public function addcerti()
     $braintree_cse = $stripe_publishable_key = $url = $timezone = $website_title = $s3_bucket = $twillo_account_sid = $twillo_auth_token = $twillo_number = $default_payment = $stripe_secret_key = $braintree_environment = $braintree_merchant_id = $braintree_public_key = $braintree_private_key = $customer_certy_url = $customer_certy_pass = $customer_certy_type = $provider_certy_url = $provider_certy_pass = $provider_certy_type = $gcm_browser_key = $key_provider = $key_user = $key_taxi = $key_trip = $key_currency = $total_trip = $cancelled_trip = $total_payment = $completed_trip = $card_payment = $credit_payment = $key_ref_pre = $android_client_app_url = $android_provider_app_url = $ios_client_app_url = $ios_provider_app_url = NULL;
     $is_certy_change = 0;
     $braintree_environment = Config::get('app.braintree_environment');
     $braintree_merchant_id = Config::get('app.braintree_merchant_id');
     $braintree_public_key = Config::get('app.braintree_public_key');
     $braintree_private_key = Config::get('app.braintree_private_key');
     $braintree_cse = Config::get('app.braintree_cse');
     $twillo_account_sid = Config::get('app.twillo_account_sid');
     $twillo_auth_token = Config::get('app.twillo_auth_token');
     $twillo_number = Config::get('app.twillo_number');
     $timezone = Config::get('app.timezone');
     $stripe_publishable_key = Config::get('app.stripe_publishable_key');
     $url = Config::get('app.url');
     $website_title = Config::get('app.website_title');
     $s3_bucket = Config::get('app.s3_bucket');
     $default_payment = Config::get('app.default_payment');
     $stripe_secret_key = Config::get('app.stripe_secret_key');
     $mail_driver = Config::get('mail.driver');
     $email_name = Config::get('');
     $email_address = Config::get('mail.from.address');
     $mandrill_secret = Config::get('services.mandrill.secret');
     $host = Config::get('');
     $customer_certy_url = Config::get('app.customer_certy_url');
     $customer_certy_pass = Config::get('app.customer_certy_pass');
     $customer_certy_type = Config::get('app.customer_certy_type');
     $provider_certy_url = Config::get('app.provider_certy_url');
     $provider_certy_pass = Config::get('app.provider_certy_pass');
     $provider_certy_type = Config::get('app.provider_certy_type');
     $gcm_browser_key = Config::get('app.gcm_browser_key');
     $install = array('braintree_environment' => $braintree_environment, 'braintree_merchant_id' => $braintree_merchant_id, 'braintree_public_key' => $braintree_public_key, 'braintree_private_key' => $braintree_private_key, 'braintree_cse' => $braintree_cse, 'twillo_account_sid' => $twillo_account_sid, 'twillo_auth_token' => $twillo_auth_token, 'twillo_number' => $twillo_number, 'stripe_publishable_key' => $stripe_publishable_key, 'stripe_secret_key' => $stripe_secret_key, 'mail_driver' => $mail_driver, 'email_address' => $email_address, 'email_name' => $email_name, 'mandrill_secret' => $mandrill_secret, 'default_payment' => $default_payment, 'customer_certy_url' => $customer_certy_url, 'customer_certy_pass' => $customer_certy_pass, 'customer_certy_type' => $customer_certy_type, 'provider_certy_url' => $provider_certy_url, 'provider_certy_pass' => $provider_certy_pass, 'provider_certy_type' => $provider_certy_type, 'gcm_browser_key' => $gcm_browser_key);
     $count = 0;
     // apple user
     if (Input::hasFile('user_certi_a') && Input::has('user_pass_a') && Input::has('cert_type_a')) {
         // Upload File
         $certy_password_client = $customer_certy_pass = trim(Input::get('user_pass_a'));
         $customer_certy_type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
         if ($customer_certy_type) {
             $client_certy_type = "ssl";
         } else {
             $client_certy_type = "sandboxSsl";
         $file_name = "Client_certy";
         $ext = Input::file('user_certi_a')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         if ($ext == "PEM" || $ext == "pem") {
             /* Input::file('user_certi_a')->move(app_path() . "/ios_push/iph_cert/", $file_name . "." . $ext); */
             Input::file('user_certi_a')->move(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/iph_cert", $file_name . "." . $ext);
             /* chmod(app_path() . "/ios_push/iph_cert/" . $file_name . "." . $ext, 0777); */
             $local_url = $file_name . "." . $ext;
             // Upload to S3
             if (Config::get('app.s3_bucket') != "") {
