function execute( $par ) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest; require_once( "forms.php" ); require_once( "type.php" ); require_once( "OmegaWikiAttributes.php" ); require_once( "ViewInformation.php" ); initializeOmegaWikiAttributes( new ViewInformation() ); $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_needs_xlation_title' ) ); $destinationLanguageId = array_key_exists( 'to-lang', $_GET ) ? $_GET['to-lang']:''; $collectionId = array_key_exists( 'collection', $_GET ) ? $_GET['collection'] : ''; $sourceLanguageId = array_key_exists( 'from-lang', $_GET ) ? $_GET['from-lang'] : ''; $wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanel( array( wfMsg( 'ow_needs_xlation_dest_lang' ) => getSuggest( 'to-lang', 'language', array(), $destinationLanguageId, languageIdAsText( $destinationLanguageId ) ), wfMsg( 'ow_needs_xlation_source_lang' ) => getSuggest( 'from-lang', 'language', array(), $sourceLanguageId, languageIdAsText( $sourceLanguageId ) ), wfMsg( 'ow_Collection_colon' ) => getSuggest( 'collection', 'collection', array(), $collectionId, collectionIdAsText( $collectionId ) ) ) ) ); if ( $destinationLanguageId == '' ) $wgOut->addHTML( '<p>' . wfMsg( 'ow_needs_xlation_no_dest_lang' ) . '</p>' ); else $this->showExpressionsNeedingTranslation( $sourceLanguageId, $destinationLanguageId, $collectionId ); }
function execute( $par ) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest; $wgOut->setPageTitle( 'Add Collection' ); if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'addcollection' ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( 'You do not have permission to add a collection.' ); return false; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( $wgRequest->getText( 'collection' ) ) { require_once( 'WikiDataAPI.php' ); require_once( 'Transaction.php' ); $dc = $wgRequest->getText( 'dataset' ); $collectionName = $wgRequest->getText( 'collection' ); startNewTransaction( $wgUser->getID(), wfGetIP(), 'Add collection ' . $collectionName ); bootstrapCollection( $collectionName, $wgRequest->getText( 'language' ), $wgRequest->getText( 'type' ), $dc ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_collection_added', $collectionName ) . "<br />" ); } $datasets = wdGetDatasets(); $datasetarray[''] = wfMsgSc( "none_selected" ); foreach ( $datasets as $datasetid => $dataset ) { $datasetarray[$datasetid] = $dataset->fetchName(); } $wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanel( array( 'Collection name:' => getTextBox( 'collection' ), 'Language of name:' => getSuggest( 'language', 'language' ), 'Collection type:' => getSelect( 'type', array( '' => 'None', 'RELT' => 'RELT', 'LEVL' => 'LEVL', 'CLAS' => 'CLAS', 'MAPP' => 'MAPP' ) ), 'Dataset:' => getSelect( 'dataset', $datasetarray ) ), '', array( 'create' => wfMsg( 'ow_create' ) ) ) ); }
function search($searchText) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgFilterLanguageId, $wgSearchWithinWordsDefaultValue, $wgSearchWithinExternalIdentifiersDefaultValue, $wgShowSearchWithinExternalIdentifiersOption, $wgShowSearchWithinWordsOption; $collectionId = $wgRequest->getInt("collection"); $languageId = $wgRequest->getInt("language"); $withinWords = $wgRequest->getBool("within-words"); $withinExternalIdentifiers = $wgRequest->getBool("within-external-identifiers"); if (!$withinWords && !$withinExternalIdentifiers) { $withinWords = $wgSearchWithinWordsDefaultValue; $withinExternalIdentifiers = $wgSearchWithinExternalIdentifiersDefaultValue; } $languageName = languageIdAsText($languageId); $options = array(); $options[wfMsg('datasearch_search_text')] = getTextBox('search-text', $searchText); if ($wgFilterLanguageId == 0) { $options[wfMsg('datasearch_language')] = getSuggest('language', "language", array(), $languageId, $languageName); } else { $languageId = $wgFilterLanguageId; } $options[wfMsg('ow_Collection_colon')] = getSuggest('collection', 'collection', array(), $collectionId, collectionIdAsText($collectionId)); if ($wgShowSearchWithinWordsOption) { $options[wfMsg('datasearch_within_words')] = getCheckBox('within-words', $withinWords); } else { $withinWords = $wgSearchWithinWordsDefaultValue; } if ($wgShowSearchWithinExternalIdentifiersOption) { $options[wfMsg('datasearch_within_ext_ids')] = getCheckBox('within-external-identifiers', $withinExternalIdentifiers); } else { $withinExternalIdentifiers = $wgSearchWithinExternalIdentifiersDefaultValue; } $wgOut->addHTML(getOptionPanel($options)); if ($withinWords) { if ($languageId != 0 && $languageName != "") { $wgOut->addHTML('<h1>' . wfMsg('datasearch_match_words_lang', $languageName, $searchText) . '</h1>'); } else { $wgOut->addHTML('<h1>' . wfMsg('datasearch_match_words', $searchText) . '</h1>'); } $resultCount = $this->searchWordsCount($searchText, $collectionId, $languageId); $wgOut->addHTML('<p>' . wfMsgExt('datasearch_showing_only', 'parsemag', 100, $resultCount) . '</p>'); $wgOut->addHTML($this->searchWords($searchText, $collectionId, $languageId)); } if ($withinExternalIdentifiers) { $wgOut->addHTML('<h1>' . wfMsg('datasearch_match_ext_ids', $searchText) . '</i></h1>'); $wgOut->addHTML('<p>' . wfMsgExt('datasearch_showing_only', 'parsemag', 100) . '</p>'); $wgOut->addHTML($this->searchExternalIdentifiers($searchText, $collectionId)); } }
