 function reverse_ids()
     if (!is_null($this->pilot_id)) {
         $this->pilot = get_pilot_name($this->pilot_id);
     if (!is_null($this->alliance_id)) {
         $this->alliance = get_alliance_name($this->alliance_id);
     if (!is_null($this->corp_id)) {
         $this->corp = get_corp_name($this->corp_id);
         $this->corp_ticker = get_corp_ticker($this->corp_id, 1);
     if (!is_null($this->ship_id)) {
         $this->ship = get_item_name($this->ship_id);
     if (!is_null($this->group_id)) {
         $this->group = get_group_name($this->group_id);
     if (!is_null($this->weapon_id)) {
         $this->weapon = get_item_name($this->weapon_id);
function get_alliance_link($allianceid)
    global $_WEB_URL;
    $url = $_WEB_URL . "/show.php?allianceid=" . $allianceid;
    return "<a href='{$url}'>" . get_alliance_name($allianceid) . "</a>";
function accept_pending()
    global $uid;
    global $faid;
    if (has_alliance_lock($uid)) {
        show_message("You can't use any alliance options due to an alliance lock!");
        return false;
    $aid = get_alliance($uid);
    if (!is_leader($uid, $aid)) {
        show_message("Be aware of the dark side!");
        return 0;
    $pending_status = get_pending_diplomacy_change($faid, $aid);
    if (!$pending_status) {
        show_message("fu! ;)");
        return 0;
    if (!drop_pending_diplomatic_request($faid, $aid)) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    if (!change_diplomatic_status($aid, $faid, $pending_status)) {
        show_error("Database failure2!");
        return 0;
    $f_leader = get_leader($faid);
    $f_allies = get_allied_ids($f_leader);
    ticker($f_leader, "*lcommunication.php?act=show_diplomacy*Alliance " . get_alliance_name($aid) . " has accepted your request to change status to " . get_diplomatic_status_text($pending_status), "w");
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($f_allies); $i++) {
        ticker($f_allies[$i], "Alliance " . get_alliance_name($aid) . " has accepted your leaders request to change status to " . get_diplomatic_status_text($pending_status), "w");
    $allies = get_allied_ids(get_leader($aid));
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allies); $i++) {
        ticker($allies[$i], "Your leader accepted a request from Alliance " . get_alliance_name($faid) . " to change status to " . get_diplomatic_status_text($pending_status), "w");
    show_message("Status changed!");
    array_push($criteria, '(v_groupid = ? OR k_groupid = ?)');
    array_push($bind, $groupid, $groupid);
    array_push($args, "groupid={$groupid}");
    array_push($message, "by group <strong>" . get_group_name($groupid) . "</strong>");
if (is_numeric($corpid) && $corpid > 0) {
    array_push($criteria, '(v_corpid = ? OR k_corpid = ?)');
    array_push($bind, $corpid, $corpid);
    array_push($args, "corpid={$corpid}");
    array_push($message, "by corp <strong>" . get_corp_name($corpid) . " [" . get_corp_ticker($corpid) . "]</strong>");
if (is_numeric($allianceid) && $allianceid > 0) {
    array_push($criteria, '(v_allianceid = ? OR k_allianceid = ?)');
    array_push($bind, $allianceid, $allianceid);
    array_push($args, "allianceid={$allianceid}");
    array_push($message, "by alliance <strong>" . get_alliance_name($allianceid) . "</strong>");
if (is_numeric($shipid) && $shipid > 0) {
    array_push($criteria, '(v_shipid = ? OR k_shipid = ?)');
    array_push($bind, $shipid, $shipid);
    array_push($args, "shipid={$shipid}");
    array_push($message, "with a <strong>" . get_item_name($shipid) . "</strong>");
if (is_numeric($pilotid) && $pilotid > 0) {
    array_push($criteria, '(v_pilotid = ? OR k_pilotid = ?)');
    array_push($bind, $pilotid, $pilotid);
    array_push($args, "pilotid={$pilotid}");
    array_push($message, "involving pilot <strong>" . get_pilot_name($pilotid) . "</strong>");
# reassign the args
$a = implode('&', $args);
function Show_Player()
    global $db;
    global $game;
    global $world;
    global $userquery;
    global $start;
    global $search_name;
    global $RACE_DATA;
    $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
    // Men BASIC
    $userquery = $db->query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id="' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '" AND (user_active=1 OR user_active=3) LIMIT 1');
    $found = $db->num_rows();
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || empty($_REQUEST['id']) || $found != 1) {
        $game->out('<center><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT32")) . '</span></center>');
    } else {
        if (($user = $db->fetchrow($userquery)) == false) {
            $game->out('<center><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT33")) . ' (id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '<br>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT34")) . '</span></center>');
        } else {
            $query = 'SELECT * FROM alliance WHERE alliance_id="' . $user['user_alliance'] . '"';
            $alliance = $db->queryrow($query);
            $rank_nr = 1;
            global $rank_honor;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[0]) {
                $rank_nr = 1;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[1]) {
                $rank_nr = 2;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[2]) {
                $rank_nr = 3;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[3]) {
                $rank_nr = 4;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[4]) {
                $rank_nr = 5;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[5]) {
                $rank_nr = 6;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[6]) {
                $rank_nr = 7;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[7]) {
                $rank_nr = 8;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[8]) {
                $rank_nr = 9;
            if ($user['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[9]) {
                $rank_nr = 10;
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class ="style_outer" width="85%">
<tr><td align="center">