                 $s3 = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
                 $pic = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), 'Key' => $file_name, 'SourceFile' => app_path() . "/ios_push/iph_cert/" . $local_url));
                 $s3->putObjectAcl(array('Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), 'Key' => $file_name, 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
                 $customer_certy_url = $s3->getObjectUrl(Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), $file_name);
             } else {
                 /* $customer_certy_url = app_path() . '/ios_push/iph_cert/' . $local_url; */
                 /* $customer_certy_url = rtrim(asset_url(), 'public') . 'app/ios_push/iph_cert/' . $local_url; */
             $customer_certy_url = asset_url() . '/apps/ios_push/iph_cert/' . $local_url;
             /* if (isset($theme->logo)) {
                $icon = asset_url() . '/uploads/' . $theme->logo;
                $theme->logo = $local_url; */
             $update_client_certy = "<?php\n\n//session_start();\n\n//require_once  'database.php';\n//error_reporting(false);\n\nclass Apns {\n\n    public \$ctx;\n    public \$fp;\n    private \$ssl = 'ssl://';\n    private \$passphrase = '" . $certy_password_client . "';\n    private \$sandboxCertificate = 'iph_cert/Client_certy.pem';\n    private \$sandboxSsl = 'ssl://';\n    private \$sandboxFeedback = 'ssl://';\n    private \$message = 'ManagerMaster';\n\n    private function getCertificatePath() {\n        return asset_url() . '/apps/ios_push/' . \$this->sandboxCertificate;\n    }\n\n    public function __construct() {\n        \$this->initialize_apns();\n    }\n\n    public function initialize_apns() {\n        try {\n            \$this->ctx = stream_context_create();\n\n            //stream_context_set_option(\$ctx, 'ssl', 'cafile', 'entrust_2048_ca.cer');\n            stream_context_set_option(\$this->ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', \$this->getCertificatePath());\n            stream_context_set_option(\$this->ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', \$this->passphrase); // use this if you are using a passphrase\n            // Open a connection to the APNS servers\n            \$this->fp = stream_socket_client(\$this->" . $client_certy_type . ", \$err, \$errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT, \$this->ctx);\n\n            if (\$this->fp) {\n                Log::info('Successfully connected to server of APNS');\n                //echo 'Successfully connected to server of APNS ckUberForXOwner.pem';\n            } else {\n                Log::error('Error in connection while trying to connect to APNS');\n                //echo 'Error in connection while trying to connect to APNS ckUberForXOwner.pem';\n            }\n        } catch (Exception \$e) {\n            Log::error(\$e);\n        }\n    }\n\n    public function send_notification(\$devices, \$message) {\n        try {\n            \$errCounter = 0;\n            \$payload = json_encode(array('aps' => \$message));\n            \$result = 0;\n            \$bodyError = '';\n            foreach (\$devices as \$key => \$value) {\n                \$msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', str_replace(' ', '', \$value)) . pack('n', (strlen(\$payload))) . \$payload;\n                \$result = fwrite(\$this->fp, \$msg);\n                \$bodyError .= 'result: ' . \$result . ', devicetoken: ' . \$value;\n                if (!\$result) {\n                    \$errCounter = \$errCounter + 1;\n                }\n            }\n\t\t\t//echo 'Result :- '.\$result;\n            if (\$result) {\n                Log::info('Delivered Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL);\n                //echo 'Delivered Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL;\n                \$bool_result = true;\n            } else {\n                Log::info('Could not Deliver Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL);\n                //echo 'Could not Deliver Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL;\n                \$bool_result = false;\n            }\n\n            fclose(\$this->fp);\n            return \$bool_result;\n        } catch (Exception \$e) {\n            Log::error(\$e);\n        }\n    }\n\n}\n";
             $t = file_put_contents(app_path() . '/ios_push/apns.php', $update_client_certy);
             /* chmod(app_path() . '/ios_push/apns.php', 0777); */
         } else {
             return Redirect::to('/admin/settings/installation?success=3')->with('install', $install);
