function compilePreValues() { $GLOBALS['MySQL']->cleanCache('sys_prevalues_keys'); $aPreValues = array(); $aKeys = getPreKeys(); foreach ($aKeys as $aKey) { $sKey = $aKey['Key']; $aPreValues[$sKey] = array(); $aRows = getPreValues($sKey); foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $aPreValues[$sKey][$aRow['Value']] = array(); foreach ($aRow as $sValKey => $sValue) { if ($sValKey == 'Key' or $sValKey == 'Value' or $sValKey == 'Order') { continue; } //skip key, value and order. they already used if (!strlen($sValue)) { continue; } //skip empty values $aPreValues[$sKey][$aRow['Value']][$sValKey] = $sValue; } } } $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject(); $oCache->setData($GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_pre_values'), $aPreValues); $GLOBALS['aPreValues'] = $aPreValues; }
function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $iAmInPopup; global $aFields; $sPopupAdd = $iAmInPopup ? '&popup=1' : ''; $sResultMsg = ''; if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'Save' and isset($_POST['PreList']) and is_array($_POST['PreList'])) { if (true === saveList($_POST['list'], $_POST['PreList'])) { $sResultMsg = _t('_Success'); } else { $sResultMsg = _t('_Failed to apply changes'); } } //get lists $aLists = array(); $aKeys = getPreKeys(); foreach ($aKeys as $aList) { $aLists[$aList['Key']] = $aList['Key']; } $sListIn = bx_get('list'); if ($sListIn !== false) { $sList_db = process_db_input($sListIn); $sList = process_pass_data($sListIn); $iCount = getPreValuesCount($sListIn); if (!$iCount) { //if no rows returned... $aLists[$sList] = $sList; } //create new list } else { $sList = ''; } ob_start(); if ($sResultMsg) { echo MsgBox($sResultMsg); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function createNewList() { var sNewList = prompt( '<?php echo bx_js_string(_t('_adm_pvalues_msg_enter_list_name')); ?> ' ); if( sNewList == null ) return false; sNewList = $.trim( sNewList ); if( !sNewList.length ) { alert( '<?php echo bx_js_string(_t('_adm_pvalues_msg_enter_correct_name')); ?> ' ); return false; } window.location = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> ?list=' + encodeURIComponent( sNewList ) + '<?php echo $sPopupAdd; ?> '; } function addRow( eImg ) { $( eImg ).parent().parent().before( '<tr>' + <?php foreach ($aFields as $sField => $sHelp) { ?> '<td><input type="text" class="value_input" name="PreList[' + iNextInd + '][<?php echo $sField; ?> ]" value="" /></td>' + <?php } ?> '<th class="row_controls">' + '<a class="row_control bx-def-margin-thd-left-auto" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:delRow(this);" title="<?php echo bx_html_attribute(_t('_Delete')); ?> "><i class="sys-icon times"></i></a>' + '<a class="row_control bx-def-margin-thd-left-auto" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:moveUpRow(this);" title="<?php echo bx_html_attribute(_t('_adm_pvalues_txt_move_up')); ?> "><i class="sys-icon arrow-up"></i></a>' + '<a class="row_control bx-def-margin-thd-left-auto" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:moveDownRow(this);" title="<?php echo bx_html_attribute(_t('_adm_pvalues_txt_move_down')); ?> "><i class="sys-icon arrow-down"></i></a>' + '</th>' + '</tr>' ); iNextInd ++; sortZebra(); } function delRow( eImg ) { $( eImg ).parent().parent().remove(); sortZebra(); } function moveUpRow( eImg ) { var oCur = $( eImg ).parent().parent(); var oPrev = oCur.prev( ':not(.headers)' ); if( !oPrev.length ) return; // swap elements values var oCurElems = $('input', oCur.get(0)); var oPrevElems = $('input', oPrev.get(0)); oCurElems.each( function(iInd) { var oCurElem = $( this ); var oPrevElem = oPrevElems.filter( ':eq(' + iInd + ')' ); // swap them var sCurValue = oCurElem.val(); oCurElem.val( oPrevElem.val() ); oPrevElem.val( sCurValue ); } ); } function moveDownRow( eImg ) { var oCur = $( eImg ).parent().parent(); var oPrev = ':not(.headers)' ); if( !oPrev.length ) return; // swap elements values var oCurElems = $('input', oCur.get(0)); var oPrevElems = $('input', oPrev.get(0)); oCurElems.each( function(iInd) { var oCurElem = $( this ); var oPrevElem = oPrevElems.filter( ':eq(' + iInd + ')' ); // swap them var sCurValue = oCurElem.val(); oCurElem.val( oPrevElem.val() ); oPrevElem.val( sCurValue ); } ); } function sortZebra() { $( '#listEdit tr:even' ).removeClass( 'even odd' ).addClass( 'even' ); $( '#listEdit tr:odd' ).removeClass( 'even odd' ).addClass( 'odd' ); } //just a design $( document ).ready( sortZebra ); </script> <form action="<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="adm-pv-cp-selector bx-def-margin-bottom"> <div class="adm-pv-cp-item"> <span><?php echo _t('_adm_pvalues_txt_select_list'); ?> :</span> <div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_select bx-def-margin-sec-leftright clearfix"> <select class="form_input_select bx-def-font-inputs" name="list" onchange="if( this.value != '' ) window.location = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> ' + '?list=' + encodeURIComponent( this.value ) + '<?php echo $sPopupAdd; ?> ';"><?php echo genListOptions($aLists, $sList); ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_submit clearfix"> <input class="form_input_submit bx-btn" type="button" value="<?php echo bx_html_attribute(_t('_adm_pvalues_txt_create_new')); ?> " onclick="createNewList();" /> </div> </div> <table class="bx-def-table" id="listEdit" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><?php $iNextInd = $sList !== '' ? genListRows($sList_db) : 0; ?> </table> <div class="adm-pv-submit bx-def-margin-top"> <input type="hidden" name="popup" value="<?php echo $iAmInPopup; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Save" /> <div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_submit clearfix"> <input class="form_input_submit bx-btn" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo bx_html_attribute(_t('_Save')); ?> " /> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> iNextInd = <?php echo $iNextInd; ?> ; </script> </form> <?php return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('design_box_content.html', array('content' => ob_get_clean())); }
