$bet_items2[$bi['bi_id']] = $bi['bi_description' . $suffix];
    // assign bi_id as key and bi_description as value
    $bi_id_of_winner = $bi['bi_winner'] ? $bi['bi_id'] : $bi_id_of_winner;
$info_per_bet_item = getInfoPerBetItem($all_bets);
// get placed coins, bet users, and ratio
$user_may_earn = getUserMayEarn($info_per_bet_item, $game['g_houseCom']);
// if game is already closed
if ($game['g_isClosed']) {
    $is_closed = true;
    $display_uri = $user_bettings ? "?q=yourgame&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time" : "?q=results&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time";
    $notice .= $lang[254];
    // "This game already closed"
    $notice_display = "block";
    $notice_class = "gameclosed";
    $user_bettings = getUserBets($game_id, $user_id);
    $user_won = checkUserWon($user_id, $game_id);
    $top_winners = getTopWinners($info_per_bet_item, $bet_items2, $bi_id_of_winner);
    // get maximum of 10 top winners
    if ($user_won) {
        //$user_won_after_commission = $user_won - ($user_won * ($game['g_houseCom'] / 100));
        $user_congratulations_text = str_replace('$COIN_VARIABLE', $user_won_after_commission, $lang[257]);
// if game has ended but not yet closed or judged
if (time() > $game['g_schedTo'] and !$game['g_isClosed']) {
    $display_uri = $user_bettings ? "?q=yourgame&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time" : "?q=results&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time";
    $notice = $lang[556];
    $notice_display = "block";
    $notice_class = "judgement";
} else {
$bool = false;
$game_id = isset($_POST['gi']) ? $_POST['gi'] : 0;
$bi_id = isset($_POST['wi']) ? $_POST['wi'] : 0;
// winning item
$coin_div = isset($_POST['div']) ? $_POST['div'] : 0;
// commission
$is_cancel = isset($_POST['cancel']) ? $_POST['cancel'] : 0;
// cancel this game
$house_com = isset($_POST['hc']) ? $_POST['hc'] : 0;
// house commission
$total_bet_amt = isset($_POST['tc']) ? $_POST['tc'] : 0;
// total coins bet for this game
if ($is_cancel != 'false') {
    // cancel the game; return bets
    $user_bets = getUserBets($game_id);
    // get all user bets from this game
    $bool = returnUserBets($user_bets, $game_id, true);
    // insert to coin_deals table and update users' COIN. true means it's cancelled
} else {
    // close the game; process winners
    // close this game
    // bet_item db table
    setUserBetWinners($game_id, $bi_id);
    // tag the winners in user_bets db table
    $winners = getUserBetWinners($game_id, $bi_id);
    // get all user bets that won from this game
    //$total_bet_amt = returnUserBets($winners); // return users' bets and update users' coins
    $house_com_amt = $house_com / 100 * $total_bet_amt;
文件: 142.php 项目: rudiedirkx/Games
function checkAndActOnAllSameBets($f_arrTable)
    $arrBets = getUserBets();
    if (1 == count($arrBets)) {
        // Only one player left
        $fTotalPot = db_select_one(TABLE_BETS . ' b, ' . TABLE_POOLS . ' po', 'SUM(bet)', 'b.pool_id = po.id AND po.table_id = ' . TABLE_ID);
        $iUserId = key($arrBets);
        db_update(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'balance = balance+' . $iUserId . ', last_action = \'Won ' . (double) $fTotalPot . '\' due to fold', 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND user_id = ' . $iUserId);
        db_update(TABLE_TABLES, 'state = 0', 'id = ' . TABLE_ID);
        return true;
    $iReady = db_count(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND in_or_out = \'in\'');
    if ($iReady == count($arrBets) && 1 == count(array_flip($arrBets))) {
        if (6 === (int) $f_arrTable['state']) {
            // Showdown
            $fTotalPot = db_select_one(TABLE_BETS . ' b, ' . TABLE_POOLS . ' po', 'SUM(bet)', 'b.pool_id = po.id AND po.table_id = ' . TABLE_ID);
            $arrPubCards = array(new Card($f_arrTable['public_card_1']), new Card($f_arrTable['public_card_2']), new Card($f_arrTable['public_card_3']), new Card($f_arrTable['public_card_4']), new Card($f_arrTable['public_card_5']));
            $arrWinners = array();
            $fMaxScore = 0.0;
            foreach ($arrBets as $iUserId => $b) {
                $p = db_select(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND user_id = ' . $iUserId);
                $arrPrivCards = array(new Card($p[0]['private_card_1']), new Card($p[0]['private_card_2']));
                $fScore = pokertexasholdem::score(array_merge($arrPubCards, $arrPrivCards));
                if ($fScore > (double) $fMaxScore) {
                    $fMaxScore = $fScore;
                    $arrWinners = array();
                if ((double) $fScore === (double) $fMaxScore) {
                    $arrWinners[] = $iUserId;
            $fUserWinnings = floor($fTotalPot * 100 / count($arrWinners)) / 100;
            db_update(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'balance = balance+' . $fUserWinnings . ', last_action = \'Won [' . $fUserWinnings . '] with a [' . pokertexasholdem::readable_hand($fMaxScore) . ']\'', 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND user_id IN (' . implode(',', $arrWinners) . ')');
            db_update(TABLE_TABLES, 'state = 0', 'id = ' . TABLE_ID);
            return true;
        db_update(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'ready_for_next_round = \'0\'', 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID);
        $f_arrTable['current_seat'] = $f_arrTable['dealer_seat'];
        saveNextSeat($f_arrTable, 'state+1');
        return true;
    return false;