public function index() { if (IS_POST) { $post_data = I('post.'); $post_data['first'] = $post_data['rows'] * ($post_data['page'] - 1); $map = array(); $map = $this->_search(); $total = $this->Model->where($map)->count(); if ($total == 0) { $_list = ''; } else { $_list = $this->Model->where($map)->order($post_data['sort'] . ' ' . $post_data['order'])->limit($post_data['first'] . ',' . $post_data['rows'])->select(); } $option["status"] = array(0 => '禁用', 1 => '启用'); foreach ($_list as $list_key => $list_one) { foreach ($list_one as $list_one_key => $list_one_field) { if ($option[$list_one_key] != '') { $_list[$list_key][$list_one_key] = $option[$list_one_key][$list_one_field]; } } $_list[$list_key]['action_title'] = get_action($_list[$list_key]['action_id'], 'title'); $_list[$list_key]['user_nickname'] = get_nickname($_list[$list_key]['user_id']); $_list[$list_key]["create_time"] = date("Y年m月d日", $_list[$list_key]["create_time"]); $operate_menu = ''; if (Is_Auth('Admin/ActionLog/edit')) { $operate_menu = $operate_menu . "<a href='#' onclick=\"Submit_Form('ActionLog_Form','ActionLog_Data_List','" . U('edit', array('id' => $_list[$list_key]['id'])) . "','','编辑数据','');\">查看行为日志</a>"; } $_list[$list_key]['operate'] = $operate_menu; } $data = array('total' => $total, 'rows' => $_list); $this->ajaxReturn($data); } else { $this->display(); } }
function display_resource_action() { $get_resource = display_data('resource'); $display = ''; $count_resource = 0; $count_action = 0; foreach ($get_resource as $value) { $count_resource++; $val = $value['resource']; $id = 'resource' . $value['id']; $display .= "<tr><td class='privilege_display'><label id='{$id}'\n name='{$val}'>{$val}</label>  </td> "; // Getting action table data. $get_action = get_action(); foreach ($get_action as $value_action) { $count_action++; $val_action = $value_action['operation']; $id_action = $id . 'action' . $value_action['id']; $display .= "<td class='privilege_display'>\n <input id='{$id_action}' type='checkbox' name='{$val_action}' value='{$val_action}'>\n  {$val_action}    </td> "; } if ($count_action >= 2) { $display .= "<td class='privilege_display'>\n <input id='all_{$id}' type='checkbox' name='all' value='all_{$id}'>\n   all    </td> "; } $display .= '<br/> </tr>'; } //end foreach $count_action /= 2; $display .= "<input id='count_action' type='hidden' name='count_action' value='{$count_action}'>"; $display .= "<input id='count_resource' type='hidden' name='count_resource' value='{$count_resource}'>"; return $display; }
function set_action($me) { $time = time(); $q = db('insert into actions (me, time) values (:me, :time)'); $q->bindParam(':me', $me); $q->bindParam(':time', $time); $q->execute(); get_action($me); }
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e) { $controller_id = (string) ''; $action_id = (string) ''; get_action($controller_id, $action_id); $eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager(); $eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR, array($this, 'onDispatchError'), 200); if (IS_TEST) { $this->loggingAccess($e->getRequest()); } $this->createDbAdapter($e); $valid = $this->bootstrapSession($e); if (!$valid && 'failed' != $controller_id) { $this->toRoute = array('controller' => 'failed'); session_destroy(); } else { if ('failed' != $controller_id) { $this->auth = new AuthPlugin(); $login = $this->auth->isLogin(); if (RESTRICT_LOGIN) { $user_no = $this->auth->get('user_no'); $storage = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Session\\Storage\\DbSessionStorage'); $storage->renewRestrictLogin($user_no); } if ($login && 'index' == $controller_id && ('index' == $action_id || !$action_id)) { $this->toRoute = array('controller' => 'menu', 'action' => 'top'); } else { if (!