function _get_word_list($projectid)
    $messages = array();
    // get the latest project text of all pages up to last possible round
    $last_possible_round = get_Round_for_round_number(MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS);
    $pages_res = page_info_query($projectid, $last_possible_round->id, 'LE');
    $page_texts = get_page_texts($pages_res);
    // now run it through WordCheck
    list($bad_words_w_freq, $languages, $messages) = get_bad_words_for_text($page_texts, $projectid, 'all', '', array(), 'FREQS');
    // multisort screws up all-numeric words so we need to preprocess first
    // sort the list by frequency, then by word
    array_multisort(array_values($bad_words_w_freq), SORT_DESC, array_map('strtolower', array_keys($bad_words_w_freq)), SORT_ASC, $bad_words_w_freq);
    return array($bad_words_w_freq, $messages);
function _get_word_list($projectid)
    global $aspell_temp_dir;
    $ocr_filename = "{$aspell_temp_dir}/{$projectid}_ocr.txt";
    $latest_filename = "{$aspell_temp_dir}/{$projectid}_latest.txt";
    $messages = array();
    // get the OCR text
    // Note: If the code is changed to allow selecting of arbitrary round text
    //       instead of just the OCR round, edit_project_word_lists.php should
    //       be updated to allow this page to be accessed for those type-in
    //       projects with no OCR text.
    $pages_res = page_info_query($projectid, '[OCR]', 'LE');
    $all_page_text = get_page_texts($pages_res);
    // remove any formatting tags and add a final \r\n to each page-text
    // to ensure that there is whitespace between pages so they don't run together
    $all_page_text = preg_replace(array('#<[/]?\\w+>#', '#$#'), array('', "\r\n"), $all_page_text);
    file_put_contents($ocr_filename, $all_page_text);
    // get the latest project text of all pages up to last possible round
    $last_possible_round = get_Round_for_round_number(MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS);
    $pages_res = page_info_query($projectid, $last_possible_round->id, 'LE');
    $all_page_text = get_page_texts($pages_res);
    // remove any formatting tags and add a final \r\n to each page-text
    // to ensure that there is whitespace between pages so they don't run together
    $all_page_text = preg_replace(array('#<[/]?\\w+>#', '#$#'), array('', "\r\n"), $all_page_text);
    file_put_contents($latest_filename, $all_page_text);
    $all_words_w_freq = get_distinct_words_in_text($all_page_text);
    // clean up unused variables
    // make external call to wdiff
    exec("wdiff -3 {$ocr_filename} {$latest_filename}", $wdiff_output, $return_code);
    // check to see if wdiff wasn't found to execute
    if ($return_code == 127) {
        die("Error invoking wdiff to do the diff analysis. Perhaps it is not installed.");
    if ($return_code == 2) {
        die("Error reported from wdiff while attempting to do the diff analysis.");
    // clean up the temporary files
    if (is_file($ocr_filename)) {
    if (is_file($latest_filename)) {
    // specify the separator between the wdiff segments
    $separator = '======================================================================';
    $possible_scannos_w_correction = array();
    $possible_scannos_w_count = array();
    // parse the incoming data one segment at a time
    // from the original datastream to conserve memory
    $lineIndex = 0;
    $totalLines = count($wdiff_output);
    while ($lineIndex < $totalLines) {
        // pull the next segment
        $segment = "";
        while ($lineIndex <= $totalLines) {
            $line = $wdiff_output[$lineIndex];
            if ($line == $separator) {
            $segment .= "{$line}\n";
        // note that we're handling the case where two adjacent
        // words are updated
        $ocr_words = $latest_words = array();
        // pull out the original word(s)
        if (preg_match("/\\[-(.*?)-\\]/", $segment, $matches)) {
            $ocr_words = $matches[1];
            $ocr_words = get_all_words_in_text($ocr_words);
        // if we don't have any ocr_words (probably because
        // the correction spanned lines) then don't bother
        // continuing with this segment
        if (!count($ocr_words)) {
        // pull out the replacement(s)
