6400;"><strong>' . _('Nota') . '</strong>: ' . _('sólo se visualizan los votos de los últimos meses') . '</span><br />'; } }
function print_warn() { global $db, $globals; if ($this->status == 'abuse') { echo '<div class="warn"><strong>' . _('Aviso') . '</strong>: '; echo _('noticia descartada por violar las') . ' <a href="' . $globals['legal'] . '#tos">' . _('normas de uso') . '</a>'; echo "</div>\n"; return; } if (!$this->check_warn() || $this->is_discarded()) { return; } echo '<div class="warn"><strong>' . _('Aviso automático') . '</strong>: '; if ($this->status == 'published') { echo _('noticia errónea o controvertida, por favor lee los comentarios.'); } elseif ($this->author == $current_user->user_id && $this->is_editable()) { echo _('Esta noticia tiene varios votos negativos.') . ' ' . _('Tu karma no será afectado si la descartas manualmente.'); } else { // Only says "what" if most votes are "wrong" or "duplicated" $negatives = $db->get_row("select SQL_CACHE vote_value, count(vote_value) as count from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$this->id} and vote_value < 0 group by vote_value order by count desc limit 1"); if ($negatives->count > 2 && $negatives->count >= $this->negatives / 2 && ($negatives->vote_value == -6 || $negatives->vote_value == -8)) { echo _('Esta noticia podría ser') . ' <strong>' . get_negative_vote($negatives->vote_value) . '</strong>. '; } else { echo _('Esta noticia tiene varios votos negativos.'); } if (!$this->voted && !$globals['link']) { echo ' <a href="' . $this->get_relative_permalink() . '">' . _('Asegúrate') . '</a> ' . _('antes de menear') . '.'; } } echo "</div>\n"; }
die; } echo '<div class="voters-list">'; foreach ($votes as $vote) { echo '<div class="item">'; $vote_detail = get_date_time($vote->ts); // If current users is a god, show the first IP addresses if ($current_user->user_level == 'god') { $vote_detail .= ' (' . preg_replace('/\\.[0-9]+$/', '', $vote->ip) . ')'; } if ($vote->vote_value > 0) { $vote_detail .= ' ' . _('valor') . ": {$vote->vote_value}"; echo '<a href="' . get_user_uri($vote->user_login) . '" title="' . $vote->user_login . ': ' . $vote_detail . '">'; echo '<img class="avatar" src="' . get_avatar_url($vote->vote_user_id, $vote->user_avatar, 20) . '" width="20" height="20" alt=""/>'; echo $vote->user_login . '</a>'; } else { if ($globals['show_negatives'] > 0 && $vote->ts > $globals['show_negatives']) { echo '<a href="' . get_user_uri($vote->user_login) . '" title="' . $vote->user_login . ': ' . $vote_detail . '">'; echo '<img src="' . get_avatar_url($vote->vote_user_id, $vote->user_avatar, 20) . '" width="20" height="20" alt=""/></a>'; echo '<span>' . get_negative_vote($vote->vote_value) . '</span>'; } else { echo '<span>'; echo '<img src="' . $globals['base_static'] . 'img/mnm/mnm-anonym-vote-01.png" width="20" height="20" alt="' . _('anónimo') . '" title="' . $vote_detail . '"/>'; echo get_negative_vote($vote->vote_value) . '</span>'; } } echo '</div>'; } echo "</div>\n"; do_contained_pages($globals['link_id'], $votes_users, $votes_page, $votes_page_size, 'meneos.php', 'voters', 'voters-container'); }
function get_votes($dbtime, $link_id) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp, $max_items, $current_user; $res = $db->get_results("select vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, INET_NTOA(vote_ip_int) as vote_ip, vote_user_id, link_id, link_date, link_votes, link_anonymous, link_status, link_comments from votes, links where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id = {$link_id} and vote_date > {$dbtime} and link_id = vote_link_id order by vote_date desc limit {$max_items}"); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res as $event) { $id = $event->vote_id; $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if ($uid > 0) { $res = $db->get_row("select user_login, user_avatar from users where user_id = {$uid}"); $user = $res->user_login; } else { $user = preg_replace('/\\.