function load($classCall)
    $names = getNames($classCall);
    if (checkRootNamespace($names)) {
        if (in_array('board', $names)) {
        } elseif (in_array('apps', $names)) {
            loadApp(end($names), getAppType($names));
        } else {
  * &query
  *  Actualy the only one supported query is simple SELECT.
  * @param  string             $sql
  * @return object(XMLResult)  $result
 function &query($sql)
     if (!isset($this->xmldoc)) {
         $err = new DB_Error("Error: Closed xmlConnection.");
         return $err;
     if (1 === preg_match('/^\\s*SELECT\\s+([\\w\\W]+?)(?:\\s+FROM\\s+`?([^`]+?)`?)(?:\\s+WHERE\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?(?:\\s+GROUP\\s+BY\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?(?:\\s+ORDER\\s+BY\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?(?:\\s+BETWEEN\\s+([\\w\\W]+?)\\s+AND\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?(?:\\s+LIMIT\\s+(\\d+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+))?\\s*$/im', $sql, $matches)) {
         $sqlColumns = $matches[1];
         $sqlFrom = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
         $sqlWhere = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
         $sqlGroupBy = isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : '';
         $sqlOrderBy = isset($matches[5]) ? $matches[5] : '';
         $sqlLowLimit = isset($matches[8]) ? $matches[8] : '';
         $sqlHighLimit = isset($matches[9]) ? $matches[9] : '';
         /* Start Block: Fields list */
         $count = preg_match_all('/\\s*(\\*|[\\w\\.]+)(?:\\s+AS\\s+([\\w\\.]+))?/im', $sqlColumns, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         $fieldsList = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < $count; $r++) {
             $name = is_array($match[2][$r]) && $match[2][$r][0] !== '' ? $match[2][$r][0] : $match[1][$r][0];
             $fieldsList[$name] = $match[1][$r][0];
         /* End Block */
         /* Start Block: Order list */
         $count = preg_match_all('/\\s*(\\*|[\\w\\.]+)(\\s+ASC|\\s+DESC)?\\s*,?/im', $sqlOrderBy, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         $orderList = array();
         for ($r = $count - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
             $direction = is_array($match[2][$r]) && $match[2][$r][0] !== '' ? $match[2][$r][0] : 'ASC';
             $direction = strtoupper($direction);
             $orderList[$match[1][$r][0]] = $direction;
         /* End Block */
         $xmlFrom = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $sqlFrom);
         $node =& $this->xmldoc->findNode($xmlFrom);
         if (!isset($node)) {
             //$err = new DB_Error( "$xmlFrom node not found in $dsn." );
             throw new Exception("{$xmlFrom} node not found in " . $this->xmlFile . ".");
             return $err;
         } else {
             $res = $this->fetchChildren($node);
         /* Start Block: WHERE*/
         if ($sqlWhere !== '') {
             /*Start Block: Replace the operator */
             $blocks = preg_split('/("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', $sqlWhere, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
             $sqlWhere = '';
             for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($blocks); $r++) {
                 if ($r % 2 === 0) {
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('=', '==', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('<>', '!=', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('AND', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('and', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('OR', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('or', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('NOT', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = str_replace('not', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\b[a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*\\b/im', '$res[$r][\'$0\']', $blocks[$r]);
                     $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\$res\\[\\$r\\]\\[\'(like)\'\\]/im', '$1', $blocks[$r]);
                 $sqlWhere .= $blocks[$r];
             $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/(.+)\\s+like\\s+("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlWhereLike'), $sqlWhere);
             $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/"(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlString'), $sqlWhere);
             $newRes = array();
             for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($res); $r++) {
                 $evalWhere = false;
                 @eval('$evalWhere = ' . $sqlWhere . ';');
                 if ($evalWhere) {
                     $newRes[] = $res[$r];
             $res = $newRes;
         /* End Block */
         /* Start Block: Expands the resultant data according to fill an array
          *              with the required fields in the query.
