
// Include common functions and declarations
include "../include/common.php";
// Get parameters
$path = getValue("path");
$width = getValue("width");
$height = getValue("height");
$autoCorrect = getValue("autoCorrect");
if (!empty($path)) {
    // Output header
    header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
    // Get source file
    $sourcefile = scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/" . $path;
    if (file_exists($sourcefile)) {
        $dimensions = getImageDimensions($sourcefile);
        if ($autoCorrect) {
            if ($dimensions[0] < $dimensions[1]) {
                if (!empty($width)) {
                    $height = $width;
                    $width = 0;
        if (empty($width)) {
            // Scale according to height
            $ratio = $height / $dimensions[1];
            $width = $dimensions[0] * $ratio;
        if (empty($height)) {
            // Scale according to width
  * Generate a thumbnail for a given image file.
  * @param	$cacheDir		Directory file is located in.
  * @param	$path			Path to image file relative to scriptUrl.
  * @param	$name			Name of file.
  * @param	$width			Desired width of thumbnail.
  * @param	$height			Desired height of thumbnail.
  * @param	$returnDefault	Return default image if image could not be generated.
  * @param	$addBackground	Add background to make the image fit desired dimensions.
  * @param	$crop			Crop image to fit desired dimensions.
  * @param	$blackAndWhite	Black and white image.
  * @return URL to thumbnail.
 function generateThumbnail($cacheDir, $path, $name, $width, $height = 0, $returnDefault = true, $addBackground = false, $crop = false, $blackAndWhite = false)
     global $settings;
     // Cache in news directory in cache if present
     if (!is_dir(cachePath . "/" . $cacheDir)) {
         $cacheDir = "";
     // Set source file name
     $sourceFile = file_exists(scriptPath . "/" . $path) ? scriptPath . "/" . $path : ($returnDefault ? iconPath . "/default.jpg" : "");
     if (!empty($sourceFile)) {
         if (!$settings->enableCaching) {
             return scriptUrl . "/" . $path;
         if (!empty($width) || !empty($height)) {
             $dimensions = getImageDimensions($sourceFile);
             if (!$addBackground && !$crop) {
                 if (!empty($width)) {
                     $ratio = $width / $dimensions[0];
                     $height = $dimensions[1] * $ratio;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($height)) {
                         $ratio = $height / $dimensions[1];
                         $width = $dimensions[0] * $ratio;
             // Round values
             $width = floor($width);
             $height = floor($height);
             if (empty($height)) {
                 $height = $width;
             // Set target file name
             $targetFile = cachePath . (!empty($cacheDir) ? "/" . $cacheDir : "") . "/" . $name . "." . $width . "_" . $height . ($addBackground ? "_background" : ($crop ? "_crop" : "")) . ($blackAndWhite ? "_bw" : "") . ".jpg";
             // Check if file has changed
             $resize = false;
             if (!file_exists($targetFile)) {
                 $resize = true;
             } else {
                 if (filemtime($targetFile) < filemtime($sourceFile)) {
                     $resize = true;
             // Resize file
             if ($resize) {
                 resizeToFile($sourceFile, $width, $height, $targetFile, 100, $addBackground, $crop, $blackAndWhite);
             return cacheUrl . (!empty($cacheDir) ? "/" . $cacheDir : "") . "/" . $name . "." . $width . "_" . $height . ($addBackground ? "_background" : ($crop ? "_crop" : "")) . ($blackAndWhite ? "_bw" : "") . ".jpg";
         return iconUrl . "/picture5050.gif";
     return "";
  * resizeImage resizes an image and writes it to the harddisk
  * @param	$sourcefile 	The filename of the picture that is going to be resized
  * @param 	$dest_x 		X-Size of the target picture in pixels
  * @param	$dest_y			Y-Size of the target picture in pixels
  * @param	$targetfile 	The name under which the resized picture will be stored
  * @param	$jpegqual   	The Compression-Rate that is to be used
  * @param	$addBackground	Add background to image.
  * @param	$crop			Crop image to fit desired dimensions.
  * @param	$blackAndWhite	Black and white image.
