function substituteGallery($post_text, $post_id, $w, $h, $a = 'none', $zoom = false) { $tag = '[gallery]'; $post_photos = false; while (($pos_start = themerex_strpos($post_text, themerex_substr($tag, 0, -1))) !== false) { $pos_end = themerex_strpos($post_text, themerex_substr($tag, -1), $pos_start); $tag_text = themerex_substr($post_text, $pos_start, $pos_end - $pos_start + 1); if (($ids = getTagAttrib($tag_text, $tag, 'ids')) != '') { $ids_list = explode(',', $ids); $photos = array(); if (count($ids_list) > 0) { foreach ($ids_list as $v) { $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($v, 'full'); if (isset($src[0]) && $src[0] != '') { $photos[] = $src[0]; } } } } else { if ($post_photos === false) { $post_photos = getPostGallery('', $post_id, true); } $photos = $post_photos; } $post_text = themerex_substr($post_text, 0, $pos_start) . buildGalleryTag($photos, $w, $h, $zoom) . themerex_substr($post_text, $pos_end + 1); } return $post_text; }
$recent['post_format'] = get_post_format($recent['ID']); $recent['post_icon'] = getPostFormatIcon($recent['post_format']); $recent['post_link'] = get_permalink($recent['ID']); $recent['comments_link'] = $counters == 'comments' ? get_comments_link($recent['ID']) : $recent['post_link']; $recent['post_thumb'] = getResizedImageTag($recent['ID'], 310, 310); $recent['attachment'] = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($recent['ID'])); if ($counters != 'none') { $recent['views'] = getPostViews($recent['ID']); $recent['comments'] = get_comments_number($recent['ID']); } $recent['post_protected'] = post_password_required($recent['ID']); $recent['post_content_prepared'] = do_shortcode($recent['post_content']); $recent['post_descr'] = $recent['post_format'] == 'quote' ? $recent['post_content_prepared'] : (!empty($recent['post_excerpt']) ? $recent['post_excerpt'] : getShortString(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($recent['post_content'])), 300)); $recent['post_gallery'] = $recent['post_video'] = $recent['post_audio'] = ''; if ($recent['post_format'] == 'gallery') { $recent['post_gallery'] = buildGalleryTag(getPostGallery($recent['post_content'], $recent['ID']), 310, 310); } else { if ($recent['post_format'] == 'video') { $recent['post_video'] = getPostVideo($recent['post_content_prepared'], false); if ($recent['post_video'] == '') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($recent['post_content_prepared'], true), $recent['post_thumb'] != ''); if ($src) { $recent['post_video'] = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', 310, 310); } } if ($recent['post_video'] != '' && get_custom_option('substitute_video') == 'yes') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($recent['post_video']), $recent['post_thumb'] != ''); if ($src) { $recent['post_video'] = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', 310, 310); } }
<section id="content"> <section id="consejo"> <?php if (isset($_GET["id_post"])) { ?> <h3><?php echo $post->getTitle(); ?> </h3> <?php if ($gallery = getPostGallery($post->getIdPost())) { ?> <img src="requests/_post_image.php?id_post_image=<?php echo $gallery[0]->getIdPostImage(); ?> " style="width: 100%"> <?php } ?> <p><?php echo $post->getBody(); ?> </p>
if (get_custom_option('substitute_video') == 'yes') { $post_excerpt = substituteVideo($post_excerpt, $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); $post_descr = substituteVideo($post_descr, $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); $post_content = substituteVideo($post_content, $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); } // Substitute <audio> tags with src from soundcloud to <iframe> if (get_custom_option('substitute_audio') == 'yes') { $post_excerpt = substituteAudio($post_excerpt); $post_descr = substituteAudio($post_descr); $post_content = substituteAudio($post_content); } // Extract gallery, video and audio from full post content $post_gallery = $post_video = $post_audio = $post_url = $post_url_target = ''; if ($blog_style != 'fullpost') { if ($post_format == 'gallery') { $post_gallery = buildGalleryTag(getPostGallery($post_content_full, $post_id), $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); } else { if ($post_format == 'video') { $post_video = getPostVideo($post_content_prepared, false); if ($post_video == '') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_content_prepared, true), $post_thumb != ''); if ($src) { $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); } } if ($post_video != '' && get_custom_option('substitute_video') == 'yes') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_video), $post_thumb != ''); if ($src) { $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $thumb_size[$blog_style]['w'], $thumb_size[$blog_style]['h']); } }
