                  $logJoin->logInfo('Not sending activation email for IP='.$ip);
                } else {
                  sendActivation($player_id, $logJoin);
    else {

      if (!isset($_GET['sid']) && $signupEmailRequired) {
        <table class="layouttable" width="600"><tr><td>
        <p style="margin-bottom:10px">To get a quick overview, check out our <a href="/faq.php">FAQ</a>. We currently support these games: <?= getVersionsImagesNoSpace(getSupportedVersions()) ?></p>
        <p style="margin-bottom:10px">To be allowed to sign up for the league, please send an email <b>in English language</b> to <b><?= $admin_signup ?><?= $mailDomain ?></b> and tell us briefly  
        why you want to join - no lengthy explanations needed.</p>
        <p style="margin-bottom:10px">Only players that fully agree to the rules will be allowed to sign up
        - this especially means accepting defeat, being polite to the other players and being able to cope with the difficulties of 
        playing online like network lag. Your main reason to play here should be to have a good time playing the game online and meet new players, not necessarily 
        being the best player of the league. <? echo "<img align='middle' src='$directory/smileys/wink.gif' />" ?> </p>
        <p>After we received your email, we usually send you a sign-up link where you can enter your account details within 24 hours. Please be patient when you do not get an instant reply. If you don't hear from us for a few days, send another email or post in our <a href="http://www.yoursite/forum/">forum</a>.</p>
        <p><b>Important: </b>Some people were wondering why they did not receive an answer, and we have heard of some players finding our mail in their spam folder. If your email was readable, you should get an answer within 72 hours. If you didn't get an email from us, check your spam folder, and if it's not there, send your sign-up request again.</p>   
      } else {
      $num_rows = 0;
          if ($signupEmailRequired) {
            $sid = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sid']);
            $sql = "SELECT sid from $signuptable where sid='$sid' and expired='no' and used='no'";
if (!empty($_GET['type'])) {
    $type = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']);
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
        $type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['type']);
$version = getVersionForLadder($ladder);
if ($version == 'A') {
    $subpage = 'standingsPes4';
echo getOuterBoxTop($subNavText . getRaquo() . getSubNavigation($subpage, null), "");

if (!stristr(getSupportedVersions(), $version)) {
	echo "<p>The ".$ladder." ladder is unknown or not supported anymore!</P>".$back;
} else {
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<table class="formtable"><tr><td nowrap>
<form method="post" action="<?php 
echo "{$directory}";
echo $ladder;
<span style="vertical-align:middle">Region&nbsp;</span>
<select class="width150" name="region">
    } else {
        if ($invalidEmail) {
            $showMessage = true;
            $messageText = '<p>' . $exc . 'Your email address <b>' . $mail . '</b> is invalid. Please <b><a href="/editprofile.php">edit your profile</a> to fix this</b>.</p>';
        } else {
            $playerStatusLine = GetPlayerStatusLine($cookie_name);
            if (!empty($playerStatusLine)) {
                $showMessage = true;
                $messageText = $playerStatusLine;
} else {
    // not logged in
    $versionsImages = getVersionsImages(getSupportedVersions());
    if (!$loggingOut) {
        //$showMessage = true;
        //$messageText = '<p><b>You want to play in evo-league? <a href="/join.php">Click here to sign up!</a></b></p>';
$showMessage2 = false;
$sql = "SELECT maintenance FROM six_stats";
$row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
if ($row[0] == 1) {
    $messageText2 = '<p>' . $exc . 'Sixserver is currently in <b>maintenance mode</b>. You can try to log in later.</p>';
    $showMessage2 = true;