文件: motm.php 项目: nopuls/dzcp
function motm()
    global $db, $allowHover;
    $userpics = get_files(basePath . '/inc/images/uploads/userpics/');
    $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['users'] . " WHERE level >= 2");
    while ($rs = _fetch($qry)) {
        foreach ($userpics as $userpic) {
            $tmpId = intval($userpic);
            if ($tmpId == $rs['id']) {
                $temparr[] = $rs['id'];
    $arrayID = rand(0, count($temparr) - 1);
    $uid = $temparr[$arrayID];
    $get = _fetch(db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['users'] . " WHERE id = '" . $uid . "'"));
    if (!empty($get) && !empty($temparr)) {
        $status = $get['status'] == 1 || $get['level'] == 1 ? _aktiv : _inaktiv;
        if ($allowHover == 1) {
            $info = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . rawautor($get['id']) . '</td></tr><tr><td width=80px><b>' . _posi . ':</b></td><td>' . getrank($get['id']) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _status . ':</b></td><td>' . $status . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _age . ':</b></td><td>' . getAge($get['bday']) . '</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>' . jsconvert(userpic($get['id'])) . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"';
        $member = show("menu/motm", array("uid" => $get['id'], "upic" => userpic($get['id'], 130, 161), "info" => $info));
    } else {
        $member = '';
    return empty($member) ? '' : '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $member . '</table>';
function createNpc()
    $trait_table = "npc_traits";
    $table = "npc";
    $columns = getColumnNames($table);
    if (empty($_POST["sex"])) {
        $_POST["sex"] = getGender();
    if (empty($_POST["weight"])) {
        $_POST["weight"] = getWeight();
    if (empty($_POST["feet"]) || empty($_POST["inches"])) {
        $_POST["height"] = getHeight();
    } else {
        $_POST["height"] = $_POST["feet"] * 12 + $_POST["inches"];
    if (empty($_POST["age"])) {
        $_POST["age"] = getAge();
    if (empty($_POST["first_name"])) {
        $_POST["first_name"] = getName();
    // will add the remaining traits not already added
    foreach ($columns as $column) {
        if (empty($_POST[$column])) {
            $_POST[$column] = getTrait($trait_table, $column);
 function execute($requests)
     // --- リクエスト変数
     $target_c_member_id = $requests['target_c_member_id'];
     // ----------
     if ($target_c_member_id == $u) {
         openpne_redirect('ktai', 'page_h_home');
     if (!db_member_is_active_c_member_id($target_c_member_id)) {
     if (db_member_is_access_block($u, $target_c_member_id)) {
         openpne_redirect('ktai', 'page_h_access_block');
     $this->set('c_siteadmin', p_common_c_siteadmin4target_pagename('k_f_home'));
     $is_friend = db_friend_is_friend($u, $target_c_member_id);
     $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($target_c_member_id, 'private');
     $target_c_member['last_login'] = p_f_home_last_login4access_date($target_c_member['access_date']);
     if ($target_c_member['birth_year']) {
         $target_c_member['age'] = getAge($target_c_member['birth_year'], $target_c_member['birth_month'], $target_c_member['birth_day']);
     $this->set("target_c_member", $target_c_member);
     $this->set("c_diary_list", db_diary_get_c_diary_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, $u));
     $this->set("c_friend_list", db_friend_c_friend_list_random4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set("c_commu_list", db_commu_c_commu_list_lastupdate4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('common_commu_count', count(db_common_commu_common_commu_id4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, $u)));
     $this->set("relation", db_friend_relationship4two_members($u, $target_c_member_id));
     $is_friend = db_friend_is_friend($u, $target_c_member_id);
     if ($is_friend) {
         $this->set('is_friend', $is_friend);
     } else {
         $this->set('friend_path', db_friend_friend_path4c_member_ids($u, $target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('profile_list', db_member_c_profile_list());
     // 誕生日まであと何日?
     $this->set('days_birthday', db_member_count_days_birthday4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
         // ポイント
         $point = db_point_get_point($target_c_member_id);
         $this->set("point", $point);
         // ランク
         $this->set("rank", db_point_get_rank4point($point));
     // inc_entry_point
     $this->set('inc_ktai_entry_point', fetch_inc_entry_point($this->getView(), 'ktai_f_home'));
     db_ashiato_insert_c_ashiato($target_c_member_id, $u);
     return 'success';
function decodeUserDetails($req)
    include_once "dbconnect.php";
    $res = file_get_contents($req);
    $jsonObject = json_decode($res);
    $user_id = $jsonObject->id;
    $user_name = $jsonObject->name;
    $user_birthday = $jsonObject->birthday;
    $user_gender = $jsonObject->gender;
    $user_relationship_status = $jsonObject->relationship_status;
    $user_age = getAge($user_birthday);
    $user_location = $jsonObject->location->name;
    $user_hometown = $jsonObject->hometown->name;
    echo 'User ID : ' . $user_id . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Name : ' . $user_name . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Birthday : ' . $user_birthday . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Gender : ' . $user_gender . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Relationship Statuds : ' . $user_relationship_status . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Location : ' . $user_location . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Hometown : ' . $user_hometown . ' <br/>';
    echo 'Age : ' . $user_age;
    try {
        $id = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $user_id);
        global $u_id;
        $u_id = $id;
        $age = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $user_age);
        $gender = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $user_gender);
        $rel = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $user_relationship_status);
        $sql = "INSERT INTO user_details VALUES(" . $user_id . ", " . $user_age . ", '" . $user_gender . "', '" . $user_relationship_status . "', 'apple') ";
        mysqli_query($dbc, $sql);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo '<br/>skipped ' . $user_id . '<br/><br/>';
    echo '<br/> EDUCATION <br/>';
    foreach ($jsonObject->education as $edu) {
        $school_id = $edu->school->id;
        $school_name = $edu->school->name;
        $school_type = $edu->type;
        echo $school_id . ' : ' . $school_name . ' : ' . $school_type . ' <br/>';
    echo '<br/> WORK <br/>';
    foreach ($jsonObject->work as $job) {
        $employer_id = $job->employer->id;
        $employer_name = $job->employer->name;
        $location = $job->location->name;
        $position = $job->position->name;
        $start_date = $job->start_date;
        $end_date = $job->end_date;
        echo $employer_id . ' : ' . $employer_name . ' : ' . $location . ' : ' . $position . ' : ' . $start_date . ' to ' . $end_date . ' <br/>';
    echo '<br/> INTERESTED IN <br/>';
    foreach ($jsonObject->interested_in as $inter) {
        echo $inter . ' <br/>';
    echo '<div onload="isDoneLoading()" style="display : none">';
 function execute($requests)
     $u = $GLOBALS['AUTH']->uid();
     $target_c_member_id = $u;
     $this->set('is_h_prof', 1);
     $this->set('inc_navi', fetch_inc_navi('h'));
     $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($u, 'private');
     $this->set('is_friend', 0);
     $this->set('c_diary_list', db_diary_get_c_diary_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, null, 'friend'));
         // アルバム
         $this->set('c_album_list', db_album_get_c_album_subject_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, null, 'friend'));
     // --- f_home, h_prof 共通処理
     $this->set('target_c_member_id', $target_c_member_id);
     $target_c_member['last_login'] = p_f_home_last_login4access_date($target_c_member['access_date']);
     if ($target_c_member['birth_year']) {
         $target_c_member['age'] = getAge($target_c_member['birth_year'], $target_c_member['birth_month'], $target_c_member['birth_day']);
     $this->set('target_c_member', $target_c_member);
     $this->set('c_rss_cache_list', db_rss_c_rss_cache_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('c_friend_comment_list', db_friend_c_friend_comment4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('c_friend_list', db_friend_c_friend_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 9));
     $this->set('c_friend_count', db_friend_count_friends($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('user_count', db_commu_count_c_commu4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('c_commu_list', db_commu_c_commu_list4c_member_id_2($target_c_member_id, 9));
     $this->set('c_review_list', db_review_c_review_list4member($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('profile_list', db_member_c_profile_list());
     // 誕生日まであと何日?
