function showVoteInput($q)
    $info = explode(".", $q);
    $district = $info[0];
    $machine = $info[1];
    echo "<center><h1 class='title'>Enter Election Results for District: <span class='big'>{$district}</span>,  Machine: <span class='big'>{$machine}</span></h1></center>";
    echo "<form action = './saveInputs.php'  method ='post'>";
    //get categories
    $categoriesResult = getCategories();
    $count = 0;
    $categoryCount = 0;
    echo "<table><tr><td class='category'>";
    while ($category = mysql_fetch_array($categoriesResult)) {
        //get candidates
        $id = $category['category_id'];
        //echo " ID = {$id} ";
        $candidates = getCandidates($id);
        echo "<h1> {$category['category_name']}</h1><table>";
        while ($candidate = mysql_fetch_array($candidates)) {
            $info = "{$district},{$machine},{$candidate['candidate_id']},";
            //echo $info;
            $hidden = "candidateID" . $count++;
            echo "<tr><td width = 25px></td><td>{$candidate['candidate_name']}</td><td>";
            echo "<input type ='number' id='{$candidate['candidate_id']}' name='{$candidate['candidate_id']}' value = ";
            echo "'";
            echo getElectionResults($district, $machine, $candidate['candidate_id']);
            echo "'";
            //$functionStr = "ajaxGetInfo({$info}, this.value)"; // . $info . ")";
            echo " oninput='ajaxGetInfo(this.value, this.name)' min=0></td></tr>";
            echo "<input type=hidden name = {$hidden} METHOD='POST' value='{$candidate['candidate_id']}'>";
            // echo "<input type=hidden name = 'candidateID' METHOD='POST' value='{$candidate['candidate_id']}'>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<input type=hidden id = 'district' value='{$district}'>";
        echo "<input type=hidden id = 'machine' value='{$machine}'>";
        if ($categoryCount % 3 == 2) {
            echo "</td><td style='padding-left:45px'>";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
function createOverviewTableForCategory($category_id)
    global $variables;
    $table = $variables['categoriesTableName'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$variables['category_id_categories']} = {$category_id}";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(" Find createOverviewTableForCategory query Failed!" . mysql_error());
    $category = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $text = "<table class='overviewOuter'>";
    $text .= createDistrictMachineHeader($category['category_name']);
    //get each candidate
    $candidates = getCandidates($category_id);
    while ($candidate = mysql_fetch_array($candidates)) {
        $text .= "<tr><td class='overviewNoWrap'>{$candidate['candidate_name']}</td>";
        //TODO get machines and districts
        //data entered
        $machineArray = getArrayOfMachines();
        foreach ($machineArray as $machineInfo) {
            $district = $machineInfo[0];
            $machine = $machineInfo[1];
            $text .= "<td  class='overview'>";
            $text .= getElectionResults($district, $machine, $candidate['candidate_id']);
            $text .= "</td>";
        $text .= "</tr>";
    //get votes for each cell
    $text .= "</table>";
    return $text;
function createOverviewTableForCategory($category_id)
    global $variables;
    global $conn;
    $table = $variables['categoriesTableName'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = {$category_id}";
    $result = runQuery($query);
    $category = $result->fetch_assoc();
    $text = "<table class='overviewOuter' id='table1'>";
    $text .= createDistrictMachineHeader($category['question']);
    //election id
    $election_id = getCurrentElectionID();
    //get each candidate
    $candidates = getCandidates($category_id);
    while ($candidate = $candidates->fetch_assoc()) {
        $text .= "<tr><td class='overviewNoWrap'>{$candidate['response']}</td>";
        // get machines and districts
        $machineArray = getArrayOfMachinesForElection($election_id);
        foreach ($machineArray as $machineInfo) {
            $district = $machineInfo[0];
            //echo "District $district <br>";
            $machine = $machineInfo[1];
            $text .= "<td  class='tally'>";
            $text .= getElectionResults($district, $machine, $candidate['id']);
            $text .= "</td>";
        $text .= "<td class='tally'>" . getTotalTally($category_id, $candidate['response'], $election_id) . "</td>";
        $text .= "</tr>";
    if(is_numeric(stripos($category['question'], "Machine"))){
       $text .= createDistrictVotesRow($category_id);
       $text .= createRegisteredVotersRow($category_id);
       $text .= createPercentageRow($category_id);
    $text .= createMachineSumRow($category_id);
    $text .= createDistrictVotesRow($category_id);
    $text .= createRegisteredVotersRow($category_id);
    $text .= createPercentageRow($category_id);
    $text .= "</table>";
    return $text;
function showVoteInput($q)
    //Not editable if prior election
    $canEdit = $_SESSION['is_active'];
    //Can't edit if readonly user
    if (!(stripos($_SESSION['privilege'], 'read') === false)) {
        $canEdit = false;
    $info = explode(".", $q);
    $district = $info[0];
    $machine = $info[1];
    //get name of district
    $query = "Select * from districts where id = {$district}";
    //$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query Failed!"  . $query);
    $result = runQuery($query);
    $districtInfo = $result->fetch_assoc();
    $name = $districtInfo['name'];
    echo "<center><h1 class='title'>Enter Election Results for District: <span class='big'>{$name}</span>,  Machine: <span class='big'>{$machine}</span></h1></center>";
    echo "<form action = './saveInputs.php'  method ='post'>";
    //get categories
    $election_id = getCurrentElectionID();
    $categoriesResult = getCategories($election_id);
    $count = 0;
    $categoryCount = 0;
    echo "<table><tr><td class='category'>";
    while ($category = $categoriesResult->fetch_assoc()) {
        //get candidates
        $id = $category['id'];
        //echo " ID = {$id} ";
        $candidates = getCandidates($id);
        echo "<h1> {$category['question']}</h1><table>";
        while ($candidate = $candidates->fetch_assoc()) {
            $hidden = "candidateID" . $count++;
            echo "<tr><td width = 25px></td><td>{$candidate['response']}</td><td>";
            echo "<input type ='number' id='{$candidate['id']}' name='{$candidate['id']}' value = ";
            echo "'";
            echo getElectionResults($district, $machine, $candidate['id']);
            echo "'";
            if ($canEdit) {
                echo " oninput='ajaxGetInfo(this.value, this.name)' min=0>";
            } else {
                echo " READONLY>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
            echo "<input type=hidden name = {$hidden} METHOD='POST' value='{$candidate['id']}'>";
            // echo "<input type=hidden name = 'candidateID' METHOD='POST' value='{$candidate['candidate_id']}'>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<input type=hidden id = 'district' value='{$district}'>";
        echo "<input type=hidden id = 'machine' value='{$machine}'>";
        if ($categoryCount % 3 == 2) {
            echo "</td><td style='padding-left:45px'>";
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name = 'maxCount' value='{$count}'>";
    // echo "<input type=hidden name = 'maxCategoryCount' value='{$categoryCount}'>";