function connect() { if (!$this->options['hostname'] || !$this->options['username'] || !$this->options['password']) { if (!defined('SUPPORT_URL')) { define('SUPPORT_URL', getOption('supportURL')); } appUpdateMsg('<a href="' . SUPPORT_URL . 'solution/articles/195233-asking-for-ftp-sftp-details-during-update/" target="_blank">See how to add the FTP details</a>.'); return false; } if (isset($this->options['ssl']) && $this->options['ssl'] && function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect')) { $this->link = @ftp_ssl_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); } else { $this->link = @ftp_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); } if (!$this->link) { //$this->errors->add('connect', sprintf(__('Failed to connect to FTP Server %1$s:%2$s'), $this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'])); appUpdateMsg(sprintf('Failed to connect to the FTP server "%1$s:%2$s"', $this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'])); return false; } if (!@ftp_login($this->link, $this->options['username'], $this->options['password'])) { //$this->errors->add('auth', sprintf(__('Username/Password incorrect for %s'), $this->options['username'])); appUpdateMsg(sprintf('FTP username or password incorrect for "%s"', $this->options['username'])); return false; } //Set the Connection to use Passive FTP if ($this->options['passive']) { @ftp_pasv($this->link, true); } if (@ftp_get_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC) < FS_TIMEOUT) { @ftp_set_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, FS_TIMEOUT); } return true; }
public function connect($host, $login, $password) { if (!parent::connect($host, $login, $password)) { return false; } if (empty($this->port)) { $this->port = 21; } $this->handle = $this->ssl && function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect') ? @ftp_ssl_connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout) : @ftp_connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout); if ($this->handle && @ftp_login($this->handle, $this->login, $this->password)) { @ftp_pasv($this->handle, true); if (@ftp_get_option($this->handle, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC) < $this->timeout) { @ftp_set_option($this->handle, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, $this->timeout); } $this->connected = true; return true; } return false; }
public function connect() { if (isset($this->options['ssl']) && $this->options['ssl'] && function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect')) { $this->link = @ftp_ssl_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); } else { $this->link = @ftp_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); } if (!$this->link) { $this->errors->add('connect', sprintf(__('Failed to connect to FTP Server %1$s:%2$s'), $this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'])); return false; } if (!@ftp_login($this->link, $this->options['username'], $this->options['password'])) { $this->errors->add('auth', sprintf(__('Username/Password incorrect for %s'), $this->options['username'])); return false; } // Set the Connection to use Passive FTP @ftp_pasv($this->link, true); if (@ftp_get_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC) < FS_TIMEOUT) { @ftp_set_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, FS_TIMEOUT); } return true; }
function connect() { if (isset($this->options['ssl']) && $this->options['ssl'] && function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect')) { $this->link = @ftp_ssl_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], $this->options['connect_timeout']); } else { $this->link = @ftp_connect($this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'], $this->options['connect_timeout']); } if (!$this->link) { $this->errors->add('connect', sprintf('Could not connect to FTP server %s:%s', $this->options['hostname'], $this->options['port'])); return false; } if (!@ftp_login($this->link, $this->options['username'], $this->options['password'])) { $this->errors->add('auth', 'The username and/or password is incorrect.'); return false; } //Set the Connection to use Passive FTP @ftp_pasv($this->link, true); if (@ftp_get_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC) < $this->options['connection_timeout']) { @ftp_set_option($this->link, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, $this->options['connection_timeout']); } return true; }
/** * * 返回当前 FTP 连接的各种不同的选项设置 * * @param int $option * @return mixed */ public static function getOption($option) { return ftp_get_option(self::$resource, $option); }
