public function __construct($tid) { $this->id = $tid; $result = DB::table('templomok')->join('terkep_geocode as geo', 'geo.tid', '=', '', 'left')->join('varosok', 'varosok.nev', '=', 'templomok.varos', 'left')->select('templomok.*', '', 'geo.lng', 'geo.checked', 'geo.address2', 'varosok.irsz')->where('', "=", $this->id)->limit(1)->get(); if (!count($result)) { throw new Exception("There is no church with tid = '{$this->id}'."); } if ($result[0]->letrehozta != '') { $this->responsible = array($result[0]->letrehozta); } else { $this->responsible = array(); } $acceptedColumns = array('nev', 'ismertnev', 'leiras', 'megjegyzes', 'adminmegj', 'miseaktiv', 'misemegj', 'bucsu', 'frissites', 'eszrevetel', 'kontakt', 'kontaktmail', 'letrehozta', 'megbizhato', 'regdatum', 'modositotta', 'moddatum', 'ok'); foreach ($acceptedColumns as $column) { $this->{$column} = $result[0]->{$column}; } $this->getFullName(); global $user; if (!$this->checkPrivilegeRead($user)) { throw new Exception("Read access denied to church tid = '{$tid}'"); } $this->getOSM(); $this->getLocation(); $this->getReligious_administration(); $this->kepek = getImages($this->id); }
function getList($limit = 0) { $data = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) { $title = 'Product name ' . $i; $data[] = ['title' => $title, 'sku' => 'j' . rand(1000, 9999) . '-' . rand(1000, 9999), 'price' => round(rand(1000, 9999), 2), 'currency' => '$', 'discount' => rand(10, 70), 'code' => base64_encode('product' . time()), 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.', 'meta_keys' => strtolower('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.'), 'meta_desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.', 'images' => getImages($title, rand(2, 9))]; } return $data; }
/** * Get all albums (directories) and underlying images. * @param string $folder path to directory to read * @return array array containing album data */ function getAlbums($folder) { $albums = array(); if ($handle = opendir($folder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $path = $folder . $file; if (is_dir($path) && $file != '..' && $file != '.') { $images = getImages($path . '/'); $albums[$file] = array('name' => ucfirst(substr($file, 2)), 'link' => $path, 'images' => $images, 'size' => count($images)); } } closedir($handle); } ksort($albums); return $albums; }
<?php include 'controller.php'; $wc = getfiches(1); echo "<pre>"; print_r($wc); echo "</pre>"; $wc = getImages(80); echo "<pre>"; print_r($wc); echo "</pre>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r(lambert93ToWgs84('352914.52', '6785627.76')); echo "</pre>";
break; case 'rotate': $imageSrc = isset($_REQUEST["image"]) ? $_REQUEST["image"] : ''; print_r(json_encode(rotateImage($imagesPath, $imagesThumbsPath, $imagesUrl, $imageSrc))); break; case 'resize': $width = isset($_REQUEST["width"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["width"]) : 0; $height = isset($_REQUEST["height"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["height"]) : 0; $imageSrc = isset($_REQUEST["image"]) ? $_REQUEST["image"] : ''; print_r(json_encode(resizeImage($imagesPath, $imagesThumbsPath, $imagesUrl, $imageSrc, $width, $height))); break; case 'imagesList': $limit = isset($_REQUEST["limit"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["limit"]) : 10; $start = isset($_REQUEST["start"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["start"]) : 0; $query = isset($_REQUEST["query"]) ? $_REQUEST["query"] : 0; print_r(json_encode(getImages($imagesPath, $imagesUrl, $imagesTumbsUrl, $imagesThumbsPath, $allowedFormats, $start, $limit, $query))); break; case 'delete': $image = isset($_REQUEST["image"]) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST["image"]) : ""; print_r(json_encode(deleteImage($imagesPath, $imagesThumbsPath, $image))); break; } } function checkAllowedFormats($imageName, $allowedFormats) { // quitamos caracteres extraños $imageName = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $imageName); // extensión del archivo $ext = strtolower(substr($imageName, strpos($imageName, '.') + 1, strlen($imageName) - 1)); if (!in_array($ext, explode(',', $allowedFormats))) { return false;
function showTimeTable($links) { global $mode, $viewmode, $user; if ($links == 1) { $imageid = getContinuationVar('imageid'); $length = getContinuationVar('length'); $requestid = getContinuationVar('requestid', 0); $showmessage = getContinuationVar('showmessage', 0); $platforms = array(); $schedules = array(); } else { $imageid = 0; $length = 0; $requestid = 0; $showmessage = 0; $platforms = getContinuationVar("platforms"); if (empty($platforms)) { $platforms = processInputVar("platforms", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); } $schedules = getContinuationVar("schedules"); if (empty($schedules)) { $schedules = processInputVar("schedules", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); } } $argstart = getContinuationVar("start"); $argend = getContinuationVar("end"); $resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin")); $userCompIDs = array_keys($resources["computer"]); $computerData = getComputers(); $imageData = getImages(); $now = time(); if ($links) { $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); $usercomputerids = array_keys($resources["computer"]); # get list of computers' platformids $qh = doQuery("SELECT platformid FROM image WHERE id = {$imageid}", 110); $row = mysql_fetch_row($qh); $platformid = $row[0]; $computer_platformids = array(); $qh = doQuery("SELECT id, platformid FROM computer", 111); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($qh)) { $computer_platformids[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $mappedcomputers = getMappedResources($imageid, "image", "computer"); $compidlist = array_intersect($mappedcomputers, $usercomputerids); } else { $compidlist = $userCompIDs; } if (!empty($argstart) && !empty($argend)) { $timeslots = getTimeSlots($compidlist, $argend, $argstart); $start = $argstart; $end = $argend; } else { $start = $now; $end = $start + SECINDAY / 2; $timeslots = getTimeSlots($compidlist, $end); } print "<DIV align=center>\n"; print "<H2>Time Table</H2>\n"; print "</DIV>\n"; $computeridrow = ""; $displayedids = array(); $computers = array_keys($timeslots); if ($links) { $computers = array_intersect($computers, $usercomputerids); } foreach ($computers as $id) { if ($links) { # don't show computers that don't meet hardware criteria, are not # in the available state, are the wrong platform, or wrong group, # or aren't mapped in resourcemap if ($computer_platformids[$id] != $platformid || $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 2 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 3 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 6 && $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 8 || $computerData[$id]["ram"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minram"] || $computerData[$id]["procnumber"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minprocnumber"] || $computerData[$id]["procspeed"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minprocspeed"] || $computerData[$id]["network"] < $imageData[$imageid]["minnetwork"] || !in_array($id, $mappedcomputers)) { continue; } } elseif (!array_key_exists($id, $computerData) || !in_array($computerData[$id]["platformid"], $platforms) || !in_array($computerData[$id]["scheduleid"], $schedules) || !in_array($id, $userCompIDs)) { continue; } $computeridrow .= " <TH>{$id}</TH>\n"; array_push($displayedids, $id); } if (empty($displayedids)) { if ($links) { print "There are currently no computers available that can run the application you selected.\n"; } else { print "There are no computers that meet the specified criteria\n"; } return; } if ($showmessage) { print "The time you have requested to use the environment is not "; print "available. You may select from the green blocks of time to "; print "select an available time slot to make a reservation.