  * @return true if resize was successfull, false otherwise.
 function resizeImage($sourcefile, $width, $height, $targetfile, $jpegqual, $addBackground = false, $crop = false, $blackAndWhite = false)
     if (empty($height)) {
         $height = $width;
     // Get the dimensions of the source picture
     $dimensions = getImageDimensions($sourcefile);
     $source_x = $dimensions[0];
     $source_y = $dimensions[1];
     // Create a new image object by type (not neccessarily true colour)
     $source_id = null;
     $type = $dimensions["mime"];
     switch ($type) {
         case "image/jpeg":
             $source_id = @imageCreateFromJPEG("{$sourcefile}");
         case "image/png":
             $source_id = @imageCreateFromPNG("{$sourcefile}");
         case "image/gif":
             $source_id = @imageCreateFromGIF("{$sourcefile}");
     // Create target image
     $target_id = null;
     if ($addBackground) {
         $target_ratio = $width / $height;
         $img_ratio = $source_x / $source_y;
         if ($target_ratio > $img_ratio) {
             $new_height = $height;
             $new_width = $img_ratio * $height;
         } else {
             $new_height = $width / $img_ratio;
             $new_width = $width;
         if ($new_height > $height) {
             $new_height = $height;
         if ($new_width > $width) {
             $new_height = $width;
         $target_id = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
         @imagefilledrectangle($target_id, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, 0);
         // Fill the image black
         @imagecopyresampled($target_id, $source_id, ($width - $new_width) / 2, ($height - $new_height) / 2, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $source_x, $source_y);
     } else {
         if ($crop) {
             // We're always going to crop from center
             if ($source_x < $source_y) {
                 $cropx = 0;
                 $cropy = ($source_y - $source_x) / 2;
                 $source_y = $source_x;
             } else {
                 $cropx = ($source_x - $source_y) / 2;
                 $cropy = 0;
                 $source_x = $source_y;
             // Create image
             $target_id = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
             @imagefilledrectangle($target_id, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, 0);
             // Fill the image black
             @imagecopyresampled($target_id, $source_id, 0, 0, $cropx, $cropy, $width, $height, $source_x, $source_y);
         } else {
             $imageWidth = $width;
             $imageHeight = $height;
             // Calculate image ratio
             if (!empty($imageWidth)) {
                 $ratio = $imageWidth / $dimensions[0];
                 $imageHeight = $dimensions[1] * $ratio;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($imageHeight)) {
                     $ratio = $imageHeight / $dimensions[1];
                     $imageWidth = $dimensions[0] * $ratio;
             // Round values
             $imageWidth = floor($imageWidth);
             $imageHeight = floor($imageHeight);
             // Create true color image
             $target_id = @imagecreatetruecolor($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
             // Resize the original picture and copy it into the just created image object.
             @imagecopyresampled($target_id, $source_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $source_x, $source_y);
     // Create black and white image
     if ($blackAndWhite) {
         if (function_exists("imagefilter")) {
             imagefilter($target_id, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
         } else {
             // Creates the 256 color palette
             for ($c = 0; $c < 256; $c++) {
                 $palette[$c] = imagecolorallocate($target_id, $c, $c, $c);
             // Reads the original colors pixel by pixel
             for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
                 for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
                     $rgb = imagecolorat($target_id, $x, $y);
                     $r = $rgb >> 16 & 0xff;
                     $g = $rgb >> 8 & 0xff;
                     $b = $rgb & 0xff;
                     // This is where we actually use yiq to modify our rbg values, and then convert them to our grayscale palette
                     $gs = $this->yiq($r, $g, $b);
                     imagesetpixel($target_id, $x, $y, $palette[$gs]);
     // Create a jpeg with the quality of "$jpegqual" out of the
     // image object "$target_pic". This will be saved as $targetfile.
     @imagejpeg($target_id, $targetfile, $jpegqual);
     // If file exists return path to file
     if (file_exists($targetfile)) {
         return $targetfile;
     return $targetfile;
printSubsectionHeader($lEditUser["Profile"], "", 1, 1, "profile");

echo !$profile && !$register ? $lEditUser["ProfileText"] : $lEditProfile["ProfileText"];

<div id="profile" class="formIndent">
<table width="95%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" summary="Pictures">
<td width="35">
$imageUrl = $user->getUserImage(50);
$dimensions = getImageDimensions($imageUrl);
<img name="img_0_preview" src="<?php 
echo $imageUrl;
" width="<?php 
echo $dimensions[0];
" height="<?php 
echo $dimensions[1];
" border="0" alt="" title="" class="border" />

<td width="100%">
  * Save user in database.
