 * Details page tab custom fields.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $post The current post object.
 * @param array $tabs_arr Tabs array {@see geodir_detail_page_tab_headings_change()}.
 * @return array Modified tabs array.
function geodir_detail_page_custom_field_tab($tabs_arr)
    global $post;
    $post_type = geodir_get_current_posttype();
    $all_postypes = geodir_get_posttypes();
    if (!empty($tabs_arr) && $post_type != '' && in_array($post_type, $all_postypes) && (geodir_is_page('detail') || geodir_is_page('preview'))) {
        $package_info = array();
        $package_info = geodir_post_package_info($package_info, $post);
        $post_package_id = $package_info->pid;
        $fields_location = 'detail';
        $custom_fields = geodir_post_custom_fields($post_package_id, 'default', $post_type, $fields_location);
        if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
            $parse_custom_fields = array();
            foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
                $field = stripslashes_deep($field);
                // strip slashes
                $type = $field;
                $field_name = $field['htmlvar_name'];
                if (empty($geodir_post_info) && geodir_is_page('preview') && $field_name != '' && !isset($post->{$field_name}) && isset($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                    $post->{$field_name} = $_REQUEST[$field_name];
                if (isset($field['show_as_tab']) && $field['show_as_tab'] == 1 && (isset($post->{$field_name}) && $post->{$field_name} != '' || $field['type'] == 'fieldset') && in_array($field['type'], array('text', 'datepicker', 'textarea', 'time', 'phone', 'email', 'select', 'multiselect', 'url', 'html', 'fieldset', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'file'))) {
                    if ($type['type'] == 'datepicker' && ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '' || $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '0000-00-00')) {
                    $parse_custom_fields[] = $field;
            $custom_fields = $parse_custom_fields;
        if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
            $field_set_start = 0;
            $fieldset_count = 0;
            $fieldset = '';
            $total_fields = count($custom_fields);
            $count_field = 0;
            $fieldset_arr = array();
            $i = 0;
            $geodir_post_info = isset($post->ID) && !empty($post->ID) ? geodir_get_post_info($post->ID) : NULL;
            foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
                $field_name = $field['htmlvar_name'];
                if (empty($geodir_post_info) && geodir_is_page('preview') && $field_name != '' && !isset($post->{$field_name}) && isset($_REQUEST[$field_name])) {
                    $post->{$field_name} = $_REQUEST[$field_name];
                if (isset($field['show_as_tab']) && $field['show_as_tab'] == 1 && (isset($post->{$field_name}) && $post->{$field_name} != '' || $field['type'] == 'fieldset') && in_array($field['type'], array('text', 'datepicker', 'textarea', 'time', 'phone', 'email', 'select', 'multiselect', 'url', 'html', 'fieldset', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'file'))) {
                    $label = $field['site_title'] != '' ? $field['site_title'] : $field['admin_title'];
                    $site_title = trim($field['site_title']);
                    $type = $field;
                    $html = '';
                    $html_var = $field_name;
                    $field_icon = '';
                    $variables_array = array();
                    if ($type['type'] == 'datepicker' && ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '' || $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '0000-00-00')) {
                    if ($type['type'] != 'fieldset') {
                        $variables_array['post_id'] = $post->ID;
                        $variables_array['label'] = __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory');
                        $variables_array['value'] = '';
                        $variables_array['value'] = $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                    if (strpos($type['field_icon'], 'http') !== false) {
                        $field_icon = ' background: url(' . $type['field_icon'] . ') no-repeat left center;background-size:18px 18px;padding-left: 21px;';
                    } elseif (strpos($type['field_icon'], 'fa fa-') !== false) {
                        $field_icon = '<i class="' . $type['field_icon'] . '"></i>';
                    switch ($type['type']) {
                        case 'fieldset':
                            $i = 0;
                            $field_set_start = 1;
                            $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count]['htmlvar_name'] = 'gd_tab_' . $fieldset_count;
                            $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count]['label'] = $label;
                        case 'url':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                if ($type['name'] == 'geodir_facebook') {
                                    $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i>';
                                } elseif ($type['name'] == 'geodir_twitter') {
                                    $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i>';
                                } else {
                                    $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            if (!strstr($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'], 'http')) {
                                $website = 'http://' . $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                            } else {
                                $website = $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            // all search engines that use the nofollow value exclude links that use it from their ranking calculation
                            $rel = strpos($website, get_site_url()) !== false ? '' : 'rel="nofollow"';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '"><span class="geodir-i-website" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af . ' <a href="' . $website . '" target="_blank" ' . $rel . ' ><strong>' . apply_filters('geodir_custom_field_website_name', stripslashes(__($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory')), $website, $post->ID) . '</strong></a></span></div>';
                        case 'phone':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-phone"></i>';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-contact" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                        case 'time':
                            $value = '';
                            if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '') {
                                //$value = date('h:i',strtotime($post->$type['htmlvar_name']));
                                $value = date(get_option('time_format'), strtotime($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']));
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-time" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . stripslashes($value) . '</div>';
                        case 'datepicker':
                            $date_format = geodir_default_date_format();
                            if ($type['extra_fields'] != '') {
                                $date_format = unserialize($type['extra_fields']);
                                $date_format = $date_format['date_format'];
                            $search = array('dd', 'd', 'DD', 'mm', 'm', 'MM', 'yy');
                            //jQuery UI datepicker format
                            $replace = array('d', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'F', 'Y');
                            //PHP date format
                            $date_format = str_replace($search, $replace, $date_format);
                            $post_htmlvar_value = $date_format == 'd/m/Y' ? str_replace('/', '-', $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) : $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                            // PHP doesn't work well with dd/mm/yyyy format
                            $value = '';
                            if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '') {
