function query_content($args = array())
    global $hmcontent;
    hook_filter('before_query_content', $args);
    if (!is_array($args)) {
        parse_str($args, $args);
    /** Lọc theo content_key */
    if (isset($args['content_key'])) {
        /** Nếu yêu cầu content key thì lấy các id có key như query yêu cầu */
        $content_key = $args['content_key'];
        /** Nếu content key là một mảng */
        if (is_array($content_key)) {
            $where_key = '';
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($content_key as $key) {
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $where_key .= " `key` = '" . $key . "' ";
                } else {
                    $where_key .= " OR `key` = '" . $key . "' ";
            $where_content_key = "WHERE " . $where_key;
        } else {
            $where_content_key = "WHERE `key` = '" . $content_key . "'";
    } else {
        /** Không yêu cầu content key, kiểm tra xem có đang ở template taxonomy không */
        if (is_taxonomy() == TRUE) {
            $taxonomy_id = get_id();
            $content_key = taxonomy_get_content_key($taxonomy_id);
            if ($content_key != FALSE) {
                $where_content_key = "WHERE `key` = '" . $content_key . "'";
        } else {
            $where_content_key = '';
    $query_content_key = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "content` " . $where_content_key;
    /** Lọc theo taxonomy */
    $where_taxonomy = '';
    if (isset($args['taxonomy'])) {
        /** Nếu yêu cầu trong một taxonomy nhất định thì lấy các object_id có relationship như query yêu cầu */
        $taxonomy_id = $args['taxonomy'];
        /** Nếu taxonomy là một mảng */
        if (is_array($taxonomy_id)) {
            $implode = implode($taxonomy_id, ',');
            if ($implode != '') {
                $where_taxonomy = ' WHERE `target_id` IN (' . $implode . ') ';
        } else {
            $where_taxonomy = 'WHERE `target_id` = ' . $taxonomy_id;
    } else {
        /** Không yêu cầu taxonomy nhất định, kiểm tra xem có đang ở template taxonomy không */
        if (is_taxonomy() == TRUE) {
            $taxonomy_id = get_id();
            $where_taxonomy = 'WHERE `target_id` = ' . $taxonomy_id;
    if ($where_taxonomy != '') {
        $query_in_taxonomy = "SELECT `object_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "relationship` " . $where_taxonomy . " AND `relationship` = 'contax'";
    /** Lọc theo field */
    if (isset($args['field_query'])) {
        $field_query = $args['field_query'];
    } else {
        $field_query = array(array('field' => 'status', 'compare' => '=', 'value' => 'public'), array('field' => 'public_time', 'compare' => '<=', 'value' => time()));
    $all_field_query = array();
    foreach ($field_query as $item) {
        /** check đủ điều kiện tạo field query */
        if (isset($item['field']) and isset($item['compare']) and isset($item['value'])) {
            $field = $item['field'];
            $compare = $item['compare'];
            $value = $item['value'];
            $numerically = FALSE;
            /** build query */
            if (is_numeric($value)) {
                $value_query = $value;
            } else {
                $value_query = "'{$value}'";
            if ($compare == 'like%') {
                $all_field_query[$field] = " ( `name` = '{$field}' AND `val` LIKE '%{$value}%' )";
            } else {
                $all_field_query[$field] = " ( `name` = '{$field}' AND `val` {$compare} {$value_query} )";
    /** nếu size của mảng chứa các kết quả của các field query >= 2 */
    $size = sizeof($all_field_query);
    $query_field = "SELECT `object_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "field` WHERE";
    if ($size > 1) {
        if (isset($args['field_query_relation'])) {
            $field_query_relation = $args['field_query_relation'];
        } else {
            $field_query_relation = 'and';
        switch ($field_query_relation) {
            case 'or':
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($all_field_query as $single_field_query) {
                    if ($i == 0) {
                        $query_field .= " " . $single_field_query . " ";
                    } else {
                        $query_field .= " OR " . $single_field_query . " ";
            case 'and':
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($all_field_query as $single_field_query) {
                    if ($i == 0) {
                        $query_field .= " " . $single_field_query . " ";
                    } else {
                        $query_field .= " OR " . $single_field_query . " ";
