  * Standard function to create the standardised category tree
  * @param  ID_TEXT		Notification code
  * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The ID of where we're looking under (NULL: N/A)
  * @return array 			Tree structure
 function create_category_tree($notification_code, $id)
     $categories = parent::create_category_tree($notification_code, $id);
     $notification_category = get_param('id', NULL);
     if (!is_null($notification_category)) {
         $found = false;
         foreach ($categories as $i => $c) {
             if ($c['id'] == $notification_category) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             $categories[] = array('id' => $notification_category, 'title' => do_lang('UNKNOWN'));
     // See if we can get better titles
     $num_done = 0;
     foreach ($categories as $i => $c) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match('#^([^\\_]*)\\_(.*)$#', preg_replace('#^catalogues__\\w+_#', 'catalogues_', $c['id']), $matches) != 0) {
             $details = get_details_behind_feedback_code($matches[1], $matches[2]);
             $new_title = $details[0];
             if (!is_null($new_title) && $new_title != '') {
                 $categories[$i]['title'] = $new_title;
                 if ($num_done > 200) {
             } else {
     global $M_SORT_KEY;
     $M_SORT_KEY = 'title';
     usort($categories, 'multi_sort');
     return $categories;
 * Add comments to the specified resource.
 * @param  boolean		Whether this resource allows comments (if not, this function does nothing - but it's nice to move out this common logic into the shared function)
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The type (download, etc) that this commenting is for
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The ID of the type that this commenting is for
 * @param  mixed			The URL to where the commenting will pass back to (to put into the comment topic header) (URLPATH or Tempcode)
 * @param  ?string		The title to where the commenting will pass back to (to put into the comment topic header) (NULL: don't know, but not first post so not important)
 * @param  ?string		The name of the forum to use (NULL: default comment forum)
 * @param  boolean		Whether to not require a captcha
 * @param  ?BINARY		Whether the post is validated (NULL: unknown, find whether it needs to be marked unvalidated initially). This only works with the OCF driver (hence is the last parameter).
 * @param  boolean		Whether to force allowance
 * @param  boolean		Whether to skip a success message
 * @param  boolean		Whether posts made should not be shared
 * @return boolean		Whether a hidden post has been made
function actualise_post_comment($allow_comments, $content_type, $content_id, $content_url, $content_title, $forum = NULL, $avoid_captcha = false, $validated = NULL, $explicit_allow = false, $no_success_message = false, $private = false)
    if (!$explicit_allow) {
        if (get_option('is_on_comments') == '0' || !$allow_comments) {
            return false;
        if (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'comment', get_page_name())) {
            return false;
    if (running_script('preview')) {
        return false;
    $forum_tie = get_option('is_on_strong_forum_tie') == '1';
    if (addon_installed('captcha')) {
        if (array_key_exists('post', $_POST) && $_POST['post'] != '' && !$avoid_captcha) {
    $post_title = post_param('title', NULL);
    if (is_null($post_title) && !$forum_tie) {
        return false;
    $post = post_param('post', NULL);
    if ($post == do_lang('POST_WARNING')) {
        $post = '';
    if ($post == do_lang('THREADED_REPLY_NOTICE', do_lang('POST_WARNING'))) {
        $post = '';
    if ($post == '' && $post_title !== '') {
        $post = $post_title;
        $post_title = '';
    if ($post === '') {
        warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('NO_PARAMETER_SENT', 'post'));
    if (is_null($post)) {
        $post = '';
    $email = trim(post_param('email', ''));
    if ($email != '') {
        $body = '> ' . str_replace(chr(10), chr(10) . '> ', $post);
        if (substr($body, -2) == '> ') {
            $body = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2);
        if (get_page_name() != 'tickets') {
            $post .= '[staff_note]';
        $post .= "\n\n" . '[email subject="Re: ' . comcode_escape($post_title) . ' [' . get_site_name() . ']" body="' . comcode_escape($body) . '"]' . $email . '[/email]' . "\n\n";
        if (get_page_name() != 'tickets') {
            $post .= '[/staff_note]';
    $content_title = strip_comcode($content_title);
    if (is_null($forum)) {
        $forum = get_option('comments_forum_name');
    $content_url_flat = is_object($content_url) ? $content_url->evaluate() : $content_url;
    $_parent_id = post_param('parent_id', '');
    $parent_id = $_parent_id == '' ? NULL : intval($_parent_id);
    $poster_name_if_guest = post_param('poster_name_if_guest', '');
    list($topic_id, $is_hidden) = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->make_post_forum_topic($forum, $content_type . '_' . $content_id, get_member(), $post_title, $post, $content_title, do_lang('COMMENT'), $content_url_flat, NULL, NULL, $validated, $explicit_allow ? 1 : NULL, $explicit_allow, $poster_name_if_guest, $parent_id, false, !$private && $post != '' ? 'comment_posted' : NULL, !$private && $post != '' ? $content_type . '_' . $content_id : NULL);
    if (!is_null($topic_id)) {
        if (!is_integer($forum)) {
            $forum_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->forum_id_from_name($forum);
        } else {
            $forum_id = (int) $forum;
        if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf' && !is_null($GLOBALS['LAST_POST_ID'])) {
            $extra_review_ratings = array();
            global $REVIEWS_STRUCTURE;
            if (array_key_exists($content_type, $REVIEWS_STRUCTURE)) {
                $reviews_rating_criteria = $REVIEWS_STRUCTURE[$content_type];
            } else {
                $reviews_rating_criteria[] = '';
            foreach ($reviews_rating_criteria as $rating_type) {
                // Has there actually been any rating?
