function web_editor($html_input_id, $base_path, $editor_cfg = null) { $webEditorCfg = is_null($editor_cfg) ? getWebEditorCfg() : $editor_cfg; switch ($webEditorCfg['type']) { case 'fckeditor': $of = new fckeditor($html_input_id); $of->BasePath = $base_path . 'third_party/fckeditor/'; $of->ToolbarSet = $webEditorCfg['toolbar']; $of->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = $base_path . $webEditorCfg['configFile']; if (isset($webEditorCfg['height'])) { $of->Height = $webEditorCfg['height']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['width'])) { $of->Width = $webEditorCfg['width']; } break; case 'tinymce': $of = new tinymce($html_input_id); if (isset($webEditorCfg['rows'])) { $of->rows = $webEditorCfg['rows']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['cols'])) { $of->cols = $webEditorCfg['cols']; } break; case 'none': default: $of = new no_editor($html_input_id); if (isset($webEditorCfg['rows'])) { $of->rows = $webEditorCfg['rows']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['cols'])) { $of->cols = $webEditorCfg['cols']; } break; } return $of; }
* * test project management * * @filesource projectEdit.php * @package TestLink * @copyright 2007-2015, TestLink community * @link * * @internal revisions * @since 1.9.14 * */ require_once '../../'; require_once 'common.php'; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('testproject'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db, true, false, "checkRights"); $gui_cfg = config_get('gui'); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $session_tproject_id = intval(isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? $_SESSION['testprojectID'] : 0); $template = null; $ui = new stdClass(); $ui->doActionValue = ''; $ui->buttonValue = ''; $ui->caption = ''; $ui->main_descr = lang_get('title_testproject_management'); $user_feedback = ''; $reloadType = 'none'; // domain 'none','reloadNavBar' $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db);
* @copyright 2009-2011, TestLink community * @link * * allows users to manage platforms. * * @internal Revision: * 20110409 - franciscom - BUGID 4368: Provide WYSIWYG Editor * 20101101 - franciscom - refactoring to remove event viewer warnings * **/ require_once "../../"; require_once "common.php"; require_once ""; require_once ""; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('build'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $default_template = $templateCfg->default_template; $args = init_args($db); checkRights($db, $_SESSION['currentUser'], $args); $gui = init_gui($db, $args); $smarty = new TLSmarty(); $op = new stdClass(); $op->status = 0; $of = web_editor('notes', $_SESSION['basehref'], $editorCfg); $of->Value = getItemTemplateContents('platform_template', $of->InstanceName, $args->notes); $platform_mgr = new tlPlatform($db, $args->tproject_id); $action = $args->doAction; switch ($action) {
function getCfg() { $cfg = new stdClass(); $cfg->treemenu_default_testcase_order = config_get('treemenu_default_testcase_order'); $cfg->spec = config_get('spec_cfg'); $cfg->exclude_node_types = array('testplan' => 1, 'requirement' => 1, 'requirement_spec' => 1); $cfg->tcase_template = config_get('testcase_template'); $cfg->webEditorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('design'); $cfg->editorKeys = new stdClass(); $cfg->editorKeys->testcase = array('summary' => true, 'preconditions' => true); $cfg->editorKeys->step = array('steps' => true, 'expected_results' => true); return $cfg; }
* * Manages test plans * * @package TestLink * @copyright 2007-2014, TestLink community * @version planEdit.php * @link * * * @internal revisions * @since 1.9.13 **/ require_once '../../'; require_once "common.php"; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('testplan'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights"); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $smarty = new TLSmarty(); $do_display = false; $template = null; $args = init_args($_REQUEST); if (!$args->tproject_id) { $smarty->assign('title', lang_get('fatal_page_title')); $smarty->assign('content', lang_get('error_no_testprojects_present')); $smarty->display('workAreaSimple.tpl'); exit; }