     $this->set('days_birthday', db_member_count_days_birthday4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
         // ポイント
         $point = db_point_get_point($target_c_member_id);
         $this->set("point", $point);
         // ランク
         $this->set("rank", db_point_get_rank4point($point));
     // ---bizここから
     $this->set('is_h_prof', 1);
     $biz_dir = OPENPNE_MODULES_BIZ_DIR . '/biz/';
     include_once $biz_dir . 'lib/smarty_functions.php';
     include_once $biz_dir . 'lib/mysql_functions.php';
     $this->set('calendar', biz_getScheduleWeek($u, $u, $requests['w'], 'p', true, true, true, $target_c_member));
     $todolist = biz_getTodoList($u, $u, "h", $target_c_member['nickname']);
     $this->set("todolist", $todolist);
     $group_list = biz_getHomeGroupList($u);
     $this->set('group_list', $group_list);
     // ---bizここまで
     // inc_entry_point
     $this->set('inc_entry_point', fetch_inc_entry_point($this->getView(), 'f_home'));
     return 'success';
文件: home.php 项目: qiuai/qieyou
  * 用户信息
 public function userinfo()
     $user_id = $this->get_user_id(TRUE);
     $user_info = $this->model->get_user_detail($user_id, TRUE);
     if ($user_info) {
         $user = array('user_id' => $user_info['user_id'], 'user_name' => $user_info['user_name'], 'state' => $user_info['state'], 'nick_name' => $user_info['nick_name'], 'headimg' => $user_info['headimg'], 'signature' => $user_info['signature'], 'birthday' => $user_info['birthday'], 'age' => getAge($user_info['birthday']), 'sex' => $user_info['sex'], 'role' => $user_info['role'], 'mobile_phone' => $user_info['user_mobile']);
         response_json('1', $user);
文件: sort.php 项目: piiskop/pstk
  * in this function we compare ages of human1 and human 2
  * @param unknown $human1
  * @param unknown $human2
 public static function compare($human1, $human2)
     if ($human1 . getAge() > $human2 . getAge()) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         if ($human1 . getAge() < $human2 . getAge()) {
             return -1;
         } else {
             return 0;
文件: studentAPI.php 项目: rviant/ASI
function storeStaffCredentials($staffInfo)
    $dbConnection = connectToDB();
    if (!$dbConnection) {
        //echo "Unable to connect to MySQL.".PHP_EOL;
        return 0;
    $fname = $staffInfo["firstName"];
    $middleInitial = $staffInfo["middleName"];
    $lname = $staffInfo["lastName"];
    $nickname = $staffInfo["nickName"];
    $usernameProvided = $staffInfo["username"];
    $emailProvided = $staffInfo["email"];
    $password = $staffInfo["password"];
    $dob = $staffInfo["dob"];
    $phone = $staffInfo["phone"];
    $age = getAge($dob);
    //Cleaning data (prevent SQL injections)
    $username = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection, $usernameProvided);
    $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection, $emailProvided);
    $hashCodeEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection, md5(rand(0, 1000)));
    $cleanPassword = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnection, $password);
    //hashing password
    $options = array('cost' => 10);
    $passwordHashed = password_hash($cleanPassword, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options);
    $query = "INSERT INTO registered_staff ( username, password, email, hashEmail, firstName, middleInitial, lastName, nickname, phone, dateOfBirth, age)\n      VALUES ('" . $username . "', '" . $passwordHashed . "', '" . $email . "', '" . $hashCodeEmail . "' , '" . $fname . "', '" . $middleInitial . "', '" . $lname . "', '" . $nickname . "', '" . $phone . "', '" . $dob . "', '" . $age . "')";
    // echo "<p>".$query."</p>";
    $result = mysqli_query($dbConnection, $query);
    if ($result) {
        $staffID = $dbConnection->insert_id;
        if (isset($staffID)) {
            //echo "<p>staff saved with id $staffID</p>";
            return $staffID;
        } else {
            // echo "Unable to retrieve staff ID";
            return -3;
    // echo "Unable to store staff credentials";
    return -2;
文件: team.php 项目: nopuls/dzcp
function team($tID = '')
    global $db, $teamRow, $l_team;
    if (!empty($tID)) {
        $where = "WHERE id = '" . intval($tID) . "' AND navi = 1";
    } else {
        $where = "WHERE navi = '1' ORDER BY RAND()";
    $get = _fetch(db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['squads'] . " " . $where . ""));
    $qrym = db("SELECT s1.squad,s2.id,s2.level,s2.nick,s2.status,s2.rlname,s2.bday,s4.position\n                FROM " . $db['squaduser'] . " AS s1\n                LEFT JOIN " . $db['users'] . " AS s2\n                ON s2.id=s1.user\n                LEFT JOIN " . $db['userpos'] . " AS s3\n                ON s3.squad=s1.squad AND s3.user=s1.user\n                LEFT JOIN " . $db['pos'] . " AS s4\n                ON s4.id=s3.posi\n                WHERE s1.squad='" . $get['id'] . "'\n                AND s2.level != 0\n                ORDER BY s4.pid");
    $i = 1;
    $cnt = 0;
    while ($getm = _fetch($qrym)) {
        unset($tr1, $tr2);
        if ($i == 0 || $i == 1) {
            $tr1 = "<tr>";
        if ($i == $teamRow) {
            $tr2 = "</tr>";
            $i = 0;
        $status = $getm['status'] == 1 || $getm['level'] == 1 ? _aktiv : _inaktiv;
        $info = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . rawautor($getm['id']) . '</td></tr><tr><td width=80px><b>' . _posi . ':</b></td><td>' . getrank($getm['id'], $get['id']) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _status . ':</b></td><td>' . $status . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _age . ':</b></td><td>' . getAge($getm['bday']) . '</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>' . jsconvert(userpic($getm['id'])) . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"';
        $member .= show("menu/team_show", array("pic" => userpic($getm['id'], 40, 50), "tr1" => $tr1, "tr2" => $tr2, "squad" => $get['id'], "info" => $info, "id" => $getm['id'], "width" => round(100 / $teamRow, 0)));
