public function load_file() { $tmpl = $_REQUEST['tmpl']; $directory = APP_ROOT_PATH . "app/Tpl/" . $tmpl . "/"; $files = get_all_files($directory); $tmpl_files = array(); foreach ($files as $item) { if (substr($item, -5) == ".html") { $item = explode($directory, $item); $item = $item[1]; $tmpl_files[] = $item; } } $this->ajaxReturn($tmpl_files); }
function get_all_files($dir, $subpath = '') { global $includefiles; global $sourcepath; global $destpath; $d = dir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if (!($entry == '.') & !($entry == '..')) { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $entry)) { get_all_files($dir . '/' . $entry, $subpath . $entry . '/'); } else { $includefiles[] = array($sourcepath . $subpath . $entry, $destpath . $subpath . $entry); } } } }
function get_all_files($root, $dir, $max_depth = 3) { $result = array(); if ($handle = opendir($root . "/" . $dir)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if (is_dir($root . "/" . $dir . "/" . $entry)) { if ($max_depth > 1) { $result = array_merge($result, get_all_files($root, $dir . "/" . $entry, $max_depth - 1)); } } else { $result[] = $dir . "/" . $entry; } } } closedir($handle); } return $result; }
function get_all_files($dir_path) { static $all_file_path = array(); if (!empty($dir_path)) { $tmp_dirs = scandir($dir_path); //print_r($tmp_dirs); foreach ($tmp_dirs as $tmp_dir) { if ($tmp_dir != '.' && $tmp_dir != '..') { $tmp_file_path = $dir_path . "/" . $tmp_dir; //echo $tmp_file_path."<br>"; if (is_dir($tmp_file_path)) { get_all_files($tmp_file_path); } else { $all_file_path[] = $tmp_file_path; } } } return $all_file_path; } }
function get_all_files($path) { $list = array(); $dir = @opendir($path); while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . $file . "/")) { $list = array_merge($list, get_all_files($path . $file . "/")); } else { $list[] = $path . $file; } } } @closedir($dir); return $list; }
function decompress($type, $archive, $path) { $path = realpath($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $status = false; if (is_dir($path)) { chdir($path); if ($type == 'unzip') { if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $target = $path . basename($archive, ".zip"); if ($zip->open($archive)) { if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } if ($zip->extractTo($target)) { $status = true; } $zip->close(); } } } elseif ($type == 'untar') { $target = basename($archive, ".tar"); if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } $before = count(get_all_files($target)); execute("tar xf \"" . basename($archive) . "\" -C \"" . $target . "\""); $after = count(get_all_files($target)); if ($before != $after) { $status = true; } } elseif ($type == 'untargz') { $target = ""; if (strpos(strtolower($archive), ".tar.gz") !== false) { $target = basename($archive, ".tar.gz"); } elseif (strpos(strtolower($archive), ".tgz") !== false) { $target = basename($archive, ".tgz"); } if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } $before = count(get_all_files($target)); execute("tar xzf \"" . basename($archive) . "\" -C \"" . $target . "\""); $after = count(get_all_files($target)); if ($before != $after) { $status = true; } } } return $status; }
*/ include "test/framework/lib/header.php"; function eh($errno, $errstr) { if ($errno == E_NOTICE) { return; } print "{$errno}, {$errstr}"; } set_error_handler("eh", E_ALL); $directory_name = "downloaded_php/downloads/"; $dirs = get_directories($directory_name); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $defines = ""; $i = 0; $files = get_all_files($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != NULL) { $defines = $defines . get_defines($file); echo "Analysing {$file}\n"; } } foreach ($files as $file) { echo "Applying changes to {$file}\n"; apply_changes($file, $defines); } } function get_directories($dirname) { $result = array(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dirname) as $fileInfo) {
function decompress($type, $archive, $path) { $path = realpath($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (is_dir($path)) { chdir($path); if ($type == 'unzip') { if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $target = $path . basename($archive, '.zip'); if ($zip->open($archive)) { if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } if ($zip->extractTo($target)) { return true; } $zip->close(); } } else { } } elseif ($type == 'untar') { $target = basename($archive, '.tar'); if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } $before = count(get_all_files($target)); execute('tar xf "' . basename($archive) . '" -C "' . $target . '"'); $after = count(get_all_files($target)); if ($before != $after) { return true; } } elseif ($type == 'untargz') { $target = ''; if (strpos(strtolower($archive), '.tar.gz') !== false) { $target = basename($archive, '.tar.gz'); } elseif (strpos(strtolower($archive), '.tgz') !== false) { $target = basename($archive, '.tgz'); } if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target); } $before = count(get_all_files($target)); execute('tar xzf "' . basename($archive) . '" -C "' . $target . '"'); $after = count(get_all_files($target)); if ($before != $after) { return true; } } } return false; }