                $query_field .= " GROUP BY  `object_id`  HAVING COUNT(*) = {$size} ";
         * Đưa ra kết quả dựa trên mối quan hệ giữa các field query ( field_query_relation )
         * ( thỏa mãn tất cả các field query hay chỉ cần đáp ứng được 1 trong những field query )
    } else {
        $query_field = $query_field . array_shift(array_values($all_field_query));
    /** Kiểm tra yêu cầu kết hợp kết quả từ content key, in taxonomy, field query là tất cả hay chỉ 1 */
    if (isset($args['join'])) {
        $join = $args['join'];
    } else {
        $join = 'and';
    $query_join = '';
    switch ($join) {
        case 'or':
            if ($query_content_key) {
                $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_content_key . ") ";
            if ($query_in_taxonomy) {
                $query_join .= " OR `object_id` IN (" . $query_in_taxonomy . ") ";
            $query_join .= " OR `object_id` IN (" . $query_field . ") ";
        case 'and':
            if ($query_content_key) {
                $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_content_key . ") ";
            if ($query_in_taxonomy) {
                $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_in_taxonomy . ") ";
            $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_field . ") ";
            if ($query_content_key) {
                $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_content_key . ") ";
            if ($query_in_taxonomy) {
                $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_in_taxonomy . ") ";
            $query_join .= " AND `object_id` IN (" . $query_field . ") ";
    /** Kết thúc các query lấy các content id thỏa mãn yêu cầu */
    /** Order theo 1 field  và limit */
    if (isset($args['order'])) {
        $order_by = $args['order'];
    } else {
        $order_by = 'public_time,desc,number';
    if (isset($args['limit'])) {
        $limit = $args['limit'];
    } else {
        $limit = get_option(array('section' => 'system_setting', 'key' => 'post_per_page', 'default_value' => '12'));
    if (isset($args['offset']) and is_numeric($args['offset'])) {
        $offset = $args['offset'];
    } else {
        $offset = 0;
    if (isset($args['paged'])) {
        $paged = $args['paged'];
    } else {
        $paged = get_current_pagination();
    $paged = $paged - 1;
    if ($paged < 0) {
        $paged = 0;
    /** Tạo query ORDER */
    $ex = explode(',', $order_by);
    $ex = array_map("trim", $ex);
    $order_field = $ex[0];
    $order = strtoupper($ex[1]);
    if (isset($ex[2])) {
        $numerically = $ex[2];
    } else {
        $numerically = FALSE;
    if ($numerically == 'number') {
        $order_query = " AND `name` = '" . $order_field . "' ORDER BY CAST(val AS unsigned) " . $order . " ";
    } else {
        $order_query = " AND `name` = '" . $order_field . "' ORDER BY `val` " . $order . " ";
    /** Tạo query LIMIT */
    if (is_numeric($limit)) {
        $limit_query = " LIMIT {$limit} ";
    } else {
        $limit_query = '';
    /** Tạo query OFFSET */
    if ($limit == FALSE) {
        $offset_query = '';
    } else {
        $offset_query_page = $paged * $limit;
        $offset_query_page = $offset_query_page + $offset;
        $offset_query = " OFFSET {$offset_query_page} ";
    /** Tạo câu lệnh select từ chuỗi các id thỏa mãn */
    $result = array();
    $sql = "SELECT `object_id`" . " FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "field`" . " WHERE `object_type` = 'content'" . " " . $query_join . " " . " " . $order_query . " ";
    $total_result = $hmdb->RowCount();
    $sql = "SELECT `object_id`" . " FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "field`" . " WHERE `object_type` = 'content'" . " " . $query_join . " " . " " . $order_query . " " . $limit_query . " " . $offset_query . " ";
    $base = get_current_uri();
    if ($base == '') {
        $base = '/';
    $hmcontent->set_val(array('key' => 'total_result', 'val' => $total_result));
    $hmcontent->set_val(array('key' => 'paged', 'val' => $paged + 1));
    $hmcontent->set_val(array('key' => 'perpage', 'val' => $limit));
    $hmcontent->set_val(array('key' => 'base', 'val' => $base));
    while ($row = $hmdb->Row()) {
        $result[] = $row->object_id;
    return $result;
     return $this->get_menu($args);
 /** Hiển thị 1 menu */
 public function get_menu($args = array())
     /** kiếm tra và add giá trị mặc định */
     if (isset($args['parent'])) {
         $parent = $args['parent'];
     } else {
         $parent = FALSE;
     if (isset($args['wrapper'])) {
         $wrapper = $args['wrapper'];
     } else {