  * @param	$readPost	Read values from post.
  * @param	$validate	Validate input values.
  * @return ErrorList object if there were errors.	
 function saveUser($readPost = true, $validate = true)
     global $dbi, $errors, $group, $log, $login, $module, $settings;
     // Include language
     include scriptPath . "/include/language/" . pageLanguage . "/admin.php";
     include scriptPath . "/include/language/" . pageLanguage . "/general.php";
     // Save values into this user object
     if ($readPost) {
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             $this->username = getValue("u_username");
         if ($login->isWebmaster()) {
             $this->activated = getValue("u_activated");
             $this->activated = !$this->activated;
         $this->groupId = getValue("u_groupId");
         $this->name = getValue("u_name");
         $this->email = getValue("u_email");
         $this->phone = getValue("u_phone");
         $this->mobile = getValue("u_mobile");
         $this->facebook = getValue("u_facebook");
         $this->twitter = getValue("u_twitter");
         $this->linkurl = getValue("u_linkurl");
         $this->linkname = getValue("u_linkname");
         $this->location = getValue("u_location");
         $this->department = getValue("u_department");
         $this->position = getValue("u_position");
         $this->profileText = parseHtml(getValue("u_profileText"), 2);
         $this->signature = getValue("u_signature");
         $this->hideEmail = getValue("u_hideEmail");
         $this->hideTelephone = getValue("u_hideTelephone");
         $this->hideInUserlist = getValue("u_hideInUserlist");
         $this->hideOnlineStatus = getValue("u_hideOnlineStatus");
         $this->notifyAboutChanges = getValue("u_notifyAboutChanges");
         $this->categoryId = getValue("categoryId");
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             $this->password = getValue("u_passwd");
             $repeatedPassword = getValue("u_repeated_passwd");
         $groups = getValue("u_groups");
         $profile = getValue("profile");
     if ($validate) {
         // Check submitter
         if ($this->hasAdministerPermission() && !$profile) {
             $userType = getValue("userType");
             $this->administrator = 0;
             $this->webmaster = 0;
             if (!empty($userType)) {
                 switch ($userType) {
                     case 1:
                         // Webmaster
                         $this->webmaster = 1;
                     case 2:
                         // Administrator
                         $this->administrator = 1;
         // Validate username
         // Validate full name
         if (empty($this->name)) {
             $errors->addError("name", $lEditUser["MissingFullName"]);
         // Validate email
         if (!$login->isWebmaster()) {
             if (empty($this->email)) {
                 $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["MissingEmail"]);
         // Validate email is valid and not already registered
         if (!empty($this->email)) {
             if (!checkEmail($this->email)) {
                 $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["InvalidEmail"]);
             } else {
                 $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . userDataTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($this->id) ? "id!=" . $dbi->quote($this->id) . " AND " : "") . "email=" . $dbi->quote($this->email));
                 if ($result->rows()) {
                     $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["EmailExists"]);
         // Validate password
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             $this->validatePassword($this->password, $repeatedPassword);
         // Validate code
         if (empty($this->id) && !$this->hasAdministerPermission() && $settings->requireValidation) {
             if (!audit()) {
                 $errors->addError("validation", $lEditUser["WrongValidation"]);
     // If no errors save user data
     if (!$errors->hasErrors()) {
         // Check if user category exists
         if (!empty($this->categoryId)) {
             $result = $dbi->query("SELECT Id FROM " . userCategoryTableName . " WHERE Id=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . " OR Title=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId));
             if ($result->rows()) {
                 list($this->categoryId) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             } else {
                 // Get max position
                 $position = 0;
                 $result = $dbi->query("SELECT MAX(Position) FROM " . userCategoryTableName);
                 if ($result->rows()) {
                     list($maxPosition) = $result->fetchrow_array();
                     $position = $maxPosition + 1;
                 // Insert the new category
                 $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userCategoryTableName . "(Title,Position) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . "," . $dbi->quote($position) . ")");
                 $this->categoryId = $dbi->getInsertId();
         if (!empty($this->id)) {
             // Update basic user information
             $dbi->query("UPDATE " . userTableName . " SET " . (!empty($this->username) ? "username="******"," : "") . "groupId=" . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . ",registered=registered,lastLogged=lastLogged,lastUpdated=NOW()" . (!empty($this->password) ? ",password="******"") . ",administrator=" . $dbi->quote($this->administrator) . ",webmaster=" . $dbi->quote($this->webmaster) . ",activated=" . $dbi->quote($this->activated) . " WHERE id=" . $this->id);
             // Update information about user
