function accessMedia($attr, $path, $data, $volume) { //allow only tinyMCE recognized media suffixes $valid = array("mp3", "wav", "mp4", "webm", "ogg", "swf"); if (access($attr, $path, $data, $volume) || !is_dir($path) && !in_array(getSuffix($path), $valid)) { return !($attr == 'read' || $attr == 'write'); } return NULL; }
function getImageProcessorURIFromCacheName($match, $watermarks) { $args = array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); $set = array(); $done = false; $params = explode('_', stripSuffix($match)); while (!$done && count($params) > 1) { $check = array_pop($params); if (is_numeric($check) && !isset($set['w']) && !isset($set['h'])) { $set['s'] = $check; break; } else { $c = substr($check, 0, 1); if ($c == 'w' || $c == 'h') { if (is_numeric($v = substr($check, 1))) { $set[$c] = (int) $v; continue; } } if ($c == 'c') { $c = substr($check, 0, 2); if (is_numeric($v = substr($check, 2))) { $set[$c] = (int) $v; continue; } } if (!isset($set['w']) && !isset($set['h']) && !isset($set['s'])) { if (!isset($set['wm']) && in_array($check, $watermarks)) { $set['wmk'] = $check; } else { if ($check == 'thumb') { $set['t'] = true; } else { $set['effects'] = $check; } } } else { array_push($params, $check); break; } } } if (!isset($set['wmk'])) { $set['wmk'] = '!'; } $image = preg_replace('~.*/' . CACHEFOLDER . '/~', '', implode('_', $params)) . '.' . getSuffix($match); // strip out the obfustication $album = dirname($image); $image = preg_replace('~^[0-9a-f]{' . CACHE_HASH_LENGTH . '}\\.~', '', basename($image)); $image = $album . '/' . $image; return array($image, getImageArgs($set)); }
/** * Takes an image filename and returns a GD Image using the correct function * for the image's format (imagecreatefrom*). Supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG. * @param string $imagefile the full path and filename of the image to load. * @return image the loaded GD image object. * */ function zp_imageGet($imgfile) { $ext = getSuffix($imgfile); switch ($ext) { case 'png': return imagecreatefrompng($imgfile); case 'wbmp': return imagecreatefromwbmp($imgfile); case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': return imagecreatefromjpeg($imgfile); case 'gif': return imagecreatefromgif($imgfile); } return false; }
function getPHPFiles($folder, $exclude, &$files = array()) { $dir = opendir($folder); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); if (strpos($file, '.') !== 0) { if (is_dir($folder . '/' . $file) && !in_array($file, $exclude)) { getPHPFiles($folder . '/' . $file, $exclude, $files); } else { if (getSuffix($file) == 'php') { $entry = $folder . '/' . $file; $files[] = $entry; } } } } closedir($dir); return $files; }
/** * * enumerates the files in folder(s) * @param $folder */ function getResidentFiles($folder) { global $_zp_resident_files; $localfiles = array(); $localfolders = array(); if (file_exists($folder)) { $dirs = scandir($folder); foreach ($dirs as $file) { if ($file[0] != '.') { $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); $key = $folder . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($folder . '/' . $file)) { $localfolders = array_merge($localfolders, getResidentFiles($folder . '/' . $file)); } else { if (getSuffix($key) == 'php') { $localfiles[] = $key; } } } } } return array_merge($localfiles, $localfolders); }
/** * Prints a playlist using jPlayer. Several playlists per page supported. * * The playlist is meant to replace the 'next_image()' loop on a theme's album.php. * It can be used with a special 'album theme' that can be assigned to media albums with with .flv/.mp4/.mp3s, although Flowplayer 3 also supports images * Replace the entire 'next_image()' loop on album.php with this: * <?php printjPlayerPlaylist("playlist"); ?> or <?php printjPlayerPlaylist("playlist-audio"); ?> * * @param string $option "playlist" use for pure video and mixed video/audio playlists or if you want to show the poster/videothumb with audio only playlists, * "playlist-audio" use for pure audio playlists (m4a,mp3,fla supported only) if you don't need the poster/videothumb to be shown only. * @param string $albumfolder album name to get a playlist from directly */ function printjPlayerPlaylist($option = "playlist", $albumfolder = "") { global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_search; if (empty($albumfolder)) { if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH)) { $albumobj = $_zp_current_search; } else { $albumobj = $_zp_current_album; } } else { $albumobj = newAlbum($albumfolder); } $entries = $albumobj->getImages(0); if (($numimages = count($entries)) != 0) { switch ($option) { case 'playlist': $suffixes = array('m4a', 'm4v', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'flv', 'fla'); break; case 'playlist-audio': $suffixes = array('m4a', 'mp3', 'fla'); break; default: // an invalid option parameter! return; } $id = $albumobj->getID(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ $(document).ready(function(){ new jPlayerPlaylist({ jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_<?php echo $id; ?> ", cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_<?php echo $id; ?> " }, [ <?php $count = ''; $number = ''; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $count++; if (is_array($entry)) { $ext = getSuffix($entry['filename']); } else { $ext = getSuffix($entry); } $numbering = ''; if (in_array($ext, $suffixes)) { $number++; if (getOption('jplayer_playlist_numbered')) { $numbering = '<span>' . $number . '</span>'; } $video = newImage($albumobj, $entry); $videoThumb = ''; $this->setModeAndSuppliedFormat($ext); if ($option == 'playlist' && getOption('jplayer_poster')) { $videoThumb = ',poster:"' . $video->getCustomImage(null, $this->width, $this->height, $this->width, $this->height, null, null, true) . '"'; } $playtime = ''; if (getOption('jplayer_playlist_playtime')) { $playtime = ' (' . $video->get('VideoPlaytime') . ')'; } ?> { title:"<?php echo $numbering . html_encode($video->getTitle()) . $playtime; ?> ", <?php if (getOption('jplayer_download')) { ?> free:true, <?php } ?> <?php echo $this->supplied; ?> :"<?php echo html_encode(pathurlencode($url = $video->getFullImageURL(FULLWEBPATH))); ?> " <?php echo $this->getCounterpartFiles($url, $ext); ?> <?php echo $videoThumb; ?> } <?php if ($numimages != $count) { echo ','; } } // if video } // foreach // for some reason the playlist must run with supplied: "flash,html" because otherwise neither videothumbs(poster) nor flv/flv work on Safari 4.1. // Seems the flash fallback fails here ?> ], { swfPath: "<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?> /jplayer/js", solution: "flash,html", <?php if ($option == 'playlist') { ?> supplied: "m4v, mp4, m4a, mp3, fla, flv<?php echo $this->supplied_counterparts; ?> " <?php } else { ?> supplied: "m4a, mp3, fla<?php echo $this->supplied_counterparts; ?> " <?php } if ($option != 'playlist-audio') { ?> , size: { width: "<?php echo $this->width; ?> px", height: "<?php echo $this->height; ?> px", cssClass: "<?php echo $this->playersize; ?> " } <?php } ?> useStateClassSkin: true, autoBlur: false, smoothPlayBar: true, keyEnabled: true, remainingDuration: true, toggleDuration: true }); }); //]]> </script> <?php if ($option == 'playlist') { ?> <div id="jp_container_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="jp-video <?php echo $this->playersize; ?> " role="application" aria-label="media player"> <div class="jp-type-playlist"> <div id="jquery_jplayer_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="jp-jplayer"></div> <div class="jp-gui"> <div class="jp-video-play"> <button class="jp-video-play-icon" role="button" tabindex="0"><?php echo gettext('play'); ?