function atp_style()
    $atp_option_var = array('atp_themecolor', 'atp_wrapbg', 'atp_h1', 'atp_h2', 'atp_h3', 'atp_h4', 'atp_h5', 'atp_h6', 'atp_bodyp', 'atp_headerproperties', 'atp_subheaderproperties', 'atp_subheader_textcolor', 'atp_footerbg', 'atp_footertext', 'atp_copyrights', 'atp_copybgcolor', 'atp_breadcrumbtext', 'atp_stickybarcolor', 'atp_stickybartext', 'atp_sidebartitle', 'atp_footertitle', 'atp_entrytitle', 'atp_entrytitlelinkhover', 'atp_bodyproperties', 'atp_logotitle', 'atp_tagline', 'atp_footerlinkcolor', 'atp_footerlinkhovercolor', 'atp_topmenu', 'atp_topmenu_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_bg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_link', 'atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_active_link', 'atp_menu_dropdown_border_color', 'atp_entrytitle', 'atp_overlayimages', 'atp_link', 'atp_linkhover', 'atp_subheaderlink', 'atp_subheaderlinkhover', 'atp_subheader_pt', 'atp_subheader_pb', 'atp_logo_ml', 'atp_logo_mt', 'atp_extracss', 'atp_teaser_properties', 'atp_footerheadingcolor', 'atp_topbar_bgcolor', 'atp_mmenu', 'atp_topbar_text', 'atp_fontwoff', 'atp_sbadge_color', 'atp_topbar_link', 'atp_fontttf', 'atp_fontsvg', 'atp_hovertype_bg', 'atp_hovertype_bghover', 'atp_fonteot', 'atp_fontname', 'atp_fontclass', 'atpbodyfont', 'atp_headings', 'atp_mainmenufont', 'atp_slidebgimage', 'atp_sliderproperties', 'atp_sidebar_link', 'atp_sidebar_link_hover', 'atp_countdown_font', 'iva_locationbg', 'iva_location_textcolor', 'atp_header_logo_bgcolor');
    foreach ($atp_option_var as $value) {
        ${$value} = get_option($value);
    // Define Variables
    $bodyImage = generate_imagecss($atp_bodyproperties, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    if ($atp_overlayimages != '') {
        $overlayimages = generate_css(array('background-image' => 'url(' . THEME_PATTDIR . $atp_overlayimages . ')'));
    $themeColor = isset($atp_themecolor) ? $atp_themecolor : '';
    $stickyBG = $atp_stickybarcolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_stickybarcolor . ';' : '';
    $stickytext = $atp_stickybartext ? 'color:' . $atp_stickybartext . ';' : '';
    $topbarBG = $atp_topbar_bgcolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_topbar_bgcolor . ';' : '';
    $topbarText = $atp_topbar_text ? 'color:' . $atp_topbar_text . ';' : '';
    $topbar_link = $atp_topbar_link ? 'color:' . $atp_topbar_link . ';' : '';
    $hovertype_bg = $atp_hovertype_bg ? 'background-color:' . $atp_hovertype_bg . ';' : '';
    $hovertype_bghover = $atp_hovertype_bghover ? 'background-color:' . $atp_hovertype_bghover . ';' : '';
    $sbadge_color = $atp_sbadge_color ? 'background-color:' . $atp_sbadge_color . ';' : '';
    $wrapbg = $atp_wrapbg ? 'background-color:' . $atp_wrapbg . ';' : '';
    $bodyP = generate_fontcss($atp_bodyp);
    $link = $atp_link ? 'color:' . $atp_link . ';' : '';
    $linkHover = $atp_linkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_linkhover . ';' : '';
    $teaserBG = generate_imagecss($atp_teaser_properties, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $headerProperties = generate_imagecss($atp_headerproperties, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $sliderProperties = generate_imagecss($atp_sliderproperties, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $logoTitle = generate_fontcss($atp_logotitle);
    $logo_ML = $atp_logo_ml ? 'margin-left:' . $atp_logo_ml . 'px;' : '';
    $logo_MT = $atp_logo_mt ? 'margin-top:' . $atp_logo_mt . 'px;' : '';
    $subheaderBG = generate_imagecss($atp_subheaderproperties, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $subheader_PT = $atp_subheader_pt ? 'padding-top:' . $atp_subheader_pt . 'px;' : '';
    $subheader_PB = $atp_subheader_pb ? 'padding-bottom:' . $atp_subheader_pb . 'px;' : '';
    $subheaderText = $atp_subheader_textcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_subheader_textcolor . ';' : '';
    $subheaderLink = $atp_subheaderlink ? 'color:' . $atp_subheaderlink . ';' : '';
    $subheaderLinkHover = $atp_subheaderlinkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_subheaderlinkhover . ';' : '';
    $breadcrumbText = $atp_breadcrumbtext ? 'color:' . $atp_breadcrumbtext . ';' : '';
    $footerBg = generate_imagecss($atp_footerbg, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $footerTitleFont = generate_fontcss($atp_footertitle);
    $footerText = generate_fontcss($atp_footertext);
    $footerHeadingColor = $atp_footerheadingcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_footerheadingcolor . ';' : '';
    $footerLink = $atp_footerlinkcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_footerlinkcolor . ';' : '';
    $footerLinkHover = $atp_footerlinkhovercolor ? 'color:' . $atp_footerlinkhovercolor . ';' : '';
    $copyrightProperties = generate_fontcss($atp_copyrights);
    $tagLine = generate_fontcss($atp_tagline);
    $entryTitleFont = generate_fontcss($atp_entrytitle);
    $entryTitleLinkHover = $atp_entrytitlelinkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_entrytitlelinkhover . ';' : '';
    $sidebarTitleFont = generate_fontcss($atp_sidebartitle);
    // Top Menu
    $mmenu = $atp_mmenu ? 'background-color:' . $atp_mmenu . ';' : '';
    $topmenufont = generate_fontcss($atp_topmenu);
    $topmenu_linkhover = $atp_topmenu_linkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_linkhover . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_hoverbg = $atp_topmenu_hoverbg ? 'background-color:' . $atp_topmenu_hoverbg . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_bg = $atp_topmenu_sub_bg ? 'background:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_bg . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_link = $atp_topmenu_sub_link ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_link . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_linkhover = $atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_hoverbg = $atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg ? 'background:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg . ';' : '';
    $menu_dropdown_border_color = $atp_menu_dropdown_border_color ? 'border-color:' . $atp_menu_dropdown_border_color . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_active_link = $atp_topmenu_active_link ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_active_link . ';' : '';
    $sidebar_link = $atp_sidebar_link ? 'color:' . $atp_sidebar_link . ' !important;' : '';
    $sidebar_link_hover = $atp_sidebar_link_hover ? 'color:' . $atp_sidebar_link_hover . ' !important;' : '';
    // Headings
    $h1font = generate_fontcss($atp_h1);
    $h2font = generate_fontcss($atp_h2);
    $h3font = generate_fontcss($atp_h3);
    $h4font = generate_fontcss($atp_h4);
    $h5font = generate_fontcss($atp_h5);
    $h6font = generate_fontcss($atp_h6);
    $bodyfont = $atpbodyfont ? ' font-family:' . $atpbodyfont . ';' : '';
    $headings = $atp_headings ? ' font-family:' . $atp_headings . ';' : '';
    $mainmenufont = $atp_mainmenufont ? ' font-family:' . $atp_mainmenufont . ';' : '';
    $countdownfont = $atp_countdown_font ? ' font-family:' . $atp_countdown_font . ';' : '';
    // weather
    $locationbg = generate_imagecss($iva_locationbg, array('background-color' => 'color'));
    $location_textcolor = $iva_location_textcolor ? 'color:' . $iva_location_textcolor . ';' : '';
    // Header Background Color
    $header_logo_bgcolor = $atp_header_logo_bgcolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_header_logo_bgcolor . ';' : '';