    if (is_float($cnt / $teamRow)) {
        for ($e = $i; $e <= $teamRow; $e++) {
            $end .= '<td></td>';
        $end = $end . "</tr>";
    // Next / last ID
    $all = cnt($db['squads'], "WHERE `navi` = '1'");
    $next = _fetch(db("SELECT id FROM " . $db['squads'] . " WHERE `navi` = '1' AND `id` > '" . $get['id'] . "' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"));
    if (empty($next)) {
        $next = _fetch(db("SELECT id FROM " . $db['squads'] . " WHERE `navi` = '1' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"));
    $last = _fetch(db("SELECT id FROM " . $db['squads'] . " WHERE `navi` = '1' AND `id` < '" . $get['id'] . "' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"));
    if (empty($last)) {
        $last = _fetch(db("SELECT id FROM " . $db['squads'] . " WHERE `navi` = '1' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"));
    $team = show("menu/team", array("row" => $teamRow, "team" => re($get['name']), "id" => $get['id'], "next" => $next['id'], "last" => $last['id'], "br1" => $all <= 1 ? '<!--' : '', "br2" => $all <= 1 ? '-->' : '', "member" => $member, "end" => $end));
    return '<div id="navTeam">' . $team . '</div>';
文件: uotm.php 项目: nopuls/dzcp
function uotm()
    global $db, $allowHover;
    $imgFiles = array();
    $folder = get_files('../inc/images/uploads/userpics');
    foreach ($folder as $file) {
        array_push($imgFiles, $file);
    if (count($imgFiles) != 0) {
        $userid = intval($imgFiles[rand(0, count($imgFiles) - 1)]);
        $get = _fetch(db("SELECT id,nick,country,bday FROM " . $db['users'] . " WHERE id = '" . $userid . "'"));
        if (!empty($get)) {
            if ($allowHover == 1) {
                $info = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . rawautor($get['id']) . '</td></tr><tr><td width=50%><b>' . _age . ':</b></td><td>' . getAge($get['bday']) . '</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center>' . jsconvert(userpic($get['id'])) . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"';
            $uotm = show("menu/uotm", array("uid" => $userid, "upic" => userpic($get['id'], 130, 161), "info" => $info));
    return empty($uotm) ? '' : '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $uotm . '</table>';
 function execute($requests)
     $u = $GLOBALS['AUTH']->uid();
     $target_c_member_id = $u;
     $this->set('is_h_prof', 1);
     $this->set('inc_navi', fetch_inc_navi('h'));
     $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($u, 'private');
     $this->set('is_friend', 0);
     $this->set('c_diary_list', db_diary_get_c_diary_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, null, 'friend'));
         // アルバム
         $this->set('c_album_list', db_album_get_c_album_subject_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, null, 'friend'));
     // --- f_home, h_prof 共通処理
     $this->set('target_c_member_id', $target_c_member_id);
     $target_c_member['last_login'] = p_f_home_last_login4access_date($target_c_member['access_date']);
     if ($target_c_member['birth_year']) {
         $target_c_member['age'] = getAge($target_c_member['birth_year'], $target_c_member['birth_month'], $target_c_member['birth_day']);
     $this->set('target_c_member', $target_c_member);
     $this->set('c_rss_cache_list', db_rss_c_rss_cache_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('c_friend_comment_list', db_friend_c_friend_comment4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('c_friend_list', db_friend_c_friend_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 9));
     $this->set('c_friend_count', db_friend_count_friends($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('user_count', db_commu_count_c_commu4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
     $this->set('c_commu_list', db_commu_c_commu_list4c_member_id_2($target_c_member_id, 9));
     $this->set('c_review_list', db_review_c_review_list4member($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('profile_list', db_member_c_profile_list());
     // 誕生日まであと何日?
     $this->set('days_birthday', db_member_count_days_birthday4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
         // ポイント
         $point = db_point_get_point($target_c_member_id);
         $this->set("point", $point);
         // ランク
         $this->set("rank", db_point_get_rank4point($point));
     // inc_entry_point
     $this->set('inc_entry_point', fetch_inc_entry_point($this->getView(), 'f_home'));
     return 'success';
 public function getHTML()
     $container = isset($_SESSION['opensocial_container']) ? $_SESSION['opensocial_container'] : null;
     $page = new Neuron_Core_Template();
     $player = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer();
     if ($player) {
         $page->set('plid', $player->getId());
     } else {
         $page->set('plid', '');
     if (isset($_SESSION['birthday'])) {
         $page->set('birthday', date('Y-m-d', $_SESSION['birthday']));
         $page->set('age', getAge(date('Y-m-d', $_SESSION['birthday'])));
     if (isset($_SESSION['gender'])) {
         $page->set('gender', $_SESSION['gender']);
     $page->set('container', $container);
     //print_r ($_SESSION);
     return $page->parse('neuron/advertisement/loading.phpt');
 * Gets user's information from database by user's id
 * @param $sId - user ID
 * @return $aInfo - user info
function getUserInfo($sId)
    global $sWomanImageUrl;
    global $sManImageUrl;
    global $sImagesPath;
    global $sProfileUrl;
    global $sRootURL;
    //get info by ID on these fields
    $sNick = "";
    $sSex = "";
    $sAge = "0";
    $sDesc = "";
    $sImg = "";
    $sProfile = "";
    // You should change this query to retrieve user's data correctly
    $aUser = getArray("SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '" . $sId . "' LIMIT 1");
     * Define photo.
     * If this user has a photo you should define it's uri here.