[0-9]+$/', '', $event->vote_ip); } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); } $status = get_status($event->link_status); $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:' . $id; $events[$key] = 'ts:"' . $event->timestamp . '",type:"' . $type . '",votes:"' . ($event->link_votes + $event->link_anonymous) . '", com:"' . $event->link_comments . '",who:"' . addslashes($who) . '",uid:"' . $uid . '",status:"' . $status . '"'; if ($uid > 0) { $events[$key] .= ',icon:"' . get_avatar_url($uid, $res->user_avatar, 20) . '"'; } if ($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } } }
function print_warn() { global $db; if ($this->status == 'queued' && $this->negatives > 3 && $this->negatives > $this->votes / 8) { echo '<div class="warn"><strong>' . _('Aviso automático') . '</strong>: '; // Only says "what" if most votes are "wrong" or "duplicated" $negatives = $db->get_row("select vote_value, count(vote_value) as count from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$this->id} and vote_value < 0 group by vote_value order by count desc limit 1"); if ($negatives->count > 2 && $negatives->count >= $this->negatives / 2 && ($negatives->vote_value == -6 || $negatives->vote_value == -8)) { echo _('Esta noticia podría ser <strong>') . get_negative_vote($negatives->vote_value) . '</strong>. '; } else { echo _('Esta noticia tiene varios votos negativos.'); } if ($this->votes_enabled && !$this->voted) { echo ' <a href="' . $this->get_relative_permalink() . '/voters">' . _('Asegúrate') . '</a> ' . _('antes de menear') . '.'; } echo "</div>\n"; } }
function print_summary($type = 'full', $karma_best_comment = 0, $show_tags = true) { global $current_user, $current_user, $globals, $db; if (!$this->read) { return; } $this->is_votable(); $this->get_current_sub_status_and_date(); if (!empty($this->max_len) && $this->max_len > 0) { $this->truncate($this->max_len); } $this->content = $this->to_html($this->content); $this->show_tags = $show_tags; $this->relative_permalink = $this->get_relative_permalink(); $this->permalink = $this->get_permalink(false, $this->relative_permalink); // To avoid double verification $this->show_shakebox = $type != 'preview' && $this->votes > 0; $this->has_warning = !(!$this->check_warn() || $this->is_discarded()); $this->is_editable = $this->is_editable(); $this->url_str = preg_replace('/^www\\./', '', parse_url($this->url, 1)); $this->has_thumb(); $this->map_editable = $this->geo && $this->is_map_editable(); $this->can_vote_negative = !$this->voted && $this->votes_enabled && $this->negatives_allowed($globals['link_id'] > 0) && $type != 'short' && $type != 'preview'; if ($this->status == 'abuse' || $this->has_warning) { $this->negative_text = FALSE; $negatives = $db->get_row("select SQL_CACHE vote_value, count(vote_value) as count from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$this->id} and vote_value < 0 group by vote_value order by count desc limit 1"); if ($negatives->count > 2 && $negatives->count >= $this->negatives / 2 && ($negatives->vote_value == -6 || $negatives->vote_value == -8)) { $this->negative_text = get_negative_vote($negatives->vote_value); } } if ($karma_best_comment > 0 && $this->comments > 0 && $this->comments < 50 && $globals['now'] - $this->date < 86400) { $this->best_comment = $db->get_row("select SQL_CACHE comment_id, comment_order, substr(comment_content, 1, 225) as content from comments where comment_link_id = {$this->id} and comment_karma > {$karma_best_comment} and comment_votes > 0 order by comment_karma desc limit 1"); } else { $this->best_comment = FALSE; } if ($this->geo && $this->map_editable && $current_user->user_id == $this->author && $this->sent_date > $globals['now'] - 600 && !