<br>\n"; } print "<table summary=\"\">\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TD>"; # print Previous/Next links if (!empty($argstart) && $argstart - SECINDAY / 2 > $now - 600) { $prevstart = $start - SECINDAY / 2; $prevend = $end - SECINDAY / 2; print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $prevstart, 'end' => $prevend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print "<INPUT type=submit value=Previous>\n"; print "</FORM>\n"; } print "</TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; if ($end + SECINDAY / 2 < $now + DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY) { $nextstart = $start + SECINDAY / 2; $nextend = $end + SECINDAY / 2; print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $nextstart, 'end' => $nextend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print "<INPUT type=submit value=Next>\n"; print "</FORM>\n"; } print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TD>\n"; $tmpArr = array_keys($computers); $first = $computers[$tmpArr[0]]; print " <table id=ttlayout summary=\"\">\n"; if (!$links || $viewmode >= ADMIN_DEVELOPER) { print " <TR>\n"; print " <TH align=right>Computer ID:</TH>\n"; print $computeridrow; print " </TR>\n"; } $yesterday = ""; foreach (array_keys($timeslots[$first]) as $stamp) { if ($stamp < $now) { continue; } print " <TR>\n"; $stampArr = getdate($stamp); $label = ""; if ($stampArr["mday"] != $yesterday) { $label = date('n/d/Y+g:i+a', $stamp); $label = str_replace('+', ' ', $label); $yesterday = $stampArr["mday"]; } elseif ($stampArr["minutes"] == 0) { $label = date('g:i a', $stamp); } print " <TH align=right>{$label}</TH>\n"; $free = 0; # print the cells foreach ($computers as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $displayedids)) { continue; } if ($links && ($computer_platformids[$id] != $platformid || $computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 10 || $computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 5)) { continue; } # computer's schedule is currently closed if ($timeslots[$id][$stamp]["scheduleclosed"] == 1) { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#a0a0a0\"><img src=images/gray.jpg "; print "alt=scheduleclosed border=0></TD>\n"; } elseif ($computerData[$id]["stateid"] == 10) { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#a0a0a0\"><img src=images/gray.jpg "; print "alt=maintenance border=0></TD>\n"; } elseif ($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockRequest'] && ($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockRequestInfo']['imageid'] != $imageid || !in_array($timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockRequestInfo']['groupid'], array_keys($user['groups']))) && $timeslots[$id][$stamp]['available']) { if ($links) { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#ff0000\"><img src=images/red.jpg "; print "alt=blockrequest border=0></TD>\n"; } else { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#e58304\"><img src=images/orange.jpg "; $title = "Block Request: {$timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockRequestInfo']['name']}\n" . "Image: {$timeslots[$id][$stamp]['blockRequestInfo']['image']}"; print "alt=blockrequest border=0 title=\"{$title}\"></TD>\n"; } } elseif ($timeslots[$id][$stamp]["available"]) { if ($links) { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#00ff00\"><a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT; print "?mode=newRequest&stamp={$stamp}&imageid={$imageid}&length={$length}\"><img "; print "src=images/green.jpg alt=free border=0></a></TD>\n"; } else { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#00ff00\"><img src=images/green.jpg alt=free border=0></TD>\n"; } } else { if ($links) { print " <TD bgcolor=\"#ff0000\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">used</font></TD>\n"; } else { $title = "User: "******"unityid"] . " Image: " . $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["prettyimage"]; $cdata = array('requestid' => $timeslots[$id][$stamp]["requestid"]); $cont = addContinuationsEntry('viewRequestInfo', $cdata); print " <TD bgcolor=\"#ff0000\"><a href=\"" . BASEURL; print SCRIPT . "?continuation={$cont}\"><img src=images/red.jpg "; print "alt=used border=0 title=\"{$title}\"></a></TD>\n"; } } } print " </TR>\n"; } print " </table>\n"; print " </TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print " <TR>\n"; print " <TD>"; # print Previous/Next links if (!empty($argstart) && $argstart - SECINDAY / 2 > $now - 600) { $prevstart = $start - SECINDAY / 2; $prevend = $end - SECINDAY / 2; print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $prevstart, 'end' => $prevend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print "<INPUT type=submit value=Previous>\n"; print "</FORM>\n"; } print "</TD>\n"; print " <TD>"; if ($end + SECINDAY / 2 < $now + DAYSAHEAD * SECINDAY) { $nextstart = $start + SECINDAY / 2; $nextend = $end + SECINDAY / 2; print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n"; $cdata = array('start' => $nextstart, 'end' => $nextend, 'imageid' => $imageid, 'requestid' => $requestid, 'length' => $length, 'platforms' => $platforms, 'schedules' => $schedules); $cont = addContinuationsEntry($mode, $cdata, SECINDAY); print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n"; print "<INPUT type=submit value=Next>\n"; print "</FORM>\n"; } print "</TD>\n"; print " </TR>\n"; print "</table>\n"; }
function getMappedSubConfigs($mode, $arg1, $arg2, $rec = 0) { # $mode - 0: subimages, 1: subconfigs global $user; if ($mode == 0) { $configsubimageid = $arg1; $imageid = $arg2; $imgdata = getImages(0, $imageid); } else { $inlist = implode(',', $arg1); $searchid = $arg2; } $query = "SELECT, " . "cmt.prettyname AS configmaptype, " . " AS configid, " . " AS config, " . " AS configdata, " . "c.ownerid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', AS owner, " . "c.configtypeid, " . "ct.prettyname AS configtype, " . "c.optional, " . "cm.configmaptypeid, " . "cm.subid, " . "cm.affiliationid, " . " AS affiliation, " . "cm.configstageid, " . " AS configstage, " . "csi.imageid AS subimageid, " . " AS configsubimageid, " . "cm.disabled " . "FROM configmap cm, " . "config c " . "LEFT JOIN configsubimage csi ON ( = csi.configid), " . "user u, " . "affiliation ua, " . "configtype ct, " . "configmaptype cmt, " . "affiliation a, " . "configstage cs " . "WHERE cm.configid = AND " . "c.ownerid = AND " . "u.affiliationid = AND " . "c.configtypeid = AND " . "cm.configmaptypeid = AND " . "cm.affiliationid = AND " . "(cm.affiliationid = {$user['affiliationid']} OR " . " = 'Global') AND " . "cm.configstageid = AND "; if ($mode) { $query .= " = 'config' AND " . " cm.subid IN ({$inlist})"; } else { $query .= "(( = 'configsubimage' AND " . " cm.subid = {$configsubimageid}) OR " . " ( = 'OStype' AND " . " cm.subid = {$imgdata[$imageid]['ostypeid']}) OR " . " ( = 'OS' AND " . " cm.subid = {$imgdata[$imageid]['osid']}))"; } $qh = doQuery($query); $configs = array(); $configids = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $row['configmapid'] = $row['id']; if (is_null($row['subimageid'])) { $configids[] = $row['configid']; } if ($row['configtype'] == 'Cluster') { $row['id'] = "{$row['id']}-{$row['configsubimageid']}"; $row['cluster'] = 1; } else { $row['cluster'] = 0; } $row['configdata'] = htmlspecialchars($row['configdata']); $row['optional'] = (int) $row['optional']; $row['applied'] = true; $row['disabled'] = (int) $row['disabled']; if ($mode == 0) { $row['id'] = "{$configsubimageid}/{$row['id']}"; } else { $row['id'] = "{$searchid}/{$row['id']}"; } $configs[$row['id']] = $row; if ($rec < 20 && $row['configtype'] == 'Cluster') { $subconfigs = getMappedSubConfigs(0, $row['configsubimageid'], $row['subimageid'], ++$rec); $configs = $configs + $subconfigs; } } if ($rec < 20 && !empty($configids)) { if ($mode == 0) { $subconfigs = getMappedSubConfigs(1, $configids, $configsubimageid, ++$rec); } else { $subconfigs = getMappedSubConfigs(1, $configids, $searchid, ++$rec); } $configs = $configs + $subconfigs; } return $configs; }
<?php include "config.php"; getImages($_GET['id'], $con); function getImages($id, $con) { $result = mysqli_query($con, "select * from eventphotos where eventid = '{$id}' order by id desc") or die(mysqli_error($con)); $nara = array(); while ($y = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $y['path'] = $_SESSION['serverUrl'] . $y['path']; echo $y['path']; break; } }