function sc_blogger($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => "", "style" => "regular", "bubble_color" => "", "ids" => "", "cat" => "", "count" => "3", "offset" => "", "orderby" => "date", "order" => "desc", "descr" => "0", "readmore" => "0", "dir" => "horizontal", "border" => "0", "rating" => "1", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts)); $s = ($top !== '' ? 'margin-top:' . $top . 'px;' : '') . ($bottom !== '' ? 'margin-bottom:' . $bottom . 'px;' : '') . ($left !== '' ? 'margin-left:' . $left . 'px;' : '') . ($right !== '' ? 'margin-right:' . $right . 'px;' : ''); global $THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter, $post; $THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter = 0; if (!in_array($style, array('regular', 'date', 'image_large', 'image_medium', 'image_small', 'bubble_left', 'bubble_top', 'accordion', 'puzzles', 'underline'))) { $style = 'regular'; } if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $ids)); $count = count($posts); } if ($style == 'accordion') { $dir = 'vertical'; } $output = $style == 'puzzles' ? '' : '<div' . ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_blogger' . ' sc_blogger_' . ($dir == 'vertical' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal') . ' style_' . $style . ($style == 'accordion' ? ' sc_accordion' : '') . ($dir != 'vertical' && $style != 'puzzles' ? ' sc_columns sc_columns_count_' . $count : '') . '"' . ($s != '' ? ' style="' . $s . '"' : '') . '>'; $counters = get_theme_option("blog_counters"); $args = array('post_status' => current_user_can('read_private_pages') && current_user_can('read_private_posts') ? array('publish', 'private') : 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'order' => $order == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc', 'orderby' => 'date'); if ($offset > 0 && empty($ids)) { $args['offset'] = $offset; } $args = addSortOrderInQuery($args, $orderby, $order); $args = addPostsAndCatsInQuery($args, $ids, $cat); $query = new WP_Query($args); while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $post_id = get_the_ID(); $post_protected = post_password_required(); $post_format = get_post_format(); $post_link = get_permalink(); $post_comments_link = $counters == 'comments' ? get_comments_link($post_id) : $post_link; $post_comments = get_comments_number(); $post_views = getPostViews($post_id); $post_date = prepareDateForTranslation(get_the_date()); $post_date_sql = get_the_date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $post_date_diff = getDateOrDifference($post_date_sql); $post_icon = getPostFormatIcon($post_format); $post_author = get_the_author(); $post_author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $post_author_url = get_author_posts_url($post_author_id, ''); $post_title_tag = $dir == 'vertical' ? 'h3' : 'h4'; $post_thumb_w = $post_thumb_h = 0; if (themerex_strpos($style, 'bubble') !== false) { $post_custom_options = get_post_meta($post_id, 'post_custom_options', true); $post_icon = isset($post_custom_options['page_icon']) ? $post_custom_options['page_icon'] : $post_icon; $post_title_tag = 'h2'; } else { if ($style == 'image_small') { $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, 120, 80); } else { if ($style == 'image_medium') { $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, $post_thumb_w = 279, $post_thumb_h = 186); } else { if ($style == 'image_large') { $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, $post_thumb_w = 466, $post_thumb_h = 310); } else { if ($style == 'puzzles') { $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, $post_thumb_w = 310, $post_thumb_h = 310); } } } } } //$post_attachment = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id)); if (get_theme_option('preserve_decoration') == 'no') { // -------------- Old way to get title, excerpt and content ----------------------- $post_title = get_the_title(); $post_content_full = $post->post_content; //get_the_content() not used, because it trim content up to <!-- more --> in each case! $post_content_prepared = strip_shortcodes($post_content_full); //do_shortcode($post_content_full); //do_shortcode() make a recursion if insert shortcode [blogger] in the posts!!!! $post_excerpt = in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) && $style == 'puzzles' ? $post_content_prepared : ($descr > 0 ? strip_tags(strip_shortcodes(getPostDescription($descr, $readmore ? '' : '...'))) : ''); } else { // ----------------- New way to get title, excerpt and content ----------------------- $post_title = $post_title_plain = get_the_title(); global $more; $old_more = $more; $more = -1; $post_content_full = get_the_content(); $post_content_prepared = do_shortcode($post_content_full); $more = $old_more; $post_content = get_the_content(null); $post_excerpt = has_excerpt() || $post_protected ? get_the_excerpt() : ''; if (empty($post_excerpt)) { if (($more_pos = themerex_strpos($post_content_full, '<span id="more-')) !