$login && 'index' != $controller_id) { $this->toRoute = array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index'); $container = new ContainerPlugin(); $container->setContainer('index'); $uri = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "REQUEST_URI"); $container->set('uri', $uri); $container->set('err_msg', 'セッションが切れました。'); // save request data $p = $e->getRequest()->getPost()->toArray(); if (!$login && $this->toRoute && $p) { $container->setContainer($controller_id); $container->set('postRequest', json_encode($p)); } } } $this->bootTranslator($e); } } $eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array($this, 'onDispatch'), 100); if ($this->toRoute) { $eventManager->getSharedManager()->attach('Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractActionController', 'dispatch', function ($e) { $controller = $e->getTarget(); $controller->plugin('redirect')->toRoute('app', $this->toRoute); }); return false; } $moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener(); $moduleRouteListener->attach($eventManager); }
function execute($app, $action) { //传递进来的参数为空的话,才去获取URL的地址 if (empty($app)) { $app = get_app(); } if (empty($action)) { $action = get_action(); } $new_action = $action . '_Action'; $ac = new $new_action(); $ac->execute(); }
/** * Prepare the action */ function prepare_action() { global $_posted_params, $_action; global $_display_algorithm_descriptions, $_display_algorithm_categories, $_display_image; global $_algorithms, $_algorithm; $_posted_params = get_posted_params(); $_action = get_action($_posted_params); $_display_algorithm_descriptions = empty($_COOKIE['_aa_no_algorithm_description']); $_display_algorithm_categories = empty($_COOKIE['_aa_no_algorithm_categories']); $_display_image = empty($_COOKIE['_aa_no_image']); $_algorithms = get_algorithms($_display_algorithm_descriptions); $_algorithm = get_algorithm($_posted_params, $_algorithms); }
public function onBeforeRender() { switch (get_action()) { case 'delete': $this->onDelete(); break; case 'add': case 'edit': $this->add($this->getForm()); break; default: $this->add($this->getView()); break; } }
} else { foreach ($__LIST__ as $key => $vo) { $mod = $i % 2; ++$i; ?> <tr> <td><input class="ids" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $vo["id"]; ?> " /></td> <td><?php echo $vo["id"]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_action($vo['action_id'], 'title'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_nickname($vo['user_id']); ?> </td> <td><span><?php echo time_format($vo["create_time"]); ?> </span></td> <td><a href="<?php echo U('Action/edit?id=' . $vo['id']); ?> ">详细</a> <a class="confirm ajax-get" href="<?php
$date_relance = $level["level_min_date_relance"]; $list_dates[$date_relance] = format_date($date_relance); if ($printed) { $list_dates_relance[$date_relance] = $list_dates[$date_relance]; $dr = explode("-", $date_relance); $list_dates_sort[$date_relance] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dr[1], $dr[2], $dr[0]); } //Tri des dates if (count($list_dates_sort)) { arsort($list_dates_sort); } print "<td>{$niveau_min}</td>"; print "<td>" . $list_dates[$date_relance] . "</td>"; print "<td>" . ($printed ? "x" : "") . "</td>"; print "<td>{$niveau_normal}</td>"; print "<td>" . get_action($r["id_empr"], $niveau_min, $niveau_normal) . "</td>"; print "<td><input type='button' class='bouton_small' value='" . $msg["relance_row_valid"] . "' onClick=\"this.form.act.value='solo'; this.form.relance_solo.value='" . $r["id_empr"] . "'; {$script}\"/> "; //Si mail de rappel affecté au responsable du groupe $requete = "select id_groupe,resp_groupe from groupe,empr_groupe where id_groupe=groupe_id and empr_id=" . $r["id_empr"] . " and resp_groupe and mail_rappel limit 1"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { $requete = "select id_empr, empr_mail from empr where id_empr='" . pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 1) . "'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $has_mail = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 1) ? 