function compile_wb($source_dir, $php_vers, $vers_plus) { // set variables for makefile $obj_tmp_dir = PATH_BASE . 'obj'; $dll_dir = PATH_BASE . "WinbinderComp\\binaries\\php-{$php_vers}xt"; $inc_dir = PATH_INC; $ms_lib = PATH_LIB; $lib_dir = PATH_BASE . "WinbinderComp\\csource\\php-{$php_vers}"; $phplib = $lib_dir . "\\php-" . $php_vers . "ts.lib"; $cl = PATH_BIN . "cl.exe"; $rc = PATH_BIN . "rc"; $link = PATH_BIN . "link"; $nmake = PATH_BIN . "nmake"; $cl = "cl"; $rc = "rc"; $link = "link"; $nmake = PATH_BIN . "nmake"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile environment $P_path = getenv('PATH'); if (strstr($P_path, PATH_BIN) === false) { $P_path = PATH_BIN . ";" . $P_path; } $P_path = putenv("PATH={$P_path}"); $P_path = putenv("INCLUDE={$inc_dir}"); $P_path = putenv("LIB={$ms_lib}"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Makefile template $m_comp = <<<MCOMP all: \$(DLLDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll \$(OBJS): \$(SOURCES) \t\$(cc) /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /YX /FD /c /QIfist \\ \t/D "NDEBUG" /D ZEND_DEBUG=0 /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D HAVE_WIN32STD=1 \\ \t/I "\$(LIBDIR)" /I "\$(INCDIR)\\" /I "\$(LIBDIR)\\main" /I "\$(LIBDIR)\\Zend" /I "\$(LIBDIR)\\win32" /I "\$(LIBDIR)\\TSRM" /I "\$(LIBDIR)xt\\standard" \\ \t/Fo"\$(OUTDIR)\\\\" /Fd"\$(OUTDIR)\\\\" \$(SOURCES) \$(OUTDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll.res: \$(RCFILE) \$(DLLDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll: \$(OBJS) \t\$(rc) /r /fo \$(OUTDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll.res /i "\$(SRCDIR)\\" /d \$(FD) /d FILE_NAME="\\"php_winbinder.dll\\"" /d \$(PN) /d \$(PV) \$(RCFILE) \t\$(link) /nologo /dll /machine:I386 -out:\$(DLLDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll \\ \t\$(OBJS) \$(LIBS) \$(OUTDIR)\\php_winbinder.dll.res #clean temporary files: \tdel /q \$(OUTDIR)\\ *.pch \$(DLLDIR)\\php_winbinder.exp \$(DLLDIR)\\php_winbinder.lib MCOMP; if (!is_dir($obj_tmp_dir)) { if (!mkdir($obj_tmp_dir)) { // Stefano: now returns message to enable warning handling, instead of calling echo return 'Warning: could not create ' . $obj_tmp_dir; } } else { delete_files($obj_tmp_dir . '\\'); } $libs = array("user32.lib", "gdi32.lib", "comdlg32.lib", "comctl32.lib", "shell32.lib", "ole32.lib ", "oleaut32.lib", "winmm.lib", "advapi32.lib", $phplib); $c_files = array(); $h_files = array(); $rc_files = array(); $sub_dirs = array('.'); while (($s_dir = array_shift($sub_dirs)) != null) { $content = get_all_files($source_dir, $s_dir); $sub_dirs = array_merge($sub_dirs, $content['dir']); $c_files = array_merge($c_files, $content['c']); $h_files = array_merge($h_files, $content['h']); $rc_files = array_merge($rc_files, $content['rc']); } // while if (count($c_files) == 0) { // Stefano: now returns message to enable error handling, instead of calling die return 'Fatal error: source to compile not found'; } // assemble SOURCES OBJS $sources_str = "SOURCES = "; $objs_str = "OBJS = "; foreach ($c_files as $c_f) { $sources_str .= "\t\\\n\t" . $source_dir . $c_f; $objs_str .= "\t\\\n\t" . $obj_tmp_dir . "\\" . str_replace('.c', '.obj', basename($c_f)); } // assemble LIBS $libs_str = "LIBS = "; foreach ($libs as $l) { $libs_str .= "\t\\\n\t" . $l; } // get rc file if (count($rc_files) == 1) { $rc_file = $source_dir . $rc_files[0]; // should only one! } else { $rc_file = ""; } // def $def_str = "OUTDIR = {$obj_tmp_dir} \n"; $def_str .= "LIBDIR = {$lib_dir} \n"; $def_str .= "DLLDIR = {$dll_dir} \n"; $def_str .= "SRCDIR = {$source_dir} \n"; $def_str .= "INCDIR = {$inc_dir} \n"; $def_str .= "MSLIB = {$ms_lib} \n"; $def_str .= "RCFILE = {$rc_file} \n"; $def_str .= "cc = {$cl} \n"; $def_str .= "rc = {$rc} \n"; $def_str .= "link = {$link} \n"; $sources_str .= "\n\n"; $objs_str .= "\n\n"; $def_str .= "\n\n"; // stitch together makefile $make_str = $def_str . $sources_str . $objs_str . $libs_str . $m_comp; $res = file_put_contents("makefile", $make_str); // nmake run $cmd = PATH_BIN . 