function change_dets($id) { $this->is_user_allowed(); $names = trim($this->input->get_post('c_person', TRUE)); $userEmail = trim($this->input->get_post('email', TRUE)); $phone = trim($this->input->get_post('phone', TRUE)); $pass = genBigcode(8); //die(); $filter = array('company_id' => $id); $dets = $this->c->get_details($filter); $old_email = trim($dets[0]->emailAddress); if ($old_email === trim($userEmail)) { $this->c->update_cperson($id); redirect('manageCompanies'); } else { $filter = array('userEmail' => $old_email, 'company_id' => $id); $dets = $this->users->get_details($filter); $uid = trim($dets[0]->usersID); $url = base_url(); $message = "Dear {$names},\r\nYou changed your login credentials. The new details are:\r\n Username: {$userEmail}\r\n Password: {$pass}\r\nPlease click on the link bellow to access your account: {$url}.\r\n\r\nThis email was atomaticaly generated by the system"; // echo $message; // die(); $this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); $this->email->from($this->forwardemail, $this->nicename); $this->email->subject('Changed login credentials.'); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->to($userEmail); if (!$this->email->send()) { $data = array('updt_msg' => "Could not update user account details. The email server is not responding. Please try again later or contact admin."); $this->session->set_userdata($data); redirect('manageCompanies'); } else { $this->c->update_cperson($id); $details = array('usersFullnames' => $names, 'userName' => $userEmail, 'userEmail' => $userEmail, 'userPassword' => md5($pass)); $this->users->activate($uid, $details); //print_r($details); $data = array('updt_msg' => "Company default user details updated. Login credentials sent to {$userEmail}."); $this->session->set_userdata($data); redirect('manageCompanies'); } } }
function edit_user($id) { $this->is_user_allowed(); $names = trim($this->input->get_post('names', TRUE)); $uname = trim($this->input->get_post('uname', TRUE)); $userEmail = trim($this->input->get_post('userEmail', TRUE)); $rights = trim($this->input->get_post('rights', TRUE)); $roles = 3; //trim($this->input->get_post('roles',TRUE)); $pass = genBigcode(8); $filter = array('userEmail' => $userEmail, 'company_id' => $this->session->userdata('companyID')); // print_r($filter); //die(); $count = count($this->users->get_details($filter)); // print_r($this->users->get_details($filter)); // die(); $filter = array('usersID' => $id); $dets = $this->users->get_details($filter); foreach ($dets as $row) { $old_email = trim($row->userEmail); $old_pass = trim($row->userPassword); } if ($old_email === trim($userEmail)) { $this->users->update($old_pass, $id, "y"); $updt_msg = array('updt_msg' => "User details succesfully updated."); $this->session->set_userdata($updt_msg); redirect('manageUsers'); } else { if ($count == 0) { $url = base_url(); $message = "Dear {$names},\r\nYou changed your email address....... Your Login credentials are:\r\n Username: {$uname}\r\n Password: {$pass}\r\nPlease click on the link bellow to access your accoutnt:{$url}.\r\n\r\nThis email was atomaticaly generated by the system"; $this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); $this->email->from($this->forwardemail, $this->nicename); $this->email->subject('Changed login credentials.'); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->to($userEmail); if (!$this->email->send()) { $data = array('updt_msg' => "Could not update user account details. The email server is not responding. Please try again later or contact admin."); $this->session->set_userdata($data); // echo "server error"; // die(); redirect('manageUsers'); } else { $this->users->update($pass, $id, 'y'); $data = array('updt_msg' => "User details successfully updated and details sent to {$userEmail}. Changes will take effect in your next login session."); $this->session->set_userdata($data); redirect('manageUsers'); } } else { $data = array('updt_msg' => "An account with the email adddress: {$userEmail} already exists in our database."); $this->session->set_userdata($data); redirect('manageUsers'); } } }