  * Adds a new ad unit to a publisher ad client.
  * @param $service Google_Service_AdSenseHost AdSenseHost service object on
  *     which to run the requests.
  * @param $accountId string the ID for the publisher account to be used.
  * @param $adClientId string the ID for the ad client to be used.
  * @return Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnit the created ad unit.
 public static function run($service, $accountId, $adClientId)
     $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
     print $separator;
     printf("Adding ad unit to ad client %s\n", $adClientId);
     print $separator;
     $adUnit = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnit();
     $adUnit->setName('Ad Unit #' . getUniqueName());
     $contentAdsSettings = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnitContentAdsSettings();
     $backupOption = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption();
     $customStyle = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyle();
     $colors = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyleColors();
     $font = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyleFont();
     $result = $service->accounts_adunits->insert($accountId, $adClientId, $adUnit);
     printf("Ad unit with ID \"%s\", type \"%s\", name \"%s\" and status \"%s\" " . "was created.\n", $result->getId(), $result->getContentAdsSettings()->getType(), $result->getName(), $result->getStatus());
     print "\n";
     return $result;
  * Updates a custom channel on a host ad client.
  * @param $service Google_Service_AdSenseHost AdSenseHost service object on
  *     which to run the requests.
  * @param $adClientId string the ID for the ad client to be used.
  * @param $customChannelId string the ID of the custom channel to be updated.
  * @return Google_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannel the updated custom channel
 public static function run($service, $adClientId, $customChannelId)
     $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
     print $separator;
     printf("Updating custom channel %s\n", $customChannelId);
     print $separator;
     $customChannel = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannel();
     $customChannel->setName("Updated Custom Channel #" . getUniqueName());
     $result = $service->customchannels->patch($adClientId, $customChannelId, $customChannel);
     printf("Custom channel with ID \"%s\" and code \"%s\" got its name updated " . "to \"%s\"\n", $result->getId(), $result->getCode(), $result->getName());
     print "\n";
     return $result;
  * Adds a URL channel to a host ad client.
  * @param $service Google_Service_AdSenseHost AdSenseHost service object on
  *     which to run the requests.
  * @param $adClientId string the ID for the ad client to be used.
  * @return Google_Service_AdSenseHost_UrlChannel the created URL channel.
 public static function run($service, $adClientId)
     $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
     print $separator;
     printf("Adding URL channel to ad client %s\n", $adClientId);
     print $separator;
     $urlChannel = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_UrlChannel();
     $urlChannel->setUrlPattern('www.example.com/' . getUniqueName());
     $result = $service->urlchannels->insert($adClientId, $urlChannel);
     printf("URL channel with id \"%s\" and URL pattern \"%s\" was created.\n", $result->getId(), $result->getUrlPattern());
     print "\n";
     return $result;
  * Adds a custom channel to a host ad client.
  * @param $service Google_Service_AdSenseHost AdSenseHost service object on
  *     which to run the requests.
  * @param $adClientId string the ID for the ad client to be used.
  * @return Google_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannel the created custom channel
 public static function run($service, $adClientId)
     $separator = str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
     print $separator;
     printf("Adding custom channel to ad client %s\n", $adClientId);
     print $separator;
     $customChannel = new Google_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannel();
     $customChannel->setName('Sample Channel #' . getUniqueName());
     $result = $service->customchannels->insert($adClientId, $customChannel);
     printf("Custom channel with ID \"%s\", code \"%s\" and name \"%s\" was " . "created.\n", $result->getId(), $result->getCode(), $result->getName());
     print "\n";
     return $result;
    if (!$quality) {
        $quality = bu::config('rc/quality');
    $width = $maxWidth;
    $height = $maxHeight;
    list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($origName);
    $ratio_orig = $width_orig / $height_orig;
    if ($width_orig < $width and $height_orig < $height) {
        $width = $width_orig;
        $height = $height_orig;
    } elseif ($width / $height > $ratio_orig) {
        $width = $height * $ratio_orig;
    } else {
        $height = $width / $ratio_orig;
    smart_resize_image($origName, $width, $height, false, $destName, false);
$name = getUniqueName($fileType);
$finalDir = bu::config('rc/uploadPath') . '/' . getDirForString($name);
$finalSmallDir = bu::config('rc/smallImgPath') . '/' . getDirForString($name);
if (!file_exists($finalDir)) {
    mkdir($finalDir, 0775, true);
    mkdir($finalSmallDir, 0775, true);
$finalPath = bu::config('rc/uploadPath') . '/' . makePathForString($name, $fileType);
$finalSmallPath = bu::config('rc/smallImgPath') . '/' . makePathForString($name, $fileType);
move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $finalPath);
resizeImage($finalPath, $finalSmallPath);
bu::redirect('/links.php?img=' . getUrlForString($name, $fileType));
#$path = makePathForString($name, $fileType);
if ($_globals['copyright']) {
    print $_globals['copyright_text'];
#ifndef __DOM_CONSTANTS_H__
#define __DOM_CONSTANTS_H__