     * Otherwise a "no_photo" image is used.
    if ((int) $aUser['PrimPhoto'] != 0) {
        $sPhoto = $sImagesPath . $aUser['ID'] . "/thumb_" . getValue("SELECT `med_file` FROM `media` WHERE `med_id`='" . $aUser['PrimPhoto'] . "'");
    } else {
        $sPhoto = $aUser['Sex'] == 'female' ? $sWomanImageUrl : $sManImageUrl;
    $sSex = isset($aUser['Sex']) ? $aUser['Sex'] : "male";
    $sNick = $aUser['NickName'];
    $sAge = isset($aUser['DateOfBirth']) ? getAge($aUser['DateOfBirth']) : "25";
    $sDesc = isset($aUser['DescriptionMe']) ? $aUser['DescriptionMe'] : "";
    $sModRewrite = getValue("SELECT `VALUE` FROM `GlParams` WHERE `Name`='enable_modrewrite' LIMIT 1");
    $sProfile = $sModRewrite == "on" ? $sRootURL . $sNick : $sProfileUrl . "?ID=" . $sId;
     * Return user info.
     * NOTE. Do not change the return statement order.
    return array("nick" => $sNick, "sex" => $sSex, "age" => $sAge, "desc" => $sDesc, "photo" => $sPhoto, "profile" => $sProfile);
 * Gets user's information from database by user's id
 * @param $sId - user ID
 * @return $aInfo - user info
function getUserInfo($sId, $bNick = false)
    global $sWomanImageUrl;
    global $sManImageUrl;
    global $sProfileUrl;
    global $sRootURL;
    //get info by ID on these fields
    $sNick = "";
    $sSex = "";
    $sAge = "0";
    $sDesc = "";
    $sPhoto = "";
    $sProfile = "";
    //You should change this query to retrieve user's data correctly
    $sWherePart = ($bNick ? "`NickName`" : "`ID`") . " = '" . $sId . "'";
    $aUser = getArray("SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE " . $sWherePart . " LIMIT 1");
     * Define photo.
     * If this user has a photo you should define it's uri here.
     * Otherwise a "no_photo" image is used.
    $oBaseFunctions = bx_instance("BxBaseFunctions");
    $sSex = !empty($aUser['Sex']) ? $aUser['Sex'] : "male";
    $sPhoto = $oBaseFunctions->getMemberAvatar($sId);
    if (empty($sPhoto)) {
        $sPhoto = $sSex == "male" ? $sManImageUrl : $sWomanImageUrl;
    $sNick = $aUser['NickName'];
    $sAge = isset($aUser['DateOfBirth']) ? getAge($aUser['DateOfBirth']) : "25";
    $sDesc = isset($aUser['DescriptionMe']) ? strip_tags($aUser['DescriptionMe']) : "";
    $sProfile = getParam('enable_modrewrite') == "on" ? $sRootURL . $sNick : $sProfileUrl . "?ID=" . $sId;
     * Return user info.
     * NOTE. Do not change the return statement order.
    return array("id" => (int) $aUser["ID"], "nick" => $sNick, "sex" => $sSex, "age" => $sAge, "desc" => $sDesc, "photo" => $sPhoto, "profile" => $sProfile);
 public function view()
     $uid = intval($_REQUEST['uid']);
     if (!$uid) {
     $userModel = D('User');
     $intentionModel = D('Intention');
     $introModel = D('Intro');
     $userJoinKeywordModel = D('UserJoinKeyword');
     $userJoinFunctionModel = D('UserJoinFunction');
     $jobModel = D('Job');
     $projectModel = D('Project');
     $dictMajorModel = D('DictMajor');
     $dictLocationModel = D('DictLocation');
     $data = array();
     $data['user'] = $userModel->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->find();
     $data['intention'] = $intentionModel->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->find();
     $data['intro'] = $introModel->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->getfield('intro');
     $data['keyword'] = $userJoinKeywordModel->field('keyword.keyword')->join('LEFT JOIN keyword ON user_join_keyword.keyword_id = keyword.id ')->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->select();
     $data['function'] = $userJoinFunctionModel->field('dict_function.function_name')->join('LEFT JOIN dict_function ON user_join_function.function_id = dict_function.function_id ')->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->select();
     $data['job'] = $jobModel->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->select();
     $data['project'] = $projectModel->where(" uid = {$uid} ")->select();
     $data['user']['sex'] = getSex($data['user']['sex']);
     $data['user']['age'] = getAge($data['user']['birthday']);
     $data['user']['birthday'] = getBirthday($data['user']['birthday']);
     $data['user']['workyear'] = getDictValue('WORKYEAR', $data['user']['workyear']);
     $data['user']['location'] = $dictLocationModel->getLocationName($data['user']['location']);
     $data['user']['jobstatus'] = getDictValue('JOBSTATUS', $data['user']['jobstatus']);
     $data['user']['degrees'] = getDictValue('DEGREES', $data['user']['degrees']);
     $data['user']['major'] = $dictMajorModel->getMajorName($data['user']['major']);
     $data['intention']['jobarea'] = $dictLocationModel->getLocationName($data['intention']['jobarea']);
     $data['intention']['salary'] = getDictValue('SALARY', $data['intention']['salary']);
     $this->assign('data', $data);
     $this->assign('title', '查看');
 function execute($requests)
     // --- リクエスト変数
     $target_c_member_id = $u;
     // ----------
     $this->set('is_h_prof', 1);
     $this->set('c_siteadmin', p_common_c_siteadmin4target_pagename('k_f_home'));
     $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($target_c_member_id, 'private');
     $target_c_member['last_login'] = p_f_home_last_login4access_date($target_c_member['access_date']);
     if ($target_c_member['birth_year']) {
         $target_c_member['age'] = getAge($target_c_member['birth_year'], $target_c_member['birth_month'], $target_c_member['birth_day']);
     $this->set("target_c_member", $target_c_member);
     $this->set('c_diary_list', db_diary_get_c_diary_list4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5, null, 'friend'));
     $this->set("c_friend_list", db_friend_c_friend_list_random4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set("c_commu_list", db_commu_c_commu_list_lastupdate4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, 5));
     $this->set('common_commu_count', count(db_common_commu_common_commu_id4c_member_id($target_c_member_id, $u)));
     $this->set('profile_list', db_member_c_profile_list());
     // 誕生日まであと何日?