         for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($res); $r++) {
             $res[$r] = $this->expandFields($res[$r], $fieldsList);
         /* End Block */
         /* Start Block: ORDER BY*/
         foreach ($orderList as $field => $direction) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($res); $i++) {
                 for ($j = $i + 1; $j < sizeof($res); $j++) {
                     $condition = $direction === 'ASC' ? $res[$j] < $res[$i] : $res[$j] > $res[$i];
                     if ($condition) {
                         $swap = $res[$i];
                         $res[$i] = $res[$j];
                         $res[$j] = $swap;
         /* End Block */
         /* Start Block: Apply limits */
         if ($sqlLowLimit != '' && $sqlHighLimit != '') {
             $sqlLowLimit = (int) $sqlLowLimit;
             $sqlHighLimit = (int) $sqlHighLimit;
             $res = array_slice($res, $sqlLowLimit, $sqlHighLimit);
         /* End Block */
         $result = new XMLResult($res);
         return $result;
     } elseif (1 === preg_match('/^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s+`?([^`]+?)`?(?:\\s+WHERE\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?\\s*$/im', $sql, $matches)) {
         $sqlFrom = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
         $sqlWhere = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '1';
         /* Start Block: WHERE*/
         /*Start Block: Replace the operator */
         $blocks = preg_split('/("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', $sqlWhere, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         $sqlWhere = '';
         for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($blocks); $r++) {
             if ($r % 2 === 0) {
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('=', '==', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('<>', '!=', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('AND', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('and', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('OR', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('or', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('NOT', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('not', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\b[a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*\\b/im', '$res[$r][\'$0\']', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\$res\\[\\$r\\]\\[\'(like)\'\\]/im', '$1', $blocks[$r]);
             $sqlWhere .= $blocks[$r];
         /* End Block */
         $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/(.+)\\s+like\\s+("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlWhereLike'), $sqlWhere);
         $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/"(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlString'), $sqlWhere);
         /*Start Block: Removing fields */
         $xmlFrom = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $sqlFrom);
         $node =& $this->xmldoc->findNode($xmlFrom);
         if (!isset($node)) {
             $err = new DB_Error("{$xmlFrom} node not found!.");
             return $err;
         } else {
             $res = $this->fetchChildren($node);
         $newRes = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($res); $r++) {
             $evalWhere = false;
             @eval('$evalWhere = ' . $sqlWhere . ';');
             if ($evalWhere) {
                 $newRes[] = $res[$r];
         $node->children = array_values($node->children);
         /* End Block */
         $result = new XMLResult($newRes);
         return $result;
     } elseif (1 === preg_match('/^\\s*INSERT\\s+INTO\\s+`?([^`]+?)`?\\s*\\(([\\w\\W]+?)\\)\\s+VALUES\\s*\\(([\\w\\W]+?)\\)\\s*$/im', $sql, $matches)) {
         $sqlFrom = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
         $sqlColumns = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '1';
         $sqlValues = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '1';
         $xmlFrom = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $sqlFrom);
         $node =& $this->xmldoc->findNode($xmlFrom);
         /* Start Block: Fields list */
         $count = preg_match_all('/([\\w\\.]+)/im', $sqlColumns, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         $fieldsList = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < $count; $r++) {
             $fieldsList[] = $match[1][$r][0];
         /* End Block */
         /* Start Block: Fields Values */
         $count = preg_match_all('/("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'|\\d+)/im', $sqlValues, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         $fieldsValues = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < $count; $r++) {
             if (substr($match[1][$r][0], 0, 1) === '"') {
                 $match[1][$r][0] = substr($match[1][$r][0], 1, -1);
                 $match[1][$r][0] = str_replace('""', '"', $match[1][$r][0]);
                 $match[1][$r][0] = str_replace("''", "'", $match[1][$r][0]);
             if (substr($match[1][$r][0], 0, 1) === "'") {
                 $match[1][$r][0] = substr($match[1][$r][0], 1, -1);
                 $match[1][$r][0] = str_replace("''", "'", $match[1][$r][0]);
                 $match[1][$r][0] = str_replace('""', '"', $match[1][$r][0]);
             $fieldsValues[$fieldsList[$r]] = $match[1][$r][0];
         /* End Block */
         $AAA = getNames($this->xmldoc->children[0]->children);
         $this->insertRow($node, $fieldsValues);
         $DDD = getNames($this->xmldoc->children[0]->children);