* This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License 2 or later. * * Filename $RCSfile: editExecution.php,v $ * * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ * @modified $Date: 2009/09/04 19:22:37 $ by $Author: schlundus $ * * Edit an execution notes and custom fields * * rev: 20090530 - franciscom - BUGID **/ require_once '../../'; require_once 'common.php'; require_once ''; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('execution'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights"); $gui = new stdClass(); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $args = init_args(); $gui->exec_id = $args->exec_id; $gui->tcversion_id = $args->tcversion_id; $gui->tplan_id = $args->tplan_id; $gui->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id; $owebeditor = web_editor('notes', $args->basehref, $editorCfg); switch ($args->doAction) { case 'edit': break; case 'doUpdate':
* rev: * 20100810 - asimon - BUGID 3317: disabled total count of requirements by default * 20100808 - aismon - added logic to refresh filtered tree on action * 20091202 - franciscom - fixed bug on webeditor value init. * 20091119 - franciscom - doc_id * 20080830 - franciscom - added code to manage unlimited depth tree * (will be not enabled yet) * * 20080827 - franciscom - BUGID 1692 * */ require_once "../../"; require_once "common.php"; require_once ''; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('requirement_spec'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); $req_cfg = config_get('req_cfg'); testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights"); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $args = init_args(); $commandMgr = new reqSpecCommands($db); $gui = initialize_gui($db, $commandMgr, $req_cfg); $auditContext = new stdClass(); $auditContext->tproject = $args->tproject_name; $commandMgr->setAuditContext($auditContext); $pFn = $args->doAction; $op = null; if (method_exists($commandMgr, $pFn)) { $op = $commandMgr->{$pFn}($args, $_REQUEST); }
* * @filesource containerEdit.php * @package TestLink * @author Martin Havlat * @copyright 2005-2014, TestLink community * @link * * @internal revisions * @since 1.9.13 * */ require_once "../../"; require_once "common.php"; require_once "opt_transfer.php"; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('design'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db); $tree_mgr = new tree($db); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $tsuite_mgr = new testsuite($db); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $template_dir = 'testcases/'; $refreshTree = false; // Option Transfer configuration $opt_cfg = new stdClass(); $opt_cfg->js_ot_name = 'ot'; $args = init_args($db, $opt_cfg); $level = $args->containerType; $gui_cfg = config_get('gui'); $smarty = new TLSmarty();
function getCfg() { $cfg = new stdClass(); $cfg->exec_cfg = config_get('exec_cfg'); $cfg->gui_cfg = config_get('gui'); $cfg->bts_type = config_get('interface_bugs'); $results = config_get('results'); $cfg->tc_status = $results['status_code']; $cfg->testcase_cfg = config_get('testcase_cfg'); $cfg->editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('execution'); return $cfg; }
/** * TestLink Open Source Project - * This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License 2 or later. * * @filesource rolesEdit.php * * @internal revisions * @since 1.9.7 * **/ require_once "../../"; require_once "common.php"; require_once ""; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('role'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights"); init_global_rights_maps(); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $args = init_args(); $gui = initialize_gui($args, $editorCfg['type']); $op = initialize_op(); $owebeditor = web_editor('notes', $args->basehref, $editorCfg); $owebeditor->Value = getItemTemplateContents('role_template', $owebeditor->InstanceName, null); $canManage = $args->user->hasRight($db, "role_management") ? true : false; switch ($args->doAction) { case 'create': break; case 'edit': $op->role = tlRole::getByID($db, $args->roleid);
/** * initWebEditors * */ function initWebEditors() { $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('design'); $editorSet = new stdClass(); $editorSet->jsControls = array(); $editorSet->templates = 'testsuite_template'; $editorSet->inputNames = array('details'); foreach ($editorSet->inputNames as $key) { $editorSet->jsControls[$key] = web_editor($key, $_SESSION['basehref'], $editorCfg); } return $editorSet; }
