function UM_Mail($user_id_or_email = 1, $subject_line = 'Email Subject', $template, $path = null, $args = array())
    if (absint($user_id_or_email)) {
        $user = get_userdata($user_id_or_email);
        $email = $user->user_email;
    } else {
        $email = $user_id_or_email;
    $headers = 'From: ' . um_get_option('mail_from') . ' <' . um_get_option('mail_from_addr') . '>' . "\r\n";
    $attachments = null;
    if (file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ultimate-member/templates/email/' . get_locale() . '/' . $template . '.html')) {
        $path_to_email = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ultimate-member/templates/email/' . get_locale() . '/' . $template . '.html';
    } else {
        if (file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ultimate-member/templates/email/' . $template . '.html')) {
            $path_to_email = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/ultimate-member/templates/email/' . $template . '.html';
        } else {
            $path_to_email = $path . $template . '.html';
    if (um_get_option('email_html')) {
        $message = file_get_contents($path_to_email);
        add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'um_mail_content_type');
    } else {
        $message = um_get_option('email-' . $template) ? um_get_option('email-' . $template) : 'Untitled';
    $message = um_convert_tags($message, $args);
    wp_mail($email, $subject_line, $message, $headers, $attachments);
  * Load textdomain
 function load_textdomain()
     $domain = 'wp_jwt_auth';
     $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
     load_textdomain($domain, WP_LANG_DIR . '/wp-jwt-authentication/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo');
     load_plugin_textdomain($domain, FALSE, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
  * Enqueue scripts and styles
  * @return    void
 static function admin_enqueue_scripts()
     $url = RWMB_CSS_URL . 'jqueryui';
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-core', "{$url}/jquery.ui.core.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-theme', "{$url}/jquery.ui.theme.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-datepicker', "{$url}/jquery.ui.datepicker.css", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-slider', "{$url}/jquery.ui.slider.css", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-timepicker', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css", array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'), '0.9.7');
     $url = RWMB_JS_URL . 'jqueryui';
     wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js", array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'), '0.9.7', true);
     $deps = array('jquery-ui-timepicker');
     $locale = str_replace('_', '-', get_locale());
     $timepicker_locale_js_url = '';
     if (file_exists(RWMB_DIR . "js/jqueryui/timepicker-i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-{$locale}.js")) {
         $timepicker_locale_js_url = "{$url}/timepicker-i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-{$locale}.js";
     } elseif (strlen($locale) > 2 && file_exists(RWMB_DIR . 'js/jqueryui/timepicker-i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-' . substr($locale, 0, 2) . '.js')) {
         $timepicker_locale_js_url = "{$url}/timepicker-i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-" . substr($locale, 0, 2) . '.js';
     if ($timepicker_locale_js_url) {
         wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n', $timepicker_locale_js_url, array('jquery-ui-timepicker'), '0.9.7', true);
         $deps = array('jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n');
     wp_enqueue_script('rwmb-time', RWMB_JS_URL . 'time.js', $deps, RWMB_VER, true);
     wp_localize_script('rwmb-time', 'RWMB_Timepicker', array('lang' => $locale));
function hocwp_dashboard_widget_cache($widget_id, $callback, $args = array())
    $loading = hocwp_dashboard_widget_loading();
    $locale = get_locale();
    $transient_name = 'hocwp_dashboard_%s';
    $transient_name = hocwp_build_transient_name($transient_name, $widget_id . '_' . $locale);
    if (false !== ($output = get_transient($transient_name)) && !empty($output)) {
        echo $output;
        return true;
    if (!HOCWP_DOING_AJAX) {
        echo $loading;
    if (hocwp_callback_exists($callback)) {
        call_user_func($callback, $args);
        $html_data = ob_get_clean();
        if (!empty($html_data)) {
            set_transient($transient_name, $html_data, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
    } else {
        echo hocwp_build_message(__('Please set a valid callback for this widget!', 'hocwp-theme'), '');
    return true;
  * Internationalization setup
  * @return void
 public function i18n()
     $domain = 'better-blockquotes';
     $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
     load_textdomain($domain, WP_LANG_DIR . "/tinymce-email-button/{$domain}-{$locale}.mo");
     load_plugin_textdomain($domain, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
  * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
  * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
  * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
  * support post thumbnails.
  * To override foghorn_setup() in a child theme, add your own foghorn_setup to your child theme's
  * functions.php file.
  * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support.
  * @uses add_editor_style() To style the visual editor.
  * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for post thumbnails and automatic feed links.
  * @uses register_nav_menus() To add support for navigation menus.
  * @uses add_custom_background() To add support for a custom background.
  * @uses set_post_thumbnail_size() To set a custom post thumbnail size.
  * @since Foghorn 0.1
 function foghorn_setup()
      * Set the content width based on the theme's design and stylesheet.
     if (!isset($content_width)) {
         $content_width = 560;
     // Make Foghorn translatable
     load_theme_textdomain('foghorn', TEMPLATEPATH . '/languages');
     $locale = get_locale();
     $locale_file = TEMPLATEPATH . "/languages/{$locale}.php";
     if (is_readable($locale_file)) {
         require_once $locale_file;
     // Styles the visual editor with editor-style.css to match the theme style
     // Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to <head>.
     // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
     register_nav_menu('primary', __('Primary Menu', 'foghorn'));
     // Adds support for custom backgrounds
     // Adds theme support for thumbnails
     // Creates an image thumbnail size for multiple displays
     add_image_size('multiple-thumb', 325, 205, true);
     // Sets up the option panel functions
     require_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/extensions/options-functions.php';
function wpcf7_akismet($spam)
    if ($spam) {
        return $spam;
    if (!wpcf7_akismet_is_available()) {
        return false;
    if (!($params = wpcf7_akismet_submitted_params())) {
        return false;
    $c = array();
    $c['comment_author'] = $params['author'];
    $c['comment_author_email'] = $params['author_email'];
    $c['comment_author_url'] = $params['author_url'];
    $c['comment_content'] = $params['content'];
    $c['blog'] = get_option('home');
    $c['blog_lang'] = get_locale();
    $c['blog_charset'] = get_option('blog_charset');
    $c['user_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $c['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    $c['referrer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    $c['comment_type'] = 'contact-form';
    if ($permalink = get_permalink()) {
        $c['permalink'] = $permalink;
    $ignore = array('HTTP_COOKIE', 'HTTP_COOKIE2', 'PHP_AUTH_PW');
    foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($key, (array) $ignore)) {
            $c["{$key}"] = $value;
    return wpcf7_akismet_comment_check($c);
  * Front-end display of widget.
  * @see WP_Widget::widget()
  * @param array $args     Widget arguments.
  * @param array $instance Saved values from database.
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $instance['lang'] = substr(strtoupper(get_locale()), 0, 2);
     echo $args['before_widget'];
     if ($instance['title']) {
         echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $args['after_title'];
     $data_attribs = array('widget-id', 'theme', 'link-color', 'border-color', 'chrome', 'tweet-limit');
     $attribs = array('width', 'height', 'lang');
     // Start tag output
     echo '<a class="twitter-timeline"';
     foreach ($data_attribs as $att) {
         if (!empty($instance[$att])) {
             if ('tweet-limit' == $att && 0 === $instance[$att]) {
             if (is_array($instance[$att])) {
                 echo ' data-' . esc_attr($att) . '="' . esc_attr(join(' ', $instance['chrome'])) . '"';
             } else {
                 echo ' data-' . esc_attr($att) . '="' . esc_attr($instance[$att]) . '"';
     foreach ($attribs as $att) {
         if (!empty($instance[$att])) {
             echo ' ' . esc_attr($att) . '="' . esc_attr($instance[$att]) . '"';
     echo '>' . esc_html__('My Tweets', 'jetpack') . '</a>';
     // End tag output
     echo $args['after_widget'];
     do_action('jetpack_bump_stats_extras', 'widget', 'twitter_timeline');
 function register_plugin($name, $base)
     $this->plugin_name = $name;
     $this->plugin_base = rtrim(dirname($base), DS);
     if (function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) {
         $currentlocale = get_locale();
         if (!empty($currentlocale)) {
             $moFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "languages" . DS . $this->plugin_name . "-" . $currentlocale . ".mo";
             if (@file_exists($moFile) && is_readable($moFile)) {
                 load_textdomain($this->plugin_name, $moFile);
     if ($this->debugging == true) {
         global $wpdb;
         @ini_set('display_errors', 1);
     return true;
 public function load_plugin_textdomain()
     $domain = 'ut_portfolio_lang';
     $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
     load_textdomain($domain, WP_LANG_DIR . '/' . $domain . '/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo');
     load_plugin_textdomain($domain, FALSE, dirname(plugin_basename($this->file)) . '/lang/');
  * Register scripts and styles
 public static function admin_register_scripts()
     $url = RWMB_CSS_URL . 'jqueryui';
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-core', "{$url}/jquery.ui.core.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-theme', "{$url}/jquery.ui.theme.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('wp-datepicker', RWMB_CSS_URL . 'datepicker.css', array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-datepicker', "{$url}/jquery.ui.datepicker.css", array('wp-datepicker'), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-slider', "{$url}/jquery.ui.slider.css", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-timepicker', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.css", array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'wp-datepicker'), '1.5.0');
     $url = RWMB_JS_URL . 'jqueryui';
     wp_register_script('jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n', "{$url}/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js", array('jquery-ui-datepicker'), '1.11.4', true);
     wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.js", array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'), '1.5.0', true);
     wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon-i18n.min.js", array('jquery-ui-timepicker'), '1.5.0', true);
     wp_register_script('rwmb-datetime', RWMB_JS_URL . 'datetime.js', array('jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n', 'jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n'), RWMB_VER, true);
     wp_register_script('rwmb-date', RWMB_JS_URL . 'date.js', array('jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n', 'jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n'), RWMB_VER, true);
     wp_register_script('rwmb-time', RWMB_JS_URL . 'time.js', array('jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n'), RWMB_VER, true);
      * Add data to scripts. Prevent loading localized string twice.