     if (Input::hasFile('prov_certi_a') && Input::has('prov_pass_a') && Input::has('cert_type_a')) {
         $certy_password_driver = $provider_certy_pass = trim(Input::get('prov_pass_a'));
         $provider_certy_type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
         if ($provider_certy_type) {
             $driver_certy_type = "ssl";
         } else {
             $driver_certy_type = "sandboxSsl";
         // Upload File
         $file_name = "Walker_certy";
         $ext = Input::file('prov_certi_a')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         if ($ext == "PEM" || $ext == "pem") {
             /* Input::file('prov_certi_a')->move(app_path() . "/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/", $file_name . "." . $ext); */
             Input::file('prov_certi_a')->move(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/walker/iph_cert", $file_name . "." . $ext);
             $local_url = $file_name . "." . $ext;
             /* chmod(app_path() . "/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/" . $file_name . "." . $ext, 0777); */
             // Upload to S3
             if (Config::get('app.s3_bucket') != "") {
                 $s3 = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
                 $pic = $s3->putObject(array('Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), 'Key' => $file_name, 'SourceFile' => app_path() . "/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/" . $local_url));
                 $s3->putObjectAcl(array('Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), 'Key' => $file_name, 'ACL' => 'public-read'));
                 $provider_certy_url = $s3->getObjectUrl(Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), $file_name);
             } else {
                 /* $provider_certy_url = app_path() . '/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/' . $local_url; */
                 /* $provider_certy_url = rtrim(asset_url(), 'public') . 'app/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/' . $local_url; */
             $provider_certy_url = asset_url() . '/apps/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/' . $local_url;
             /* if (isset($theme->logo)) {
                $icon = asset_url() . '/uploads/' . $theme->logo;
                $theme->logo = $local_url; */
             $update_client_certy = "<?php\n\n//session_start();\n\n//require_once  'database.php';\n//error_reporting(false);\n\nclass Apns {\n\n    public \$ctx;\n    public \$fp;\n    private \$ssl = 'ssl://';\n    private \$passphrase = '" . $certy_password_driver . "';\n    private \$sandboxCertificate = 'walker/iph_cert/Walker_certy.pem';\n    private \$sandboxSsl = 'ssl://';\n    private \$sandboxFeedback = 'ssl://';\n    private \$message = 'ManagerMaster';\n\n    private function getCertificatePath() {\n        return asset_url() . '/apps/ios_push/' . \$this->sandboxCertificate;\n    }\n\n    public function __construct() {\n        \$this->initialize_apns();\n    }\n\n    public function initialize_apns() {\n        try {\n            \$this->ctx = stream_context_create();\n\n            //stream_context_set_option(\$ctx, 'ssl', 'cafile', 'entrust_2048_ca.cer');\n            stream_context_set_option(\$this->ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', \$this->getCertificatePath());\n            stream_context_set_option(\$this->ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', \$this->passphrase); // use this if you are using a passphrase\n            // Open a connection to the APNS servers\n            \$this->fp = stream_socket_client(\$this->" . $driver_certy_type . ", \$err, \$errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT, \$this->ctx);\n\n            if (\$this->fp) {\n                Log::info('Successfully connected to server of APNS');\n                /*echo 'Successfully connected to server of APNS ckUberForXProvider.pem';*/\n            } else {\n                Log::error('Error in connection while trying to connect to APNS');\n                /*echo 'Error in connection while trying to connect to APNS ckUberForXProvider.pem';*/\n            }\n        } catch (Exception \$e) {\n            Log::error(\$e);\n        }\n    }\n\n    public function send_notification(\$devices, \$message) {\n        try {\n            \$errCounter = 0;\n            \$payload = json_encode(array('aps' => \$message));\n            \$result = 0;\n            \$bodyError = '';\n\t\t\t/*print_r(\$devices);*/\n            foreach (\$devices as \$key => \$value) {\n\t\t\t\t/*echo \$value;*/\n                \$msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', str_replace(' ', '', \$value)) . pack('n', (strlen(\$payload))) . \$payload;\n                \$result = fwrite(\$this->fp, \$msg);\n                \$bodyError .