    // Megamenu style starts here
    $menu_id = get_nav_menu_locations();
    $iva_custom_styles = $padding_right = $padding_bottom = $padding_left = '';
    if (isset($menu_id['primary-menu'])) {
        $iva_menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu_id['primary-menu']);
        foreach ($iva_menu_items as $iva_item) {
            if ($iva_item->menu_item_parent === '0') {
                $mmenu_stored_val = get_option('mm_menu_bg_' . $iva_item->object_id);
                if ($mmenu_stored_val['image'] != '') {
                    if ($mmenu_stored_val['pright'] == '') {
                        $padding_right = '0';
                    } else {
                        $padding_right = $mmenu_stored_val['pright'];
                    if ($mmenu_stored_val['pbottom'] == '') {
                        $padding_bottom = '0';
                    } else {
                        $padding_bottom = $mmenu_stored_val['pbottom'];
                    if ($mmenu_stored_val['pleft'] == '') {
                        $padding_left = '0';
                    } else {
                        $padding_left = $mmenu_stored_val['pleft'];
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "#iva_megamenu .menu-item-{$iva_item->ID} > .sub-container > .sub-menu {";
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "background-image: url('" . $mmenu_stored_val['image'] . "');";
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "background-repeat: no-repeat;";
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "background-position: " . $mmenu_stored_val['position'] . ";";
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "padding: 25px " . $padding_right . "px " . $padding_bottom . "px " . $padding_left . "px !important;";
                    $iva_custom_styles .= "}";
        echo $iva_custom_styles;
    // Megamenu style ends here

