
 * Script to print subnets
/* verify that user is authenticated! */
/* get custom fields */
$custom = getCustomSubnetFields();
/* get all site settings */
$settings = getAllSettings();
# title
print "<h4>" . _('Available subnets') . "</h4>";
# check permission
$permission = checkSectionPermission($_REQUEST['section']);
if ($permission != "0") {
    # print  table structure
    print "<table id='manageSubnets' class='table table-striped table-condensed table-top table-absolute'>";
    # set colcount
    if ($settings['enableVRF'] == 1) {
        $colCount = 8;
    } else {
        $colCount = 7;
    # get all subnets in section
    $subnets = fetchSubnets($_REQUEST['section']);
    # remove custom fields if all empty! */
    foreach ($custom as $field) {
        $sizeMyFields[$field['name']] = 0;
        // default value
        # check against each IP address
 * Add new subnet - set query
function setModifySubnetDetailsQuery($subnetDetails)
    # add new subnet
    if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "add") {
        # remove netmask and calculate decimal values!
        $subnetDetails['subnet_temp'] = explode("/", $subnetDetails['subnet']);
        $subnetDetails['subnet'] = Transform2decimal($subnetDetails['subnet_temp'][0]);
        $subnetDetails['mask'] = $subnetDetails['subnet_temp'][1];
        # custom fields
        $myFields = getCustomSubnetFields();
        $myFieldsInsert['query'] = '';
        $myFieldsInsert['values'] = '';
        if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) {
            /* set inserts for custom */
            foreach ($myFields as $myField) {
                $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '`';
                $myFieldsInsert['values'] .= ", '" . $subnetDetails[$myField['name']] . "'";
        $query = 'insert into subnets ' . "\n";
        $query .= '(`subnet`, `mask`, `sectionId`, `description`, `vlanId`, `vrfId`, `masterSubnetId`, `allowRequests`, `showName`, `permissions`, `pingSubnet` ' . $myFieldsInsert['query'] . ') ' . "\n";
        $query .= 'values (' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['subnet'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['mask'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['sectionId'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . htmlentities($subnetDetails['description']) . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vlanId'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['masterSubnetId'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['allowRequests']) . ',' . "\n";
        $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['showName']) . ',' . "\n";
        $query .= ' "' . $subnetDetails['permissions'] . '", ' . "\n";
        $query .= '' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['pingSubnet']) . '' . "\n";
        $query .= $myFieldsInsert['values'];
        $query .= ' );';
    } else {
        if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "delete") {
            /* get ALL slave subnets, then remove all subnets and IP addresses */
            global $removeSlaves;
            $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
            $query = "";
            foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                $query .= 'delete from `subnets` where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
                $query .= 'delete from `ipaddresses` where `subnetId` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            if ($subnetDetails['action'] == "edit") {
                # custom fields
                $myFields = getCustomSubnetFields();
                $myFieldsInsert['query'] = '';
                if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) {
                    /* set inserts for custom */
                    foreach ($myFields as $myField) {
                        $myFieldsInsert['query'] .= ', `' . $myField['name'] . '` = "' . $subnetDetails[$myField['name']] . '" ';
                $query = 'update subnets set ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`description` 	= "' . htmlentities($subnetDetails['description']) . '", ' . "\n";
                if ($subnetDetails['sectionId'] != $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew']) {
                    $query .= '`sectionId`      = "' . $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`vlanId`        	= "' . $subnetDetails['vlanId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`vrfId`        	= "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`masterSubnetId` = "' . $subnetDetails['masterSubnetId'] . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`allowRequests`  = "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['allowRequests']) . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`showName`   	= "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['showName']) . '", ' . "\n";
                $query .= '`pingSubnet`   	= "' . isCheckbox($subnetDetails['pingSubnet']) . '" ' . "\n";
                $query .= $myFieldsInsert['query'];
                $query .= 'where id      	= "' . $subnetDetails['subnetId'] . '"; ' . "\n";
                # if section changes
                if ($subnetDetails['sectionId'] != $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew']) {
                    # add querry to change slaves!
                    global $removeSlaves;
                    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
                    foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                        if ($subnetDetails['subnetId'] != $slave) {
                            $query .= 'update `subnets` set `sectionId` = "' . $subnetDetails['sectionIdNew'] . '" where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
                # if vrf changes
                if ($subnetDetails['vrfId'] != $subnetDetails['vrfIdOld']) {
                    # add querry to change vrfId!
                    global $removeSlaves;
                    $removeSlaves = array_unique($removeSlaves);
                    foreach ($removeSlaves as $slave) {
                        $query .= 'update `subnets` set `vrfId` = "' . $subnetDetails['vrfId'] . '" where `id` = "' . $slave . '"; ' . "\n";
            } else {
    # return query
    return $query;
 * Search subnets
function searchSubnets($searchterm, $searchTermEdited = "")
    global $db;
    # get variables from config file
    $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);
    # get custom subnet fields
    $myFields = getCustomSubnetFields();
    $custom = '';
    if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) {
        /* set inserts for custom */
        foreach ($myFields as $myField) {
            $custom .= ' or `' . $myField['name'] . '` like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
    /* set query */
    $query[] = 'select * from `subnets` where `description` like "%' . $searchterm . '%" or `subnet` between "' . $searchTermEdited['low'] . '" and "' . $searchTermEdited['high'] . '" ' . $custom . ';';
    /* search inside subnets even if IP does not exist! */
    if ($searchTermEdited['low'] == $searchTermEdited['high']) {
        $allSubnets = fetchAllSubnets();
        foreach ($allSubnets as $s) {
            // first verify address type
            $type = IdentifyAddress($s['subnet']);
            if ($type == "IPv4") {
                require_once 'PEAR/Net/IPv4.php';
                $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress(transform2long($s['subnet']) . '/' . $s['mask']);
                if ($searchTermEdited['low'] > transform2decimal($net->network) && $searchTermEdited['low'] < transform2decimal($net->broadcast)) {
                    $query[] = "select * from `subnets` where `id` = {$s['id']}; \n";
    /* execute each query */
    foreach ($query as $q) {
        try {
            $search[] = $database->getArray($q);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $error = $e->getMessage();
    /* filter results - remove blank */
    $search = array_filter($search);
    /* die if errors */
    if (isset($error)) {
        print "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>";
        return false;
    /* return result */
    return $search;

 * Script tomanage custom IP fields
/* verify that user is admin */
/* get all custom fields */
$myFields = getCustomIPaddrFields();
/* Custom fields by number */
$myFieldsNum = getCustomIPaddrFieldsNumArr();
/* get all custom subnet fields */
$myFieldsSubnets = getCustomSubnetFields();
/* Custom fields by number */
$myFieldsNumSubnets = getCustomSubnetsFieldsNumArr();
/* get all custom VLAN fields */
$myFieldsVLAN = getCustomVLANFields();
/* Custom VLAN fields by number */
$myFieldsNumVLAN = getCustomVLANFieldsNumArr();
/* get all custom User fields */
$myFieldsUser = getCustomUserFields();
/* Custom VLAN fields by number */
$myFieldsNumUser = getCustomUserFieldsNumArr();

print _('Custom fields');