> </button> </div> <div class="jp-interface"> <div class="jp-progress"> <div class="jp-seek-bar"> <div class="jp-play-bar"></div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-current-time" role="timer" aria-label="time"> </div> <div class="jp-duration" role="timer" aria-label="duration"> </div> <div class="jp-controls-holder"> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('video', 'controls-playlist'); ?> <div class="jp-volume-controls"> <button class="jp-mute" role="button" tabindex="0"><?php echo gettext('mute'); ?> </button> <button class="jp-volume-max" role="button" tabindex="0"><?php echo gettext('max volume'); ?> </button> <div class="jp-volume-bar"> <div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('video', 'toggles-playlist'); ?> </div> <div class="jp-details"> <div class="jp-title" aria-label="title"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-playlist"> <ul> <!-- The method Playlist.displayPlaylist() uses this unordered list --> <li> </li> </ul> </div> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('video', 'no-solution'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } else { // playlist-audio ?> <div id="jquery_jplayer_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="jp-jplayer"></div> <div id="jp_container_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="jp-audio" role="application" aria-label="media player"> <div class="jp-type-playlist"> <div class="jp-gui jp-interface"> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('audio', 'controls-playlist'); ?> <div class="jp-progress"> <div class="jp-seek-bar"> <div class="jp-play-bar"></div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-volume-controls"> <button class="jp-mute" role="button" tabindex="0"><?php echo gettext('mute'); ?> </button> <button class="jp-volume-max" role="button" tabindex="0"><?php echo gettext('max volume'); ?> </button> <div class="jp-volume-bar"> <div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div> </div> </div> <div class="jp-time-holder"> <div class="jp-current-time" role="timer" aria-label="time"> </div> <div class="jp-duration" role="timer" aria-label="duration"> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('audio', 'toggles-playlist'); ?> </div> <div class="jp-playlist"> <ul> <li> </li> </ul> </div> <?php echo $this->getPlayerHTMLparts('audio', 'no-solution'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } // if else playlist } // if no images at all end }
$_zp_gallery_page = 'password.php'; $_zp_script = $_zp_themeroot . '/password.php'; if (!file_exists(internalToFilesystem($_zp_script))) { $_zp_script = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/password.php'; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . LOCAL_CHARSET); header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found"); header("Status: 302 Found"); header('Last-Modified: ' . ZP_LAST_MODIFIED); include internalToFilesystem($_zp_script); exposeZenPhotoInformations($_zp_script, array(), $theme); exitZP(); } } $image_path = $imageobj->localpath; $suffix = getSuffix($image_path); switch ($suffix) { case 'wbm': case 'wbmp': $suffix = 'wbmp'; break; case 'jpg': $suffix = 'jpeg'; break; case 'png': case 'gif': case 'jpeg': break; default: if ($disposal == 'Download') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib-MimeTypes.php';
function isTextFile($file) { global $ok_extensions; $ext = strtolower(getSuffix($file)); return in_array($ext, $ok_extensions); }
$album->setOwner($_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser()); $album->save(); } @chmod($targetPath, CHMOD_VALUE); $error = zp_apply_filter('check_upload_quota', UPLOAD_ERR_OK, $tempFile); if (!$error) { if (is_valid_image($name) || is_valid_other_type($name)) { $seoname = seoFriendly($name); if (strrpos($seoname, '.') === 0) { $seoname = sha1($name) . $seoname; } // soe stripped out all the name. $targetFile = $targetPath . '/' . internalToFilesystem($seoname); if (file_exists($targetFile)) { $append = '_' . time(); $seoname = stripSuffix($seoname) . $append . '.' . getSuffix($seoname); $targetFile = $targetPath . '/' . internalToFilesystem($seoname); } if (move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile)) { @chmod($targetFile, 0666 & CHMOD_VALUE); $album = new Album($gallery, $folder); $image = newImage($album, $seoname); $image->setOwner($_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser()); if ($name != $seoname && $image->getTitle() == substr($seoname, 0, strrpos($seoname, '.'))) { $image->setTitle(substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.'))); } $image->save(); } else { $error = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE; } } else {
/** * Checks for a zip file * * @param string $filename name of the file * @return bool */ function is_zip($filename) { $ext = getSuffix($filename); return $ext == "zip"; }
/** * currently this splitts only sitemaps for albums and its images. Spliting the images itself requires a major rework... * * Gets links to all images for all albums (album by album) * * @return string */ function getSitemapImages() { global $_zp_gallery, $sitemap_number; $data = ''; $sitemap_locales = generateLanguageList(); $imagechangefreq = getOption('sitemap_changefreq_images'); $imagelastmod = getOption('sitemap_lastmod_images'); $limit = sitemap_getDBLimit(1); $albums = array(); getSitemapAlbumList($_zp_gallery, $albums, 'passImages'); $offset = $sitemap_number - 1; $albums = array_slice($albums, $offset, SITEMAP_CHUNK); if ($albums) { $data .= sitemap_echonl('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'); if (GOOGLE_SITEMAP) { $data .= sitemap_echonl('<urlset xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video="">'); } else { $data .= sitemap_echonl('<urlset xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="">'); } foreach ($albums as $album) { @set_time_limit(120); // Extend script timeout to allow for gathering the images. $albumobj = newAlbum($album['folder']); $images = $albumobj->getImages(); // print plain images links if available if ($images) { foreach ($images as $image) { $imageobj = newImage($albumobj, $image); $ext = getSuffix($imageobj->filename); $date = sitemap_getDateformat($imageobj, $imagelastmod); switch (SITEMAP_LOCALE_TYPE) { case 1: foreach ($sitemap_locales as $locale) { $path = seo_locale::localePath(true, $locale) . '/' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '/' . urlencode($imageobj->filename) . IM_SUFFIX; $data .= sitemap_echonl("\t<url>\n\t\t<loc>" . $path . "</loc>\n\t\t<lastmod>" . $date . "</lastmod>\n\t\t<changefreq>" . $imagechangefreq . "</changefreq>\n\t\t<priority>0.6</priority>\n"); if (GOOGLE_SITEMAP) { $data .= getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras($albumobj, $imageobj, $locale); } $data .= sitemap_echonl("</url>"); } break; case 2: foreach ($sitemap_locales as $locale) { $path = rewrite_path(pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '/' . urlencode($imageobj->filename) . IM_SUFFIX, '?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&image=' . urlencode($imageobj->filename), dynamic_locale::fullHostPath($locale)); $data .= sitemap_echonl("\t<url>\n\t\t<loc>" . $path . "</loc>\n\t\t<lastmod>" . $date . "</lastmod>\n\t\t<changefreq>" . $imagechangefreq . "</changefreq>\n\t\t<priority>0.6</priority>\n"); if (GOOGLE_SITEMAP) { $data .= getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras($albumobj, $imageobj, $locale); } $data .= sitemap_echonl("</url>"); } break; default: $path = rewrite_path(pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '/' . urlencode($imageobj->filename) . IM_SUFFIX, '?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&image=' . urlencode($imageobj->filename), FULLWEBPATH); $data .= sitemap_echonl("\t<url>\n\t\t<loc>" . $path . "</loc>\n\t\t<lastmod>" . $date . "</lastmod>\n\t\t<changefreq>" . $imagechangefreq . "</changefreq>\n\t\t<priority>0.6</priority>\n"); if (GOOGLE_SITEMAP) { $data .= getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras($albumobj, $imageobj, NULL); } $data .= sitemap_echonl("</url>"); break; } } } } $data .= sitemap_echonl('</urlset>'); // End off the <urlset> tag } return $data; }
} } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . prefix($table) . ' WHERE `' . $field . '` REGEXP "<img.*src\\s*=\\s*\\".*' . CACHEFOLDER . '((\\.|[^\\"])*)"'; $result = query($sql); if ($result) { while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { preg_match_all('~\\<img.*src\\s*=\\s*"((\\.|[^"])*)~', $row[$field], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $match) { $updated = false; if (preg_match('~/' . CACHEFOLDER . '/~', $match)) { $found++; list($image, $args) = getImageProcessorURIFromCacheName($match, $watermarks); $try = $_zp_supported_images; $base = stripSuffix($image); $prime = getSuffix($image); array_unshift($try, $prime); $try = array_unique($try); $missing = true; //see if we can match the cache name to an image in the album. //Note that the cache suffix may not match the image suffix foreach ($try as $suffix) { if (file_exists(getAlbumFolder() . $base . '.' . $suffix)) { $missing = false; $image = $base . '.' . $suffix; $uri = getImageURI($args, dirname($image), basename($image), NULL); if (strpos($uri, 'i.php?') !== false) { $fixed++; $title = getTitle($table, $row); ?> <a href="<?php
/** * Creates the cache folder version of the image, including watermarking * * @param string $newfilename the name of the file when it is in the cache * @param string $imgfile the image name * @param array $args the cropping arguments * @param bool $allow_watermark set to true if image may be watermarked * @param string $theme the current theme * @param string $album the album containing the image */ function cacheImage($newfilename, $imgfile, $args, $allow_watermark = false, $theme, $album) { @(list($size, $width, $height, $cw, $ch, $cx, $cy, $quality, $thumb, $crop, $thumbstandin, $passedWM, $adminrequest, $effects) = $args); // Set the config variables for convenience. $image_use_side = getOption('image_use_side'); $upscale = getOption('image_allow_upscale'); $allowscale = true; $sharpenthumbs = getOption('thumb_sharpen'); $sharpenimages = getOption('image_sharpen'); $id = NULL; $watermark_use_image = getAlbumInherited($album, 'watermark', $id); if (empty($watermark_use_image)) { $watermark_use_image = IMAGE_WATERMARK; } if (!$effects) { if ($thumb && getOption('thumb_gray')) { $effects = 'gray'; } else { if (getOption('image_gray')) { $effects = 'gray'; } } } $newfile = SERVERCACHE . $newfilename; if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("cacheImage(\$imgfile=" . basename($imgfile) . ", \$newfilename={$newfilename}, \$allow_watermark={$allow_watermark}, \$theme={$theme}) \$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx=" . (is_null($cx) ? 'NULL' : $cx) . ", \$cy=" . (is_null($cy) ? 'NULL' : $cy) . ", \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop} \$image_use_side={$image_use_side}; \$upscale={$upscale};"); } // Check for the source image. if (!file_exists($imgfile) || !is_readable($imgfile)) { imageError(gettext('Image not found or is unreadable.'), 'err-imagenotfound.png'); } $rotate = false; if (zp_imageCanRotate() && getOption('auto_rotate')) { $rotate = getImageRotation($imgfile); } if ($im = zp_imageGet($imgfile)) { if ($rotate) { $im = zp_rotateImage($im, $rotate); } $w = zp_imageWidth($im); $h = zp_imageHeight($im); // Give the sizing dimension to $dim $ratio_in = ''; $ratio_out = ''; $crop = $crop || $cw != 0 || $ch != 0; if (!empty($size)) { $dim = $size; $width = $height = false; if ($crop) { $dim = $size; if (!$ch) { $ch = $size; } if (!$cw) { $cw = $size; } } } else { if (!empty($width) && !empty($height)) { $ratio_in = $h / $w; $ratio_out = $height / $width; if ($ratio_in > $ratio_out) { // image is taller than desired, $height is the determining factor $thumb = true; $dim = $width; if (!$ch) { $ch = $height; } } else { // image is wider than desired, $width is the determining factor $dim = $height; if (!$cw) { $cw = $width; } } } else { if (!empty($width)) { $dim = $width; $size = $height = false; } else { if (!empty($height)) { $dim = $height; $size = $width = false; } else { // There's a problem up there somewhere... imageError(gettext("Unknown error! Please report to the developers at <a href=\"\"></a>"), 'err-imagegeneral.png'); } } } } $sizes = propSizes($size, $width, $height, $w, $h, $thumb, $image_use_side, $dim); list($neww, $newh) = $sizes; if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("cacheImage:" . basename($imgfile) . ": \$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$w={$w}; \$h={$h}; \$cw={$cw}, " . "\$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy}, \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$newh={$newh}, \$neww={$neww}, \$dim={$dim}, " . "\$ratio_in={$ratio_in}, \$ratio_out={$ratio_out} \$upscale={$upscale} \$rotate={$rotate} \$effects={$effects}"); } if (!$upscale && $newh >= $h && $neww >= $w) { // image is the same size or smaller than the request $neww = $w; $newh = $h; $allowscale = false; if ($crop) { if ($width > $neww) { $width = $neww; } if ($height > $newh) { $height = $newh; } } if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("cacheImage:no upscale " . basename($imgfile) . ": \$newh={$newh}, \$neww={$neww}, \$crop={$crop}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$rotate={$rotate}, watermark=" . $watermark_use_image); } } // Crop the image if requested. if ($crop) { if ($cw > $ch) { $ir = $ch / $cw; } else { $ir = $cw / $ch; } if ($size) { $neww = $size; $newh = $ir * $size; } else { $neww = $width; $newh = $height; if ($neww > $newh) { if ($newh === false) { $newh = $ir * $neww; } } else { if ($neww === false) { $neww = $ir * $newh; } } } if (is_null($cx) && is_null($cy)) { // scale crop to max of image // set crop scale factor $cf = 1; if ($cw) { $cf = min($cf, $cw / $neww); } if ($ch) { $cf = min($cf, $ch / $newh); } // set the image area of the crop (use the most image possible, rule of thirds positioning) if (!$cw || $w / $cw * $ch > $h) { $cw = round($h / $ch * $cw * $cf); $ch = round($h * $cf); $cx = round(($w - $cw) / 3); } else { $ch = round($w / $cw * $ch * $cf); $cw = round($w * $cf); $cy = round(($h - $ch) / 3); } } else { // custom crop if (!$cw || $cw > $w) { $cw = $w; } if (!$ch || $ch > $h) { $ch = $h; } } // force the crop to be within the image if ($cw + $cx > $w) { $cx = $w - $cw; } if ($cx < 0) { $cw = $cw + $cx; $cx = 0; } if ($ch + $cy > $h) { $cy = $h - $ch; } if ($cy < 0) { $ch = $ch + $cy; $cy = 0; } if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("cacheImage:crop " . basename($imgfile) . ":\$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy}, \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$rotate={$rotate}"); } $newim = zp_createImage($neww, $newh); zp_resampleImage($newim, $im, 0, 0, $cx, $cy, $neww, $newh, $cw, $ch); } else { if ($allowscale) { $sizes = propSizes($size, $width, $height, $w, $h, $thumb, $image_use_side, $dim); list($neww, $newh) = $sizes; } if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("cacheImage:no crop " . basename($imgfile) . ":\$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$dim={$dim}, \$neww={$neww}; \$newh={$newh}; \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$rotate={$rotate}; \$allowscale={$allowscale};"); } $newim = zp_createImage($neww, $newh); zp_resampleImage($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $w, $h); } $imgEffects = explode(',', $effects); if (in_array('gray', $imgEffects)) { zp_imageGray($newim); } if ($thumb && $sharpenthumbs || !