
define('FFMPEG_BINARY', get_binaries('ffmpeg'));
define("thumbs_number", config('num_thumbs'));
define('PROCESSESS_AT_ONCE', config('max_conversion'));
$size12 = "0";
class FFMpeg
    private $command = "";
    public $defaultOptions = array();
    public $videoDetails = array();
    public $num = thumbs_number;
    private $options = array();
    private $outputFile = false;
    private $inputFile = false;
    private $conversionLog = "";
    public $ffMpegPath = FFMPEG_BINARY;
    private $mp4BoxPath = MP4Box_BINARY;
    private $flvTool2 = FLVTool2_BINARY;
    private $videosDirPath = VIDEOS_DIR;
    private $logDir = "";
    public $log = "";
    public $logs = "";
    private $logFile = "";
    private $sdFile = false;
    private $hdFile = false;
    public $file_name = "";
    private $resolution16_9 = array('240' => array('428', '240'), '360' => array('640', '360'), '480' => array('854', '480'), '720' => array('1280', '720'), '1080' => array('1920', '1080'));
    // this is test comment
    private $resolution4_3 = array('240' => array('428', '240'), '360' => array('640', '360'), '480' => array('854', '480'), '720' => array('1280', '720'), '1080' => array('1920', '1080'));
 * Function used to cheack weather MODULE is INSTALLED or NOT
function check_module_path($params)
    $rPath = $path = $params['path'];
    if ($path['get_path']) {
        $path = get_binaries($path);
    $array = array();
    $result = shell_output($path . " -version");
    if ($result) {
        if (strstr($result, 'error') || strstr($result, 'No such file or directory')) {
            $error['error'] = $result;
            if ($params['assign']) {
                assign($params['assign'], $error);
            return false;
        if ($params['assign']) {
            $array['status'] = 'ok';
            $array['version'] = parse_version($params['path'], $result);
            assign($params['assign'], $array);
        } else {
            return $result;
    } else {
        if ($params['assign']) {
            assign($params['assign']['error'], "error");
        } else {
            return false;

define('FFMPEG_BINARY', get_binaries('ffmpeg'));
define('MEDIAINFO_BINARY', get_binaries('media_info'));
define('FFPROBE', get_binaries('ffprobe_path'));
define("thumbs_number", config('num_thumbs'));
define('PROCESSESS_AT_ONCE', config('max_conversion'));
$size12 = "0";
class FFMpeg
    private $command = "";
    public $defaultOptions = array();
    public $videoDetails = array();
    public $num = thumbs_number;
    private $options = array();
    private $outputFile = false;
    private $inputFile = false;
    private $conversionLog = "";
    public $ffMpegPath = FFMPEG_BINARY;
    private $mp4BoxPath = MP4Box_BINARY;
    private $flvTool2 = FLVTool2_BINARY;
    private $videosDirPath = VIDEOS_DIR;
    private $logDir = "";
    public $log = "";
    public $logs = "";
    private $logFile = "";
    private $sdFile = false;
    private $hdFile = false;
    public $file_name = "";
    public $ratio = "";
    public $log_file = "";
function check_mp4box($path)
    $path = get_binaries($path);
    $matches = array();
    $result = shell_output($path . " -version");
    if ($result) {
        preg_match("/(?:version\\s)(\\d\\.\\d\\.(?:\\d|[\\w]+))/i", strtolower($result), $matches);
        if (count($matches) > 0) {
            $version = array_pop($matches);
            return $version;
        return false;
    } elseif (preg_match("/GPAC version/i", $result)) {
        preg_match('@^(?:GPAC version)?([^-]+)@i', $result, $matches);
        $host = $matches[1];
        // get last two segments of host name
        preg_match('/[^.]+\\.[^.]+$/', $host, $matches);
        //echo "{$matches[0]}\n";
        $version = "{$matches[0]}";
        return $version;
    } else {
        return false;
 * @author : Arslan Hassan
 * @copyright : ClipBucket Conversion Kit 2012
 * @license : AAL (Attribute Assurance License)
 * @package : ClipBucket CSDK
 * @version : 3.0
 * @name : CBConverter
 * @todo : Convert Videos to Mp4,mp4-mobile, Flv, Ogg with H264
 * if(!defined('IN_CLIPBUCKET')) exit("Sorry, visitors not allowed");
define('FFMPEG', get_binaries('ffmpeg'));
define('MPLAYER', config('mplayerpath'));
define('MP4BOX', get_binaries('MP4Box'));
define('MEDIAINFO', '/usr/bin/mediainfo');
 * These static variables are already defined in ClipBucket,
 * if you are not using this SDK with ClipBucket, please uncomment
 * following static variables and define them accordingly
 * define("TEMP_DIR","/path/to/temp_dir"); 
class CBConverter
    var $input;
    //Input File
    var $output;
    //Output File