?> </h3> <div class="newsarticlecredit"><span class="newsarticlecredit-left"><?php printNewsDate(); ?> | <?php echo gettext("Comments:"); ?> <?php echo getCommentCount(); ?> </span> <?php if (is_GalleryNewsType()) { if (!is_NewsType("album")) { echo " | " . gettext("Album:") . "<a href='" . getNewsAlbumURL() . "' title='" . getBareNewsAlbumTitle() . "'> " . getNewsAlbumTitle() . "</a>"; } else { echo "<br />"; } } else { printNewsCategories(", ", gettext("Categories: "), "newscategories"); } ?> </div> <?php printNewsContent(); ?> <?php printCodeblock(1); ?> <?php
function commonNewsLoop($paged) { $newstypes = array('album' => gettext('album'), 'image' => gettext('image'), 'video' => gettext('video'), 'news' => gettext('news')); while (next_news()) { $newstype = getNewsType(); $newstypedisplay = $newstypes[$newstype]; if (stickyNews()) { $newstypedisplay .= ' <small><em>' . gettext('sticky') . '</em></small>'; } ?> <div class="newsarticle<?php if (stickyNews()) { echo ' sticky'; } ?> "> <h3><?php printNewsTitleLink(); echo " <span class='newstype'>[" . $newstypedisplay . "]</span>"; ?> </h3> <div class="newsarticlecredit"> <span class="newsarticlecredit-left"> <?php $count = getCommentCount(); $cat = getNewsCategories(); printNewsDate(); if ($count > 0) { echo ' | '; printf(gettext("Comments: %d"), $count); } ?> </span> <?php if (is_GalleryNewsType()) { echo ' | ' . gettext("Album:") . " <a href='" . getNewsAlbumURL() . "' title='" . getBareNewsAlbumTitle() . "'>" . getNewsAlbumTitle() . "</a>"; } else { if (!empty($cat) && !in_context(ZP_ZENPAGE_NEWS_CATEGORY)) { echo ' | '; printNewsCategories(", ", gettext("Categories: "), "newscategories"); } } ?> </div> <!-- newsarticlecredit --> <br clear="all" /> <?php printCodeblock(1); ?> <?php printNewsContent(); ?> <?php printCodeblock(2); ?> <br clear="all" /> </div> <?php } if ($paged) { printNewsPageListWithNav(gettext('next »'), gettext('« prev'), true, 'pagelist', true); } }
/** * Returns the titlelink (url name) of the current news article. * * If using the CombiNews feature this also returns the full path to a image.php page if the item is an image. * * @return string */ function getNewsTitleLink() { global $_zp_current_zenpage_news; if (!is_null($_zp_current_zenpage_news)) { $type = getNewsType(); switch ($type) { case "album": $link = getNewsAlbumURL(); break; case "news": $link = $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getTitlelink(); break; case "image": case "video": $link = $_zp_current_zenpage_news->getImageLink(); break; } return $link; } }