function get_shots($dbc, $slug)
    $queryString = generate_query($slug, 20, 0);
    $stmt = $dbc->prepare("{$queryString}");
    $data = $stmt->fetchAll();
    return $data;
// a string with filtering if the user wants to filter their search.
$query_text = "SELECT cubeID, cubeNumber, cubicle.personID, loclat, loclong, email, phone, Department.deptName, firstName, lastName, iconPath FROM cubicle natural join Personnel natural join Department natural join Icons WHERE";
// Split the text in the search boxes by ","'s. This is if they want to search for
// multiple items.
$exploded_string = explode(",", $search_text);
// If they there is a "," in the search term, they want to search for multiple items.
if (count($exploded_string) > 1) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($exploded_string); $i++) {
        $query_text = generate_query($query_text, $exploded_string[$i], $filter);
        if ($i < count($exploded_string) - 1) {
            $query_text .= " OR";
} else {
    // Otherwise, just search for 1 item.
    $query_text = generate_query($query_text, $search_text, $filter);
// Select results that match our search fields from the database.
$results_query = sqlite_query($db, $query_text);
// Display the search results by echoing back HTML to the AJAX/Javascript
// which will display the results to the user in plain text.
if (sqlite_num_rows($results_query) > 0) {
    while ($results_row = @sqlite_fetch_array($results_query, SQLITE_ASSOC)) {
        echo "<p id=\"search_result\"><strong>";
        echo $results_row['firstName'];
        echo " ";
        echo $results_row['lastName'];
        echo "</strong><br />";
        echo "Dept: " . $results_row['Department.deptName'];
        echo "<br />";
        echo "Office: " . $results_row['cubeNumber'];
// Open the SQLite database
$db = new SQLITE3('SQLiteDB/OfficeLayout.db', SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY);
if (!$db) {
    die('Database could not be accessed.');
// Grab the variables that were posted through AJAX.
$search_text = $_REQUEST['search_text'];
$filter = $_REQUEST['filter'];
// Initial SELECT query string without any filtering. This will be concatenated
// with filtering constraints if the user has selected any.
$query_text = "SELECT EmployeeID, CubicleNumber, FirstName, LastName, DeptName, Email, Phone FROM Personnel WHERE";
// Split the text in the search boxes by commas.
// This is in case the user wishes to search for multiple items.
$exploded_string = explode(",", $search_text);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($exploded_string); $i++) {
    $query_text = generate_query($query_text, $db->escapeString($exploded_string[$i]), $filter);
    if ($i < count($exploded_string) - 1) {
        $query_text .= " OR";
// Query the database for all matches with our search constraints.
$statement = $db->prepare($query_text);
$results = $statement->execute();
$have_result = false;
// Display the search results by echoing back HTML to the AJAX/Javascript,
// which will display the results to the user in plain text.
while ($results_row = $results->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
    $have_result = true;
    echo "<p id=\"search_result\"><strong>";
    echo $results_row['FirstName'];
    echo " ";