require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/';
$page['file'] = 'chart3.php';
$page['type'] = PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE;
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_header.php';
$fields = array('period' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, BETWEEN(ZBX_MIN_PERIOD, ZBX_MAX_PERIOD), null), 'stime' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, null, null), 'httptestid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_NZERO, null, null), 'http_item_type' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, null, null), 'name' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, null, null, null), 'width' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, BETWEEN(0, 65535), null), 'height' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, BETWEEN(0, 65535), null), 'ymin_type' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1,2'), null), 'ymax_type' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1,2'), null), 'ymin_itemid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), 'ymax_itemid' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), 'legend' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1'), null), 'showworkperiod' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1'), null), 'showtriggers' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1'), null), 'graphtype' => array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, IN('0,1'), null), 'yaxismin' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, null, null, null), 'yaxismax' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, null, null, null), 'percent_left' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, null, BETWEEN(0, 100), null), 'percent_right' => array(T_ZBX_DBL, O_OPT, null, BETWEEN(0, 100), null), 'items' => array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, null, null, null));
$isDataValid = check_fields($fields);
if ($httptestid = get_request('httptestid', false)) {
    $color = array('current' => 0, 0 => array('next' => '1'), 1 => array('color' => 'Red', 'next' => '2'), 2 => array('color' => 'Dark Green', 'next' => '3'), 3 => array('color' => 'Blue', 'next' => '4'), 4 => array('color' => 'Dark Yellow', 'next' => '5'), 5 => array('color' => 'Cyan', 'next' => '6'), 6 => array('color' => 'Gray', 'next' => '7'), 7 => array('color' => 'Dark Red', 'next' => '8'), 8 => array('color' => 'Green', 'next' => '9'), 9 => array('color' => 'Dark Blue', 'next' => '10'), 10 => array('color' => 'Yellow', 'next' => '11'), 11 => array('color' => 'Black', 'next' => '1'));
    $items = array();
    $dbItems = DBselect('SELECT i.itemid' . ' FROM httpstepitem hi,items i,httpstep hs' . ' WHERE i.itemid=hi.itemid' . ' AND hs.httptestid=' . $httptestid . ' AND hs.httpstepid=hi.httpstepid' . ' AND hi.type=' . get_request('http_item_type', HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME) . ' ORDER BY DESC');
    while ($item = DBfetch($dbItems)) {
        $itemColor = $color[$color['current'] = $color[$color['current']]['next']]['color'];
        $items[] = array('itemid' => $item['itemid'], 'color' => $itemColor);
    $httptest = get_httptest_by_httptestid($httptestid);
    $name = $httptest['name'];
} else {
    $items = get_request('items', array());
    asort_by_key($items, 'sortorder');
    $dbItems = API::Item()->get(array('webitems' => true, 'itemids' => zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid'), 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN, 'preservekeys' => true, 'filter' => array('flags' => null)));
    $dbItems = zbx_toHash($dbItems, 'itemid');
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (!isset($dbItems[$item['itemid']])) {
    $name = get_request('name', '');
 * Display
    foreach ($group_httptestid as $id) {
        if (!($httptest_data = get_httptest_by_httptestid($id))) {
        if (disable_httptest($id)) {
            $go_result = true;
            $host = get_host_by_applicationid($httptest_data['applicationid']);
            add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_SCENARIO, _('Scenario') . ' [' . $httptest_data['name'] . '] [' . $id . '] ' . _('Host') . ' [' . $host['host'] . ']' . _('Scenario disabled'));
    show_messages($go_result, _('Scenario disabled'), null);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'clean_history' && isset($_REQUEST['group_httptestid'])) {
    $go_result = false;
    $group_httptestid = $_REQUEST['group_httptestid'];
    foreach ($group_httptestid as $id) {
        if (!($httptest_data = get_httptest_by_httptestid($id))) {
        if (delete_history_by_httptestid($id)) {
            $go_result = true;
            DBexecute('UPDATE httptest SET nextcheck=0 WHERE httptestid=' . $id);
            $host = get_host_by_applicationid($httptest_data['applicationid']);
            add_audit(AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE, AUDIT_RESOURCE_SCENARIO, _('Scenario') . ' [' . $httptest_data['name'] . '] [' . $id . '] ' . _('Host') . ' [' . $host['host'] . ']' . _('History cleared'));
    show_messages($go_result, _('History cleared'), null);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['go'] == 'delete' && isset($_REQUEST['group_httptestid'])) {
    $go_result = API::WebCheck()->delete($_REQUEST['group_httptestid']);
    show_messages($go_result, _('Scenario deleted'), null);
if ($_REQUEST['go'] != 'none' && isset($go_result) && $go_result) {