<span class="caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT35")) . ' ' . $user['user_name'] . '</span><br><span class="sub_caption2">' . ($user['user_attack_protection'] >= $game->config['tick_id'] ? '<span style="color: red">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT36")) . '</span>' : '') . '</span>
<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width="100%" class ="style_inner"><tr>
<td colspan=2><img src="' . $game->GFX_PATH . 'rank_' . $rank_nr . '.jpg"></td></tr><tr>');
            if (!empty($user['user_avatar'])) {
                $info = getimagesize_remote($user['user_avatar']);
                if ($info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0 && $info[0] <= 150 && $info[1] <= 250) {
                    $game->out('<td width=' . $info[0] . '><img src="' . $user['user_avatar'] . '"></td><td width=25></td><td width=425-' . $info[0] . ' valign=top>');
                } else {
                    if ($info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0) {
                        $width = 150;
                        $height = 150;
                        if ($info[0] > $info[1]) {
                            $height = 150 * ($info[1] / $info[0]);
                        } else {
                            $width = 150 * ($info[0] / $info[1]);
                        $game->out('<td width=' . $width . '><img src="' . $user['user_avatar'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></td><td width=25></td><td width=425-' . $width . ' valign=top>');
                    } else {
                        $game->out('<td width=200></td><td width=250 valign=top>');
            } else {
                $game->out('<td width=200></td><td width=250 valign=top>');
            $rasse = $RACE_DATA[$user['user_race']][0];
            $planets = $db->queryrow('SELECT count(planet_id) AS num FROM planets WHERE planet_owner="' . $user['user_id'] . '"');
            $rawstar = $db->queryrow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS rawnum FROM starsystems WHERE system_closed = 0');
            // Onlinestatus:
            $sql = 'SELECT d.*,
                   u1.user_name AS user1_name, u1.user_alliance AS user1_aid, u1.user_points AS user1_points, u1.user_planets AS user1_planets, u1.user_honor AS user1_honor, a1.alliance_tag AS user1_atag,
                   u2.user_name AS user2_name, u2.user_alliance AS user2_aid, u2.user_points AS user2_points, u2.user_planets AS user2_planets, u2.user_honor AS user2_honor, a2.alliance_tag AS user2_atag
            FROM (user_diplomacy d)
            INNER JOIN (user u1) ON u1.user_id = d.user1_id
            LEFT JOIN (alliance a1) ON a1.alliance_id = u1.user_alliance
            INNER JOIN (user u2) ON u2.user_id = d.user2_id
            LEFT JOIN (alliance a2) ON a2.alliance_id = u2.user_alliance
            WHERE ((d.user1_id = ' . $user['user_id'] . ') AND (d.user2_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ')) OR
                  ((d.user1_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . ') AND (d.user2_id = ' . $user['user_id'] . '))';
            if (!($q_diplomacy = $db->query($sql))) {
                message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query diplomacy private data');
            $allied = $db->num_rows();
            $diplomacy = $db->fetchrow($q_diplomacy);
            if (!$diplomacy['accepted']) {
                $allied = 0;
            if ($user['last_active'] > time() - 60 * 3) {
                $status = '<span style="color: green">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT37")) . '</span>';
            } else {
                if ($user['last_active'] > time() - 60 * 9) {
                    $status = '<span style="color: orange">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT38")) . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $status = '<span style="color: red">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT39")) . '</span>';
            if (($game->player['user_alliance'] != $user['user_alliance'] || $user['user_alliance'] <= 0) && $game->player['user_auth_level'] != STGC_DEVELOPER && $allied == 0) {
                $status = '<span style="color: blue">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT40")) . '</span>';
            $icq = '';
            if (isset($user['user_icq']) && !empty($user['user_icq'])) {
                $icq = '<tr>
<td width=70><span class="sub_caption2"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT41")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width=150><span class="sub_caption2"><b><img src="http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?icq=' . $user['user_icq'] . '&img=5"> ' . $user['user_icq'] . '</b></span></td>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 class="style_inner" width="95%">
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT42")) . '</td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $rasse . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large"><a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewalliance&id=' . $alliance['alliance_id'] . '') . '"><span class="text_large">' . $alliance['alliance_tag'] . ' (' . $alliance['alliance_name'] . ')</a></span></td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_points'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $planets['num'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_honor'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT88")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['num_auctions'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT103")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_charted'] . ' / ' . $rawstar['rawnum'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT104")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_first_contact'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT105")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_settler_made'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT106")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $user['user_settler_best'] . '</td>
<td width="70%"><span class="text_large">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT44")) . '</b></span></td>
<td width="30%"><span class="text_large">' . $status . '</td>
</tr><span class="text_large">' . $icq . '