1 : 0; } else { $has_mail = $r["empr_mail"] ? 1 : 0; } if ($niveau_min) { print "<input type='button' class='bouton_small' value='" . $msg["relance_row_print"] . "' onClick=\"openPopUp('pdf.php?pdfdoc=lettre_retard&id_empr=" . $r["id_empr"] . "&niveau=" . $niveau_min . "','lettre', 600, 500, -2, -2, 'toolbar=no, dependent=yes, resizable=yes'); this.form.act.value='solo_print'; this.form.relance_solo.value='" . $r["id_empr"] . "'; {$script}\"/>"; if (($mailretard_priorite_email == 1 || $mailretard_priorite_email == 2) && $has_mail && ($niveau_min < 3 || $mailretard_priorite_email_3 == 1 && $niveau_min >= 3)) { print "<input type='button' class='bouton_small' value='" . $msg["relance_row_mail"] . "' onClick=\"this.form.act.value='solo_mail'; this.form.relance_solo.value='" . $r["id_empr"] . "'; {$script}\"/>";
// redirect back to homepage header("Location: http://www." . get_action(4)); die; } else { $et->load("console")->fire_forget(get_action(3)); } $ED->email = " Job received with action: " . get_action(3) . ". " . $the_callback_email . " will be notified once this job is completed."; } catch (Console_exception $e) { $ED->errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } break; case "404": // import wikipedia article $ED->domain = get_action(3); $ED->topics = get_action(4); try { $ED->results = $et->load("wikipedia")->set_domain($ED->domain)->import($ED->topics); } catch (Wikipedia_exception $e) { $ED->errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } break; } /** * Notify administrators. */ if (in_array(get_action(2), array("create", "quick", "suggest", "import", "404"))) { if (wp_mail($the_callback_email, "Ethach " . ucfirst(get_action()), json_encode($ED))) { } $ED->email = "Emailed sent."; } output_json($ED);
function MW_ActionRequest($http_request) { $name = $http_request->get_param(MW_REQVAR_ACTION); $this->action = $name !== null ? get_action($name) : get_default_action(); }
echo '<div class="debug">' . htmlspecialchars('DEBUG: ' . $msg, ENT_NOQUOTES), "</div>\n"; } } ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':.'); include 'miniwiki.php'; miniwiki_boot(); $req =& get_request("MW_PageRequest"); $page = $req->get_page(); set_current_page($page); $auth =& get_auth(); if ($auth->is_invalid()) { add_info_text(_t('Invalid login.')); } $storage =& get_storage(); if (!$auth->is_logged && $storage->requires_login()) { $action = get_action(MW_ACTION_LOGIN); $action->handle(); } $req =& get_request("MW_ActionRequest"); $action = $req->get_action(); if ($action === null) { trigger_error(_t("Unknown action."), E_USER_ERROR); } while ($action !== null) { if (!$action->is_valid()) { trigger_error(_t("Unknown action."), E_USER_ERROR); break; } elseif (!$action->is_permitted()) { add_info_text(_t('Insufficient user rights. Access denied to action: %0%', _t($action->get_name()))); render_ui(MW_LAYOUT_HEADER); render_ui(MW_LAYOUT_FOOTER);
# $Id$ # (c)2005,2006 Stepan Roh <*****@*****.**> # Free to copy, free to modify, NO WARRANTY /** @file * edit Wiki page */ $page =& get_current_page(); $req =& get_request("MW_EditRequest"); render_ui(MW_LAYOUT_HEADER, _t("Editing %0%", $page->name)); if ($req->is_preview() && $page->has_content) { echo '<div class="page-content">'; $page->render(); echo '</div>', "\n"; } echo '<div class="page-edit">', "\n"; $action = get_action(MW_ACTION_EDIT); $link = $action->link(); echo '<form method="post" action="', $link->to_url(true), '">', "\n"; /** generate edit button * label: button label * text: text inserted on current cursor position into textarea with id "editarea" if button is pressed * % indicates where cursor should be positioned * accesskey: access key of this button (e.g. Alt-KEY in Mozilla Firefox) - defaults to nothing */ function generate_button($label, $text, $accesskey = '') { echo '<button type="button"'; if ($accesskey != '') { echo ' accesskey="', $accesskey, '"'; } echo ' onclick="add_to_textarea(\'editarea\', \'', htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES), '\')">', $label, '</button>', "\n";
function wiki_include($page, $args = null, $flat_args = false, $as_current = true) { $auth =& get_auth(); if (!