= 'result: ' . \$result . ', devicetoken: ' . \$value;\n                if (!\$result) {\n                    \$errCounter = \$errCounter + 1;\n                }\n            }\n\t\t\t/*echo 'Result :- '.\$result;*/\n            if (\$result) {\n                Log::info('Delivered Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL);\n                /*echo 'Delivered Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL;*/\n                \$bool_result = true;\n            } else {\n                Log::info('Could not Deliver Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL);\n                /*echo 'Could not Deliver Message to APNS' . PHP_EOL;*/\n                \$bool_result = false;\n            }\n\n            fclose(\$this->fp);\n            return \$bool_result;\n        } catch (Exception \$e) {\n            Log::error(\$e);\n        }\n    }\n\n}\n";
             $t = file_put_contents(app_path() . '/ios_push/walker/apns.php', $update_client_certy);
             /* chmod(app_path() . '/ios_push/walker/apns.php', 0777); */
         } else {
             return Redirect::to('/admin/settings/installation?success=3')->with('install', $install);
     if (Input::has('gcm_key')) {
         /* "AIzaSyAKe3XmUV93WvHJvII4Qzpf0R052mxb0KI" */
         $app_gcm_key = $gcm_browser_key = trim(Input::get('gcm_key'));
         if ($app_gcm_key != "") {
             $update_client_certy = "<?php\n\n/*array(\n    'GOOGLE_API_KEY' => '" . $app_gcm_key . "',\n);*/\n/*\n * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates\n * and open the template in the editor.\n */\n\n/**\n * Description of GCM\n *\n * @author Ravi Tamada\n */\ndefine('GOOGLE_API_KEY', '" . $app_gcm_key . "');\n/*define('GOOGLE_API_KEY', 'AIzaSyAKe3XmUV93WvHJvII4Qzpf0R052mxb0KI');*/\n/*define('GOOGLE_API_KEY', 'AIzaSyC0JjF-O72-gUvUmUm_dsHHvG5o3aWosp8');*/\n\nclass GCM {\n\n    //put your code here\n    // constructor\n    function __construct() {\n\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sending Push Notification\n     */\n    public function send_notification(\$registatoin_ids, \$message) {\n        // include config\n        include_once 'const.php';\n        /* include_once 'config.php'; */\n        // Set POST variables\n        \$url = '';\n\n        \$fields = array(\n            'registration_ids' => \$registatoin_ids,\n            'data' => \$message,\n        );\n\n        \$headers = array(\n            'Authorization: key=' . GOOGLE_API_KEY,\n            'Content-Type: application/json'\n        );\n        // Open connection\n        \$ch = curl_init();\n\n        // Set the url, number of POST vars, POST data\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_URL, \$url);\n\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, \$headers);\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);\n\n        // Disabling SSL Certificate support temporarly\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);\n        curl_setopt(\$ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(\$fields));\n\n        // Execute post\n        \$result = curl_exec(\$ch);\n        if (\$result === FALSE) {\n            //die('Curl failed: ' . curl_error(\$ch));\n            Log::error('Curl failed: ' . curl_error(\$ch));\n        }\n        else{\n            //echo \$result;\n            Log::error(\$result);\n        }\n\n        // Close connection\n        /*curl_close(\$ch);\n         echo \$result/*.'\n\n'.json_encode(\$fields); */\n    }\n\n}\n?>\n";
             $t = file_put_contents(app_path() . '/gcm/GCM_1.php', $update_client_certy);
         } else {
             return Redirect::to('/admin/settings/installation?success=4')->with('install', $install);
     /* if (Input::hasFile('user_certi_a')) {
               $certi_user_a = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 0)->where('file_type', 'certificate')->where('type', Input::get('cert_type_a'))->first();
               if ($certi_user_a != NULL) {
               $path = $certi_user_a->name;
               $filename = basename($path);
               if (file_exists($path)) {
               try {
               unlink(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/iph_cert/" . $filename);