function getMapSubName($maptype, $subid) { switch ($maptype) { case "Image": $data = getImages(0, $subid); return $data[$subid]['prettyname']; case "OS Type": $ostypes = getOStypes(); return $ostypes[$subid]; case "OS": $oses = getOSList(); return $oses[$subid]['prettyname']; case "Config": case "Cluster": $data = $this->_getData($subid); return $data[$subid]['name']; case "Management Node": $managementnodes = getManagementNodes('neither', 0, $subid); return $managementnodes[$subid]['hostname']; break; } }
//echo "<br> " . $query ; $result = cpg_db_fetch_rowset(cpg_db_query($query)); //echo "result " . $result[0][0]; if ($result[0][0] != 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } $get = Inspekt::makeGetCage(); if ($superCage->get->getRAW('check') == 1) { securityCheck(); } else { if (verifykey($superCage->get->getRAW('magik'))) { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('getalb') == 1) { getImages($superCage->get->getRAW('alb')); } else { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('getroot') == 1) { getroot(); } else { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('getcat') == 1) { getAlbums($superCage->get->getRAW('cat')); } else { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('albumlisting') == 1) { treeBuilder(); } else { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('getimg') == 1) { getimg($superCage->get->getRAW('img')); } else { if ($superCage->get->getRAW('photoinfo') == 1) { getPhotoInfo($superCage->get->getRAW('photo'));
$mimetype = mime_content_type("{$fulldir}{$entry}"); foreach ($imagetypes as $valid_type) { if (preg_match("@^{$valid_type}@", $mimetype)) { $retval[] = array('file' => "/{$dir}{$entry}", 'size' => getimagesize("{$fulldir}{$entry}")); break; } } } $d->close(); sort($retval); return $retval; } //test compress image testTypeImage($directoryBIG, $directoryLOW); // fetch image details $images = getImages($directoryBIG, $directoryLOW, $dirVillageAttaque); $n_images = count($images); // SCRIPTS JS /* echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "function goDraw(){"; echo "var e = document.getElementById('selectBattleLeft');"; echo "var v = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;"; echo " alert(v);"; echo "}"; echo "</script>"; // check screen echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "var w_img_gdc=' ';"; echo "var w = window.innerWidth;"; echo "var h = window.innerHeight;";
function getProductMult($d, $type, $cat) { global $i, $o, $revs; $imgfileurlcache = $d->find('a.product-image[rel=gal1]', 0)->href; $imgtitle = $d->find('a.product-image[rel=gal1]', 0)->title; $im = explode("/", strstr($imgfileurlcache, "media/")); $imgfileurl = strstr($imgfileurlcache, "media/", true) . implode("/", array($im[0], $im[1], $im[2], $im[7], $im[8], $im[9])); $imgfile = $im[9]; $img = implode("/", array($im[7], $im[8], $im[9])); fputcsv($i, array($imgfileurl, $img, $imgfileurlcache)); if (!is_null($d->find('div[itemprop=description]', 0))) { $shortdesc = trim($d->find('div[itemprop=description]', 0)->innertext); } else { $shortdesc = ""; } if (!is_null($d->find('#tab-full-details', 0))) { $description = trim($d->find('#tab-full-details', 0)->innertext); } else { $description = ""; } $brand = ""; if (count($d->find('table.grouped-items-table > tbody > tr.item')) < 2) { $prodsku = trim($d->find('table.grouped-items-table > tbody > tr.item span.sku', 0)->innertext, "SKU: "); $prodname = $d->find('table.grouped-items-table > tbody > tr.item div.product-name', 0)->innertext; $prodprice = trim($d->find('table.grouped-items-table > tbody > tr.item span.price', 0)->innertext, "\$ "); $prodvis = 4; $groupedskus = ""; $prodtype = "simple"; getGroupedSku($prodsku, $prodtype, $cat, $description, $img, $brand, $prodname, $prodprice, $shortdesc, $prodvis, $imgtitle, $groupedskus); } else { $groupskus = array(); foreach ($d->find('table.grouped-items-table > tbody > tr.item') as $item) { if (!is_null($item->find('span.sku', 0))) { $prodsku = trim($item->find('span.sku', 0)->innertext, "SKU: "); $prodname = $item->find('div.product-name', 0)->innertext; $prodprice = trim($item->find('span.price', 0)->innertext, "\$ "); $prodvis = 1; $groupedskus = ""; $prodtype = "simple"; $groupskus[] = $prodsku; getGroupedSku($prodsku, $prodtype, $cat, $description, $img, $brand, $prodname, $prodprice, $shortdesc, $prodvis, $imgtitle, $groupedskus); } } $prodsku = $groupskus[0] . "g"; $prodname = $d->find('div[itemprop=name]', 0)->firstChild()->innertext; $prodprice = ""; $prodvis = 4; $groupedskus = implode(",", $groupskus); $prodtype = "grouped"; getGroupedSku($prodsku, $prodtype, $cat, $description, $img, $brand, $prodname, $prodprice, $shortdesc, $prodvis, $imgtitle, $groupedskus); } getImages($d); $revs[$prodsku] = 0; getReviews($d, $prodsku); return 1; }
<?php require 'config.php'; $result = mysqli_query($con, "select * from events where achievement=1 order by date desc") or die(mysqli_error($con)); $ara = array(); while ($x = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $sara = array(); $sara['id'] = $x['id']; $sara['name'] = $x['name']; $sara['path'] = getImages($x['id'], $con); array_push($ara, $sara); } function getImages($id, $con) { $result = mysqli_query($con, "select * from eventphotos where eventid = '{$id}' order by id desc") or die(mysqli_error($con)); $nara = array(); while ($y = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $x = $_SESSION['serverUrl'] . $y['path']; return $x; } } echo json_encode($ara);
function AJaddSubimage() { $imageid = getContinuationVar('imageid'); $adminids = getContinuationVar('adminids'); $userimageids = getContinuationVar('userimageids'); $subimages = getContinuationVar('subimages'); $imagemetaid = getContinuationVar('imagemetaid'); if (!in_array($imageid, $adminids)) { $arr = array('error' => 'noimageaccess', 'msg' => i("You do not have access to manage this image.")); sendJSON($arr); return; } $newid = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC); if (!in_array($newid, $userimageids)) { $arr = array('error' => 'nosubimageaccess', 'msg' => i("You do not have access to add this subimage.")); sendJSON($arr); return; } if (is_null($imagemetaid)) { $query = "INSERT INTO imagemeta " . "(subimages) " . "VALUES (1)"; doQuery($query, 101); $imagemetaid = dbLastInsertID(); $query = "UPDATE image " . "SET imagemetaid = {$imagemetaid} " . "WHERE id = {$imageid}"; doQuery($query, 101); } elseif (!count($subimages)) { $query = "UPDATE imagemeta " . "SET subimages = 1 " . "WHERE id = {$imagemetaid}"; doQuery($query, 101); } $query = "INSERT INTO subimages " . "(imagemetaid, " . "imageid) " . "VALUES ({$imagemetaid}, " . "{$newid})"; doQuery($query, 101); $subimages[] = $newid; $data = array('imageid' => $imageid, 'adminids' => $adminids, 'imagemetaid' => $imagemetaid, 'userimageids' => $userimageids, 'subimages' => $subimages, 'obj' => $this); $addcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJaddSubimage', $data, SECINDAY, 1, 0); $remcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJremSubimage', $data, SECINDAY, 1, 0); $image = getImages(0, $newid); $name = $image[$newid]['prettyname']; $arr = array('newid' => $newid, 'name' => $name, 'addcont' => $addcont, 'remcont' => $remcont); sendJSON($arr); }
// array to hold return value $retval = array(); // full server path to directory $fulldir = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}{$dir}"; $d = @dir($fulldir) or die("getImages: Failed opening directory {$dir} for reading"); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { // skip hidden files if ($entry[0] == ".") { continue; } // check for image files $f = escapeshellarg("{$fulldir}{$entry}"); $retval[] = array('file' => "/members/images/large/{$entry}", 'size' => getimagesize("{$fulldir}/{$entry}")); } $d->close(); return $retval; } // fetch image details $images = getImages("\\members\\images\\large"); // display on page foreach ($images as $img) { echo "<div class=\"photo\">"; echo "<img src=\"{$img['file']}\" width='200' height='auto' alt=\"\"><br>\n"; // display image file name as link echo "<a href=\"{$img['file']}\">", basename($img['file']), "</a><br>\n"; // display image dimenstions echo "({$img['size'][0]} x {$img['size'][1]} pixels)<br>\n"; // display mime_type echo $img['size']['mime']; echo "</div>\n"; }
function processRequestInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $mode; $return = array(); $return["requestid"] = processInputVar("requestid", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["day"] = preg_replace('[\\s]', '', processInputVar("day", ARG_STRING)); $return["hour"] = processInputVar("hour", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["minute"] = processInputVar("minute", ARG_STRING); $return["meridian"] = processInputVar("meridian", ARG_STRING); $return["endday"] = preg_replace('[\\s]', '', processInputVar("endday", ARG_STRING)); $return["endhour"] = processInputVar("endhour", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["endminute"] = processInputVar("endminute", ARG_STRING); $return["endmeridian"] = processInputVar("endmeridian", ARG_STRING); $return["length"] = processInputVar("length", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["started"] = getContinuationVar('started', processInputVar("started", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["os"] = processInputVar("os", ARG_STRING); $return["imageid"] = getContinuationVar('imageid', processInputVar("imageid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["prettyimage"] = processInputVar("prettyimage", ARG_STRING); $return["time"] = processInputVar("time", ARG_STRING); $return["revisionid"] = processInputVar("revisionid", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); $return["ending"] = processInputVar("ending", ARG_STRING, "length"); $return["enddate"] = processInputVar("enddate", ARG_STRING); $return["extend"] = processInputVar("extend", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["testjavascript"] = processInputVar("testjavascript", ARG_NUMERIC, 0); $return['lengthchanged'] = 0; if ($return["minute"] == 0) { $return["minute"] = "00"; } if ($return["endminute"] == 0) { $return["endminute"] = "00"; } if (!$checks) { return $return; } if (!$return["started"]) { $checkdateArr = explode('/', $return["day"]); if (!is_numeric($checkdateArr[0]) || !is_numeric($checkdateArr[1]) || !is_numeric($checkdateArr[2]) || !checkdate($checkdateArr[0], $checkdateArr[1], $checkdateArr[2])) { $submitErr |= STARTDAYERR; $submitErrMsg[STARTDAYERR] = "The submitted start date is invalid. "; } if (!ereg('^((0?[1-9])|(1[0-2]))$', $return["hour"], $regs)) { $submitErr |= STARTHOURERR; $submitErrMsg[STARTHOURERR] = "The submitted hour must be from 1 to 12."; } } # TODO check for valid revisionids for each image if (!empty($return["revisionid"])) { foreach ($return['revisionid'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_numeric($val) || $val < 0) { unset($return['revisionid']); } } } /*if($mode == "confirmAdminEditRequest") { $checkdateArr = explode('/', $return["endday"]); if(! is_numeric($checkdateArr[0]) || ! is_numeric($checkdateArr[1]) || ! is_numeric($checkdateArr[2]) || ! checkdate($checkdateArr[0], $checkdateArr[1], $checkdateArr[2])) { $submitErr |= ENDDAYERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDDAYERR] = "The submitted end date is invalid. "; } if(! ereg('^((0?[1-9])|(1[0-2]))$', $return["endhour"])) { $submitErr |= ENDHOURERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDHOURERR] = "The submitted hour must be from 1 to 12."; } }*/ // make sure user hasn't submitted something longer than their allowed max length $imageData = getImages(0, $return['imageid']); $maxtimes = getUserMaxTimes(); if ($maxtimes['initial'] < $return['length']) { $return['lengthchanged'] = 1; $return['length'] = $maxtimes['initial']; } if ($imageData[$return['imageid']]['maxinitialtime'] > 0 && $imageData[$return['imageid']]['maxinitialtime'] < $return['length']) { $return['lengthchanged'] = 1; $return['length'] = $imageData[$return['imageid']]['maxinitialtime']; } if ($return["ending"] != "length") { if (!ereg('^(20[0-9]{2})-([0-1][0-9])-([0-3][0-9]) (([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$', $return["enddate"], $regs)) { $submitErr |= ENDDATEERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDDATEERR] = "The submitted date/time is invalid."; } elseif (!checkdate($regs[2], $regs[3], $regs[1])) { $submitErr |= ENDDATEERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDDATEERR] = "The submitted date/time is invalid."; } } if ($return["testjavascript"] != 0 && $return['testjavascript'] != 1) { $return["testjavascript"] = 0; } return $return; }
function RESTresourceDetail() { $type = validatetype(processRESTarg(1, ARG_STRING)); $deleted = processInputVar('deleted', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); if ($deleted != 0 && $deleted != 1) { $deleted = 0; } $name = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING, '*'); $tmp = processInputVar('prettyname', ARG_STRING, '*'); if ($name == '*' && $tmp != '*') { $name = $tmp; } if (is_null($type)) { RESTresponse(404, "invalid resource type"); return; } $subid = processRESTarg(2, ARG_NUMERIC, 0); if ($type == 'image') { $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"), array('available'), 0, $deleted); } elseif ($type == 'computer') { $resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"), 0, $deleted); } elseif ($type == 'config') { $resources = getUserResources(array("configAdmin"), array('available'), 0, $deleted); } # TODO #elseif ... if ($subid && !array_key_exists($subid, $resources[$type])) { RESTresponse(404, "specified resource does not exist"); printArray($resources[$type]); return; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'DELETE') { if (RESTdeleteResource($type, $subid)) { RESTresponse(204); } else { RESTresponse(404, "specified resource does not exist 2"); } return; } if ($type == 'image') { $items = getImages($deleted, $subid); $data = array(); foreach (array_keys($resources[$type]) as $id) { if ($name != '*' && !preg_match("/^{$name}\$/i", $items[$id]['prettyname'])) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($id, $items)) { $data[$id] = $items[$id]; } } } elseif ($type == 'computer') { $data = getComputers(1, 0, $subid); } elseif ($type == 'config') { $cluster = processInputVar('cluster', ARG_NUMERIC, -1); $cfg = new Config(); $items = $cfg->getData($cfg->defaultGetDataArgs); $data = array(); foreach (array_keys($resources[$type]) as $id) { if ($name != '*' && !preg_match("/^{$name}\$/i", $items[$id]['name'])) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($id, $items)) { if ($cluster == -1 || $cluster == 0 && $items[$id]['configtype'] != 'Cluster' || $cluster == 1 && $items[$id]['configtype'] == 'Cluster') { $data[$id] = $items[$id]; } } } } #elseif ... if ($subid == 0) { sendREST(dataToJSON($data)); return; } sendREST(dataToJSON($data[$subid], 1)); }
/** * Get all photo posts of blog as json */ function getAll(){ global $config; $client = new Tumblr\API\Client($config['tumblr_consumer_key']); $options['limit'] = 50; $options['type'] = "photo"; $options['filter'] = "text"; $config['post_limit'] = $options['limit']; $total = getTotalPosts($client, $config['blog'], $options); $response["images"] = array(); for ($i=0; $i < ceil($total / $options['limit']); $i++) { $data = getImages($i); $response['images'] = array_merge($response['images'], $data['images']); } $onlyUrl = isset($_REQUEST['onlyUrl']); if ($onlyUrl) { foreach ($response['images'] as $image) { echo $image['src'] . "\r\n"; } die; } else { die(json_encode($response)); } }
echo $video; ?> "/> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p> </video> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $images = getImages($id); if (!empty($images)) { ?> <div class="project-images" style="float: none; width: initial;"> <?php foreach ($images as $image) { echo '<img src="' . SITE_URL . '/uploads/images/' . $image['file_name'] . '" alt="">'; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div>