/** * Determine if autoseek is enabled. * Autoseek is used by the unobtrusive Upload/Download methods to automatically find the resume position. * * @return bool */ public function getAutoseek() { if (is_resource($this->cid)) { return @ftp_get_option($this->cid, FTP_AUTOSEEK); } }
/** * Evaluates the given variable * * @param mixed &$subject Variable to query * @param bool $specialStr Should this be interpreted as a special string? * @return mixed Result (both HTML and text modes generate strings) */ protected function evaluate(&$subject, $specialStr = false) { switch ($type = gettype($subject)) { // case 'unknown type': return $this->fmt->text('unknown'); // null value // null value case 'NULL': return $this->fmt->text('null'); // integer/double/float // integer/double/float case 'integer': case 'double': return $this->fmt->text($type, $subject, $type); // boolean // boolean case 'boolean': $text = $subject ? 'true' : 'false'; return $this->fmt->text($text, $text, $type); // arrays // arrays case 'array': // empty array? if (empty($subject)) { $this->fmt->text('array'); return $this->fmt->emptyGroup(); } if (isset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY])) { unset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY]); $this->fmt->text('array'); $this->fmt->emptyGroup('recursion'); return; } // first recursion level detection; // this is optional (used to print consistent recursion info) foreach ($subject as $key => &$value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } // save current value in a temporary variable $buffer = $value; // assign new value $value = $value !== 1 ? 1 : 2; // if they're still equal, then we have a reference if ($value === $subject) { $value = $buffer; $value[static::MARKER_KEY] = true; $this->evaluate($value); return; } // restoring original value $value = $buffer; } $this->fmt->text('array'); $count = count($subject); if (!$this->fmt->startGroup($count)) { return; } $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($subject))); $subject[static::MARKER_KEY] = true; foreach ($subject as $key => &$value) { // ignore our temporary marker if ($key === static::MARKER_KEY) { continue; } if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } $keyInfo = gettype($key); if ($keyInfo === 'string') { $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($key) : ''; $keyLen = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? static::strLen($key) . '; ' . $encoding : static::strLen($key); $keyInfo = "{$keyInfo}({$keyLen})"; } else { $keyLen = strlen($key); } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text('key', $key, "Key: {$keyInfo}"); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - $keyLen); $this->fmt->sep('=>'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value, $specialStr); $this->fmt->endRow(); } unset($subject[static::MARKER_KEY]); $this->fmt->endGroup(); return; // resource // resource case 'resource': $meta = array(); $resType = get_resource_type($subject); $this->fmt->text('resource', strval($subject)); if (!static::$config['showResourceInfo']) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup($resType); } // @see: // need to add more... switch ($resType) { // curl extension resource case 'curl': $meta = curl_getinfo($subject); break; case 'FTP Buffer': $meta = array('time_out' => ftp_get_option($subject, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC), 'auto_seek' => ftp_get_option($subject, FTP_AUTOSEEK)); break; // gd image extension resource // gd image extension resource case 'gd': $meta = array('size' => sprintf('%d x %d', imagesx($subject), imagesy($subject)), 'true_color' => imageistruecolor($subject)); break; case 'ldap link': $constants = get_defined_constants(); array_walk($constants, function ($value, $key) use(&$constants) { if (strpos($key, 'LDAP_OPT_') !== 0) { unset($constants[$key]); } }); // this seems to fail on my setup :( unset($constants['LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT']); foreach (array_slice($constants, 3) as $key => $value) { if (ldap_get_option($subject, (int) $value, $ret)) { $meta[strtolower(substr($key, 9))] = $ret; } } break; // mysql connection (mysql extension is deprecated from php 5.4/5.5) // mysql connection (mysql extension is deprecated from php 5.4/5.5) case 'mysql link': case 'mysql link persistent': $dbs = array(); $query = @mysql_list_dbs($subject); while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $dbs[] = $row['Database']; } $meta = array('host' => ltrim(@mysql_get_host_info($subject), 'MySQL host info: '), 'server_version' => @mysql_get_server_info($subject), 'protocol_version' => @mysql_get_proto_info($subject), 'databases' => $dbs); break; // mysql result // mysql result case 'mysql result': while ($row = @mysql_fetch_object($subject)) { $meta[] = (array) $row; if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } } break; // stream resource (fopen, fsockopen, popen, opendir etc) // stream resource (fopen, fsockopen, popen, opendir etc) case 'stream': $meta = stream_get_meta_data($subject); break; } if (!