                                $value = date($date_format, strtotime($post_htmlvar_value));
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-datepicker" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . $value . '</div>';
                        case 'text':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-text" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                        case 'radio':
                            if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '') {
                                if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == 'f' || $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '0') {
                                    $html_val = __('No', 'geodirectory');
                                } else {
                                    if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == 't' || $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '1') {
                                        $html_val = __('Yes', 'geodirectory');
                                if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                    $field_icon_af = '';
                                } else {
                                    if ($field_icon == '') {
                                        $field_icon_af = '';
                                    } else {
                                        $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                        $field_icon = '';
                                $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                                $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-radio" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                                if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                    $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                                $html .= ' </span>' . $html_val . '</div>';
                        case 'checkbox':
                            $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                            $html_val = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                            if ((int) $post->{$html_var} == 1) {
                                if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] == '1') {
                                    $html_val = __('Yes', 'geodirectory');
                                } else {
                                    $html_val = __('No', 'geodirectory');
                                if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                    $field_icon_af = '';
                                } else {
                                    if ($field_icon == '') {
                                        $field_icon_af = '';
                                    } else {
                                        $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                        $field_icon = '';
                                $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                                $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-checkbox" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                                if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                    $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                                $html .= ' </span>' . $html_val . '</div>';
                        case 'select':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-select" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                        case 'multiselect':
                            if (is_array($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) {
                                $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] = implode(', ', $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']);
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $option_values = explode(',', $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']);
                            if ($type['option_values']) {
                                if (strstr($type['option_values'], "/")) {
                                    $option_values = array();
                                    $field_values = explode(',', $type['option_values']);
                                    foreach ($field_values as $data) {
                                        $val = explode('/', $data);
                                        if (isset($val[1]) && in_array($val[1], explode(',', $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']))) {
                                            $option_values[] = $val[0];
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-select" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>';
                            if (count($option_values) > 1) {
                                $html .= '<ul>';
                                foreach ($option_values as $val) {
                                    $html .= '<li>' . stripslashes($val) . '</li>';
                                $html .= '</ul>';
                            } else {
                                $html .= stripslashes(trim($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'], ','));
                            $html .= '</div>';
                        case 'email':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-email" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                        case 'textarea':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-text" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= '</span>' . wpautop(stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) . '</div>';
                        case 'html':
                            if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                                $field_icon_af = '';
                            } else {
                                $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                $field_icon = '';
                            $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                            $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-text" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                            if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                            $html .= ' </span>' . wpautop(stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) . '</div>';
                        case 'file':
                            $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                            if (!empty($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) {
                                $files = explode(",", $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']);
                                if (!empty($files)) {
                                    $extra_fields = !empty($type['extra_fields']) ? maybe_unserialize($type['extra_fields']) : NULL;
                                    $allowed_file_types = !empty($extra_fields['gd_file_types']) && is_array($extra_fields['gd_file_types']) && !in_array("*", $extra_fields['gd_file_types']) ? $extra_fields['gd_file_types'] : '';
                                    $file_paths = '';
                                    foreach ($files as $file) {
                                        if (!empty($file)) {
                                            $filetype = wp_check_filetype($file);
                                            $image_name_arr = explode('/', $file);
                                            $curr_img_dir = $image_name_arr[count($image_name_arr) - 2];
                                            $filename = end($image_name_arr);
                                            $img_name_arr = explode('.', $filename);
                                            $arr_file_type = wp_check_filetype($filename);
                                            if (empty($arr_file_type['ext']) || empty($arr_file_type['type'])) {
                                            $uploaded_file_type = $arr_file_type['type'];
                                            $uploaded_file_ext = $arr_file_type['ext'];
                                            if (!empty($allowed_file_types) && !in_array($uploaded_file_ext, $allowed_file_types)) {
                                                // Invalid file type.
