$search = $_GET['search'];
$filter2 = null;
if (isset($_GET['filter2'])) {
    $filter2 = $_GET['filter2'];
$visualAssessmentGuideID = $_POST['visualAssessmentGuideID'];
$URL = $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . '/index.php?q=/modules/' . getModuleName($_POST['address']) . "/guides_manage_delete.php&visualAssessmentGuideID={$visualAssessmentGuideID}&search={$search}&filter2={$filter2}";
$URLDelete = $_SESSION[$guid]['absoluteURL'] . '/index.php?q=/modules/' . getModuleName($_POST['address']) . "/guides_manage.php&search={$search}&filter2={$filter2}";
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, '/modules/Visual Assessment/guides_manage_delete.php') == false) {
    //Fail 0
    $URL .= '&return=error0';
    header("Location: {$URL}");
} else {
    //Get action with highest precendence
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, $_POST['address'], $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == false) {
        $URL .= '&return=error2';
        header("Location: {$URL}");
    } else {
        if ($highestAction != 'Manage Assessment Guides_all' and $highestAction != 'Manage Assessment Guides_myDepartments') {
            //Fail 0
            $URL .= '&return=error0';
            header("Location: {$URL}");
        } else {
            if ($visualAssessmentGuideID == '') {
                $URL .= '&return=error1';
                header("Location: {$URL}");
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Planner/outcomes_import.php") == FALSE) {
    //Acess denied
    print "<div class='error'>";
    print _("You do not have access to this action.");
    print "</div>";
} else {
    //Check access based on privileges in Manage Outcomes
    $permission = FALSE;
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Planner/outcomes.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == "Manage Outcomes_viewAllEditLearningArea") {
        $permission = "Learning Area";
    } else {
        if ($highestAction == "Manage Outcomes_viewEditAll") {
            $permission = "School";
    if ($permission != "Learning Area" and $permission != "School") {
        //Acess denied due to privileges in Manage Outcomes
        print "<div class='error'>";
        print _("You do not have access to this action.");
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        print "<div class='trail'>";
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//Module includes
include "./modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/moduleFunctions.php";
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Markbook/markbook_edit_targets.php") == FALSE) {
    //Acess denied
    print "<div class='error'>";
    print _("You do not have access to this action.");
    print "</div>";
} else {
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, $_GET["q"], $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        print "<div class='error'>";
        print _("The highest grouped action cannot be determined.");
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        //Check if school year specified
        $gibbonCourseClassID = $_GET["gibbonCourseClassID"];
        if ($gibbonCourseClassID == "") {
            print "<div class='error'>";
            print _("You have not specified one or more required parameters.");
            print "</div>";
        } else {
            try {
                if ($highestAction == "Edit Markbook_everything") {
                    $data = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID);
$gibbonYearGroupID = NULL;
if (isset($_GET["gibbonYearGroupID"])) {
    $gibbonYearGroupID = $_GET["gibbonYearGroupID"];
$allowUpload = $_GET["allowUpload"];
$alpha = NULL;
if (isset($_GET["alpha"])) {
    $alpha = $_GET["alpha"];
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Resources/resources_manage_add.php") == FALSE) {
    //Acess denied
    $output .= "<div class='error'>";
    $output .= _("Your request failed because you do not have access to this action.");
    $output .= "</div>";
} else {
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Resources/resources_manage.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        $output .= "<div class='error'>";
        $output .= _("The highest grouped action cannot be determined.");
        $output .= "</div>";
    } else {
        $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>";
        $output .= "\$(document).ready(function() {";
        $output .= "var options={";
        $output .= "success: function(response) {";
        $output .= "tinymce.execCommand(\"mceFocus\",false,\"{$id}\"); tinyMCE.execCommand(\"mceInsertContent\", 0, response); formReset(); \$(\"." . $id . "resourceAddSlider\").slideUp();";
        $output .= "}, ";