<span class="sub_caption"><b><a href="' . parse_link('a=messages&a2=newpost&receiver=' . $user['user_name'] . '') . '"><span style="color: white">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT45")) . '</span></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="' . parse_link('a=user_diplomacy&suggest=' . $user['user_id'] . '') . '"><span style="color: white">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT46")) . '</span></a></b>

<tr><td align="center"><b><a onclick="Popup(this.href);return false" href="modules/auctions.popup.php?user='******'user_id'] . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT89")) . '</a></b></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>

<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT47")) . '</span></td>
      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="100%" class="style_inner">
          <td width="33%" align="center"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT48")) . '</b></td>
          <td width="33%" align="center"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT49")) . '</b></td>
          <td width="33%" align="center"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT50")) . '</b></td>

            $user_id = $game->player['user_id'];
            $historyqry = $db->query('SELECT * FROM userally_history WHERE user_id = "' . $user['user_id'] . '"');
            while (($history = $db->fetchrow($historyqry)) == true) {
                $game->out('<tr><td align="center">' . get_alliance_name($history['alliance_id']) . '</td><td align="center">' . date('d.m.y H:i', $history['join_date']) . '</td><td align="center">' . ($history['leave_date'] == 0 ? '-' : '' . date('d.m.y H:i', $history['leave_date']) . '') . '</td></tr>');
            $historyqry2 = $db->query('SELECT * FROM userally_history WHERE user_id = "' . $user['user_id'] . '"');
            if (($history2 = $db->fetchrow($historyqry2)) != true) {
                $game->out('<tr><td align="center"></td><td align="center">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT51")) . '</td><td align="center"></td></tr>');
            $_link_image = '<a href="usermap.php?user='******'user_name'] . '&size=6&map" target=_blank><img src="usermap.php?user='******'user_name'] . '&size=1" border=0></a>';