$meta) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup($resType); } if (!$this->fmt->startGroup($resType)) { return; } $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($meta))); foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text('resourceProp', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($key)); $this->fmt->sep(':'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } $this->fmt->endGroup(); return; // string // string case 'string': $length = static::strLen($subject); $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($subject) : false; $info = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? $length . '; ' . $encoding : $length; if ($specialStr) { $this->fmt->sep('"'); $this->fmt->text(array('string', 'special'), $subject, "string({$info})"); $this->fmt->sep('"'); return; } $this->fmt->text('string', $subject, "string({$info})"); // advanced checks only if there are 3 characteres or more if (static::$config['showStringMatches'] && $length > 2 && trim($subject) !== '') { $isNumeric = is_numeric($subject); // very simple check to determine if the string could match a file path // @note: this part of the code is very expensive $isFile = $length < 2048 && max(array_map('strlen', explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $subject)))) < 128 && !preg_match('/[^\\w\\.\\-\\/\\\\:]|\\..*\\.|\\.$|:(?!(?<=^[a-zA-Z]:)[\\/\\\\])/', $subject); if ($isFile) { try { $file = new \SplFileInfo($subject); $flags = array(); $perms = $file->getPerms(); if (($perms & 0xc000) === 0xc000) { // socket $flags[] = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xa000) === 0xa000) { // symlink $flags[] = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) === 0x8000) { // regular $flags[] = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) === 0x6000) { // block special $flags[] = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) === 0x4000) { // directory $flags[] = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) === 0x2000) { // character special $flags[] = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) === 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $flags[] = 'p'; } else { // unknown $flags[] = 'u'; } // owner $flags[] = $perms & 0x100 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x80 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x40 ? $perms & 0x800 ? 's' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x800 ? 'S' : '-'); // group $flags[] = $perms & 0x20 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x10 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x8 ? $perms & 0x400 ? 's' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x400 ? 'S' : '-'); // world $flags[] = $perms & 0x4 ? 'r' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x2 ? 'w' : '-'; $flags[] = $perms & 0x1 ? $perms & 0x200 ? 't' : 'x' : ($perms & 0x200 ? 'T' : '-'); $size = is_dir($subject) ? '' : sprintf(' %.2fK', $file->getSize() / 1024); $this->fmt->startContain('file', true); $this->fmt->text('file', implode('', $flags) . $size); $this->fmt->endContain(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $isFile = false; } } // class/interface/function if (!preg_match('/[^\\w+\\\\]/', $subject) && $length < 96) { $isClass = class_exists($subject, false); if ($isClass) { $this->fmt->startContain('class', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionClass($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain(); } if (!$isClass && interface_exists($subject, false)) { $this->fmt->startContain('interface', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionClass($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain('interface'); } if (function_exists($subject)) { $this->fmt->startContain('function', true); $this->fromReflector(new \ReflectionFunction($subject)); $this->fmt->endContain('function'); } } // skip serialization/json/date checks if the string appears to be numeric, // or if it's shorter than 5 characters if (!