* @author Martin Havlat * * Screen to view existing requirements within a req. specification. * * @internal revisions * @since 2.0 * **/ require_once "../../"; require_once "common.php"; require_once ""; require_once ''; require_once ""; require_once "configCheck.php"; require_once "web_editor.php"; $editorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('requirement'); require_once require_web_editor($editorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $commandMgr = new reqCommands($db); $args = init_args($db); checkRights($db, $_SESSION['currentUser'], $args); $gui = initialize_gui($db, $args, $commandMgr); $pFn = $args->doAction; $op = null; if (method_exists($commandMgr, $pFn)) { $op = $commandMgr->{$pFn}($args, $_REQUEST); } renderGui($args, $gui, $op, $templateCfg, $editorCfg, $db); /** * init_args
function web_editor($html_input_id, $base_path, $editor_cfg = null) { $webEditorCfg = is_null($editor_cfg) ? getWebEditorCfg() : $editor_cfg; switch ($webEditorCfg['type']) { case 'fckeditor': $of = new fckeditor($html_input_id); $of->BasePath = $base_path . 'third_party/fckeditor/'; $of->ToolbarSet = $webEditorCfg['toolbar']; $of->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = $base_path . $webEditorCfg['configFile']; if (isset($webEditorCfg['height'])) { $of->Height = $webEditorCfg['height']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['width'])) { $of->Width = $webEditorCfg['width']; } break; case 'ckeditor': // CKEditor Language according to chosen Testlink language $locale = isset($_SESSION['locale']) ? $_SESSION['locale'] : 'en_GB'; //$ckeditorLang; switch ($locale) { case 'cs_CZ': $ckeditorLang = 'cs'; break; case 'de_DE': $ckeditorLang = 'de'; break; case 'en_GB': $ckeditorLang = 'en-gb'; break; case 'en_US': $ckeditorLang = 'en'; break; case 'es_AR': $ckeditorLang = 'es'; break; case 'es_ES': $ckeditorLang = 'es'; break; case 'fi_FI': $ckeditorLang = 'fi'; break; case 'fr_FR': $ckeditorLang = 'fr'; break; case 'id_ID': $ckeditorLang = 'en-gb'; break; case 'it_IT': $ckeditorLang = 'it'; break; case 'ja_JP': $ckeditorLang = 'ja'; break; case 'ko_KR': $ckeditorLang = 'ko'; break; case 'nl_NL': $ckeditorLang = 'nl'; break; case 'pl_PL': $ckeditorLang = 'pl'; break; case 'pt_BR': $ckeditorLang = 'pt-br'; break; case 'ru_RU': $ckeditorLang = 'ru'; break; case 'zh_CN': $ckeditorLang = 'zh-cn'; break; default: $ckeditorLang = 'en-gb'; break; } $of = new ckeditorInterface($html_input_id); $of->Editor->basePath = $base_path . 'third_party/ckeditor/'; $of->Editor->config['customConfig'] = $base_path . $webEditorCfg['configFile']; $of->Editor->config['toolbar'] = $webEditorCfg['toolbar']; $of->Editor->config['language'] = $ckeditorLang; if (isset($webEditorCfg['height'])) { $of->Editor->config['height'] = $webEditorCfg['height']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['width'])) { $of->Editor->config['width'] = $webEditorCfg['width']; } break; case 'tinymce': $of = new tinymce($html_input_id); if (isset($webEditorCfg['rows'])) { $of->rows = $webEditorCfg['rows']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['cols'])) { $of->cols = $webEditorCfg['cols']; } break; case 'none': default: $of = new no_editor($html_input_id); if (isset($webEditorCfg['rows'])) { $of->rows = $webEditorCfg['rows']; } if (isset($webEditorCfg['cols'])) { $of->cols = $webEditorCfg['cols']; } break; } return $of; }
* @internal revisions * @since 1.9.14 * * */ require_once '../../'; require_once 'common.php'; require_once "web_editor.php"; require_once ''; $webeditorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('execution'); require_once require_web_editor($webeditorCfg['type']); testlinkInitPage($db); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $args = init_args(); $webeditorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('display_execution_notes'); $map = get_execution($db, $args->exec_id); $notesContent = $map[0]['notes']; $readonly = $args->readonly > 0 ? 'readonly="readonly"' : ''; $smarty = new TLSmarty(); $smarty->assign('notes', $notesContent); $smarty->assign('webeditorCfg', $webeditorCfg); $smarty->assign('webeditorType', $webeditorCfg['type']); $smarty->assign('readonly', $readonly); $smarty->assign('editor_instance', 'exec_notes_' . $args->exec_id); $smarty->display($templateCfg->template_dir . $templateCfg->default_template); function createExecNotesWebEditor($id, $basehref, $editorCfg, $content = null) { // Important Notice: // // When using tinymce or none as web editor, we need to set rows and cols
function getCfg() { $cfg = new stdClass(); $cfg->webEditorCfg = getWebEditorCfg('testproject'); return $cfg; }