                $rating = post_param_integer('review_rating__' . fix_id($rating_type), NULL);
                if (!is_null($rating)) {
                    if ($rating > 10 || $rating < 1) {
                    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('review_supplement', array('r_topic_id' => $GLOBALS['LAST_TOPIC_ID'], 'r_post_id' => $GLOBALS['LAST_POST_ID'], 'r_rating_type' => $rating_type, 'r_rating_for_type' => $content_type, 'r_rating_for_id' => $content_id, 'r_rating' => $rating));
    if (!$private && $post != '') {
        list(, $submitter, , $safe_content_url, $cma_info) = get_details_behind_feedback_code($content_type, $content_id);
        $content_type_title = $content_type;
        if (!is_null($cma_info) && isset($cma_info['content_type_label'])) {
            $content_type_title = do_lang($cma_info['content_type_label']);
        // Notification
        $username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member());
        $subject = do_lang('NEW_COMMENT_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), $content_title == '' ? ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title) : $content_title, array($post_title, $username), get_site_default_lang());
        $username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member());
        $message_raw = do_lang('NEW_COMMENT_BODY', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($content_title == '' ? ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title) : $content_title), array($post_title == '' ? do_lang('NO_SUBJECT') : $post_title, post_param('post'), comcode_escape($content_url_flat), comcode_escape($username)), get_site_default_lang());
        dispatch_notification('comment_posted', $content_type . '_' . $content_id, $subject, $message_raw);
        // Is the user gonna automatically enable notifications for this?
        if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') {
            $auto_monitor_contrib_content = $GLOBALS['OCF_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field(get_member(), 'm_auto_monitor_contrib_content');
            if ($auto_monitor_contrib_content == 1) {
                enable_notifications('comment_posted', $content_type . '_' . $content_id);
        // Activity
        $real_content_type = convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'cma_hook');
        if (may_view_content_behind_feedback_code($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(), $real_content_type, $content_id)) {
            if (is_null($submitter)) {
                $submitter = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id();
            $activity_type = is_null($submitter) || is_guest($submitter) ? '_ADDED_COMMENT_ON' : 'ADDED_COMMENT_ON';
            if ($content_title == '') {
                syndicate_described_activity($activity_type . '_UNTITLED', ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title), $content_type_title, '', url_to_pagelink(is_object($safe_content_url) ? $safe_content_url->evaluate() : $safe_content_url), '', '', convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'addon_name'), 1, NULL, false, $submitter);
            } else {
                syndicate_described_activity($activity_type, $content_title, ocp_mb_strtolower($content_type_title), $content_type_title, url_to_pagelink(is_object($safe_content_url) ? $safe_content_url->evaluate() : $safe_content_url), '', '', convert_ocportal_type_codes('feedback_type_code', $content_type, 'addon_name'), 1, NULL, false, $submitter);
    if ($post != '' && $forum_tie && !$no_success_message) {
        assign_refresh($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->topic_url($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->find_topic_id_for_topic_identifier($forum, $content_type . '_' . $content_id), $forum), 0.0);
    if ($post != '' && !$no_success_message) {
    return $is_hidden;