$isNumeric && $length > 4) { // url if (static::$config['showUrls'] && static::$env['curlActive'] && filter_var($subject, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $ch = curl_init($subject); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_exec($ch); $nfo = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($nfo['http_code']) { $this->fmt->startContain('url', true); $contentType = explode(';', $nfo['content_type']); $this->fmt->text('url', sprintf('%s:%d %s %.2fms (%d)', !empty($nfo['primary_ip']) ? $nfo['primary_ip'] : null, !empty($nfo['primary_port']) ? $nfo['primary_port'] : null, $contentType[0], $nfo['total_time'], $nfo['http_code'])); $this->fmt->endContain(); } } // date if ($length < 128 && static::$env['supportsDate'] && !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9.:+\\s\\-\\/]/', $subject)) { try { $date = new \DateTime($subject); $errors = \DateTime::getLastErrors(); if ($errors['warning_count'] < 1 && $errors['error_count'] < 1) { $now = new \Datetime('now'); $nowUtc = new \Datetime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $diff = $now->diff($date); $map = array('y' => 'yr', 'm' => 'mo', 'd' => 'da', 'h' => 'hr', 'i' => 'min', 's' => 'sec'); $timeAgo = 'now'; foreach ($map as $k => $label) { if ($diff->{$k} > 0) { $timeAgo = $diff->format("%R%{$k}{$label}"); break; } } $tz = $date->getTimezone(); $offs = round($tz->getOffset($nowUtc) / 3600); if ($offs > 0) { $offs = "+{$offs}"; } $timeAgo .= (int) $offs !== 0 ? ' ' . sprintf('%s (UTC%s)', $tz->getName(), $offs) : ' UTC'; $this->fmt->startContain('date', true); $this->fmt->text('date', $timeAgo); $this->fmt->endContain(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // not a date } } // attempt to detect if this is a serialized string static $unserializing = 0; $isSerialized = $unserializing < 3 && ($subject[$length - 1] === ';' || $subject[$length - 1] === '}') && in_array($subject[0], array('s', 'a', 'O'), true) && ($subject[0] === 's' && $subject[$length - 2] !== '"' || preg_match("/^{$subject[0]}:[0-9]+:/s", $subject)) && ($unserialized = @unserialize($subject)) !== false; if ($isSerialized) { $unserializing++; $this->fmt->startContain('serialized', true); $this->evaluate($unserialized); $this->fmt->endContain(); $unserializing--; } // try to find out if it's a json-encoded string; // only do this for json-encoded arrays or objects, because other types have too generic formats static $decodingJson = 0; $isJson = !$isSerialized && $decodingJson < 3 && in_array($subject[0], array('{', '['), true); if ($isJson) { $decodingJson++; $json = json_decode($subject); if ($isJson = json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { $this->fmt->startContain('json', true); $this->evaluate($json); $this->fmt->endContain(); } $decodingJson--; } // attempt to match a regex if ($length < 768) { try { $components = $this->splitRegex($subject); if ($components) { $regex = ''; $this->fmt->startContain('regex', true); foreach ($components as $component) { $this->fmt->text('regex-' . key($component), reset($component)); } $this->fmt->endContain(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // not a regex } } } } return; } // if we reached this point, $subject must be an object // track objects to detect recursion static $hashes = array(); // hash ID of this object $hash = spl_object_hash($subject); $recursion = isset($hashes[$hash]); // sometimes incomplete objects may be created from string unserialization, // if the class to which the object belongs wasn't included until the unserialization stage... if ($subject instanceof \__PHP_Incomplete_Class) { $this->fmt->text('object'); $this->fmt->emptyGroup('incomplete'); return; } // check cache at this point if (!$recursion && $this->fmt->didCache($hash)) { static::$debug['cacheHits']++; return; } $reflector = new \ReflectionObject($subject); $this->fmt->startContain('class'); $this->fromReflector($reflector); $this->fmt->text('object', ' object'); $this->fmt->endContain(); // already been here? if ($recursion) { return $this->fmt->emptyGroup('recursion'); } $hashes[$hash] = 1; $flags = \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED; if (static::$config['showPrivateMembers']) { $flags |= \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE; } $props = $reflector->getProperties($flags); $methods = array(); if (static::$config['showMethods']) { $flags = \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED; if (static::$config['showPrivateMembers']) { $flags |= \ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE; } $methods = $reflector->getMethods($flags); } $constants = $reflector->getConstants(); $interfaces = $reflector->getInterfaces(); $traits = static::$env['is54'] ? $reflector->getTraits() : array(); $parents = static::getParentClasses($reflector); // work-around for // @see if (!static::$env['is54']) { $props = array_values(array_filter($props, function ($prop) use($subject) { return !