      * @link
     $wp_scripts = wp_scripts();
     $handles = array('datetime', 'date', 'time');
     $locale = str_replace('_', '-', get_locale());
     $locale_short = substr($locale, 0, 2);
     $data = array('locale' => $locale, 'localeShort' => $locale_short);
     foreach ($handles as $handle) {
         if (!$wp_scripts->get_data("rwmb-{$handle}", 'data')) {
             wp_localize_script("rwmb-{$handle}", 'RWMB_' . ucfirst($handle), $data);
 function danhuaer_setup()
     load_theme_textdomain('danhuaer', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
     $locale = get_locale();
     $locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/{$locale}.php";
     if (is_readable($locale_file)) {
         require_once $locale_file;
     register_nav_menus(array('primary' => __('Primary Navigation', 'danhuaer')));
     if (!defined('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR')) {
         define('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '');
     // No CSS, just IMG call. The %s is a placeholder for the theme template directory URI.
     if (!defined('HEADER_IMAGE')) {
         define('HEADER_IMAGE', '%s/i/headers/home-banner.jpg');
     // The height and width of your custom header. You can hook into the theme's own filters to change these values.
     // Add a filter to danhuaer_header_image_width and danhuaer_header_image_height to change these values.
     define('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', apply_filters('danhuaer_header_image_width', 1440));
     define('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', apply_filters('danhuaer_header_image_height', 198));
     // Don't support text inside the header image.
     if (!defined('NO_HEADER_TEXT')) {
         define('NO_HEADER_TEXT', true);
     // Add a way for the custom header to be styled in the admin panel that controls
     // custom headers. See danhuaer_admin_header_style(), below.
     add_custom_image_header('', 'danhuaer_admin_header_style');
     // ... and thus ends the changeable header business.
     // Default custom headers packaged with the theme. %s is a placeholder for the theme template directory URI.
     register_default_headers(array('berries' => array('url' => '%s/i/headers/neihan-banner.jpg', 'thumbnail_url' => '%s/i/headers/neihan-banner.jpg', 'description' => __('Berries', 'danhuaer')), 'path' => array('url' => '%s/i/headers/home-banner.jpg', 'thumbnail_url' => '%s/i/headers/home-banner.jpg', 'description' => __('Path', 'danhuaer'))));
 function ClaroPHPMailer()
     //prevent phpMailer from echo'ing anything
     // set charset
     $this->CharSet = get_locale('charset');
     if (get_conf('smtp_host') != '') {
         // set smtp mode and smtp host
         $this->Host = get_conf('smtp_host');
         if (get_conf('smtp_username') != '') {
             // SMTP authentification
             $this->SMTPAuth = true;
             // turn on SMTP
             $this->Username = get_conf('smtp_username');
             // SMTP username
             $this->Password = get_conf('smtp_password');
             // SMTP password
         if (get_conf('smtp_port') != '') {
             $this->Port = (int) get_conf('smtp_port');
         if (get_conf('smtp_secure') != '') {
             $this->SMTPSecure = get_conf('smtp_secure');
     } else {
         // set sendmail mode
  * Set up the class.