         $wrapper = 'ul';
     if (isset($args['wrapper_class'])) {
         $wrapper_class = $args['wrapper_class'];
     } else {
         $wrapper_class = FALSE;
     if (isset($args['wrapper_id'])) {
         $wrapper_id = $args['wrapper_id'];
     } else {
         $wrapper_id = FALSE;
     if (isset($args['item'])) {
         $item = $args['item'];
     } else {
         $item = 'li';
     if (isset($args['item_class'])) {
         $item_class = $args['item_class'];
     } else {
         $item_class = '';
     if (isset($args['item_id'])) {
         $item_id = $args['item_id'];
     } else {
         $item_id = '';
     if (isset($args['permalink_class'])) {
         $permalink_class = $args['permalink_class'];
     } else {
         $permalink_class = '';
     if (isset($args['permalink_attr'])) {
         $permalink_attr = $args['permalink_attr'];
     } else {
         $permalink_attr = '';
     if (isset($args['permalink_before'])) {
         $permalink_before = $args['permalink_before'];
     } else {
         $permalink_before = '';
     if (isset($args['permalink_after'])) {
         $permalink_after = $args['permalink_after'];
     } else {
         $permalink_after = '';
     if (isset($args['echo'])) {
         $echo = $args['echo'];
     } else {
         $echo = TRUE;
     $name = $args['name'];
     if (is_numeric($parent)) {
         $menu_id = $parent;
     } else {
         $menu_id = get_option('section=theme_setting&key=' . $name);
     $output_html = '';
     /** wrapper_class */
     if ($wrapper_class) {
         $wrapper_class = ' class="' . $wrapper_class . '"';
     /** wrapper_id */
     if ($wrapper_id) {
         $wrapper_id = ' id="' . $wrapper_id . '"';
     /** open wrapper */
     $output_html .= '<' . $wrapper . $wrapper_class . $wrapper_id . '>' . "\n";
     /** load menu item */
     $tableName = DB_PREFIX . "object";
     $whereArray = array('parent' => MySQL::SQLValue($menu_id), 'key' => MySQL::SQLValue('menu_item'));
     $this->SelectRows($tableName, $whereArray, NULL, 'order_number', 'ASC');
     while ($row = $this->Row()) {
         $menu_item[] = $row;
     /** menu item */
     foreach ($menu_item as $this_menu_item) {
         $id = $this_menu_item->id;
         $menu_name = get_men_val(array('name' => 'menu_name', 'id' => $id));
         $menu_class = get_men_val(array('name' => 'menu_class', 'id' => $id));
         $menu_attr = get_men_val(array('name' => 'menu_attr', 'id' => $id));
         $menu_icon = get_men_val(array('name' => 'menu_icon', 'id' => $id));
         $menu_request_uri = get_men_val(array('name' => 'menu_request_uri', 'id' => $id));
         if ($menu_attr != '') {
             $menu_attr = ' ' . $menu_attr;
         if ($menu_class != '') {
             $menu_class = ' ' . $menu_class;
         /** item href */
         if (is_numeric($menu_request_uri)) {
             $data_uri = get_uri_data("id={$menu_request_uri}");
             $href = SITE_URL . FOLDER_PATH . $data_uri->uri;
             $object_type = $data_uri->object_type;
             $object_id = $data_uri->object_id;
             $menu_request_uri_html = ' href="' . $href . '"';
             $data_object_html = ' data-' . $object_type . '="' . $object_id . '"';
         } else {
             $menu_request_uri_html = ' href="#"';
             $data_object_html = '';
             $object_type = FALSE;
             $object_id = FALSE;
         /** item_class */
         $in_page_class = '';
         if (is_taxonomy()) {
             $current_uri = get_current_uri();
             $data_current_uri = get_uri_data("uri={$current_uri}");
             $current_object_id = $data_current_uri->object_id;
             if ($object_type == 'taxonomy' and $object_id == $current_object_id) {
                 $in_page_class = ' current_page';
         if ($item_class) {
             $item_class_html = ' class="' . $item_class . $in_page_class . ' menu-' . $id . '"';
         } else {
             $item_class_html = ' class="menu-' . $id . $in_page_class . '"';
         /** item_id */
         if ($item_id) {
             $item_id_html = ' id="' . $item_id . ' menu-' . $id . '"';
         } else {
             $item_id_html = ' id="menu-' . $id . '"';
         /** open item */
         $output_html .= '<' . $item . $item_class_html . $item_id_html . $data_object_html . '>' . "\n";
         /** permalink before */
         $output_html .= $permalink_before;
         /** permalink_class */
         if ($permalink_class) {
             $permalink_class_html = ' class="' . $permalink_class . $menu_class . '"';
         } else {
             $permalink_class_html = '';