$prop->isPublic() || property_exists($subject, $prop->name); })); } // no data to display? if (!$props && !$methods && !$constants && !$interfaces && !$traits) { unset($hashes[$hash]); return $this->fmt->emptyGroup(); } if (!$this->fmt->startGroup()) { return; } // show contents for iterators if (static::$config['showIteratorContents'] && $reflector->isIterateable()) { $itContents = iterator_to_array($subject); $this->fmt->sectionTitle(sprintf('Contents (%d)', count($itContents))); foreach ($itContents as $key => $value) { $keyInfo = gettype($key); if ($keyInfo === 'string') { $encoding = static::$env['mbStr'] ? mb_detect_encoding($key) : ''; $length = $encoding && $encoding !== 'ASCII' ? static::strLen($key) . '; ' . $encoding : static::strLen($key); $keyInfo = sprintf('%s(%s)', $keyInfo, $length); } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->text(array('key', 'iterator'), $key, sprintf('Iterator key: %s', $keyInfo)); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->fmt->sep('=>'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); //$this->evaluate($value instanceof \Traversable ? ((count($value) > 0) ? $value : (string)$value) : $value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // display the interfaces this objects' class implements if ($interfaces) { $items = array(); $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Implements'); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->startContain('interfaces'); $i = 0; $count = count($interfaces); foreach ($interfaces as $name => $interface) { $this->fromReflector($interface); if (++$i < $count) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } // traits this objects' class uses if ($traits) { $items = array(); $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Uses'); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->startContain('traits'); $i = 0; $count = count($traits); foreach ($traits as $name => $trait) { $this->fromReflector($trait); if (++$i < $count) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } // class constants if ($constants) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Constants'); $max = max(array_map('static::strLen', array_keys($constants))); foreach ($constants as $name => $value) { $meta = null; $type = array('const'); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if ($parent->hasConstant($name)) { if ($parent !== $reflector) { $type[] = 'inherited'; $meta = array('sub' => array(array('Prototype defined by', $parent->name))); } break; } } $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep('::'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->fmt->startContain($type); $this->fmt->text('name', $name, $meta, $this->linkify($parent, $name)); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($name)); $this->fmt->sep('='); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // object/class properties if ($props) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Properties'); $max = 0; foreach ($props as $idx => $prop) { if (($propNameLen = static::strLen($prop->name)) > $max) { $max = $propNameLen; } } foreach ($props as $idx => $prop) { if ($this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { break; } $bubbles = array(); $sourceClass = $prop->getDeclaringClass(); $inherited = $reflector->getShortName() !== $sourceClass->getShortName(); $meta = $sourceClass->isInternal() ? null : static::parseComment($prop->getDocComment()); if ($meta) { if ($inherited) { $meta['sub'] = array(array('Declared in', $sourceClass->getShortName())); } if (isset($meta['tags']['var'][0])) { $meta['left'] = $meta['tags']['var'][0][0]; } unset($meta['tags']); } if ($prop->isProtected() || $prop->isPrivate()) { $prop->setAccessible(true); } $value = $prop->getValue($subject); $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep($prop->isStatic() ? '::' : '->'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $bubbles = array(); if ($prop->isProtected()) { $bubbles[] = array('P', 'Protected'); } if ($prop->isPrivate()) { $bubbles[] = array('!', 'Private'); } $this->fmt->bubbles($bubbles); $type = array('prop'); if ($inherited) { $type[] = 'inherited'; } if ($prop->isPrivate()) { $type[] = 'private'; } $this->fmt->colDiv(2 - count($bubbles)); $this->fmt->startContain($type); $this->fmt->text('name', $prop->name, $meta, $this->linkify($prop)); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->colDiv($max - static::strLen($prop->name)); $this->fmt->sep('='); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $this->evaluate($value); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } // class methods if ($methods && !