$auth->is_action_permitted(get_action(MW_ACTION_VIEW), $page)) { return '[[' . $page->name . ']]'; } $ret = '{{&push_vars}}'; if ($as_current) { $ret .= '{{&set|curpage|' . $page->name . '}}'; } if ($args !== null && count($args) > 0) { $args_str = ''; if ($flat_args) { $args_str = '|' . join('|', $args); } else { foreach ($args as $name => $value) { $args_str .= '|' . $name . '|' . $value; } } $ret .= '{{&set' . $args_str . '}}'; } $ret .= str_replace("\r", '', $page->get_wiki_content()); $ret .= '{{&pop_vars}}'; return $ret; }
<?php echo asset('Bits.css'); ?> <!--[if IE]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body class="controller-<?php echo get_controller(); ?> action-<?php echo get_action(); ?> "> <div id="auth" class="code-font"> <header> <a href=""><span class="bit-embed"></span> Bits</a> </header> <?php if (isset($_GET['invalid'])) { ?> <p>Invalid username or password</p><?php } ?>
<?php $tabActive = "class='active'"; $userTab = get_action() == "edit_user" ? $tabActive : null; $passwordTab = get_action() == "edit_password" ? $tabActive : null; $securityTab = get_action() == "edit_security" ? $tabActive : null; ?> <div> <ul class="nav nav-tabs tabnav"> <li <?php echo $userTab; ?> > <a href="<?php get_url('admin', 'edit_user', null, array('uid' => $username)); ?> " > <?php echo _t('EDIT_PROFILE'); ?> </a> </li> <li <?php echo $passwordTab; ?> > <a href="<?php get_url('admin', 'edit_password', null, array('uid' => $username)); ?> " >
echo '<p>The calendar has already been installed. <a href="index.php">Installed calendar</a></p>'; echo '<p>If you want to install again, manually delete config.php</p>'; exit; } } } } echo '<p>Welcome to the PHP Calendar installation process.</p> <form method="post" action="install.php"> '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { echo "<input name=\"{$key}\" value=\"{$value}\" type=\"hidden\">\n"; } $drop_tables = isset($_POST["drop_tables"]) && $_POST["drop_tables"] == "yes"; if (empty($_POST['action'])) { get_action(); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'upgrade') { if (empty($_POST['version'])) { get_upgrade_version(); } else { if ($_POST['version'] == "2.0beta11") { upgrade_20beta11(); echo "<p>Update complete.</p>"; } elseif ($_POST['version'] == "2.0beta10") { upgrade_20beta10(); echo "<p>Update complete.</p>"; } elseif ($_POST['version'] == "2.0beta9") { upgrade_20beta10(); echo "<p>Update complete.</p>"; if (empty($_POST['timezone'])) { upgrade_20_form();
function &handle() { $page =& get_current_page(); if ($page->load()) { if ($this->get_name() == MW_ACTION_VIEW_SOURCE) { include 'viewsource.php'; } else { $req =& get_request("MW_ViewRequest"); if ($req->get_redirect()) { $redirected = array($page->name); $redir_page = $page->get_redirected_page(); while ($redir_page !== null && $redir_page->load()) { # those "labels" instead of "references" are real pain... $_redir_page = $redir_page; set_redirected_page($page); set_current_page($_redir_page); $redir_page = $redir_page->get_redirected_page(); if ($redir_page === null || in_array($redir_page->name, $redirected)) { break; } array_unshift($redirected, $redir_page->name); } } include 'viewpage.php'; } $p = null; return $p; } else { if (is_a($page, 'MW_SpecialUploadPage') && $page->is_data_page) { # missing data page should raise 404 Not Found header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } } # fallback to edit if page does not exist return get_action(MW_ACTION_EDIT); }
