if ($authorized == 1) { echo "<span id='login_error'>Incorrect password, try again</span>"; } echo "</form>"; } ?> <hr /> <table width="100%"> <tr> <?php foreach ($programs as $prog) { echo "<td style='vertical-align:top'>"; $progCourses = getCourseIDsForProgramID($prog['short']); $progID = $prog['short']; $compareCoursesF = create_function('$c1,$c2', "return compareCourses(\$c1, \$c2, '{$progID}');"); usort($progCourses, $compareCoursesF); echo "<h3 class='prog_name'>" . $prog['long'] . "</h3>"; echo "<table id='table_{$progID}'>"; // toggle is used to check when the course sequence changes from 'R' to !'R' - the plan to clearly distinguish // between them in the display $toggle = 0; foreach ($progCourses as $courseID) { $course = getCourseForID($courseID); $desig = getDesignatorDisplayString($course->designatorID); if ($course->reqForProgram[$progID] != 'R' && $toggle == 0) { echo "<tr><td> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Electives</td></tr>"; $toggle = 1;
<th align="center" title="Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.">F</th> <th align="center" title="Ability to communicate effectively.">G</th> <th align="center" title="The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.">H</th> <th align="center" title="Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.">I</th> <th align="center" title="Knowledge of contemporary issues.">J</th> <th align="center" title="Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.">K</th> </tr> <?php foreach (getPrograms() as $prog) { ?> <?php if ($prog['short'] == $inputprog) { ?> <?php foreach (getCourseIDsForProgramID($prog['short']) as $courseID) { ?> <?php $course = getCourseForID($courseID); ?> <?php $arr = $course->allOutcomes(); ?> <tr> <th scope="row" width = "15%"><a href='<?php echo "course.php?course=" . $course->courseID; ?> '><?php echo strtoupper($course->designatorID) . " " . $course->courseNum; ?> </a></th>
function getCoursesForOutcomes($outcomes) { $matches = array(); foreach (getPrograms() as $program) { $programID = $program['short']; foreach (getCourseIDsForProgramID($programID) as $courseID) { $course = getCourseForID($courseID); if ($course->matchesOutcomes($outcomes)) { $matches[] = $course; } } } return $matches; }