     $this->set('days_birthday', db_member_count_days_birthday4c_member_id($target_c_member_id));
         // ポイント
         $point = db_point_get_point($target_c_member_id);
         $this->set("point", $point);
         // ランク
         $this->set("rank", db_point_get_rank4point($point));
     // inc_entry_point
     $this->set('inc_ktai_entry_point', fetch_inc_entry_point($this->getView(), 'ktai_f_home'));
     return 'success';
 function execute($requests)
     // --- リクエスト変数
     $target_c_member_id = $requests['target_c_member_id'];
     // ----------
     $is_h = 0;
     if ($target_c_member_id == $u || empty($target_c_member_id)) {
         $target_c_member_id = $u;
         $is_h = 1;
     if (!$is_h) {
         if (!db_member_is_active_c_member_id($target_c_member_id)) {
         if (db_member_is_access_block($u, $target_c_member_id)) {
             openpne_redirect('ktai', 'page_h_access_block');
         db_ashiato_insert_c_ashiato($target_c_member_id, $u);
     $is_friend = db_friend_is_friend($u, $target_c_member_id);
     if ($is_h || $is_friend) {
         $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($target_c_member_id, 'friend');
     } else {
         $target_c_member = db_member_c_member_with_profile($target_c_member_id, 'public');
     if ($target_c_member['birth_year']) {
         $target_c_member['age'] = getAge($target_c_member['birth_year'], $target_c_member['birth_month'], $target_c_member['birth_day']);
     $this->set('is_h', $is_h);
     $this->set('target_c_member', $target_c_member);
     $this->set('profile_list', db_member_c_profile_list());
     $this->set('relation', db_friend_relationship4two_members($u, $target_c_member_id));
     return 'success';
     $URL .= "&addReturn=fail2";
     header("Location: {$URL}");
 if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
     //Fail 4
     $URL .= "&addReturn=fail4";
     header("Location: {$URL}");
 } else {
     //Check publicRegistrationMinimumAge
     $publicRegistrationMinimumAge = getSettingByScope($connection2, 'User Admin', 'publicRegistrationMinimumAge');
     $ageFail = FALSE;
     if ($publicRegistrationMinimumAge == "") {
         $ageFail = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($publicRegistrationMinimumAge > 0 and $publicRegistrationMinimumAge > getAge(dateConvertToTimestamp($dob), TRUE, TRUE)) {
             $ageFail = TRUE;
     if ($ageFail == TRUE) {
         //Fail 5
         $URL .= "&addReturn=fail5";
         header("Location: {$URL}");
     } else {
         //Write to database
         try {
             $data = array("surname" => $surname, "firstName" => $firstName, "preferredName" => $preferredName, "officialName" => $officialName, "gender" => $gender, "dob" => $dob, "email" => $email, "username" => $username, "passwordStrong" => $passwordStrong, "passwordStrongSalt" => $salt, "status" => $status, "gibbonRoleIDPrimary" => $gibbonRoleIDPrimary, "gibbonRoleIDAll" => $gibbonRoleIDAll);
             $sql = "INSERT INTO gibbonPerson SET surname=:surname, firstName=:firstName, preferredName=:preferredName, officialName=:officialName, gender=:gender, dob=:dob, email=:email, username=:username, password='', passwordStrong=:passwordStrong, passwordStrongSalt=:passwordStrongSalt, status=:status, gibbonRoleIDPrimary=:gibbonRoleIDPrimary, gibbonRoleIDAll=:gibbonRoleIDAll";
             $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
 print "</tr>";
 print "<tr>";
 print "<td style='width: 33%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: top'>";
 print "<span style='font-size: 115%; font-weight: bold'>" . _('Gender') . "</span><br/>";
 print $row["gender"];
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='width: 33%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: top'>";
 print "<span style='font-size: 115%; font-weight: bold'>" . _('Date of Birth') . "</span><br/>";
 if (is_null($row["dob"]) == FALSE and $row["dob"] != "0000-00-00") {
     print dateConvertBack($guid, $row["dob"]);
 print "</td>";
 print "<td style='width: 33%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: top'>";
 print "<span style='font-size: 115%; font-weight: bold'>" . _('Age') . "</span><br/>";
 if (is_null($row["dob"]) == FALSE and $row["dob"] != "0000-00-00") {
     print getAge(dateConvertToTimestamp($row["dob"]));
 print "</td>";
 print "</tr>";
 print "</table>";
 print "<h4>";
 print _("Contacts");
 print "</h4>";
 print "<table class='smallIntBorder' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%'>";
 $numberCount = 0;
 if ($row["phone1"] != "" or $row["phone2"] != "" or $row["phone3"] != "" or $row["phone4"] != "") {
     print "<tr>";
     for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
         if ($row["phone" . $i] != "") {
             print "<td width: 33%; style='vertical-align: top'>";
        echo getStrCut($MB[MB_NIC], 10, '..');
        echo $MB[MB_TYPE];
        echo $MB_GROUP[$MB[MB_TYPE] - 1];
        echo getSex($MB[MB_SEX]);
        echo getAge($MB[MB_BIRTH]);
        echo substr($MB[MB_ADDR1], 0, 4);
        if ($MB[MB_HOME_TEL]) {
<img src='./image/ico_tel.gif' style='cursor:pointer;' onclick="alert('전화번호 : <?php 
            echo $MB[MB_HOME_TEL];
    // function to convert date of birth into age.
    function getAge($Birthdate)
        // Explode the date into meaningful variables
        list($BirthMonth, $BirthDay, $BirthYear) = explode("/", $Birthdate);
        // Find the differences
        $YearDiff = date("Y") - $BirthYear;
        $MonthDiff = date("m") - $BirthMonth;
        $DayDiff = date("d") - $BirthDay;
        // If the birthday has not occured this year
        if ($DayDiff < 0 || $MonthDiff < 0) {
        return $YearDiff;
    $age = getAge($Birthdate);
    // calls getAge function and stores the age in $age.
