文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 public function requestParser($template)
     if (!user_allowed_to('backup works')) {
         return $template;
     $merged_post_get = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     if (!isset($merged_post_get['module']) || $merged_post_get['module'] != 'backup') {
         return $template;
     $input_filter = array('backup_name' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+(|\\.zip)$~ui')), 'backup_description' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\s\\-а-яА-Я.:;"]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(create|restore|delete|download)+$~ui')), 'result' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z_]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     $result_text = 'Неизвестное действие';
     $result_class = 'backup_result_bad';
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         case 'create':
             if ($_INPUT['backup_name'] == '') {
                 popup_message_add('Некорректное имя файла', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
             // force extension
             if (substr($_INPUT['backup_name'], -4) != '.zip') {
                 $_INPUT['backup_name'] .= '.zip';
             if (($result = $this->createBackup($_INPUT['backup_name'], $_INPUT['backup_description'])) === true) {
                 popup_message_add('Резервная копия создана', JCMS_MESSAGE_OK);
             } else {
                 popup_message_add('Не удалось создать резервную копию', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
             terminate('', 'Location: ./?module=backup&action=manage', 302);
         case 'restore':
             if (($result = $this->restoreBackup($_INPUT['backup_name'])) === true) {
                 popup_message_add('Резервная копия восстановлена', JCMS_MESSAGE_OK);
             } else {
                 popup_message_add('Не удалось восстановить резервную копию (' . $result . ')', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
             terminate('', 'Location: ./?module=backup&action=manage', 302);
         case 'delete':
             if ($this->deleteBackup($_INPUT['backup_name'])) {
                 popup_message_add('Резервная копия удалена', JCMS_MESSAGE_OK);
             } else {
                 popup_message_add('Не удалось удалить резервную копию (' . $result . ')', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
             terminate('', 'Location: ./?module=backup&action=manage', 302);
         case 'download':
             header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
             header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $_INPUT['backup_name']));
             header('Content-Type: octet/stream');
             header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . str_replace('+', '%20', urlencode(iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8', $_INPUT['backup_name']))) . '');
             readfile(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $_INPUT['backup_name']);
     return $template;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 public function requestParser($template)
     if (!user_allowed_to('chat')) {
         return $template;
     $input_filter = array('action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(post)+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     return $template;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
    function requestParser($template)
        if (!user_allowed_to('manage files')) {
            return $template;
        $module_name = 'filemanager';
        // check if something to do
        if (@$_GET['module'] != $module_name && @$_POST['module'] != $module_name) {
            return $template;
        // filter input
        $input_filter = array('action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(update_file|upload|delete)$~ui')), 'category' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => REGEXP_ALIAS)), 'filename' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(?!(\\.\\.|\\|//|[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9\\s_\\-\\(\\)]:)).*$~u')), 'new_filename' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(?!(\\.\\.|\\|//|[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9\\s_\\-\\(\\)]:)).*$~u')), 'filecontent' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~.*~')));
        $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
        // prepare redirect
        $redirect_target = './?module=' . $module_name . '&action=manage&category=' . $_INPUT['category'];
        $redirect_status = false;
        switch (get_array_value($_INPUT, 'action')) {
            case 'upload':
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['files']['name']); $i++) {
                    // check extension against directory configuration, use only if matches
                    if (($dir = $this->getUserFolderParams($_FILES['files']['name'][$i], $_INPUT['category'])) != false) {
