function getSearchParams($stage, $assignedto, $dates) { $listSearchParams = array(); $conditions = array(); array_push($conditions, array("sales_stage", "e", $stage)); if ($assignedto == '') { $currenUserModel = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel(); $assignedto = $currenUserModel->getId(); } if ($assignedto != 'all') { $ownerType = vtws_getOwnerType($assignedto); if ($ownerType == 'Users') { array_push($conditions, array("assigned_user_id", "e", getUserFullName($assignedto))); } else { $groupName = getGroupName($assignedto); $groupName = $groupName[0]; array_push($conditions, array("assigned_user_id", "e", $groupName)); } } if (!empty($dates)) { array_push($conditions, array("closingdate", "bw", $dates['start'] . ',' . $dates['end'])); } $listSearchParams[] = $conditions; return '&search_params=' . json_encode($listSearchParams); }
function getRequestedToData() { $mail_data = array(); $mail_data['user_id'] = $_REQUEST["task_assigned_user_id"]; $mail_data['subject'] = $_REQUEST['task_subject']; $mail_data['status'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode'] == 'Task' ? $_REQUEST['taskstatus'] : $_REQUEST['eventstatus']; $mail_data['activity_mode'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode']; $mail_data['taskpriority'] = $_REQUEST['taskpriority']; $mail_data['relatedto'] = $_REQUEST['task_parent_name']; $mail_data['contact_name'] = $_REQUEST['task_contact_name']; $mail_data['description'] = $_REQUEST['task_description']; $mail_data['assign_type'] = $_REQUEST['task_assigntype']; $mail_data['group_name'] = getGroupName($_REQUEST['task_assigned_group_id']); $mail_data['mode'] = $_REQUEST['task_mode']; $startTime = $_REQUEST['task_time_start']; $date = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['task_date_start'] . " " . $startTime); $endTime = $_REQUEST['task_time_end']; $endDate = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['task_due_date'] . " " . $startTime); $startTime = $date->getDisplayTime(); $endTime = $endDate->getDisplayTime(); $value = getaddEventPopupTime($startTime, $endTime, '24'); $start_hour = $value['starthour'] . ':' . $value['startmin'] . '' . $value['startfmt']; $mail_data['st_date_time'] = $date->getDisplayDateTimeValue(); $mail_data['end_date_time'] = $endDate->getDisplayDate(); return $mail_data; }
function CustomerCommentFromPortal($entityData) { $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $data = $entityData->getData(); $customerWSId = $data['customer']; $relatedToWSId = $data['related_to']; $relatedToId = explode('x', $relatedToWSId); $moduleName = getSalesEntityType($relatedToId[1]); if ($moduleName == 'HelpDesk' && !empty($customerWSId)) { $ownerIdInfo = getRecordOwnerId($relatedToId[1]); if (!empty($ownerIdInfo['Users'])) { $ownerId = $ownerIdInfo['Users']; $ownerName = getOwnerName($ownerId); $toEmail = getUserEmailId('id', $ownerId); } if (!empty($ownerIdInfo['Groups'])) { $ownerId = $ownerIdInfo['Groups']; $groupInfo = getGroupName($ownerId); $ownerName = $groupInfo[0]; $toEmail = implode(',', getDefaultAssigneeEmailIds($ownerId)); } $subject = getTranslatedString('LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID', $moduleName) . "##" . $relatedToId[1] . "## " . getTranslatedString('LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL', $moduleName); $contents = getTranslatedString('Dear', $moduleName) . " " . $ownerName . "," . "<br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS', $moduleName) . "<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $data['commentcontent'] . "</b><br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_RESPOND', $moduleName) . "<br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_REGARDS', $moduleName) . "<br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN', $moduleName); $customerId = explode('x', $customerWSId); $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT email FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE contactid=?", array($customerId[0])); $fromEmail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'email'); send_mail('HelpDesk', $toEmail, '', $fromEmail, $subject, $contents); } }
function getGroups($currentUserModel, $moduleName) { $groups = $currentUserModel->getAccessibleGroupForModule($moduleName); $groupIds = array_keys($groups); $groupsList = array(); $groupsWSId = Mobile_WS_Utils::getEntityModuleWSId('Groups'); foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) { $groupName = getGroupName($groupId); $groupsList[] = array('value' => $groupsWSId . 'x' . $groupId, 'label' => $groupName[0]); } return $groupsList; }
function getContent() { $result_content = '<div class="panel panel-default" style="padding: 15px; margin-top: 20px"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="/do/admin">Home</a></li> <li class="active">Users</li> </ol> <legend>Панель управления <small>Пользователи</small></legend> <table class="table table-striped table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Username</th> <th>Дата регистрации</th> <th>Группа (уровень)</th> <th>Действия</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> '; global $bd; $res = $bd->query("SELECT * FROM users"); $rows = $res->fetch_assoc(); if ($res->num_rows == 0) { // Кто попадет в этот if - получит миллион $result_content .= '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">Нет пользователей для вывода!</div>'; } do { //$result_content .= '<tr> // <td>'.$rows['id'].'</td> // <td>'.$rows['title'].'</td> // <td>'.$this->ClearStringHTML($rows['description']).'</td> // <td class="text-center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-xs" href="/do/editnews/'.$rows['id'].'"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> Edit</a> <a href="/do/delnews/'.$rows['id'].'" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Del</a></td> // </tr>'; $groupName = getGroupName($rows['login'], $bd); $result_content .= '<tr> <td>' . $rows['id'] . '</td> <td>' . $rows['login'] . '</td> <td>' . $rows['date'] . '</td> <td>' . $groupName . ' (' . $rows['group'] . ')</td> <td class="text-center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-xs" href="/do/edituser/' . $rows['id'] . '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> Edit</a> <a href="/do/deluser/' . $rows['id'] . '" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Del</a></td> </tr>'; } while ($rows = $res->fetch_assoc()); $result_content .= '</tbody></table></div>'; return $result_content; }
function HelpDesk_notifyOnPortalTicketComment($entityData) { $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $moduleName = $entityData->getModuleName(); $wsId = $entityData->getId(); $parts = explode('x', $wsId); $entityId = $parts[1]; $ownerIdInfo = getRecordOwnerId($entityId); if (!empty($ownerIdInfo['Users'])) { $ownerId = $ownerIdInfo['Users']; $ownerName = getOwnerName($ownerId); $to_email = getUserEmailId('id', $ownerId); } if (!empty($ownerIdInfo['Groups'])) { $ownerId = $ownerIdInfo['Groups']; $groupInfo = getGroupName($ownerId); $ownerName = $groupInfo[0]; $to_email = implode(',', getDefaultAssigneeEmailIds($ownerId)); } $wsParentId = $entityData->get('contact_id'); $parentIdParts = explode('x', $wsParentId); $parentId = $parentIdParts[1]; $entityDelta = new VTEntityDelta(); $oldComments = $entityDelta->getOldValue($entityData->getModuleName(), $entityId, 'comments'); $newComments = $entityDelta->getCurrentValue($entityData->getModuleName(), $entityId, 'comments'); $commentDiff = str_replace($oldComments, '', $newComments); $latestComment = strip_tags($commentDiff); //send mail to the assigned to user when customer add comment // begin $subject = getTranslatedString('LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID', $moduleName) . " " . $entityData->get('ticket_no') . " " . getTranslatedString('LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL', $moduleName); //$subject = getTranslatedString('LBL_RESPONDTO_TICKETID', $moduleName)."##". $entityId."##". getTranslatedString('LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL', $moduleName); // end $contents = getTranslatedString('Dear', $moduleName) . " " . $ownerName . "," . "<br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_CUSTOMER_COMMENTS', $moduleName) . "<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $latestComment . "</b><br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_RESPOND', $moduleName) . "<br><br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_REGARDS', $moduleName) . "<br>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_SUPPORT_ADMIN', $moduleName); //get the contact email id who creates the ticket from portal and use this email as from email id in email $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT lastname, firstname, email FROM vtiger_contactdetails WHERE contactid=?", array($parentId)); $customername = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'firstname') . ' ' . $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'lastname'); $customername = decode_html($customername); //Fix to display the original UTF-8 characters in sendername instead of ascii characters $from_email = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'email'); send_mail('HelpDesk', $to_email, '', $from_email, $subject, $contents); }
public static function generateRecipientOption($type, $value, $name = '') { switch ($type) { case "users": if (empty($name)) { $name = getUserFullName($value); } $optionName = 'User::' . addslashes(decode_html($name)); $optionValue = 'users::' . $value; break; case "groups": if (empty($name)) { $groupInfo = getGroupName($value); $name = $groupInfo[0]; } $optionName = 'Group::' . addslashes(decode_html($name)); $optionValue = 'groups::' . $value; break; case "roles": if (empty($name)) { $name = getRoleName($value); } $optionName = 'Roles::' . addslashes(decode_html($name)); $optionValue = 'roles::' . $value; break; case "rs": if (empty($name)) { $name = getRoleName($value); } $optionName = 'RoleAndSubordinates::' . addslashes(decode_html($name)); $optionValue = 'rs::' . $value; break; } return '<option value="' . $optionValue . '">' . $optionName . '</option>'; }
public function getInviteUserMailData() { $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $return_id = $this->getId(); $cont_qry = "select * from vtiger_cntactivityrel where activityid=?"; $cont_res = $adb->pquery($cont_qry, array($return_id)); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($cont_res); $cont_id = array(); if ($noofrows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $cont_id[] = $adb->query_result($cont_res, $i, "contactid"); } } $cont_name = ''; foreach ($cont_id as $key => $id) { if ($id != '') { $contact_name = Vtiger_Util_Helper::getRecordName($id); $cont_name .= $contact_name . ', '; } } $parentId = $this->get('parent_id'); $parentName = ''; if ($parentId != '') { $parentName = Vtiger_Util_Helper::getRecordName($parentId); } $cont_name = trim($cont_name, ', '); $mail_data = array(); $mail_data['user_id'] = $this->get('assigned_user_id'); $mail_data['subject'] = $this->get('subject'); $moduleName = $this->getModuleName(); $mail_data['status'] = $moduleName == 'Calendar' ? $this->get('taskstatus') : $this->get('eventstatus'); $mail_data['activity_mode'] = $moduleName == 'Calendar' ? 'Task' : 'Events'; $mail_data['taskpriority'] = $this->get('taskpriority'); $mail_data['relatedto'] = $parentName; $mail_data['contact_name'] = $cont_name; $mail_data['description'] = $this->get('description'); $mail_data['assign_type'] = $this->get('assigntype'); $mail_data['group_name'] = getGroupName($this->get('assigned_user_id')); $mail_data['mode'] = $this->get('mode'); //TODO : remove dependency on request; $value = getaddEventPopupTime($_REQUEST['time_start'], $_REQUEST['time_end'], '24'); $start_hour = $value['starthour'] . ':' . $value['startmin'] . '' . $value['startfmt']; if ($_REQUEST['activity_mode'] != 'Task') { $end_hour = $value['endhour'] . ':' . $value['endmin'] . '' . $value['endfmt']; } $startDate = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['date_start'] . " " . $start_hour); $endDate = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['due_date'] . " " . $end_hour); $mail_data['st_date_time'] = $startDate->getDBInsertDateTimeValue(); $mail_data['end_date_time'] = $endDate->getDBInsertDateTimeValue(); $mail_data['location'] = $this->get('location'); return $mail_data; }
<div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navbar"> <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> </div><!--/.navbar-header --> <p class="weekSelector-text">Your Picks for <?php echo "{$this_season_year} {$this_season_type} Week {$this_week}"; ?> </p> <div id="navbar2" class="navbar-collapse collapse weekSelector"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav weekSelector"> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><?php echo getGroupName($db, $this_group_id); ?> <span class="caret"></span></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="dropdown-header">Groups</li> <?php $groups = getGroups($db, $this_user_id); foreach ($groups as $group) { echo '<li><a href="' . $THIS_PAGE . '?group_id=' . $group['group_id'] . '&season_year=' . $this_season_year . '&season_type=' . $this_season_type . '&week=' . $this_week . '">' . $group['group_name'] . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><?php
<?php echo $warning; ?> <img src="<?php echo ADMIN_URL; ?> /images/modify_16.png" border="0" alt="Modify" /> <img src="<?php echo WB_URL . $slide['image']; ?> " style="height:30px;"/> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo getGroupName($slide['group_id']); ?> </td> <td> <b><?php if ($slide['active'] == 1) { echo '<span style="color: green;">' . $WB_TEXT['YES'] . '</span>'; } else { echo '<span style="color: red;">' . $WB_TEXT['NO'] . '</span>'; } ?> </b> </td> <td> <a href="javascript: confirm_link('<?php echo $TEXT['ARE_YOU_SURE'];
function getRequestData($return_id) { global $adb; $cont_qry = "select * from vtiger_cntactivityrel where activityid=?"; $cont_res = $adb->pquery($cont_qry, array($return_id)); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($cont_res); $cont_id = array(); if ($noofrows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) { $cont_id[] = $adb->query_result($cont_res, $i, "contactid"); } } $cont_name = ''; foreach ($cont_id as $key => $id) { if ($id != '') { $displayValueArray = getEntityName('Contacts', $id); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $field_value) { $contact_name = $field_value; } } $cont_name .= $contact_name . ', '; } } $cont_name = trim($cont_name, ', '); $mail_data = array(); $mail_data['user_id'] = $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']; $mail_data['subject'] = $_REQUEST['subject']; $mail_data['status'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode'] == 'Task' ? $_REQUEST['taskstatus'] : $_REQUEST['eventstatus']; $mail_data['activity_mode'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode']; $mail_data['taskpriority'] = $_REQUEST['taskpriority']; $mail_data['relatedto'] = $_REQUEST['parent_name']; $mail_data['contact_name'] = $cont_name; $mail_data['description'] = $_REQUEST['description']; $mail_data['assign_type'] = $_REQUEST['assigntype']; $mail_data['group_name'] = getGroupName($_REQUEST['assigned_group_id']); $mail_data['mode'] = $_REQUEST['mode']; $value = getaddEventPopupTime($_REQUEST['time_start'], $_REQUEST['time_end'], '24'); $start_hour = $value['starthour'] . ':' . $value['startmin'] . '' . $value['startfmt']; if ($_REQUEST['activity_mode'] != 'Task') { $end_hour = $value['endhour'] . ':' . $value['endmin'] . '' . $value['endfmt']; } $startDate = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['date_start'] . " " . $start_hour); $endDate = new DateTimeField($_REQUEST['due_date'] . " " . $end_hour); $mail_data['st_date_time'] = $startDate->getDBInsertDateTimeValue(); $mail_data['end_date_time'] = $endDate->getDBInsertDateTimeValue(); $mail_data['location'] = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['location']); return $mail_data; }
} $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); require_course_login($course, true, $cm); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); require_capability('mod/project:view', $context); $PAGE->set_url('/mod/project/workload_distribution.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname . ': ' . $project->name); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); $PAGE->set_activity_record($project); $options = empty($project->displayoptions) ? array() : unserialize($project->displayoptions); /// Check to see if groups are being used here $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm); $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string('Workload Distribution'), 2); echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string(getGroupName($currentgroup)), 4); //$html = "<img src='pix\\".$history_summary->method.".png' width='16px' heigh='16px' /> ".userdate($history_summary->date)."<br /><br />"; $member_rank = RankMembersTasksDistribution($currentgroup); //echo AlertMembersTasksDistribution($member_rank); arsort($member_rank); //Order the Rank by number of hours //Get the total number of hours based on each student $total_hours = array_sum($member_rank); if ($total_hours > 0) { $equal_hours = $total_hours / count($member_rank); $html = "Individual Recommended Hours: " . round($equal_hours, 2) . " Hours<br /><br />"; //If large variance occurs, display column for table if (AlertWorkloadDistribution($currentgroup)) { $html .= "<table style='border:1px solid black;'><tr style='background-color:lightgrey;'><th>Member</th><th>Assigned Hours</th><th>% of Workload</th><th>Variance</th></tr>"; } else { $html .= "<table style='border:1px solid black;'><tr style='background-color:lightgrey;'><th>Member</th><th>Assigned Hours</th><th>% of Workload</th><th></th></tr>";
<?php renderGroupList($db, $group, $groupLeader); ?> <?php if ($groupLeader == 1) { ?> <a class="button right" href="#" onclick="alert('Group leader cant leave the group - set someone else as leader first.');">Leave Group</a> <?php } else { ?> <a class="button right" href="/?page=group&action=remove&user=<?php echo $userId; ?> " onclick="return confirm('Leave <?php echo getGroupName($group, $db); ?> ?')">Leave Group</a> <?php } ?> <a class="button left" href="/">Back Home</a> <?php } // end if ?> </div> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?> </main>
public function getAssignedTo($scannerId, $ruleId) { $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $result = $db->pquery("SELECT assigned_to FROM vtiger_mailscanner_rules WHERE scannerid = ? AND ruleid = ?", array($scannerId, $ruleId)); $id = $db->query_result($result, 0, 'assigned_to'); if (empty($id)) { global $current_user; $id = $current_user->id; } $assignedUserName = getUserFullName($id); if (empty($assignedUserName)) { $groupInfo = getGroupName($id); $assignedUserName = $groupInfo[0]; } return array($id, $assignedUserName); }
/** To get the converted record values which have to be display in duplicates merging tpl*/ function getRecordValues($id_array, $module) { global $adb, $current_user; global $app_strings; global $mod_strings; $tabid = getTabid($module); $query = "select fieldname,fieldlabel from ec_field where tabid=" . $tabid . " and fieldname not in ('createdtime','modifiedtime')"; $result = $adb->query($query); $no_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $no_rows; $i++) { $fld_name = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldname"); if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, $fld_name) == '0') { $fld_array[] = $fld_name; } } $js_arr = $fld_array; $focus = new $module(); if (isset($id_array) && $id_array != '') { foreach ($id_array as $value) { $focus->id = $value; $focus->retrieve_entity_info($value, $module); $field_values[] = $focus->column_fields; } } $tabid = getTabid($module); $query = "select fieldname,uitype,fieldlabel from ec_field where tabid=" . $tabid . " and fieldname not in ('createdtime','modifiedtime','lastcontacttime')"; $result = $adb->query($query); $no_rows = $adb->num_rows($result); $labl_array = array(); $value_pair = array(); $c = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $no_rows; $i++) { $fld_name = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldname"); $fld_label = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "fieldlabel"); if (isset($mod_strings[$fld_label])) { $fld_label = $mod_strings[$fld_label]; } $ui_type = $adb->query_result($result, $i, "uitype"); if (getFieldVisibilityPermission($module, $current_user->id, $fld_name) == '0') { $record_values[$c][$fld_label] = array(); $ui_value[] = $ui_type; for ($j = 0; $j < count($field_values); $j++) { if ($ui_type == 56) { if ($field_values[$j][$fld_name] == 0) { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $app_strings['no']; } else { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $app_strings['yes']; } } elseif ($ui_type == 51 || $ui_type == 50) { $account_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; $account_name = getAccountName($account_id); $value_pair['disp_value'] = $account_name; } elseif ($ui_type == 53) { $user_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; $username = getUserName($user_id); $group_info = getGroupName($field_values[$j]['record_id'], $module); $groupname = $group_info[0]; $groupid = $group_info[1]; if ($user_id != 0) { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $username; } else { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $groupname; } } elseif ($ui_type == 57) { $contact_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; if ($contact_id != '') { $contactname = getContactName($contact_id); } $value_pair['disp_value'] = $contactname; } elseif ($ui_type == 75 || $ui_type == 81) { $vendor_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; if ($vendor_id != '') { $vendor_name = getVendorName($vendor_id); } $value_pair['disp_value'] = $vendor_name; } elseif ($ui_type == 52) { $user_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; $user_name = getUserName($user_id); $value_pair['disp_value'] = $user_name; } elseif ($ui_type == 68) { $parent_id = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; $value_pair['disp_value'] = getAccountName($parent_id); if ($value_pair['disp_value'] == '' || $value_pair['disp_value'] == NULL) { $value_pair['disp_value'] = getContactName($parent_id); } } elseif ($ui_type == 59) { $product_name = getProductName($field_values[$j][$fld_name]); if ($product_name != '') { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $product_name; } else { $value_pair['disp_value'] = ''; } } elseif ($ui_type == 58) { $campaign_name = getCampaignName($field_values[$j][$fld_name]); if ($campaign_name != '') { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $campaign_name; } else { $value_pair['disp_value'] = ''; } } else { $value_pair['disp_value'] = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; } $value_pair['org_value'] = $field_values[$j][$fld_name]; array_push($record_values[$c][$fld_label], $value_pair); } $c++; } } $parent_array[0] = $record_values; $parent_array[1] = $js_arr; $parent_array[2] = $fld_array; return $parent_array; }
</span></div> <?php } ?> <div class="section-blog"> <div class="section">Раздел:</div> <?php seo_start(); ?> <div class="small"> <a href="<?php echo getFriendlyURL("blog_group", $theme['id_gr']); echo $theme['t'] ? "?t=prof" : ""; ?> "> <?php echo getGroupName($theme['id_gr'], $theme['t']); ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php echo seo_end(); ?> <div class="commline"> <?php if (!$mod && $theme['deleted']) { ?> <a href="/blogs/viewgroup.php?id=<?php echo $theme['id']; ?> &action=restore&page=<?php echo $page;
********************************************************************************/ global $app_strings, $mod_strings, $current_language, $currentModule, $theme, $current_user, $adb, $log; require_once 'Smarty_setup.php'; require_once 'modules/Webforms/Webforms.php'; require_once 'modules/Webforms/model/WebformsModel.php'; require_once 'modules/Webforms/model/WebformsFieldModel.php'; require_once 'include/utils/CommonUtils.php'; Webforms::checkAdminAccess($current_user); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $webformModel = Webforms_Model::retrieveWithId($_REQUEST['id']); $webform = new Webforms(); $smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty(); $category = getParentTab(); $username = getUserFullName($webformModel->getOwnerId()); if (empty($username)) { list($username) = getGroupName($webformModel->getOwnerId()); } $smarty->assign('WEBFORMMODEL', $webformModel); $smarty->assign('WEBFORM', $webform); $smarty->assign('OWNER', $username); $smarty->assign('THEME', $theme); $smarty->assign('MOD', $mod_strings); $smarty->assign('APP', $app_strings); $smarty->assign('MODULE', $currentModule); $smarty->assign('CATEGORY', $category); $smarty->assign('IMAGE_PATH', "themes/{$theme}/images/"); $smarty->assign('WEBFORMFIELDS', Webforms::getFieldInfos($webformModel->getTargetModule())); $smarty->assign('ACTIONPATH', $site_URL . '/modules/Webforms/capture.php'); $smarty->assign('LANGUAGE', $current_language); $smarty->display(vtlib_getModuleTemplate($currentModule, 'DetailView.tpl')); }
function out() { $groupId = $_GET['id']; $userId = $this->mid; if (!empty($groupId) && !empty($userId)) { $dao = D('GroupMember'); $user = $dao->find("userId='{$userId}' and groupId='{$groupId}'"); if ($user->level == 2) { $this->error("管理员不能直接退出群!", -1); } if ($dao->delete("userId='{$userId}' and groupId='{$groupId}'")) { /* add_user_feed */ $feedTitle = "退出了群:<a href=\"/Group/show/id/{$groupId}\">" . getGroupName($groupId) . "</a>"; $this->addUserFeed($userId, 'out', 'group', $groupId, $feedTitle); /* /add_user_feed */ $this->success("操作成功,你已退出该圈子。", 1); } else { $this->error("系统错误!请稍后再试。", 0); } } else { $this->error("操作错误!请登陆后选择要退出的办公圈。"); } }
public function getReportHeaderInfo($noofrows = 0) { $final_return = $return = $return_name = $return_val = ""; $return_arr = $col_order_arr = $summ_order_arr = array(); $colspan = 2; global $default_charset; if (isset($this->reportinformations["reports4youid"]) && $this->reportinformations["reports4youid"] != "") { /* if (isset($this->reportinformations["reports4youid"]) && $this->reportinformations["reports4youid"] != "") { $return_val = $this->reportinformations["reports4youname"]; } else { $return_val = vtranslate("LBL_REPORT_NAME", $this->currentModule); } $return_arr["reportname"] = array("val"=>$return_val,"colspan"=>$colspan); */ $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_Module", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $primarymodule_id = $this->reportinformations["primarymodule"]; $primarymodule = vtlib_getModuleNameById($primarymodule_id); $return_val .= vtranslate($primarymodule, $primarymodule); $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_TOTAL", $this->currentModule) . ": </b><span id='_reportrun_total'>{$noofrows}</span> " . vtranslate("LBL_RECORDS", "ITS4YouReports"); $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_TEMPLATE_OWNER", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $return_val .= getUserFullName($this->reportinformations["owner"]); $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_GroupBy", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; for ($gi = 1; $gi < 4; $gi++) { if (isset($this->reportinformations["Group{$gi}"]) && $this->reportinformations["Group{$gi}"] != "" && $this->reportinformations["Group{$gi}"] != "none") { $group_col_info = array(); // columns visibility control !!!!!! if ($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($this->reportinformations["Group{$gi}"]) == 0) { $gp_column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($this->reportinformations["Group{$gi}"], "SC"); $group_col_info[] = $gp_column_lbl; $group_col_info[] = vtranslate($this->reportinformations["Sort{$gi}"]); if (isset($this->reportinformations["timeline_columnstr{$gi}"]) && $this->reportinformations["timeline_columnstr{$gi}"] != "" && $this->reportinformations["timeline_columnstr{$gi}"] != "@vlv@") { $tr_arr = explode("@vlv@", $this->reportinformations["timeline_columnstr{$gi}"]); $tl_option = "TL_" . $tr_arr[1]; $group_col_info[] = vtranslate("LBL_BY", $this->currentModule); $group_col_info[] = vtranslate($tl_option, $this->currentModule); } $group_cols[] = implode(" ", $group_col_info); } } } if (empty($group_cols)) { $group_cols[] = vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule); } $return_val .= implode(", ", $group_cols); $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_Sharing", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; if (isset($this->reportinformations["sharingtype"]) && $this->reportinformations["sharingtype"] != "") { $sharingtype = vtranslate($this->reportinformations["sharingtype"]); } $sharing_with = ""; if ($this->reportinformations["sharingtype"] == "share") { $sharingMemberArray = $this->reportinformations["members_array"]; $sharingMemberArray = array_unique($sharingMemberArray); if (count($sharingMemberArray) > 0) { $outputMemberArr = array(); foreach ($sharingMemberArray as $setype => $shareIdArr) { $shareIdArr = explode("::", $shareIdArr); $shareIdArray[$shareIdArr[0]] = $shareIdArr[1]; foreach ($shareIdArray as $shareType => $shareId) { switch ($shareType) { case "groups": $groupName_array = getGroupName($shareId); $memberName = $groupName_array[0]; $memberDisplay = "Group::"; break; case "roles": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "Roles::"; break; case "rs": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "RoleAndSubordinates::"; break; case "users": $memberName = getUserName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "User::"; break; } // $outputMemberArr[] = $shareType."::".$shareId; $outputMemberArr[] = $memberDisplay . $memberName; } } $outputMemberArr = array_unique($outputMemberArr); } if (!empty($outputMemberArr)) { $sharing_with = " (" . implode(", ", $outputMemberArr) . ")"; } } $return_val .= $sharingtype . $sharing_with; $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_Schedule", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); require_once 'modules/ITS4YouReports/ScheduledReports4You.php'; $scheduledReport = new ITS4YouScheduledReport($adb, $this->current_user, $this->record); $scheduledReport->getReportScheduleInfo(); $is_scheduled = $scheduledReport->isScheduled; $schedule_info = ""; $scheduled_arr = array(1 => "HOURLY", 2 => "DAILY", 3 => "WEEKLY", 4 => "BIWEEKLY", 5 => "MONTHLY", 6 => "ANNUALLY"); if ($is_scheduled) { $schtypeid = $scheduledReport->scheduledInterval["scheduletype"]; // $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCHEDULE_EMAIL", $this->currentModule); $schedulerFormatArr = explode(";", $scheduledReport->scheduledFormat); if (!empty($schedulerFormatArr)) { foreach ($schedulerFormatArr as $format_str) { $translated_schedulerFormat[] = vtranslate($format_str, $this->currentModule); } } // $schedule_info_arr[] = $scheduledReport->scheduledFormat; $schedule_info_arr[] = implode(", ", $translated_schedulerFormat); $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate($scheduled_arr[$schtypeid], $this->currentModule); $schtime = $scheduledReport->scheduledInterval['time']; $schday = $scheduledReport->scheduledInterval['day']; $schweek = $scheduledReport->scheduledInterval['day']; $schmonth = $scheduledReport->scheduledInterval['month']; $WEEKDAY_STRINGS = vtranslate("WEEKDAY_STRINGS", $this->currentModule); $MONTH_STRINGS = vtranslate("MONTH_STRINGS", $this->currentModule); switch ($schtypeid) { case 1: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; case 2: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; case 3: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_ON", $this->currentModule) . " " . $WEEKDAY_STRINGS[$schday]; $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; case 4: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_ON", $this->currentModule) . " " . $WEEKDAY_STRINGS[$schday]; $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; case 5: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_ON", $this->currentModule) . " {$schday}. " . vtranslate("LBL_SCHEDULE_EMAIL_DAY", $this->currentModule); $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; case 6: $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_IN", $this->currentModule) . " " . $MONTH_STRINGS[$schmonth]; $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_ON", $this->currentModule) . " {$schday}. " . vtranslate("LBL_SCHEDULE_EMAIL_DAY", $this->currentModule); $schedule_info_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SCH_AT", $this->currentModule) . " {$schtime}"; break; } $schedule_info = implode(" ", $schedule_info_arr); } else { $schedule_info = vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule); } $return_val .= $schedule_info; $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_LIMIT", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; if (!empty($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"])) { $return_val .= vtranslate("LBL_Summaries", $this->currentModule) . " "; if (isset($this->reportinformations["summaries_limit"]) && $this->reportinformations["summaries_limit"] != "0") { $summ_limit_str = $this->reportinformations["summaries_limit"] . " " . vtranslate("LBL_RECORDS", $this->currentModule); } else { $summ_limit_str = vtranslate("LBL_ALL", $this->currentModule) . " " . strtolower(vtranslate("LBL_RECORDS", $this->currentModule)); } $return_val .= $summ_limit_str; if ($this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"] != "") { $return_val .= ", " . vtranslate("LBL_Details", $this->currentModule) . " "; } } if ($this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"] != "") { if (isset($this->reportinformations["columns_limit"]) && $this->reportinformations["columns_limit"] != "0") { $limit_str = $this->reportinformations["columns_limit"] . " " . vtranslate("LBL_RECORDS", $this->currentModule); } else { $limit_str = vtranslate("LBL_ALL", $this->currentModule) . " " . strtolower(vtranslate("LBL_RECORDS", $this->currentModule)); } $return_val .= $limit_str; } $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_CHART_INFO", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $ch_column_populated = false; $new_ch_info = $n_ch_info = $ch_column_str = ""; if (!empty($this->reportinformations["charts"])) { foreach ($this->reportinformations["charts"] as $chi => $ch_array) { $ch_type = $ch_array["charttype"]; if ($ch_column_populated != true) { if ($ch_array["x_group"] == "group1") { $ch_column_lbl = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record, "SC", "", $this->reportinformations["Group1"]); if (is_array($ch_column_lbl) && $ch_column_lbl["lbl"] != "") { $ch_column_lbl = $ch_column_lbl["lbl"]; } $ch_column[] = $ch_column_lbl; } elseif ($ch_array["x_group"] == "group2") { $ch_column_lbl = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record, "SC", "", $this->reportinformations["Group1"]); if (is_array($ch_column_lbl) && $ch_column_lbl["lbl"] != "") { $ch_column_lbl = $ch_column_lbl["lbl"]; } $ch_column[] = $ch_column_lbl; $ch_column_lbl = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record, "SC", "", $this->reportinformations["Group1"]); if (is_array($ch_column_lbl) && $ch_column_lbl["lbl"] != "") { $ch_column_lbl = $ch_column_lbl["lbl"]; } $ch_column[] = $ch_column_lbl; } $ch_column_str = implode(", ", $ch_column); $ch_column_populated = true; } $ch_dataseries = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record, "SM", "", $ch_array["dataseries"]); if (is_array($ch_dataseries) && $ch_dataseries["lbl"] != "") { $ch_dataseries = $ch_dataseries["lbl"]; } $n_ch_info[] = vtranslate("LBL_CHART_{$ch_type}", $this->currentModule) . " " . vtranslate("LBL_CHART", $this->currentModule) . " ({$ch_dataseries})"; } $new_ch_info = vtranslate("LBL_CHART_DataSeries", $this->currentModule) . " " . $ch_column_str . " [" . implode(", ", $n_ch_info) . "]"; } else { $new_ch_info = " <small><i>(" . vtranslate("LBL_NO_CHARTS", $this->currentModule) . ")</i></small>"; } $return_val .= $new_ch_info; /* if(isset($this->reportinformations["charts"]) && $this->reportinformations["charts"]["charttype"]=="" && isset($this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"]) && $this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"]!=""){ $ch_info = " <small><i>(".vtranslate("LBL_NO_CHARTS", $this->currentModule).")</i></small>"; }elseif(isset($this->reportinformations["Group1"]) && $this->reportinformations["Group1"]!="none" && isset($this->reportinformations["charts"]) && $this->reportinformations["charts"]["charttype"]!="none" && isset($this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"]) && $this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"]!=""){ // columns visibility control !!!!!! if($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($this->reportinformations["Group1"])==0 && $this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"])==0){ $ch_column = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record,"SC","",$this->reportinformations["Group1"]); if(is_array($ch_column) && $ch_column["lbl"]!=""){ $ch_column = $ch_column["lbl"]; } $ch_dataseries = GenerateObj::getHeaderLabel($this->record,"SM","",$this->reportinformations["charts"]["dataseries"]); if(is_array($ch_dataseries) && $ch_dataseries["lbl"]!=""){ $ch_dataseries = $ch_dataseries["lbl"]; } $ch_type = $this->reportinformations["charts"]["charttype"]; $ch_info = vtranslate("LBL_CHART_$ch_type", $this->currentModule)." ".vtranslate("LBL_CHART", $this->currentModule)." ($ch_column, $ch_dataseries)"; } }else{ $ch_info = " <small><i>(".vtranslate("LBL_CHARE", $this->currentModule)." ".vtranslate("LBL_IGNORED", $this->currentModule)."!)</i></small>"; } $return_val .= $ch_info; */ $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => ""); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_Columns", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $col_order_str = ""; if (isset($this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"]) && $this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"] != "") { $selected_column_string = $this->reportinformations["selectedColumnsString"]; $selected_column_array = explode(";", html_entity_decode($selected_column_string, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); if (!empty($selected_column_array)) { foreach ($selected_column_array as $column_str) { if ($column_str != "" && $column_str != "none") { // columns visibility control !!!!!! if ($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($column_str) == 0) { $column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($column_str, "SC"); $columns[] = $column_lbl; } } } } if (isset($this->reportinformations["SortByColumn"]) && $this->reportinformations["SortByColumn"] != "none") { $col_order_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SORT_FIELD", $this->currentModule); $col_order_column = $this->getColumnStr_Label($this->reportinformations["SortByColumn"], "SC"); $col_order_arr[] = $col_order_column; if ($this->reportinformations["SortOrderColumn"] == "DESC") { $col_order_arr[] = vtranslate("Descending"); } else { $col_order_arr[] = vtranslate("Ascending"); } $col_order_str = implode(" ", $col_order_arr); } } if (empty($columns)) { $columns[] = vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule); } $return_val .= implode(", ", $columns); if ($this->reportinformations["timeline_type2"] == "cols" || $this->reportinformations["timeline_type3"] == "cols") { $return_val .= " <small><i>(" . vtranslate("LBL_NOT_A", $this->currentModule) . " " . vtranslate("LBL_IGNORED", $this->currentModule) . "!)</i></small>"; } if ($col_order_str != "") { $return_val .= " ({$col_order_str})"; } $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => "2"); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_SummariesColumns", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $summ_order_str = ""; if (isset($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"]) && !empty($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"])) { foreach ($this->reportinformations["summaries_columns"] as $column_arr) { $column_str = $column_arr["columnname"]; // columns visibility control !!!!!! if ($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($column_str) == 0) { $sm_column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($column_str, "SM"); $summaries_columns[] = $sm_column_lbl; } } if (isset($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"]) && !empty($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"])) { if ($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]["column"] != "none") { $summ_order_arr[] = vtranslate("LBL_SORT_FIELD", $this->currentModule); $summ_order_column = $this->getColumnStr_Label($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]["column"], "SM"); $summ_order_arr[] = $summ_order_column; if ($this->reportinformations["summaries_orderby_columns"][0]["type"] == "DESC") { $summ_order_arr[] = vtranslate("Descending"); } else { $summ_order_arr[] = vtranslate("Ascending"); } $summ_order_str = implode(" ", $summ_order_arr); } } } if (empty($summaries_columns)) { $summaries_columns[] = vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule); } $return_val .= implode(", ", $summaries_columns); if ($summ_order_str != "") { $return_val .= " ({$summ_order_str})"; } $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => "2"); $return_val = "<b>" . vtranslate("LBL_Filters", $this->currentModule) . ": </b>"; $std_filter_columns = $this->getStdFilterColumns(); if (isset($_REQUEST["reload"])) { $tmp = $this->getAdvanceFilterOptionsJSON($this->primarymodule); $criteria_columns = $this->getRequestCriteria($this->adv_sel_fields); if (!empty($criteria_columns)) { if (isset($_REQUEST["reload"])) { foreach ($criteria_columns as $group_id => $group_arr) { $criteria_columns = $group_arr["columns"]; if (!empty($criteria_columns)) { foreach ($criteria_columns as $criteria_groups_arr) { if ($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"] != "") { // columns visibility control !!!!!! if ($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"]) == 0) { $column_condition = ""; if ($criteria_groups_arr["column_condition"] != "") { $column_condition = $criteria_groups_arr["column_condition"]; } if (in_array($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"], $std_filter_columns)) { $comparator = $criteria_groups_arr["comparator"]; $comparator_val = $this->Date_Filter_Values[$comparator]; $comparator_info = vtranslate($comparator_val, $this->currentModule); if ($comparator == "custom") { $comparator_info_arr = explode("<;@STDV@;>", html_entity_decode(trim($criteria_groups_arr["value"]), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); if ($comparator_info_arr[0] != "" && $comparator_info_arr[1] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("BETWEEN", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[0] . " "; $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_AND", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[1]; } elseif ($comparator_info_arr[0] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_IS", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[0]; } elseif ($comparator_info_arr[1] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_IS", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[1]; } } $criteria_info_value = ""; } else { $comparator = self::$adv_filter_options[$criteria_groups_arr["comparator"]]; $comparator_info = vtranslate($comparator, $this->currentModule); $criteria_info_value = $criteria_groups_arr["value"]; } $ft_column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"]); $condition_info = $ft_column_lbl . " " . $comparator_info . " " . $criteria_info_value . " " . $column_condition; $conditions_arr[$group_id][] = $condition_info; } } } } $group_conditions[$group_id] = $group_arr["condition"]; } } } } else { $criteria_columns = $this->reportinformations["advft_criteria"]; $criteria_groups = $this->reportinformations["advft_criteria_groups"]; if (!empty($criteria_groups) && !empty($criteria_columns)) { foreach ($criteria_groups as $criteria_groups_arr) { $group_id = $criteria_groups_arr["groupid"]; $group_condition = $criteria_groups_arr["group_condition"]; $group_conditions[$group_id] = $group_condition; } foreach ($criteria_columns as $criteria_groups_arr) { if ($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"] != "") { // filter columns and values visibility control !!!!!! start if ($this->getColumnVisibilityPerm($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"]) == 0) { if (array_key_exists($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"], $this->adv_sel_fields)) { $this->getColumnValuesVisibilityPerm($criteria_groups_arr["value"], $this->adv_sel_fields[$criteria_groups_arr["columnname"]]); } } // filter columns and values visibility control !!!!!! end $column_condition = ""; if ($criteria_groups_arr["column_condition"] != "") { $column_condition = $criteria_groups_arr["column_condition"]; } if (in_array($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"], $std_filter_columns)) { $comparator = $criteria_groups_arr["comparator"]; $comparator_val = $this->Date_Filter_Values[$comparator]; $comparator_info = vtranslate($comparator_val, $this->currentModule); if ($comparator == "custom") { $comparator_info_arr = explode("<;@STDV@;>", html_entity_decode(trim($criteria_groups_arr["value"]), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset)); if ($comparator_info_arr[0] != "" && $comparator_info_arr[1] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("BETWEEN", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[0] . " "; $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_AND", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[1]; } elseif ($comparator_info_arr[0] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_IS", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[0]; } elseif ($comparator_info_arr[1] != "") { $comparator_info .= vtranslate("LBL_IS", $this->currentModule) . " "; $comparator_info .= $comparator_info_arr[1]; } } $criteria_info_value = ""; } else { $comparator = self::$adv_filter_options[$criteria_groups_arr["comparator"]]; $comparator_info = vtranslate($comparator, $this->currentModule); $criteria_info_value = $criteria_groups_arr["value"]; } $ft_column_lbl = $this->getColumnStr_Label($criteria_groups_arr["columnname"]); $conditions_arr[$criteria_groups_arr["groupid"]][] = $ft_column_lbl . " " . $comparator_info . " " . $criteria_info_value . " " . $column_condition; } } } } $filters_str = ""; if (!empty($group_conditions)) { foreach ($group_conditions as $g_condition_id => $g_condition) { if (isset($conditions_arr[$g_condition_id]) && !empty($conditions_arr[$g_condition_id])) { $filters_str .= " (" . trim(implode(" ", $conditions_arr[$g_condition_id])) . ") "; if ($g_condition != "") { $filters_str .= " " . vtranslate($g_condition, $this->currentModule) . " "; } } } } if ($filters_str == "") { $filters_str .= vtranslate("LBL_NONE", $this->currentModule); } $return_val .= $filters_str; $return_arr[] = array("val" => $return_val, "colspan" => "2"); $td_i = 0; foreach ($return_arr as $ra_key => $ra_arr) { if (isset($ra_arr["colspan"]) && $ra_arr["colspan"] != "") { $ra_colspan = $ra_arr["colspan"]; } else { $ra_colspan = 1; } $ra_val = $ra_arr["val"]; if ($ra_key === "reportname") { $return_name .= "<tr>"; $return_name .= "<td colspan='{$ra_colspan}' class='rpt4youGrpHeadInfoText' width='100%' style='border:0px;'>"; $return_name .= "{$ra_val}"; $return_name .= "</td>"; $return_name .= "</tr>"; } else { if ($td_i == 0) { $return .= "<tr>"; } $return .= "<td colspan='{$ra_colspan}' class='rpt4youGrpHeadInfo' style='text-align:left;padding-left:20px;width:50%;'>"; $return .= $ra_val; $return .= "</td>"; $td_i += $ra_colspan; if ($td_i == $colspan) { $return .= "</tr>"; $td_i = 0; } } /* $ra_val = $ra_arr["val"]; if(isset($ra_arr["colspan"]) && $ra_arr["colspan"]!=""){ $ra_colspan = $ra_arr["colspan"]; }else{ $ra_colspan = 1; } if($td_i==0){ $return .= "<tr>"; } if(is_numeric($ra_key)){ $return .= "<td colspan='$ra_colspan' class='rpt4youGrpHeadInfo' style='text-align:left;padding-left:10px;width:50%;'>"; }else{ $return .= "<td colspan='$ra_colspan' class='rpt4youGrpHeadInfo' style='text-align:center;font-size:25px;width:100%;'>"; } $return .= $ra_val; $return .= "</td>"; $td_i += $ra_colspan; if($td_i==$colspan){ $return .= "</tr>"; $td_i = 0; } */ } //$final_return = "<table class='rpt4youTableText' style='margin-top:1em;' width='100%'>"; $final_return = "<table class='rpt4youTableText' width='100%'>"; $final_return .= $return_name; $final_return .= "</table>"; $final_return .= "<table width='100%' ><tr><td align='center'>"; $final_return .= "<table class='rpt4youTable' width='98%'>"; $final_return .= $return; $final_return .= "</table>"; $final_return .= "</td></tr></table>"; // ITS4YOU-UP SlOl 4. 12. 2014 13:56:43 // ADD PAGE BREAK AFTER HEADER INFO disabled - remove // to enable it please // $final_return .= "<div style='page-break-after:always'></div>"; } return $final_return; }
<?php $bd = db::getObject(); ?> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Профиль <?php echo $_COOKIE['emc-login']; echo ' (' . getGroupName($_COOKIE['emc-login'], $bd) . ')'; ?> </h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <img src="/engine/templates/<?php echo $tpl_name; ?> /skin.png" class="pull-left top5 imgCom img-rounded img-responsive" width="90"> <a href="">Профиль</a> <br> <a href="">ЛК</a> <br> <a href="">Магазин Блоков</a> <br> <?php if (getGroupNumber($_COOKIE['emc-login'], $bd) == 9) { ?> <a href="/do/admin">Admin-панель</a><br> <?php }
echo ""; } else { foreach ($__LIST__ as $key => $vo) { $mod = $i % 2; ++$i; ?> <tr><td><?php echo $i; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $vo['name']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo getGroupName($vo['pid']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo getStatus($vo['status']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $vo['remark']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo toDate($vo['create_time']); ?> </td> <td><?php
/** This function returns the vtiger_field details for a given vtiger_fieldname. * Param $uitype - UI type of the vtiger_field * Param $fieldname - Form vtiger_field name * Param $fieldlabel - Form vtiger_field label name * Param $maxlength - maximum length of the vtiger_field * Param $col_fields - array contains the vtiger_fieldname and values * Param $generatedtype - Field generated type (default is 1) * Param $module_name - module name * Return type is an array */ function getOutputHtml($uitype, $fieldname, $fieldlabel, $maxlength, $col_fields, $generatedtype, $module_name, $mode = '', $typeofdata = null) { global $log, $app_strings; $log->debug("Entering getOutputHtml(" . $uitype . "," . $fieldname . "," . $fieldlabel . "," . $maxlength . "," . $col_fields . "," . $generatedtype . "," . $module_name . ") method ..."); global $adb, $log, $default_charset; global $theme; global $mod_strings; global $app_strings; global $current_user; require 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php'; $theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/"; $image_path = $theme_path . "images/"; $fieldlabel = from_html($fieldlabel); $fieldvalue = array(); $final_arr = array(); $value = $col_fields[$fieldname]; $custfld = ''; $ui_type[] = $uitype; $editview_fldname[] = $fieldname; // vtlib customization: Related type field if ($uitype == '10') { global $adb; $fldmod_result = $adb->pquery('SELECT relmodule, status FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel WHERE fieldid= (SELECT fieldid FROM vtiger_field, vtiger_tab WHERE vtiger_field.tabid=vtiger_tab.tabid AND fieldname=? AND name=? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2))', array($fieldname, $module_name)); $entityTypes = array(); $parent_id = $value; for ($index = 0; $index < $adb->num_rows($fldmod_result); ++$index) { $entityTypes[] = $adb->query_result($fldmod_result, $index, 'relmodule'); } if (!empty($value)) { $valueType = getSalesEntityType($value); $displayValueArray = getEntityName($valueType, $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) { $displayValue = $value; } } } else { $displayValue = ''; $valueType = ''; $value = ''; } $editview_label[] = array('options' => $entityTypes, 'selected' => $valueType, 'displaylabel' => getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name)); $fieldvalue[] = array('displayvalue' => $displayValue, 'entityid' => $parent_id); } else { if ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 6 || $uitype == 23) { $log->info("uitype is " . $uitype); if ($value == '') { //modified to fix the issue in trac( if ($fieldname != 'birthday' && $generatedtype != 2 && getTabid($module_name) != 14) { $disp_value = getNewDisplayDate(); } if (($module_name == 'Events' || $module_name == 'Calendar') && $uitype == 6) { $curr_time = date('H:i', strtotime('+5 minutes')); } if (($module_name == 'Events' || $module_name == 'Calendar') && $uitype == 23) { $curr_time = date('H:i', strtotime('+10 minutes')); } //Added to display the Contact - Support End Date as one year future instead of //today's date -- 30-11-2005 if ($fieldname == 'support_end_date' && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Contacts') { $addyear = strtotime("+1 year"); $disp_value = DateTimeField::convertToUserFormat(date('Y-m-d', $addyear)); } elseif ($fieldname == 'validtill' && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Quotes') { $disp_value = ''; } } else { if ($uitype == 6) { if ($col_fields['time_start'] != '' && ($module_name == 'Events' || $module_name == 'Calendar')) { $curr_time = $col_fields['time_start']; $value = $value . ' ' . $curr_time; } else { $curr_time = date('H:i', strtotime('+5 minutes')); } } if (($module_name == 'Events' || $module_name == 'Calendar') && $uitype == 23) { if ($col_fields['time_end'] != '') { $curr_time = $col_fields['time_end']; $value = $value . ' ' . $curr_time; } else { $curr_time = date('H:i', strtotime('+10 minutes')); } } $disp_value = getValidDisplayDate($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $date_format = parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT']); if (!empty($curr_time)) { if (($module_name == 'Events' || $module_name == 'Calendar') && ($uitype == 23 || $uitype == 6)) { $curr_time = DateTimeField::convertToUserTimeZone($curr_time); $curr_time = $curr_time->format('H:i'); } } $fieldvalue[] = array($disp_value => $curr_time); if ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 23) { if ($module_name == 'Events' && $uitype == 23) { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format . ' ' . $app_strings['YEAR_MONTH_DATE']); } else { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = array($date_format => $current_user->date_format . ' ' . $app_strings['YEAR_MONTH_DATE']); } } elseif ($uitype == 16) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldname = $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pick_query = "select {$fieldname} from vtiger_{$fieldname} order by sortorderid"; $params = array(); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, $params); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $options = array(); $pickcount = 0; $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $value = decode_html($value); $pickListValue = decode_html($adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname))); if ($value == trim($pickListValue)) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $pickListValue = to_html($pickListValue); if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 15 || $uitype == 33) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $picklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues($fieldname, $roleid, $adb); $valueArr = explode("|##|", $value); $pickcount = 0; if (!empty($picklistValues)) { foreach ($picklistValues as $order => $pickListValue) { if (in_array(trim($pickListValue), array_map("trim", $valueArr))) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; } else { $chk_val = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } if ($pickcount == 0 && !empty($value)) { $options[] = array($app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'], $value, 'selected'); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 17) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 85) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 14) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 19 || $uitype == 20) { if (isset($_REQUEST['body'])) { $value = $_REQUEST['body']; } if ($fieldname == 'terms_conditions') { //Assign the value from focus->column_fields (if we create Invoice from SO the SO's terms and conditions will be loaded to Invoice's terms and conditions, etc.,) $value = $col_fields['terms_conditions']; //if the value is empty then only we should get the default Terms and Conditions if ($value == '' && $mode != 'edit') { $value = getTermsandConditions(); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 21 || $uitype == 24) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 22) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 52 || $uitype == 77) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); global $current_user; if ($value != '') { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } if ($uitype == 52) { $combo_lbl_name = 'assigned_user_id'; } elseif ($uitype == 77) { $combo_lbl_name = 'assigned_user_id1'; } //Control will come here only for Products - Handler and Quotes - Inventory Manager if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } $fieldvalue[] = $users_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 53) { global $noof_group_rows; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); //Security Checks if ($fieldname == 'assigned_user_id' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $result = get_current_user_access_groups($module_name); } else { $result = get_group_options(); } if ($result) { $nameArray = $adb->fetch_array($result); } if ($value != '' && $value != 0) { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { if ($value == '0') { if (isset($col_fields['assigned_group_info']) && $col_fields['assigned_group_info'] != '') { $selected_groupname = $col_fields['assigned_group_info']; } else { $record = $col_fields["record_id"]; $module = $col_fields["record_module"]; $selected_groupname = getGroupName($record, $module); } } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } } if ($fieldname == 'assigned_user_id' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $users_combo = get_select_options_array(get_user_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } if ($noof_group_rows != 0) { if ($fieldname == 'assigned_user_id' && $is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && ($defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 3 or $defaultOrgSharingPermission[getTabid($module_name)] == 0)) { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id, 'private'), $assigned_user_id); } else { $groups_combo = get_select_options_array(get_group_array(FALSE, "Active", $assigned_user_id), $assigned_user_id); } } $fieldvalue[] = $users_combo; $fieldvalue[] = $groups_combo; } elseif ($uitype == 51 || $uitype == 50 || $uitype == 73) { if ($_REQUEST['convertmode'] != 'update_quote_val' && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] != 'update_so_val') { if (isset($_REQUEST['account_id']) && $_REQUEST['account_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['account_id']; } } if ($value != '') { $account_name = getAccountName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $account_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 54) { $options = array(); $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_groups"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, "name"); if ($value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 55 || $uitype == 255) { require_once 'modules/PickList/PickListUtils.php'; if ($uitype == 255) { $fieldpermission = getFieldVisibilityPermission($module_name, $current_user->id, 'firstname', 'readwrite'); } if ($uitype == 255 && $fieldpermission == '0') { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } else { $fieldpermission = getFieldVisibilityPermission($module_name, $current_user->id, 'salutationtype', 'readwrite'); if ($fieldpermission == '0') { $roleid = $current_user->roleid; $picklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues('salutationtype', $roleid, $adb); $pickcount = 0; $salt_value = $col_fields["salutationtype"]; foreach ($picklistValues as $order => $pickListValue) { if ($salt_value == trim($pickListValue)) { $chk_val = "selected"; $pickcount++; } else { $chk_val = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['file']) && $_REQUEST['file'] == 'QuickCreate') { $options[] = array(htmlentities(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } else { $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } } if ($pickcount == 0 && $salt_value != '') { $options[] = array($app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'], $salt_value, 'selected'); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 59) { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'HelpDesk') { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id']) & $_REQUEST['product_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['product_id']; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) & $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['parent_id']); } if ($value != '') { $product_name = getProductName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $product_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 63) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($value == '') { $value = 1; } $options = array(); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_duration_minutes order by sortorderid"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); $salt_value = $col_fields["duration_minutes"]; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, "duration_minutes"); if ($salt_value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[$pickListValue] = $chk_val; } $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == 64) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $date_format = parse_calendardate($app_strings['NTC_DATE_FORMAT']); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 156) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 56) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 57) { if ($value != '') { $displayValueArray = getEntityName('Contacts', $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $field_value) { $contact_name = $field_value; } } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['contact_id']) && $_REQUEST['contact_id'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Contacts' && ($fieldname = 'contact_id')) { $contact_name = ''; } else { $value = $_REQUEST['contact_id']; $displayValueArray = getEntityName('Contacts', $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $field_value) { $contact_name = $field_value; } } else { $contact_name = ''; } } } //Checking for contacts duplicate $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $contact_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 58) { if ($value != '') { $campaign_name = getCampaignName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['campaignid']) && $_REQUEST['campaignid'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Campaigns' && ($fieldname = 'campaignid')) { $campaign_name = ''; } else { $value = $_REQUEST['campaignid']; $campaign_name = getCampaignName($value); } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $campaign_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 61) { if ($value != '') { $assigned_user_id = $value; } else { $assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } if ($module_name == 'Emails' && $col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attach_result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])); //to fix the issue in mail attachment on forwarding mails if (isset($_REQUEST['forward']) && $_REQUEST['forward'] != '') { global $att_id_list; } for ($ii = 0; $ii < $adb->num_rows($attach_result); $ii++) { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($attach_result, $ii, 'attachmentsid'); if ($attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $attachmentsname = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); if ($attachmentsname != '') { $fieldvalue[$attachmentid] = '[ ' . $attachmentsname . ' ]'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['forward']) && $_REQUEST['forward'] != '') { $att_id_list .= $attachmentid . ';'; } } } } else { if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $value = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } } if ($value != '') { $filename = ' [ ' . $value . ' ]'; } if ($filename != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } if ($value != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); } elseif ($uitype == 28) { if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $attachmentid = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_seattachmentsrel where crmid = ?", array($col_fields['record_id'])), 0, 'attachmentsid'); if ($col_fields[$fieldname] == '' && $attachmentid != '') { $attachquery = "select * from vtiger_attachments where attachmentsid=?"; $value = $adb->query_result($adb->pquery($attachquery, array($attachmentid)), 0, 'name'); } } if ($value != '' && $module_name != 'Documents') { $filename = ' [ ' . $value . ' ]'; } elseif ($value != '' && $module_name == 'Documents') { $filename = $value; } if ($filename != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } if ($value != '') { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); } elseif ($uitype == 69) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($col_fields['record_id'] != "") { //This query is for Products only if ($module_name == 'Products') { $query = 'select vtiger_attachments.path, vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid, ,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_products left join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=vtiger_products.productid inner join vtiger_attachments on vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype="Products Image" and productid=?'; } else { $query = "select vtiger_attachments.*,vtiger_crmentity.setype from vtiger_attachments inner join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid where vtiger_crmentity.setype='Contacts Image' and vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=?"; } $result_image = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < $adb->num_rows($result_image); $image_iter++) { $image_id_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'attachmentsid'); //decode_html - added to handle UTF-8 characters in file names //urlencode - added to handle special characters like #, %, etc., $image_array[] = urlencode(decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name'))); $image_orgname_array[] = decode_html($adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name')); $image_path_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'path'); } if (is_array($image_array)) { for ($img_itr = 0; $img_itr < count($image_array); $img_itr++) { $fieldvalue[] = array('name' => $image_array[$img_itr], 'path' => $image_path_array[$img_itr] . $image_id_array[$img_itr] . "_", "orgname" => $image_orgname_array[$img_itr]); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 62) { if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['parent_id']); } if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); } if (isset($_REQUEST['account_id']) && $_REQUEST['account_id'] != '') { $parent_module = "Accounts"; $value = $_REQUEST['account_id']; } if ($parent_module != 'Contacts') { if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $displayValueArray = getEntityName($parent_module, $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $field_value) { $parent_name = $field_value; } } $lead_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $account_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Potentials") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_potential where potentialid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "potentialname"); $potential_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Products") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_products where productid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "productname"); $product_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "PurchaseOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_purchaseorder where purchaseorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $porder_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "SalesOrder") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_salesorder where salesorderid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $sorder_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Invoice") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_invoice where invoiceid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $invoice_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Quotes") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_quotes where quoteid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject"); $quote_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "HelpDesk") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_troubletickets where ticketid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "title"); $ticket_selected = "selected"; } } $editview_label[] = array($app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'], $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_POTENTIALS'], $app_strings['COMBO_PRODUCTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_INVOICES'], $app_strings['COMBO_PORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_SORDER'], $app_strings['COMBO_QUOTES'], $app_strings['COMBO_HELPDESK']); $editview_label[] = array($lead_selected, $account_selected, $potential_selected, $product_selected, $invoice_selected, $porder_selected, $sorder_selected, $quote_selected, $ticket_selected); $editview_label[] = array("Leads&action=Popup", "Accounts&action=Popup", "Potentials&action=Popup", "Products&action=Popup", "Invoice&action=Popup", "PurchaseOrder&action=Popup", "SalesOrder&action=Popup", "Quotes&action=Popup", "HelpDesk&action=Popup"); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 66) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['parent_id'])) { $value = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['parent_id']); } if (!empty($value)) { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module != "Contacts") { $entity_names = getEntityName($parent_module, $value); $parent_name = $entity_names[$value]; $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } // Check for vtiger_activity type if task orders to be added in select option $act_mode = $_REQUEST['activity_mode']; $parentModulesList = array('Leads' => $app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'], 'Accounts' => $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'], 'Potentials' => $app_strings['COMBO_POTENTIALS'], 'HelpDesk' => $app_strings['COMBO_HELPDESK'], 'Campaigns' => $app_strings['COMBO_CAMPAIGNS']); if ($act_mode == "Task") { $parentModulesList['Quotes'] = $app_strings['COMBO_QUOTES']; $parentModulesList['PurchaseOrder'] = $app_strings['COMBO_PORDER']; $parentModulesList['SalesOrder'] = $app_strings['COMBO_SORDER']; $parentModulesList['Invoice'] = $app_strings['COMBO_INVOICES']; } $parentModuleNames = array_keys($parentModulesList); $parentModuleLabels = array_values($parentModulesList); $editview_label[0] = $parentModuleLabels; $editview_label[1] = array_fill(0, count($parentModulesList), ''); $selectedModuleIndex = array_search($parent_module, $parentModuleNames); if ($selectedModuleIndex > -1) { $editview_label[1][$selectedModuleIndex] = 'selected'; } $parentModulePopupUrl = array(); foreach ($parentModuleNames as $parentModule) { $parentModulePopupUrl[] = $parentModule . '&action=Popup'; } $editview_label[2] = $parentModulePopupUrl; } elseif ($uitype == 357) { $pmodule = $_REQUEST['pmodule']; if (empty($pmodule)) { $pmodule = $_REQUEST['par_module']; } if ($pmodule == 'Contacts') { $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Accounts') { $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Leads') { $lead_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Vendors') { $vendor_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Users') { $user_selected = 'selected'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['emailids']) && $_REQUEST['emailids'] != '') { $parent_id = $_REQUEST['emailids']; $parent_name = ''; $myids = explode("|", $parent_id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($myids) - 1; $i++) { $realid = explode("@", $myids[$i]); $entityid = $realid[0]; $nemail = count($realid); if ($pmodule == 'Accounts') { require_once 'modules/Accounts/Accounts.php'; $myfocus = new Accounts(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Accounts"); $fullname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['accountname']); $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Contacts') { require_once 'modules/Contacts/Contacts.php'; $myfocus = new Contacts(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Contacts"); $fname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['firstname']); $lname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['lastname']); $fullname = $lname . ' ' . $fname; $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($pmodule == 'Leads') { require_once 'modules/Leads/Leads.php'; $myfocus = new Leads(); $myfocus->retrieve_entity_info($entityid, "Leads"); $fname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['firstname']); $lname = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields['lastname']); $fullname = $lname . ' ' . $fname; $lead_selected = 'selected'; } for ($j = 1; $j < $nemail; $j++) { $querystr = 'select columnname from vtiger_field where fieldid=? and vtiger_field.presence in (0,2)'; $result = $adb->pquery($querystr, array($realid[$j])); $temp = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'columnname'); $temp1 = br2nl($myfocus->column_fields[$temp]); //Modified to display the entities in red which don't have email id if (!empty($temp_parent_name) && strlen($temp_parent_name) > 150) { $parent_name .= '<br>'; $temp_parent_name = ''; } if ($temp1 != '') { $parent_name .= $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; '; $temp_parent_name .= $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; '; } else { $parent_name .= "<b style='color:red'>" . $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; ' . "</b>"; $temp_parent_name .= "<b style='color:red'>" . $fullname . '<' . $temp1 . '>; ' . "</b>"; } } } } else { if ($_REQUEST['record'] != '' && $_REQUEST['record'] != NULL) { $parent_name = ''; $parent_id = ''; $myemailid = $_REQUEST['record']; $mysql = "select crmid from vtiger_seactivityrel where activityid=?"; $myresult = $adb->pquery($mysql, array($myemailid)); $mycount = $adb->num_rows($myresult); if ($mycount > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $mycount; $i++) { $mycrmid = $adb->query_result($myresult, $i, 'crmid'); $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($mycrmid); if ($parent_module == "Leads") { $sql = "select firstname,lastname,email from vtiger_leaddetails where leadid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $full_name = getFullNameFromQResult($result, 0, "Leads"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $full_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $lead_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $full_name = getFullNameFromQResult($result, 0, "Contacts"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $full_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $contact_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email1"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $account_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $account_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Users") { $sql = "select user_name,email1 from vtiger_users where id=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $account_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "user_name"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email1"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $account_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $user_selected = 'selected'; } elseif ($parent_module == "Vendors") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_vendor where vendorid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($mycrmid)); $vendor_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "vendorname"); $myemail = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "email"); $parent_id .= $mycrmid . '@0|'; //make it such that the email adress sent is remebered and only that one is retrived $parent_name .= $vendor_name . '<' . $myemail . '>; '; $vendor_selected = 'selected'; } } } } $custfld .= '<td width="20%" class="dataLabel">' . $app_strings['To'] . ' </td>'; $custfld .= '<td width="90%" colspan="3"><input name="parent_id" type="hidden" value="' . $parent_id . '"><textarea readonly name="parent_name" cols="70" rows="2">' . $parent_name . '</textarea> <select name="parent_type" >'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Contacts" selected>' . $app_strings['COMBO_CONTACTS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Accounts" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Leads" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_LEADS'] . '</OPTION>'; $custfld .= '<OPTION value="Vendors" >' . $app_strings['COMBO_VENDORS'] . '</OPTION></select><img src="' . vtiger_imageurl('select.gif', $theme) . '" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick=\'$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return"index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&popuptype=set_$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return_emails&form=EmailEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=600,height=400,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,top=150,left=200");\' align="absmiddle" style=\'cursor:hand;cursor:pointer\'> <input type="image" src="' . vtiger_imageurl('clear_field.gif', $theme) . '" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=\'\';this.form.parent_name.value=\'\';$log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return false;" align="absmiddle" style=\'cursor:hand;cursor:pointer\'></td>'; $editview_label[] = array('Contacts' => $contact_selected, 'Accounts' => $account_selected, 'Vendors' => $vendor_selected, 'Leads' => $lead_selected, 'Users' => $user_selected); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $parent_id; } } elseif ($uitype == 68) { if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && $_REQUEST['parent_id'] != '') { $value = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['parent_id']); } if ($value != '') { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($value); if ($parent_module == "Contacts") { $displayValueArray = getEntityName($parent_module, $value); if (!empty($displayValueArray)) { foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $field_value) { $parent_name = $field_value; } } $contact_selected = "selected"; } elseif ($parent_module == "Accounts") { $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($value)); $parent_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname"); $account_selected = "selected"; } else { $parent_name = ""; $value = ""; } } $editview_label[] = array($app_strings['COMBO_CONTACTS'], $app_strings['COMBO_ACCOUNTS']); $editview_label[] = array($contact_selected, $account_selected); $editview_label[] = array("Contacts", "Accounts"); $fieldvalue[] = $parent_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 71 || $uitype == 72) { $currencyField = new CurrencyField($value); // Some of the currency fields like Unit Price, Total, Sub-total etc of Inventory modules, do not need currency conversion if ($col_fields['record_id'] != '' && $uitype == 72) { if ($fieldname == 'unit_price') { $rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate(getProductBaseCurrency($col_fields['record_id'], $module_name)); $currencySymbol = $rate_symbol['symbol']; } else { $currency_info = getInventoryCurrencyInfo($module, $col_fields['record_id']); $currencySymbol = $currency_info['currency_symbol']; } $fieldvalue[] = $currencyField->getDisplayValue(null, true); } else { $fieldvalue[] = $currencyField->getDisplayValue(); $currencySymbol = $currencyField->getCurrencySymbol(); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name) . ': (' . $currencySymbol . ')'; } elseif ($uitype == 75 || $uitype == 81) { if ($value != '') { $vendor_name = getVendorName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['vendor_id']) && $_REQUEST['vendor_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['vendor_id']; $vendor_name = getVendorName($value); } $pop_type = 'specific'; if ($uitype == 81) { $pop_type = 'specific_vendor_address'; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $vendor_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 76) { if ($value != '') { $potential_name = getPotentialName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['potential_id']) && $_REQUEST['potential_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['potental_id']; $potential_name = getPotentialName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $potential_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 78) { if ($value != '') { $quote_name = getQuoteName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['quote_id']) && $_REQUEST['quote_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['quote_id']; $potential_name = getQuoteName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $quote_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 79) { if ($value != '') { $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id']) && $_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['purchaseorder_id']; $purchaseorder_name = getPoName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $purchaseorder_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 80) { if ($value != '') { $salesorder_name = getSoName($value); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['salesorder_id']) && $_REQUEST['salesorder_id'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['salesorder_id']; $salesorder_name = getSoName($value); } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $salesorder_name; $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 30) { $rem_days = 0; $rem_hrs = 0; $rem_min = 0; if ($value != '') { $SET_REM = "CHECKED"; } $rem_days = floor($col_fields[$fieldname] / (24 * 60)); $rem_hrs = floor(($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) / 60); $rem_min = ($col_fields[$fieldname] - $rem_days * 24 * 60) % 60; $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $day_options = getReminderSelectOption(0, 31, 'remdays', $rem_days); $hr_options = getReminderSelectOption(0, 23, 'remhrs', $rem_hrs); $min_options = getReminderSelectOption(1, 59, 'remmin', $rem_min); $fieldvalue[] = array(array(0, 32, 'remdays', getTranslatedString('LBL_DAYS'), $rem_days), array(0, 24, 'remhrs', getTranslatedString('LBL_HOURS'), $rem_hrs), array(1, 60, 'remmin', getTranslatedString('LBL_MINUTES') . ' ' . getTranslatedString('LBL_BEFORE_EVENT'), $rem_min)); $fieldvalue[] = array($SET_REM, getTranslatedString('LBL_YES'), getTranslatedString('LBL_NO')); $SET_REM = ''; } elseif ($uitype == 115) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_" . $adb->sql_escape_string($fieldname); $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, strtolower($fieldname)); if ($value == $pickListValue) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($pickListValue), $pickListValue, $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 116 || $uitype == 117) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $pick_query = "select * from vtiger_currency_info where currency_status = 'Active' and deleted=0"; $pickListResult = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array()); $noofpickrows = $adb->num_rows($pickListResult); //Mikecrowe fix to correctly default for custom pick lists $options = array(); $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < $noofpickrows; $j++) { $pickListValue = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'currency_name'); $currency_id = $adb->query_result($pickListResult, $j, 'id'); if ($value == $currency_id) { $chk_val = "selected"; $found = true; } else { $chk_val = ''; } $options[$currency_id] = array($pickListValue => $chk_val); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 98) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = getRoleName($value); $fieldvalue[] = $is_admin; } elseif ($uitype == 105) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if (isset($col_fields['record_id']) && $col_fields['record_id'] != '') { $query = "select vtiger_attachments.path, from vtiger_contactdetails left join vtiger_seattachmentsrel on vtiger_seattachmentsrel.crmid=vtiger_contactdetails.contactid inner join vtiger_attachments on vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid=vtiger_seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid where and contactid=?"; $result_image = $adb->pquery($query, array($col_fields['record_id'])); for ($image_iter = 0; $image_iter < $adb->num_rows($result_image); $image_iter++) { $image_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'name'); $image_path_array[] = $adb->query_result($result_image, $image_iter, 'path'); } } if (is_array($image_array)) { for ($img_itr = 0; $img_itr < count($image_array); $img_itr++) { $fieldvalue[] = array('name' => $image_array[$img_itr], 'path' => $image_path_array[$img_itr]); } } else { $fieldvalue[] = ''; } } elseif ($uitype == 101) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = getOwnerName($value); $fieldvalue[] = $value; } elseif ($uitype == 26) { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $folderid = $col_fields['folderid']; $foldername_query = 'select foldername from vtiger_attachmentsfolder where folderid = ?'; $res = $adb->pquery($foldername_query, array($folderid)); $foldername = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'foldername'); if ($foldername != '' && $folderid != '') { $fldr_name[$folderid] = $foldername; } $sql = "select foldername,folderid from vtiger_attachmentsfolder order by foldername"; $res = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($res); $i++) { $fid = $adb->query_result($res, $i, "folderid"); $fldr_name[$fid] = $adb->query_result($res, $i, "foldername"); } $fieldvalue[] = $fldr_name; } elseif ($uitype == 27) { if ($value == 'E') { $external_selected = "selected"; $filename = $col_fields['filename']; } else { $internal_selected = "selected"; $filename = $col_fields['filename']; } $editview_label[] = array(getTranslatedString('Internal'), getTranslatedString('External')); $editview_label[] = array($internal_selected, $external_selected); $editview_label[] = array("I", "E"); $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $fieldvalue[] = $value; $fieldvalue[] = $filename; } elseif ($uitype == '31') { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $options = array(); $themeList = get_themes(); foreach ($themeList as $theme) { if ($current_user->theme == $theme) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($theme), $theme, $selected); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } elseif ($uitype == '32') { $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); $options = array(); $languageList = Vtiger_Language::getAll(); foreach ($languageList as $prefix => $label) { if ($current_user->language == $prefix) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } $options[] = array(getTranslatedString($label), $prefix, $selected); } $fieldvalue[] = $options; } else { //Added condition to set the subject if click Reply All from web mail if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'Emails' && $_REQUEST['mg_subject'] != '') { $value = $_REQUEST['mg_subject']; } $editview_label[] = getTranslatedString($fieldlabel, $module_name); if ($fieldname == 'fileversion') { if (empty($value)) { $value = ''; } else { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } else { $fieldvalue[] = $value; } } } // Mike Crowe Mod --------------------------------------------------------force numerics right justified. if (!preg_match("/id=/i", $custfld)) { $custfld = preg_replace("/<input/iS", "<input id='{$fieldname}' ", $custfld); } if (in_array($uitype, array(71, 72, 7, 9, 90))) { $custfld = preg_replace("/<input/iS", "<input align=right ", $custfld); } $final_arr[] = $ui_type; $final_arr[] = $editview_label; $final_arr[] = $editview_fldname; $final_arr[] = $fieldvalue; $type_of_data = explode('~', $typeofdata); $final_arr[] = $type_of_data[1]; $log->debug("Exiting getOutputHtml method ..."); return $final_arr; }
public static function ReportSharing(Vtiger_Request $request, $viewer) { $moduleName = $request->getModule(); $record = $request->get('record'); $R_Data = $request->getAll(); $viewer->assign("MODULE", $moduleName); $reportModel = ITS4YouReports_Record_Model::getCleanInstance($record); $primary_module = $reportModel->getPrimaryModule(); $primary_moduleid = $reportModel->getPrimaryModuleId(); $current_user = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel(); //$Report_Informations = $reportModel->getReportInformations(); $Report_Informations = $reportModel->report->reportinformations; $LBL_INFORMATIONS_4YOU = vtranslate("LBL_STEP8_INFO", $moduleName); $viewer->assign("LBL_INFORMATIONS_4YOU", $LBL_INFORMATIONS_4YOU); //require_once('include/utils/GetUserGroups.php'); // ITS4YOU-UP SlOl 26. 4. 2013 9:47:59 $template_owners = get_user_array(false); if (isset($Report_Informations["owner"]) && $Report_Informations["owner"] != "") { $selected_owner = $Report_Informations["owner"]; } else { $selected_owner = $current_user->id; } $viewer->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNERS", $template_owners); $owner = isset($R_Data['template_owner']) && $R_Data['template_owner'] != '' ? $R_Data['template_owner'] : $selected_owner; $viewer->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNER", $owner); $sharing_types = array("public" => vtranslate("PUBLIC_FILTER", $moduleName), "private" => vtranslate("PRIVATE_FILTER", $moduleName), "share" => vtranslate("SHARE_FILTER", $moduleName)); $viewer->assign("SHARINGTYPES", $sharing_types); if ($request->get('reporttype') == "custom_report") { $sharingtype = "private"; } else { $sharingtype = "public"; } if (isset($R_Data['sharing']) && $R_Data['sharing'] != '') { $sharingtype = $R_Data['sharing']; } elseif (isset($Report_Informations["sharing"]) && $Report_Informations["sharing"] != "") { $sharingtype = $Report_Informations["sharing"]; } $viewer->assign("SHARINGTYPE", $sharingtype); //$cmod = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Settings"); //$viewer->assign("CMOD", $cmod); $sharingMemberArray = array(); if (isset($R_Data['sharingSelectedColumns']) && $R_Data['sharingSelectedColumns'] != '') { $sharingMemberArray = explode("|", trim($R_Data['sharingSelectedColumns'], "|")); } elseif (isset($Report_Informations["members_array"]) && !empty($Report_Informations["members_array"])) { $sharingMemberArray = $Report_Informations["members_array"]; } $sharingMemberArray = array_unique($sharingMemberArray); if (count($sharingMemberArray) > 0) { $outputMemberArr = array(); foreach ($sharingMemberArray as $setype => $shareIdArr) { $shareIdArr = explode("::", $shareIdArr); $shareIdArray = array(); $shareIdArray[$shareIdArr[0]] = $shareIdArr[1]; foreach ($shareIdArray as $shareType => $shareId) { switch ($shareType) { case "groups": $groupArray = getGroupName($shareId); $memberName = $groupArray[0]; $memberDisplay = "Group::"; break; case "roles": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "Roles::"; break; case "rs": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "RoleAndSubordinates::"; break; case "users": $memberName = getUserFullName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "User::"; break; } $outputMemberArr[] = $shareType . "::" . $shareId; $outputMemberArr[] = $memberDisplay . $memberName; } } $viewer->assign("MEMBER", array_chunk($outputMemberArr, 2)); } // ITS4YOU-END //Constructing the Role Array $roleDetails = getAllRoleDetails(); $i = 0; $roleIdStr = ""; $roleNameStr = ""; $userIdStr = ""; $userNameStr = ""; $grpIdStr = ""; $grpNameStr = ""; foreach ($roleDetails as $roleId => $roleInfo) { if ($i != 0) { if ($i != 1) { $roleIdStr .= ", "; $roleNameStr .= ", "; } $roleName = $roleInfo[0]; $roleIdStr .= "'" . $roleId . "'"; $roleNameStr .= "'" . addslashes(decode_html($roleName)) . "'"; } $i++; } //Constructing the User Array $l = 0; $userDetails = getAllUserName(); foreach ($userDetails as $userId => $userInfo) { if ($l != 0) { $userIdStr .= ", "; $userNameStr .= ", "; } $userIdStr .= "'" . $userId . "'"; $userNameStr .= "'" . $userInfo . "'"; $l++; } //Constructing the Group Array $parentGroupArray = array(); $m = 0; $grpDetails = getAllGroupName(); foreach ($grpDetails as $grpId => $grpName) { if (!in_array($grpId, $parentGroupArray)) { if ($m != 0) { $grpIdStr .= ", "; $grpNameStr .= ", "; } $grpIdStr .= "'" . $grpId . "'"; $grpNameStr .= "'" . addslashes(decode_html($grpName)) . "'"; $m++; } } $viewer->assign("ROLEIDSTR", $roleIdStr); $viewer->assign("ROLENAMESTR", $roleNameStr); $viewer->assign("USERIDSTR", $userIdStr); $viewer->assign("USERNAMESTR", $userNameStr); $viewer->assign("GROUPIDSTR", $grpIdStr); $viewer->assign("GROUPNAMESTR", $grpNameStr); $visiblecriteria = $reportModel->getVisibleCriteria(); $viewer->assign("VISIBLECRITERIA", $visiblecriteria); return $viewer->view('ReportSharing.tpl', $moduleName, true); }
if ($total_days == 0) { $time_done = 0; } else { $time_done = round($days_in / $total_days * 100, 0); } if ($time_done > $sorted_group) { //If more time has been completed then group progress, bad standing alert $progress_bar_colour = "#f00"; //Red } else { //Otherwise more work has been done than time, good standing alert $progress_bar_colour = "#0f0"; //Green } if ($key == $currentgroup) { //If the student viewing page is in the group, bold their name. $html .= "<tr><td><b>" . getGroupName($key) . "<b></td><td>"; } else { //Otherwise, just display the group name $html .= "<tr><td>" . getGroupName($key) . "</td><td>"; } $html .= '<div style="border: solid 1px;width: 300px;height: 10px;">'; $html .= '<div style="background-color:' . $progress_bar_colour . ';width:' . $sorted_group . '%; height:10px;"> </div>'; //Green Progress bar to indicate complete $html .= '<div style="position: relative;top:-10px;text-align:center;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">Progress: ' . $sorted_group . '% </div>'; } $html .= "</table>"; $content = $html; echo $OUTPUT->box($content, "generalbox center clearfix"); add_to_log($course->id, 'project', 'view', 'group_compare.php?id=' . $cmid, $p); echo $OUTPUT->footer();
if ($ajaxaction == "DETAILVIEW") { $crmid = $_REQUEST["recordid"]; $tablename = $_REQUEST["tableName"]; $fieldname = $_REQUEST["fldName"]; $fieldvalue = utf8RawUrlDecode($_REQUEST["fieldValue"]); if ($crmid != "") { $modObj->retrieve_entity_info($crmid, "HelpDesk"); //Added to avoid the comment save, when we edit other fields through ajax edit if ($fieldname != 'comments') { $modObj->column_fields['comments'] = ''; } $modObj->column_fields[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; $modObj->id = $crmid; $modObj->mode = "edit"; //Added to construct the update log for Ticket history $assigned_group_name = getGroupName($_REQUEST['assigned_group_id']); $assigntype = $_REQUEST['assigntype']; $fldvalue = $modObj->constructUpdateLog($modObj, $modObj->mode, $assigned_group_name, $assigntype); $fldvalue = from_html($fldvalue, $modObj->mode == 'edit' ? true : false); $modObj->save("HelpDesk"); global $mod_strings; if ($fieldname == "solution" || $fieldname == "comments" || $fieldname == "assigned_user_id" || $fieldname == "ticketstatus" && $fieldvalue == $mod_strings['Closed']) { require_once 'modules/Emails/mail.php'; $user_emailid = getUserEmailId('id', $modObj->column_fields['assigned_user_id']); $subject = $modObj->column_fields['ticket_no'] . ' [ ' . $mod_strings['LBL_TICKET_ID'] . ' : ' . $modObj->id . ' ] Re : ' . $modObj->column_fields['ticket_title']; $parent_id = $modObj->column_fields['parent_id']; if (!empty($parent_id) && $parent_id != 0) { $parent_module = getSalesEntityType($parent_id); if ($parent_module == 'Contacts') { $result = $adb->pquery("select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=?", array($parent_id)); $emailoptout = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'emailoptout');
function replaceModuleFields($content, $fields, $module, $recordid) { $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); require_once 'include/utils/CommonUtils.php'; require_once 'include/fields/CurrencyField.php'; require_once 'include/utils/utils.php'; $userLang = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel()->get('language'); include "languages/" . $userLang . "/OSSPdf.php"; ################################################################################# $ui_datefields = array('70', '5', '23'); ################################################################################# $ui_currfields = array('71', '72', '7'); ################################################################################# $uitypelist = array('10', '58', '51', '57', '68', '59', '75', '80', '76', '73', '81', '78'); $uitype2module = array('58' => 'Campaigns', '51' => 'Accounts', '57' => 'Contacts', '68' => 'Accounts;Contacts', '59' => 'Products', '75' => 'Vendors', '80' => 'SalesOrder', '76' => 'Potentials', '73' => 'Accounts', '81' => 'Vendors', '78' => 'Quotes'); ################################################################################# if ($module == 'Activity') { $wynik = $db->query("select tabid,name from vtiger_tab where name='Calendar'", true); } else { $wynik = $db->query("select tabid,name from vtiger_tab where name='{$module}'", true); } $moduleid = $db->query_result($wynik, 0, "tabid"); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $pobierz_pola = $db->query("select fieldid,fieldlabel, uitype from vtiger_field where fieldname='{$key}' and tabid='{$moduleid}'", true); $label = $db->query_result($pobierz_pola, 0, "fieldlabel"); $field_uitype = $db->query_result($pobierz_pola, 0, "uitype"); $fieldid = $db->query_result($pobierz_pola, 0, "fieldid"); ################################################ if (in_array($field_uitype, $ui_datefields)) { $field = getValidDisplayDate($field); } ################################################ if (in_array($field_uitype, $ui_currfields)) { $currfield = new CurrencyField($field); $field = $currfield->getDisplayValue(); } //////////////////// /// For fields that are related it is required to download an appropriate name instead of related record’s ID if (in_array($field_uitype, $uitypelist)) { if ($field != 0) { $singleid = getSalesEntityType($field); $newvalue = $db->query("select tablename, entityidfield,fieldname from vtiger_entityname where modulename = '{$singleid}'", true); $tablename = $db->query_result($newvalue, 0, "tablename"); $fieldname = $db->query_result($newvalue, 0, "fieldname"); $fieldnames = explode(',', $fieldname); $tableid = $db->query_result($newvalue, 0, "entityidfield"); $newvalue2 = $db->query("select {$fieldname} from {$tablename} where {$tableid} = '{$field}'", true); $field = ""; foreach ($fieldnames as $partname) { $field .= $db->query_result($newvalue2, 0, $partname) . " "; } } } /// For user fields if ($field_uitype == 53 || $field_uitype == 52) { $robocza = getUserName($field); if ($robocza == "") { $robocza = getGroupName($field)[0]; } $field = $robocza; } /// For field with folder name /* if( $field_uitype == 26 ) { $new_value = $db->query( "select foldername from vtiger_attachmentsfolder where folderid = '$field'", true ); $field = $db->query_result( $new_value, 0, "foldername" ); } */ if ($field_uitype == 27) { if ($field == 'I') { $field = getTranslatedString('Internal', $module); } elseif ($field == 'E') { $field = getTranslatedString('External', $module); } } /// For field with language if ($field_uitype == 32) { $name = '%' . $field . '%'; $new_value = $db->query("select name from vtiger_language where prefix like '{$name}'", true); $field = $db->query_result($new_value, 0, "name"); } /// For field with role in organization if ($field_uitype == 98) { $new_value = $db->query("select rolename from vtiger_role where roleid = '{$field}'", true); $field = $db->query_result($new_value, 0, "rolename"); } if ($field_uitype == 117) { $new_value = $db->query("select currency_code from vtiger_currency_info where id = '{$field}'", true); $field = $db->query_result($new_value, 0, "currency_code"); } /// For user’s image if ($field_uitype == 105) { if ($field != "") { $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(vtiger_attachments.path,vtiger_users.imagename) AS sciezka FROM vtiger_attachments\n INNER JOIN vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel ON ( vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = vtiger_attachments.attachmentsid )\n INNER JOIN vtiger_users ON ( = vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel.smid )\n WHERE vtiger_salesmanattachmentsrel.smid = '{$recordid}'"; $pobierz_zdjecie = $db->query($sql, true); if ($db->num_rows($pobierz_zdjecie) > 0) { $field = '<img src="' . $db->query_result($pobierz_zdjecie, 0, "sciezka") . '"></img>'; } } } /// For checkbox type fields if ($field_uitype == 56) { if ($field == 1) { $field = getTranslatedString('yes', "OSSPdf"); } elseif ($field == 0) { $field = getTranslatedString('no', "OSSPdf"); } } if ($field_uitype == 10 && is_numeric($field)) { if ($field != 0) { $field = Vtiger_Functions::getCRMRecordLabel($field); } elseif ($field == 0) { $field = ''; } } if ($field_uitype == 69) { $recordModel = Vtiger_Record_Model::getInstanceById($recordid, $module); $details = $recordModel->getImageDetails(); if (is_array($details[0])) { $field = $details[0]['path'] . '_' . $details[0]['orgname']; } else { $field = ''; } } /// For fields with VAT for products if ($field_uitype == 83) { $pobierz_tax = $db->query("select * from vtiger_producttaxrel where productid = '{$recordid}'", true); for ($i = 0; $i < $db->num_rows($pobierz_tax); $i++) { $taxid = $db->query_result($pobierz_tax, $i, "taxid"); $taxvalue = $db->query_result($pobierz_tax, $i, "taxpercentage"); if ($taxid == 1) { $field .= getTranslatedString('LBL_VAT') . getTranslatedString('COVERED_PERCENTAGE') . ': ' . $taxvalue . '%'; } elseif ($taxid == 2) { $field .= getTranslatedString('LBL_SALES') . getTranslatedString('COVERED_PERCENTAGE') . ': ' . $taxvalue . '%'; } elseif ($taxid == 3) { $field .= getTranslatedString('LBL_SERVICE') . getTranslatedString('COVERED_PERCENTAGE') . ': ' . $taxvalue . '%'; } $field .= '<br/>'; } } /// For selection lists if ($field_uitype == 15 || $field_uitype == 16 || $field_uitype == 55 && $fieldname == 'salutationtype') { if ($module == 'Activity') { $field = getTranslatedString($field, "Calendar"); } else { $field = getTranslatedString($field, $module); } } if ($field_uitype == 19) { $field = htmlspecialchars_decode($field); } $content = str_replace("#{$key}#", nl2br($field), $content); if ($module == 'Activity') { $content = str_replace("#label_{$key}#", getTranslatedString($label, "Calendar"), $content); } else { $content = str_replace("#label_{$key}#", getTranslatedString($label, $module), $content); } if ($field_uitype == 33) { $content = str_replace('|##|', ',', $content); } } return $content; }
function getFieldDisplayValue($moduleName, $recordId, $fieldInstance, $value) { global $current_user; $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $fieldName = $fieldInstance->getFieldName(); $uitype = $fieldInstance->getUIType(); if ($moduleName == 'Documents') { if ($fieldName == 'filesize') { $filesize = $value; if (empty($fieldsize)) { $value = '--'; } elseif ($filesize < 1024) { $value = $filesize . ' B'; } elseif ($filesize > 1024 && $filesize < 1048576) { $value = round($filesize / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } else { if ($filesize > 1048576) { $value = round($filesize / (1024 * 1024), 2) . ' MB'; } } } if ($fieldName == 'filestatus') { if ($value == 1) { $value = getTranslatedString('yes', $moduleName); } elseif ($value == 0) { $value = getTranslatedString('no', $moduleName); } else { $value = '--'; } } if ($fieldName == 'filetype') { if ($value == 1) { $value = getTranslatedString('yes', $moduleName); } elseif ($value == 0) { $value = getTranslatedString('no', $moduleName); } else { $value = '--'; } } } if ($fieldInstance->getUIType() == '27') { if ($value == 'I') { $value = getTranslatedString('LBL_INTERNAL', $moduleName); } elseif ($value == 'E') { $value = getTranslatedString('LBL_EXTERNAL', $moduleName); } else { $value = ' --'; } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'picklist') { $isRoleBased = vtws_isRoleBasedPicklist($fieldName); if ($isRoleBased && ($fieldName != 'activitytype' || $value != 'Task')) { $accessiblePicklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues($fieldName, $current_user->roleid, $adb); if (!empty($value) && !is_admin($current_user) && !in_array($value, $accessiblePicklistValues)) { $value = "<font color='red'>" . getTranslatedString('LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE', $moduleName) . "</font>"; } else { $value = getTranslatedString($value, $moduleName); } } else { $value = getTranslatedString($value, $moduleName); } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'date' || $fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'datetime' || $fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'time') { if ($value != '' && $value != '0000-00-00') { $date = new DateTimeField($value); if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'date') { $value = $date->getDisplayDate(); } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'datetime') { $value = $date->getDisplayDateTimeValue(); } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'time') { $value = $date->getDisplayTime(); } } else { $value = ''; } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'currency') { if ($value != '' && $value != 0) { if ($fieldInstance->getUIType() == 72) { if ($fieldName == 'unit_price') { $currencyId = getProductBaseCurrency($recordId, $moduleName); $cursym_convrate = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyId); $currencySymbol = $cursym_convrate['symbol']; } else { $currencyInfo = getInventoryCurrencyInfo($moduleName, $recordId); $currencySymbol = $currencyInfo['currency_symbol']; } $currencyValue = CurrencyField::convertToUserFormat($value, null, true); $value = CurrencyField::appendCurrencySymbol($currencyValue, $currencySymbol); } else { $currencyField = new CurrencyField($value); $value = $currencyField->getDisplayValueWithSymbol(); } } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'url') { $matchPattern = "^[\\w]+:\\/\\/^"; preg_match($matchPattern, $value, $matches); if (!empty($matches[0])) { $value = '<a href="' . $value . '" target="_blank">' . $value . '</a>'; } else { $value = '<a href="http://' . $value . '" target="_blank">' . $value . '</a>'; } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'boolean') { if ($value == 1) { $value = getTranslatedString('yes', $moduleName); } elseif ($value == 0) { $value = getTranslatedString('no', $moduleName); } else { $value = '--'; } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'multipicklist') { $value = $value != "" ? str_replace(' |##| ', ', ', $value) : ""; $isRoleBased = vtws_isRoleBasedPicklist($fieldName); if (!is_admin($current_user) && $value != '' && $isRoleBased) { $accessiblePicklistValues = getAssignedPicklistValues($fieldName, $current_user->roleid, $adb); $valueArray = $value != "" ? explode(', ', $value) : array(); $notaccess = '<font color="red">' . getTranslatedString('LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE', $moduleName) . "</font>"; $tmpArray = array(); foreach ($valueArray as $index => $val) { if (!in_array(trim($val), $accessiblePicklistValues)) { $tmpArray[] = $notaccess; } else { $tmpArray[] = $val; } } $value = implode(', ', $tmpArray); } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'reference') { if (!empty($value)) { $referenceList = $fieldInstance->getReferenceList(); if (count($referenceList) > 0) { $firstReferenceModule = $referenceList[0]; if ($firstReferenceModule == 'Users') { $value = getUserFullName($value); } elseif ($firstReferenceModule == 'DocumentFolders') { $wsFolderId = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId('DocumentFolders', $value); $value = vtws_getName($wsFolderId, $current_user); } elseif ($firstReferenceModule == 'Currency') { $value = getCurrencyName($value); } else { $referenceModule = getSalesEntityType($value); $entityNames = getEntityName($referenceModule, array($value)); $value = $entityNames[$value]; } } else { $value = '--'; } } else { $value = '--'; } } if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'owner') { $ownerName = trim(getUserFullName($value)); if (empty($ownerName)) { $ownerInfo = getGroupName($value); $ownerName = $ownerInfo[0]; } $value = $ownerName; } return $value; }
public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) { PDFMaker_Debugger_Model::GetInstance()->Init(); $PDFMaker = new PDFMaker_PDFMaker_Model(); $viewer = $this->getViewer($request); if ($request->has('templateid') && !$request->isEmpty('templateid')) { $templateid = $request->get('templateid'); $pdftemplateResult = $PDFMaker->GetEditViewData($templateid); $select_module = $pdftemplateResult["module"]; $select_format = $pdftemplateResult["format"]; $select_orientation = $pdftemplateResult["orientation"]; $nameOfFile = $pdftemplateResult["file_name"]; $is_portal = $pdftemplateResult["is_portal"]; $is_listview = $pdftemplateResult["is_listview"]; $is_active = $pdftemplateResult["is_active"]; $is_default = $pdftemplateResult["is_default"]; $order = $pdftemplateResult["order"]; $owner = $pdftemplateResult["owner"]; $sharingtype = $pdftemplateResult["sharingtype"]; $sharingMemberArray = $PDFMaker->GetSharingMemberArray($templateid); $disp_header = $pdftemplateResult["disp_header"]; $disp_footer = $pdftemplateResult["disp_footer"]; if (!$pdftemplateResult["permissions"]["edit"]) { $PDFMaker->DieDuePermission(); } } else { $templateid = ""; if ($request->has("return_module") && !$request->isEmpty("return_module")) { $select_module = $request->get("return_module"); } else { $select_module = ""; } $select_format = "A4"; $select_orientation = "portrait"; //$select_encoding = "utf-8"; $nameOfFile = ""; $is_portal = "0"; $is_listview = "0"; $is_active = "1"; $is_default = "0"; $order = "1"; $owner = $cu_model->id; $sharingtype = "public"; $sharingMemberArray = array(); $disp_header = "3"; $disp_footer = "7"; $PDFMaker->CheckTemplatePermissions($select_module, $templateid); } if ($PDFMaker->GetVersionType() == "professional") { $type = "professional"; } else { $type = "basic"; } $viewer->assign("TYPE", $type); if ($request->has("isDuplicate") && $request->get("isDuplicate") == "true") { $viewer->assign("FILENAME", ""); $viewer->assign("DUPLICATE_FILENAME", $pdftemplateResult["filename"]); } else { $viewer->assign("FILENAME", $pdftemplateResult["filename"]); } $viewer->assign("DESCRIPTION", $pdftemplateResult["description"]); if (!$request->has("isDuplicate") or $request->has("isDuplicate") && $request->get("isDuplicate") != "true") { $viewer->assign("SAVETEMPLATEID", $templateid); } if ($templateid != "") { $viewer->assign("EMODE", "edit"); } $viewer->assign("TEMPLATEID", $templateid); $viewer->assign("MODULENAME", vtranslate($select_module, $select_module)); $viewer->assign("SELECTMODULE", $select_module); $viewer->assign("BODY", $pdftemplateResult["body"]); $cu_model = Users_Record_Model::getCurrentUserModel(); $this->cu_language = $cu_model->get('language'); $viewer->assign("THEME", $theme); $viewer->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $app_strings_big = Vtiger_Language_Handler::getModuleStringsFromFile($this->cu_language); $app_strings = $app_strings_big['languageStrings']; $viewer->assign("APP", $app_strings); $viewer->assign("PARENTTAB", getParentTab()); $modArr = $PDFMaker->GetAllModules(); $Modulenames = $modArr[0]; $ModuleIDS = $modArr[1]; $viewer->assign("MODULENAMES", $Modulenames); // ****************************************** Company and User information: ********************************** $CUI_BLOCKS["Account"] = vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_INFO", 'PDFMaker'); $CUI_BLOCKS["Assigned"] = vtranslate("LBL_USER_INFO", 'PDFMaker'); $CUI_BLOCKS["Logged"] = vtranslate("LBL_LOGGED_USER_INFO", 'PDFMaker'); $viewer->assign("CUI_BLOCKS", $CUI_BLOCKS); $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_organizationdetails"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); $organization_logoname = decode_html($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'logoname')); $organization_header = decode_html($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'headername')); $organization_stamp_signature = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'stamp_signature'); global $site_URL; $path = $site_URL . "/test/logo/"; if (isset($organization_logoname)) { $organization_logo_img = "<img src=\"" . $path . $organization_logoname . "\">"; $viewer->assign("COMPANYLOGO", $organization_logo_img); } if (isset($organization_stamp_signature)) { $organization_stamp_signature_img = "<img src=\"" . $path . $organization_stamp_signature . "\">"; $viewer->assign("COMPANY_STAMP_SIGNATURE", $organization_stamp_signature_img); } if (isset($organization_header)) { $organization_header_img = "<img src=\"" . $path . $organization_header . "\">"; $viewer->assign("COMPANY_HEADER_SIGNATURE", $organization_header_img); } $Acc_Info = array('' => vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_NAME" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_NAME", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_LOGO" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_LOGO", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_ADDRESS" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_ADDRESS", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_CITY" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_CITY", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_STATE" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_STATE", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_ZIP" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_ZIP", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_COUNTRY" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_COUNTRY", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_PHONE" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_PHONE", "PDFMaker"), "COMPANY_FAX" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_FAX", 'PDFMaker'), "COMPANY_WEBSITE" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_WEBSITE", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("ACCOUNTINFORMATIONS", $Acc_Info); if (getTabId('MultiCompany4you') && vtlib_isModuleActive('MultiCompany4you')) { $MultiAcc_info = array('' => vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'), "MULTICOMPANY_COMPANYNAME" => vtranslate("LBL_COMPANY_NAME", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_STREET" => vtranslate("Street", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_CITY" => vtranslate("City", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_CODE" => vtranslate("Code", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_STATE" => vtranslate("State", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_COUNTRY" => vtranslate("Country", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_PHONE" => vtranslate("phone", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_FAX" => vtranslate("Fax", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_EMAIL" => vtranslate("email", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_WEBSITE" => vtranslate("Website", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_LOGO" => vtranslate("Logo", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_STAMP" => vtranslate("Stamp", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_BANKNAME" => vtranslate("BankName", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_BANKACCOUNTNO" => vtranslate("BankAccountNo", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_IBAN" => vtranslate("IBAN", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_SWIFT" => vtranslate("SWIFT", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_REGISTRATIONNO" => vtranslate("RegistrationNo", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_VATNO" => vtranslate("VATNo", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_TAXID" => vtranslate("TaxId", 'MultiCompany4you'), "MULTICOMPANY_ADDITIONALINFORMATIONS" => vtranslate("AdditionalInformations", 'MultiCompany4you')); $viewer->assign("MULTICOMPANYINFORMATIONS", $MultiAcc_info); $viewer->assign("LBL_MULTICOMPANY", vtranslate('MultiCompany', 'MultiCompany4you')); } $sql_user_block = "SELECT blockid, blocklabel FROM vtiger_blocks WHERE tabid = ? ORDER BY sequence ASC"; $res_user_block = $adb->pquery($sql_user_block, array('29')); $user_block_info_arr = array(); while ($row_user_block = $adb->fetch_array($res_user_block)) { $sql_user_field = "SELECT fieldid, uitype FROM vtiger_field WHERE block = ? and (displaytype != ? OR uitype = ?) ORDER BY sequence ASC"; $res_user_field = $adb->pquery($sql_user_field, array($row_user_block['blockid'], '3', '55')); $num_user_field = $adb->num_rows($res_user_field); if ($num_user_field > 0) { $user_field_id_array = array(); while ($row_user_field = $adb->fetch_array($res_user_field)) { $user_field_id_array[] = $row_user_field['fieldid']; } $user_block_info_arr[$row_user_block['blocklabel']] = $user_field_id_array; } } $user_mod_strings = $this->getModuleLanguageArray("Users"); $b = 0; foreach ($user_block_info_arr as $block_label => $block_fields) { $b++; if (isset($user_mod_strings[$block_label]) and $user_mod_strings[$block_label] != "") { $optgroup_value = $user_mod_strings[$block_label]; } else { $optgroup_value = vtranslate($block_label, 'PDFMaker'); } if (count($block_fields) > 0) { $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($block_fields) . ")"; $result1 = $adb->pquery($sql1, $block_fields); while ($row1 = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result1)) { $fieldname = $row1['fieldname']; $fieldlabel = $row1['fieldlabel']; $option_key = strtoupper("Users" . "_" . $fieldname); if (isset($current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel]) and $current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel] != "") { $option_value = $current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel]; } elseif (isset($app_strings[$fieldlabel]) and $app_strings[$fieldlabel] != "") { $option_value = $app_strings[$fieldlabel]; } else { $option_value = $fieldlabel; } $User_Info[$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; $Logged_User_Info[$optgroup_value]["R_" . $option_key] = $option_value; } } //variable RECORD ID added if ($b == 1) { $option_value = "Record ID"; $option_key = strtoupper("USERS_CRMID"); $User_Info[$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; $Logged_User_Info[$optgroup_value]["R_" . $option_key] = $option_value; } //end } // ****************************************** END: Company and User information ********************************** $viewer->assign("USERINFORMATIONS", $User_Info); $viewer->assign("LOGGEDUSERINFORMATION", $Logged_User_Info); $Invterandcon = array("" => vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'), "TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS" => vtranslate("LBL_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("INVENTORYTERMSANDCONDITIONS", $Invterandcon); //custom functions $customFunctions = $this->getCustomFunctionsList(); $viewer->assign("CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS", $customFunctions); //labels $global_lang_labels = @array_flip($app_strings); $global_lang_labels = @array_flip($global_lang_labels); asort($global_lang_labels); $viewer->assign("GLOBAL_LANG_LABELS", $global_lang_labels); $module_lang_labels = array(); if ($select_module != "") { $mod_lang = $this->getModuleLanguageArray($select_module); $module_lang_labels = @array_flip($mod_lang); $module_lang_labels = @array_flip($module_lang_labels); asort($module_lang_labels); } else { $module_lang_labels[""] = vtranslate("LBL_SELECT_MODULE_FIELD", 'PDFMaker'); } $viewer->assign("MODULE_LANG_LABELS", $module_lang_labels); list($custom_labels, $languages) = $PDFMaker->GetCustomLabels(); $currLangId = ""; foreach ($languages as $langId => $langVal) { if ($langVal["prefix"] == $current_language) { $currLangId = $langId; break; } } $vcustom_labels = array(); if (count($custom_labels) > 0) { foreach ($custom_labels as $oLbl) { $currLangVal = $oLbl->GetLangValue($currLangId); if ($currLangVal == "") { $currLangVal = $oLbl->GetFirstNonEmptyValue(); } $vcustom_labels[$oLbl->GetKey()] = $currLangVal; } asort($vcustom_labels); } else { $vcustom_labels = vtranslate("LBL_SELECT_MODULE_FIELD", 'PDFMaker'); } $viewer->assign("CUSTOM_LANG_LABELS", $vcustom_labels); $Header_Footer_Strings = array("" => vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'), "PAGE" => $app_strings["Page"], "PAGES" => $app_strings["Pages"]); $viewer->assign("HEADER_FOOTER_STRINGS", $Header_Footer_Strings); //PDF FORMAT SETTINGS $Formats = array("A3" => "A3", "A4" => "A4", "A5" => "A5", "A6" => "A6", "Letter" => "Letter", "Legal" => "Legal", "Custom" => "Custom"); // ITS4YOU VlZa $viewer->assign("FORMATS", $Formats); if (strpos($select_format, ";") > 0) { $tmpArr = explode(";", $select_format); $select_format = "Custom"; $custom_format["width"] = $tmpArr[0]; $custom_format["height"] = $tmpArr[1]; $viewer->assign("CUSTOM_FORMAT", $custom_format); } $viewer->assign("SELECT_FORMAT", $select_format); //PDF ORIENTATION SETTINGS $Orientations = array("portrait" => vtranslate("portrait", 'PDFMaker'), "landscape" => vtranslate("landscape", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("ORIENTATIONS", $Orientations); $viewer->assign("SELECT_ORIENTATION", $select_orientation); //PDF STATUS SETTINGS $Status = array("1" => $app_strings["Active"], "0" => vtranslate("Inactive", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("STATUS", $Status); $viewer->assign("IS_ACTIVE", $is_active); if ($is_active == "0") { $viewer->assign("IS_DEFAULT_DV_CHECKED", 'disabled="disabled"'); $viewer->assign("IS_DEFAULT_LV_CHECKED", 'disabled="disabled"'); } elseif ($is_default > 0) { $is_default_bin = str_pad(base_convert($is_default, 10, 2), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $is_default_lv = substr($is_default_bin, 0, 1); $is_default_dv = substr($is_default_bin, 1, 1); if ($is_default_lv == "1") { $viewer->assign("IS_DEFAULT_LV_CHECKED", 'checked="checked"'); } if ($is_default_dv == "1") { $viewer->assign("IS_DEFAULT_DV_CHECKED", 'checked="checked"'); } } $viewer->assign("ORDER", $order); if ($is_portal == "1") { $viewer->assign("IS_PORTAL_CHECKED", 'checked="checked"'); } if ($is_listview == "1") { $viewer->assign("IS_LISTVIEW_CHECKED", 'checked="checked"'); } //PDF MARGIN SETTINGS if ($request->has("templateid") && !$request->isEmpty("templateid")) { $Margins = array("top" => $pdftemplateResult["margin_top"], "bottom" => $pdftemplateResult["margin_bottom"], "left" => $pdftemplateResult["margin_left"], "right" => $pdftemplateResult["margin_right"]); $Decimals = array("point" => $pdftemplateResult["decimal_point"], "decimals" => $pdftemplateResult["decimals"], "thousands" => $pdftemplateResult["thousands_separator"] != "sp" ? $pdftemplateResult["thousands_separator"] : " "); } else { $Margins = array("top" => "2", "bottom" => "2", "left" => "2", "right" => "2"); $Decimals = array("point" => ",", "decimals" => "2", "thousands" => " "); } $viewer->assign("MARGINS", $Margins); $viewer->assign("DECIMALS", $Decimals); //PDF HEADER / FOOTER $header = ""; $footer = ""; if ($request->has("templateid") && !$request->isEmpty("templateid")) { $header = $pdftemplateResult["header"]; $footer = $pdftemplateResult["footer"]; } $viewer->assign("HEADER", $header); $viewer->assign("FOOTER", $footer); $hfVariables = array("##PAGE##" => vtranslate("LBL_CURRENT_PAGE", 'PDFMaker'), "##PAGES##" => vtranslate("LBL_ALL_PAGES", 'PDFMaker'), "##PAGE##/##PAGES##" => vtranslate("LBL_PAGE_PAGES", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("HEAD_FOOT_VARS", $hfVariables); $dateVariables = array("##DD.MM.YYYY##" => vtranslate("LBL_DATE_DD.MM.YYYY", 'PDFMaker'), "##DD-MM-YYYY##" => vtranslate("LBL_DATE_DD-MM-YYYY", 'PDFMaker'), "##MM-DD-YYYY##" => vtranslate("LBL_DATE_MM-DD-YYYY", 'PDFMaker'), "##YYYY-MM-DD##" => vtranslate("LBL_DATE_YYYY-MM-DD", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("DATE_VARS", $dateVariables); //PDF FILENAME FIELDS $filenameFields = array("#TEMPLATE_NAME#" => vtranslate("LBL_PDF_NAME", 'PDFMaker'), "#DD-MM-YYYY#" => vtranslate("LBL_CURDATE_DD-MM-YYYY", 'PDFMaker'), "#MM-DD-YYYY#" => vtranslate("LBL_CURDATE_MM-DD-YYYY", 'PDFMaker'), "#YYYY-MM-DD#" => vtranslate("LBL_CURDATE_YYYY-MM-DD", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("FILENAME_FIELDS", $filenameFields); $viewer->assign("NAME_OF_FILE", $nameOfFile); //Sharing $template_owners = get_user_array(false); $viewer->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNERS", $template_owners); $viewer->assign("TEMPLATE_OWNER", $owner); $sharing_types = array("public" => vtranslate("PUBLIC_FILTER", 'PDFMaker'), "private" => vtranslate("PRIVATE_FILTER", 'PDFMaker'), "share" => vtranslate("SHARE_FILTER", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("SHARINGTYPES", $sharing_types); $viewer->assign("SHARINGTYPE", $sharingtype); $cmod = $this->getModuleLanguageArray("Settings"); //$cmod = return_specified_module_language($current_language, "Settings"); $viewer->assign("CMOD", $cmod); //Constructing the Role Array $roleDetails = getAllRoleDetails(); $i = 0; $roleIdStr = ""; $roleNameStr = ""; $userIdStr = ""; $userNameStr = ""; $grpIdStr = ""; $grpNameStr = ""; foreach ($roleDetails as $roleId => $roleInfo) { if ($i != 0) { if ($i != 1) { $roleIdStr .= ", "; $roleNameStr .= ", "; } $roleName = $roleInfo[0]; $roleIdStr .= "'" . $roleId . "'"; $roleNameStr .= "'" . addslashes(decode_html($roleName)) . "'"; } $i++; } //Constructing the User Array $l = 0; $userDetails = getAllUserName(); foreach ($userDetails as $userId => $userInfo) { if ($l != 0) { $userIdStr .= ", "; $userNameStr .= ", "; } $userIdStr .= "'" . $userId . "'"; $userNameStr .= "'" . $userInfo . "'"; $l++; } //Constructing the Group Array $parentGroupArray = array(); $m = 0; $grpDetails = getAllGroupName(); foreach ($grpDetails as $grpId => $grpName) { if (!in_array($grpId, $parentGroupArray)) { if ($m != 0) { $grpIdStr .= ", "; $grpNameStr .= ", "; } $grpIdStr .= "'" . $grpId . "'"; $grpNameStr .= "'" . addslashes(decode_html($grpName)) . "'"; $m++; } } $viewer->assign("ROLEIDSTR", $roleIdStr); $viewer->assign("ROLENAMESTR", $roleNameStr); $viewer->assign("USERIDSTR", $userIdStr); $viewer->assign("USERNAMESTR", $userNameStr); $viewer->assign("GROUPIDSTR", $grpIdStr); $viewer->assign("GROUPNAMESTR", $grpNameStr); if (count($sharingMemberArray) > 0) { $outputMemberArr = array(); foreach ($sharingMemberArray as $setype => $shareIdArr) { foreach ($shareIdArr as $shareId) { switch ($setype) { case "groups": $groupInfo = getGroupName($shareId); $memberName = $groupInfo[0]; $memberDisplay = "Group::"; break; case "roles": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "Roles::"; break; case "rs": $memberName = getRoleName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "RoleAndSubordinates::"; break; case "users": $memberName = getUserName($shareId); $memberDisplay = "User::"; break; } $outputMemberArr[] = $setype . "::" . $shareId; $outputMemberArr[] = $memberDisplay . $memberName; } } $viewer->assign("MEMBER", array_chunk($outputMemberArr, 2)); } //Ignored picklist values $pvsql = "SELECT value FROM vtiger_pdfmaker_ignorepicklistvalues"; $pvresult = $adb->pquery($pvsql, array()); $pvvalues = ""; while ($pvrow = $adb->fetchByAssoc($pvresult)) { $pvvalues .= $pvrow["value"] . ", "; } $viewer->assign("IGNORE_PICKLIST_VALUES", rtrim($pvvalues, ", ")); $More_Fields = array("CURRENCYNAME" => vtranslate("LBL_CURRENCY_NAME", 'PDFMaker'), "CURRENCYSYMBOL" => vtranslate("LBL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL", 'PDFMaker'), "CURRENCYCODE" => vtranslate("LBL_CURRENCY_CODE", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTALWITHOUTVAT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_SUMWITHOUTVAT", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTALDISCOUNT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_TOTALDISCOUNT", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTALDISCOUNTPERCENT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_TOTALDISCOUNT_PERCENT", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTALAFTERDISCOUNT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_TOTALAFTERDISCOUNT", 'PDFMaker'), "VAT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_VAT", 'PDFMaker'), "VATPERCENT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_VAT_PERCENT", 'PDFMaker'), "VATBLOCK" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_VAT_BLOCK", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTALWITHVAT" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_SUMWITHVAT", 'PDFMaker'), "SHTAXTOTAL" => vtranslate("LBL_SHTAXTOTAL", 'PDFMaker'), "SHTAXAMOUNT" => vtranslate("LBL_SHTAXAMOUNT", 'PDFMaker'), "ADJUSTMENT" => vtranslate("LBL_ADJUSTMENT", 'PDFMaker'), "TOTAL" => vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_TOTALSUM", 'PDFMaker')); //formatable VATBLOCK content $vatblock_table = '<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> <tr> <td>' . $app_strings["Name"] . '</td> <td>' . vtranslate("LBL_VATBLOCK_VAT_PERCENT", 'PDFMaker') . '</td> <td>' . vtranslate("LBL_VATBLOCK_SUM", 'PDFMaker') . '</td> <td>' . vtranslate("LBL_VATBLOCK_VAT_VALUE", 'PDFMaker') . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">#VATBLOCK_START#</td> </tr> <tr> <td>$VATBLOCK_LABEL$</td> <td>$VATBLOCK_VALUE$</td> <td>$VATBLOCK_NETTO$</td> <td>$VATBLOCK_VAT$</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">#VATBLOCK_END#</td> </tr> </table>'; $vatblock_table = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), "", $vatblock_table); $vatblock_table = ereg_replace(" {2,}", ' ', $vatblock_table); $viewer->assign("VATBLOCK_TABLE", $vatblock_table); $ModCommentsModules = array(); /* $ModComments = is_numeric(getTabId("ModComments")); if ($ModComments == true) { $sql = "SELECT relmodule FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel WHERE module='ModComments' AND relmodule != 'ModComments'"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql,array()); while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) $ModCommentsModules[$row["relmodule"]] = $row["relmodule"]; } */ foreach ($ModuleIDS as $module => $module_id) { $this->getModuleFields($module, $module_id); } //Permissions are taken into consideration when dealing with realted modules $AllowedRelMods = array(); if (count($this->All_Related_Modules) > 0) { foreach ($this->All_Related_Modules as $Mod => $RelMods) { foreach ($RelMods as $RelModKey => $RelMod) { $RelModName = $RelMod[2]; if (isPermitted($RelModName, '') == "yes") { $AllowedRelMods[$Mod][$RelModKey] = $RelMod; } } } } $this->All_Related_Modules = $AllowedRelMods; // Fix of emtpy selectbox in case of selected module does not have any related modules foreach ($Modulenames as $key => $value) { if (!isset($this->All_Related_Modules[$key])) { $this->All_Related_Modules[$key] = array(); } } $viewer->assign("ALL_RELATED_MODULES", $this->All_Related_Modules); if ($select_module != "" && count($this->All_Related_Modules[$select_module]) > 0) { foreach ($this->All_Related_Modules[$select_module] as $RelModArr) { $Related_Modules[$RelModArr[2] . "|" . $RelModArr[0]] = vtranslate($RelModArr[2]) . " (" . $RelModArr[1] . ")"; } } $viewer->assign("RELATED_MODULES", $Related_Modules); $tacModules = array(); $tac4you = is_numeric(getTabId("Tac4you")); if ($tac4you == true) { $sql = "SELECT tac4you_module FROM vtiger_tac4you_module WHERE presence = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array('1')); while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $tacModules[$row["tac4you_module"]] = $row["tac4you_module"]; } } $desc4youModules = array(); $desc4you = is_numeric(getTabId("Descriptions4you")); if ($desc4you == true) { $sql = "SELECT FROM vtiger_links AS a INNER JOIN vtiger_tab AS b USING (tabid) WHERE linktype = ? AND linkurl = ?"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array('DETAILVIEWWIDGET', 'block://ModDescriptions4you:modules/Descriptions4you/ModDescriptions4you.php')); while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $desc4youModules[$row["name"]] = $row["name"]; } } $Settings_Profiles_Record_Model = new Settings_Profiles_Record_Model(); foreach ($this->ModuleFields as $module => $Blocks) { $Optgroupts = array(); $current_mod_strings = $this->getModuleLanguageArray($module); $moduleModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance($module); $b = 0; if ($module == 'Calendar') { $b++; $Optgroupts[] = '"' . vtranslate('Calendar') . '","' . $b . '"'; $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1'] .= ',"Record ID","CALENDAR_CRMID"'; $SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][vtranslate('Calendar')]["CALENDAR_CRMID"] = "Record ID"; $EventModel = Vtiger_Module_Model::getInstance('Events'); } foreach ($Blocks as $block_label => $block_fields) { $b++; $Options = array(); if ($block_label != "TEMP_MODCOMMENTS_BLOCK") { $optgroup_value = vtranslate($block_label, $module); if ($optgroup_value == $block_label) { $optgroup_value = vtranslate($block_label, 'PDFMaker'); } } else { $optgroup_value = vtranslate("LBL_MODCOMMENTS_INFORMATION", 'PDFMaker'); } $Optgroupts[] = '"' . $optgroup_value . '","' . $b . '"'; if (count($block_fields) > 0) { $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_field WHERE fieldid IN (" . generateQuestionMarks($block_fields) . ")"; $result1 = $adb->pquery($sql1, $block_fields); while ($row1 = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result1)) { $fieldname = $row1['fieldname']; $fieldlabel = $row1['fieldlabel']; $fieldModel = Vtiger_Field_Model::getInstance($fieldname, $moduleModel); if (!$fieldModel || !$fieldModel->getPermissions('readonly')) { if ($module == 'Calendar') { $eventFieldModel = Vtiger_Field_Model::getInstance($fieldname, $EventModel); if (!$eventFieldModel || !$eventFieldModel->getPermissions('readonly')) { continue; } } else { continue; } } $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_" . $fieldname); if (isset($current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel]) and $current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel] != "") { $option_value = $current_mod_strings[$fieldlabel]; } elseif (isset($app_strings[$fieldlabel]) and $app_strings[$fieldlabel] != "") { $option_value = $app_strings[$fieldlabel]; } else { $option_value = $fieldlabel; } $option_value = nl2br($option_value); if ($module == 'Calendar') { if ($option_key == 'CALENDAR_ACTIVITYTYPE' || $option_key == 'CALENDAR_DUE_DATE') { $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1'] .= ',"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][vtranslate('Calendar')][$option_key] = $option_value; continue; } elseif (!isset($Existing_ModuleFields[$option_key])) { $Existing_ModuleFields[$option_key] = $optgroup_value; } else { $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1'] .= ',"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][vtranslate('Calendar')][$option_key] = $option_value; $Unset_Module_Fields[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; unset($SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][$Existing_ModuleFields[$option_key]][$option_key]); continue; } } $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; } } //variable RECORD ID added if ($b == 1) { $option_value = "Record ID"; $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_CRMID"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; $option_value = vtranslate('Created Time') . ' (' . vtranslate('Due Date & Time') . ')'; $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_CREATEDTIME_DATETIME"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; $option_value = vtranslate('Modified Time') . ' (' . vtranslate('Due Date & Time') . ')'; $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_MODIFIEDTIME_DATETIME"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; } //end if ($block_label == "LBL_TERMS_INFORMATION" && isset($tacModules[$module])) { $option_value = vtranslate("LBL_TAC4YOU", 'PDFMaker'); $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_TAC4YOU"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; } if ($block_label == "LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION" && isset($desc4youModules[$module])) { $option_value = vtranslate("LBL_DESC4YOU", 'PDFMaker'); $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_DESC4YOU"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; } //ModComments support if ($block_label == "TEMP_MODCOMMENTS_BLOCK" && in_array($module, $ModCommentsModules) == true) { $option_value = vtranslate("LBL_MODCOMMENTS", 'PDFMaker'); $option_key = strtoupper($module . "_MODCOMMENTS"); $Options[] = '"' . $option_value . '","' . $option_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$option_key] = $option_value; } $Convert_RelatedModuleFields[$module . "|" . $b] = implode(",", $Options); $OptionsRelMod = array(); if (($block_label == "LBL_DETAILS_BLOCK" || $block_label == "LBL_ITEM_DETAILS") && ($module == "Quotes" || $module == "Invoice" || $module == "SalesOrder" || $module == "PurchaseOrder" || $module == "Issuecards" || $module == "Receiptcards" || $module == "Creditnote" || $module == "StornoInvoice")) { $Set_More_Fields = $More_Fields; if ($module == "Invoice") { $Set_More_Fields[strtoupper($module) . "_RECEIVED"] = vtranslate("Received", $module); } if ($module == "Invoice" || $module == "PurchaseOrder") { $Set_More_Fields[strtoupper($module) . "_BALANCE"] = vtranslate("Balance", $module); } foreach ($Set_More_Fields as $variable => $variable_name) { $variable_key = strtoupper($variable); $Options[] = '"' . $variable_name . '","' . $variable_key . '"'; $SelectModuleFields[$module][$optgroup_value][$variable_key] = $variable_name; if ($variable_key != "VATBLOCK") { $OptionsRelMod[] = '"' . $variable_name . '","' . strtoupper($module) . '_' . $variable_key . '"'; } } } //this concatenation is because of need to have extra Details block in Inventory modules which are as related modules $Convert_RelatedModuleFields[$module . "|" . $b] .= implode(',', $OptionsRelMod); $Convert_ModuleFields[$module . "|" . $b] = implode(",", $Options); } if ($module == 'Calendar') { $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1'] = str_replace(',"Record ID","CALENDAR_CRMID",', "", $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1']); $Convert_ModuleFields['Calendar|1'] .= ',"Record ID","CALENDAR_CRMID"'; unset($SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][vtranslate('Calendar')]["CALENDAR_CRMID"]); $SelectModuleFields['Calendar'][vtranslate('Calendar')]["CALENDAR_CRMID"] = "Record ID"; } $Convert_ModuleBlocks[$module] = implode(",", $Optgroupts); } foreach ($Convert_ModuleFields as $cmf_key => $cmf_value) { if (substr($cmf_key, 0, 9) == 'Calendar|' && $cmf_key != 'Calendar|1') { foreach ($Unset_Module_Fields as $to_unset) { $cmf_value = str_replace($to_unset, '', $cmf_value); $cmf_value = str_replace(",,", ',', $cmf_value); $Convert_ModuleFields[$cmf_key] = trim($cmf_value, ','); } } } $viewer->assign("MODULE_BLOCKS", $Convert_ModuleBlocks); $viewer->assign("RELATED_MODULE_FIELDS", $Convert_RelatedModuleFields); $viewer->assign("MODULE_FIELDS", $Convert_ModuleFields); //Product block fields start // Product bloc templates $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_pdfmaker_productbloc_tpl"; $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array()); $Productbloc_tpl[""] = vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'); while ($row = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $Productbloc_tpl[$row["body"]] = $row["name"]; } $viewer->assign("PRODUCT_BLOC_TPL", $Productbloc_tpl); $ProductBlockFields = $PDFMaker->GetProductBlockFields($select_module); foreach ($ProductBlockFields as $viewer_key => $pbFields) { $viewer->assign($viewer_key, $pbFields); } //Product block fields end //Related block postprocessing $Related_Blocks = $PDFMaker->GetRelatedBlocks($select_module); $viewer->assign("RELATED_BLOCKS", $Related_Blocks); //Related blocks end if ($templateid != "" || $select_module != "") { $viewer->assign("SELECT_MODULE_FIELD", $SelectModuleFields[$select_module]); $smf_filename = $SelectModuleFields[$select_module]; if ($select_module == "Invoice" || $select_module == "Quotes" || $select_module == "SalesOrder" || $select_module == "PurchaseOrder" || $select_module == "Issuecards" || $select_module == "Receiptcards" || $select_module == "Creditnote" || $select_module == "StornoInvoice") { unset($smf_filename["Details"]); } $viewer->assign("SELECT_MODULE_FIELD_FILENAME", $smf_filename); } // header / footer display settings $disp_optionsArr = array("DH_FIRST", "DH_OTHER"); $disp_header_bin = str_pad(base_convert($disp_header, 10, 2), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = 0; $i < count($disp_optionsArr); $i++) { if (substr($disp_header_bin, $i, 1) == "1") { $viewer->assign($disp_optionsArr[$i], 'checked="checked"'); } } if ($disp_header == "3") { $viewer->assign("DH_ALL", 'checked="checked"'); } $disp_optionsArr = array("DF_FIRST", "DF_LAST", "DF_OTHER"); $disp_footer_bin = str_pad(base_convert($disp_footer, 10, 2), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = 0; $i < count($disp_optionsArr); $i++) { if (substr($disp_footer_bin, $i, 1) == "1") { $viewer->assign($disp_optionsArr[$i], 'checked="checked"'); } } if ($disp_footer == "7") { $viewer->assign("DF_ALL", 'checked="checked"'); } $ListView_Block = array("" => vtranslate("LBL_PLS_SELECT", 'PDFMaker'), "LISTVIEWBLOCK_START" => vtranslate("LBL_ARTICLE_START", 'PDFMaker'), "LISTVIEWBLOCK_END" => vtranslate("LBL_ARTICLE_END", 'PDFMaker'), "CRIDX" => vtranslate("LBL_COUNTER", 'PDFMaker')); $viewer->assign("LISTVIEW_BLOCK_TPL", $ListView_Block); $version_type = ucfirst($PDFMaker->GetVersionType()); $viewer->assign("VERSION", $version_type . " " . PDFMaker_Version_Helper::$version); $category = getParentTab(); $viewer->assign("CATEGORY", $category); $viewer->view('Edit.tpl', 'PDFMaker'); }