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT user_email FROM user_details WHERE user_email='{$user_profile['email']}'");
    $row = mysql_num_rows($res);
    // gives the number of rows selected
    if ($row > 0) {
        $update_fb = "UPDATE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_details \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_name = '" . $user_profile[name] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_email = '" . $user_profile[email] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_age = '" . $age . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_gender = '" . $user_profile[gender] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_email = " . $user_profile[email];
    } else {
        $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO user_details (user_name,user_email,user_age,user_gender) VALUES ('{$user_profile['name']}','{$user_profile['email']}','{$age}','{$user_profile['gender']}')";
        mysql_query($sql_insert) or die("Error: " . mysql_error() . " with query " . $query);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3Czz//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> 
if (isset($get_talents)) {
    foreach ($get_talents as $talent) {
        <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6" >
          <!-- Widget: user widget style 1 -->
          <div class="box box-widget widget-user">
            <!-- Add the bg color to the header using any of the bg-* classes -->
            <div class="widget-user-header bg-aqua-active">
              <h3 class="widget-user-username"><?php 
        echo $talent['first_name'] . " " . $talent['last_name'];
              <h5 class="widget-user-desc"><?php 
        echo $talent['sex'] . ",&nbsp;" . getAge($talent['dob']);
            <div class="widget-user-image">
            <img class="img-circle card" src="<?php 
        echo $talent['photo1_url'];
"  alt="talent_photo"  />
            <div class="box-footer">
            <div class="row">
        $events = $talent['events'];
        if (is_null($events) or $events == "") {
            $events = " - not set - ";
    echo "<img src=\"elements/default_avatar.png\"/>";
} else {
    echo "<img src=\"foto/" . $row['foto_user'] . "\"/>";
echo "<div id=\"emer\">" . $row['emer_user'] . " " . $row['mbiemer_user'] . "</div></a> </div>";
if ($row['roli'] == 0) {
    echo "<div>Student</div>";
} else {
    echo "<div>Profesor</div>";
if (strcasecmp($row['gjinia'], "m") == 0) {
    echo "<div>Mashkull</div>";
} else {
    echo "<div>Fem&euml;r</div>";
$mosha = getAge($row['dtl_user']);
echo "<div>" . $mosha . " vje&ccedil;</div><br/>";
$query2 = "SELECT `dega`.`emer_dega`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, `fakultet`.`emer_shkurt_fak`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, `universitet`.`emer_shkurt_uni`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `user`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `dega` \n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (`user`.`user_id_dega` = `dega`.`id_dega`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `fakultet` \n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (`dega`.`dega_id_fak` = `fakultet`.`id_fak`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `universitet` \n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (`fakultet`.`fak_id_uni` = `universitet`.`id_uni`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id_user={$_SESSION['id']} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1;";
$result2 = mysqli_query($connection, $query2);
$row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2);
echo "<div>" . $row2['emer_dega'] . ", " . $row2['emer_shkurt_fak'] . ", " . $row2['emer_shkurt_uni'] . "</div>";
echo "<div>Vendlindja: " . $row['vendlindja_user'] . "</div>";
if (isset($row['informacion_user'])) {
    echo "<div>Informacion shtes&euml;: " . $row['informacion_user'] . "</div>";
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-inline="false" data-rel="back"> OK </a>
			<a href="includes/logout.php" data-ajax="false" data-role="button" data-inline="false">Logout</a>
文件: MY_Model.php 项目: qiuai/qieyou
 public function get_users_info_by_ids($ids)
     $user_info = array();
     $cond = array('table' => 'user_info', 'fields' => 'user_id,nick_name,sex,headimg,birthday', 'where' => 'user_id IN (' . $ids . ')');
     $rs = $this->get_all($cond);
     if ($rs) {
         foreach ($rs as $key => $row) {
             $row['age'] = getAge($row['birthday']);
             $user_info[$row['user_id']] = $row;
     return $user_info;
文件: index.php 项目: nopuls/dzcp
         if (data($get['id'], "level") > 1) {
             $status = $getstatus;
         } else {
             $status = "";
         $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
         if (permission("editusers")) {
             $edit = show("page/button_edit", array("id" => "", "action" => "action=admin&amp;edit=" . $get['id'], "title" => _button_title_edit));
             $edit = str_replace("&amp;id=", "", $edit);
             $delete = show("page/button_delete", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "action=admin&amp;do=delete", "title" => _button_title_del));
         } else {
             $edit = "";
             $delete = "";
         $userliste .= show($dir . "/userliste_show", array("nick" => autor($get['id'], '', '', 10), "level" => getrank($get['id']), "status" => $status, "email" => $email, "age" => getAge($get['bday']), "mf" => $sex, "edit" => $edit, "delete" => $delete, "class" => $class, "icq" => $icq, "icquin" => $get['icq'], "onoff" => onlinecheck($get['id']), "hp" => $hp, "hlsw" => $hlsw));
     $seiten = nav($entrys, $maxuserlist, "?action=userlist&show=" . $_GET['show'] . "");
     if (permission("editusers")) {
         $edel = '<td class="contentMainTop" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>';
     if (isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) {
         $search = $_GET['search'];
     } else {
         $search = _nick;
     $index = show($dir . "/userliste", array("userlistehead" => _userlist, "nickhead" => _nick, "normal" => _ulist_normal, "country" => _ulist_country, "sex" => _ulist_sex, "cnt" => $entrys . " " . _user, "lastreg" => _ulist_lastreg, "online" => _ulist_online, "age" => _ulist_age, "login" => _ulist_last_login, "bday" => _ulist_bday, "sort" => _ulist_sort, "banned" => _ulist_acc_banned, "edel" => $edel, "search" => $search, "value" => _button_value_search, "mficon" => _mficon_blank, "nav" => $seiten, "statushead" => _status, "emailicon" => _emailicon_blank, "addbuddyicon" => _addbuddyicon_blank, "agehead" => _profil_age, "icqicon" => _icqicon_blank, "pnicon" => _pnicon_blank, "hpicon" => _hpicon_blank, "hlswicon" => _hlswicon_blank, "show" => $userliste));
 case 'buddys':
     $where = _site_user_buddys;
     if ($chkMe == "unlogged") {
 public function user_ping()
     if (!checkpost()) {
     if (!$GLOBALS['islogin']) {
         exit('{"stat":9, "errno":"未登录", "error":"未登录}');
     $msgModel = D('Msg');
     $u = $msgModel->check_contact('uid', 'uid, username, sex, default_pic, score_impress, score_impress_num, hometown_prov, hometown_city');
     $ping_score = round(floatval($_POST['score']), 1);
     $ping_score = min(max(1, $ping_score), 10);
