
$selected = "texts";
$no_options = false;
require "functions.php";
// This has to precede the inclusion of the header file.
$work = $_GET['work'];
#$langID = getLangID('it');
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
$langID = getLangID($lang);
require '../header.php';
if ($_GET['type'] == "person") {
    $params = array('displayID' => $_GET['display'], 'targetPerson' => strtolower(utf8_encode(stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['q'])))), 'langID' => $langID);
} else {
    if ($_GET['type'] == "place") {
        $params = array('displayID' => $_GET['display'], 'targetPlace' => strtolower(utf8_encode(stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['q'])))), 'langID' => $langID);
    } else {
        if ($_GET['type'] == "word") {
            $params = array('targetString' => utf8_encode(stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['q']))), 'targetVoice' => "anyone", 'langID' => $langID);
if ($work == "Dec") {
    require 'DecNavigation.php';
    if ($_GET['type'] == "person") {
        $result = runXSLT($langID . 'Decameron.xml', 'DecSrchChr.xsl', $params);
    } else {
        if ($_GET['type'] == "place") {
            $result = runXSLT($langID . 'Decameron.xml', 'DecSrchPlc.xsl', $params);
        } else {
            if ($_GET['type'] == "word") {

$selected = "texts";
$work = "Fia";
require "functions.php";
// This has to precede the inclusion of the header file.
$langID = getLangID('it');
//require ('FiaHeader.html');
// $params = array (
//        'contentID' => $_GET['myID'],
//        'expandID'  => $_GET['expand'],
//        'langID' => $langID
// );
$params = array('contentID' => $_GET['myID'], 'expandID' => $_GET['expand'], 'highlight' => $_GET['highlight'], 'langID' => $langID);
require '../header.php';
require 'FiaNavigation.php';
echo '<div id="text">';
// Allocate a new XSLT processor
//$xh = xslt_create();
//xslt_set_encoding ($xh, 'UTF-8');
// Process the document, returning the result into the $result variable
//$result = xslt_process($xh, 'itFiammetta.xml', 'itFiaShowText.xsl', NULL, array(), $params);
// $result = xslt_process($xh, 'itFiammetta.xml', 'itFiaShowText.xsl');
$result = runXSLT($langID . 'Fiammetta.xml', 'FiaShowText.xsl', $params);
if ($result) {
    // echo "<pre>\n";
    echo $result;
    //echo "</pre>\n";
} else {
    echo "Sorry, transformation could not be performed" . xslt_error($xh);
    echo " error code " . xslt_errno($xh);

require "functions.php";
// This has to precede the inclusion of the header file.
$langID = getLangID($_GET['lang']);
require 'DecHeader.html';
$params = array('targetString' => $_GET['word'], 'targetVoice' => $_GET['voice'], 'langID' => $langID);
// Allocate a new XSLT processor
//$xh = xslt_create();
//xslt_set_encoding ($xh, 'UTF-8');
// Process the document, returning the result into the $result variable
//$result = xslt_process($xh, 'itDecameron.xml', 'itDecSrchWrd.xsl', NULL, array(), $params);
// $result = xslt_process($xh, 'itDecameron.xml', 'itDecSrchWrd.xsl');
$result = runXSLT($langID . 'Decameron.xml', 'DecSrchWrd.xsl', $params);
if ($result) {
    echo "<pre>\n";
    echo $result;
    echo "</pre>\n";
} else {
    echo "Sorry, transformation could not be performed" . xslt_error($xh);
    echo " error code " . xslt_errno($xh);
require 'footer.html';