文件: func.php 项目: sabasco/gnscms
function getSelectMenu($categoryId = 0)
    $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, menuTitle, override, slug, categoryId FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) {
        $items .= '<option value="' . ($row['override'] ? $row['override'] : gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html') . '">' . ($row['menuTitle'] ? $row['menuTitle'] : $row['title']) . '</option>';
    return $items;
文件: func.php 项目: sabasco/gnscms
function getMenu($categoryId = 0)
    $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, menuTitle, override, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
    $items = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) {
        $items[] = '<li' . ($_GET['locationName'] == $row['slug'] ? ' class="current-menu-item"' : '') . '><a href="' . ($row['override'] ? $row['override'] : gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html') . '">' . ($row['menuTitle'] ? $row['menuTitle'] : $row['title']) . (isParent($row['id']) ? ' &nbsp;<i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' : '') . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>';
    if (count($items)) {
        return '<ul class="nav-menu dropdown-menu">' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>';
    } else {
        return '';
文件: func.php 项目: sabasco/gnscms
 * $Id: func.php, v 1.0.0 2009/01/07 datazen Exp $ :: updated 2012/06/20 maestro Exp $
 * gnsPLANET.com - The Foundation of Development & Research for the New Millenium
 * http://www.gnsplanet.com/
 * 3G Development - The Ultimate in Design, Functionality and Service
 * http://www.3g-dev.com/
 * Copyright © 2010 gnsPLANET, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright © 2012 3G Development. All rights reserved.
function getMenu($categoryId = 0)
    $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, menuTitle, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
    $items = array();
    $cnt = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) {
        $items[] = '<li><a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $lvl . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>';
    if (count($items)) {
        return '<ul>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>';
    } else {
        return '';
文件: func.php 项目: sabasco/gnscms
 * $Id: func.php, v 1.0.0 2009/01/07 datazen Exp $ :: updated 2012/06/20 maestro Exp $
 * gnsPLANET.com - The Foundation of Development & Research for the New Millenium
 * http://www.gnsplanet.com/
 * 3G Development - The Ultimate in Design, Functionality and Service
 * http://www.3g-dev.com/
 * Copyright © 2010 gnsPLANET, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright © 2012 3G Development. All rights reserved.
function getMenu($categoryId = 0)
    $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, menuTitle, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC");
    $items = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) {
        // check if current category has pages
        $parent = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $row['id'] . " AND type = 1"));
        // if item is a category and has pages, or item is a page, show it
        // commented out for now to add links to all menu items
        // and show all items with a "status" of 1 and "show in menu" of 1
        //if (!empty($parent) || $row['type'] == 1) {
        // old method to remove link of categories with pages
        //$items[] = '<li>' . (($row['type'] == 1) ? '<a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' : '<a>' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>') . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>';
        $items[] = '<li><a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>';
    if (count($items)) {
        return '<ul>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>';
    } else {
        return '';
 * gnsPLANET.com - The Foundation of Development & Research for the New Millenium
 * http://www.gnsplanet.com/
 * 3G Development - The Ultimate in Design, Functionality and Service
 * http://www.3g-dev.com/
 * Copyright © 2010 gnsPLANET, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright © 2012 3G Development. All rights reserved.
      <ul id="headlines">
foreach ($results['pages'] as $page) {
    $pageURL = '<a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($page->title) . '.html">' . htmlspecialchars($page->title) . '</a>';
    echo $pageURL;
          <p class="pageSummary">
    echo htmlspecialchars($page->summary);
            echo $content->id;
);"><span class="label label-important">Disabled</span></a></div>
                    <td style="text-align:right; white-space:nowrap;">
                      <a id="view_<?php 
    echo $content->id;
" href="../<?php 
    echo gen_seo_friendly_titles($content->slug);
.html" title="View this <?php 
    echo $content->type == 0 ? 'Category' : 'Page';
 in New Window" data-rel="tooltip" target="_blank" class="btn btn-success"<?php 
    if ($content->status != 1) {
        echo ' style="display:none;"';
                        <i class="icon-zoom-in icon-white"></i>
                      <a href="index.php?action=editContent&amp;editId=<?php 
    echo $content->id;