var $parentKat; var $requestedKat; var $title; var $items; } class Item { var $type; var $id; var $img; var $display; var $favorite; } $db = mysqli_connect($GLOBALS["db_host"], $GLOBALS["db_user"], $GLOBALS["db_pwd"]); mysqli_select_db($db, $GLOBALS["db_name"]); getSuggest(); function getSuggest() { global $db; $erlaubteEbenen = getChildEbenen(0); $suchfeld = ""; $mandant = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['suchtext'])) { $suchfeld = utf8_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['suchtext'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['mandant'])) { $mandant = utf8_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['mandant'])); } $search_sql = "select fe.ID as id,ftl.value as titel,b.URL as image from foi_title_lang ftl join foi_ebene fe on fe.FK_FOI_ID = ftl.fk_foi_id join foi f on fe.FK_FOI_ID = f.ID left join foi_bild fb on fb.FK_FOI_ID = fe.FK_FOI_ID left join bild b on = fb.FK_BILD_ID where (ftl.value like '%|suchbegriff|%') AND (f.BEGINN <= CURDATE() and f.ENDE >= CURDATE() or f.ENDE is null) AND fe.FK_EBENE_ID IN (" . implode(",", $erlaubteEbenen) . ") group by fe.FK_FOI_ID order by ftl.value"; $query = str_replace("|suchbegriff|", $suchfeld, $search_sql); //echo($query);
function getFilterOptionsPanel( $fromTransactionId, $transactionCount, $userName, $showRollBackOptions ) { $countOptions = array(); for ( $i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++ ) $countOptions[$i] = $i; return getOptionPanel( array( wfMsg( 'ow_transaction_from_transaction' ) => getSuggest( 'from-transaction', 'transaction', array(), $fromTransactionId, getTransactionLabel( $fromTransactionId ), array( 0, 2, 3 ) ), wfMsg( 'ow_transaction_count' ) => getSelect( 'transaction-count', $countOptions, $transactionCount ), wfMsg( 'ow_transaction_user' ) => getTextBox( 'user-name', $userName ), wfMsg( 'ow_transaction_show_rollback' ) => getCheckBox( 'show-roll-back-options', $showRollBackOptions ) ) ); }
function getInputFieldForType( $name, $type, $value ) { global $wgDefinedMeaning; switch( $type ) { case "language": return getLanguageSelect( $name ); case "spelling": return getTextBox( $name, $value ); case "boolean": return getCheckBox( $name, $value ); case "$wgDefinedMeaning": case "defining-expression": return getSuggest( $name, $wgDefinedMeaning ); case "relation-type": return getSuggest( $name, "relation-type" ); case "attribute": return getSuggest( $name, "attribute" ); case "collection": return getSuggest( $name, "collection" ); case "short-text": return getTextBox( $name, $value ); case "text": return getTextArea( $name, $value ); } }
public function history() { global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgRequest; $wgOut->enableClientCache( false ); $title = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); if ( !$this->showClassicPageTitles ) $title = $this->getTitle(); $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsgSc( "history", $title ) ); # Plain filter for the lifespan info about each record if ( isset( $_GET['show'] ) ) { $this->showRecordLifeSpan = isset( $_GET["show-record-life-span"] ); $this->transaction = (int) $_GET["transaction"]; } else { $this->showRecordLifeSpan = true; $this->transaction = 0; } # Up to which transaction to view the data if ( $this->transaction == 0 ) $this->queryTransactionInformation = new QueryHistoryTransactionInformation(); else $this->queryTransactionInformation = new QueryAtTransactionInformation( $this->transaction, $this->showRecordLifeSpan ); $transactionId = $wgRequest->getInt( 'transaction' ); $wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanel( array( wfMsg( 'ow_history_transaction' ) => getSuggest( 'transaction', 'transaction', array(), $transactionId, getTransactionLabel( $transactionId ), array( 0, 2, 3 ) ), wfMsg( 'ow_history_show_life_span' ) => getCheckBox( 'show-record-life-span', $this->showRecordLifeSpan ) ), 'history' ) ); $viewInformation = new ViewInformation(); $viewInformation->filterLanguageId = $this->filterLanguageId; $viewInformation->showRecordLifeSpan = $this->showRecordLifeSpan; $viewInformation->queryTransactionInformation = $this->queryTransactionInformation; $viewInformation->setPropertyToColumnFilters( $this->propertyToColumnFilters ); $this->viewInformation = $viewInformation; initializeOmegaWikiAttributes( $this->viewInformation ); initializeObjectAttributeEditors( $viewInformation ); }