               } catch (Exception $e) {
               $key = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 0)->where('file_type', 'certificate')->first();
               } else {
               $key = new Certificates();
               $key->client = 'apple';
               $key->type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
               $key->user_type = 0;
               $key->file_type = 'certificate';
               // upload image
               $file_name = time();
               $file_name .= rand();
               $file_name = sha1($file_name);
               $ext = Input::file('user_certi_a')->getClientOriginalExtension();
               Input::file('user_certi_a')->move(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/iph_cert", $file_name . "." . $ext);
               $local_url = $file_name . "." . $ext;
               // Upload to S3
               if (Config::get('app.s3_bucket') != "") {
               $s3 = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
               $pic = $s3->putObject(array(
               'Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'),
               'Key' => $file_name,
               'SourceFile' => public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/iph_cert/" . $local_url,
               'Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'),
               'Key' => $file_name,
               'ACL' => 'public-read'
               $s3_url = $s3->getObjectUrl(Config::get('app.s3_bucket'), $file_name);
               Log::info('path = ' . print_r($local_url, true));
               $key->name = $local_url;
               $count = $count + 1;
               // User passphrase file.
               if (Input::has('user_pass_a')) {
               $user_key_db = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 0)->where('file_type', 'passphrase')->where('type', Input::get('cert_type_a'))->first();
               if ($user_key_db == NULL) {
               $key = new Certificates();
               $key->client = 'apple';
               $key->type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
               $key->user_type = 0;
               $key->file_type = 'passphrase';
               } else {
               $key = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 0)->where('file_type', 'passphrase')->first();
               $key->name = Input::get('user_pass_a');
               $count = $count + 1;
               // apple provider
               if (Input::hasFile('prov_certi_a')) {
               $certi_prov_a = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 1)->where('file_type', 'certificate')->where('type', Input::get('cert_type_a'))->first();
               if ($certi_prov_a != NULL) {
               $path = $certi_prov_a->name;
               $filename = basename($path);
               try {
               unlink(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/" . $filename);
               } catch (Exception $e) {
               $key = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 1)->where('file_type', 'certificate')->first();
               } else {
               $key = new Certificates();
               $key->client = 'apple';
               $key->type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
               $key->user_type = 1;
               $key->file_type = 'certificate';
               // upload image
               $file_name = time();
               $file_name .= rand();
               $file_name = sha1($file_name);
               $ext = Input::file('prov_certi_a')->getClientOriginalExtension();
               Input::file('prov_certi_a')->move(public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/walker/iph_cert", $file_name . "." . $ext);
               $local_url = $file_name . "." . $ext;
               // Upload to S3
               if (Config::get('app.s3_bucket') != "") {
               $s3 = App::make('aws')->get('s3');
               $pic = $s3->putObject(array(
               'Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'),
               'Key' => $file_name,
               'SourceFile' => public_path() . "/apps/ios_push/walker/iph_cert/" . $local_url,
               'Bucket' => Config::get('app.s3_bucket'),
               'Key' => $file_name,
               'ACL' => 'public-read'
               Log::info('path = ' . print_r($local_url, true));
               $key->name = $local_url;
               $count = $count + 1;
               // Provider passphrase file.