             $dbi->query("UPDATE " . userDataTableName . " SET categoryId=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . ",name=" . $dbi->quote($this->name) . ",email=" . $dbi->quote($this->email) . ",phone=" . $dbi->quote($this->phone) . ",mobile=" . $dbi->quote($this->mobile) . ",linkurl=" . $dbi->quote($this->linkurl) . ",linkname=" . $dbi->quote($this->linkname) . ",facebook=" . $dbi->quote($this->facebook) . ",twitter=" . $dbi->quote($this->twitter) . ",location=" . $dbi->quote($this->location) . ",department=" . $dbi->quote($this->department) . ",position=" . $dbi->quote($this->position) . ",profileText=" . $dbi->quote($this->profileText) . ",signature=" . $dbi->quote($this->signature) . ",hideEmail=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideEmail) . ",hideTelephone=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideTelephone) . ",hideInUserlist=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideInUserlist) . ",hideOnlineStatus=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideOnlineStatus) . ",notifyAboutChanges=" . $dbi->quote($this->notifyAboutChanges) . " WHERE id=" . $this->id);
         } else {
             // Generate cookie
             $cookie = $login->generateCookie();
             if (!$login->isLoggedIn()) {
                 // Generate random string
                 if ($settings->activateWithEmail) {
                     $activationKey = generateRandomString(32);
                 // Insert data into database
                 $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userTableName . " (username,password,groupId,cookie,webmaster,administrator,activated,activationKey) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote(trim($this->username)) . "," . $dbi->quote(md5(trim($this->password))) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . "," . $dbi->quote($cookie) . ",0,0," . ($settings->activateWithEmail && !$this->activated ? 0 : 1) . "," . ($settings->activateWithEmail ? $dbi->quote($activationKey) : "''") . ")");
             } else {
                 // Insert data into database
                 $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userTableName . " (username,password,groupId,cookie,webmaster,administrator,activated) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote(trim($this->username)) . "," . $dbi->quote(md5(trim($this->password))) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . "," . $dbi->quote($cookie) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->webmaster) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->administrator) . ",1)");
             // Get new id of user
             $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId();
             // Insert user information
             $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userDataTableName . "(id,categoryId,name,email,phone,mobile,linkurl,linkname,facebook,twitter,location,department,position,profileText,signature,hideEmail,hideTelephone,hideOnlineStatus,notifyAboutChanges) VALUES(" . $this->id . "," . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->name) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->email) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->phone) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->mobile) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->linkurl) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->linkname) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->facebook) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->twitter) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->location) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->department) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->position) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->profileText) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->signature) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideEmail) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideTelephone) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideOnlineStatus) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->notifyAboutChanges) . ")");
             // Send mail to registered user
             if (!$login->isLoggedIn() && $settings->activateWithEmail) {
                 // Send registration email
                 $mail = new phpmailer();
                 $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
                 $mail->From = pageAdminMail;
                 $mail->Sender = pageAdminMail;
                 $mail->FromName = pageTitle;
                 $mail->Subject = sprintf($lEditUser["WelcomeEmailSubject"], pageTitle);
                 $mail->Body = sprintf($lEditUser["WelcomeEmailText"], $this->name, scriptUrl . "/" . fileProfileActivate . "?id=" . $this->id . "&activate=1&activationKey=" . $activationKey);
             // Notify listeners that user was inserted
             if (function_exists("userInserted")) {
         // Set permissions for user
         if ($this->hasAdministerPermission() && !$profile) {
             if (!empty($userType)) {
                 // Remove permissions if any
                 $dbi->query("DELETE FROM " . permissionTableName . " WHERE moduleContentTypeId='' AND moduleContentId='' AND type='User' AND typeId=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
                 // If module administrator set permissions
                 if ($userType == 3) {
                     $permissions = getValue("permissions");
                     $result = $dbi->query("SELECT Id FROM " . moduleTableName);
                     if ($result->rows()) {
                         for ($i = 0; list($moduleId) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) {
                             if (!empty($permissions[$moduleId])) {
                                 // Initialize values
                                 $administrator = 0;
                                 $comment = 0;
                                 $create = 0;
                                 $delete = 0;
                                 $edit = 0;
                                 $grant = 0;