                                            //$allowed_file_types = array('application/pdf', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'text/csv', 'text/plain');
                                            $image_file_types = array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/bmp', 'image/x-icon');
                                            // If the uploaded file is image
                                            if (in_array($uploaded_file_type, $image_file_types)) {
                                                $file_paths .= '<div class="geodir-custom-post-gallery" class="clearfix">';
                                                $file_paths .= '<a href="' . $file . '">';
                                                $file_paths .= geodir_show_image(array('src' => $file), 'thumbnail', false, false);
                                                $file_paths .= '</a>';
                                                $file_paths .= '</div>';
                                            } else {
                                                $ext_path = '_' . $html_var . '_';
                                                $filename = explode($ext_path, $filename);
                                                $file_paths .= '<a href="' . $file . '" target="_blank">' . $filename[count($filename) - 1] . '</a>';
                                    if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                                        $field_icon_af = '';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($field_icon == '') {
                                            $field_icon_af = '';
                                        } else {
                                            $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                                            $field_icon = '';
                                    $geodir_odd_even = $field_set_start == 1 && $i % 2 == 0 ? 'geodir_more_info_even' : 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                                    $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . ' geodir-custom-file-box" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-file" style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;padding-right:14px;' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                                    if ($field_set_start == 1 && $site_title != '') {
                                        $html .= ' ' . __($site_title, 'geodirectory') . ': ';
                                    $html .= ' </span>' . $file_paths . '</div>';
                    if ($field_set_start == 1) {
                        $add_html = false;
                        if ($type['type'] == 'fieldset' && $fieldset_count > 1) {
                            if ($fieldset != '') {
                                $add_html = true;
                                $label = $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count - 1]['label'];
                                $htmlvar_name = $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count - 1]['htmlvar_name'];
                            $fieldset_html = $fieldset;
                            $fieldset = '';
                        } else {
                            $fieldset .= $html;
                            if ($total_fields == $count_field && $fieldset != '') {
                                $add_html = true;
                                $label = $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count]['label'];
                                $htmlvar_name = $fieldset_arr[$fieldset_count]['htmlvar_name'];
                                $fieldset_html = $fieldset;
                        if ($add_html) {
                            $tabs_arr[$htmlvar_name] = array('heading_text' => __($label, 'geodirectory'), 'is_active_tab' => false, 'is_display' => apply_filters('geodir_detail_page_tab_is_display', true, $htmlvar_name), 'tab_content' => '<div class="geodir-company_info field-group">' . $fieldset_html . '</html>');
                    } else {
                        if ($html != '') {
                            $tabs_arr[$field['htmlvar_name']] = array('heading_text' => __($label, 'geodirectory'), 'is_active_tab' => false, 'is_display' => apply_filters('geodir_detail_page_tab_is_display', true, $field['htmlvar_name']), 'tab_content' => $html);
    return $tabs_arr;
  * Gets the post featured image.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @package GeoDirectory
  * @param int|string $post_id The post ID.
  * @param string $size Optional. Thumbnail size. Default: thumbnail.
  * @param bool $no_image Optional. Do you want to return the default image when no image is available? Default: false.
  * @param bool $echo Optional. Do you want to print it instead of returning it? Default: true.
  * @param bool|string $fimage Optional. The file path from which you want to get the image details. Default: false.