        if (preg_match("/{\\+(.*?)\\+}/", $segment, $matches)) {
            $latest_words = $matches[1];
            $latest_words = get_all_words_in_text($latest_words);
        // if the number of words isn't the same between the two
        // bail since we don't handle that case yet
        if (count($ocr_words) != count($latest_words)) {
        // process the words, handles multi-words strings
        for ($index = 0; $index < count($ocr_words); $index++) {
            $ocr_word = $ocr_words[$index];
            $latest_word = $latest_words[$index];
            // if the words are the same or one of them empty, skip it
            if ($ocr_word == $latest_word || empty($ocr_word) || empty($latest_word)) {
            $possible_scannos_w_correction[$ocr_word] = $latest_word;
    // $wdiff_output can be very large
    // so unset it here to be nice for the rest of the function
    $possible_scannos = array_keys($possible_scannos_w_correction);
    // create a string of words to run through WordCheck
    $text_to_check = implode(" ", $possible_scannos);
    // run the list through WordCheck to see which it would flag
    list($possible_scannos_via_wordcheck, $languages, $messages) = get_bad_words_for_text($text_to_check, $projectid, 'all', '', array(), 'FREQS');
    // load site words
    $site_bad_words = load_site_bad_words_given_project($projectid);
    // load the project bad words
    $project_bad_words = load_project_bad_words($projectid);
    // remove words that WordCheck would flag
    $possible_scannos = array_diff($possible_scannos, array_keys($possible_scannos_via_wordcheck));
    // remove any scannos already on the site and project bad word lists
    $possible_scannos = array_diff($possible_scannos, $site_bad_words, $project_bad_words);
    // $possible_scannos doesn't have frequency info,
    // so start with the info in $all_words_w_freq,
    // and extract the items where the key matches a key in $possible_scannos
    $possible_scannos_w_freq = array_intersect_key($all_words_w_freq, array_flip($possible_scannos));
    $percent_changed = array();
    foreach ($possible_scannos as $word) {
        $count = $possible_scannos_w_count[$word];
        $totalInstances = @$possible_scannos_w_freq[$word] + $count;
        $percent_changed[$word] = sprintf("%0.2f", $count / $totalInstances * 100);
        if ($percent_changed[$word] >= 100 && $totalInstances == 1) {
    // multisort screws up all-numeric words so we need to preprocess first
    // sort the list by frequency, then by word
    array_multisort(array_values($percent_changed), SORT_DESC, array_map('strtolower', array_keys($percent_changed)), SORT_ASC, $percent_changed);
    return array($percent_changed, $possible_scannos_w_freq, $messages, $possible_scannos_w_correction, $possible_scannos_w_count);
echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>";
echo "<h2>" . get_project_name($projectid) . "</h2>";
echo "<p>" . _("The following statistics are generated from the most recently saved text of each page and the site and project's Good and Bad Word Lists.") . "</p>";
// load bad words for project
$proj_bad_words = load_project_bad_words($projectid);
// load bad words for the site for this project
$site_bad_words = load_site_bad_words_given_project($projectid);
// get the latest possible round
$last_possible_round = get_Round_for_round_number(MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS);
$pages_res = page_info_query($projectid, $last_possible_round->id, 'LE');
// get the entire text
$page_texts = get_page_texts($pages_res);
// now run it through WordCheck
list($bad_words_w_freq, $languages, $messages) = get_bad_words_for_text($page_texts, $projectid, 'all', '', array(), 'FREQS');
// see how many of the words are on the site and project bad word list
$total["proj_bad_words"] = 0;
$total["site_bad_words"] = 0;
$total["flagged"] = 0;
foreach ($bad_words_w_freq as $word => $freq) {
    // is this word in the project's Bad list?
    if (in_array($word, $proj_bad_words)) {
        $total["proj_bad_words"] += $freq;
    // is this word in the site's Bad list?
    if (in_array($word, $site_bad_words)) {
        $total["site_bad_words"] += $freq;
    // add total flagged words
    $total["flagged"] += $freq;