         $result = new XMLResult(array($fieldsValues));
         return $result;
     } elseif (1 === preg_match('/^\\s*UPDATE\\s+`?([^`]+?)`?\\s+SET\\s+((?:(?:[a-z][\\w\\.]*)\\s*=\\s*(?:"(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'|\\d+)\\s*(?:,\\s*)?)+)(?:\\s+WHERE\\s+([\\w\\W]+?))?\\s*$/im', $sql, $matches)) {
         $sqlFrom = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
         $sqlColumns = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
         $sqlWhere = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '1';
         $count = preg_match_all('/([a-z][\\w\\.]*)\\s*=\\s*("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'|\\d+)/im', $sqlColumns, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
         $fieldsValues = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < $count; $r++) {
             if (substr($match[2][$r][0], 0, 1) === '"') {
                 $match[2][$r][0] = substr($match[2][$r][0], 1, -1);
                 $match[2][$r][0] = str_replace('""', '"', $match[2][$r][0]);
                 $match[2][$r][0] = str_replace("''", "'", $match[2][$r][0]);
             if (substr($match[2][$r][0], 0, 1) === "'") {
                 $match[2][$r][0] = substr($match[2][$r][0], 1, -1);
                 $match[2][$r][0] = str_replace("''", "'", $match[2][$r][0]);
                 $match[2][$r][0] = str_replace('""', '"', $match[2][$r][0]);
             $fieldsValues[$match[1][$r][0]] = $match[2][$r][0];
         /* Start Block: WHERE*/
         /*Start Block: Replace the operator */
         $blocks = preg_split('/("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', $sqlWhere, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         $sqlWhere = '';
         for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($blocks); $r++) {
             if ($r % 2 === 0) {
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('=', '==', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('<>', '!=', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('AND', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('and', '&&', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('OR', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('or', '||', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('NOT', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = str_replace('not', '!', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\b[a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*\\b/im', '$res[$r][\'$0\']', $blocks[$r]);
                 $blocks[$r] = preg_replace('/\\$res\\[\\$r\\]\\[\'(like)\'\\]/im', '$1', $blocks[$r]);
             $sqlWhere .= $blocks[$r];
         /* End Block */
         $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/(.+)\\s+like\\s+("(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\')/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlWhereLike'), $sqlWhere);
         $sqlWhere = preg_replace_callback('/"(?:(?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'(?:(?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'/im', array('XMLConnection', 'sqlString'), $sqlWhere);
         /*Start Block: Removing fields */
         $xmlFrom = '/' . str_replace('.', '/', $sqlFrom);
         $node =& $this->xmldoc->findNode($xmlFrom);
         if (!isset($node)) {
             $err = new DB_Error("{$xmlFrom} node not found in {$dsn}.");
             return $err;
         } else {
             $res = $this->fetchChildren($node);
         $newRes = array();
         for ($r = 0; $r < sizeof($res); $r++) {
             $evalWhere = false;
             @eval('$evalWhere = ' . $sqlWhere . ';');
             if ($evalWhere) {
                 $this->updateRow($node->children[$r], $fieldsValues);
                 $newRes[] = array_merge($res[$r], $fieldsValues);
         /* End Block */
         $nodeTEST =& $this->xmldoc->findNode($xmlFrom);
         $result = new XMLResult($newRes);
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $sql;
         $err = new DB_Error("SQL Query is not well formed.");
         return $err;
$MSH = $xml->queryNode("MSH");
$EVN = $xml->queryNode("EVN");
$PID = $xml->queryNode("PID");
$PV1 = $xml->queryNode("PV1");
$PV2 = $xml->queryNode("PV2");
$ZBE = $xml->queryNode("ZBE");
$IPP = $NDA = null;
$data = array();
$data["personIdentifiers"] = $xml->getPersonIdentifiers("PID.3", $PID, $actor);
$data["admitIdentifiers"] = $xml->getAdmitIdentifiers($PV1, $actor);
$names = array("nom" => "", "nom_jeune_fille" => "");
$prenom = null;
$PID5 = $xml->query("PID.5", $PID);
foreach ($PID5 as $_PID5) {
    // Nom(s)
    getNames($xml, $_PID5, $PID5, $names);
    // Prenom(s)
    $prenom = getFirstNames($xml, $_PID5);
$queries = array("Message" => array("control_id" => $xml->queryTextNode("MSH.10", $MSH), "datetime" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("MSH.7/TS.1", $MSH))), "EVN" => array("planned_event" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("EVN.2/TS.1", $EVN)), "event_occurred" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("EVN.6/TS.1", $EVN))), "CPatient" => array("nom" => $names["nom"], "nom_jeune_fille" => $names["nom_jeune_fille"], "prenom" => $prenom, "naissance" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("PID.7", $PID)), "_IPP" => CValue::read($data["personIdentifiers"], "PI")), "CSejour" => array("type" => $xml->queryTextNode("PV1.2", $PV1), "entree_prevue" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("PV2.8/TS.1", $PV2)), "entree_reelle" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("PV1.44/TS.1", $PV1)), "sortie_prevue" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("PV2.9/TS.1", $PV2)), "sortie_reelle" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("PV1.45/TS.1", $PV1)), "_NDA" => CValue::read($data["personIdentifiers"], "AN")));