$thumb && $sharpenimages) { zp_imageUnsharpMask($newim, getOption('sharpen_amount'), getOption('sharpen_radius'), getOption('sharpen_threshold')); } $watermark_image = false; if ($passedWM) { if ($passedWM != NO_WATERMARK) { $watermark_image = getWatermarkPath($passedWM); if (!file_exists($watermark_image)) { $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/imageDefault.png'; } } } else { if ($allow_watermark) { $watermark_image = $watermark_use_image; if ($watermark_image) { if ($watermark_image != NO_WATERMARK) { $watermark_image = getWatermarkPath($watermark_image); if (!file_exists($watermark_image)) { $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/imageDefault.png'; } } } } } if ($watermark_image) { $offset_h = getOption('watermark_h_offset') / 100; $offset_w = getOption('watermark_w_offset') / 100; $watermark = zp_imageGet($watermark_image); $watermark_width = zp_imageWidth($watermark); $watermark_height = zp_imageHeight($watermark); $imw = zp_imageWidth($newim); $imh = zp_imageHeight($newim); $nw = sqrt($imw * $imh * $percent * ($watermark_width / $watermark_height)); $nh = $nw * ($watermark_height / $watermark_width); $percent = getOption('watermark_scale') / 100; $r = sqrt($imw * $imh * $percent / ($watermark_width * $watermark_height)); if (!getOption('watermark_allow_upscale')) { $r = min(1, $r); } $nw = round($watermark_width * $r); $nh = round($watermark_height * $r); if ($nw != $watermark_width || $nh != $watermark_height) { $watermark = zp_imageResizeAlpha($watermark, $nw, $nh); } // Position Overlay in Bottom Right $dest_x = max(0, floor(($imw - $nw) * $offset_w)); $dest_y = max(0, floor(($imh - $nh) * $offset_h)); if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("Watermark:" . basename($imgfile) . ": \$offset_h={$offset_h}, \$offset_w={$offset_w}, \$watermark_height={$watermark_height}, \$watermark_width={$watermark_width}, \$imw={$imw}, \$imh={$imh}, \$percent={$percent}, \$r={$r}, \$nw={$nw}, \$nh={$nh}, \$dest_x={$dest_x}, \$dest_y={$dest_y}"); } zp_copyCanvas($newim, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $nw, $nh); zp_imageKill($watermark); } // Create the cached file (with lots of compatibility)... mkdir_recursive(dirname($newfile)); if (zp_imageOutput($newim, getSuffix($newfile), $newfile, $quality)) { // successful save of cached image if (getOption('ImbedIPTC') && getSuffix($newfilename) == 'jpg') { // the imbed function works only with JPEG images $iptc_data = zp_imageIPTC($imgfile); if (empty($iptc_data)) { global $_zp_extra_filetypes; // because we are doing the require in a function! if (!$_zp_extra_filetypes) { $_zp_extra_filetypes = array(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; // it is ok to increase memory footprint now since the image processing is complete $gallery = new Gallery(); $iptc = array('1#090' => chr(0x1b) . chr(0x25) . chr(0x47), '2#115' => $gallery->getTitle()); $imgfile = str_replace(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH, '', $imgfile); $imagename = basename($imgfile); $albumname = dirname($imgfile); $image = newImage(new Album(new Gallery(), $albumname), $imagename); $copyright = $image->getCopyright(); if (empty($copyright)) { $copyright = getOption('default_copyright'); } if (!empty($copyright)) { $iptc['2#116'] = $copyright; } $credit = $image->getCredit(); if (!empty($credit)) { $iptc['2#110'] = $credit; } foreach ($iptc as $tag => $string) { $tag_parts = explode('#', $tag); $iptc_data .= iptc_make_tag($tag_parts[0], $tag_parts[1], $string); } } else { if (GRAPHICS_LIBRARY == 'Imagick' && IMAGICK_RETAIN_PROFILES) { // Imageick has preserved the metadata $iptc_data = false; } } if ($iptc_data) { $content = iptcembed($iptc_data, $newfile); $fw = fopen($newfile, 'w'); fwrite($fw, $content); fclose($fw); clearstatcache(); } } if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog('Finished:' . basename($imgfile)); } } else { if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog('cacheImage: failed to create ' . $newfile); } } @chmod($newfile, 0666 & CHMOD_VALUE); zp_imageKill($newim); zp_imageKill($im); } }
/** * Filter for handling image objects * * @param object $image * @return object */ static function new_image($image) { global $_zp_exifvars; $source = ''; $metadata_path = ''; $files = safe_glob(substr($image->localpath, 0, strrpos($image->localpath, '.')) . '.*'); if (count($files) > 0) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (strtolower(getSuffix($file)) == XMP_EXTENSION) { $metadata_path = $file; break; } } } if (!empty($metadata_path)) { $source = self::extractXMP(file_get_contents($metadata_path)); } else { if (getOption('xmpMetadata_examine_images_' . strtolower(substr(strrchr($image->localpath, "."), 1)))) { $f = file_get_contents($image->localpath); $l = filesize($image->localpath); $abort = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $l && $abort < 200 && !$source) { $tag = bin2hex(substr($f, $i, 2)); $size = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($f, $i + 2, 2))); switch ($tag) { case 'ffe1': // EXIF // EXIF case 'ffe2': // EXIF extension // EXIF extension case 'fffe': // COM // COM case 'ffe0': // IPTC marker $source = self::extractXMP($f); $i = $i + $size + 2; $abort = 0; break; default: if ($f[$i] == '<') { $source = self::extractXMP($f); } $i = $i + 1; $abort++; break; } } } } if (!empty($source)) { $metadata = self::extract($source); $image->set('hasMetadata', count($metadata > 0)); foreach ($metadata as $field => $element) { if (array_key_exists($field, $_zp_exifvars)) { if (!$_zp_exifvars[$field][5]) { continue; // the field has been disabled } } $v = self::to_string($element); switch ($field) { case 'EXIFDateTimeOriginal': $image->setDateTime($element); break; case 'IPTCImageCaption': $image->setDesc($v); break; case 'IPTCCity': $image->setCity($v); break; case 'IPTCState': $image->setState($v); break; case 'IPTCLocationName': $image->setCountry($v); break; case 'IPTCSubLocation': $image->setLocation($v); break; case 'EXIFExposureTime': $v = formatExposure(self::rationalNum($element)); break; case 'EXIFFocalLength': $v = self::rationalNum($element) . ' mm'; break; case 'EXIFAperatureValue': case 'EXIFFNumber': $v = 'f/' . self::rationalNum($element); break; case 'EXIFExposureBiasValue': case 'EXIFGPSAltitude': $v = self::rationalNum($element); break; case 'EXIFGPSLatitude': case 'EXIFGPSLongitude': $ref = substr($element, -1, 1); $image->set($field . 'Ref', $ref); $element = substr($element, 0, -1); $n = explode(',', $element); if (count($n) == 3) { $v = $n[0] + ($n[1] + $n[2] / 60 / 60); } else { $v = $n[0] + $n[1] / 60; } break; case 'rating': $v = min(getoption('rating_stars_count'), $v) * min(1, getOption('rating_split_stars')); $image->set('total_value', $v); $image->set('total_votes', 1); break; case 'watermark': case 'watermark_use': case 'custom_data': case 'codeblock': case 'owner': $image->set($field, $v); break; case 'IPTCKeywords': if (!is_array($element)) { $element = explode(',', $element); } $image->setTags($element); break; } if (array_key_exists($field, $_zp_exifvars)) { $image->set($field, $v); } } $image->save(); } return $image; }
/** * Returns the object "type" of the "image". * * Note: * If the root object is a video object then * If a mediaplayer is enabled a sub-type of video or audio will * be determined from the suffix. If it is not one of the * known suffixes or if the mediaplayer is not enabled then 'other' is * returned as the object type. * * Pure images return empty for an object type. * * @return string */ function getImageType($imageobj) { $imageType = strtolower(get_class($imageobj)); switch ($imageType) { case 'video': $imagesuffix = getSuffix($imageobj->filename); switch ($imagesuffix) { case 'flv': case 'mp4': case 'm4v': $imageType = 'video'; break; case 'mp3': case 'fla': case 'm4a': $imageType = 'audio'; break; } break; case 'image': $imageType = ''; break; default: $parent = strtolower(get_parent_class($imageobj)); if ($parent == 'textobject') { $imageType = 'textobject'; } break; } return $imageType; }