                        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$i], iconv('utf-8', filesystem_encoding(), $dir['dir'] . $_FILES['files']['name'][$i]));
                $redirect_status = true;
            case 'delete':
                if ($this->getUserFolderParams($_INPUT['filename']) != false) {
                $redirect_status = true;
            case 'update_file':
                // check if filenames (old and new) are ok
                if ($this->getUserFolderParams($_INPUT['filename']) === false || $this->getUserFolderParams($_INPUT['new_filename']) === false) {
                    popup_message_add('Расширение не подходит для этой папки', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
                    return $template;
                // write contents, yeah
                file_put_contents(iconv('utf-8', filesystem_encoding(), $_INPUT['filename']), $_INPUT['filecontent']);
                // rename if requested
                if ($_INPUT['filename'] != $_INPUT['new_filename']) {
                    rename($_INPUT['filename'], $_INPUT['new_filename']);
                popup_message_add('Файл обновлен', JCMS_MESSAGE_OK);
                $redirect_status = true;
        // check for redirect
        if ($redirect_status) {
            terminate('', 'Location: ' . $redirect_target, 302);
文件: api.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * Adds a comment
  * $input keys supported:
  *   row_id       : object to add comment to
  *   comment_text : comment itself
  * Files attachment is also supported
  * @param array $input parameters
  * @param array $return metadata parameters
  * @param resource $DB database connection to use
  * @return string 'OK' or some error text
 public static function commentsAdd($input, &$return_metadata, $DB)
     // check ID first
     if (($object_id = $input['row_id']) == '') {
         $return_metadata = array('status' => 'ERROR');
         return 'bad row ID';
     // check if no text and no files
     if (trim($input['comments_comment_text']) == '' && $_FILES['attachthis']['name'][0] == '') {
         $return_metadata = array('status' => 'ERROR');
         return 'nothing to add';
     $user_id = 'admin';
     // TAG_TODO
     $stamp = date('Y.m.d H:i:s');
     // get specials for the input
     $input_filter = array('comment_text' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9\\!\\"\\№\\;\\%\\:\\?\\*\\(\\)\\-\\_\\=\\+\\s]+$~smui')));
     $filtered_input = get_filtered_input($input_filter, array(FILTER_GET_FULL, FILTER_POST_FULL));
     $sql = 'insert into comments (id, object_id, user_id, stamp, comment_text, attached_name, comment_state) values (:id, :object_id, :user_id, :stamp, :comment_text, :attached_name, :comment_state)';
     $prepared = $DB->prepare($sql);
     // iterate uploaded files, add comment for each
     // NOTE: if the line below generates an error "no index 'attachthis'",
     // ensure that the form has 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' attribute
     for ($file_index = 0; $file_index < count($_FILES['attachthis']['name']); $file_index++) {
         $comment_id = create_guid();
         // full comment text - append "(1/10)" in case of multiple files
         $comment_text_full = $filtered_input['comments_comment_text'];
         if (count($_FILES['attachthis']['name']) > 1) {
             $comment_text_full = '(' . ($file_index + 1) . '/' . count($_FILES['attachthis']['name']) . ') ' . $comment_text_full;
         // copy attached file, mark comment if failed
         if ($_FILES['attachthis']['name'][$file_index] > '') {
             $copy_result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachthis']['tmp_name'][$file_index], self::COMMENTS_ATTACHED_DIR . $comment_id);
             if (!$copy_result) {
                 $comment_text_full .= '(file not copied - re-attach)';
         // add the comment to the base
         $prepared->execute(array(':id' => $comment_id, ':object_id' => $object_id, ':user_id' => $user_id, ':stamp' => $stamp, ':comment_text' => $comment_text_full, ':attached_name' => $_FILES['attachthis']['name'][$file_index], ':comment_state' => 'new comment'));
     return 'OK';
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * AJAX requests handler
  * nothing special - mainly API call
 function AJAXHandler()
     $filtered_input = get_filtered_input(self::$input_filter, array(FILTER_GET_FULL, FILTER_POST_FULL));
     switch ($filtered_input['action']) {
         case 'contextmenu':
             $report_id = $filtered_input['report_id'];
             $row_id = null;
             // TAG_TODO вот тут нужен идентификатор
             $field_name = null;
             // TAG_TODO и тут нужен
             return J_DB_UI::generateContextMenu($report_id, $row_id, $field_name, $this->DB);
         case 'call_api':
             return $this->callAPI($filtered_input, $return_metadata);
             return 'error: action not set';
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * AJAX!