#include <dae/daeDomTypes.h>

foreach ($bag as $name => $val) {
    if (is_int($name)) {
        print $val;
    print "extern DLLSPEC daeString " . $name . ";\n";
print "\n";
foreach ($_globals['elementTypes'] as $num => $val) {
    print "extern DLLSPEC daeString COLLADA_TYPE_" . getUniqueName($val, $_globals['elementTypes']) . ";\n";
print "\n";
foreach ($_globals['elementNames'] as $num => $val) {
    print "extern DLLSPEC daeString COLLADA_ELEMENT_" . getUniqueName($val, $_globals['elementNames']) . ";\n";

#endif //__DOM_CONSTANTS_H__

                        print "\t\t/**< " . $bag[$typeName]['enum_documentation'][$i] . " */";
                    print "\n";
        print "\t" . strtoupper($type) . "_COUNT = " . $cnt;
        print "\n};\n\n";
//Element Type Enum
namespace COLLADA_TYPE
	const int
		NO_TYPE = 0,
		ANY = 1<?php 
foreach ($_globals['elementTypes'] as $num => $val) {
    print ",\n\t\t" . getUniqueName($val, $_globals['elementTypes']) . " = " . ($num + 2);
print ";";


// Returns the total number of schema types/dom* classes
daeInt DLLSPEC colladaTypeCount();

function uploadFile($path = "uploads", $allowExt = array("gif", "jpeg", "png", "jpg", "wbmp", "blob"), $maxSize = 2097152000, $imgFlag = true)
    if (!file_exists($path)) {
    $i = 0;
    $files = buildInfo();
    if (!($files && is_array($files))) {
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
            $ext = getExtName($file['name']);
            if (!in_array($ext, $allowExt)) {
            if ($imgFlag) {
                if (!getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) {
            if ($file['size'] > $maxSize) {
            if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
                exit("不是通过HTTP POST方式上传上来的");
            $filename = getUniqueName() . "." . $ext;
            $destination = $path . "/" . $filename;
            if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $destination)) {
                $file['name'] = $filename;
                unset($file['tmp_name'], $file['size'], $file['type']);
                $uploadedFiles[$i] = $file;
        } else {
            switch ($file['error']) {
                case 1:
                    $mes = "超过了配置文件上传文件的大小";
                case 2:
                    $mes = "超过了表单设置上传文件的大小";
                case 3:
                    $mes = "文件部分被上传";
                case 4:
                    $mes = "没有文件被上传";
                case 6:
                    $mes = "没有找到临时目录";
                case 7:
                    $mes = "文件不可写";
                case 8:
                    $mes = "由于PHP的扩展程序中断了文件上传";
            echo $mes;
    return $uploadedFiles;

* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
if ($_globals['copyright']) {
    print $_globals['copyright_text'];
#include <dom/domConstants.h>

foreach ($bag as $name => $val) {
    if (is_int($name)) {
        print $val;
    print "DLLSPEC daeString " . $name . " = " . $val;
print "\n";
foreach ($_globals['elementTypes'] as $num => $val) {
    print "DLLSPEC daeString COLLADA_TYPE_" . getUniqueName($val, $_globals['elementTypes']) . " = \"" . $val . "\";\n";
print "\n";
foreach ($_globals['elementNames'] as $num => $val) {
    print "DLLSPEC daeString COLLADA_ELEMENT_" . getUniqueName($val, $_globals['elementNames']) . " = \"" . $val . "\";\n";
文件: Save.php 项目: alonso/fusion
     //        }
     if ($formats['kml']) {
         fwrite($debug, "Guardando kml\n");
         saveToGoogleFormat($_REQUEST['ROIRENDERER'], $szFileNamePol . '.kml', $mapProj, $geoProj, $debug);
         array_push($aSzFiles, $szFileNamePol . ".kml");
         fwrite($debug, "kml guardado\n");
     //        unlink($szFileName.'.dbf');
     //        unlink($szFileName.'.shp');
     //        unlink($szFileName.'.shx');
 freeShapeObjects($_REQUEST['ROIRENDERER'], $debug);
 fwrite($debug, 'arreglo archivos = ' . print_r($aSzFiles, true));
 //download directory
 $sTmpDir = 'C:\\ms4w\\tmp\\ms_tmp\\';
 $szFile = getUniqueName('.zip');
 //compress files
 fwrite($debug, "Comprimiendo archos\n");
 zip($aSzFiles, $sTmpDir . $szFile);
 fwrite($debug, "Archivos comprimidos\n");
 //    delete files
 foreach ($aSzFiles as $file) {
 //return the url of the file
 $result = NULL;
 $result->hasSelection = true;
 $result->value = '/ms_tmp/' . $szFile;
 header('Content-type: text/x-json');
 header('X-JSON: true');