function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $iAmInPopup; global $aFields; $sDeleteIcon = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->getImageUrl('minus1.gif'); $sUpIcon = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->getImageUrl('arrow_up.gif'); $sDownIcon = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->getImageUrl('arrow_down.gif'); $sPopupAdd = $iAmInPopup ? '&popup=1' : ''; $sResultMsg = ''; if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'Save' and isset($_POST['PreList']) and is_array($_POST['PreList'])) { if (true === saveList($_POST['list'], $_POST['PreList'])) { $sResultMsg = _t('_Success'); } else { $sResultMsg = _t('_Failed to apply changes'); } } //get lists $aLists = array('' => '- Select -'); $aKeys = getPreKeys(); foreach ($aKeys as $aList) { $aLists[$aList['Key']] = $aList['Key']; } $sListIn = bx_get('list'); if ($sListIn !== false) { $sList_db = process_db_input($sListIn); $sList = process_pass_data($sListIn); $iCount = getPreValuesCount($sListIn); if (!$iCount) { //if no rows returned... $aLists[$sList] = $sList; } //create new list } else { $sList = ''; } ob_start(); if ($sResultMsg) { echo MsgBox($sResultMsg); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function createNewList() { var sNewList = prompt( 'Please enter name of new list' ); if( sNewList == null ) return false; sNewList = $.trim( sNewList ); if( !sNewList.length ) { alert( 'You should enter correct name' ); return false; } window.location = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> ?list=' + encodeURIComponent( sNewList ) + '<?php echo $sPopupAdd; ?> '; } function addRow( eImg ) { $( eImg ).parent().parent().before( '<tr>' + <?php foreach ($aFields as $sField => $sHelp) { ?> '<td><input type="text" class="value_input" name="PreList[' + iNextInd + '][<?php echo $sField; ?> ]" value="" /></td>' + <?php } ?> '<th>' + '<img src="<?php echo $sDeleteIcon; ?> " class="row_control" title="Delete" alt="Delete" onclick="delRow( this );" />' + '<img src="<?php echo $sUpIcon; ?> " class="row_control" title="Move up" alt="Move up" onclick="moveUpRow( this );" />' + '<img src="<?php echo $sDownIcon; ?> " class="row_control" title="Move down" alt="Move down" onclick="moveDownRow( this );" />' + '</th>' + '</tr>' ); iNextInd ++; sortZebra(); } function delRow( eImg ) { $( eImg ).parent().parent().remove(); sortZebra(); } function moveUpRow( eImg ) { var oCur = $( eImg ).parent().parent(); var oPrev = oCur.prev( ':not(.headers)' ); if( !oPrev.length ) return; // swap elements values var oCurElems = $('input', oCur.get(0)); var oPrevElems = $('input', oPrev.get(0)); oCurElems.each( function(iInd) { var oCurElem = $( this ); var oPrevElem = oPrevElems.filter( ':eq(' + iInd + ')' ); // swap them var sCurValue = oCurElem.val(); oCurElem.val( oPrevElem.val() ); oPrevElem.val( sCurValue ); } ); } function moveDownRow( eImg ) { var oCur = $( eImg ).parent().parent(); var oPrev = ':not(.headers)' ); if( !oPrev.length ) return; // swap elements values var oCurElems = $('input', oCur.get(0)); var oPrevElems = $('input', oPrev.get(0)); oCurElems.each( function(iInd) { var oCurElem = $( this ); var oPrevElem = oPrevElems.filter( ':eq(' + iInd + ')' ); // swap them var sCurValue = oCurElem.val(); oCurElem.val( oPrevElem.val() ); oPrevElem.val( sCurValue ); } ); } function sortZebra() { $( '#listEdit tr:even' ).removeClass( 'even odd' ).addClass( 'even' ); $( '#listEdit tr:odd' ).removeClass( 'even odd' ).addClass( 'odd' ); } //just a design $( document ).ready( sortZebra ); </script> <form action="<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> " method="post"> <table id="listEdit" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th colspan="<?php echo count($aFields) + 1; ?> "> Select a list: <select name="list" onchange="if( this.value != '' ) window.location = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['site']['url_admin'] . 'preValues.php'; ?> ' + '?list=' + encodeURIComponent( this.value ) + '<?php echo $sPopupAdd; ?> ';"> <?php echo genListOptions($aLists, $sList); ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Create New" onclick="createNewList();" /> </th> </tr> <?php if ($sList !== '') { $iNextInd = genListRows($sList_db); ?> <tr> <th colspan="8"> <input type="hidden" name="popup" value="<?php echo $iAmInPopup; ?> " /> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Save" /> </th> </tr> <?php } else { $iNextInd = 0; } ?> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> iNextInd = <?php echo $iNextInd; ?> ; </script> </form> <?php return $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('design_box_content.html', array('content' => ob_get_clean())); }