 function AJAXHandler()
     $input_filter = array('id' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^-?[0-9]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter, array(FILTER_GET_BY_LIST));
     // default responce
     $response = 'unknown function';
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         // add/edit dialog
         case 'edit_elem':
             if (!user_allowed_to('manage news')) {
                 terminate('Forbidden', '', 403);
             // what to edit
             if ($_INPUT['id'] == '') {
                 return 'bad ID';
             // get element description
             $q = CMS::$DB->query("select id, caption, link, page, streams, summary from `{$this->CONFIG['table']}` where id={$_INPUT['id']}");
             $row = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $row['id'] = $_INPUT['id'];
             $xml = array_to_xml($row, array('news-edit-data'));
             // add pages list
             $xml->documentElement->appendChild($xml->importNode(aliasCatchersAsXML(array('root' => 'page-list'))->documentElement, true));
             return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/edit.xsl');
     return $response;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * Here generated data for module configuration dialog
 public function AJAXHandler()
     if (!user_allowed_to('manage modules')) {
         terminate('Forbidden', '', 403);
     // фильтруем вход
     $input_filter = array('target' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')), 'value' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[\\sa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9\\_\\-%!@$^*\\(\\)\\[\\]&=.,/\\\\]+$~ui')), 'hash' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         case 'get_settings':
             if (($module_name = $_INPUT['target']) == '') {
                 terminate('Unknown module [from:admin]', '', 404);
             // get config XML, mark nodes, transform and return
             $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
             } else {
             return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/settings_box.xsl');
         case 'save_setting':
             if (($module_name = $_INPUT['target']) == '') {
                 terminate('Unknown module [from:admin]', '', 404);
             // first, get right XML
             $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
             } else {
                 $filename = get_module_config_filename($module_name);
             // traverse and find the node to change
             $config_xml_path = $this->config_xml_path;
             $found = false;
             // means that node found
             $this->iterateXMLFromNode($xml->documentElement, function ($element) use(&$found, $_INPUT, $config_xml_path) {
                 $node_path = $element->getNodePath();
                 if (md5($node_path) == $_INPUT['hash'] && substr($node_path, 0, strlen($config_xml_path)) == $config_xml_path) {
                     $found = $element->nodeName;
                     $element->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($_INPUT['value']);
             // if all OK, update file and return good
             if ($found) {
                 if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
                     if (!$this->updateConstInFile('./userfiles/_data_common/conf.php', $found, $_INPUT['value'])) {
                         terminate('Error updating file', '', 500);
                 } else {
                     if (!$xml->save($filename)) {
                         terminate('Error updating file', '', 500);
                 return 'OK';
             } else {
                 terminate('Config file changed', '', 403);
             terminate('Unknown action [from: admin]', '', 404);
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 function AJAXHandler()
     // фильтруем вход
     $input_filter = array('id' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^-?[0-9]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     // ответ по умолчанию
     $response = 'unknown function';
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         // содержимое диалога редактирования/добавления ///////////////////////////////////////////
         case 'edit_elem':
             // элемент, который редактировать будем (-1, если новый)
             if (($elem_id = $_INPUT['id']) == '') {
                 return 'bad ID';
             $q = CMS::$DB->query('select * from `' . $this->CONFIG['table'] . '` where id=' . $elem_id);
             $row = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $row['id'] = $elem_id;
             // set "-1" when creating new page as there comes empty array
             $xml = array_to_xml($row, array('page-edit-data'));
             $response = XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/edit.xsl');
     return $response;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * Updates menu element record