        $output .= "url: '" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/modules/Resources/resources_add_ajaxProcess.php',";
        $output .= "type: 'POST'";
        $output .= "};";
        $output .= "\$('#" . $id . "ajaxForm').submit(function() {";
             if ($entryCount < 1) {
                 print "<div class='error'>";
                 print _("There are no records to display.");
                 print "</div>";
 } else {
     if ($subpage == "Internal Assessment") {
         if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Formal Assessment/internalAssessment_view.php") == FALSE) {
             print "<div class='error'>";
             print _("Your request failed because you do not have access to this action.");
             print "</div>";
         } else {
             $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Formal Assessment/internalAssessment_view.php", $connection2);
             if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
                 print "<div class='error'>";
                 print _("The highest grouped action cannot be determined.");
                 print "</div>";
             } else {
                 //Module includes
                 include "./modules/Formal Assessment/moduleFunctions.php";
                 if ($highestAction == "View Internal Assessments_all") {
                     print getInternalAssessmentRecord($guid, $connection2, $gibbonPersonID);
                 } else {
                     if ($highestAction == "View Internal Assessments_myChildrens") {
                         print getInternalAssessmentRecord($guid, $connection2, $gibbonPersonID, "parent");
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//Module includes
include "./modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/moduleFunctions.php";
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Finance/expenses_manage_print.php") == FALSE) {
    //Acess denied
    print "<div class='error'>";
    print _("You do not have access to this action.");
    print "</div>";
} else {
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Finance/expenses_manage_print.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        print "<div class='error'>";
        print _("The highest grouped action cannot be determined.");
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET["approveReturn"])) {
            $approveReturn = $_GET["approveReturn"];
        } else {
            $approveReturn = "";
        $approveReturnMessage = "";
        $class = "error";
        if (!($approveReturn == "")) {
            if ($approveReturn == "fail0") {
//Set timezone from session variable
$gibbonSchoolYearID = $_GET["gibbonSchoolYearID"];
$gibbonCourseID = $_GET["gibbonCourseID"];
$gibbonCourseClassID = $_GET["gibbonCourseClassID"];
$gibbonUnitID = $_GET["gibbonUnitID"];
$gibbonUnitBlockID = $_GET["gibbonUnitBlockID"];
$gibbonUnitClassBlockID = $_GET["gibbonUnitClassBlockID"];
$gibbonUnitClassID = $_GET["gibbonUnitClassID"];
$URL = $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Planner/units_edit_working_copyback.php&gibbonSchoolYearID={$gibbonSchoolYearID}&gibbonCourseID={$gibbonCourseID}&gibbonCourseClassID={$gibbonCourseClassID}&gibbonUnitID={$gibbonUnitID}&gibbonUnitBlockID={$gibbonUnitBlockID}&gibbonUnitClassBlockID={$gibbonUnitClassBlockID}&gibbonUnitClassID={$gibbonUnitClassID}";
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Planner/units_edit_working_copyback.php") == FALSE) {
    //Fail 0
    $URL .= "&copyReturn=fail0";
    header("Location: {$URL}");
} else {
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Planner/units_edit_working_copyback.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        //Fail 0
        $URL .= "&copyReturn=fail0";
        header("Location: {$URL}");
    } else {
        //Validate Inputs
        if ($gibbonSchoolYearID == "" or $gibbonCourseID == "" or $gibbonUnitID == "" or $gibbonCourseClassID == "" or $gibbonUnitClassID == "") {
            //Fail 3
            $URL .= "&copyReturn=fail3";
            header("Location: {$URL}");
        } else {
            //Check access to specified course
            try {
                if ($highestAction == "Unit Planner_all") {
//Module includes
include $_SESSION[$guid]["absolutePath"] . "/modules/Activities/moduleFunctions.php";
//Set timezone from session variable
$mode = $_POST["mode"];
$gibbonActivityID = $_POST["gibbonActivityID"];
$gibbonPersonID = $_POST["gibbonPersonID"];
$URL = $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/" . getModuleName($_POST["address"]) . "/activities_view_register.php&gibbonActivityID={$gibbonActivityID}&gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&mode={$mode}&search=" . $_GET["search"];