/** * Gets the actual download list included all subfolders and files * @param string $dir An optional different folder to generate the list that overrides the folder set on the option. * This could be a subfolder of the main download folder set on the plugin's options. You have to include the base directory as like this: * "folder" or "folder/subfolder" or "../folder" * You can also set any folder within or without the root of your Zenphoto installation as a download folder with this directly * @param string $listtype "ol" or "ul" for the type of HTML list you want to use * @param array $filters an array of files to exclude from the list. Standard items are '.', '..','.DS_Store','Thumbs.db','.htaccess','.svn' * @param array $excludesuffixes an array of file suffixes (without trailing dot to exclude from the list (e.g. "jpg") * @param string $sort 'asc" or "desc" (default) for alphabetical ascending or descending list * @return array */ function getdownloadList($dir, $filters, $excludesuffixes, $sort) { if (empty($dir)) { $dir = getOption('downloadList_directory'); } if (empty($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = getOption('downloadList_excludesuffixes'); } if (empty($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = array(); } elseif (!is_array($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = explode(',', $excludesuffixes); } if ($sort == 'asc') { $direction = 0; } else { $direction = 1; } $dirs = array_diff(scandir($dir, $direction), array_merge(array('.', '..', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db', '.htaccess', '.svn'), $filters)); $dir_array = array(); if ($sort == 'asc') { natsort($dirs); } foreach ($dirs as $file) { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { $dir_array[$file] = getdownloadList($dir . "/" . $file, $filters, $excludesuffixes, $sort); } else { if (!in_array(getSuffix($file), $excludesuffixes)) { $dir_array[$file] = $dir . '/' . $file; } } } return $dir_array; }
/** * Takes an image filename and returns an Imagick image object * * @param string $imgfile the full path and filename of the image to load * @return Imagick */ function zp_imageGet($imgfile) { global $_lib_Imagick_info; if (array_key_exists(strtoupper(getSuffix($imgfile)), $_lib_Imagick_info)) { $image = new Imagick(); $maxHeight = getOption('magick_max_height'); $maxWidth = getOption('magick_max_width'); if ($maxHeight > lib_Imagick_Options::$ignore_size && $maxWidth > lib_Imagick_Options::$ignore_size) { $image->setOption('jpeg:size', $maxWidth . 'x' . $maxHeight); } $image->readImage(imgSrcURI($imgfile)); //Generic CMYK to RGB conversion if ($image->getImageColorspace() == Imagick::COLORSPACE_CMYK) { $image->transformimagecolorspace(Imagick::COLORSPACE_SRGB); } return $image; } return false; }
/** * Gets the feed item data in a gallery feed * * @param object $item Object of an image or album * @return array */ protected function getItemGallery($item) { if ($this->mode == "albums") { $albumobj = newAlbum($item['folder']); $totalimages = $albumobj->getNumImages(); $itemlink = $this->host . $albumobj->getLink(); $thumb = $albumobj->getAlbumThumbImage(); $thumburl = '<img border="0" src="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . html_encode(pathurlencode($thumb->getCustomImage($this->imagesize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE))) . '" alt="' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)) . '" />'; $title = $albumobj->getTitle($this->locale); if (true || $this->sortorder == "latestupdated") { $filechangedate = filectime(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH . internalToFilesystem($albumobj->name)); $latestimage = query_single_row("SELECT mtime FROM " . prefix('images') . " WHERE albumid = " . $albumobj->getID() . " AND `show` = 1 ORDER BY id DESC"); if ($latestimage && $this->sortorder == 'latestupdated') { $count = db_count('images', "WHERE albumid = " . $albumobj->getID() . " AND mtime = " . $latestimage['mtime']); } else { $count = $totalimages; } if ($count != 0) { $imagenumber = sprintf(ngettext('%s (%u image)', '%s (%u images)', $count), $title, $count); } else { $imagenumber = $title; } $feeditem['desc'] = '<a title="' . $title . '" href="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $itemlink . '">' . $thumburl . '</a>' . '<p>' . html_encode($imagenumber) . '</p>' . $albumobj->getDesc($this->locale) . '<br />' . sprintf(gettext("Last update: %s"), zpFormattedDate(DATE_FORMAT, $filechangedate)); } else { if ($totalimages != 0) { $imagenumber = sprintf(ngettext('%s (%u image)', '%s (%u images)', $totalimages), $title, $totalimages); } $feeditem['desc'] = '<a title="' . html_encode($title) . '" href="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $itemlink . '">' . $thumburl . '</a>' . $item->getDesc($this->locale) . '<br />' . sprintf(gettext("Date: %s"), zpFormattedDate(DATE_FORMAT, $item->get('mtime'))); } $ext = getSuffix($thumb->localpath); } else { $ext = getSuffix($item->localpath); $albumobj = $item->getAlbum(); $itemlink = $this->host . $item->getLink(); $fullimagelink = $this->host . html_encode(pathurlencode($item->getFullImageURL())); $thumburl = '<img border="0" src="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . html_encode(pathurlencode($item->getCustomImage($this->imagesize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE))) . '" alt="' . $item->getTitle($this->locale) . '" /><br />'; $title = $item->getTitle($this->locale); $albumtitle = $albumobj->getTitle($this->locale); $datecontent = '<br />Date: ' . zpFormattedDate(DATE_FORMAT, $item->get('mtime')); if ($ext == "flv" || $ext == "mp3" || $ext == "mp4" || $ext == "3gp" || $ext == "mov" and $this->mode != "album") { $feeditem['desc'] = '<a title="' . html_encode($title) . ' in ' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)) . '" href="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $itemlink . '">' . $thumburl . '</a>' . $item->getDesc($this->locale) . $datecontent; } else { $feeditem['desc'] = '<a title="' . html_encode($title) . ' in ' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)) . '" href="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $itemlink . '"><img src="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $this->host . html_encode(pathurlencode($item->getCustomImage($this->imagesize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE))) . '" alt="' . html_encode($title) . '" /></a>' . $item->getDesc($this->locale) . $datecontent; } } // title if ($this->mode != "albums") { $feeditem['title'] = sprintf('%1$s (%2$s)', $item->getTitle($this->locale), $albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)); } else { $feeditem['title'] = $imagenumber; } //link $feeditem['link'] = PROTOCOL . '://' . $itemlink; // enclosure $feeditem['enclosure'] = ''; if (getOption("RSS_enclosure") and $this->mode != "albums") { $feeditem['enclosure'] = '<enclosure url="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $fullimagelink . '" type="' . getMimeString($ext) . '" length="' . filesize($item->localpath) . '" />'; } //category if ($this->mode != "albums") { $feeditem['category'] = html_encode($albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)); } else { $feeditem['category'] = html_encode($albumobj->getTitle($this->locale)); } //media content $feeditem['media_content'] = ''; $feeditem['media_thumbnail'] = ''; if (getOption("RSS_mediarss") and $this->mode != "albums") { $feeditem['media_content'] = '<media:content url="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $fullimagelink . '" type="image/jpeg" />'; $feeditem['media_thumbnail'] = '<media:thumbnail url="' . PROTOCOL . '://' . $fullimagelink . '" width="' . $this->imagesize . '" height="' . $this->imagesize . '" />'; } //date if ($this->mode != "albums") { $feeditem['pubdate'] = date("r", strtotime($item->getDateTime())); } else { $feeditem['pubdate'] = date("r", strtotime($albumobj->getDateTime())); } return $feeditem; }