         /** permalink */
         $output_html .= '<a' . $menu_request_uri_html . $menu_attr . $permalink_class_html . '>' . $menu_name . '</a>' . "\n";
         /** permalink after */
         $output_html .= $permalink_after;
         /** sub menu */
         if ($this->has_sub_menu($id)) {
             $args['parent'] = $id;
             $args['echo'] = FALSE;
             $args['wrapper_class'] = 'sub-menu';
             $args['wrapper_id'] = '';
             $output_html .= $this->get_menu($args);
         /** close item */
         $output_html .= '</' . $item . '>' . "\n";
     /** close wrapper */
     $output_html .= '</' . $wrapper . '>' . "\n";
     if ($echo == TRUE) {
         echo $output_html;
     } else {
         return $output_html;
function hm_title()
    global $hmcontent;
    global $hmtaxonomy;
    $request = get_current_uri();
    $request_data = get_uri_data(array('uri' => $request));
    if ($request == '') {
        $home_title = get_option(array('section' => 'system_setting', 'key' => 'website_name', 'default_value' => 'Một trang web sử dụng HoaMaiCMS'));
        if ($home_title != '') {
            $title = '<title>' . $home_title . '</title>' . "\n\r";
        } else {
            $title = FALSE;
        return hook_filter('hm_title', $title);
    } else {
        if ($request_data != FALSE) {
            $object_type = $request_data->object_type;
            $object_id = $request_data->object_id;
            switch ($object_type) {
                case 'content':
                    $content_data = content_data_by_id($object_id);
                    $title = $content_data['content']->name;
                    $title = '<title>' . $title . '</title>' . "\n\r";
                    return hook_filter('hm_title', $title);
                case 'taxonomy':
                    $taxonomy_data = taxonomy_data_by_id($object_id);
                    $title = $taxonomy_data['taxonomy']->name;
                    $title = '<title>' . $title . '</title>' . "\n\r";
                    return hook_filter('hm_title', $title);
        } else {
            return FALSE;
文件: _bomb.php 项目: boxcore/xspider
// 载入框架核心函数库
require BOMB . 'core' . DS . 'core.fn.php';
// 载入框架数据库操作函数
require BOMB . 'core' . DS . 'db.fn.php';
// 载入程序全局函数(程序公用函数库)
require APP . 'funcs' . DS . 'app.fn.php';
// 取消自动转义
// 如果用户没有设置site_domain,则自动配置生成site_domain
if (!($site_domain = conf('app', 'site_domain'))) {
    $GLOBALS['app']['site_domain'] = gen_site_domain();
// 获取当前请求URL
$GLOBALS['request']['url'] = get_current_url();
// 获取请求URI
$GLOBALS['request']['uri'] = get_current_uri();
// 解析URI,如果不存在则响应404
if (!parse_uri($GLOBALS['request']['uri'])) {
// 挂载钩子
 * base controller
abstract class _Control
    public function __construct()
function hm_seo_display_meta_keywords()
    global $hmcontent;
    global $hmtaxonomy;
    $request = get_current_uri();
    $request_data = get_uri_data(array('uri' => $request));
    if ($request_data != FALSE) {
        $object_type = $request_data->object_type;
        $object_id = $request_data->object_id;
        switch ($object_type) {
            case 'content':
                $keywords = get_con_val("name=meta_keywords&id=" . $object_id);
                echo '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $keywords . '" />' . "\n\r";
            case 'taxonomy':
                $keywords = get_tax_val("name=meta_keywords&id=" . $object_id);
                echo '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $keywords . '" />' . "\n\r";
    } else {
        return FALSE;

 * Đây là tệp tin xử lý đường dẫn
 * Vị trí : /hm_routing.php 
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
/** Lấy uri trang đang xem */
$request_slug = get_current_uri();
$segments = explode('/', $request_slug);
/** Kiểm tra segments 1 có phải là 1 module */
$modules = $hmmodule->hmmodule;
if ($segments[0] == HM_ADMINCP_DIR and $segments[1] == '') {
    /** Admin cp */
    require_once BASEPATH . HM_ADMINCP_DIR . '/index.php';
} elseif (isset($modules[$module_key])) {
    /** Module */
    $module = $modules[$module_key];
    if (is_array($module)) {
        $module_name = $module['module_name'];
        $module_key = $module['module_key'];
        $module_dir = $module['module_dir'];
        $module_index = $module['module_index'];
        if (file_exists(BASEPATH . HM_MODULE_DIR . '/' . $module_dir . '/' . $module_index)) {
            require_once BASEPATH . HM_MODULE_DIR . '/' . $module_dir . '/' . $module_index;
        } else {
            hm_exit('Không tìm thấy file "' . $module_index . '" của module "' . $module_key . '"');
    } else {