$this->latlng) { $this->add_geo = TRUE; } else { $this->add_geo = FALSE; } $this->get_box_class(); if ($this->do_inline_friend_votes) { $this->friend_votes = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_user_id as user_id, vote_value, user_avatar, user_login, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(vote_date) as ts,inet_ntoa(vote_ip_int) as ip FROM votes, users, friends WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_link_id={$this->id} AND vote_user_id=friend_to AND vote_user_id > 0 AND user_id = vote_user_id AND friend_type = 'manual' AND friend_from = {$current_user->user_id} AND friend_value > 0 AND vote_value > 0 AND vote_user_id != {$this->author} ORDER BY vote_date DESC"); } $vars = compact('type'); $vars['self'] = $this; return Haanga::Load("link_summary.html", $vars); }
function get_votes($time) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp; $res = $db->get_results("select vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, vote_ip, vote_user_id, link_id, link_title, link_url, link_status, link_date, link_published_date, link_votes, link_author from votes, links where vote_type='links' and vote_date > from_unixtime($time) and link_id = vote_link_id and vote_user_id != link_author order by vote_date desc limit 20"); if (!$res) return; foreach ($res as $event) { if ($event->vote_value >= 0 && !empty($_GET['novote'])) continue; if ($event->vote_value < 0 && !empty($_GET['noproblem'])) continue; $id=$event->vote_id; $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if($uid > 0) { $res = $db->get_row("select user_login, user_email from users where user_id = $uid"); $user = $res->user_login; $md5 = md5($res->user_email); } else { $user= preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+$/', '', $event->vote_ip); } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); } $status = get_status($event->link_status); $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:'.$id; $events[$key] = 'ts:"'.$event->timestamp.'", type:"'.$type.'", votes:"'.$event->link_votes.'", link:"'.$event->link_id.'", title:"'.addslashes($event->link_title).'", who:"'.addslashes($who).'", status:"'.$status.'", uid:"'.$uid.'", md5:"'.$md5.'"'; //echo "($key)". $events[$key]; if($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } }
function get_votes($time) { global $db, $events, $last_timestamp, $foo_link, $max_items, $current_user; if (!empty($_GET['nopubvotes'])) { $pvotes = "and link_status != 'published'"; } else { $pvotes = ''; } $res = $db->get_results("select vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, vote_ip, vote_user_id, link_id, link_title, link_uri, link_status, link_date, link_published_date, link_votes, link_comments, link_author from votes, links where vote_type='links' and vote_date > from_unixtime({$time}) and link_id = vote_link_id {$pvotes} and vote_user_id != link_author order by vote_date desc limit {$max_items}"); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res as $event) { if ($event->vote_value >= 0 && !empty($_GET['novote'])) { continue; } if ($event->vote_value < 0 && !empty($_GET['noproblem'])) { continue; } $foo_link->id = $event->link_id; $foo_link->uri = $event->link_uri; $link = $foo_link->get_relative_permalink(); $id = $event->vote_id; $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if ($uid > 0) { $res = $db->get_row("select user_login, user_email from users where user_id = {$uid}"); $user = $res->user_login; $md5 = md5($res->user_email); } else { $user = preg_replace('/\\.[0-9]+$/', '', $event->vote_ip); } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); // Show user_login if she voted more than N negatives in one minute if ($current_user->user_id > 0 && ($current_user->user_level == 'admin' || $current_user->user_level == 'god')) { $negatives_last_minute = $db->get_var("select count(*) from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_user_id={$uid} and vote_date > date_sub(now(), interval 1 minute) and vote_value < 0"); if ($negatives_last_minute > 2) { $who .= "<br>({$user})"; } } } $status = get_status($event->link_status); $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:' . $id; $events[$key] = 'ts:"' . $event->timestamp . '",type:"' . $type . '",votes:"' . $event->link_votes . '", com:"' . $event->link_comments . '",link:"' . $link . '",title:"' . addslashes($event->link_title) . '",who:"' . addslashes($who) . '",status:"' . $status . '",uid:"' . $uid . '",md5:"' . $md5 . '"'; //echo "($key)". $events[$key]; if ($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } } }
function print_shake_box() { global $current_user, $anonnymous_vote, $site_key, $globals; switch ($this->status) { case 'queued': // another color box for not-published $box_class = 'mnm-queued'; break; case 'abuse': // another color box for discarded // another color box for discarded case 'autodiscard': // another color box for discarded // another color box for discarded case 'discard': // another color box for discarded $box_class = 'mnm-discarded'; break; case 'published': // default for published // default for published default: $box_class = 'mnm-published'; break; } echo '<div class="news-shakeit">'; echo '<div class="' . $box_class . '">'; echo '<a id="a-votes-' . $this->id . '" href="' . $this->get_relative_permalink() . '">' . ($this->votes + $this->anonymous) . '</a></div>'; echo '<div class="menealo" id="a-va-' . $this->id . '">'; if ($this->votes_enabled == false) { echo '<span>' . _('cerrado') . '</span>'; } elseif (!$this->voted) { echo '<a href="javascript:menealo(' . "{$current_user->user_id},{$this->id}" . ')" id="a-shake-' . $this->id . '">' . _('menéalo') . '</a>'; } else { if ($this->voted > 0) { $mess = _('¡chachi!'); $sty = ''; } else { $mess = get_negative_vote($this->voted); $sty = 'class="negative"'; } echo '<span id="a-shake-' . $this->id . '" ' . $sty . '>' . $mess . '</span>'; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; }
$votes_page = 1; } else { $votes_page = intval($_GET['p']); } $votes_page_size = 20; $votes_offset = ($votes_page - 1) * $votes_page_size; $votes_users = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_link_id=" . $globals['link_id'] . " AND vote_user_id!=0 AND vote_value > 0"); $votes_anon = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM votes WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_link_id=" . $globals['link_id'] . " AND vote_user_id=0 AND vote_value > 0"); echo '<div class="news-details">'; echo _('votos usuarios') . ': ' . $votes_users . ', '; echo _('votos anónimos') . ': ' . $votes_anon; $negatives = $db->get_results("select vote_value, count(vote_value) as count from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_link_id=" . $globals['link_id'] . " and vote_value < 0 group by vote_value order by count desc"); if ($negatives) { foreach ($negatives as $negative) { echo ', '; echo get_negative_vote($negative->vote_value) . ': ' . $negative->count; } } echo '</div>'; if ($no_show_voters) { // don't show voters if the user votes the link echo '<br /><br />» ' . '<a href="javascript:get_votes(\'meneos.php\',\'voters\',\'voters-container\',1,' . $globals['link_id'] . ')" title="' . _('quiénes han votado') . '">' . _('ver quiénes han votado') . '</a>'; } else { //echo '<script type="text/javascript">var update_voters=true;</script>'; $votes = $db->get_results("SELECT vote_user_id, user_avatar, user_login, date_format(vote_date,'%d/%m %T') as date FROM votes, users WHERE vote_type='links' and vote_link_id=" . $globals['link_id'] . " AND vote_user_id > 0 AND vote_value > 0 AND user_id = vote_user_id ORDER BY vote_date ASC LIMIT {$votes_offset},{$votes_page_size}"); if (!$votes) { die; } echo '<div class="voters-list">'; foreach ($votes as $vote) { echo '<div class="item">';