    if ($themeColor != '') {
.iva-progress-bar .bar-color, 
table.fancy_table th,
.ei-slider-thumbs li a:hover, 
.ei-slider-thumbs li.ei-slider-element,
#back-top span,
.events-carousel .carousel-event-date,
.client-image img:hover,
.sub_nav li.current_page_item > a,
.sub_nav li.current_page_item > a:hover,
.flex-title h5 span,
.iva-services:hover .cs-title,
.grid figcaption,
.ac_title.active .arrow, 
.toggle-title.active .arrow,
.ac_title .arrow:hover,
.iva-progress-bar .bar-color,
.iva-date-ui.ui-widget-content .ui-state-active { 
        echo $themeColor;

#footer a,
#atp_menu > li:hover,
#atp_menu > li.sfHover,
#atp_menu > li.current-menu-item, 
#atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor, 
#atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor,
#atp_menu li.current-cat > a, 
#atp_menu li.current_page_item > a,
#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a,
#atp_menu li li:hover, 
#atp_menu li li.sfHover, 
#atp_menu li li a:focus, 
#atp_menu li li a:hover, 
#atp_menu li li a:active,
.sf-menu li.current-menu-item > a, 
.sf-menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a, 
.sf-menu li.current-page-ancestor > a { color:<?php 
        echo $themeColor;

.hortabs .tabs li.current, 
.fancyheading span, 
.fancytitle span {
        echo $themeColor;

.ac_wrap .ac_content, 
.ac_wrap .toggle_content,
.ac_wrap .ac_title:hover{
	border-left-color: <?php 
        echo $themeColor;


    if ($bodyImage != '' || $bodyP != '') {
body { <?php 
        echo $bodyImage;
body { <?php 
        echo $bodyP;
        echo $bodyfont;
    if ($atp_overlayimages != '') {
.bodyoverlay { <?php 
        echo $overlayimages;

.pagemid { <?php 
    echo $wrapbg;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .flex-title h5 span { <?php 
    echo $headings;
body { <?php 
    echo $bodyfont;
.topbar { <?php 
    echo $topbarBG;
.topbar { <?php 
    echo $topbarText;
.atp_sub_nav ul li a,
.topbar a { <?php 
    echo $topbar_link;

.hover_type a  { <?php 
    echo $hovertype_bg;
.hover_type a.hoverdetails:hover,.hover_type a.hovergallery:hover,.hover_type a.hoverimage:hover { <?php 
    echo $hovertype_bghover;
.woocommerce span.onsale, .woocommerce-page span.onsale { <?php 
    echo $sbadge_color;

.header, #fixedheader { <?php 
    echo $headerProperties;

.sf-menu ul li a { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_bg;
.sf-menu ul li a { <?php 
    echo $menu_dropdown_border_color;

.homepage_teaser { <?php 
    echo $teaserBG;

.header_section { <?php 
    echo $subheaderBG;
    echo $subheader_PT;
    echo $subheader_PB;
#subheader { <?php 
    echo $subheaderBG;
    echo $subheader_PT;
    echo $subheader_PB;
    echo $subheaderText;
.header_section #subheader { background-image: none; background-color: transparent; }