  * @access  protected
  * @since   1.0.0
 protected function __construct()
     $this->languages_directory = apply_filters('charitable_extension_boilerplate_languages_directory', 'charitable-extension-boilerplate/languages');
     $this->locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $this->textdomain);
     $this->mofile = sprintf('%1$s-%2$', $this->textdomain, $this->locale);
文件: class.php 项目: alvarpoon/anbig
 public function load_translation()
     $this->l = get_locale();
     if (!empty($this->l)) {
         load_plugin_textdomain('gd-bbpress-attachments', false, 'gd-bbpress-attachments/languages');
function sfc_load_api($appid)
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
    FB.init({appId: '<?php 
    echo $appid;
', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true });
    // do any other actions sub-plugins might need to do here
  (function() {
    var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
    e.src = document.location.protocol +
    echo get_locale();
 function init_language()
     $locale = apply_filters("plugin_locale", get_locale(), 'wplms-dashboard');
     if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/wplms-dashboard-' . $locale . '.mo')) {
         load_textdomain('wplms-dashboard', dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/wplms-dashboard-' . $locale . '.mo');
function geodir_load_translation_geodirpayment()
    $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), GEODIRPAYMENT_TEXTDOMAIN);
    load_plugin_textdomain(GEODIRPAYMENT_TEXTDOMAIN, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/geodir-payment-languages');
    include_once 'language.php';
  * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
  * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
  * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
  * support post thumbnails.
  * To override toolbox_setup() in a child theme, add your own toolbox_setup to your child theme's
  * functions.php file.
 function toolbox_setup()
      * Make theme available for translation
      * Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory
      * If you're building a theme based on toolbox, use a find and replace
      * to change 'toolbox' to the name of your theme in all the template files
     load_theme_textdomain('toolbox', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
     $locale = get_locale();
     $locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/{$locale}.php";
     if (is_readable($locale_file)) {
         require_once $locale_file;
      * Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head
      * This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
     register_nav_menus(array('primary' => __('Primary Menu', 'toolbox')));
      * Add support for the Aside and Gallery Post Formats
     add_theme_support('post-formats', array('aside', 'image', 'gallery'));
  * Class constructor
 function __construct()
     //Language Setup
     $locale = get_locale();
     load_plugin_textdomain($this->localization_domain, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/lang/');
  * Init the Database Abstraction layer for NextGEN Gallery
 function __construct()
     $this->plugin_locale_path = NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . 'lang/';
     $this->locale = get_locale();
     $this->mo_file = trailingslashit($this->plugin_locale_path) . $this->domain . '-' . $this->locale . '.mo';
     $this->mo_url = trailingslashit($this->remote_locale_url) . $this->domain . '-' . $this->locale . '.mo';
function mm_ux_log($args = array())
    $url = "";
    global $title;
    if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
    $path = explode('wp-admin', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    if (empty($path) || empty($path[1])) {
        $path = array("", " ");
    $defaults = array('v' => '1', 'tid' => 'UA-39246514-3', 't' => 'pageview', 'cid' => md5(get_option('siteurl')), 'uid' => md5(get_option('siteurl') . get_current_user_id()), 'cn' => 'mojo_wp_plugin', 'cs' => 'mojo_wp_plugin', 'cm' => 'plugin_admin', 'ul' => get_locale(), 'dp' => $path[1], 'sc' => '', 'ua' => @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'dl' => $path[1], 'dh' => get_option('siteurl'), 'dt' => $title, 'ec' => '', 'ea' => '', 'el' => '', 'ev' => '');
    if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
        $defaults['uip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $params = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $test = get_transient('mm_test', '');
    if (isset($test['key']) && isset($test['name'])) {
        $params['cm'] = $params['cm'] . "_" . $test['name'] . "_" . $test['key'];
    //use test account for testing
    if (defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG) {
        $params['tid'] = 'UA-19617272-27';
    $z = wp_rand(0, 1000000000);
    $query = http_build_query(array_filter($params));
    $args = array('body' => $query, 'method' => 'POST', 'blocking' => false);
    $url = add_query_arg(array('z' => $z), $url);
    wp_remote_post($url, $args);
  * Initiate actions.
  * @since  1.0.