                                 $publish = 0;
                                 $read = 0;
                                 // Get permission type
                                 switch ($permissions[$moduleId]) {
                                     case 1:
                                         $read = 1;
                                     case 2:
                                         $read = 1;
                                         $comment = 1;
                                     case 3:
                                         $read = 1;
                                         $comment = 1;
                                         $create = 1;
                                         $edit = 1;
                                     case 4:
                                         $read = 1;
                                         $comment = 1;
                                         $create = 1;
                                         $edit = 1;
                                         $publish = 1;
                                     case 5:
                                         $read = 1;
                                         $comment = 1;
                                         $create = 1;
                                         $edit = 1;
                                         $publish = 1;
                                         $delete = 1;
                                     case 6:
                                         $read = 1;
                                         $comment = 1;
                                         $create = 1;
                                         $edit = 2;
                                         $publish = 1;
                                         $delete = 2;
                                     case 7:
                                         $administrator = 1;
                                 // Check if any permissions have been set
                                 if ($administrator || $comment != 0 || $create != 0 || $delete != 0 || $edit != 0 || $grant != 0 || $publish != 0 || $read != 0) {
                                     // Set permissions for module content
                                     $login->setModulePermissions($moduleId, "User", $this->id, $administrator, $comment, $create, $delete, $edit, $publish, $read);
             // Add to groups
             if (!empty($groups)) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groups); $i++) {
                     $group->addToGroup($groups[$i], $this->id);
         // Upload index picture
         if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"])) {
             $size = getImageDimensions($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"]);
             $height = $size[1] * (150 / $size[0]);
             resizeToFile($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"], 150, $height, scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/user_" . $this->id . ".jpg", 100);
         // Call any custom sections
         global $site;
         if (!empty($site->editUserSections)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($site->editUserSections); $i++) {
                 if (function_exists($site->editUserSections[$i]["saveFunction"])) {
         // Log transaction
         $log->logTransaction(userContentTypeId, $this->id);
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->password)) {
             $errors->addError("reenterPassword", $lEditUser["ReenterPasswords"]);
         if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"])) {
             $errors->addError("upload", $lErrors["ReUploadImages"]);
     // Return list of errors
     return $errors;
$dimensions = array();
if (!file_exists(scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/themeHeader.jpg")) {
	background-image: url(<?php 
    echo imgUrl;
    echo !empty($settings->subtheme) ? $settings->subtheme : "Blue";
} else {
    $dimensions = getImageDimensions(scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/themeHeader.jpg");
	background-image: url(<?php 
    echo scriptUrl . "/" . folderUploadedFiles;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	border: 8px #ffffff solid;
	color: #ffffff;
if (sizeof($dimensions) > 0) {
	height: <?php 
// Initialize variables
$imageFile = "";
$imageText = "";
// Upload picture
if (!empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
    $extension = substr(strrchr($_FILES["file"]["name"], "."), 1);
    if ($extension == "gif" || $extension == "jpg" || $extension == "jpeg" || $extension == "JPEG" || $extension == "GIF" || $extension == "JPG" || $extension == "PNG" || $extension == "png") {
        if ($extension == "jpeg" || $extension == "JPEG") {
            $extension = "jpg";
        $extension = convertToLowercase($extension);
        // Resize file if not webmaster
        if (!$login->isWebmaster()) {
            $dimensions = getImageDimensions($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]);
            $width = 600;
            $ratio = $width / $dimensions[0];
            $height = $dimensions[1] * $ratio;
            if ($dimensions[0] > $width) {
                resizeToFile($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $width, $height, $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], 100);
        // Insert into file database
        $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . fileTableName . "(folderId,name,type,size) VALUES('" . (!empty($_POST["imageTargetFolder"]) ? $_POST["imageTargetFolder"] : pageUploadFolder) . "'," . $dbi->quote($_FILES["file"]["name"]) . "," . $dbi->quote($_FILES["file"]["type"]) . "," . $dbi->quote($_FILES["file"]["size"]) . ")");
        $id = $dbi->getInsertId();
        if (!empty($id)) {
            // Get thumbnail width
            $thumbnailWidth = getPostValue("uploadImageThumbnailWidth");
            $thumbnailLink = getPostValue("uploadImageThumbnailLink");
            // Move uploaded file