function get_votes($dbtime) { global $db, $globals, $events, $last_timestamp, $max_items, $current_user; if ($globals['subs']) { $filter = 'and in (' . $globals['subs'] . ')'; } else { $filter = ''; } $res = $db->get_results("select vote_link_id, vote_id, unix_timestamp(vote_date) as timestamp, vote_value, INET_NTOA(vote_ip_int) as vote_ip, vote_user_id, user_login, user_level from votes LEFT JOIN users on (user_id = vote_user_id), sub_statuses where vote_type='links' and vote_date > {$dbtime} and = vote_link_id {$filter} order by vote_date desc limit {$max_items}"); if (!$res) { return; } foreach ($res as $event) { $link = Link::from_db($event->vote_link_id, null, false); if (!$link) { continue; } if ($current_user->user_id > 0) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['friends']) && $event->vote_user_id != $current_user->user_id) { // Check the user is a friend if (User::friend_exists($current_user->user_id, $event->vote_user_id) <= 0) { continue; } elseif ($event->vote_value < 0) { // If the vote is negative, verify also the other user has selected as friend to the current one if (User::friend_exists($event->vote_user_id, $current_user->user_id) <= 0) { continue; } } } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['admin']) && $current_user->admin) { if ($event->user_level != 'admin' && $event->user_level != 'god') { continue; } } } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { if ($_REQUEST['novote']) { continue; } if ($link->get_a_status() == 'published' && $_REQUEST['nopubvotes']) { continue; } } else { if ($_REQUEST['noproblem']) { continue; } } $uid = $event->vote_user_id; if ($event->vote_user_id > 0) { $user = $event->user_login; } else { $user = preg_replace('/(\\.[0-9]+|){2}$|(:[0-9a-f]*){4}$/i', '', $event->vote_ip) . '…'; } if ($event->vote_value >= 0) { $type = 'vote'; $who = $user; } else { $type = 'problem'; $who = get_negative_vote($event->vote_value); // Show user_login if she voted more than N negatives in one minute if ($current_user->user_id > 0 && $current_user->admin) { $negatives_last_minute = $db->get_var("select count(*) from votes where vote_type='links' and vote_user_id={$event->vote_user_id} and vote_date > date_sub(now(), interval 30 second) and vote_value < 0"); if ($negatives_last_minute > 2) { $who .= "<br>({$user})"; } } } $json['status'] = get_status($link->get_a_status()); $json['sub_name'] = $link->sub_name; $json['type'] = $type; $json['ts'] = $event->timestamp; $json['votes'] = $link->total_votes; $json['com'] = $link->comments; $json['link'] = $link->get_relative_permalink(); $json['title'] = $link->title; $json['who'] = $who; $json['uid'] = $event->vote_user_id; $json['id'] = $link->id; if ($event->vote_user_id > 0) { $json['icon'] = get_avatar_url($event->vote_user_id, -1, 20); } $key = $event->timestamp . ':votes:' . $event->vote_id; $events[$key] = $json; if ($event->timestamp > $last_timestamp) { $last_timestamp = $event->timestamp; } } }
function print_problem_form() { global $current_user, $db, $anon_karma, $anonnymous_vote, $globals, $site_key; require_once(mnminclude.'votes.php'); $vote = new Vote; $vote->link=$this->id; $vote->type='links'; $vote->user=$current_user->user_id; if(/*!$current_user->user_id > 0 || */ (!$anonnymous_vote && $current_user->user_id == 0 ) || $this->voted) { // don't show it for now return; $status='disabled="disabled"'; } //echo '<span class="tool-right">'; echo '<form class="tool" action="" id="problem-'.$this->id.'">'; echo '<select '.$status.' name="ratings" onchange="'; echo 'report_problem(this.form,'."$current_user->user_id, $this->id, "."'".md5($site_key.$current_user->user_id.$this->randkey.$globals['user_ip'])."'".')'; echo '">'; echo '<option value="0" selected="selected">¿problema?</option>'; for ($pvalue = -1; $pvalue > -7; $pvalue--) { echo '<option value="'.$pvalue.'">'.get_negative_vote($pvalue).'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; // echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="" disabled />'; echo '</form>'; }