$URLSuccess = $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/" . getModuleName($_POST["address"]) . "/activities_view.php&gibbonPersonID={$gibbonPersonID}&search=" . $_GET["search"];
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Activities/activities_view_register.php") == FALSE) {
    //Fail 0
    $URL .= "&updateReturn=fail0";
    header("Location: {$URL}");
} else {
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Activities/activities_view_register.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        //Fail 0
        $URL .= "&updateReturn=fail0";
        header("Location: {$URL}");
    } else {
        //Get current role category
        $roleCategory = getRoleCategory($_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonRoleIDCurrent"], $connection2);
        //Check access controls
        $access = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Activities", "access");
        if ($access != "Register") {
            $URL .= "&updateReturn=fail0";
            header("Location: {$URL}");
        } else {
function getAlertBar($guid, $connection2, $gibbonPersonID, $privacy = "", $divExtras = "", $div = TRUE, $large = FALSE)
    $output = "";
    $width = "14";
    $height = "13";
    $fontSize = "12";
    $totalHeight = "16";
    if ($large) {
        $width = "42";
        $height = "35";
        $fontSize = "39";
        $totalHeight = "45";
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Students/student_view_details.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == "View Student Profile_full") {
        if ($div == TRUE) {
            $output .= "<div {$divExtras} style='width: 83px; text-align: right; height: " . $totalHeight . "px; padding: 3px 0px; margin: auto'><b>";
        //Individual Needs
        try {
            $dataAlert = array("gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID);
            $sqlAlert = "SELECT * FROM gibbonINPersonDescriptor JOIN gibbonAlertLevel ON (gibbonINPersonDescriptor.gibbonAlertLevelID=gibbonAlertLevel.gibbonAlertLevelID) WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID ORDER BY sequenceNumber DESC";
            $resultAlert = $connection2->prepare($sqlAlert);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
        if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 0) {
            $rowAlert = $resultAlert->fetch();
            $highestLevel = _($rowAlert["name"]);
            $highestColour = $rowAlert["color"];
            $highestColourBG = $rowAlert["colorBG"];
            if ($resultAlert->rowCount() == 1) {
                $title = $resultAlert->rowCount() . " " . sprintf(_('Individual Needs alert is set, with an alert level of %1$s.'), $rowAlert["name"]);
            } else {
                $title = $resultAlert->rowCount() . " " . sprintf(_('Individual Needs alerts are set, up to a maximum alert level of %1$s.'), $rowAlert["name"]);
            $output .= "<a style='font-size: " . $fontSize . "px; color: #" . $highestColour . "; text-decoration: none' href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Students/student_view_details.php&gibbonPersonID=" . $gibbonPersonID . "&subpage=Individual Needs'><div title='{$title}' style='float: right; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; max-height: " . $height . "px; height: " . $height . "px; width: " . $width . "px; border-top: 2px solid #" . $highestColour . "; margin-right: 2px; background-color: #" . $highestColourBG . "'>" . _('IN') . "</div></a>";
        $gibbonAlertLevelID = "";
        try {
            $dataAlert = array("gibbonPersonIDStudent" => $gibbonPersonID, "gibbonSchoolYearID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonSchoolYearID"]);
            $sqlAlert = "SELECT * FROM gibbonMarkbookEntry JOIN gibbonMarkbookColumn ON (gibbonMarkbookEntry.gibbonMarkbookColumnID=gibbonMarkbookColumn.gibbonMarkbookColumnID) JOIN gibbonCourseClass ON (gibbonMarkbookColumn.gibbonCourseClassID=gibbonCourseClass.gibbonCourseClassID) JOIN gibbonCourse ON (gibbonCourseClass.gibbonCourseID=gibbonCourse.gibbonCourseID) WHERE gibbonPersonIDStudent=:gibbonPersonIDStudent AND (attainmentConcern='Y' OR effortConcern='Y') AND complete='Y' AND gibbonSchoolYearID=:gibbonSchoolYearID";
            $resultAlert = $connection2->prepare($sqlAlert);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $_SESSION[$guid]["sidebarExtra"] .= "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
        if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 1 and $resultAlert->rowCount() <= 4) {
            $gibbonAlertLevelID = 03;
        } else {
            if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 4 and $resultAlert->rowCount() <= 8) {
                $gibbonAlertLevelID = 02;