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Model::unguard(); // Notendur \App\User::create(['name' => 'Netvistun', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt(env('NETVISTUN')), 'remember_token' => str_random(10)]); $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); function makePage($page = []) { $page['slug'] = isset($page['slug']) ? $page['slug'] : str_slug($page['title']); $page['images'] = isset($page['images']) ? $page['images'] : []; return factory(\App\Page::class)->create($page); } function makeProduct($page = []) { $page['slug'] = isset($page['slug']) ? $page['slug'] : str_slug($page['title']); $page['images'] = isset($page['images']) ? $page['images'] : []; return factory(\App\Product::class)->create($page); } function makeCategory($page = []) { $page['slug'] = isset($page['slug']) ? $page['slug'] : str_slug($page['title']); $page['images'] = isset($page['images']) ? $page['images'] : []; return factory(\App\Category::class)->create($page); } $pages = ['Sagan', 'Vörur', 'Hafa samband']; $um_okkur = makePage(['title' => 'Um okkur', 'slug' => 'um-okkur']); makePage(['slug' => 'starfsfolk', 'title' => 'Starfsfólk', 'parent_id' => $um_okkur->id]); makePage(['slug' => 'stadsetning', 'title' => 'Staðsetning', 'parent_id' => $um_okkur->id, 'content' => '<iframe width="100%" height="400" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>']); foreach ($pages as $page) { makePage(['title' => $page]); } $pics = ['slide1.jpg', 'slide2.jpg']; $forsidumyndir = makePage(['title' => 'Forsíðumyndir', 'slug' => '_forsidumyndir', 'status' => 0]); foreach ($pics as $k => $v) { makePage(['title' => $v, 'parent_id' => $forsidumyndir->id, 'images' => [['name' => $v]]]); } $gleraugu = makeCategory(['title' => 'Gleraugu', 'images' => getImages(3)]); $fatnadur = makeCategory(['title' => 'Fatnaður', 'images' => getImages(3)]); $snyrtivara = makeCategory(['title' => 'Snyrtivara', 'images' => getImages(3)]); $harskraut = makeCategory(['title' => 'Hárskraut', 'images' => getImages(3)]); $lipsmacker = makeCategory(['title' => 'Lipsmacker', 'images' => getImages(3)]); \App\Category::find($harskraut->id)->extras('is')->add('frontpaged', 1); \App\Category::find($harskraut->id)->extras('is')->add('size', 2); \App\Category::find($gleraugu->id)->extras('is')->add('frontpaged', 2); \App\Category::find($gleraugu->id)->extras('is')->add('size', 2); \App\Category::find($fatnadur->id)->extras('is')->add('frontpaged', 3); \App\Category::find($fatnadur->id)->extras('is')->add('size', 2); \App\Category::find($snyrtivara->id)->extras('is')->add('frontpaged', 4); \App\Category::find($snyrtivara->id)->extras('is')->add('size', 2); $gleraugu_subs = ['Sólgleraugu', 'Sólgleraugu barna', 'Lesgleraugu']; $fatnadur_subs = ['Sokkar', 'Vettlingar', 'Húfur', 'Leggings']; $snyrtivara_subs = ['Cala', 'Titanium', 'Hárspray', 'Svitavörn']; foreach ($gleraugu_subs as $sub) { $images = getImages(1); makeCategory(['title' => $sub, 'parent_id' => $gleraugu->id, 'images' => $images]); } foreach ($fatnadur_subs as $sub) { $images = getImages(1); makeCategory(['title' => $sub, 'parent_id' => $fatnadur->id, 'images' => $images]); } foreach ($snyrtivara_subs as $sub) { $images = getImages(1); makeCategory(['title' => $sub, 'parent_id' => $snyrtivara->id, 'images' => $images]); } for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) { $images = getImages(8); makeProduct(['title' => $faker->sentence(3), 'category_id' => mt_rand(1, 8), 'images' => $images]); } Model::reguard(); }
function createCollage($covers, $quality, $totalSize, $cols, $rows, $albumInfo, $playcount) { switch ($quality) { case 0: $pixels = 34; break; case 1: $pixels = 64; break; case 2: $pixels = 126; break; case 3: $pixels = 300; break; } //Create blank image $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($pixels * $cols, $pixels * $rows); //Set black colour. $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 0, 0, 0); //Fill with black imagefill($canvas, 0, 0, $backgroundColor); //Note where cursor is. $coords['x'] = 0; $coords['y'] = 0; $i = 1; //Grab images with cURL method. $images = getImages($covers); //For each image returned, create image object and write text foreach ($images as $rawdata) { error_log("Album Processing: " . $rawdata['artist'] . " - " . $rawdata['album']); $image = imagecreatefromstring($rawdata['data']); if ($albumInfo || $playcount) { $font = "resources/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc"; $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); if ($albumInfo && $playcount) { imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 20, $white, $black, $font, $rawdata['artist'], 1); imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 32, $white, $black, $font, $rawdata['album'], 1); imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 44, $white, $black, $font, "Plays: " . $rawdata['playcount'], 1); } elseif ($albumInfo) { imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 20, $white, $black, $font, $rawdata['artist'], 1); imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 32, $white, $black, $font, $rawdata['album'], 1); } elseif ($playcount) { imagettfstroketext($image, 10, 0, 5, 20, $white, $black, $font, "Plays: " . $rawdata['playcount'], 1); } } imagecopy($canvas, $image, $coords['x'], $coords['y'], 0, 0, $pixels, $pixels); //Increase X coords each time $coords['x'] += $pixels; //If we've hit the side of the image, move down and reset x position. if ($i % $cols == 0) { $coords['y'] += 300; $coords['x'] = 0; } $i++; } return $canvas; }
function processRequestInput() { global $user; $baseaccess = getContinuationVar('baseaccess', 0); $imagingaccess = getContinuationVar('imagingaccess', 0); $serveraccess = getContinuationVar('serveraccess', 0); $openend = getContinuationVar('openend', 0); $nousercheck = getContinuationVar('nousercheck', 0); $return['imaging'] = getContinuationVar('imaging', 0); $maxinitial = getContinuationVar('maxinitial', 0); $noimaging = getContinuationVar('noimaging', array()); $return = array('err' => 0); # type $return['type'] = processInputVar('type', ARG_STRING); if (!preg_match('/^basic|imaging|server$/', $return['type'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid data submitted'); return $return; } if ($return['type'] == 'basic' && !$baseaccess || $return['type'] == 'imaging' && !$imagingaccess || $return['type'] == 'server' && !$serveraccess) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('No access to submitted reservation type'); return $return; } # ending $return['ending'] = processInputVar('ending', ARG_STRING); if (!preg_match('/^indefinite|endat|duration$/', $return['ending'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid data submitted'); return $return; } if ($return['ending'] == 'duration' && !$baseaccess || $return['ending'] == 'indefinite' && !$serveraccess || $return['ending'] == 'endat' && !$openend && !$serveraccess) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('No access to submitted end type'); return $return; } # imageid $return['imageid'] = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC); $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); $withnocheckout = $resources['image']; $images = removeNoCheckout($resources["image"]); $extraimages = getServerProfileImages($user['id']); if (!array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $images) && ($return['type'] != 'server' || !array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $extraimages)) && ($return['type'] != 'imaging' || !array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $withnocheckout)) || $return['type'] == 'imaging' && array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $noimaging)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('No access to submitted environment'); return $return; } # nousercheck $return['nousercheck'] = processInputVar('nousercheck', ARG_NUMERIC); if (!