require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php';
require_once 'include/lib/learnPathLib.inc.php';
require_once 'modules/usage/statistics_tools_bar.php';
if (isset($_GET['from_stats']) and $_GET['from_stats'] == 1) {
    // if we come from statistics
    $toolName = $langUsage;
    $navigation[] = array('url' => '../usage/?course=' . $course_code, 'name' => $langUsage);
    $pageName = "{$langLearningPaths} - {$langTrackAllPathExplanation}";
} else {
    $navigation[] = array("url" => "index.php?course={$course_code}", "name" => $langLearningPaths);
    $pageName = $langTrackAllPathExplanation;
// display a list of user and their respective progress
$sql = "SELECT U.`surname`, U.`givenname`, U.`id`\n\tFROM `user` AS U, `course_user` AS CU\n\tWHERE U.`id`= CU.`user_id`\n\tAND CU.`course_id` = {$course_id}\n\tORDER BY U.`surname` ASC";
@($tool_content .= get_limited_page_links($sql, 30, $langPreviousPage, $langNextPage));
$usersList = get_limited_list($sql, 30);
if (isset($_GET['from_stats']) and $_GET['from_stats'] == 1) {
    // if we come from statistics
    statistics_tools($course_code, "detailsAll", "../usage/");
// check if there are learning paths available
$lcnt = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->count;
if ($lcnt == 0) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoLearningPath}</div>";
    draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
} else {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>\n           <b>{$langDumpUserDurationToFile}: </b>1. <a href='dumpuserlearnpathdetails.php?course={$course_code}'>{$langcsvenc2}</a>\n                2. <a href='dumpuserlearnpathdetails.php?course={$course_code}&amp;enc=1253'>{$langcsvenc1}</a>          \n          </div>";
// display tab header
$tool_content .= "\n  <table class='table-default'>\n  <tr>\n    <th class='left'><div align='left'>{$langStudent}</div></th>\n    <th width='120'>{$langAm}</th>\n    <th>{$langGroup}</th>\n    <th colspan='2'>{$langProgress}&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>\n  </tr>\n";
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=userslearningpathstats.csv");

if ($sendSep) {
    echo 'sep=;', $crlf;
echo join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($langStudent, $langAm, $langGroup, $langProgress))),

// display a list of user and their respective progress
$sql = "SELECT U.`surname`, U.`givenname`, U.`id`
		FROM `user` AS U, `course_user` AS CU
		WHERE U.`id`= CU.`user_id`
		AND CU.`course_id` = $course_id
		ORDER BY U.`surname` ASC, U.`givenname` ASC";
$usersList = get_limited_list($sql, 500000);
foreach ($usersList as $user) {
    echo "$crlf";
    $learningPathList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    $iterator = 1;
    $globalprog = 0;

    foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user->id);
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));