     print "<div class='{$class}'>";
     print $approveReturnMessage;
     print "</div>";
 print "<p>";
 if ($highestAction == "Manage Expenses_all") {
     print _("This action allows you to manage all expenses for all budgets, regardless of your access rights to individual budgets.") . "<br/>";
 } else {
     print _("This action allows you to manage expenses for the budgets in which you have relevant access rights.") . "<br/>";
 print "</p>";
 //Check if have Full, Write or Read access in any budgets
 $budgetsAccess = FALSE;
 $budgets = getBudgetsByPerson($connection2, $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
 $budgetsAll = NULL;
 if ($highestAction == "Manage Expenses_all") {
     $budgetsAll = getBudgets($connection2);
     $budgetsAccess = TRUE;
 } else {
     foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
         if ($budget[2] == "Full" or $budget[2] == "Write" or $budget[2] == "READ") {
             $budgetsAccess = TRUE;
 if ($budgetsAccess == FALSE) {
     print "<div class='error'>";
     print _("You do not have Full or Write access to any budgets.");
     print "</div>";
     $URL .= "&addReturn=fail3";
     header("Location: {$URL}");
 } else {
     //Prepare approval settings
     $budgetLevelExpenseApproval = getSettingByScope($connection2, "Finance", "budgetLevelExpenseApproval");
     if ($budgetLevelExpenseApproval == "") {
         $URL .= "&addReturn=fail2";
         header("Location: {$URL}");
     } else {
         if ($budgetLevelExpenseApproval == "N") {
             //Skip budget-level approval
             $statusApprovalBudgetCleared = "Y";
         } else {
             $budgets = getBudgetsByPerson($connection2, $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"], $gibbonFinanceBudgetID);
             if (@$budgets[0][2] == "Full") {
                 //I can self-approve budget-level, as have Full access
                 $statusApprovalBudgetCleared = "Y";
             } else {
                 //I cannot self-approve budget-level
                 $statusApprovalBudgetCleared = "N";
     //Write to database
     try {
         $data = array("gibbonFinanceBudgetCycleID" => $gibbonFinanceBudgetCycleID, "gibbonFinanceBudgetID" => $gibbonFinanceBudgetID, "title" => $title, "body" => $body, "status" => $status, "statusApprovalBudgetCleared" => $statusApprovalBudgetCleared, "cost" => $cost, "purchaseBy" => $purchaseBy, "purchaseDetails" => $purchaseDetails, "gibbonPersonIDCreator" => $_SESSION[$guid]["gibbonPersonID"]);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO gibbonFinanceExpense SET gibbonFinanceBudgetCycleID=:gibbonFinanceBudgetCycleID, gibbonFinanceBudgetID=:gibbonFinanceBudgetID, title=:title, body=:body, status=:status, statusApprovalBudgetCleared=:statusApprovalBudgetCleared, cost=:cost, purchaseBy=:purchaseBy, purchaseDetails=:purchaseDetails, gibbonPersonIDCreator=:gibbonPersonIDCreator, timestampCreator='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'";
         $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);