  * @return UnboxInit
 public function __construct()
     global $pagenow;
     // Create the key needed for checking the theme
     self::$key = 'unbox-' . md5(wp_get_theme()->template);
     // Determine the path of the Unbox directory relative to the theme directory
     self::$path = $this->get_relative_path();
     // Only load if on the right page
     if ('themes.php' === $pagenow && isset($_GET['activated']) && true === (bool) $_GET['activated'] && !$this->is_unboxed()) {
          * Load the .mo file. This is a reworking of "load_plugin_textdomain". Given that this is a plugin within
          * a theme, the file paths do not work correctly with "load_plugin_textdomain" or "load_theme_textdomain".
          * This functionality implements identical functionality with the correct paths.
         $domain = 'unbox';
         $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
         $path = WP_LANG_DIR . '/themes/';
         $mofile = $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
         // Attempt to load from within the languages directory
         if (true !== load_textdomain($domain, $path . $mofile)) {
             // As a fallback, load from the plugin
             $path = trailingslashit(get_template_directory()) . self::$path . '/languages/';
             load_textdomain($domain, $path . $mofile);
         // Add the CSS and JS to display the unboxing
         add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'load_assets'), 20);
         // Add the HTML to display the unboxing
         add_action('admin_footer', array($this, 'load_template'), 20);
         // Because everything is unboxed, denote that the unboxing happened
 public static function get_template($args = '')
     global $l10n;
     $defaults = array('locale' => null, 'title' => '');
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $locale = $args['locale'];
     $title = $args['title'];
     if ($locale) {
         $mo_orig = $l10n['contact-form-7'];
     self::$current = $contact_form = new self();
     $contact_form->title = $title ? $title : __('Untitled', 'contact-form-7');
     $contact_form->locale = $locale ? $locale : get_locale();
     $properties = $contact_form->get_properties();
     foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
         $properties[$key] = WPCF7_ContactFormTemplate::get_default($key);
     $contact_form->properties = $properties;
     $contact_form = apply_filters('wpcf7_contact_form_default_pack', $contact_form, $args);
     if (isset($mo_orig)) {
         $l10n['contact-form-7'] = $mo_orig;
     return $contact_form;
function wpcf7_load_textdomain($locale = null)
    global $l10n;
    $domain = 'contact-form-7';
    if (get_locale() == $locale) {
        $locale = null;
    if (empty($locale)) {
        if (is_textdomain_loaded($domain)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return load_plugin_textdomain($domain, false, $domain . '/languages');
    } else {
        $mo_orig = $l10n[$domain];
        $mofile = $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
        $path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $domain . '/languages';
        if ($loaded = load_textdomain($domain, $path . '/' . $mofile)) {
            return $loaded;
        } else {
            $mofile = WP_LANG_DIR . '/plugins/' . $mofile;
            return load_textdomain($domain, $mofile);
        $l10n[$domain] = $mo_orig;
    return false;
文件: acf.php 项目: Didox/beminfinito
 function __construct()
     // helpers
     add_filter('acf/helpers/get_path', array($this, 'helpers_get_path'), 1, 1);
     add_filter('acf/helpers/get_dir', array($this, 'helpers_get_dir'), 1, 1);
     // vars
     $this->settings = array('path' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_path', __FILE__), 'dir' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_dir', __FILE__), 'hook' => basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . basename(__FILE__), 'version' => '4.4.5', 'upgrade_version' => '3.4.1', 'include_3rd_party' => false);
     // set text domain
     load_textdomain('acf', $this->settings['path'] . 'lang/acf-' . get_locale() . '.mo');
     // actions
     add_action('init', array($this, 'init'), 1);
     add_action('acf/pre_save_post', array($this, 'save_post_lock'), 0);
     add_action('acf/pre_save_post', array($this, 'save_post_unlock'), 999);
     add_action('acf/save_post', array($this, 'save_post_lock'), 0);
     add_action('acf/save_post', array($this, 'save_post'), 10);
     add_action('acf/save_post', array($this, 'save_post_unlock'), 999);
     add_action('acf/create_fields', array($this, 'create_fields'), 1, 2);
     // filters
     add_filter('acf/get_info', array($this, 'get_info'), 1, 1);
     add_filter('acf/parse_types', array($this, 'parse_types'), 1, 1);
     add_filter('acf/get_post_types', array($this, 'get_post_types'), 1, 3);
     add_filter('acf/get_taxonomies_for_select', array($this, 'get_taxonomies_for_select'), 1, 2);
     add_filter('acf/get_image_sizes', array($this, 'get_image_sizes'), 1, 1);
     add_filter('acf/get_post_id', array($this, 'get_post_id'), 1, 1);
     // includes
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'include_after_theme'), 1);
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'include_3rd_party'), 1);
  * Include Google fonts
 public static function fonts_url()
     $fonts_url = '';
     $locale = get_locale();
     $cyrillic_locales = array('ru_RU', 'mk_MK', 'ky_KY', 'bg_BG', 'sr_RS', 'uk', 'bel');
      * Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not
      * supported by Lora, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate
      * into your own language.