            } else {
                if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 8) {
                    $gibbonAlertLevelID = 01;
        if ($gibbonAlertLevelID != "") {
            $alert = getAlert($connection2, $gibbonAlertLevelID);
            if ($alert != FALSE) {
                $title = sprintf(_('Student has a %1$s alert for academic concern in the current academic year.'), _($alert["name"]));
                $output .= "<a style='font-size: " . $fontSize . "px; color: #" . $alert["color"] . "; text-decoration: none' href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Students/student_view_details.php&gibbonPersonID=" . $gibbonPersonID . "&subpage=Markbook&filter=" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonSchoolYearID"] . "'><div title='{$title}' style='float: right; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; max-height: " . $height . "px; height: " . $height . "px; width: " . $width . "px; border-top: 2px solid #" . $alert["color"] . "; margin-right: 2px; background-color: #" . $alert["colorBG"] . "'>" . _('A') . "</div></a>";
        $gibbonAlertLevelID = "";
        try {
            $dataAlert = array("gibbonPersonID" => $gibbonPersonID);
            $sqlAlert = "SELECT * FROM gibbonBehaviour WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND type='Negative' AND date>'" . date("Y-m-d", time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 60) . "'";
            $resultAlert = $connection2->prepare($sqlAlert);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $_SESSION[$guid]["sidebarExtra"] .= "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
        if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 1 and $resultAlert->rowCount() <= 4) {
            $gibbonAlertLevelID = 03;
        } else {
            if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 4 and $resultAlert->rowCount() <= 8) {
                $gibbonAlertLevelID = 02;
            } else {
                if ($resultAlert->rowCount() > 8) {
                    $gibbonAlertLevelID = 01;
        if ($gibbonAlertLevelID != "") {
            $alert = getAlert($connection2, $gibbonAlertLevelID);
            if ($alert != FALSE) {
                $title = sprintf(_('Student has a %1$s alert for behaviour over the past 60 days.'), _($alert["name"]));
                $output .= "<a style='font-size: " . $fontSize . "px; color: #" . $alert["color"] . "; text-decoration: none' href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Students/student_view_details.php&gibbonPersonID=" . $gibbonPersonID . "&subpage=Behaviour'><div title='{$title}' style='float: right; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; max-height: " . $height . "px; height: " . $height . "px; width: " . $width . "px; border-top: 2px solid #" . $alert["color"] . "; margin-right: 2px; background-color: #" . $alert["colorBG"] . "'>" . _('B') . "</div></a>";
        $alert = getHighestMedicalRisk($gibbonPersonID, $connection2);
        if ($alert != FALSE) {
            $highestLevel = $alert[1];
            $highestColour = $alert[3];
            $highestColourBG = $alert[4];
            $title = sprintf(_('Medical alerts are set, up to a maximum of %1$s'), $highestLevel);
            $output .= "<a style='font-size: " . $fontSize . "px; color: #" . $highestColour . "; text-decoration: none' href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/Students/student_view_details.php&gibbonPersonID=" . $gibbonPersonID . "&subpage=Medical'><div title='{$title}' style='float: right; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; max-height: " . $height . "px; height: " . $height . "px; width: " . $width . "px; border-top: 2px solid #" . $highestColour . "; margin-right: 2px; background-color: #" . $highestColourBG . "'><b>" . _('M') . "</b></div></a>";
        $privacySetting = getSettingByScope($connection2, "User Admin", "privacy");
        if ($privacySetting == "Y" and $privacy != "") {
            $alert = getAlert($connection2, 01);
            $title = sprintf(_('Privacy is required: %1$s'), $privacy);
            $output .= "<div title='{$title}' style='font-size: " . $fontSize . "px; float: right; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; max-height: " . $height . "px; height: " . $height . "px; width: " . $width . "px; border-top: 2px solid #" . $alert["color"] . "; margin-right: 2px; color: #" . $alert["color"] . "; background-color: #" . $alert["colorBG"] . "'>" . _('P') . "</div>";
        if ($div == TRUE) {
            $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;
         if ($count % $columns != 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $columns - $count % $columns; $i++) {
                 print "<td></td>";