if (defined('TEST_RELEASE') && TEST_RELEASE) { $mark = -1; $msg1 = gettext("Zenphoto core files [This is a <em>debug</em> build]"); } else { $msg1 = ''; $mark = 1; } $msg2 = ''; } checkMark($mark, gettext("Zenphoto core files"), $msg1, $msg2, false); if (setupUserAuthorized() && $connection) { primeMark(gettext('Installation files')); $systemlist = $filelist = array(); $phi_ini_count = $svncount = 0; foreach ($_zp_resident_files as $extra) { if (getSuffix($extra) == 'xxx') { @unlink($extra); // presumed to be protected copies of the setup files } else { if (strpos($extra, 'php.ini') !== false) { $phi_ini_count++; } else { if (defined('TEST_RELEASE') && TEST_RELEASE || strpos($extra, '/.svn') === false) { $systemlist[] = $extra; $filelist[] = $_zp_UTF8->convert(str_replace($base, '', $extra), FILESYSTEM_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); } else { $svncount++; } } } }
echo '<option value="' . $timeselect . '">' . $timeselect . ':00</option>'; $timeselect++; } echo '</select>'; // Day echo '<select name="day">'; $dayselect = '1'; $month_length = date("t"); while ($dayselect < $current_day) { echo '<option value="' . $dayselect . '">' . getSuffix($dayselect) . '</option>'; $dayselect++; } echo '<option value="' . $dayselect . '" selected>' . getSuffix($dayselect) . '</option>'; $dayselect++; while ($dayselect <= $month_length) { echo '<option value="' . $dayselect . '">' . getSuffix($dayselect) . '</option>'; $dayselect++; } echo '</select>'; // Month $month = array(1 => "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); echo '<select name="month">'; foreach ($month as $key => $val) { if ($key == $current_month) { echo '<option value="' . $key . '" selected>' . $val . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $val . '</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; // Year
/** * Returns the path of an image for uses in caching it * NOTE: character set if for the filesystem * * @param string $album album folder * @param string $image image file name * @param array $args cropping arguments * @return string */ function getImageCacheFilename($album8, $image8, $args) { global $_zp_supported_images, $_zp_cachefileSuffix; // this function works in FILESYSTEM_CHARSET, so convert the file names $album = internalToFilesystem($album8); if (is_array($image8)) { $image8 = $image8['name']; } if (IMAGE_CACHE_SUFFIX) { $suffix = IMAGE_CACHE_SUFFIX; } else { $suffix = @$_zp_cachefileSuffix[strtoupper(getSuffix($image8))]; if (empty($suffix)) { $suffix = 'jpg'; } } if (is_array($image8)) { $image = internalToFilesystem($image8['name']); } else { $image = stripSuffix(internalToFilesystem($image8)); } // Set default variable values. $postfix = getImageCachePostfix($args); if (empty($album)) { $albumsep = ''; } else { if (SAFE_MODE) { $albumsep = SAFE_MODE_ALBUM_SEP; $album = str_replace(array('/', "\\"), $albumsep, $album); } else { $albumsep = '/'; } } if (getOption('obfuscate_cache')) { $result = '/' . $album . $albumsep . sha1($image . HASH_SEED . $postfix) . '.' . $image . $postfix . '.' . $suffix; } else { $result = '/' . $album . $albumsep . $image . $postfix . '.' . $suffix; } return $result; }
/** * Removes unwanted images from the list returned from the filesystem * * @param array $image_array the list of images found * @return array */ function filterImages($image_array) { $new_list = array(); foreach ($image_array as $image) { if (!getOption('filter_file_searches_images_' . getSuffix($image))) { $new_list[] = $image; } } return $new_list; }
/** * * "video" metadata support function */ private function getMetaDataID3() { $suffix = getSuffix($this->localpath); if (in_array($suffix, array('m4a', 'm4v', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'flv', 'fla', 'mov', '3gp'))) { $getID3 = new getID3(); @set_time_limit(30); $ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($this->localpath); getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($ThisFileInfo); // output desired information in whatever format you want if (is_array($ThisFileInfo)) { return $ThisFileInfo; } } return NULL; // don't try to cover other files even if getid3 reads images as well }
/** * Loads a font and returns its font id * * @param string $font * @return int */ function zp_imageLoadFont($font = NULL, $size = 18) { global $_gd_freetype_fonts; if (!empty($font)) { if (file_exists($font)) { switch (getSuffix($font)) { case 'gdf': return imageloadfont($font); case 'ttf': $index = -count($_gd_freetype_fonts); array_push($_gd_freetype_fonts, array('path' => $font, 'size' => $size)); return $index; } } } return 5; // default to the largest inbuilt font }
/** * Returns the content of the text file * * @param int $w optional width * @param int $h optional height * @return string */ function getContent($w = NULL, $h = NULL) { $this->updateDimensions(); if (is_null($w)) { $w = $this->getWidth(); } if (is_null($h)) { $h = $this->getHeight(); } $providers = array('' => '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($this->getThumb())) . '">', 'google' => '<iframe src="" width="' . $w . 'px" height="' . $h . 'px" frameborder="0" border="none" scrolling="auto"></iframe>', 'zoho' => '<iframe src="" width="' . $w . 'px" height="' . $h . 'px" frameborder="0" border="none" scrolling="auto"></iframe>', 'local' => '<iframe src="%s" width="' . $w . 'px" height="' . $h . 'px" frameborder="0" border="none" scrolling="auto"></iframe>'); switch ($suffix = getSuffix($this->filename)) { case 'ppt': $suffix = 'pps'; case 'tiff': $suffix = substr($suffix, 0, 3); case 'tif': case 'pps': case 'pdf': $provider = 'WEBdocs_' . $suffix . '_provider'; return sprintf($providers[getOption($provider)], html_encode($this->getFullImageURL(FULLWEBPATH))); default: // just in case we extend and are lazy... return '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($this->getThumb())) . '">'; } }
/** * Gets the actual download list included all subfolders and files * @param string $dir8 An optional different folder to generate the list that overrides the folder set on the option. * This could be a subfolder of the main download folder set on the plugin's options. You have to include the base directory as like this: * "folder" or "folder/subfolder" or "../folder" * You can also set any folder within or without the root of your Zenphoto installation as a download folder with this directly * @param string $listtype "ol" or "ul" for the type of HTML list you want to use * @param array $filters8 an array of files to exclude from the list. Standard items are '.', '..','.DS_Store','Thumbs.db','.htaccess','.svn' * @param array $excludesuffixes an array of file suffixes (without trailing dot to exclude from the list (e.g. "jpg") * @param string $sort 'asc" or "desc" (default) for alphabetical ascending or descending list * @return array */ function getdownloadList($dir8, $filters8, $excludesuffixes, $sort) { $filters = array('Thumbs.db'); foreach ($filters8 as $key => $file) { $filters[$key] = internalToFilesystem($file); } if (empty($dir8)) { $dir = SERVERPATH . '/' . getOption('downloadList_directory'); } else { if (substr($dir8, 0, 1) == '/' || strpos($dir8, ':') !== false) { $dir = internalToFilesystem($dir8); } else { $dir = SERVERPATH . '/' . internalToFilesystem($dir8); } } if (empty($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = getOption('downloadList_excludesuffixes'); } if (empty($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = array(); } elseif (!is_array($excludesuffixes)) { $excludesuffixes = explode(',', $excludesuffixes); } if ($sort == 'asc') { $direction = 0; } else { $direction = 1; } $dirs = array_diff(scandir($dir, $direction), $filters); $dir_array = array(); if ($sort == 'asc') { natsort($dirs); } foreach ($dirs as $file) { if (@$file[0] != '.') { // exclude "hidden" files if (is_dir(internalToFilesystem($dir) . '/' . $file)) { $dirN = filesystemToInternal($dir) . "/" . filesystemToInternal($file); $dir_array[$file] = getdownloadList($dirN, $filters8, $excludesuffixes, $sort); } else { if (!in_array(getSuffix($file), $excludesuffixes)) { $dir_array[$file] = $dir . '/' . filesystemToInternal($file); } } } } return $dir_array; }