/** * returns non-empty string if current user has permission on given action * for revision (set to revision variable if omitted; head means HEAD revision) * and page (set to page variable if omitted) */ function wiki_fn_is_action_permitted($args, $renderer_state) { $action_name = array_shift($args); $revision = array_shift($args); if ($revision === null) { $revision = $renderer_state->wiki_variables->get('revision'); } $page_name = array_shift($args); if ($page_name === null) { $page_name = $renderer_state->wiki_variables->get('page'); } if ($revision == 'head') { $revision = MW_REVISION_HEAD; } $page = new_page($page_name, $revision); $auth =& get_auth(); $action = get_action($action_name); return $action !== null && $auth->is_action_permitted($action, $page) ? 'true' : ''; }
echo get_action('lay_navigation', 'Navigation frame'); echo get_action('lay_tabs', 'Tabs'); echo get_action('lay_icons', 'Icons'); echo get_action('lay_browse', 'Browsing'); echo get_action('lay_edit', 'Editing'); echo get_action('lay_window', 'Query window'); echo '</fieldset>' . "\n\n"; echo '<fieldset class="toolbar"><legend>Features</legend>' . "\n"; echo get_action('feat_upload', 'Upload/Download'); echo get_action('feat_security', 'Security'); echo get_action('feat_manual', 'MySQL manual'); echo get_action('feat_charset', 'Charsets'); echo get_action('feat_extensions', 'Extensions'); echo get_action('feat_relation', 'MIME/Relation/History'); echo '</fieldset>' . "\n\n"; echo '<fieldset class="toolbar"><legend>Configuration</legend>' . "\n"; echo get_action('main', 'Overview'); echo get_action('display', 'Display'); echo get_action('download', 'Download'); echo get_action('save', 'Save', '', !$fail_dir); echo get_action('load', 'Load', '', !$fail_dir); echo get_action('clear', 'Clear'); echo get_action('seteol', 'Change end of line', '<select name="neweol">' . '<option value="unix" ' . ($_SESSION['eoltype'] == 'unix' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>UNIX/Linux (\\n)</option>' . '<option value="dos" ' . ($_SESSION['eoltype'] == 'dos' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>DOS/Windows (\\r\\n)</option>' . '<option value="mac" ' . ($_SESSION['eoltype'] == 'mac' ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Macintosh (\\r)</option>' . ' </select>'); echo '</fieldset>' . "\n\n"; echo '<fieldset class="toolbar"><legend>Other actions</legend>' . "\n"; echo get_action('versioncheck', 'Check for latest version'); echo get_url_action('', 'Go to homepage'); echo get_url_action('', 'Donate to phpMyAdmin', array('group_id' => 23067)); echo '</fieldset>' . "\n\n"; footer();
function get_action_title($id) { return get_action($id, 'title'); }
function get_action() { global $argv; return strtolower(trim($argv['1'])); } function get_type() { global $argv; return strtolower(trim($argv['2'])); } ################################################################### # Main code ################################################################### $agi = new AGI(); $exten = agi_get_variable("USER"); $action = get_action(); $type = get_type(); # VM exists? if (check_for_voicemail_box($exten)) { # Retrieve Spooler directory $spool_dir = agi_get_variable('ASTSPOOLDIR'); # Depending on message type switch ($type) { case 'temp': $play = 'vm-rec-temp'; $file = $spool_dir . '/voicemail/default/' . $exten . '/temp'; break; case 'name': $play = 'vm-rec-name'; $file = $spool_dir . '/voicemail/default/' . $exten . '/greet'; break;
<div class="main-title cf"> <h2>查看行为日志</h2> </div> <!-- 标签页导航 --> <div class="tab-wrap"> <div class="tab-content"> <!-- 表单 --> <form id="form" method="post" class="form-horizontal doc-modal-form"> <!-- 基础 --> <div id="tab1" class="tab-pane in tab1"> <div class="form-item cf"> <label class="item-label">行为名称</label> <div class="controls"> <span><?php echo get_action($info['action_id'], "title"); ?> </span> </div> </div> <div class="form-item cf"> <label class="item-label">执行者</label> <div class="controls"> <span><?php echo get_nickname($info['user_id']); ?> </span> </div> </div> <div class="form-item cf"> <label class="item-label">执行IP</label>