             print "</tr>";
         print "</table>";
 } else {
     if ($subpage == "Participants") {
         print "<div class='linkTop'>";
         print "<a href='index.php?q=/modules/Departments/department_course_class.php&gibbonDepartmentID={$gibbonDepartmentID}&gibbonCourseID={$gibbonCourseID}&gibbonCourseClassID={$gibbonCourseClassID}&subpage=Home'>" . $row["course"] . "." . $row["class"] . " " . _('Home') . "</b></a>";
         if (getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Students/student_view_details.php", $connection2) == "View Student Profile_full") {
             print " | ";
             print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/department_course_classExport.php?gibbonCourseClassID={$gibbonCourseClassID}&address=" . $_GET["q"] . "'>" . _("Export") . " <img title='" . _('Export to Excel') . "' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/download.png'/></a>";
         print "</div>";
         try {
             $data = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID);
             $sql = "SELECT gibbonCourseClassID, gibbonCourse.nameShort AS courseName, gibbonCourseClass.nameShort AS className FROM gibbonCourse JOIN gibbonCourseClass ON (gibbonCourse.gibbonCourseID=gibbonCourseClass.gibbonCourseID) WHERE gibbonCourseClassID=:gibbonCourseClassID ORDER BY gibbonCourse.name, gibbonCourseClass.name";
             $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             print "<div class='error'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</div>";
         if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
             print "<div class='error'>";
             print _("The specified record does not exist.");
function getCARole($guid, $connection2, $gibbonCourseClassID)
    $role = "";
    //Determine roll
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Students/student_view.php", $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == "View Student Profile_myChildren") {
        $role = "Parent";
        $childInClass = FALSE;
        //Is child of this perosn in this class?
        $count = 0;
        $children = array();
        try {
            $dataParent = array("gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
            $sqlParent = "SELECT * FROM gibbonFamilyAdult WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND childDataAccess='Y'";
            $resultParent = $connection2->prepare($sqlParent);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
        if ($resultParent->rowCount() > 0) {
            //Get child list for family
            while ($rowParent = $resultParent->fetch()) {
                try {
                    $dataChild = array("gibbonFamilyID" => $rowParent["gibbonFamilyID"]);
                    $sqlChild = "SELECT gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID, image_75, surname, preferredName, gibbonYearGroup.nameShort AS yearGroup, gibbonRollGroup.nameShort AS rollGroup FROM gibbonFamilyChild JOIN gibbonPerson ON (gibbonFamilyChild.gibbonPersonID=gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID) JOIN gibbonStudentEnrolment ON (gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID=gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonPersonID) JOIN gibbonYearGroup ON (gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonYearGroupID=gibbonYearGroup.gibbonYearGroupID) JOIN gibbonRollGroup ON (gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonRollGroupID=gibbonRollGroup.gibbonRollGroupID) WHERE gibbonFamilyID=:gibbonFamilyID AND gibbonPerson.status='Full' AND (dateStart IS NULL OR dateStart<='" . date("Y-m-d") . "') AND (dateEnd IS NULL  OR dateEnd>='" . date("Y-m-d") . "') ORDER BY surname, preferredName ";
                    $resultChild = $connection2->prepare($sqlChild);
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                while ($rowChild = $resultChild->fetch()) {
                    try {
                        $dataInClass = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID, "gibbonPersonID" => $rowChild["gibbonPersonID"]);
                        $sqlInClass = "SELECT * FROM gibbonCourseClassPerson WHERE gibbonCourseClassID=:gibbonCourseClassID AND gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND role='Student'";
                        $resultInClass = $connection2->prepare($sqlInClass);
                    } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    if ($resultInClass->rowCount() == 1) {
                        $childInClass = TRUE;
                        $rowInClass = $resultInClass->fetch();
                        $children[$count] = $rowInClass["gibbonPersonID"];
        if ($childInClass == TRUE) {
            $role = "Parent - Child In Class";
    } else {