if ($ZBE) {
    $movement_id = null;
    foreach ($xml->queryNodes("ZBE.1", $ZBE) as $ZBE_1) {
        $movement_id .= $xml->queryTextNode("EI.1", $ZBE_1) . "\n";
    $queries_ZBE = array("CMovement" => array("movement_id" => $movement_id, "start_of_movement" => CMbDT::dateToLocale($xml->queryTextNode("ZBE.2/TS.1", $ZBE))));
    $queries = array_merge($queries, $queries_ZBE);
function getNames(CHL7v2MessageXML $xml, DOMNode $node, DOMNodeList $PID5, &$names = array())
    $fn1 = $xml->queryTextNode("XPN.1/FN.1", $node);
            if ($val != "." && $val != "..") {
                $a = strpos($val, ".");
                if ($a == 0) {
                    $a = strlen($val);
                $newentry = substr($val, 0, $a);
                if (substr($newentry, 0, 1) != $currval) {
                    if ($currval != "1") {
                        print "\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t\t ";
                    $currval = substr($newentry, 0, 1);
                    if ($currval == "N") {
                        print "</td><td valign=\"top\">";
                    print "\n\t\t<br>\n\t\t<table class='ltable' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class='letter'>\n\t\t{$currval}\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class='info' valign='top'>\n\t\t";
                print "<a href=\"profiles/{$newentry}.htm\">{$newentry}</a> <br>";

$studentCategories = array();
$teachers = array();
$teacherCategories = array();
$studentCouple1 = 0;
$studentCouple2 = 0;
if (isset($_POST['publicId']) && isset($_POST['voteCode'])) {
    $publicId = strip_tags($_POST['publicId']);
    $accountId = getAccountId($publicId, '');
    $voteCode = strip_tags($_POST['voteCode']);
    if ($accountId !== FALSE) {
        $voteCodeId = checkVoteCode($voteCode, $accountId);
        if ($voteCodeId) {
            $votes = getVotes($voteCodeId);
            $students = getNames('student', $accountId);
            $studentCategories = getCategories('student', $accountId, $votes);
            $teachers = getNames('teacher', $accountId);
            $teacherCategories = getCategories('teacher', $accountId, $votes);
            $pdos = $GLOBALS['pdo']->prepare('
						`Couple1`, `Couple2`
						`VoteCode` = :voteCode
            $pdos->bindValue(':voteCode', $voteCodeId);
            $result = $pdos->fetch();
            $studentCouple1 = $result['Couple1'];
            $studentCouple2 = $result['Couple2'];
            $success = TRUE;
function print_all()
    $params = func_get_args();
    foreach ($params as $param) {
        echo "<br/>{$param}";
print_all('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u');
// return by reference
$names = array('a man', 'b man', 'c man');
function &getNames()
    global $names;
    return $names;
$names_ref =& getNames();
$names_ref[0] = 'p-man';
echo "<br/>{$names['0']}";
// variable function
$func = 'print_all';
$func('yo', 'momma', 'so', 'fat');
//  anonymous function
$array = array("really long string here, boy", "this", "middling length", "larger");
usort($array, function ($a, $b) {
    return strlen($a) - strlen($b);
$sortOption = 'desc';
usort($array, function ($a, $b) use($sortOption) {
    if ($sortOption == 'desc') {
        return strlen($b) - strlen($a);
require "logic.php";
if (isset($_GET["name_id"])) {
    $result = checkin($_GET["name_id"]);
} else {
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $result = checkout($_GET["id"]);
$result = getNames();
$time_add = array();
$start = array();
$end = array();
$flag = array();
$ids = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $time_result = getTimes($row["id"]);
    $time_add[$row["name"]] = 0;
    $flag[$row["name"]] = 0;
    $ids[$row["name"]] = $row["id"];
    while ($time_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($time_result)) {
        if ($time_row["end"] === NULL) {
            $flag[$row["name"]] = $time_row["id"];
            $start[$row["name"]] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($time_row["start"]));
        } else {
if (count($argv) < 4) {
    echo "Must enter 3 parameters: inputFile1.xml, inputFile2.xml, outputFile.xml\n";
    $errorFound = true;
if (!$errorFound) {
    $file1 = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
    $file2 = file_get_contents($argv[2]);
    $outputFileName = $argv[3];
    //Grab the header block and the footer block from the first file.  We aren't going to merge those.
    $foo = explode("<types>", $file1, 2);
    $header = trim($foo[0]);
    $bar = explode("<version>", $file1, 2);
    $footer = INDENT . '<version>' . trim($bar[1]);
    $xml1 = simplexml_load_string($file1);
    $xml2 = simplexml_load_string($file2);
    $arrNames = getNames($xml1, $xml2);
    //a sorted, unique, indexed array of all the metadata type names merged from both files
    //parse these into associative arrays where the key is the <name> value and the value is an indexed array of all the <member> values
    $arrXml1 = transformToArray($xml1);
    $arrXml2 = transformToArray($xml2);
    $arrMergeSort = mergeAndSort($arrNames, $arrXml1, $arrXml2);
    $xmlOut = makeXML($arrNames, $arrMergeSort, $header, $footer);
    file_put_contents($outputFileName, $xmlOut);
function makeXML($arrNames, $arrMergeSort, $header, $footer)
    $xmlOut = '';
    $xmlOut .= $header . NEWLINE;
    //loop through the names
    foreach ($arrNames as $name) {
        $xmlOut .= INDENT . '<types>' . NEWLINE;