$this->hasInstanceTimedOut()) { $this->fmt->sectionTitle('Methods'); foreach ($methods as $idx => $method) { $this->fmt->startRow(); $this->fmt->sep($method->isStatic() ? '::' : '->'); $this->fmt->colDiv(); $bubbles = array(); if ($method->isAbstract()) { $bubbles[] = array('A', 'Abstract'); } if ($method->isFinal()) { $bubbles[] = array('F', 'Final'); } if ($method->isProtected()) { $bubbles[] = array('P', 'Protected'); } if ($method->isPrivate()) { $bubbles[] = array('!', 'Private'); } $this->fmt->bubbles($bubbles); $this->fmt->colDiv(4 - count($bubbles)); // is this method inherited? $inherited = $reflector->getShortName() !== $method->getDeclaringClass()->getShortName(); $type = array('method'); if ($inherited) { $type[] = 'inherited'; } if ($method->isPrivate()) { $type[] = 'private'; } $this->fmt->startContain($type); $name = $method->name; if ($method->returnsReference()) { $name = "&{$name}"; } $this->fromReflector($method, $name, $reflector); $paramCom = $method->isInternal() ? array() : static::parseComment($method->getDocComment(), 'tags'); $paramCom = empty($paramCom['param']) ? array() : $paramCom['param']; $paramCount = $method->getNumberOfParameters(); $this->fmt->sep('('); // process arguments foreach ($method->getParameters() as $idx => $parameter) { $meta = null; $paramName = "\${$parameter->name}"; $optional = $parameter->isOptional(); $variadic = static::$env['is56'] && $parameter->isVariadic(); if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $paramName = "&{$paramName}"; } if ($variadic) { $paramName = "...{$paramName}"; } $type = array('param'); if ($optional) { $type[] = 'optional'; } $this->fmt->startContain($type); // attempt to build meta foreach ($paramCom as $tag) { list($pcTypes, $pcName, $pcDescription) = $tag; if ($pcName !== $paramName) { continue; } $meta = array('title' => $pcDescription); if ($pcTypes) { $meta['left'] = $pcTypes; } break; } try { $paramClass = $parameter->getClass(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // @see } if (!empty($paramClass)) { $this->fmt->startContain('hint'); $this->fromReflector($paramClass, $paramClass->name); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->sep(' '); } if ($parameter->isArray()) { $this->fmt->text('hint', 'array'); $this->fmt->sep(' '); } $this->fmt->text('name', $paramName, $meta); if ($optional) { $paramValue = $parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $parameter->getDefaultValue() : null; $this->fmt->sep(' = '); if (static::$env['is546'] && !$parameter->getDeclaringFunction()->isInternal() && $parameter->isDefaultValueConstant()) { $this->fmt->text('constant', $parameter->getDefaultValueConstantName(), 'Constant'); } else { $this->evaluate($paramValue, true); } } $this->fmt->endContain(); if ($idx < $paramCount - 1) { $this->fmt->sep(', '); } } $this->fmt->sep(')'); $this->fmt->endContain(); $this->fmt->endRow(); } } unset($hashes[$hash]); $this->fmt->endGroup(); $this->fmt->cacheLock($hash); }
/** * Get the currently set timeout. * Returns the actual timeout set. * * @access public * @return int The actual timeout */ function getTimeout() { return ftp_get_option($this->_handle, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC); }
/** * Lance le téléchargement du fichier par FTP sur le serveur * @param $directory_file * @param $server_file * @return bool */ public function getRemoteFile($directory_file, $server_file) { $timeout = ftp_get_option($this->ftpConnect(), FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC); // try to download server_file and save to local_file if (ftp_get($this->ftpConnect(), $directory_file, $server_file, FTP_BINARY)) { return true; } else { return false; } ftp_close($this->ftpConnect()); }
/** * Retrieves various runtime behaviour of the current stream * @link * * @param integer $option Runtime option. (FTPWrapper::TIMEOUT_SEC, FTPWrapper::AUTOSEEK) * @return mixed Value on success, FALSE on error */ public function getOption($option) { return ftp_get_option($this->connection->getStream(), $option); }