$nousercheck || $return['nousercheck'] != 1) { $return['nousercheck'] = 0; } # revisionid $revids = processInputVar("revisionid", ARG_STRING); $revids = explode(':', $revids); $images = getImages(0, $return['imageid']); $return['revisionids'] = array(); if (array_key_exists('subimages', $images[$return['imageid']])) { $subimages = $images[$return['imageid']]['subimages']; array_unshift($subimages, $return['imageid']); foreach ($subimages as $key => $imgid) { $revisions = getImageRevisions($imgid); if (!array_key_exists($key, $revids) || !is_numeric($revids[$key]) || !array_key_exists($revids[$key], $revisions)) { $revid = getProductionRevisionid($imgid); } else { $revid = $revids[$key]; } if (!array_key_exists($imgid, $return['revisionids'])) { $return['revisionids'][$imgid] = array(); } $return['revisionids'][$imgid][] = $revid; } } elseif ($revids[0] != '' && is_numeric($revids[0])) { $return['revisionids'][$return['imageid']][] = $revids[0]; } else { $return['revisionids'][$return['imageid']][] = getProductionRevisionid($return['imageid']); } # duration if ($return['ending'] == 'duration') { $return['duration'] = processInputVar('duration', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); if ($return['duration'] > $maxinitial) { $return['duration'] = $maxinitial; } } # start/end $return['start'] = processInputVar('start', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['end'] = processInputVar('end', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); $now = time(); if ($return['start'] == 0) { $start = $now; } else { $start = $return['start']; } if ($return['ending'] == 'endat') { $end = $return['end']; } if ($return['ending'] == 'indefinite') { $end = datetimeToUnix('2038-01-01 00:00:00'); } elseif ($return['ending'] == 'duration') { $end = $start + $return['duration'] * 60; } if ($start < $now) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('The submitted start time is in the past.'); return $return; } if ($start + 900 > $end) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('The end time must be at least 15 minutes later than the start time.'); return $return; } $return['ipaddr'] = ''; $return['macaddr'] = ''; # server specific input if ($return['type'] == 'server') { # name $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\. ]){0,255}$/', $return['name'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('The reservation name can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes(-), underscores(_), and periods(.) and can be up to 255 characters long'); return $return; } # ipaddr $return['ipaddr'] = processInputVar('ipaddr', ARG_STRING); if ($return['ipaddr'] != '') { # validate fixed IP address if (!validateIPv4addr($return['ipaddr'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)'); return $return; } # validate netmask $return['netmask'] = processInputVar('netmask', ARG_STRING); $bnetmask = ip2long($return['netmask']); if (!preg_match('/^[1]+0[^1]+$/', sprintf('%032b', $bnetmask))) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid netmask specified'); return $return; } # validate router $return['router'] = processInputVar('router', ARG_STRING); if (!validateIPv4addr($return['router'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid router address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)'); return $return; } $return['network'] = ip2long($return['ipaddr']) & $bnetmask; if ($return['network'] != (ip2long($return['router']) & $bnetmask)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('IP address and router are not on the same subnet based on the specified netmask.'); return $return; } # validate dns server(s) $dns = processInputVar('dns', ARG_STRING); $tmp = explode(',', $dns); $cnt = 0; $return['dnsArr'] = array(); foreach ($tmp as $dnsaddr) { if ($cnt && $dnsaddr == '') { continue; } if ($cnt == 3) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Too many DNS servers specified - up to 3 are allowed.'); return $return; } if (!validateIPv4addr($dnsaddr)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid DNS server specified.'); return $return; } $return['dnsArr'][] = $dnsaddr; $cnt++; } # check that a management node can handle the network $mappedmns = getMnsFromImage($return['imageid']); $mnnets = checkAvailableNetworks($return['ipaddr']); $intersect = array_intersect($mappedmns, $mnnets); if (empty($intersect)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('There are no management nodes that can deploy the selected image with the specified IP address.'); return $return; } } # macaddr $return['macaddr'] = processInputVar('macaddr', ARG_STRING); if ($return['macaddr'] != '' && !preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return['macaddr'])) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('Invalid MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)'); return $return; } # profileid $return['profileid'] = processInputVar('profileid', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); $resources = getUserResources(array("serverCheckOut", "serverProfileAdmin"), array("available", "administer")); if (!array_key_exists($return['profileid'], $resources['serverprofile'])) { $return['profileid'] = 0; } elseif ($return['profileid'] != 0) { $tmp = getServerProfiles($return['profileid']); $tmp = $tmp[$return['profileid']]; if ($tmp['imageid'] != $return['imageid'] && ($tmp['fixedIP'] != $return['ipaddr'] && $tmp['fixedMAC'] != $return['macaddr'] || $tmp['fixedIP'] == $return['ipaddr'] && $return['ipaddr'] == '' && $tmp['fixedMAC'] == $return['macaddr'] && $return['macaddr'] == '')) { $return['profileid'] = 0; } } # admingroupid $usergroups = getUserGroups(); $return['admingroupid'] = processInputVar('admingroupid', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($return['admingroupid'] != 0 && !array_key_exists($return['admingroupid'], $usergroups)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('You do not have access to use the specified admin user group.'); return $return; } # logingroupid $return['logingroupid'] = processInputVar('logingroupid', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($return['logingroupid'] != 0 && !array_key_exists($return['logingroupid'], $usergroups)) { $return['err'] = 1; $return['errmsg'] = i('You do not have access to use the specified access user group.'); return $return; } # monitored $return['monitored'] = processInputVar('monitored', ARG_NUMERIC, 0); if ($return['monitored'] != 0 && $return['monitored'] != 1) { $return['monitored'] = 0; } # configs # TODO configs /*$tmp = getUserResources(array("configAdmin")); $userconfigs = $tmp['config']; $initconfigs = getMappedConfigs($return['imageid']); if(array_key_exists('configdata', $_POST)) { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $_POST['configdata'] = stripslashes($_POST['configdata']); $configdata = json_decode($_POST['configdata']); } if(array_key_exists('configdata', $_POST) && isset($configdata->configs)) $configs = $configdata->configs; else $configs = (object)array(); $return['configs'] = array(); foreach($initconfigs as $id => $config) { if(isset($configs->{$id}) && isset($configs->{$id}->applied) && $configs->{$config['id']}->applied != 'true' && $configs->{$config['id']}->applied != 'false') unset($configs->{$config['id']}); if($config['optional'] && (! isset($configs->{$id}) || ! $configs->{$id}->applied)) continue; $return['configs'][$id] = array('configid' => $config['configid'], 'configmapid' => $config['configmapid'], 'imageid' => $config['subimageid']); if(isset($configs->{$id})) unset($configs->{$id}); } $rescfgmapids = array(); foreach($configs as $id => $config) { if(! array_key_exists($config->configid, $userconfigs)) continue; $return['configs'][$id] = array('configid' => $config->configid, 'configstageid' => $config->configstageid, 'imageid' => $config->imageid); $tmp = explode('/', $id); $rescfgmapids[$tmp[1]] = 1; } # configvars $tmp = array_splice($initconfigs, 0); $initconfigvars = getImageConfigVariables($tmp); if(array_key_exists('configdata', $_POST) && isset($configdata->configvars)) $configvars = $configdata->configvars; else $configvars = (object)array(); #print "/*"; #printArray($initconfigvars); #printArray($configvars); #print "*" . "/"; $return['configvars'] = array(); foreach($initconfigvars as $id => $configvar) { $tmp = explode('/', $id); $cfgid = "{$tmp[0]}/{$tmp[1]}"; $varid = $tmp[2]; if($configvar['ask'] == 0 || ! isset($configvars->{$id}) || ! isset($configvars->{$id}->value)) { $return['configvars'][$cfgid][$varid] = array('value' => $configvar['defaultvalue']); } else { switch($configvar['datatype']) { case 'bool': case 'int': case 'float': $value = processInputData($configvars->{$id}->value, ARG_NUMERIC); break; default: $value = processInputData($configvars->{$id}->value, ARG_STRING); break; } $return['configvars'][$cfgid][$varid] = array('value' => $value); } if(isset($configvars->{$id})) unset($configvars->{$id}); }*/ /*print "/*"; printArray($rescfgmapids); foreach($configvars as $id => $var) { $cfgid = explode('/', $id); print "cfgid: {$cfgid[1]}\n"; if(! array_key_exists($cfgid[1], $rescfgmapids)) continue; // TODO validate based on var type $value = processInputData($configvars->{$id}->value, ARG_STRING); $return['configvars']["{$cfgid[0]}/{$cfgid[1]}"][$cfgid[2]] = array('value' => $value); } printArray($configvars);*/ #print "*/"; } return $return; }