#subheader .page-title,
.header_section .page-title { <?php 
    echo $subheaderText;

h1#site-title a{ <?php 
    echo $logoTitle;
h2#site-description { <?php 
    echo $tagLine;
.logo { <?php 
    echo $logo_ML;
    echo $logo_MT;
#sticky { <?php 
    echo $stickyBG;
#sticky { <?php 
    echo $stickytext;

.primarymenu { <?php 
    echo $mmenu;

.sf-menu > li > a,
.primarymenu > li > a { <?php 
    echo $topmenufont . $mainmenufont;

#atp_menu li:hover, 
#atp_menu li.sfHover { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_hoverbg;

#atp_menu li:hover, 
#atp_menu li.sfHover, 
#atp_menu a:focus, 
#atp_menu a:hover, 
#atp_menu a:active { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_linkhover;
#atp_menu ul li { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_bg;
#atp_menu ul a { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_link;

#atp_menu li li:hover, 
#atp_menu li li.sfHover, 
#atp_menu li li a:focus, 
#atp_menu li li a:hover, 
#atp_menu li li a:active {<?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_linkhover;
    echo $topmenu_sub_hoverbg;

#atp_menu li.current-cat > a, 
#atp_menu li.current_page_item > a, 
#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a,
#atp_menu li.current-menu-item > a, 
#atp_menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a, 
#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a  { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_active_link;

#atp_menu > li:hover,
#atp_menu > li.sfHover,
#atp_menu > li.current-menu-item, 
#atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor, 
#atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_active_link;

#atp_menu > li.current-menu-item:hover, 
#atp_menu > li.current-menu-ancestor:hover, 
#atp_menu > li.current-page-ancestor:hover { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_active_link;

h1 { <?php 
    echo $h1font;
} h2 { <?php 
    echo $h2font;
 } h3 { <?php 
    echo $h3font;
 }h4 { <?php 
    echo $h4font;
 }h5 { <?php 
    echo $h5font;
 }h6 { <?php 
    echo $h6font;

h2.entry-title a { <?php 
    echo $entryTitleFont;
h2.entry-title a:hover { <?php 
    echo $entryTitleLinkHover;
.widget-title { <?php 
    echo $sidebarTitleFont;
#footer .widget-title { <?php 
    echo $footerTitleFont;

#sidebar a { <?php 
    echo $sidebar_link;
#sidebar a:hover { <?php 
    echo $sidebar_link_hover;

a,.entry-title a { <?php 
    echo $link;
a:hover,.entry-title a:hover { <?php 
    echo $linkHover;

#subheader a { <?php 
    echo $subheaderLink;
#subheader a:hover { <?php 
    echo $subheaderLinkHover;

.iva_loc_cities { <?php 
    echo $locationbg;
    echo $location_textcolor;
#footer { <?php 
    echo $footerBg;
    echo $footerText;

#footer .widget-title { <?php 
    echo $footerHeadingColor;
.breadcrumbs a { <?php 
    echo $breadcrumbText;
#footer a { <?php 
    echo $footerLink;
#footer a:hover { <?php 
    echo $footerLinkHover;
.countdown-section { <?php 
    echo $countdownfont;

.header-style4 .logo { <?php 
    echo $header_logo_bgcolor;

    if ($atp_extracss != '') {
        echo $atp_extracss;