== false) { $post_excerpt = themerex_substr($post_content_full, 0, $more_pos); } else { $post_excerpt = in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) ? $post_content : get_the_excerpt(); } } $post_excerpt = str_replace('[…]', '', $post_excerpt); if (!in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) && $descr > 0 && themerex_strlen($post_excerpt) > $descr) { $post_excerpt = getShortString(strip_tags(do_shortcode($post_excerpt)), $descr, $readmore ? '' : '...'); } $post_excerpt .= !in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) && $readmore ? ' <a href="' . $post_link . '" class="readmore">' . ($readmore == 1 ? '»' : $readmore) . '</a>' : ''; //$post_content = apply_filters('the_content', $post_content); // ------------------ /New way to get title, excerpt and content ----------------------- } $post_excerpt = apply_filters(in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) ? 'the_content' : 'the_excerpt', force_balance_tags($post_excerpt)); // Extract gallery, video and audio from full post content $post_gallery = $post_video = $post_audio = $post_url = $post_url_target = ''; if (in_array($style, array('image_medium', 'image_large', 'puzzles'))) { if ($post_format == 'gallery') { $post_gallery = buildGalleryTag(getPostGallery($post_content_full, $post_id), $post_thumb_w, $post_thumb_h); } else { if ($post_format == 'video') { $post_video = getPostVideo($post_content_full, false); if ($post_video == '') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_content_full, true), $post_thumb != ''); if ($src) { $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $post_thumb_w, $post_thumb_h); } } if ($post_video != '' && get_custom_option('substitute_video') == 'yes') { $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_video), $post_thumb != ''); if ($src) { $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $post_thumb_w, $post_thumb_h); } } } else { if ($post_format == 'audio') { $post_audio = getPostAudio($post_content_full, false); if ($post_audio == '') { $src = getPostAudio($post_content_full, true); if ($src) { $post_audio = substituteAudio('<audio src="' . $src . '">'); } } if ($post_audio != '' && get_custom_option('substitute_audio') == 'yes') { $src = getPostAudio($post_audio); if ($src) { $post_audio = substituteAudio('<audio src="' . $src . '">'); } } } else { if ($post_format == 'image' && !$post_thumb) { if (($src = getPostImage($post_content_full)) != '') { $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($src, $post_thumb_w, $post_thumb_h); } } else { if ($post_format == 'link') { $post_url_data = getPostLink($post_content_full, false); $post_url = $post_url_data['url']; $post_url_target = $post_url_data['target']; } } } } } } // Get all post's categories $post_categories = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id); $post_categories_str = ''; $post_accent_color = ''; $post_accent_category = ''; $ex_cats = explode(',', get_theme_option('exclude_cats')); for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories); $i++) { if (in_array($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $ex_cats)) { continue; } if ($post_accent_category == '') { if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') { $parent_cat_id = 0; //(int) get_custom_option('category_id'); $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $parent_cat_id); if ($parent_cat) { $post_accent_category = $parent_cat['name']; if ($post_accent_color == '') { $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color'); } } } else { $post_accent_category = $post_categories[$i]['name']; if ($post_accent_color == '') { $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color'); } } } $post_categories_str .= '<a class="cat_link" href="' . $post_categories[$i]['link'] . '">' . $post_categories[$i]['name'] . ($i < count($post_categories) - 1 ? ',' : '') . '</a> '; } if ($post_accent_category == '' && count($post_categories) > 0) { $post_accent_category = $post_categories[0]['name']; if ($post_accent_color == '') { $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($post_categories[0]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color'); } } if ($style == 'puzzles') { $post_hover_bg = get_custom_option('puzzles_post_bg', null, $post_id); $post_hover_pos = get_custom_option('puzzles_post_position', null, $post_id); } // Prepare reviews block $reviewsBlock = ''; $avg_author = 0; if ($rating > 0 && get_custom_option('show_reviews', null, $post_id) == 'yes') { $avg_author = marksToDisplay(get_post_meta($post_id, 'reviews_avg' . (get_theme_option('reviews_first') == 'author' ? '' : '2'), true)); if ($avg_author > 0) { $reviewsBlock .