     $score = ($ping_score - $u['score_impress']) / ($u['score_impress_num'] + 1) + $u['score_impress'];
     $score = round($score, 1);
     $visit = M('visit');
     $data['uid'] = $GLOBALS['i']['uid'];
     $data['visit_uid'] = $u['uid'];
     $data['score_impress'] = $ping_score;
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $hot = $visit->where("uid={$GLOBALS['i']['uid']} AND visit_uid={$u['uid']}")->find();
     if ($hot) {
     } else {
     $member = M('member');
     $edit['score_impress'] = $score;
     $edit['score_impress_num'] = array('exp', "score_impress_num+1");
     //echo $member->getLastSql();
     $member_field = M('member_field');
     $data1['new_receive_score'] = array('exp', 'new_receive_score+1');
     $data1['receive_score_num'] = array('exp', 'receive_score_num+1');
     $offset = $GLOBALS['i']['user_ping_offset'] + 1;
     $sex = 3 - $GLOBALS['i']['sex'];
     $count = $member->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->count();
     $offset = $offset > $count - 1 ? 0 : $offset;
     $member->where("uid={$GLOBALS['i']['uid']}")->setField('user_ping_offset', $offset);
     $rs = $member->field('uid, sex, username, default_pic, photonum, hometown_prov, hometown_city, want_content')->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->limit("{$offset}, 2")->select();
     $u1 = $rs[0];
     $offset = $offset + 11 > $count - 1 ? $offset - $count : $offset;
     $u2 = $member->field('uid, default_pic, username')->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->limit($offset + 11 . ",1")->select();
     $u2 = $u2[0];
     $u3 = $rs[1];
     $accurate = $is_play = '';
     if ($ping_score > $score) {
         $accurate = '谢谢你啊!';
     } elseif ($ping_score == $score) {
         $accurate = '太准了!';
         $is_play = 1;
     } elseif ($ping_score > $score - 0.5) {
         $accurate = '不错哦!';
     } else {
         $accurate = '欠你钱啊!';
     $do_things = do_things($u1['want_content'], $u1['sex']);
     $next_ping_user = array("key" => "2Nsk3l", "uid" => $u1['uid'], "sex" => $u1['sex'] + 1, "photo_count" => $u1['photonum'], "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u1['default_pic'] . '_240x240.jpg', "nickname" => $u1['username'], "age_show" => getAge($u1['birth_y']) . '岁,', "location_country" => '中国', "location_prov" => $u1['hometown_prov'], "location_city" => $u1['hometown_city'], "do_things" => $do_things);
     $end_ping_user = array("uid" => $u2['uid'], "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u2['default_pic'] . '_72x72.jpg', "nickname" => $u2['username']);
     $last_ping_user = array("photo_count" => $u['photonum'], "ta" => ui_sex($u['sex']), "ping_score" => $ping_score, "score" => $score, "home_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urldomain'] . "/{$u['uid']}", "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u['default_pic'] . '_72x72.jpg', "nickname" => $u['username'], "age_show" => getAge($u['birth_y']) . '岁,', "location_country" => '中国', "location_prov" => $u['hometown_prov'], "location_city" => $u['hometown_city'], "ico_button" => "", "is_play" => $is_play, "accurate" => $accurate);
     $arr = array("next_ping_user" => $next_ping_user, "end_ping_user" => $end_ping_user, "last_ping_user" => $last_ping_user, "preload_img_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u3['default_pic'] . '_240x240.jpg');
     echo json_encode($arr);
function loadColumnData($key, $row, $quantity = 1)
    global $areport, $arr_titles, $form_content, $from_date, $to_date, $arr_show;
    // If first instance of this key, initialize its arrays.
    if (empty($areport[$key])) {
        $areport[$key] = array();
        $areport[$key]['.prp'] = 0;
        // previous pid
        $areport[$key]['.wom'] = 0;
        // number of services for women
        $areport[$key]['.men'] = 0;
        // number of services for men
        $areport[$key]['.age2'] = array(0, 0);
        // age array
        $areport[$key]['.age9'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        // age array
        foreach ($arr_show as $askey => $dummy) {
            if (substr($askey, 0, 1) == '.') {
            $areport[$key][$askey] = array();
    // Skip this key if we are counting unique patients and the key
    // has already seen this patient.
    if ($form_content == '2' && $row['pid'] == $areport[$key]['.prp']) {
    // If we are counting new acceptors, then require a unique patient
    // whose contraceptive start date is within the reporting period.
    if ($form_content == '3') {
        // if ($row['pid'] == $areport[$key]['prp']) return;
        if ($row['pid'] == $areport[$key]['.prp']) {
        // Check contraceptive start date.
        if (!$row['contrastart'] || $row['contrastart'] < $from_date || $row['contrastart'] > $to_date) {
    // If we are counting new clients, then require a unique patient
    // whose registration date is within the reporting period.
    if ($form_content == '4') {
        if ($row['pid'] == $areport[$key]['.prp']) {
        // Check registration date.
        if (!$row['regdate'] || $row['regdate'] < $from_date || $row['regdate'] > $to_date) {
    // Flag this patient as having been encountered for this report row.
    // $areport[$key]['prp'] = $row['pid'];
    $areport[$key]['.prp'] = $row['pid'];
    // Increment the correct sex category.
    if (strcasecmp($row['sex'], 'Male') == 0) {
        $areport[$key]['.men'] += $quantity;
    } else {
        $areport[$key]['.wom'] += $quantity;
    // Increment the correct age categories.
    $age = getAge(fixDate($row['DOB']), $row['encdate']);
    $i = min(intval(($age - 5) / 5), 8);
    if ($age < 11) {
        $i = 0;
    $areport[$key]['.age9'][$i] += $quantity;
    $i = $age < 25 ? 0 : 1;
    $areport[$key]['.age2'][$i] += $quantity;
    foreach ($arr_show as $askey => $dummy) {
        if (substr($askey, 0, 1) == '.') {
        $status = empty($row[$askey]) ? 'Unspecified' : $row[$askey];
        $areport[$key][$askey][$status] += $quantity;
        $arr_titles[$askey][$status] += $quantity;
function loadColumnData($key, $row)
    global $areport, $arr_titles, $from_date, $to_date, $arr_show;
    // If no result, do nothing.
    if (empty($row['abnormal'])) {
    // If first instance of this key, initialize its arrays.
    if (empty($areport[$key])) {
        $areport[$key] = array();
        $areport[$key]['.prp'] = 0;
        // previous pid
        $areport[$key]['.wom'] = 0;
        // number of positive results for women
        $areport[$key]['.men'] = 0;
        // number of positive results for men
        $areport[$key]['.neg'] = 0;
        // number of negative results
        $areport[$key]['.age'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        // age array
        foreach ($arr_show as $askey => $dummy) {
            if (substr($askey, 0, 1) == '.') {
            $areport[$key][$askey] = array();
    // Flag this patient as having been encountered for this report row.
    $areport[$key]['.prp'] = $row['pid'];
    // Collect abnormal results only, except for a column of total negatives.
    if ($row['abnormal'] == 'no') {
    // Increment the correct sex category.
    if (strcasecmp($row['sex'], 'Male') == 0) {
    } else {
    // Increment the correct age category.