    if ($atp_fontwoff != '' && $atp_fontttf != '' && $atp_fontsvg != '' && $atp_fonteot != '') {
        $fontclass = $atp_fontclass ? $atp_fontclass : 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #atp_menu a, .splitter ul li a, .pagination';
	@font-face {
		font-family: '<?php 
        echo $atp_fontname;
		src: url('<?php 
        echo $atp_fontwoff;
		src: url('<?php 
        echo $atp_fonteot;
?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        echo $atp_fontwoff;
') format('woff'),
        echo $atp_fontttf;
') format('truetype'),
        echo $atp_fontsvg;
        echo $atp_fontname;
') format('svg');
		font-weight: normal;
		font-style: normal;
        echo $fontclass;
		font-family: '<?php 
        echo $atp_fontname;
        define('CUSTOMFONT', true);
* This will output the custom WordPress settings to the live theme's WP head.
function header_output()
    $theme_options = get_theme_mod('zilla_theme_options');
    // No mods; no output
    if (empty($theme_options)) {
    /* Output the favicon */
    if (array_key_exists('general_custom_favicon', $theme_options) && $theme_options['general_custom_favicon'] != '') {
        echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $theme_options['general_custom_favicon'] . '" />' . "\n";
    if (array_key_exists('style_custom_css', $theme_options) && $theme_options['style_custom_css'] != '') {
        echo '<!-- Custom CSS-->' . "\n" . '<style type="text/css">' . "\n\t" . $theme_options['style_custom_css'] . "\n" . '</style>' . "\n<!--/Custom CSS-->\n";
    if (array_key_exists('style_accent_color', $theme_options) && $theme_options['style_accent_color'] != '' && $theme_options['style_accent_color'] != '#4ac2be') {
        $bg_color = array('button:hover', 'html input[type="button"]:hover', 'input[type="reset"]:hover', 'input[type="submit"]:hover', 'button:focus', 'html input[type="button"]:focus', 'input[type="reset"]:focus', 'input[type="submit"]:focus', 'button:active', 'html input[type="button"]:active', 'input[type="reset"]:active', 'input[type="submit"]:active', '.zilla-slide-prev:hover', '.zilla-slide-next:hover', '.zilla-dribbble-shots li a', '.flickr_badge_image a');
        $bg_color_opacity = array('.format-quote .overlay', '.format-link .overlay');
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        echo "<!-- Custom Accent Color -->\n<style type='text/css'>\n";
        foreach ($bg_color as $bgc) {
            generate_css($bgc, 'background-color', 'style_accent_color');
        foreach ($bg_color_opacity as $bgo) {
            echo "\n{$bgo} { background: rgba(" . hex2rgb($theme_options['style_accent_color']) . ",0.7); }\n";
        foreach ($bdr_color as $bdrc) {
            generate_css($bdrc, 'border-color', 'style_accent_color');
        foreach ($color as $c) {
            generate_css($c, 'color', 'style_accent_color');
        echo "\n.primary-menu a { color: #25292c; }\n";
        echo "\n.entry-meta a { color: #878788; }\n";
        echo "\n.page-navigation a { color: #25292c; }\n";
        echo "\n.primary-menu .sub-menu a,\n.entry-meta a:hover { border-color: transparent; }\n";
        echo "</style>\n<!-- /Custom Accent Color -->\n";
* This will output the custom WordPress settings to the live theme's WP head.
function header_output()
    $theme_options = get_theme_mod('zilla_theme_options');
    // No mods; no output
    if (empty($theme_options)) {
    /* Output the favicon */
    if (!empty($theme_options) && array_key_exists('general_custom_favicon', $theme_options) && $theme_options['general_custom_favicon'] != '') {
        echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $theme_options['general_custom_favicon'] . '" />' . "\n";
    if (array_key_exists('style_custom_css', $theme_options) && $theme_options['style_custom_css'] != '') {
        echo '<!-- Custom CSS-->' . "\n" . '<style type="text/css">' . "\n\t" . $theme_options['style_custom_css'] . "\n" . '</style>' . "\n<!--/Custom CSS-->\n";
    if (array_key_exists('style_accent_color', $theme_options) && $theme_options['style_accent_color'] != '' && $theme_options['style_accent_color'] != '#f2505d') {