= '<div class="reviews_summary blog_reviews' . ($style == 'puzzles' ? ' theme_puzzles' : '') . '"' . ($style == 'puzzles' && $post_hover_bg != '' && $post_hover_bg != 'default' ? ' style="background-color:' . $post_hover_bg . ';"' : '') . '>' . '<div class="criteria_summary criteria_row">' . getReviewsSummaryStars($avg_author) . '</div>' . '</div>'; } } // Start output $THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter++; $output .= '<div class="sc_blogger_item' . ($style == 'puzzles' ? ' sc_blogger_item_puzzles' : '') . ($style == 'date' ? ' sc_blogger_item_date' : '') . ($style == 'accordion' ? ' sc_accordion_item' : '') . ($dir != 'vertical' && $style != 'puzzles' ? ' sc_column_item sc_column_item_' . $THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter : '') . ($border == 1 ? ' sc_blogger_item_bordered' : '') . ($THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter % 2 == 1 ? ' odd' : ' even') . ($THEMEREX_sc_blogger_counter == 1 ? ' first' : '') . '"> '; if ($style == 'puzzles') { $show_content_block = !in_array($post_format, array('link', 'image')) || !$post_thumb; $puzzles_style = get_custom_option('puzzles_style'); $no_thumb = in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link', 'image')) || !$post_thumb && (!$post_gallery || $post_protected); $output .= '<div class="post_thumb image_wrapper post_format_' . $post_format . ' ' . ($no_thumb ? 'no_thumb' : $post_hover_pos) . '"' . ($post_video && !$post_protected ? ' data-video="' . htmlspecialchars($post_video) . '"' : '') . '>'; if ($post_thumb && ($post_format != 'gallery' || !$post_gallery || get_custom_option('gallery_instead_image') == 'no')) { // If post have thumbnail - show it if ($post_format == 'link' && $post_url != '') { $output .= '<a href="' . $post_url . '"' . ($post_url_target ? ' target="' . $post_url_target . '"' : '') . '>' . $post_thumb . '</a>'; } else { if ($post_link != '') { $output .= '<a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_thumb . '</a>'; } else { $output .= $post_thumb; } } if ($post_format == 'video' && $post_video && !$post_protected) { $output .= '<a href="#" class="post_video_play icon-play"></a>'; } } else { if ($post_gallery && !$post_protected) { // If post have gallery - show it if ($post_link != '') { $output .= '<a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_gallery . '</a>'; } else { $output .= $post_gallery; } } else { if ($post_video && !$post_protected) { // If post have video - show it $output .= $post_video; $show_content_block = false; } } } $output .= '<span class="post_format theme_accent_bg ' . $post_icon . '"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '></span>'; if ($puzzles_style == 'heavy') { if ($post_accent_category != '') { $output .= '<span class="post_category theme_accent_bg"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '>' . $post_accent_category . '</span>'; } } else { if ($show_content_block) { $output .= '<div class="post_content_light">' . ($post_accent_category != '' ? '<span class="post_category theme_accent_bg"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '>' . $post_accent_category . '</span><br>' : '') . '<h2 class="post_subtitle theme_puzzles"' . ($post_hover_bg != '' && $post_hover_bg != 'default' ? ' style="background-color:' . $post_hover_bg . ';"' : '') . '><a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_title . '</a></h2><br>' . $reviewsBlock . '</div>'; } } if ($show_content_block) { $output .= '<div class="post_content_wrapper theme_puzzles"' . ($post_hover_bg != '' && $post_hover_bg != 'default' ? ' style="background-color:' . $post_hover_bg . ';"' : '') . '>'; if (!in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'aside'))) { $output .= '<h2 class="post_subtitle"><a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_title . '</a></h2>'; $output .= $reviewsBlock; } $output .= '<div class="post_descr">' . $post_excerpt . '</div>' . '<div class="post_content_padding theme_puzzles"'; if ($post_hover_bg != '' && $post_hover_bg != 'default') { $rgb = Hex2RGB($post_hover_bg); $post_hover_ie = str_replace('#', '', $post_hover_bg); $output .= " style=\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0) 0%, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01) 1%, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1) 50%);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0)), color-stop(1%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01)), color-stop(50%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1)));\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0) 0%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01) 1%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1) 50%);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0) 0%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01) 1%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1) 50%);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0) 0%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01) 1%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1) 50%);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbackground: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0) 0%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.01) 1%,rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},1) 50%);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00{$post_hover_ie}', endColorstr='#{$post_hover_ie}',GradientType=0 );\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\""; } $output .