$contents['id_auteur'] = $membre['id_auteur']; $images = getImages($membre['id_auteur']); $contents['lien'] = $images['lien']; $contents['id_auteur'] = $membre['id_auteur']; $nombre = getNombre($contents['id_auteur']); $contents['COUNT(*)'] = $nombre['COUNT(*)']; // FIN INFO TOPIC // INFO REPONSES $comments = getComments($id); $contents['comments'] = $comments; // FIN INFO REPONSES if (connected()) { $id_user = $_SESSION['id']; $userDetails = getUserDetails($id_user)['pseudo']; $contents['pseudo1'] = $userDetails; $userImage = getImages($id_user); $contents['lien1'] = $userImage['lien']; } /**** Préparation de la vue ****/ $title = $titre['titre']; $styles = ['forum.css', 'search.css']; /**** Affichage de la page ****/ //Appel de la vue : if (empty($_POST)) { // Le formulaire n'a pas été rempli vue(['sujet'], $styles, $title, $contents); } else { if ($_POST['contenu']) { if (connected()) { insertMessage($_POST['contenu'], $id, $id_user); header('Location: ' . getLink(['forum', 'sujet', $id, 0]));
<?php $dockerRegistryDomain = ''; $dockerRegistryPush = "{$dockerRegistryDomain}v2/"; $userName = '******'; $password = '******'; $email = '*****@*****.**'; echo login($dockerRegistryDomain, $userName, $password, $email); echo PHP_EOL; foreach (getImages() as $image) { echo $image; echo PHP_EOL; echo tag($image, $dockerRegistryPush); echo PHP_EOL; echo push($image, $dockerRegistryPush); echo PHP_EOL; } function login($registry, $userName, $password, $email = '') { return myExec(sprintf('docker login --username="******" --password="******" --email="%s" %s', $userName, $password, $email, $registry)); } function tag($imageName, $registry = '') { if (preg_match("~{$registry}~i", $imageName)) { return "skip\n"; } return myExec(sprintf('docker tag %s %s%s', $imageName, $registry, $imageName)); } function push($imageName, $registry = '') { $registry = preg_match("~{$registry}~i", $imageName) ? $imageName : $registry . $imageName;
} // check for image files $f = escapeshellarg("{$fulldir}{$entry}"); $mimetype = trim(`file -bi {$f}`); foreach ($imagetypes as $valid_type) { if (preg_match("@^{$valid_type}@", $mimetype)) { $retval[] = array('file' => "/{$dir}{$entry}", 'size' => getimagesize("{$fulldir}{$entry}")); break; } } } $d->close(); return $retval; } // fetch image details $images = getImages("FamilyFileShare/uploads/"); $width = "100"; $height = "200"; $bestFit = "true"; // display on page foreach ($images as $img) { echo "<div class=\"photo\">"; echo "<img height=1000 width=970 src=\"{$img['file']}\" {$img['size'][3]} alt=\"\"> <br>\n"; // display image file name as link echo "<a href=\"{$img['file']}\">", basename($img['file']), "</a><br>\n"; // display image dimenstions echo "({$img['size'][0]} x {$img['size'][1]} pixels)<br>\n"; // display mime_type echo $img['size']['mime']; echo "<a href=./del_image.php?img_del=", basename($img['file']), ">", "\n\n Delete", "</a><br>\n"; echo "</div>\n";
function listPictures($categoryid) { global $db; if ($categoryid == 0) { return; } $c = getCategory((int) $categoryid); return getImages($c['uniqid']); }
function processBlockAllocationInput() { global $user; $return = array(); $method = getContinuationVar('method'); $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); $return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING); $return['imageid'] = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['seats'] = processInputVar('seats', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['groupid'] = processInputVar('groupid', ARG_NUMERIC); $override = getContinuationVar('override', 0); $type = processInputVar('type', ARG_STRING); $err = 0; if ($method != 'request' && !preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9\\. \\(\\)]){3,80}$/', $return['name'])) { $errmsg = i("The name can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes(-), and periods(.) and can be from 3 to 80 characters long"); $err = 1; } $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); $resources["image"] = removeNoCheckout($resources["image"]); if (!array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $resources['image'])) { $errmsg = i("The submitted image is invalid."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && $method != 'request' && !validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $errmsg = i("The submitted owner is invalid."); $err = 1; } else { $return['ownerid'] = getUserlistID($return['owner']); } $groups = getUserGroups(0, $user['affiliationid']); $extragroups = getContinuationVar('extragroups'); if (!$err && !array_key_exists($return['groupid'], $groups) && !array_key_exists($return['groupid'], $extragroups) && $return['groupid'] != 0) { $errmsg = i("The submitted user group is invalid."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && $return['groupid'] == 0) { $return['groupid'] = 'NULL'; } if (!$err && ($return['seats'] < MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES || $return['seats'] > MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES)) { $errmsg = sprintf(i("The submitted number of seats must be between %d and %d."), MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES, MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES); $err = 1; } if (!$err) { $imgdata = getImages(0, $return['imageid']); $concur = $imgdata[$return['imageid']]['maxconcurrent']; if (!is_null($concur) && $concur != 0 && $return['seats'] > $concur) { $errmsg = sprintf(i("The selected image can only have %d concurrent reservations. Please reduce the number of requested seats to %d or less."), $concur, $concur); $err = 1; } } $dooverride = 0; # check user group access to image if (($method == 'new' || $method == 'edit') && !$err && !$override) { $groupresources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0, 0, $return['groupid']); if (!array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $groupresources['image'])) { $dooverride = 1; $errmsg = i("WARNING - The selected user group does not currently have access to the selected environment. You can submit the Block Allocation again to ignore this warning."); $err = 1; } } if (!$err && $type != 'weekly' && $type != 'monthly' && $type != 'list') { $errmsg = i("You must select one of \"Repeating Weekly\", \"Repeating Monthly\", or \"List of Dates/Times\"."); $err = 1; } if (!$err) { if ($type == 'list') { $slots = processInputVar('slots', ARG_STRING); $return['slots'] = explode(',', $slots); $return['times'] = array(); $lastdate = array('day' => '', 'ts' => 0); foreach ($return['slots'] as $slot) { $tmp = explode('|', $slot); if (count($tmp) != 3) { $errmsg = i("Invalid date/time submitted."); $err = 1; break; } $date = $tmp[0]; if (!$err) { $datets = strtotime($date); if ($method != 'edit' && $datets < time() - SECINDAY) { $errmsg = i("The date must be today or later."); $err = 1; break; } } $return['times'][] = "{$tmp[1]}|{$tmp[2]}"; if ($datets > $lastdate['ts']) { $lastdate['ts'] = $datets; $lastdate['day'] = $date; } } if (!