        $bg_color = array('button:hover', 'html input[type="button"]:hover', 'input[type="reset"]:hover', 'input[type="submit"]:hover', '.the-link', '.portfolio-type-nav .active');
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        $color = array('button', 'html input[type="submit"]', 'input[type="reset"]', 'input[type="submit"]', 'a', 'a:visited', '.entry-footer .entry-tags a:hover', '.portfolio-type-nav a:hover', '.single-portfolio .portfolio-types a:hover');
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        $bdr_color_darken = array('button:focus', 'html input[type="button"]:focus', 'input[type="reset"]:focus', 'input[type="submit"]:focus', 'button:active', 'html input[type="button"]:active', 'input[type="reset"]:active', 'input[type="submit"]:active');
        $color_darken = array('a:hover', 'a:focus', 'a:active', '.entry-title a:hover');
        echo "<!-- Custom Accent Color -->\n<style type='text/css'>\n";
        foreach ($bg_color as $bgc) {
            generate_css($bgc, 'background-color', 'style_accent_color');
        foreach ($bdr_color as $bdrc) {
            generate_css($bdrc, 'border-color', 'style_accent_color');
        foreach ($color as $c) {
            generate_css($c, 'color', 'style_accent_color');
        foreach ($bg_color_darken as $darken) {
            echo "\n{$darken} { background: " . hanna_adjust_brightness($theme_options['style_accent_color'], -25) . "; }\n";
        foreach ($bdr_color_darken as $darken) {
            echo "\n{$darken} { border-color: " . hanna_adjust_brightness($theme_options['style_accent_color'], -25) . "; }\n";
        foreach ($color_darken as $darken) {
            echo "\n{$darken} { color: " . hanna_adjust_brightness($theme_options['style_accent_color'], -25) . "; }\n";
        generate_css('.site-footer .social a:hover svg path', 'fill', 'style_accent_color');
        echo "</style>\n<!-- /Custom Accent Color -->\n";
function fredericktheme_customized_style()
    echo '<style type="text/css">';
    generate_css('body', 'color', 'body_color');
    generate_css('.main-menu nav a', 'color', 'menu_color');
    generate_css('.main-menu', 'background-color', 'menu_background');
    generate_css('footer', 'background-color', 'footer_background');
    echo '</style>';
function atp_style()
    $atp_option_var = array('atp_themecolor', 'atp_wrapbg', 'atp_h1', 'atp_h2', 'atp_h3', 'atp_h4', 'atp_h5', 'atp_h6', 'atp_bodyp', 'atp_headerproperties', 'atp_subheaderproperties', 'atp_subheader_textcolor', 'atp_footerbg', 'atp_footertext', 'atp_copyrights', 'atp_copybgcolor', 'atp_copylinkcolor', 'atp_breadcrumbtext', 'atp_stickybarcolor', 'atp_stickybarfontcolor', 'atp_sidebartitle', 'atp_footertitle', 'atp_entrytitle', 'atp_entrytitlelinkhover', 'atp_bodyproperties', 'atp_sliderbgproup', 'atp_logotitle', 'atp_tagline', 'atp_footerlinkcolor', 'atp_footerlinkhovercolor', 'atp_topmenu', 'atp_topmenu_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_bg', 'atp_topmenu_sub_link', 'atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover', 'atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg', 'atp_topmenu_active_link', 'atp_topmenu_bordercolor', 'atp_entrytitle', 'atp_overlayimages', 'atp_link', 'atp_linkhover', 'atp_subheaderlink', 'atp_subheaderlinkhover', 'atp_subheader_pt', 'atp_subheader_pb', 'atp_logo_ml', 'atp_logo_mt', 'atp_headerHeight', 'atp_extracss', 'atp_teaser_bg', 'atp_teaser_color', 'atp_footerheadingcolor', 'atp_topbar_bgcolor', 'atp_topbar_text', 'atp_fontwoff', 'atp_fontttf', 'atp_fontsvg', 'atp_fonteot', 'atp_fontname', 'atp_fontclass', 'atpbodyfont', 'atp_headings', 'atp_mainmenufont', 'atp_playerBG', 'atp_playerBr', 'atp_playerTitle', 'atp_playerVolBG', 'atp_playerBtnBG', 'atp_playerMeta', 'atp_stickybarenable', 'atp_like_btncolor', 'atp_playlist_btncolor');
    foreach ($atp_option_var as $value) {
        ${$value} = get_option($value);
    // Define Variables
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        $overlayimages = generate_css(array('background-image' => 'url(' . THEME_PATTDIR . $atp_overlayimages . ')'));
    $themeColor = isset($atp_themecolor) ? $atp_themecolor : '';