  * @return bool|string Returns image html.
 function geodir_show_featured_image($post_id = '', $size = 'thumbnail', $no_image = false, $echo = true, $fimage = false)
     $image = geodir_get_featured_image($post_id, $size, $no_image, $fimage);
     $html = geodir_show_image($image, $size, $no_image, false);
     if (!empty($html) && $echo) {
         echo $html;
     } elseif (!empty($html)) {
         return $html;
     } else {
         return false;
 * The main function responsible for displaying tabs in frontend detail page.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @package GeoDirectory
 * @global object $post The current post object.
 * @global array $post_images List of images attached to the post.
 * @global string $video The video embed content.
 * @global string $special_offers Special offers content.
 * @global string $related_listing Related listing html.
 * @global string $geodir_post_detail_fields Detail field html.
function geodir_show_detail_page_tabs()
    global $post, $post_images, $video, $special_offers, $related_listing, $geodir_post_detail_fields;
    $post_id = !empty($post) && isset($post->ID) ? (int) $post->ID : 0;
    $request_post_id = !empty($_REQUEST['p']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['p'] : 0;
    $is_backend_preview = is_single() && !empty($_REQUEST['post_type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['preview']) && !empty($_REQUEST['p']) && is_super_admin() ? true : false;
    // skip if preview from backend
    if ($is_backend_preview && !$post_id > 0 && $request_post_id > 0) {
        $post = geodir_get_post_info($request_post_id);
    $geodir_post_detail_fields = geodir_show_listing_info('detail');
    if (geodir_is_page('detail')) {
        $video = geodir_get_video($post->ID);
        $special_offers = geodir_get_special_offers($post->ID);
        $related_listing_array = array();
        if (get_option('geodir_add_related_listing_posttypes')) {
            $related_listing_array = get_option('geodir_add_related_listing_posttypes');
        $related_listing = '';
        if (in_array($post->post_type, $related_listing_array)) {
            $request = array('post_number' => get_option('geodir_related_post_count'), 'relate_to' => get_option('geodir_related_post_relate_to'), 'layout' => get_option('geodir_related_post_listing_view'), 'add_location_filter' => get_option('geodir_related_post_location_filter'), 'list_sort' => get_option('geodir_related_post_sortby'), 'character_count' => get_option('geodir_related_post_excerpt'));
            $related_listing = geodir_related_posts_display($request);
        $post_images = geodir_get_images($post->ID, 'thumbnail');
        $thumb_image = '';
        if (!empty($post_images)) {
            foreach ($post_images as $image) {
                $caption = !empty($image->caption) ? $image->caption : '';
                $thumb_image .= '<a href="' . $image->src . '" title="' . $caption . '">';
                $thumb_image .= geodir_show_image($image, 'thumbnail', true, false);
                $thumb_image .= '</a>';
        $map_args = array();
        $map_args['map_canvas_name'] = 'detail_page_map_canvas';
        $map_args['width'] = '600';
        $map_args['height'] = '300';
        if ($post->post_mapzoom) {
            $map_args['zoom'] = '' . $post->post_mapzoom . '';
        $map_args['autozoom'] = false;
        $map_args['child_collapse'] = '0';
        $map_args['enable_cat_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_text_search'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_post_type_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_location_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_jason_on_load'] = true;
        $map_args['enable_map_direction'] = true;
        $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-detail-page';
        $map_args['maptype'] = !empty($post->post_mapview) ? $post->post_mapview : 'ROADMAP';
    } elseif (geodir_is_page('preview')) {
        $video = isset($post->geodir_video) ? $post->geodir_video : '';
        $special_offers = isset($post->geodir_special_offers) ? $post->geodir_special_offers : '';
        if (isset($post->post_images)) {
            $post->post_images = trim($post->post_images, ",");
        if (isset($post->post_images) && !empty($post->post_images)) {
            $post_images = explode(",", $post->post_images);
        $thumb_image = '';
        if (!empty($post_images)) {
            foreach ($post_images as $image) {
                if ($image != '') {
                    $thumb_image .= '<a href="' . $image . '">';
                    $thumb_image .= geodir_show_image(array('src' => $image), 'thumbnail', true, false);
                    $thumb_image .= '</a>';
        global $map_jason;
        $map_jason[] = $post->marker_json;
        $address_latitude = isset($post->post_latitude) ? $post->post_latitude : '';
        $address_longitude = isset($post->post_longitude) ? $post->post_longitude : '';
        $mapview = isset($post->post_mapview) ? $post->post_mapview : '';