function woo_ce_cron_export( $gui = '', $type = '', $is_scheduled = false ) { global $export; $export = new stdClass; $export->cron = ( $is_scheduled ? 0 : 1 ); $export->scheduled_export = ( $is_scheduled ? 1 : 0 ); $export->start_time = time(); $export->idle_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage(); $export->error = ''; $bits = ''; $type = ( isset( $_GET['type'] ) ? $_GET['type'] : $type ); if( empty( $type ) ) { if( $gui == 'gui' ) { $output = sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', __( 'No export type was provided.', 'woo_ce' ) ); } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] -: Error: %s', __( 'No export type was provided', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); return false; } } else { $types = array_keys( woo_ce_return_export_types() ); $export->type = $type; // Check that export is in the list of available exports if( !in_array( $export->type, $types ) ) { if( $gui == 'gui' ) { $output = '<p>' . __( 'An invalid export type was provided.', 'woo_ce' ) . '</p>'; } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] -: Error: %s', __( 'An invalid export type was provided', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); return false; } } else { $export->export_format = ( isset( $_GET['format'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['format'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'export_format', 'csv' ) ); // Override the export format if outputting to screen in friendly design if( $gui == 'gui' && in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx' ) ) ) $export->export_format = 'csv'; // Override the export format if this is a scheduled export if( $export->scheduled_export ) $export->export_format = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_format', 'csv' ); // Override the export format if the single order Transient is set $single_export_format = get_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_single_export_format' ); if( $single_export_format !== false ) $export->export_format = $single_export_format; unset( $single_export_format ); $export->delimiter = ( isset( $_GET['delimiter'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['delimiter'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'delimiter', ',' ) ); if( $export->delimiter == '' || $export->delimiter == false ) { error_log( '[store-exporter-deluxe] Warning: Delimiter export option was corrupted, defaulted to ,' ); $export->delimiter = ','; woo_ce_update_option( 'delimiter', ',' ); } else if( $export->delimiter == 'TAB' ) { $export->delimiter = "\t"; } $export->category_separator = ( isset( $_GET['category_separator'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['category_separator'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'category_separator', '|' ) ); // Override for line break (LF) support in Category Separator if( $export->category_separator == 'LF' ) $export->category_separator = "\n"; $export->bom = ( isset( $_GET['bom'] ) ? absint( $_GET['bom'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'bom', 1 ) ); $export->encoding = ( isset( $_GET['encoding'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['encoding'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'encoding', 'UTF-8' ) ); $export->timeout = woo_ce_get_option( 'timeout', 600 ); $export->escape_formatting = ( isset( $_GET['escape_formatting'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['escape_formatting'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'escape_formatting', 'all' ) ); $export->header_formatting = ( isset( $_GET['header_formatting'] ) ? absint( $_GET['header_formatting'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'header_formatting', 1 ) ); $export->date_format = woo_ce_get_option( 'date_format', 'd/m/Y' ); $export->order_items = ( isset( $_GET['order_items'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_items'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'order_items_formatting', 'unique' ) ); $export->order_items_types = ( isset( $_GET['order_items_types'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_items_types'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'order_items_types', false ) ); $export->upsell_formatting = woo_ce_get_option( 'upsell_formatting', 1 ); $export->crosssell_formatting = woo_ce_get_option( 'crosssell_formatting', 1 ); $export->gallery_formatting = woo_ce_get_option( 'gallery_formatting', 0 ); $export->gallery_unique = woo_ce_get_option( 'gallery_unique', 0 ); $export->max_product_gallery = woo_ce_get_option( 'max_product_gallery', 3 ); $export->filename = woo_ce_generate_filename( $export->type ); switch( $export->export_format ) { case 'csv': $php_excel_format = 'SED_CSV'; $file_extension = 'csv'; $post_mime_type = 'text/csv'; break; case 'xls': $php_excel_format = 'Excel5'; $file_extension = 'xls'; $post_mime_type = 'application/'; break; case 'xlsx': $php_excel_format = 