        $group->add(new Form_Select('dns' . $i . 'gw', 'Gateway', $pconfig['dns' . $i . 'gw'], $options))->setHelp($i == 4 ? 'Gateway' : null);
        $help .= '<br/>' . "In addition, optionally select the gateway for each DNS server. " . "When using multiple WAN connections there should be at least one unique DNS server per gateway.";
    if ($i == 4) {
$section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox('dnsallowoverride', 'DNS Server Override', 'Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN', $pconfig['dnsallowoverride']))->setHelp(sprintf(gettext('If this option is set, %s will use DNS servers ' . 'assigned by a DHCP/PPP server on WAN for its own purposes (including ' . 'the DNS forwarder). However, they will not be assigned to DHCP and PPTP ' . 'VPN clients.'), $g['product_name']));
$section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox('dnslocalhost', 'Disable DNS Forwarder', 'Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall', $pconfig['dnslocalhost']))->setHelp('By default localhost ( will be used as the first DNS ' . 'server where the DNS Forwarder or DNS Resolver is enabled and set to ' . 'listen on Localhost, so system can use the local DNS service to perform ' . 'lookups. Checking this box omits localhost from the list of DNS servers.');
$section = new Form_Section('Localization');
$section->addInput(new Form_Select('timezone', 'Timezone', $pconfig['timezone'], array_combine($timezonelist, $timezonelist)))->setHelp('Select the timezone or location within the timezone to be used by this system.');
$section->addInput(new Form_Input('timeservers', 'Timeservers', 'text', $pconfig['timeservers']))->setHelp('Use a space to separate multiple hosts (only one required). ' . 'Remember to set up at least one DNS server if a host name is entered here!');
$section->addInput(new Form_Select('language', 'Language', $pconfig['language'], get_locale_list()))->setHelp('Choose a language for the webConfigurator');
$csslist = array();
// List pfSense files, then any BETA files followed by any user-contributed files
$cssfiles = glob("/usr/local/www/css/*.css");
if (is_array($cssfiles)) {
    $usrcss = $pfscss = $betacss = array();
    foreach ($cssfiles as $css) {
        if (strpos($css, "BETA") != 0) {
            array_push($betacss, $css);
        } else {
            if (strpos($css, "pfSense") != 0) {
                array_push($pfscss, $css);
            } else {
                array_push($usrcss, $css);
					<span class="vexpl">
echo gettext("Use a space to separate multiple hosts (only one " . "required). Remember to set up at least one DNS server " . "if you enter a host name here!");
				<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?php 
echo gettext("Language");
				<td width="78%" class="vtable">
					<select name="language">
foreach (get_locale_list() as $lcode => $ldesc) {
    $selected = ' selected="selected"';
    if ($lcode != $pconfig['language']) {
        $selected = '';
    echo "<option value=\"{$lcode}\"{$selected}>{$ldesc}</option>";
echo gettext("Choose a language for the webConfigurator");