        $mapzoom = isset($post->post_mapzoom) ? $post->post_mapzoom : '';
        if (!$mapzoom) {
            $mapzoom = 12;
        $map_args = array();
        $map_args['map_canvas_name'] = 'preview_map_canvas';
        $map_args['width'] = '950';
        $map_args['height'] = '300';
        $map_args['child_collapse'] = '0';
        $map_args['maptype'] = $mapview;
        $map_args['autozoom'] = false;
        $map_args['zoom'] = "{$mapzoom}";
        $map_args['latitude'] = $address_latitude;
        $map_args['longitude'] = $address_longitude;
        $map_args['enable_cat_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_text_search'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_post_type_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_location_filters'] = false;
        $map_args['enable_jason_on_load'] = true;
        $map_args['enable_map_direction'] = true;
        $map_args['map_class_name'] = 'geodir-map-preview-page';
    $arr_detail_page_tabs = geodir_detail_page_tabs_list();
    // get this sooner so we can get the active tab for the user
    $active_tab_name = '';
    foreach ($arr_detail_page_tabs as $tabs) {
        if (isset($tabs['is_active_tab']) && $tabs['is_active_tab'] && isset($tabs['heading_text']) && $tabs['heading_text']) {
            $active_tab_name = __($tabs['heading_text'], 'geodirectory');

    <div class="geodir-tabs" id="gd-tabs" style="position:relative;">

        <div id="geodir-tab-mobile-menu" >
            <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
            <span class="geodir-mobile-active-tab"><?php 
    echo $active_tab_name;
            <i class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i>

        <dl class="geodir-tab-head">
     * Called before the details page tab list headings, inside the `dl` tag.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @see 'geodir_after_tab_list'
    foreach ($arr_detail_page_tabs as $tab_index => $detail_page_tab) {
        if ($detail_page_tab['is_display']) {
                    <dt></dt> <!-- added to comply with validation -->
                    <dd <?php 
            if ($detail_page_tab['is_active_tab']) {
                        <a data-tab="#<?php 
            echo $tab_index;
            _e($detail_page_tab['heading_text'], 'geodirectory');

                    <li id="<?php 
            echo $tab_index;
Tab" <?php 
            if ($tab_index == 'post_profile') {
                //echo 'itemprop="description"';
                        <div id="<?php 
            echo $tab_index;
" class="hash-offset"></div>
             * Called before the details tab content is output per tab.
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @param string $tab_index The tab name ID.
            do_action('geodir_before_tab_content', $tab_index);
             * Called before the details tab content is output per tab.
             * Uses dynamic hook name: geodir_before_$tab_index_tab_content
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @todo do we need this if we have the hook above? 'geodir_before_tab_content'
            do_action('geodir_before_' . $tab_index . '_tab_content');
            /// write a code to generate content of each tab
            switch ($tab_index) {
                case 'post_profile':
                     * Called before the listing description content on the details page tab.
                     * @since 1.0.0
                    if (geodir_is_page('detail')) {
                    } else {
                        /** This action is documented in geodirectory_template_actions.php */
                        echo apply_filters('the_content', stripslashes($post->post_desc));
                     * Called after the listing description content on the details page tab.
                     * @since 1.0.0
                case 'post_info':
                    echo $geodir_post_detail_fields;
                case 'post_images':
                    echo $thumb_image;
                case 'post_video':
                    /** This action is documented in geodirectory_template_actions.php */
                    echo apply_filters('the_content', stripslashes($video));
                    // we apply the_content filter so oembed works also;
                case 'special_offers':
                    echo wpautop(stripslashes($special_offers));
                case 'post_map':
                case 'reviews':
                case 'related_listing':
                    echo $related_listing;
                    if ((isset($post->{$tab_index}) || !isset($post->{$tab_index}) && (strpos($tab_index, 'gd_tab_') !== false || $tab_index == 'link_business')) && !empty($detail_page_tab['tab_content'])) {
                        echo $detail_page_tab['tab_content'];
             * Called after the details tab content is output per tab.
             * @since 1.0.0
            do_action('geodir_after_tab_content', $tab_index);
             * Called after the details tab content is output per tab.