{ var $type; var $id; var $img; var $display; var $favorite; } $db = mysqli_connect($GLOBALS["db_host"], $GLOBALS["db_user"], $GLOBALS["db_pwd"]); mysqli_select_db($db, $GLOBALS["db_name"]); $order_criteria = "ORDER BY ftl.value ASC"; if (isset($_POST["lat"]) && isset($_POST["lon"])) { if (is_numeric($_POST["lat"]) && is_numeric($_POST["lon"])) { $order_criteria = "ORDER BY dist(f.GEOM,geometryfromtext('POINT(" . $_POST["lon"] . " " . $_POST["lat"] . ")')) ASC"; } } getSuggest($order_criteria); function getSuggest($order_criteria) { global $db; $erlaubteEbenen = getChildEbenen(0); $suchfeld = ""; $mandant = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['suchtext'])) { $suchfeld = utf8_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['suchtext'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['mandant'])) { $mandant = utf8_decode(rawurldecode($_REQUEST['mandant'])); } $search_sql = "select fe.ID as id,ftl.value as titel,b.URL as image from foi_title_lang ftl join foi_ebene fe on fe.FK_FOI_ID = ftl.fk_foi_id join foi f on fe.FK_FOI_ID = f.ID left join foi_bild fb on fb.FK_FOI_ID = fe.FK_FOI_ID left join bild b on = fb.FK_BILD_ID where (ftl.value like '%|suchbegriff|%') AND (f.BEGINN <= CURDATE() and f.ENDE >= CURDATE() or f.ENDE is null) AND ftl.FK_LANG_ID=" . $_SESSION["languageID"] . " AND f.AKTIV='Y' AND fe.FK_EBENE_ID IN (" . implode(",", $erlaubteEbenen) . ") group by fe.FK_FOI_ID " . $order_criteria; $query = str_replace("|suchbegriff|", $suchfeld, $search_sql); //echo($query);
protected function ui() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgLang, $wgDefinedMeaning; $lang = $wgLang->getCode(); require_once( "forms.php" ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsgSc( "conceptmapping_uitext" ) ); $sets = wdGetDataSets(); $options = array(); $html = ""; $mappings = array(); $rq = array(); foreach ( $sets as $key => $setObject ) { $set = $setObject->getPrefix(); $rq[$set] = $wgRequest->getText( "set_" . $set ); $rq[$set] = trim( $rq[$set] ); $rq[$set] = (int)$rq[$set]; if ( $rq[$set] ) { $dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $rq[$set], null, $setObject ); $defaultSel = $dmModel->getSyntransByLanguageCode( $lang ); $options[$setObject->fetchName()] = getSuggest( "set_$set", $wgDefinedMeaning, array(), $rq[$set], $defaultSel, array( 0 ), $setObject ); } else { $options[$setObject->fetchName()] = getSuggest( "set_$set", $wgDefinedMeaning, array(), null, null, array( 0 ), $setObject ); } } $wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanel( $options ) ); $noerror = $wgRequest->getText( "suppressWarnings" ); foreach ( $sets as $key => $setObject ) { $set = $setObject->getPrefix(); if ( !$rq[$set] ) { $wgOut->addHTML( ' <span style="color:yellow">[' . wfMsgSc( "dm_not_present" ) . ']</span>' ); } else { $dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $rq[$set], null, $setObject ); $dmModel->checkExistence(); if ( $dmModel->exists() ) { $id = $dmModel->getId(); $title = $dmModel->getTitleText(); } else { $id = null; $title = null; } if ( !$noerror ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "$key: " . $rq[$set] . " ($title)" ); } if ( $id != null ) { $mappings[$key] = $id; if ( !$noerror ) { $wgOut->addHTML( ' <span style="color:green">[' . wfMsgSc( "dm_OK" ) . ']</span>' ); } } else { if ( !$noerror ) { $wgOut->addHTML( ' <span style="color:red">[' . wfMsgSc( "dm_not_found" ) . ']</span>' ); } } } $wgOut->addHTML( "<br />\n" ); } if ( sizeOf( $mappings ) > 1 ) { createConceptMapping( $mappings ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsgSc( "mapping_successful" ) ); } else { $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsgSc( "mapping_unsuccessful" ) ); } }
public function getEditHTML( IdStack $idPath, $value ) { global $wgOptionSuffix; // note: it is normal that the "updateSelectOptions(" has no closing parenthesis. An additional parameter and ')' is added by the function updateSuggestValue (suggest.js) $parameters = array( "level" => $this->attributesLevelName, "onUpdate" => 'updateSelectOptions(\'' . $this->updateId( $idPath->getId() ) . $wgOptionSuffix . '\'' ); return getSuggest( $this->updateId( $idPath->getId() ), $this->suggestType(), $parameters ); }