        //Check if in staff table as teacher
        try {
            $dataTeacher = array("gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
            $sqlTeacher = "SELECT * FROM gibbonStaff WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND type='Teaching'";
            $resultTeacher = $connection2->prepare($sqlTeacher);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
        if ($resultTeacher->rowCount() == 1) {
            $role = "Teacher";
            try {
                $dataRole = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID, "gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
                $sqlRole = "SELECT * FROM gibbonCourseClassPerson WHERE gibbonCourseClassID=:gibbonCourseClassID AND gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND role='Teacher'";
                $resultRole = $connection2->prepare($sqlRole);
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
            if ($resultRole->rowCount() == 1) {
                $role = "Teacher - In Class";
        //Check if student
        try {
            $dataStudent = array("gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"], "gibbonSchoolYearID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonSchoolYearID"]);
            $sqlStudent = "SELECT * FROM gibbonStudentEnrolment WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND gibbonSchoolYearID=:gibbonSchoolYearID";
            $resultStudent = $connection2->prepare($sqlStudent);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
        if ($resultStudent->rowCount() == 1) {
            $role = "Student";
            try {
                $dataRole = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID, "gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
                $sqlRole = "SELECT * FROM gibbonCourseClassPerson WHERE gibbonCourseClassID=:gibbonCourseClassID AND gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND role='Student'";
                $resultRole = $connection2->prepare($sqlRole);
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
            if ($resultRole->rowCount() == 1) {
                $role = "Student - In Class";
    return $role;
function sidebarExtraUnits($guid, $connection2, $gibbonCourseID, $gibbonSchoolYearID)
    $output = "";
    $highestAction = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, $_GET["q"], $connection2);
    if ($highestAction == FALSE) {
        $output = "<div class='error'>";
        $output .= _("The highest grouped action cannot be determined.");
        $output .= "</div>";
    } else {
        //Show class picker in sidebar
        $output .= "<h2>";
        $output .= _("Choose A Course");
        $output .= "</h2>";
        $selectCount = 0;
        $output .= "<form method='get' action='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php'>";
        $output .= "<table class='mini' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%; margin: 0px 0px'>";
        $output .= "<tr>";
        $output .= "<td style='width: 190px'>";
        $output .= "<input name='q' id='q' type='hidden' value='/modules/Planner/units.php'>";
        $output .= "<input name='gibbonSchoolYearID' id='gibbonSchoolYearID' type='hidden' value='{$gibbonSchoolYearID}'>";
        $output .= "<select name='gibbonCourseID' id='gibbonCourseID' style='width:161px'>";
        $output .= "<option value=''></option>";
        try {
            if ($highestAction == "Unit Planner_all") {
                $dataSelect = array("gibbonSchoolYearID" => $gibbonSchoolYearID);
                $sqlSelect = "SELECT gibbonCourse.nameShort AS course, gibbonSchoolYear.name AS year, gibbonCourseID FROM gibbonCourse JOIN gibbonSchoolYear ON (gibbonCourse.gibbonSchoolYearID=gibbonSchoolYear.gibbonSchoolYearID) WHERE gibbonCourse.gibbonSchoolYearID=:gibbonSchoolYearID ORDER BY nameShort";
            } else {
                if ($highestAction == "Unit Planner_learningAreas") {
                    $dataSelect = array("gibbonSchoolYearID" => $gibbonSchoolYearID, "gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
                    $sqlSelect = "SELECT gibbonCourse.nameShort AS course, gibbonSchoolYear.name AS year, gibbonCourseID FROM gibbonCourse JOIN gibbonSchoolYear ON (gibbonCourse.gibbonSchoolYearID=gibbonSchoolYear.gibbonSchoolYearID) JOIN gibbonDepartment ON (gibbonCourse.gibbonDepartmentID=gibbonDepartment.gibbonDepartmentID) JOIN gibbonDepartmentStaff ON (gibbonDepartmentStaff.gibbonDepartmentID=gibbonDepartment.gibbonDepartmentID) WHERE gibbonDepartmentStaff.gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND (role='Coordinator' OR role='Assistant Coordinator' OR role='Teacher (Curriculum)') AND gibbonCourse.gibbonSchoolYearID=:gibbonSchoolYearID ORDER BY gibbonCourse.nameShort";