             * Uses dynamic hook name: geodir_after_$tab_index_tab_content
             * @since 1.0.0
             * @todo do we need this if we have the hook above? 'geodir_after_tab_content'
            do_action('geodir_after_' . $tab_index . '_tab_content');
             * Filter the current tab content.
             * @since 1.0.0
            $arr_detail_page_tabs[$tab_index]['tab_content'] = apply_filters("geodir_modify_" . $detail_page_tab['tab_content'] . "_tab_content", ob_get_clean());
        // end of if for is_display
    // end of foreach
     * Called after the details page tab list headings, inside the `dl` tag.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @see 'geodir_before_tab_list'
        <ul class="geodir-tabs-content entry-content" style="position:relative;">
    foreach ($arr_detail_page_tabs as $detail_page_tab) {
        if ($detail_page_tab['is_display'] && !empty($detail_page_tab['tab_content'])) {
            echo $detail_page_tab['tab_content'];
        // end of if
    // end of foreach
     * Called after all the tab content is output in `li` tags, called before the closing `ul` tag.
     * @since 1.0.0
        <!--gd-tabs-content ul end-->
        if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.indexOf('&') === -1 && jQuery(window.location.hash + 'Tab').length) {
            hashVal = window.location.hash;
        } else {
            hashVal = jQuery('dl.geodir-tab-head dd.geodir-tab-active').find('a').attr('data-tab');
        jQuery('dl.geodir-tab-head dd').each(function () {
            //Get all tabs
            var tabs = jQuery(this).children('dd');
            var tab = '';
            tab = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('data-tab');
            if (hashVal != tab) {
                jQuery(tab + 'Tab').hide();


  * Show listing info depending on field location.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @package GeoDirectory
  * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
  * @global object $post The current post object.
  * @param string $fields_location In which page you are going to place this custom fields?. Ex: listing, detail etc.
  * @return string Returns listing info html.
 function geodir_show_listing_info($fields_location = '')
     global $post, $preview, $wpdb;
     $payment_info = array();
     $package_info = array();
     $package_info = geodir_post_package_info($package_info, $post);
     $post_package_id = $package_info->pid;
     $p_type = geodir_get_current_posttype() ? geodir_get_current_posttype() : $post->post_type;
     $fields_info = geodir_post_custom_fields($post_package_id, 'default', $p_type, $fields_location);
     if (!empty($fields_info)) {
         //echo '<div class="geodir-company_info field-group">';
         $field_set_start = 0;
         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
             $i = 1;
         foreach ($fields_info as $type) {
             $type = stripslashes_deep($type);
             // strip slashes
             $html = '';
             $html_var = '';
             $field_icon = '';
             $variables_array = array();
             if ($fields_location == 'detail' && isset($type['show_as_tab']) && (int) $type['show_as_tab'] == 1 && in_array($type['type'], array('text', 'datepicker', 'textarea', 'time', 'phone', 'email', 'select', 'multiselect', 'url', 'html', 'fieldset', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'file'))) {
             if ($type['type'] != 'fieldset') {
                 $variables_array['post_id'] = $post->ID;
                 $variables_array['label'] = __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory');
                 $variables_array['value'] = '';
                 if (isset($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) {
                     $variables_array['value'] = $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
             if (strpos($type['field_icon'], 'http') !== false) {
                 $field_icon = ' background: url(' . $type['field_icon'] . ') no-repeat left center;background-size:18px 18px;padding-left: 21px;';
             } elseif (strpos($type['field_icon'], 'fa fa-') !== false) {
                 $field_icon = '<i class="' . $type['field_icon'] . '"></i>';
             //else{$field_icon = $type['field_icon'];}
             switch ($type['type']) {
                 case 'fieldset':
                     if ($field_set_start == 1) {
                         echo '</div><div class="geodir-company_info field-group ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '"><h2>' . __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . '</h2>';
                     } else {
                         echo '<h2>' . __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . '</h2>';
                         $field_set_start = 1;
                 case 'address':
                     $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'] . '_address';
                     if ($type['extra_fields']) {
                         $extra_fields = unserialize($type['extra_fields']);
                         $addition_fields = '';
                         if (!empty($extra_fields)) {
                              * Filter "show city in address" value.