<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT52")) . '</span></td>
      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="100%" class="style_inner">
          <td align="center">' . $_link_image . '</td>

<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT53")) . '</span></td>
      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="100%" class="style_inner">
          <td width=80>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT69")) . '</td><td width=200><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</td><td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</td><td width=50><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT55")) . '
            // Player is a developer? No FOW
            // Players are in the same ally? No FOW
            // BUT: the player IS in an alliance!
            if ($game->player['user_auth_level'] == STGC_DEVELOPER || $game->player['user_alliance'] != 0 && $game->player['user_alliance'] == $user['user_alliance'] && $game->player['user_alliance_rights3'] == 1) {
                $sql_pl = 'SELECT pl.*, sys.system_x, sys.system_y
                   FROM (planets pl) LEFT JOIN (starsystems sys) on sys.system_id = pl.system_id
                   WHERE pl.planet_owner="' . $user['user_id'] . '" ORDER BY pl.planet_name';
            } else {
                $sql_pl = 'SELECT pl.*, sys.system_x, sys.system_y
                   FROM (planets pl)
                   INNER JOIN (starsystems sys) USING (system_id)
                   INNER JOIN (starsystems_details sd) ON pl.system_id = sd.system_id AND sd.user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'] . '
                   WHERE pl.planet_owner = "' . $user['user_id'] . '" 
                   GROUP BY pl.planet_id
                   ORDER BY pl.planet_name';
            $planetquery = $db->query($sql_pl);
            $numero_righe = $db->num_rows($planetquery);
            if ($numero_righe == 0) {
                $game->out('<td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td><td> --- </td></tr>');
            } else {
                while (($planet = $db->fetchrow($planetquery)) == true) {
                    $game->out('<td>' . $game->get_sector_name($planet['sector_id']) . ':' . $game->get_system_cname($planet['system_x'], $planet['system_y']) . ':' . ($planet['planet_distance_id'] + 1) . '</td><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=tactical_cartography&planet_id=' . encode_planet_id($planet['planet_id'])) . '">');
                    if ($planet['planet_name'] == "") {
                        $planet['planet_name'] = "(<i>" . constant($game->sprache("TEXT40")) . "</i>)";
                    $game->out($planet['planet_name'] . '</a></td><td>' . $planet['planet_points'] . '</td><td>' . strtoupper($planet['planet_type']) . '</td></tr>');