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    $stickyfontcolor = $atp_stickybarfontcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_stickybarfontcolor . ';' : '';
    $topbarBG = $atp_topbar_bgcolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_topbar_bgcolor . ';' : '';
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    $subheaderText = $atp_subheader_textcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_subheader_textcolor . ';' : '';
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    $subheaderLinkHover = $atp_subheaderlinkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_subheaderlinkhover . ';' : '';
    $breadcrumbText = $atp_breadcrumbtext ? 'color:' . $atp_breadcrumbtext . ';' : '';
    $footerBg = generate_imagecss($atp_footerbg, array('background-color' => 'color'));
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    $footerText = generate_fontcss($atp_footertext);
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    $footerLink = $atp_footerlinkcolor ? 'color:' . $atp_footerlinkcolor . ';' : '';
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    $copyrightBG = $atp_copybgcolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_copybgcolor . ';' : '';
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    // Top Menu
    $topmenufont = generate_fontcss($atp_topmenu);
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    $topmenu_hoverbg = $atp_topmenu_hoverbg ? 'background-color:' . $atp_topmenu_hoverbg . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_bg = $atp_topmenu_sub_bg ? 'background:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_bg . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_link = $atp_topmenu_sub_link ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_link . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_linkhover = $atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_linkhover . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_sub_hoverbg = $atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg ? 'background:' . $atp_topmenu_sub_hoverbg . ';' : '';
    $topmenu_active_link = $atp_topmenu_active_link ? 'color:' . $atp_topmenu_active_link . ';' : '';
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    $playerBG = $atp_playerBG ? 'background-color:' . $atp_playerBG . ' !important;' : '';
    $playerBr = $atp_playerBr ? 'border-color:' . $atp_playerBr . ' !important;' : '';
    $playerTitle = $atp_playerTitle ? 'color:' . $atp_playerTitle . ' !important;' : '';
    $playerVolBG = $atp_playerVolBG ? 'background-color:' . $atp_playerVolBG . ' !important;' : '';
    $playerBtnBG = $atp_playerBtnBG ? 'color:' . $atp_playerBtnBG . ' !important;' : '';
    $playerMeta = $atp_playerMeta ? 'color:' . $atp_playerMeta . ' !important;' : '';
    // Headings
    $h1font = generate_fontcss($atp_h1);
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    $h3font = generate_fontcss($atp_h3);
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    $h5font = generate_fontcss($atp_h5);
    $h6font = generate_fontcss($atp_h6);
    $iva_like_btncolor = $atp_like_btncolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_like_btncolor . ' !important;' : '';
    $iva_playlist_btncolor = $atp_playlist_btncolor ? 'background-color:' . $atp_playlist_btncolor . ' !important;' : '';
    if ($themeColor != '') {
#back-top span,
#fap-progress-bar div,
#fap-volume-progress div,
.pagination span.current,
#respond input#submit,
.pagination a:hover,
.progress_bar, .table.fancy_table th,
.status-format, .ac_title.active .arrow, .comment-edit-link, .post-edit-link,
.album-list:hover .album-desc,
.artist-list:hover .artist-desc,
.gallery-list:hover .gallery-desc,
.video-list:hover .video-desc,
.event-list:hover .event-desc,
.hover_type a.hoveraudio:hover,
.hover_type a.hovervideo:hover,
.hover_type a.hovergallery:hover,
.hover_type a.hoverimage:hover,
.hover_type a.hoverartist:hover,
.event-meta .day,
.flex-title h5 span,
.tagcloud a:hover,
.toggle-title.active .arrow,
.search-nav > li > a,
.search-nav > li:hover > a {
        echo $themeColor;