            $resultSelect = $connection2->prepare($sqlSelect);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
        while ($rowSelect = $resultSelect->fetch()) {
            $selected = "";
            if ($rowSelect["gibbonCourseID"] == $gibbonCourseID) {
                $selected = "selected";
            $output .= "<option {$selected} value='" . $rowSelect["gibbonCourseID"] . "'>" . htmlPrep($rowSelect["course"]) . " (" . htmlPrep($rowSelect["year"]) . ")</option>";
        $output .= "</select>";
        $output .= "</td>";
        $output .= "<td class='right'>";
        $output .= "<input type='submit' value='" . _('Go') . "'>";
        $output .= "</td>";
        $output .= "</tr>";
        $output .= "</table>";
        $output .= "</form>";
    $_SESSION[$guid]["sidebarExtraPosition"] = "bottom";
    return $output;
 if ($result->rowCount() != 1) {
     print "<h1>";
     print _("Edit Markbook");
     print "</h1>";
     print "<div class='error'>";
     print _("The selected record does not exist, or you do not have access to it.");
     print "</div>";
 } else {
     $row = $result->fetch();
     print "<div class='trail'>";
     print "<div class='trailHead'><a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "'>" . _("Home") . "</a> > <a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/" . getModuleName($_GET["q"]) . "/" . getModuleEntry($_GET["q"], $connection2, $guid) . "'>" . _(getModuleName($_GET["q"])) . "</a> > </div><div class='trailEnd'>" . _('Edit') . " " . $row["course"] . "." . $row["class"] . " " . _('Markbook') . "</div>";
     print "</div>";
     //Add multiple columns
     if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Markbook/markbook_edit.php")) {
         $highestAction2 = getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Markbook/markbook_edit.php", $connection2);
         if ($highestAction2 == "Edit Markbook_multipleClassesAcrossSchool" or $highestAction2 == "Edit Markbook_multipleClassesInDepartment" or $highestAction2 == "Edit Markbook_everything") {
             //Check highest role in any department
             try {
                 $dataRole = array("gibbonPersonID" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
                 $sqlRole = "SELECT role FROM gibbonDepartmentStaff WHERE gibbonPersonID=:gibbonPersonID AND (role='Coordinator' OR role='Assistant Coordinator' OR role='Teacher (Curriculum)')";
                 $resultRole = $connection2->prepare($sqlRole);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($resultRole->rowCount() >= 1 or $highestAction2 == "Edit Markbook_multipleClassesAcrossSchool" or $highestAction2 == "Edit Markbook_everything") {
                 print "<div class='linkTop'>";
                 print "<a href='" . $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["module"] . "/markbook_edit_addMulti.php&gibbonCourseClassID={$gibbonCourseClassID}'>" . _('Add Multiple Columns') . "<img style='margin-left: 5px' title='" . _('Add Multiple Columns') . "' src='./themes/" . $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonThemeName"] . "/img/page_new_multi.png'/></a>";
                 print "</div>";
//New PDO DB connection
try {
    $connection2 = new PDO("mysql:host={$databaseServer};dbname={$databaseName};charset=utf8", $databaseUsername, $databasePassword);
    $connection2->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    $connection2->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
//Module includes
include "./moduleFunctions.php";
//Set timezone from session variable
$gibbonCourseClassID = $_GET["gibbonCourseClassID"];
$URL = $_SESSION[$guid]["absoluteURL"] . "/index.php?q=/modules/" . getModuleName($_GET["address"]) . "/department_course_class.php&gibbonCourseClassID={$gibbonCourseClassID}";
if (isActionAccessible($guid, $connection2, "/modules/Departments/department_course_class.php") == FALSE or getHighestGroupedAction($guid, "/modules/Students/student_view_details.php", $connection2) != "View Student Profile_full") {
    //Fail 0
    $URL .= "&exportReturn=fail0";
    header("Location: {$URL}");
} else {
    if ($gibbonCourseClassID == "") {
        //Fail 1
        $URL .= "&exportReturn=fail1";
        header("Location: {$URL}");
    } else {
        try {
            $data = array("gibbonCourseClassID" => $gibbonCourseClassID);
            $sql = "SELECT gibbonCourseClassID, gibbonCourse.nameShort AS courseName, gibbonCourseClass.nameShort AS className FROM gibbonCourse JOIN gibbonCourseClass ON (gibbonCourse.gibbonCourseID=gibbonCourseClass.gibbonCourseID) WHERE gibbonCourseClassID=:gibbonCourseClassID ORDER BY gibbonCourse.name, gibbonCourseClass.name";
            $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {