function getColumnsTotal($reportid)
     // Have we initialized it already?
     if ($this->_columnstotallist !== false) {
         return $this->_columnstotallist;
     global $adb;
     global $modules;
     global $log, $current_user;
     $query = "select * from vtiger_reportmodules where reportmodulesid =?";
     $res = $adb->pquery($query, array($reportid));
     $modrow = $adb->fetch_array($res);
     $premod = $modrow["primarymodule"];
     $secmod = $modrow["secondarymodules"];
     $coltotalsql = "select vtiger_reportsummary.* from vtiger_report";
     $coltotalsql .= " inner join vtiger_reportsummary on vtiger_report.reportid = vtiger_reportsummary.reportsummaryid";
     $coltotalsql .= " where vtiger_report.reportid =?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($coltotalsql, array($reportid));
     while ($coltotalrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $fieldcolname = $coltotalrow["columnname"];
         if ($fieldcolname != "none") {
             $fieldlist = explode(":", $fieldcolname);
             $field_tablename = $fieldlist[1];
             $field_columnname = $fieldlist[2];
             $mod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT distinct(tabid) as tabid from vtiger_field where tablename = ? and columnname=?", array($fieldlist[1], $fieldlist[2]));
             if ($adb->num_rows($mod_query) > 0) {
                 $module_name = getTabName($adb->query_result($mod_query, 0, 'tabid'));
                 $fieldlabel = trim($fieldlist[3]);
                 if ($module_name) {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
                 } else {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
             //$field_columnalias = $fieldlist[3];
             $field_permitted = false;
             if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $premod) != "false") {
                 $field_permitted = true;
             } else {
                 $mod = split(":", $secmod);
                 foreach ($mod as $key) {
                     if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $key) != "false") {
                         $field_permitted = true;
             if ($field_permitted == true) {
                 $field = $field_tablename . "." . $field_columnname;
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_products' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerProduct.actual_unit_price";
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_service' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerService.actual_unit_price";
                 if (($field_tablename == 'vtiger_invoice' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_quotes' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_purchaseorder' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_salesorder') && ($field_columnname == 'total' || $field_columnname == 'subtotal' || $field_columnname == 'discount_amount' || $field_columnname == 's_h_amount')) {
                     $field = " {$field_tablename}.{$field_columnname}/{$field_tablename}.conversion_rate ";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 2) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sum({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 3) {
                     //Fixed average calculation issue due to NULL values ie., when we use avg() function, NULL values will be avoid this we use (sum/count) to find average.
                     //$stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "avg(".$fieldlist[1].".".$fieldlist[2].") '".$fieldlist[3]."'";
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "(sum({$field})/count(*)) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 4) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "min({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 5) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "max({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
     // Save the information
     $this->_columnstotallist = $stdfilterlist;
     $log->info("ReportRun :: Successfully returned getColumnsTotal" . $reportid);
     return $stdfilterlist;
 function getColumnsTotal($reportid, $selectlist = '')
     // Have we initialized it already?
     if ($this->_columnstotallist !== false) {
         return $this->_columnstotallist;
     global $adb, $modules, $log, $current_user;
     $query = "select * from vtiger_reportmodules where reportmodulesid =?";
     $res = $adb->pquery($query, array($reportid));
     $modrow = $adb->fetch_array($res);
     $premod = $modrow["primarymodule"];
     $secmod = $modrow["secondarymodules"];
     $coltotalsql = "select vtiger_reportsummary.* from vtiger_report";
     $coltotalsql .= " inner join vtiger_reportsummary on vtiger_report.reportid = vtiger_reportsummary.reportsummaryid";
     $coltotalsql .= " where vtiger_report.reportid =?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($coltotalsql, array($reportid));
     $seltotalcols = array();
     $stdfilterlist = array();
     while ($coltotalrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $fieldcolname = $coltotalrow["columnname"];
         if ($fieldcolname != "none") {
             $sckey = $scval = '';
             $fieldlist = explode(":", $fieldcolname);
             $field_tablename = $fieldlist[1];
             $field_columnname = $fieldlist[2];
             $mod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT distinct(tabid) as tabid from vtiger_field where tablename = ? and columnname=?", array($fieldlist[1], $fieldlist[2]));
             if ($adb->num_rows($mod_query) > 0) {
                 $module_name = getTabName($adb->query_result($mod_query, 0, 'tabid'));
                 $fieldlabel = trim($fieldlist[3]);
                 if ($module_name) {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
                 } else {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
                 $field_columnalias = decode_html($field_columnalias);
                 $query_columnalias = substr($field_columnalias, 0, strrpos($field_columnalias, '_'));
                 $query_columnalias = str_replace(array(' ', '&'), '_', $query_columnalias);
             $sckey = $field_tablename . ':' . $field_columnname . ':' . $query_columnalias . ':' . $field_columnname . ':N';
             // vtiger_invoice:subject:Invoice_Subject:subject:V
             $scval = $field_tablename . '.' . $field_columnname . " AS '" . $query_columnalias . "'";
             // vtiger_invoice.subject AS 'Invoice_Subject'
             $seltotalcols[$sckey] = $scval;
             $field_permitted = false;
             if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $module_name) != "false") {
                 $field_permitted = true;
             /* one call to CheckColumnPermission with $module_name is better than the block below
             			if(CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename,$field_columnname,$premod) != "false"){
             				$field_permitted = true;
             			} else {
             				$mod = explode(":",$secmod);
             				foreach($mod as $key){
             					if(CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename,$field_columnname,$key) != "false"){
             if ($field_permitted == true) {
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_products' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $query_columnalias = ' actual_unit_price';
                     $seltotalcols['innerProduct:actual_unit_price:Products_Unit_Price:actual_unit_price:N'] = 'innerProduct.actual_unit_price AS actual_unit_price';
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_service' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $query_columnalias = ' actual_unit_price';
                     $seltotalcols['innerService:actual_unit_price:Services_Unit_Price:actual_unit_price:N'] = 'innerService.actual_unit_price AS actual_unit_price';
                 if (($field_tablename == 'vtiger_invoice' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_quotes' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_purchaseorder' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_salesorder') && ($field_columnname == 'total' || $field_columnname == 'subtotal' || $field_columnname == 'discount_amount' || $field_columnname == 's_h_amount')) {
                     $query_columnalias = " {$query_columnalias}/{$module_name}" . "_Conversion_Rate ";
                     $seltotalcols[$field_tablename . ':conversion_rate:' . $module_name . '_Conversion_Rate:conversion_rate:N'] = "{$field_tablename}.conversion_rate AS {$module_name}" . "_Conversion_Rate ";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 2) {
                     if ($fieldlist[2] == 'totaltime') {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sec_to_time(sum(time_to_sec(" . $query_columnalias . "))) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                     } else {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sum({$query_columnalias}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 3) {
                     //Fixed average calculation issue due to NULL values ie., when we use avg() function, NULL values will be avoid this we use (sum/count) to find average.
                     //$stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "avg(".$fieldlist[1].".".$fieldlist[2].") '".$fieldlist[3]."'";
                     if ($fieldlist[2] == 'totaltime') {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sec_to_time(sum(time_to_sec(" . $query_columnalias . "))/count(*)) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                     } else {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "(sum({$query_columnalias})/count(*)) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 4) {
                     if ($fieldlist[2] == 'totaltime') {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sec_to_time(min(time_to_sec(" . $query_columnalias . "))) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                     } else {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "min({$query_columnalias}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 5) {
                     if ($fieldlist[2] == 'totaltime') {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sec_to_time(max(time_to_sec(" . $query_columnalias . "))) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                     } else {
                         $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "max({$query_columnalias}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
     // Save the information
     $this->_columnstotallist = $stdfilterlist;
     $stc = array_diff($seltotalcols, $selectlist);
     $this->_columnstotallistaddtoselect = $stc;
     $log->info("ReportRun :: Successfully returned getColumnsTotal" . $reportid);
     return $stdfilterlist;
 function getColumnsTotal($reportid)
     global $log;
     $log->debug("Entering ./modules/ITS4YouReports/GenerateObj.php::getColumnsTotal");
     global $log;
     $log->debug("Entering ./modules/ITS4YouReports/GenerateObj.php::getColumnsTotal");
     global $log;
     $log->debug("Entering ./modules/ITS4YouReports/GenerateObj.php::getColumnsTotal");
     global $log;
     $log->debug("Entering ./modules/ITS4YouReports/GenerateObj.php::getColumnsTotal");
     // Have we initialized it already?