                              * @since 1.0.0
                             $show_city_in_address = apply_filters('geodir_show_city_in_address', false);
                             if (isset($extra_fields['show_city']) && $extra_fields['show_city'] && $show_city_in_address) {
                                 $field = $type['htmlvar_name'] . '_city';
                                 if ($post->{$field}) {
                                     $addition_fields .= ', ' . $post->{$field};
                             if (isset($extra_fields['show_zip']) && $extra_fields['show_zip']) {
                                 $field = $type['htmlvar_name'] . '_zip';
                                 if ($post->{$field}) {
                                     $addition_fields .= ', ' . $post->{$field};
                     			$extra_fields = unserialize($type['extra_fields']);
                     			$addition_fields = '';
                     					$field = $type['htmlvar_name'].'_city';
                     						$addition_fields .= ', '.$post->$field;
                     					$field = $type['htmlvar_name'].'_region';
                     						$addition_fields .= ', '.$post->$field;
                     					$field = $type['htmlvar_name'].'_country';
                     						$addition_fields .= ', '.$post->$field;
                     					$field = $type['htmlvar_name'].'_zip';
                     						$addition_fields .= ', '.$post->$field;
                     if ($post->{$html_var}) {
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-home"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
                         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
                             $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"  itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress">';
                         $html .= '<span class="geodir-i-location" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '&nbsp;';
                         $html .= '</span>';
                         if ($preview) {
                             $html .= stripslashes($post->{$html_var}) . $addition_fields . '</p>';
                         } else {
                             if ($post->post_address) {
                                 $html .= '<span itemprop="streetAddress">' . $post->post_address . '</span><br>';
                             if ($post->post_city) {
                                 $html .= '<span itemprop="addressLocality">' . $post->post_city . '</span><br>';
                             if ($post->post_region) {
                                 $html .= '<span itemprop="addressRegion">' . $post->post_region . '</span><br>';
                             if ($post->post_zip) {
                                 $html .= '<span itemprop="postalCode">' . $post->post_zip . '</span><br>';
                             if ($post->post_country) {
                                 $html .= '<span itemprop="addressCountry">' . __($post->post_country, 'geodirectory') . '</span><br>';
                             $html .= '</div>';
                     $variables_array['value'] = $post->{$html_var};
                 case 'url':
                     $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                     if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) {
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             if ($type['name'] == 'geodir_facebook') {
                                 $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i>';
                             } elseif ($type['name'] == 'geodir_twitter') {
                                 $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i>';
                             } else {
                                 $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         if (!strstr($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'], 'http')) {
                             $website = 'http://' . $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                         } else {
                             $website = $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
                         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
                             $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         // all search engines that use the nofollow value exclude links that use it from their ranking calculation
                         $rel = strpos($website, get_site_url()) !== false ? '' : 'rel="nofollow"';
                          * Filter custom field website name.
                          * @since 1.0.0
                          * @param string $type['site_title'] Website Title.
                          * @param string $website Website URL.
                          * @param int $post->ID Post ID.