               if (Input::has('prov_pass_a')) {
               $user_key_db = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 1)->where('file_type', 'passphrase')->where('type', Input::get('cert_type_a'))->first();
               if ($user_key_db == NULL) {
               $key = new Certificates();
               $key->client = 'apple';
               $key->type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
               $key->user_type = 1;
               $key->file_type = 'passphrase';
               } else {
               $key = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('user_type', 1)->where('file_type', 'passphrase')->first();
               $key->name = Input::get('prov_pass_a');
               $count = $count + 1;
               // gcm key file.
               if (Input::has('gcm_key')) {
               $gcm_key_db = Certificates::where('client', 'gcm')->first();
               if ($gcm_key_db == NULL) {
               $key = new Certificates();
               $key->client = 'gcm';
               $key->type = Input::get('cert_type_a');
               $key->user_type = 0;
               $key->file_type = 'browser_key';
               } else {
               $key = Certificates::where('client', 'gcm')->first();
               $key->name = Input::get('gcm_key');
               $count = $count + 1;
               Log::info("count = " . print_r($count, true));
               $cert_def = Input::get('cert_default');
               $certa = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->get();
               foreach ($certa as $ca) {
               $def = Certificates::where('id', $ca->id)->first();
               $def->default = 0;
               $certs = Certificates::where('client', 'apple')->where('type', $cert_def)->get();
               foreach ($certs as $defc) {
               $def = Certificates::where('id', $defc->id)->first();
               Log::info('def = ' . print_r($def, true));
               $def->default = 1;
               } */
     $android_client_app_url = NULL;
     if (Input::has('android_client_app_url')) {
         $android_client_app_url = Input::get('android_client_app_url');
     $android_provider_app_url = NULL;
     if (Input::has('android_provider_app_url')) {
         $android_provider_app_url = Input::get('android_provider_app_url');
     $ios_client_app_url = NULL;
     if (Input::has('ios_client_app_url')) {
         $ios_client_app_url = Input::get('ios_client_app_url');
     $ios_provider_app_url = NULL;
     if (Input::has('ios_provider_app_url')) {
         $ios_provider_app_url = Input::get('ios_provider_app_url');
     $appfile = fopen(app_path() . "/config/app.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
     /* $appfile_config = generate_app_config($braintree_cse, $stripe_publishable_key, $url, $timezone, $website_title, $s3_bucket, $twillo_account_sid, $twillo_auth_token, $twillo_number, $default_payment, $stripe_secret_key, $braintree_environment, $braintree_merchant_id, $braintree_public_key, $braintree_private_key, $customer_certy_url, $customer_certy_pass, $customer_certy_type, $provider_certy_url, $provider_certy_pass, $provider_certy_type, $gcm_browser_key, $android_client_app_url, $android_provider_app_url, $ios_client_app_url, $ios_provider_app_url); */
     $appfile_config = generate_app_config($braintree_cse, $stripe_publishable_key, $url, $timezone, $website_title, $s3_bucket, $twillo_account_sid, $twillo_auth_token, $twillo_number, $default_payment, $stripe_secret_key, $braintree_environment, $braintree_merchant_id, $braintree_public_key, $braintree_private_key, $customer_certy_url, $customer_certy_pass, $customer_certy_type, $provider_certy_url, $provider_certy_pass, $provider_certy_type, $gcm_browser_key, $key_provider, $key_user, $key_taxi, $key_trip, $key_currency, $total_trip, $cancelled_trip, $total_payment, $completed_trip, $card_payment, $credit_payment, $key_ref_pre, $android_client_app_url, $android_provider_app_url, $ios_client_app_url, $ios_provider_app_url);
     fwrite($appfile, $appfile_config);