     if (isset($this->_columnstotallist) && $this->_columnstotallist !== false) {
         return $this->_columnstotallist;
     $adb = PEARDatabase::getInstance();
     global $current_user;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM its4you_reports4you_modules WHERE reportmodulesid =?";
     $res = $adb->pquery($query, array($reportid));
     $modrow = $adb->fetch_array($res);
     $premod = $modrow["primarymodule"];
     $premod_name = vtlib_getModuleNameById($premod);
     $secmod = $modrow["secondarymodules"];
     $coltotalsql = "SELECT its4you_reports4you_summary.* FROM its4you_reports4you";
     $coltotalsql .= " INNER JOIN its4you_reports4you_summary on its4you_reports4you.reports4youid = its4you_reports4you_summary.reportsummaryid";
     $coltotalsql .= " WHERE its4you_reports4you.reports4youid =?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($coltotalsql, array($reportid));
     while ($coltotalrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $fieldcolname = $coltotalrow["columnname"];
         if ($fieldcolname != "none") {
             $fieldlist = explode(":", $fieldcolname);
             $field_tablename = $fieldlist[1];
             $field_columnname = $fieldlist[2];
             $mod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT distinct(tabid) AS tabid FROM vtiger_field WHERE tablename = ? AND columnname=?", array($fieldlist[1], $fieldlist[2]));
             if ($adb->num_rows($mod_query) > 0) {
                 $module_name = getTabName($adb->query_result($mod_query, 0, 'tabid'));
                 $fieldlabel = trim($fieldlist[3]);
                 if ($module_name) {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
                 } else {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
             //$field_columnalias = $fieldlist[3];
             $field_permitted = false;
             if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $premod) != "false") {
                 $field_permitted = true;
             } else {
                 $mod_s = split(":", $secmod);
                 // $premod_name = vtlib_getModuleNameById($premod);
                 foreach ($mod_s as $key) {
                     $mod_arr = explode("x", $key);
                     $mod = $mod_arr[0];
                     $mod_name = vtlib_getModuleNameById($mod);
                     if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $mod_name) != "false") {
                         $field_permitted = true;
             if ($field_permitted == true) {
                 $field = $field_tablename . "." . $field_columnname;
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_products' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerProduct.actual_unit_price";
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_service' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerService.actual_unit_price";
                 if (($field_tablename == 'vtiger_invoice' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_quotes' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_purchaseorder' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_salesorder') && ($field_columnname == 'total' || $field_columnname == 'subtotal' || $field_columnname == 'discount_amount' || $field_columnname == 's_h_amount')) {
                     $field = " {$field_tablename}.{$field_columnname}/{$field_tablename}.conversion_rate ";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 2) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sum({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 3) {
                     //Fixed average calculation issue due to NULL values ie., when we use avg() function, NULL values will be avoid this we use (sum/count) to find average.
                     //$stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "avg(".$fieldlist[1].".".$fieldlist[2].") '".$fieldlist[3]."'";
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "(sum({$field})/count(*)) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 4) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "min({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 5) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "max({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
     // Save the information
     $this->_columnstotallist = $stdfilterlist;
     return $stdfilterlist;
 function getColumnsTotal($reportid)
     // Have we initialized it already?
     if ($this->_columnstotallist !== false) {
         return $this->_columnstotallist;
     global $adb;
     global $modules;
     global $log, $current_user;
     static $modulename_cache = array();
     $query = "select * from vtiger_reportmodules where reportmodulesid =?";
     $res = $adb->pquery($query, array($reportid));
     $modrow = $adb->fetch_array($res);
     $premod = $modrow["primarymodule"];
     $secmod = $modrow["secondarymodules"];
     $coltotalsql = "select vtiger_reportsummary.* from vtiger_report";
     $coltotalsql .= " inner join vtiger_reportsummary on vtiger_report.reportid = vtiger_reportsummary.reportsummaryid";
     $coltotalsql .= " where vtiger_report.reportid =?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($coltotalsql, array($reportid));
     while ($coltotalrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
         $fieldcolname = $coltotalrow["columnname"];
         if ($fieldcolname != "none") {
             $fieldlist = explode(":", $fieldcolname);
             $field_tablename = $fieldlist[1];
             $field_columnname = $fieldlist[2];
             $cachekey = $field_tablename . ":" . $field_columnname;
             if (!isset($modulename_cache[$cachekey])) {
                 $mod_query = $adb->pquery("SELECT distinct(tabid) as tabid from vtiger_field where tablename = ? and columnname=?", array($fieldlist[1], $fieldlist[2]));
                 if ($adb->num_rows($mod_query) > 0) {
                     $module_name = getTabName($adb->query_result($mod_query, 0, 'tabid'));
                     $modulename_cache[$cachekey] = $module_name;
             } else {
                 $module_name = $modulename_cache[$cachekey];
             $fieldlabel = trim($fieldlist[3]);
             if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel') {
                 $field_columnalias = $premod . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
             } else {
                 if ($module_name) {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
                 } else {
                     $field_columnalias = $module_name . "_" . $fieldlist[3];
             //$field_columnalias = $fieldlist[3];
             $field_permitted = false;
             if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $premod) != "false") {
                 $field_permitted = true;
             } else {
                 $mod = split(":", $secmod);
                 foreach ($mod as $key) {
                     if (CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, $key) != "false") {
                         $field_permitted = true;
             //Calculation fields of "Events" module should show in Calendar related report
             $secondaryModules = split(":", $secmod);
             if ($field_permitted === false && ($premod === 'Calendar' || in_array('Calendar', $secondaryModules)) && CheckColumnPermission($field_tablename, $field_columnname, "Events") != "false") {
                 $field_permitted = true;
             if ($field_permitted == true) {
                 $field = $field_tablename . "." . $field_columnname;
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_products' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerProduct.actual_unit_price";
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_service' && $field_columnname == 'unit_price') {
                     // Query needs to be rebuild to get the value in user preferred currency. [innerProduct and actual_unit_price are table and column alias.]
                     $field = " innerService.actual_unit_price";
                 if (($field_tablename == 'vtiger_invoice' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_quotes' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_purchaseorder' || $field_tablename == 'vtiger_salesorder') && ($field_columnname == 'total' || $field_columnname == 'subtotal' || $field_columnname == 'discount_amount' || $field_columnname == 's_h_amount' || $field_columnname == 'paid' || $field_columnname == 'balance' || $field_columnname == 'received')) {
                     $field = " {$field_tablename}.{$field_columnname}/{$field_tablename}.conversion_rate ";
                 if ($field_tablename == 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel') {
                     // Check added so that query planner can prepare query properly for inventory modules
                     $this->lineItemFieldsInCalculation = true;
                     $field = $field_tablename . $premod . '.' . $field_columnname;
                     $itemTableName = 'vtiger_inventoryproductrel' . $premod;
                     if ($field_columnname == 'listprice') {
                         $primaryModuleInstance = CRMEntity::getInstance($premod);
                         $field = $field . '/' . $primaryModuleInstance->table_name . '.conversion_rate';
                     } else {
                         if ($field_columnname == 'discount_amount') {
                             $field = ' CASE WHEN ' . $itemTableName . '.discount_amount is not null THEN ' . $itemTableName . '.discount_amount/' . $primaryModuleInstance->table_name . '.conversion_rate ' . 'WHEN ' . $itemTableName . '.discount_percent IS NOT NULL THEN (' . $itemTableName . '.listprice*' . $itemTableName . '.quantity*' . $itemTableName . '.discount_percent/100/' . $primaryModuleInstance->table_name . '.conversion_rate) ELSE 0 END ';
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 2) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "sum({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 3) {
                     //Fixed average calculation issue due to NULL values ie., when we use avg() function, NULL values will be avoid this we use (sum/count) to find average.