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '"><span class="geodir-i-website" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af . '<a href="' . $website . '" target="_blank" ' . $rel . ' ><strong>' . apply_filters('geodir_custom_field_website_name', stripslashes(__($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory')), $website, $post->ID) . '</strong></a></span></div>';
                 case 'phone':
                     $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                     if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) {
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-phone"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
                         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
                             $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-contact" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af . ($html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '&nbsp;');
                         $html .= '</span><a href="tel:' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '">' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</a></div>';
                 case 'time':
                     $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                     if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) {
                         $value = '';
                         if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '') {
                             //$value = date('h:i',strtotime($post->$type['htmlvar_name']));
                             $value = date(get_option('time_format'), strtotime($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']));
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
                         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
                             $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-time" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '&nbsp;';
                         $html .= '</span>' . stripslashes($value) . '</div>';
                 case 'datepicker':
                     if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) {
                         $date_format = geodir_default_date_format();
                         if ($type['extra_fields'] != '') {
                             $date_format = unserialize($type['extra_fields']);
                             $date_format = $date_format['date_format'];
                         $search = array('dd', 'd', 'DD', 'mm', 'm', 'MM', 'yy');
                         //jQuery UI datepicker format
                         $replace = array('d', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'F', 'Y');
                         //PHP date format
                         $date_format = str_replace($search, $replace, $date_format);
                         $post_htmlvar_value = $date_format == 'd/m/Y' ? str_replace('/', '-', $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) : $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'];
                         // PHP doesn't work well with dd/mm/yyyy format
                         $value = '';
                         if ($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '' && $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != "0000-00-00") {
                             $value = date($date_format, strtotime($post_htmlvar_value));
                         } else {
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
                         if ($fields_location == 'detail') {
                             $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-datepicker" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                         $html .= '</span>' . $value . '</div>';
                 case 'text':
                     $html_var = $type['htmlvar_name'];
                     if (isset($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) && $post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'] != '' && $type['htmlvar_name'] == 'geodir_timing') {
                         if (strpos($field_icon, 'http') !== false) {
                             $field_icon_af = '';
                         } elseif ($field_icon == '') {
                             $field_icon_af = '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>';
                         } else {
                             $field_icon_af = $field_icon;
                             $field_icon = '';
                         $geodir_odd_even = '';
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                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
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                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
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                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-select" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                         $html .= '</span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                 case 'multiselect':
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                             $field_icon = '';
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                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
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                                 $html .= '<li>' . stripslashes($val) . '</li>';
                             $html .= '</ul>';
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                             $html .= stripslashes(trim($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'], ','));
                         $html .= '</div>';
                 case 'email':
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                         $b_sendtofriend = '';
                         $html = '';
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                             $field_icon = '';
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                             $html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="' . $b_send_inquiry . '" >' . SEND_INQUIRY . '</a>';
                             $seperator = ' | ';
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                             $html .= $seperator . '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="' . $b_sendtofriend . '">' . SEND_TO_FRIEND . '</a>';
                         $html .= '</span></div>';
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                             $html .= '<p class="sucess_msg">' . SEND_INQUIRY_SUCCESS . '</p>';
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                             $html .= '<p class="sucess_msg">' . SEND_FRIEND_SUCCESS . '</p>';
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                             $html .= '<p class="error_msg_fix">' . WRONG_CAPTCH_MSG . '</p>';
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                             $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-email" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                             $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                             $html .= '</span>' . stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name']) . '</div>';
                 case 'file':
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                                         $file_paths .= '</div>';
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                                 $field_icon = '';
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                             $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
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                             $html .= $file_paths . '</div></div>';
                 case 'textarea':
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                             $field_icon = '';
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                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-text" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                         $html .= '</span>' . wpautop(stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) . '</div>';
                 case 'html':
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                             $field_icon = '';
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                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                         $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $type['htmlvar_name'] . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-text" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                         $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                         $html .= '</span>' . wpautop(stripslashes($post->{$type}['htmlvar_name'])) . '</div>';
                 case 'taxonomy':
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                                         $terms[] = $term;
                             if (!empty($links)) {
                                 // order alphabetically
                                 foreach (array_keys($links) as $key) {
                                     $termsOrdered[$key] = $terms[$key];
                                 $terms = $termsOrdered;
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                                     $field_icon = '';
                             $geodir_odd_even = '';
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                                 $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_odd';
                                 if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                                     $geodir_odd_even = 'geodir_more_info_even';
                             $html = '<div class="geodir_more_info ' . $geodir_odd_even . ' ' . $type['css_class'] . ' ' . $html_var . '" style="clear:both;"><span class="geodir-i-taxonomy geodir-i-category" style="' . $field_icon . '">' . $field_icon_af;
                             $html .= trim($type['site_title']) ? __($type['site_title'], 'geodirectory') . ': ' : '';
                             $html .= '</span> ' . $html_value . '</div>';
             if ($html) {
                  * Called before a custom fields is output on the frontend.
                  * @since 1.0.0
                  * @param string $html_var The HTML variable name for the field.
                  * Filter custom field output.
                  * @since 1.0.0
                  * @param string $html_var The HTML variable name for the field.
                  * @param string $html Custom field unfiltered HTML.
                  * @param array $variables_array Custom field variables array.
                 if ($html) {
                     echo apply_filters("geodir_show_{$html_var}", $html, $variables_array);
                  * Called after a custom fields is output on the frontend.
                  * @since 1.0.0
                  * @param string $html_var The HTML variable name for the field.
         //echo '</div>';
     return $html = ob_get_clean();