a, .more-link,
.mp3options a:hover,
.iva-np-pagination a:hover,
.search-nav > li > div a:hover,
.selected .fa-2x.play_icon,
.album-meta > a { color:<?php 
        echo $themeColor;

#footer, #featured_slider, .sf-menu ul.sub-menu,
#header, #header-s3, #header-s4,
.fancyheading span, blockquote.alignright, blockquote.alignleft,
.fancytitle span {
        echo $themeColor;
a,.entry-title a { <?php 
    echo $link;
a:hover,.entry-title a:hover { <?php 
    echo $linkHover;

    if ($bodyImage != '' || $bodyP != '') {
#bodybg { <?php 
        echo $bodyImage;
body { <?php 
        echo $bodyP;
    if ($atp_overlayimages != '') {
.bodyoverlay { <?php 
        echo $overlayimages;

#main { <?php 
    echo $wrapbg;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .countdown-amount { <?php 
    echo $headings;
body { <?php 
    echo $bodyfont;

.topbar { <?php 
    echo $topbarBG;
    echo $topbarText;
#header, #header-s2, #header-s3 { <?php 
    echo $headerProperties;

#featured_slider { <?php 
    echo $sliderBG;
 { <?php 
    echo $teaserBG;
    echo $teasercolor;

#subheader {
    echo $subheaderBG;
    echo $subheader_PT;
    echo $subheader_PB;
    echo $subheaderText;
#subheader .page-title { <?php 
    echo $subheaderText;
.primarymenu { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_bordercolor;

h1#site-title a{ <?php 
    echo $logoTitle;
h2#site-description { <?php 
    echo $tagLine;
.logo { <?php 
    echo $logo_ML;
    echo $logo_MT;
#sticky { <?php 
    echo $stickyBG;
    echo $stickyfontcolor;
    if ($atp_stickybarenable == 'on') {
#sticky { display:block; }
#atp_menu a { <?php 
    echo $topmenufont . $mainmenufont;
#atp_menu li:hover, 
#atp_menu li.sfHover { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_hoverbg;

#atp_menu li:hover a, 
#atp_menu li.sfHover a,
#atp_menu a:focus, 
#atp_menu a:hover, 
#atp_menu a:active {
    echo $topmenu_linkhover;

#atp_menu ul { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_bg;
#atp_menu ul a { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_sub_link;

#atp_menu li li:hover, #atp_menu li li.sfHover,
#atp_menu li li a:focus, #atp_menu li li a:hover, #atp_menu li li a:active {
    echo $topmenu_sub_linkhover;
    echo $topmenu_sub_hoverbg;

#atp_menu ul li { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_bordercolor;

#atp_menu li.current-cat > a, 
#atp_menu li.current_page_item > a,
#atp_menu li.current-page-ancestor > a { <?php 
    echo $topmenu_active_link;

h1 { <?php 
    echo $h1font;
h2 { <?php 
    echo $h2font;
h3 { <?php 
    echo $h3font;
h4 { <?php 
    echo $h4font;
h5 { <?php 
    echo $h5font;
h6 { <?php 
    echo $h6font;
.header-area {	<?php 
    echo $headerHeight;
h2.entry-title a { <?php 
    echo $entryTitleFont;
h2.entry-title a:hover { <?php 
    echo $entryTitleLinkHover;
.widget-title { <?php 
    echo $sidebarTitleFont;
#footer .widget-title { <?php 
    echo $footerTitleFont;

#subheader a { <?php 
    echo $subheaderLink;
#subheader a:hover { <?php 
    echo $subheaderLinkHover;

#footer { <?php 
    echo $footerBg;
    echo $footerText;
.copyright { <?php 
    echo $copyrightProperties . $copyrightBG;
.copyright a { <?php 
    echo $copyLinkColor;

#footer .widget-title { <?php 
    echo $footerHeadingColor;
.breadcrumbs { <?php 
    echo $breadcrumbText;
#footer a { <?php 
    echo $footerLink;
#footer a:hover { <?php 
    echo $footerLinkHover;

/* Audio Player Dark Skin */

#fap-current-cover { <?php 
    echo $playerBG;
    echo $playerBr;

#fap-current-title { <?php 
    echo $playerTitle;

#fap-progress-bar { <?php 
    echo $playerBr;

#fap-play-pause { <?php 
    echo $playerBtnBG;

#fap-progress-bar { <?php 
    echo $playerVolBG;

#fap-current-meta, #fap-current-meta a, #fap-current-meta a:visited { <?php 
    echo $playerMeta;

#fap-wrapper-switcher { 
    echo $playerBG;
    echo $playerBr;
.fap-add-playlist.btn { 
    echo $iva_playlist_btncolor;
    echo $iva_like_btncolor;

    if ($atp_extracss != '') {
        echo $atp_extracss;

    if ($atp_fontwoff != '' && $atp_fontttf != '' && $atp_fontsvg != '' && $atp_fonteot != '') {
        $fontclass = $atp_fontclass ? $atp_fontclass : 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #atp_menu a, .splitter ul li a, .pagination';
	@font-face {
		font-family: '<?php 
        echo $atp_fontname;
		src: url('<?php 
        echo $atp_fontwoff;
		src: url('<?php 
        echo $atp_fonteot;
?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        echo $atp_fontwoff;
') format('woff'),
        echo $atp_fontttf;
') format('truetype'),
        echo $atp_fontsvg;
        echo $atp_fontname;
') format('svg');
		font-weight: normal;
		font-style: normal;
        echo $fontclass;
		font-family: '<?php 
        echo $atp_fontname;
        define('CUSTOMFONT', true);

function omw_master_wp_head()