<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT56")) . '</span></td>
      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="100%" class="style_inner">
          <td width=120>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</b></td><td width=70><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</b></td><td width=70><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . '</b></td><td width=70><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT43")) . '</b></td><td width=80><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT57")) . '</b>
            $sql = 'SELECT d.*,
                   u1.user_name AS user1_name, u1.user_alliance AS user1_aid, u1.user_points AS user1_points, u1.user_planets AS user1_planets, u1.user_honor AS user1_honor, a1.alliance_tag AS user1_atag,
                   u2.user_name AS user2_name, u2.user_alliance AS user2_aid, u2.user_points AS user2_points, u2.user_planets AS user2_planets, u2.user_honor AS user2_honor, a2.alliance_tag AS user2_atag
            FROM (user_diplomacy d)
            INNER JOIN (user u1) ON u1.user_id = d.user1_id
            LEFT JOIN (alliance a1) ON a1.alliance_id = u1.user_alliance
            INNER JOIN (user u2) ON u2.user_id = d.user2_id
            LEFT JOIN (alliance a2) ON a2.alliance_id = u2.user_alliance
            WHERE d.user1_id = ' . $user['user_id'] . ' OR
                  d.user2_id = ' . $user['user_id'];
            if (!($q_diplomacy = $db->query($sql))) {
                message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query diplomacy private data');
            while ($diplomacy = $db->fetchrow($q_diplomacy)) {
                $opid = $diplomacy['user1_id'] == $user['user_id'] ? 2 : 1;
                if ($diplomacy['accepted']) {
                    $game->out('<tr><td><a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewplayer&id=' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_id']) . '">' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_name'] . '</a>' . ($diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_aid'] ? ' [<a href="' . parse_link('a=stats&a2=viewalliance&id=' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_aid']) . '">' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_atag'] . '</a>]' : '') . '</td><td>' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_points'] . '</td><td>' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_planets'] . '</td><td>' . $diplomacy['user' . $opid . '_honor'] . '</td><td>' . gmdate('d.m.Y', $diplomacy['date']) . '</td></tr>');
            $user['user_signature'] = strip_tags($user['user_signature']);
            $user['user_signature'] = str_replace("<script", "<!--", $user['user_signature']);
            $user['user_signature'] = str_replace("</script>", "-->", $user['user_signature']);
            $user['user_signature'] = str_replace("javascript", "", $user['user_signature']);
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT58")) . '</span></td>
      <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="100% class="style_inner">
          <td width=350><br>' . stripslashes(nl2br($user['user_signature'])) . '</td>

<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width="85%" class="style_outer">
    <td><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT59")) . '</span></td>
    <td align="center">
      <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="100%" class="style_inner">
        <tr height=15>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <b>' . $user['user_gallery_name_1'] . '</b>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <b>' . $user['user_gallery_name_2'] . '</b>
        <tr height=100>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <a href="gallery.php?f=gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_1.img" target=image onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $user['user_gallery_description_1'] . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $user['user_gallery_name_1'] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . GiveThumb('gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_1.img') . '</a>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <a href="gallery.php?f=gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_2.img" target=image onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $user['user_gallery_description_2'] . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $user['user_gallery_name_2'] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . GiveThumb('gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_2.img') . '</a>

        <tr height=20><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>

        <tr height=15>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <b>' . $user['user_gallery_name_3'] . '</b>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <b>' . $user['user_gallery_name_4'] . '</b>
        <tr height=100>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <a href="gallery.php?f=gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_3.img" target=image onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $user['user_gallery_description_3'] . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $user['user_gallery_name_3'] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . GiveThumb('gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_3.img') . '</a>
          <td width=150 align="center">
            <a href="gallery.php?f=gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_4.img" target=image onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $user['user_gallery_description_4'] . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $user['user_gallery_name_4'] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . GiveThumb('gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_4.img') . '</a>

        <tr height=20><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>

        <tr height=15>
          <td width=150 align="center" colspan="2">
            <b>' . $user['user_gallery_name_5'] . '</b>
        <tr height=100>
          <td width=150 align="center" colspan="2">
            <a href="gallery.php?f=gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_5.img" target=image onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $user['user_gallery_description_5'] . '\', CAPTION, \'' . $user['user_gallery_name_5'] . '\', WIDTH, 400, ' . OVERLIB_STANDARD . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . GiveThumb('gallery/img_' . $user['user_id'] . '_5.img') . '</a>
          <td colspan="2"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT78")) . '</b><br></td>
          <td colspan="2" align="center">[<a href="' . parse_link('a=alliance_application&list') . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT79")) . '</a>]</td>
    } else {

    <td align="center" valign="top">
      <table class="style_inner" width="250" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
          <td colspan="2"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT78")) . '</b><br></td>
          <td align="center">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT80")) . '<br> <span style="color: green; font-weight: bold;">' . get_alliance_name($application_check['application_alliance']) . '</span></td>
          <td colspan="2" align="center">[<a href="' . parse_link('a=alliance_application&surdelete=1') . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT81")) . '</a>]</td>