/** * Returns the file extension if the item passed is displayable by the player * * @param mixed $image either an image object or the filename of an image. * @param array $valid_types list of the types we will accept * @return string; */ static function is_valid($image, $valid_types) { if (is_object($image)) { $image = $image->filename; } $ext = getSuffix($image); if (in_array($ext, $valid_types)) { return $ext; } return false; }
$quality = getOption('full_image_quality'); $rotate = false; if (zp_imageCanRotate()) { $rotate = getImageRotation($imgpath); } if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog("image_crop: crop " . basename($imgpath) . ":\$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy} \$rotate={$rotate}"); } if ($rotate) { $timg = zp_rotateImage($timg, $rotate); } $newim = zp_createImage($cw, $ch); zp_resampleImage($newim, $timg, 0, 0, $cx, $cy, $cw, $ch, $cw, $ch, getSuffix($imagename)); @chmod($imgpath, 0777); @unlink($imgpath); if (zp_imageOutput($newim, getSuffix($imgpath), $imgpath, $quality)) { if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog('image_crop Finished:' . basename($imgpath)); } } else { if (DEBUG_IMAGE) { debugLog('image_crop: failed to create ' . $imgpath); } } @chmod($imgpath, FILE_MOD); zp_imageKill($newim); zp_imageKill($timg); Gallery::clearCache(SERVERCACHE . '/' . $albumname); // update the image data $imageobj->set('EXIFOrientation', 0); $imageobj->updateDimensions();
/** * Delete the entire album PERMANENTLY. Be careful! This is unrecoverable. * Returns true if successful * * @return bool */ function remove() { $rslt = false; if (PersistentObject::remove()) { foreach ($this->getImages() as $filename) { $image = newImage($this, $filename); $image->remove(); } foreach ($this->getAlbums() as $folder) { $subalbum = newAlbum($folder); $subalbum->remove(); } $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->localpath); $filelist = safe_glob('*'); foreach ($filelist as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { @chmod($file, 0777); unlink($this->localpath . $file); // clean out any other files in the folder } } chdir($curdir); clearstatcache(); query("DELETE FROM " . prefix('options') . "WHERE `ownerid`=" . $this->id); query("DELETE FROM " . prefix('comments') . "WHERE `type`='albums' AND `ownerid`=" . $this->id); query("DELETE FROM " . prefix('obj_to_tag') . "WHERE `type`='albums' AND `objectid`=" . $this->id); $success = true; $filestoremove = safe_glob(substr($this->localpath, 0, strrpos($this->localpath, '.')) . '.*'); foreach ($filestoremove as $file) { if (in_array(strtolower(getSuffix($file)), $this->sidecars)) { @chmod($file, 0777); $success = $success && unlink($file); } } @chmod($this->localpath, 0777); $rslt = @rmdir($this->localpath) && $success; $cachepath = SERVERCACHE . '/' . pathurlencode($this->name) . '/'; @chmod($cachepath, 0777); @rmdir($cachepath); } clearstatcache(); return $rslt; }
function processFilters() { require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/setup/setup-functions.php'; global $_zp_resident_files; $classes = $subclasses = $oldfilterlist = array(); $htmlfile = SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/filterDoc/filter list.html'; $prolog = $epilog = ''; if (file_exists($htmlfile)) { $oldhtml = file_get_contents($htmlfile); $i = strpos($oldhtml, '<!-- Begin filter descriptions -->'); if ($i !== false) { $prolog = substr($oldhtml, 0, $i); } $i = strpos($oldhtml, '<!-- End filter descriptions -->'); if ($i !== false) { $epilog = trim(substr($oldhtml, $i + 32)); } preg_match_all('|<!-- description(.+?)-(.+?) -->(.+?)<!--e-->|', $oldhtml, $matches); foreach ($matches[2] as $key => $filter) { $oldfilterlist[$filter]['desc'] = $matches[3][$key]; $class = explode('.', trim($matches[1][$key], '()')); $oldfilterlist[$filter]['class'] = $class[0]; $oldfilterlist[$filter]['subclass'] = $class[1]; } preg_match_all('|<!-- classhead (.+?) -->(.+?)<!--e-->|', $oldhtml, $classheads); foreach ($classheads[1] as $key => $head) { $classes[$head] = $classheads[2][$key]; } preg_match_all('|<!-- subclasshead (.+?) -->(.+?)<!--e-->|', $oldhtml, $subclassheads); foreach ($subclassheads[1] as $key => $head) { $subclasses[$head] = $subclassheads[2][$key]; } } $filterDescriptions = array(); $filterdesc = SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/filterDoc/filter descriptions.txt'; if (file_exists($filterdesc)) { $t = file_get_contents($filterdesc); $t = explode("\n", $t); foreach ($t as $d) { $d = trim($d); if (!empty($d)) { $f = explode(':=', $d); $filterDescriptions[$f[0]] = trim($f[1]); } } } getResidentZPFiles(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER); getResidentZPFiles(SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER); $key = array_search(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/functions-filter.php', $_zp_resident_files); unset($_zp_resident_files[$key]); $key = array_search(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/deprecated-functions.php', $_zp_resident_files); unset($_zp_resident_files[$key]); $filterlist = array(); $useagelist = array(); foreach ($_zp_resident_files as $file) { if (getSuffix($file) == 'php') { $size = filesize($file); $text = file_get_contents($file); $script = str_replace(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/', '<em>plugin</em>/', $file); $script = str_replace(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/', '<!--sort first-->/', $script); $script = str_replace(SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/', '<em>theme</em>/', $script); preg_match_all('|zp_apply_filter\\s*\\((.+?)\\).?|', $text, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $paramsstr) { $filter = explode(',', $paramsstr); foreach ($filter as $key => $element) { $filter[$key] = unQuote(trim($element)); } $filtername = array_shift($filter); if (array_key_exists($filtername, $filterlist)) { $filterlist[$filtername][0][] = $script; } else { array_unshift($filter, array($script)); $filterlist[$filtername] = $filter; } } preg_match_all('|zp_register_filter\\s*\\((.+?)\\).?|', $text, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $paramsstr) { $filter = explode(',', $paramsstr); $filtername = unQuote(array_shift($filter)); $useagelist[] = array('filter' => $filtername, 'script' => $script, 'scriptsize' => $size); } } } $useagelist = sortMultiArray($useagelist, 'scriptsize', false, false, false); $filterCategories = array(); $newfilterlist = array(); foreach ($filterlist as $key => $params) { if (count($params[0])) { sort($params[0]); $calls = array(); $class = ''; $subclass = ''; $lastscript = $params[0][0]; $count = 0; foreach ($params[0] as $script) { if (!$class) { $basename = basename($script); if (strpos($script, '<em>theme</em>') !== false) { $class = 'Theme'; $subclass = 'Script'; } else { if (strpos($basename, 'user') !== false || strpos($basename, 'auth') !== false || strpos($basename, 'logon') !== false || strpos($key, 'login') !== false) { $class = 'User_management'; $subclass = 'Miscellaneous'; } else { if (strpos($key, 'upload') !== false) { $class = 'Upload'; $subclass = 'Miscellaneous'; } else { if (strpos($key, 'texteditor') !== false) { $class = 'Miscellaneous'; $subclass = 'Miscellaneous'; } else { if (strpos($basename, 'class') !== false) { $class = 'Object'; if (strpos($basename, 'zenpage') !== false) { $class = 'Object'; $subclass = 'Zenpage'; } else { if (!$subclass) { switch ($basename) { case 'classes.php': $subclass = 'Root_class'; break; case 'class-load.php': case 'class-gallery.php': $subclass = 'Miscellaneous'; break; case 'class-album.php': case 'class-image.php': case 'class-transientimage.php': case 'class-textobject.php': case 'class-textobject_core.php': case 'class-Anyfile.php': case 'class-video.php': case 'Class-WEBdocs.php': $subclass = 'Media'; break; case 'class-comment.php': $subclass = 'Comments'; break; case 'class-search.php': $subclass = 'Search'; break; } if (strpos($key, 'image') !== false || strpos($key, 'album') !== false) { $subclass = 'Media'; } } } } else { if (strpos($script, 'admin') !== false) { $class = 'Admin'; if (strpos($script, 'zenpage') !== false) { $subclass = 'Zenpage'; } else { if (strpos($basename, 'comment') !== false || strpos($key, 'comment')) { $subclass = 'Comment'; } else { if (strpos($basename, 'edit') !== false || strpos($key, 'album') !== false || strpos($key, 'image') !== false) { $subclass = 'Media'; } } } } else { if (strpos($script, 'template') !== false) { $class = 'Template'; } else { if (strpos($basename, 'zenpage') !== false) { $class = 'Zenpage'; } else { $class = 'Miscellaneous'; } } } } } } } } if (!$subclass) { $subclass = 'Miscellaneous'; } if (array_key_exists($key, $oldfilterlist)) { if ($class != $oldfilterlist[$key]['class'] || $subclass != $oldfilterlist[$key]['subclass']) { $class = $oldfilterlist[$key]['class']; $subclass = $oldfilterlist[$key]['subclass']; } } if (!array_key_exists($class, $filterCategories)) { $filterCategories[$class] = array('class' => $class, 'subclass' => '', 'count' => 0); } if (!array_key_exists($class . '_' . $subclass, $filterCategories)) { $filterCategories[$class . '_' . $subclass] = array('class' => $class, 'subclass' => $subclass, 'count' => $filterCategories[$class]['count']++); } if (!array_key_exists('*' . $class, $filterDescriptions)) { $filterDescriptions['*' . $class] = ''; } if (!array_key_exists('*' . $class . '.' . $subclass, $filterDescriptions)) { $filterDescriptions['*' . $class . '.' . $subclass] = ''; } } if ($script == $lastscript) { $count++; } else { if ($count > 1) { $count .= " ({$count})"; } else { $count = ''; } $calls[] = $lastscript . $count; $count = 0; $lastscript = $script; } } if ($count > 0) { if ($count > 1) { $count .= " ({$count})"; } else { $count = ''; } $calls[] = $lastscript . $count; } } array_shift($params); $newparms = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { switch ($param) { case 'true': case 'false': $newparms[] = 'bool'; break; case '$this': $newparms[] = 'object'; break; default: if (substr($param, 0, 1) == '$') { $newparms[] = trim($param, '$'); } else { $newparms[] = 'string'; } break; } } $newfilterlist[$key] = array('filter' => $key, 'calls' => $calls, 'users' => array(), 'params' => $newparms, 'desc' => '*Edit Description*', 'class' => $class, 'subclass' => $subclass); if (!array_key_exists($key, $filterDescriptions)) { $filterDescriptions[$key] = ''; } } foreach ($useagelist as $use) { if (array_key_exists($use['filter'], $newfilterlist)) { $newfilterlist[$use['filter']]['users'][] = $use['script']; } } $newfilterlist = sortMultiArray($newfilterlist, array('class', 'subclass', 'filter'), false, false); $f = fopen($htmlfile, 'w'); $class = $subclass = NULL; if ($prolog) { fwrite($f, $prolog); } fwrite($f, "<!-- Begin filter descriptions -->\n"); $ulopen = false; foreach ($newfilterlist as $filter) { if ($class !== $filter['class']) { $class = $filter['class']; if (array_key_exists('*' . $class, $filterDescriptions)) { $classhead = '<p>' . $filterDescriptions['*' . $class] . '</p>'; } else { $classhead = ''; } if ($subclass) { fwrite($f, "\t\t\t</ul><!-- filterdetail -->\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t" . '<h5><a name="' . $class . '"></a>' . $class . " filters</h5>\n"); fwrite($f, "\t" . '<!-- classhead ' . $class . ' -->' . $classhead . "<!--e-->\n"); $subclass = NULL; } if ($subclass !== $filter['subclass']) { // new subclass if (!is_null($subclass)) { fwrite($f, "\t\t\t</ul><!-- filterdetail -->\n"); } $subclass = $filter['subclass']; if (array_key_exists('*' . $class . '.' . $subclass, $filterDescriptions)) { $subclasshead = '<p>' . $filterDescriptions['*' . $class . '.' . $subclass] . '</p>'; } else { $subclasshead = ''; } if ($subclass && $filterCategories[$class]['count'] > 1) { // Class doc is adequate. fwrite($f, "\t\t\t" . '<h6 class="filter"><a name="' . $class . '_' . $subclass . '"></a>' . $subclass . "</h6>\n"); fwrite($f, "\t\t\t" . '<!-- subclasshead ' . $class . '.' . $subclass . ' -->' . $subclasshead . "<!--e-->\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t" . '<ul class="filterdetail">' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t" . '<li class="filterdetail">' . "\n"); fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<p class="filterdef"><tt><strong>' . $filter['filter'] . '</strong></tt>(<em>' . implode(', ', $filter['params']) . "</em>)</p>\n"); if (array_key_exists($filter['filter'], $filterDescriptions)) { $filter['desc'] = '<p>' . $filterDescriptions[$filter['filter']] . '</p>'; } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<!-- description(' . $class . '.' . $subclass . ')-' . $filter['filter'] . ' -->' . $filter['desc'] . "<!--e-->\n"); $user = array_shift($filter['users']); if (!empty($user)) { fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<p class="handlers">For example see ' . mytrim($user) . '</p>' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<p class="calls">Invoked from:' . "</p>\n"); fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t<ul><!-- calls -->\n"); $calls = $filter['calls']; $limit = 4; foreach ($calls as $call) { $limit--; if ($limit > 0) { fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '<li class="call_list">' . mytrim($call) . "</li>\n"); } else { fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>...</li>\n"); break; } } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t\t" . "</ul><!-- calls -->\n"); fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t" . '</li><!-- filterdetail -->' . "\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t" . '</ul><!-- filterdetail -->' . "\n"); fwrite($f, "<!-- End filter descriptions -->\n"); if ($epilog) { fwrite($f, $epilog); } fclose($f); $filterCategories = sortMultiArray($filterCategories, array('class', 'subclass', 'text'), false, false); $indexfile = SERVERPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/filterDoc/filter list_index.html'; $f = fopen($indexfile, 'w'); fwrite($f, '<li>' . "\t\n"); fwrite($f, "\t" . '<a href="#filters">List of Zenphoto filters</a>' . "\n"); fwrite($f, "\t<ul>\n"); $ulopen = false; foreach ($filterCategories as $element) { $class = $element['class']; $subclass = $element['subclass']; if ($subclass == '') { // this is a new class element $count = $element['count']; if ($ulopen) { fwrite($f, "\t\t</ul>\n"); $ulopen = false; } fwrite($f, "\t\t" . '<li><a title="' . $class . ' filters" href="#' . $class . '">' . $class . " filters</a></li>\n"); } else { if ($class != $subclass) { if ($count > 1) { if (!$ulopen) { fwrite($f, "\t\t<ul>\n"); $ulopen = true; } fwrite($f, "\t\t\t\t" . '<li><a title="' . $subclass . ' ' . $class . ' filters" href="#' . $class . '_' . $subclass . '">' . $subclass . ' ' . str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($class)) . " filters</a></li>\n"); } else { unset($filterDescriptions['*' . $class . '.' . $subclass]); } } } } if ($ulopen) { fwrite($f, "\t\t</ul>\n"); } fwrite($f, "\t</ul>\n"); fwrite($f, "</li>\n"); fclose($f); $f = fopen($filterdesc, 'w'); asort($filterDescriptions); foreach ($filterDescriptions as $filter => $desc) { fwrite($f, $filter . ':=' . $desc . "\n"); } fclose($f); }