  * @param array $input data to use. It may specially prepared array or even unfiltered POST/GET input
  * @return mixed true on success, message string on failure
 private function elementUpdate($input)
     // configuration check
     if (!preg_match(REGEXP_IDENTIFIER, $this->CONFIG['table_menu'])) {
         return 'некорректное имя таблицы';
     $table = $this->CONFIG['table_menu'];
     // filter input
     $input_filter = array('id' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^-?[0-9]+$~ui')), 'alias' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => REGEXP_ALIAS)), 'parent' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[0-9]+$~ui')), 'caption' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Za-яА-Я\\s0-9/\\-_:.,=+!@#$%^&*()"]+$~ui')), 'page' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => REGEXP_ALIAS)), 'link' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(https?://)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-/.,=&?_]+(\\?.*)?$~i')), 'picture' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_.]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$~ui')), 'text' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Za-яА-Я\\s0-9\\-_:.,=+!@#$%^&*()<>"/]+$~smui')), 'style_content' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+$~ui')), 'style_item' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(([a-zA-Z\\-]+\\s*:\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9\\-;%\\s]+)+|[a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-_]+)$~ui')), 'class_item' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\-][a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\s]*$~ui')), 'add_more' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Za-яА-Я\\s0-9\\-_:]+$~ui')), 'hidden' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(on|)$~ui')), 'title' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я\\s\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\-\\=\\+\\,\\.\\?\\:\\№]+$~ui')), 'meta' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^.*$~smui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     // shorthand
     $element_id = $_INPUT['id'];
     // some special mode
     $insert_mode = $element_id < 0;
     // pull existing values to replace incorrect input
     $q = CMS::$DB->query("select * from {$table} where id = {$element_id}");
     if ($current = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         foreach ($current as $index => $value) {
             if (isset($_INPUT[$index]) && $_INPUT[$index] == '' && (@$_POST[$index] > '' || @$_GET[$index] > '') && $value > '') {
                 // all that mean that input was incorrect
                 $_INPUT[$index] = $value;
     // on insert, we will need new ordermark to
     $new_ordermark = CMS::$DB->querySingle("select ifnull(max(ordermark),0)+1 from {$table}");
     // choose the proper SQL
     $sql = $insert_mode ? " insert into {$table} " . " ( parent_id,  caption,  page,  link,  ordermark,  alias,  text,  picture,  style_content,  style_item,  class_item,  hidden,  title,  meta ) " . " values " . " (:parent_id, :caption, :page, :link, :ordermark, :alias, :text, :picture, :style_content, :style_item, :class_item, :hidden, :title, :meta ) " : " update {$table} set " . "     parent_id     = :parent_id,     " . "     caption       = :caption,       " . "     page          = :page,          " . "     link          = :link,          " . "     alias         = :alias,         " . "     text          = :text,          " . "     picture       = :picture,       " . "     style_content = :style_content, " . "     style_item    = :style_item,    " . "     class_item    = :class_item,    " . "     hidden        = :hidden,        " . "     title         = :title,         " . "     meta          = :meta           " . " where id = :id ";
     // take caption from linked page title if not set, cancel if nothing found
     if ($_INPUT['caption'] == '') {
         if ($_INPUT['title'] > '') {
             $_INPUT['caption'] = $_INPUT['title'];
         } else {
             if (module_get_config('content', $content_module_config)) {
                 $_INPUT['caption'] = CMS::$DB->querySingle("select title from `{$content_module_config['config']['table']}` where alias = '{$_INPUT['link']}'");
     if ($_INPUT['caption'] == '') {
         return 'Некорректный заголовок';
     $query_params = array('id' => $_INPUT['id'], 'parent_id' => $_INPUT['parent'], 'caption' => $_INPUT['caption'], 'page' => trim($_INPUT['page'] == '') ? '' : $_INPUT['page'], 'link' => $_INPUT['link'], 'ordermark' => $new_ordermark, 'alias' => trim($_INPUT['alias']) > '' ? $_INPUT['alias'] : strtolower(create_guid()), 'text' => $_INPUT['text'], 'picture' => $_INPUT['picture'], 'style_content' => $_INPUT['style_content'], 'style_item' => $_INPUT['style_item'], 'class_item' => $_INPUT['class_item'], 'hidden' => $_INPUT['hidden'] > '' ? 1 : 0, 'title' => $_INPUT['title'], 'meta' => $_INPUT['meta']);
     // some items are unnercessary when inserting or updating, PDO will get mad of them, so remove them!
     if ($insert_mode) {
     } else {
     // ok, go
     $prepared = CMS::$DB->prepare($sql);
     if ($prepared->execute($query_params) == false) {
         return $prepared->errorInfo[2] . ')';
     return true;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 function AJAXHandler()
     // фильтруем вход
     $input_filter = array('filename' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9][a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_\\-\\s]*\\.html$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         case 'edit_template':
             if ($_INPUT['filename'] == '') {
             $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             $xml->appendChild($root = $xml->createElement('root'));
             $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('filename'))->nodeValue = $_INPUT['filename'];
             $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('content'))->nodeValue = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/templates/' . $_INPUT['filename']);
             return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($root), __DIR__ . '/edit.xsl');
     return 'unknown action';
文件: sms.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 public function AJAXHandler()
     // фильтруем вход
     $input_filter = array('row_id' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     // ответ по умолчанию
     $response = 'unknown function';
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         case 'send_all':
         case 'send':
             return $this->sendFromJ_DB($_INPUT['row_id']);
         case 'delete_all':
             return $this->deleteFromJ_DB();
         case 'update_status':
             if (isset($_POST['data'])) {
             return '100';
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
 function requestParser($template)
     // now some bunch of samples if you don',t want to modify config file
     // ! absolute redirect area, take care !
     // common version
     //if (
     //        (($_GET['key1',] == 'value1',) && ($_GET['key2',] == 'value2',))
     //        || ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING',] == 'key1=value1&key2=value2',)
     //) {
     //        header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently',);
     //        header('Location: chillers',);
     //        terminate();
     // use this if you need only some GET keys to match
     //if (($_GET['key1',] == 'value1',) && ($_GET['key2',] == 'value2',)) {
     //        header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently',);
     //        header('Location: chillers',);
     //        terminate();
     // full match version
     //if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING',] == 'key1=value1&key2=value2',) {
     //        header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently',);
     //        header('Location: chillers',);
     //        terminate();
     // absolute redirect, ignoring module call method
     if (isset($this->CONFIG['redirect_rules']) && is_array($this->CONFIG['redirect_rules'])) {
         foreach ($this->CONFIG['redirect_rules'] as $rule) {
             $redirect = false;
             if (!isset($rule['check'])) {
                 popup_message_add('Redirect: no "check" section found, skipping rule', JCMS_MESSAGE_WARNING);
             $check_this = $rule['check'];
             // if rule is string, check entire query string
             if (is_string($check_this)) {
                 $redirect = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == $check_this;
             // if rule is array, check all pairs
             if (is_array($check_this)) {
                 $redirect = count(array_diff($check_this, $_GET)) == 0;
             // ok, we need to redirect
             if ($redirect) {
                 // first use default code as default ;-)
                 $http_code = self::DEFAULT_HTTP_CODE;
                 // if location specified, use 301
                 if (isset($rule['location'])) {
                     $http_code = 301;
                 // if code set explicitly, use if correct
                 if (isset($rule['code']) && isset($this->http_code_texts[$rule['code']])) {
                     $http_code = $rule['code'];
                 // send special headers for special cases
                 switch ($http_code) {
                     case '301':
                         header('Location: ' . $rule['location']);
                 terminate($this->http_code_texts[$http_code], '', $http_code);
     if (@$_POST['module'] == 'redirect' || @$_GET['module'] == 'redirect') {
         // yeah filter input
         $input_filter = array('action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(redirect|no_redirect)$~ui')), 'target' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => REGEXP_ALIAS)));
         $R = get_filtered_input($input_filter, array(FILTER_GET_FULL, FILTER_POST_FULL));
         switch ($R['action']) {
             // explicit redirect
             case 'redirect':
                 header('Location: ./' . $R['target']);
     return $template;
文件: func.php 项目: kzotoff/JuliaCMS
  * Filters input arrays ($_GET and $_POST)
  * @return array filtered GET and POST requests
 private function getInput()
     $input_filter = array('username' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9!@\\-]+$~ui')), 'password' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\_0-9]+$~ui')), 'password1' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\_0-9]+$~ui')), 'password2' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\_0-9]+$~ui')), 'module' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\_0-9]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^(login|logout|change_password|chpass)$~ui')), 'ajaxproxy' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z\\_0-9]+$~ui')));
     return get_filtered_input($input_filter);