    $age = getAge(fixDate($row['DOB']), $row['date_ordered']);
    $i = min(intval(($age - 5) / 5), 8);
    if ($age < 11) {
        $i = 0;
    // For each patient attribute to report, this increments the array item
    // whose key is the attribute's value.  This works well for list-based
    // attributes.  A key of "Unspecified" is used where the attribute has
    // no assigned value.
    foreach ($arr_show as $askey => $dummy) {
        if (substr($askey, 0, 1) == '.') {
        $status = empty($row[$askey]) ? 'Unspecified' : $row[$askey];
        $areport[$key][$askey][$status] += 1;
        $arr_titles[$askey][$status] += 1;
文件: profile.php 项目: lmcro/fcms
  * displayProfile 
  * @return void
 function displayProfile()
     $memberId = (int) $_GET['member'];
     // handle unknown user
     if ($memberId == 0) {
         echo '
         <p class="error-alert">
             <b>' . T_('Unknown member.') . '</b><br/>
     $sql = "SELECT u.fname, u.lname, u.email, u.`bio`, u.`dob_year`, u.`dob_month`, u.`dob_day`, \n                    u.`dod_year`, u.`dod_month`, u.`dod_day`, u.avatar, u.username, u.joindate, \n                    u.`activity`, u.`sex`, a.`id` AS aid, a.`address`, a.`city`, a.`state`, a.`zip`, \n                    a.`home`, a.`cell`, a.`work`  \n                FROM fcms_users AS u, fcms_address AS a \n                WHERE u.id = ?\n                AND u.id = a.user";
     $row = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $memberId);
     if ($row === false) {
     $tzOffset = getTimezone($memberId);
     $joinDate = fixDate(T_('F j, Y'), $tzOffset, $row['joindate']);
     $address = formatAddress($row);
     $contact = '';
     $activityDate = T_('Never visited');
     $points = getUserParticipationPoints($memberId);
     $level = getUserParticipationLevel($points);
     // Contacts - Email
     if (!empty($row['cell'])) {
         $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Email') . '</span> ' . $row['email'] . '</p>';
     // Contacts - Phone
     if (!empty($row['cell'])) {
         $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Cell') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['cell']) . '</p>';
     if (!empty($row['home'])) {
         $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_pgettext('The beginning or starting place.', 'Home') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['home']) . '</p>';
     if (!empty($row['work'])) {
         $contact .= '<p><span>' . T_('Work') . '</span> ' . formatPhone($row['work']) . '</p>';
     // Call
     $hasPhone = false;
     $call = '';
     $tel = '';
     if (!empty($row['cell'])) {
         $tel = $row['cell'];
         $hasPhone = true;
     } else {
         if (!empty($row['home'])) {
             $tel = $row['home'];
             $hasPhone = true;
         } else {
             if (!empty($row['work'])) {
                 $tel = $row['work'];
                 $hasPhone = true;
     if ($hasPhone) {
         $call = '<li><a class="call" href="tel:' . $tel . '">' . sprintf(T_pgettext('%s is the name of a person. Call Bob. etc.', 'Call %s'), $row['fname']) . '</a></li>';
     // Activity
     if ($row['activity'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         $activityDate = fixDate(T_('F j, Y g:i a'), $tzOffset, $row['activity']);
     $bday = formatDate('F j, Y', $row['dob_year'] . '-' . $row['dob_month'] . '-' . $row['dob_day']);
     $age = getAge($row['dob_year'], $row['dob_month'], $row['dob_day']);
     $gender = $row['sex'] == 'M' ? T_('Male') : T_('Female');
     echo '
             <div id="avatar">
                 <h1><img class="avatar" src="' . getCurrentAvatar($memberId) . '" alt="avatar"/></h1>
                 ' . $level . '
             <div class="name-contacts">
                 <h1>' . cleanOutput($row['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($row['lname']) . '</h1>
                 <h2>' . cleanOutput($row['username']) . '</h2>
                     ' . $call . '
                     <li><a class="email" href="mailto:' . $row['email'] . '">' . T_('Send Email') . '</a></li>
                     <li><a class="pm" href="privatemsg.php?compose=new&amp;id=' . $memberId . '">' . T_('Send Private Message') . '</a></li>
                             <b>' . T_('Birthday') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $bday . ' (' . sprintf(T_('%s years old'), $age) . ')</div>
                             <b>' . T_('Gender') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $gender . '</div>
                             <b>' . T_('Location') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $address . '</div>
                             <b>' . T_('Contact') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $contact . '</div>
                     <b>' . T_('Bio') . '</b>
                     <div>' . cleanOutput($row['bio']) . '</div>
                             <b>' . T_('Join Date') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $joinDate . '</div>
                             <b>' . T_('Last Visit') . '</b>
                             <div>' . $activityDate . '</div>
 $profession = $_POST['profession'];
 $employer = $_POST['employer'];
 $jobTitle = $_POST['jobTitle'];
 $graduatingYear = $_POST['graduatingYear'];
 $formerRole = $_POST['formerRole'];
 if ($surname == '' or $firstName == '' or $officialName == '' or $gender == '' or $dob == '' or $email == '' or $formerRole == '') {
     //Fail 3
     $URL .= '&return=error3';
     header("Location: {$URL}");
 } else {
     //Check publicRegistrationMinimumAge
     $publicRegistrationMinimumAge = getSettingByScope($connection2, 'User Admin', 'publicRegistrationMinimumAge');
     $ageFail = false;
     if ($publicRegistrationMinimumAge == '') {
         $ageFail = true;
     } elseif ($publicRegistrationMinimumAge > 0 and $publicRegistrationMinimumAge > getAge(dateConvertToTimestamp($dob), true, true)) {
         $ageFail = true;
     if ($ageFail == true) {
         //Fail 5
         $URL .= '&return=error5';
         header("Location: {$URL}");
     } else {
         //Write to database
         try {
             $data = array('title' => $title, 'surname' => $surname, 'firstName' => $firstName, 'officialName' => $officialName, 'maidenName' => $maidenName, 'gender' => $gender, 'username' => $username, 'dob' => $dob, 'email' => $email, 'address1Country' => $address1Country, 'profession' => $profession, 'employer' => $employer, 'jobTitle' => $jobTitle, 'graduatingYear' => $graduatingYear, 'formerRole' => $formerRole);
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO alumniAlumnus SET title=:title, surname=:surname, firstName=:firstName, officialName=:officialName, maidenName=:maidenName, gender=:gender, username=:username, dob=:dob, email=:email, address1Country=:address1Country, profession=:profession, employer=:employer, jobTitle=:jobTitle, graduatingYear=:graduatingYear, formerRole=:formerRole';
             $result = $connection2->prepare($sql);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             //Fail 2