                     //$stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "avg(".$fieldlist[1].".".$fieldlist[2].") '".$fieldlist[3]."'";
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "(sum({$field})/count(*)) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 4) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "min({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
                 if ($fieldlist[4] == 5) {
                     $stdfilterlist[$fieldcolname] = "max({$field}) '" . $field_columnalias . "'";
     // Save the information
     $this->_columnstotallist = $stdfilterlist;
     $log->info("ReportRun :: Successfully returned getColumnsTotal" . $reportid);
     return $stdfilterlist;
 * applicable law or agreed to in writing, any software distributed under the License is distributed
 * on an  "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
 * License terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (the License).
 *  Module       : cbMap
 *  Version      : 5.5.0
 *  Author       : OpenCubed.
include_once 'modules/cbMap/cbMap.php';
include_once 'include/utils/CommonUtils.php';
include_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
global $log, $app_strings, $mod_strings, $current_language, $currentModule, $theme;
$mapInstance = CRMEntity::getInstance('cbMap');
$module1 = intval($_REQUEST['pmodule']);
$module2 = getTabName($module1);
$focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($module2);
$blocks = $mapInstance->getBlocksPortal1($module2, 'edit_view', 'edit', $focus->column_fields, '', '5');
$t2 = array();
foreach ($blocks as $block => $fields) {
    $fields_ret = array();
    foreach ($fields as $field => $arr_field) {
        foreach ($arr_field as $each_arr_fields => $each_arr_field) {
            $fldname = $blocks[$block][$field][$each_arr_fields][2][0];
            $fldlabel = $blocks[$block][$field][$each_arr_fields][1][0];
            if ($fldname != '') {
                $fields_ret[] = array('name' => $fldname, 'label' => $fldlabel);
    $t2["{$block}"] = $fields_ret;
文件: db.php 项目: klarclm/sgv
        $plt->set_var('count', $num);
} elseif ($method == 'datarep') {
    $plt->set_file('main', $ac . '_' . $method . '.html');
    $colarr = array('v', 'n');
    $valarr = array();
    $rn = 'table';
    $plt->set_block('main', 'list_' . $rn, 'rows_' . $rn);
    $sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $MAC['db']['name'] . '`';
    $rs = $db->query($sql);
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($rs)) {
        $v = $row['Tables_in_' . $MAC['db']['name']];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($colarr); $i++) {
            $n = $colarr[$i];
            if ($n == 'n') {
                $v .= ' (' . getTabName($v) . ')';
            //$v = $valarr[$n];
            $plt->set_var($n, $v);
        $plt->parse('rows_' . $rn, 'list_' . $rn, true);
} elseif ($method == 'datarepexe') {
    $page = intval($p['pg']);
    if ($page < 1) {
        $page = 1;
    if ($page == 1) {
        $table = be('post', 'table');
        $field = be('post', 'field');
    $focus = new $object_name();
    if ($callInitImport) {
} else {
    echo "Sorry! Import Option is not provided for this module.";
if (isset($_REQUEST['return_module'])) {
    $smarty->assign("RETURN_MODULE", $_REQUEST['return_module']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['return_action'])) {
    $smarty->assign("RETURN_ACTION", $_REQUEST['return_action']);
$smarty->assign("THEME", $theme);
$smarty->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path);
//$smarty->assign("PRINT_URL", "phprint.php?jt=".session_id().$GLOBALS['request_string']);
$smarty->assign("HEADER", $app_strings['LBL_IMPORT'] . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']);
$smarty->assign("HAS_HEADER_CHECKED", " CHECKED");
//$smarty->assign("OVERWRITE_CHECKED"," CHECKED");
$smarty->assign("MODULE", getTabName($module) . $_REQUEST['module']);
$smarty->assign("SOURCE", $_REQUEST['source']);
//we have set this as default. upto 4.2.3 we have Outlook, Act, SF formats. but now CUSTOM is enough to import
$lang_key = "CUSTOM";
$smarty->assign("INSTRUCTIONS_TITLE", $mod_strings["LBL_IMPORT_{$lang_key}_TITLE"]);
for ($i = 1; isset($mod_strings["LBL_{$lang_key}_NUM_{$i}"]); $i++) {
    $smarty->assign("STEP_NUM", $mod_strings["LBL_NUM_{$i}"]);
    $smarty->assign("INSTRUCTION_STEP", $mod_strings["LBL_{$lang_key}_NUM_{$i}"]);