= '></div></div>'; } if (!$post_protected) { if ($post_audio) { // If post have audio - show it $output .= $post_audio; } } $output .= '</div>'; } else { $title = '<' . $post_title_tag . ' class="sc_blogger_title sc_title entry-title' . ($style == 'accordion' ? ' sc_accordion_title' : '') . ($style == 'underline' ? ' sc_title_underline' : '') . (themerex_strpos($style, 'bubble') !== false ? ' sc_title_bubble sc_title_' . $style : '') . '">' . '<a href="' . ($style == 'accordion' ? '#' : $post_link) . '">' . (themerex_substr($style, 0, 6) == 'bubble' ? '<span class="sc_title_bubble_icon ' . ($post_icon != '' ? ' ' . $post_icon : '') . '"' . ($bubble_color != '' ? ' style="background-color:' . $bubble_color . '"' : '') . '></span>' : '') . ($style == 'accordion' ? '<span class="sc_accordion_icon"></span>' : '') . $post_title . ($style == 'accordion' ? '' : $reviewsBlock) . '</a>' . '</' . $post_title_tag . '>'; if ($style == 'date') { $output .= '<div class="date_area">' . '<div class="date_month">' . prepareDateForTranslation(date('M', strtotime($post_date_sql))) . '</div>' . '<div class="date_day">' . date('d', strtotime($post_date)) . '</div>' . '</div>'; } else { if (themerex_strpos($style, 'image') !== false) { $output .= ($style == 'image_small' ? '<div class="title_area">' . $title . '</div>' : ($post_thumb ? '<div class="sc_blogger_image image_wrapper">' . ($post_link != '' ? '<a href="' . $post_link . '">' : '') . $post_thumb . ($post_link != '' ? '</a>' : '') . '</div>' : '')) . '<div class="post_wrapper">' . '<div class="post_info theme_info">' . __('Posted', 'themerex') . ' <span class="post_date theme_text">' . $post_date_diff . '</span> ' . '<span class="post_author">' . __('by', 'themerex') . ' <a href="' . $post_author_url . '" class="post_author">' . $post_author . '</a></span>' . '<br />' . ($post_categories_str != '' ? '<span class="post_cats">' . __('in', 'themerex') . ' ' . $post_categories_str . '</span>' : '') . ($counters == 'none' ? '' : '<span class="post_comments"><a href="' . $post_comments_link . '"><span class="comments_icon theme_info icon-' . ($orderby == 'comments' || $counters == 'comments' ? 'chat-1' : 'eye') . '"></span><span class="comments_number">' . ($orderby == 'comments' || $counters == 'comments' ? $post_comments : $post_views) . '</span></a></span>') . '</div>' . ($style == 'image_small' ? '' : '<div class="title_area">'); } } $output .= $style == 'image_small' ? '' : $title; if (themerex_strpos($style, 'image') !== false) { $output .= $style == 'image_small' ? $post_thumb ? '<div class="sc_blogger_image image_wrapper">' . ($post_link != '' ? '<a href="' . $post_link . '">' : '') . $post_thumb . ($post_link != '' ? '</a>' : '') . '</div>' : '' : '</div>'; } if ($descr > 0) { $output .= '<div class="sc_blogger_content' . ($style == 'accordion' ? ' sc_accordion_content' : '') . '">' . $post_excerpt . '</div>'; } if (themerex_strpos($style, 'image') !== false) { $output .= '</div>'; } } $output .= '</div>'; } wp_reset_postdata(); if ($style !== 'puzzles') { $output .= '</div>'; } if ($style == 'accordion') { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-accordion', false, array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core'), null, true); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(\'div' . ($id ? '#' . $id : '') . '.sc_blogger.sc_accordion\').accordion({ header: "h3", collapsible: true, heightStyle: "content" }); }); </script>'; } if ($border == 1) { $output .= '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var maxHeight = 0; for (var i=0; i<2; i++) { jQuery(\'.sc_blogger_item_bordered\').each(function(){ if (i > 0) { if (maxHeight>0) jQuery(this).height(maxHeight); } else if (jQuery(this).height() > maxHeight) maxHeight = jQuery(this).height(); }); } }); </script>'; } return $output; }
<div class="item active"> <?php } else { ?> <div class="item"> <?php } ?> <!-- Main carousel - Left post --> <article class="post left-post pull-left"> <div class="content-post mr"> <div class="img-post pull-left"> <?php $gallery = getPostGallery($posts[$i]->getIdPost()); if ($gallery) { ?> <img src="requests/_post_image.php?id_post_image=<?php echo $gallery[0]->getIdPostImage(); ?> "> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="text-post pull-right"> <p class="date-post"> < <?php echo $posts[$i]->getDate(); ?>