$err) { $expirets = strtotime("{$lastdate['day']} 23:59:59"); $return['expiretime'] = unixToDatetime($expirets); } } if ($type == 'weekly' || $type == 'monthly') { $return['startdate'] = processInputVar('startdate', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['enddate'] = processInputVar('enddate', ARG_NUMERIC); $times = processInputVar('times', ARG_STRING); $return['startts'] = strtotime($return['startdate']); $return['endts'] = strtotime($return['enddate']); if ($return['startts'] > $return['endts']) { $errmsg = i("The Last Date of Usage must be the same or later than the First Date of Usage."); $err = 1; } elseif ($method != 'edit' && $return['startts'] < time() - SECINDAY) { $errmsg = i("The start date must be today or later."); $err = 1; } $expirets = strtotime("{$return['enddate']} 23:59:59"); $return['expiretime'] = unixToDatetime($expirets); $return['times'] = explode(',', $times); } foreach ($return['times'] as $time) { $tmp = explode('|', $time); if (count($tmp) != 2) { $errmsg = i("Invalid start/end time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $start = explode(':', $tmp[0]); if (count($start) != 2 || !is_numeric($start[0]) || !is_numeric($start[1]) || $start[0] < 0 || $start[0] > 23 || $start[1] < 0 || $start[1] > 59) { $errmsg = i("Invalid start time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $end = explode(':', $tmp[1]); if (count($end) != 2 || !is_numeric($end[0]) || !is_numeric($end[1]) || $end[0] < 0 || $end[0] > 23 || $end[1] < 0 || $end[1] > 59) { $errmsg = i("Invalid end time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $start = minuteOfDay($start[0], $start[1]); $end = minuteOfDay($end[0], $end[1]); if ($start >= $end) { $errmsg = i("Each start time must be less than the corresponding end time."); $err = 1; break; } } if ($type == 'weekly') { $validdays = 0; $errmsg = ''; for ($day = $return['startts'], $i = 0; $i < 7, $day < $return['endts'] + SECINDAY; $i++, $day += SECINDAY) { $daynum = date('w', $day); $validdays |= 1 << $daynum; } $days = processInputVar('days', ARG_STRING); $dayscheck = processInputVar('days', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($days == '' && $dayscheck == '0') { $days = 0; } $return['daymask'] = 0; if (!$err) { foreach (explode(',', $days) as $day) { if ($day == '' || $day < 0 || $day > 6) { $errmsg = i("Invalid day submitted."); $err = 1; break; } $return['daymask'] |= 1 << $day; } } if (!$err && ($return['daymask'] & $validdays) == 0) { $errmsg = i("No valid days submitted for the specified date range."); $err = 1; } } if ($type == 'monthly') { $return['weeknum'] = processInputVar('weeknum', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['day'] = processInputVar('day', ARG_NUMERIC); if (!$err && ($return['weeknum'] < 1 || $return['weeknum'] > 5)) { $errmsg = i("Invalid week number submitted."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && ($return['day'] < 1 || $return['day'] > 7)) { $errmsg = i("Invalid day of week submitted."); $err = 1; } $times = getMonthlyBlockTimes('', $return['startts'], $return['endts'], $return['day'], $return['weeknum'], $return['times']); if (!$err && empty($times)) { $errmsg = i("Specified day of month not found in date range."); $err = 1; } } } if ($method == 'request') { $return['comments'] = processInputVar('comments', ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return['comments'] = stripslashes($return['comments']); } if (!$err && preg_match('/[<>]/', $return['comments'])) { $errmsg = i("<>\\'s are not allowed in the comments."); $err = 1; } } if ($err) { print "clearHideConfirmForm();"; print "alert('{$errmsg}');"; $data = array('extragroups' => $extragroups, 'method' => $method); if ($method == 'edit') { $data['blockid'] = getContinuationVar('blockid'); } $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJblockAllocationSubmit', $data, SECINWEEK, 1, 0); print "dojo.byId('submitcont').value = '{$cont}';"; if ($dooverride) { $data['override'] = 1; $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJblockAllocationSubmit', $data, SECINWEEK, 1, 0); print "dojo.byId('submitcont2').value = '{$cont}';"; } else { print "dojo.byId('submitcont2').value = '';"; } } $return['type'] = $type; $return['err'] = $err; return $return; }
$y['path'] = $_SESSION['serverUrl'] . $y['path']; $nara[] = $y; } return $nara; } $id = $_GET['id']; $result = mysqli_query($con, "select * from events where id = '{$id}' order by date desc") or die(mysqli_error($con)); $ara = array(); while ($x = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $sara = array(); $sara['id'] = $x['id']; $sara['name'] = $x['name']; $sara['description'] = $x['description']; $sara['date'] = $x['date']; $sara['place'] = $x['place']; $sara['images'] = getImages($x['id'], $con); array_push($ara, $sara); } $title = $ara[0]['name']; $description = $ara[0]['description']; $image = $ara[0]['images'][0]['path']; ?> <html> <head> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="807373209363035" /> <meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo $ara[0]['name']; ?> - Rotaract Club V.V.P." />
function fixImageURL(&$html, &$did) { $images = getImages($html); $imgs = array_unique($images[1]); foreach ($imgs as $img) { $html = str_replace($img, fixurl($img), $html); //print_r($did); if (!in_array($img, $did)) { $base64 = image_base64_encode($img); if ($base64) { echo "<img><src><![CDATA["; echo fixurl($img); echo "]]></src><base64><![CDATA["; echo $base64; echo "]]></base64></img>"; } array_push($did, $img); } } }
function AJreloadComputers() { $imageid = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC); $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); if (!array_key_exists($imageid, $resources['image'])) { $ret = array('status' => 'noaccess'); sendJSON($ret); return; } $compids = $this->validateCompIDs(); if (array_key_exists('error', $compids)) { $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'errormsg' => $compids['msg']); sendJSON($ret); return; } if (count($compids) == 0) { $ret = array('status' => 'noaction'); sendJSON($ret); return; } $computers = $this->getData($this->defaultGetDataArgs); $imagedata = getImages(0, $imageid); $reloadnow = array(); $reloadasap = array(); $noreload = array(); foreach ($compids as $compid) { switch ($computers[$compid]['state']) { case "available": case "failed": case "reloading": $reloadnow[] = $compid; break; case "inuse": case "timeout": case "reserved": $reloadasap[] = $compid; break; case "maintenance": $noreload[] = $compid; break; default: $noreload[] = $compid; break; } } $msg = ''; if (count($reloadnow)) { $msg .= "The following computers will be immediately reloaded with "; $msg .= "<strong>{$imagedata[$imageid]['prettyname']}</strong>:<br>\n"; foreach ($reloadnow as $compid) { $msg .= "<span class=\"ready\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</span><br>\n"; } $msg .= "<br>\n"; } if (count($reloadasap)) { $msg .= "The following computers are currently in use and will have "; $msg .= "<strong>{$imagedata[$imageid]['prettyname']}</strong> set as "; $msg .= "a priority for reloading at the end of the existing reservation "; $msg .= "on each node:<br>\n"; foreach ($reloadasap as $compid) { $msg .= "<span class=\"wait\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</span><br>\n"; } $msg .= "<br>\n"; } if (count($noreload)) { $msg .= "The following computers are currently in the maintenance "; $msg .= "state and therefore will have nothing done to them:<br>\n"; foreach ($noreload as $compid) { $msg .= "<span class=\"rederrormsg\">{$computers[$compid]['hostname']}</span><br>\n"; } $msg .= "<br>\n"; } $cdata = $this->basecdata; $cdata['imageid'] = $imageid; $cdata['imagename'] = $imagedata[$imageid]['prettyname']; $cdata['compids'] = $compids; $ret = array('status' => 'success', 'title' => "Reload Computers", 'btntxt' => 'Reload Computers', 'actionmsg' => $msg); if (count($reloadnow) || count($reloadasap)) { $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitReloadComputers', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0); $ret['cont'] = $cont; } else { $ret['cont'] = ''; $ret['disablesubmit'] = 1; } sendJSON($ret); }