'nmake'; $par = ' -f makefile FD="FILE_DESCRIPTION=\\"\\\\\\"Windows Binding for PHP ' . $vers_plus . '\\\\\\"\\"" PN="PRODUCT_NAME=\\"\\\\\\"PHP ' . $vers_plus . ' php_winbinder.dll\\\\\\"\\"" PV="P_VERSION=\\"\\\\\\"' . $vers_plus . '\\\\\\"\\""'; $par = ' -f ' . PATH_BASE . 'makefile FD="FILE_DESCRIPTION=\\"\\\\\\"Windows Binding for PHP ' . $vers_plus . '\\\\\\"\\"" PN="PRODUCT_NAME=\\"\\\\\\"PHP ' . $vers_plus . ' php_winbinder.dll\\\\\\"\\"" PV="P_VERSION=\\"\\\\\\"' . $vers_plus . '\\\\\\"\\""'; // needed for PHPedit + debugger and php-4.3.10 if (!empty($_ENV['HTTP_COOKIE']) and strstr($_ENV['HTTP_COOKIE'], 'DBGSESSID') != false or PHP_VERSION == '4.3.10') { $dspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $pro = proc_open($cmd . $par, $dspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($pro)) { $result = ""; while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $result .= fgets($pipes[1], 1024); } while (!feof($pipes[2])) { $result .= fread($pipes[2], 8024); } fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); } proc_close($pro); } else { $WshShell = new COM('WScript.Shell'); $WshShell->run('cmd /K ' . $cmd . ' ' . $par . ' > ' . PATH_BASE . 'log.txt & exit', 0, true); $result = file_get_contents(PATH_BASE . 'log.txt'); unlink('log.txt'); } return $result; }
function scantemplate($path) { if (!($html = new DOMDocument())) { return '服务器不支持 DOM,无法检查模板文件。'; } $list = get_all_files($path); $result = ''; //print_r($list); foreach ($list as $file) { //echo $file.'<br />'; $suggestion1 = '该文件有通过脚本调用外链地址的代码, 请自行检查!'; $suggestion2 = '该文件有通过框架调用外链地址的代码, 请自行检查!'; $html = new DOMDocument(); @$html->loadHTMLFile($file); $scripts = $html->getElementsByTagName('script'); foreach ($scripts as $script) { if (($src = $script->getAttribute('src')) && substr($src, 0, 7) == 'http://') { if (!scanurl($src)) { $result .= get_all_errors($file, $suggestion1, $src); } } if ($data = $script->nodeValue) { preg_match_all('/(http:\\/\\/)([^\\/\'"]+)/i', $data, $urls); if ($urls && is_array($urls)) { foreach ($urls[0] as $url) { if (!scanurl($url)) { //return $suggestion1; $result .= get_all_errors($file, $suggestion1, $src); } } } } } $iframes = $html->getElementsByTagName('iframe'); foreach ($iframes as $iframe) { if (($src = $iframe->getAttribute('src')) && substr($src, 0, 7) == 'http://') { if (!scanurl($src)) { //return $suggestion2; $result .= get_all_errors($file, $suggestion2, $src); } } } unset($html); //return $file; } return $result; }
$res = "error"; } output($res); } elseif (isset($p['findType'])) { $findType = trim($p['findType']); $findPath = trim($p['findPath']); $findName = trim($p['findName']); $findNameRegex = trim($p['findNameRegex']); $findNameInsensitive = trim($p['findNameInsensitive']); $findContent = trim($p['findContent']); $findContentRegex = trim($p['findContentRegex']); $findContentInsensitive = trim($p['findContentInsensitive']); $findReadable = trim($p['findReadable']); $findWritable = trim($p['findWritable']); $findExecutable = trim($p['findExecutable']); $candidate = get_all_files($findPath); if ($findType == 'file') { $candidate = array_filter($candidate, "is_file"); } elseif ($findType == 'folder') { $candidate = array_filter($candidate, "is_dir"); } else { $res = "error"; } foreach ($candidate as $k) { if ($findType == "file" || $findType == "folder") { if (!empty($findName)) { if ($findNameRegex == "true") { $case = $findNameInsensitive == "true" ? "i" : ""; if (!preg_match("/" . $findName . "/" . $case, basename($k))) { $candidate = array_diff($candidate, array($k)); }
function testGetAllFiles() { $files = get_all_files(__DIR__ . "/../resources", "1"); $this->assertEquals(array('1/', '1/', '1/3.js'), $files); }
echo "graph_vlabel Files Count / {$graph_period}\n"; echo "graph_category Drupal\n"; echo "graph_scale no\n"; echo "graph_info Displays the online files uploaded to your Drupal site\n"; echo "files_total.label total files\n"; echo "files_total.type GAUGE\n"; echo "files_total.min 0\n"; exit(0); } // Connect to database $dbh = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db, $port); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Connecction failed: " . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } // Print out the actual values $total_files = (int) get_all_files($dbh); echo "files_total.value {$total_files}\n"; $dbh->close(); /** * Get count for all online users * @return integer $count total online users */ function get_all_files(&$dbh = NULL) { $table_prefix = getenv('table_prefix'); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(fid) AS count FROM {$table_prefix}files"; $result = $dbh->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); return (int) $row['count']; }