     $libre = _x('on', 'Libre Baskerville font: on or off', 'photolab');
      * Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not
      * supported by Open Sans, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate
      * into your own language.
     $open_sans = _x('on', 'Open Sans font: on or off', 'photolab');
     if ('off' !== $libre || 'off' !== $open_sans) {
         $font_families = array();
         if ('off' !== $libre) {
             $font_families[] = 'Libre Baskerville:400,700,400italic';
         if ('off' !== $open_sans) {
             $font_families[] = 'Open Sans:300,400,700,400italic,700italic';
         $query_args = array('family' => urlencode(implode('|', $font_families)), 'subset' => urlencode('latin,latin-ext'));
         if (in_array($locale, $cyrillic_locales)) {
             $query_args['subset'] = urlencode('latin,latin-ext,cyrillic');
         $fonts_url = add_query_arg($query_args, '//');
     return $fonts_url;
 * since
function qtranxf_default_enabled_languages()
    //$locale = defined('WPLANG') ? WPLANG : get_option('WPLANG','en_US');
    $locale = get_locale();
    if (!$locale) {
        $locale = 'en_US';
    $lang = null;
    $locales = qtranxf_default_locale();
    foreach ($locales as $ln => $lo) {
        if ($lo != $locale) {
        $lang = $ln;
    if (!$lang) {
        $lang = substr($locale, 0, 2);
    if (!qtranxf_language_predefined($lang)) {
        $langs = array();
        $langs['language_name'][$lang] = 'Unknown';
        $langs['flag'][$lang] = 'us.png';
        $langs['locale'][$lang] = $locale;
        $langs['date_format'][$lang] = '%A %B %e%q, %Y';
        $langs['time_format'][$lang] = '%I:%M %p';
        $langs['not_available'][$lang] = 'Sorry, this entry is only available in %LANG:, : and %.';
    //qtranxf_dbg_log('qtranxf_default_enabled_languages: $lang='.$lang.' $locale:',$locale);
    return array($lang, $lang != 'en' ? 'en' : 'de');
    //return array( 'de', 'en', 'zh' );
  * Enqueue scripts and styles
  * @return void
 static function admin_enqueue_scripts()
     $url = RWMB_CSS_URL . 'jqueryui';
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-core', "{$url}/jquery.ui.core.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-theme', "{$url}/jquery.ui.theme.css", array(), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-datepicker', "{$url}/jquery.ui.datepicker.css", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_register_style('jquery-ui-slider', "{$url}/jquery.ui.slider.css", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-theme'), '1.8.17');
     wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-timepicker', "{$url}/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css", array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'), '0.9.7');
     wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker', RWMB_JS_URL . 'jqueryui/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'), '0.9.7', true);
     // Load localized scripts
     $locale = str_replace('_', '-', get_locale());
     $date_path = 'jqueryui/datepicker-i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $locale . '.js';
     $time_path = 'jqueryui/timepicker-i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-' . $locale . '.js';
     $deps = array('jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-timepicker');
     if (file_exists(RWMB_DIR . 'js/' . $date_path)) {
         wp_register_script('jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n', RWMB_JS_URL . $date_path, array('jquery-ui-datepicker'), '1.8.17', true);
         $deps[] = 'jquery-ui-datepicker-i18n';
     if (file_exists(RWMB_DIR . 'js/' . $time_path)) {
         wp_register_script('jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n', RWMB_JS_URL . $time_path, array('jquery-ui-timepicker'), '1.8.17', true);
         $deps[] = 'jquery-ui-timepicker-i18n';
     wp_enqueue_script('rwmb-datetime', RWMB_JS_URL . 'datetime.js', $deps, RWMB_VER, true);
     wp_localize_script('rwmb-datetime', 'RWMB_Datetimepicker', array('lang' => $locale));
  * Load the plugin text domain for translation.
  * @since 1.7.0
 public function load_plugin_textdomain()
     $domain = 'optionsframework';
     $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
     load_textdomain($domain, trailingslashit(WP_LANG_DIR) . $domain . '/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo');
     load_plugin_textdomain($domain, FALSE, basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/languages');