     $install = array('braintree_environment' => $braintree_environment, 'braintree_merchant_id' => $braintree_merchant_id, 'braintree_public_key' => $braintree_public_key, 'braintree_private_key' => $braintree_private_key, 'braintree_cse' => $braintree_cse, 'twillo_account_sid' => $twillo_account_sid, 'twillo_auth_token' => $twillo_auth_token, 'twillo_number' => $twillo_number, 'stripe_publishable_key' => $stripe_publishable_key, 'stripe_secret_key' => $stripe_secret_key, 'mail_driver' => $mail_driver, 'email_address' => $email_address, 'email_name' => $email_name, 'mandrill_secret' => $mandrill_secret, 'default_payment' => $default_payment, 'customer_certy_url' => $customer_certy_url, 'customer_certy_pass' => $customer_certy_pass, 'customer_certy_type' => $customer_certy_type, 'provider_certy_url' => $provider_certy_url, 'provider_certy_pass' => $provider_certy_pass, 'provider_certy_type' => $provider_certy_type, 'gcm_browser_key' => $gcm_browser_key);
     /* echo asset_url();
        echo "<br>";
        echo $provider_certy_url;
        echo $customer_certy_url; */
     if ($is_certy_change > 0) {
         return Redirect::to('/admin/settings/installation?success=1')->with('install', $install);
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('/admin/settings/installation?success=5')->with('install', $install);
 public function finish_install()
     // Modifying Database Config
     $host = Session::get('host');
     $username = Session::get('username');
     $password = Session::get('password');
     $database = Session::get('database');
     $dbfile = fopen(app_path() . "/config/database.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
     $dbfile_config = generate_db_config($host, $username, $password, $database);
     fwrite($dbfile, $dbfile_config);
     // Modifying App Config File
     $url = Session::get('url');
     $website_title = Session::get('website_title');
     $timezone = Session::get('timezone');
     $twillo_account_sid = Session::get('twillo_account_sid');
     $twillo_auth_token = Session::get('twillo_auth_token');
     $twillo_number = Session::get('twillo_number');
     $default_payment = Session::get('default_payment');
     $default_storage = Session::get('default_storage');
     if ($default_payment == 'stripe') {
         $stripe_secret_key = Session::get('stripe_secret_key');
         $stripe_publishable_key = Session::get('stripe_publishable_key');
         $braintree_environment = '';
         $braintree_merchant_id = '';
         $braintree_public_key = '';
         $braintree_private_key = '';
         $braintree_cse = '';
     } else {
         $stripe_secret_key = '';
         $stripe_publishable_key = '';
         $braintree_environment = Session::get('braintree_environment');
         $braintree_merchant_id = Session::get('braintree_merchant_id');
         $braintree_public_key = Session::get('braintree_public_key');
         $braintree_private_key = Session::get('braintree_private_key');
         $braintree_cse = Session::get('braintree_cse');
     if ($default_storage == 2) {
         $s3_bucket = Session::get('s3_bucket');
     } else {
         $s3_bucket = '';
     $appfile = fopen(app_path() . "/config/app.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
     $appfile_config = generate_app_config($braintree_cse, $stripe_publishable_key, $url, $timezone, $website_title, $s3_bucket, $twillo_account_sid, $twillo_auth_token, $twillo_number, $default_payment, $stripe_secret_key, $braintree_environment, $braintree_merchant_id, $braintree_public_key, $braintree_private_key);
     fwrite($appfile, $appfile_config);
     // Importing Database
     $re = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database);
     $result = mysqli_query($re, "SHOW TABLES FROM {$database}");
     if (!$result) {
         import_db($username, $password, $host, $database);
     // Modifying Mail Config File
     $mail_driver = Session::get('mail_driver');
     $email_name = Session::get('email_name');
     $email_address = Session::get('email_address');
     $mandrill_secret = Session::get('mandrill_secret');
     $mailfile = fopen(app_path() . "/config/mail.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
     $mailfile_config = generate_mail_config($host, $mail_driver, $email_name, $email_address);
     fwrite($mailfile, $mailfile_config);
     if ($mail_driver == 'mandrill') {
         $mandrill_username = Input::get('mandrill_username');
         $servicesfile = fopen(app_path() . "/config/services.php", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
         $servicesfile_config = generate_services_config($mandrill_secret, $mandrill_username);
         fwrite($servicesfile, $servicesfile_config);
     return View::make("installer.step7");