'Excel2007'; $file_extension = 'xlsx'; $post_mime_type = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'; break; case 'xml': $file_extension = 'xml'; $post_mime_type = 'application/xml'; break; case 'rss': $file_extension = 'xml'; $post_mime_type = 'application/rss+xml'; break; default: error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] -: Warning: %s', __( 'An invalid export format was provided', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); return; break; } $export->filename = $export->filename . '.' . $file_extension; $export->limit_volume = ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) ? absint( $_GET['limit'] ) : -1 ); $export->offset = ( isset( $_GET['offset'] ) ? absint( $_GET['offset'] ) : 0 ); // Select all export fields for CRON export $export->fields = woo_ce_cron_export_fields( $export->type, $export->scheduled_export ); // Grab to value if response is e-mail or remote POST if( in_array( $gui, array( 'email', 'post' ) ) ) { if( $gui == 'email' ) $export->to = ( isset( $_GET['to'] ) ? sanitize_email( $_GET['to'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'email_to', '' ) ); else if( $gui == 'post' ) $export->to = ( isset( $_GET['to'] ) ? esc_url_raw( $_GET['to'] ) : woo_ce_get_option( 'post_to', '' ) ); } $export = woo_ce_check_cron_export_arguments( $export ); $export->args = array( 'limit_volume' => $export->limit_volume, 'offset' => $export->offset, 'encoding' => $export->encoding, 'date_format' => $export->date_format, 'order_items' => $export->order_items, 'order_items_types' => $export->order_items_types ); $orderby = ( isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['orderby'] ) : null ); $order = ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order'] ) : null ); switch( $export->type ) { case 'product': $export->args['product_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['product_order'] = $order; if( $export->scheduled_export ) { $product_filter_type = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_product_type', false ); $product_filter_status = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_product_status', false ); $product_filter_stock = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_product_stock', false ); $product_filter_category = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_product_category', false ); $product_filter_tag = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_product_tag', false ); $export->args['product_type'] = ( !empty( $product_filter_type ) ? $product_filter_type : false ); $export->args['product_status'] = ( !empty( $product_filter_status ) ? $product_filter_status : false ); $export->args['product_stock'] = ( !empty( $product_filter_stock ) ? $product_filter_stock : false ); $export->args['product_categories'] = ( !empty( $product_filter_category ) ? $product_filter_category : false ); $export->args['product_tags'] = ( !empty( $product_filter_tag ) ? $product_filter_tag : false ); } else { $export->args['product_status'] = ( isset( $_GET['product_status'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['product_status'] ) : null ); $export->args['product_stock'] = ( isset( $_GET['stock_status'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['stock_status'] ) : null ); } break; case 'category': $export->args['category_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['category_order'] = $order; break; case 'tag': $export->args['tag_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['tag_order'] = $order; break; case 'order': $export->args['order_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['order_order'] = $order; $export->args['order_ids'] = ( isset( $_GET['order_ids'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_ids'] ) : null ); // Override Filter Orders by Order ID if a single order transient is set $single_export_order_ids = get_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_single_export_order_ids' ); if( $single_export_order_ids !== false ) $export->args['order_ids'] = sanitize_text_field( $single_export_order_ids ); unset( $single_export_order_ids ); if( $export->scheduled_export ) { // Scheduled export engine // Order Status $order_filter_status = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_status', '' ); $export->args['order_status'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_status ) ? (array)$order_filter_status : array() ); // Order Date $order_dates_filter = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_date', false ); if( $order_dates_filter ) { $export->args['order_dates_filter'] = $order_dates_filter; switch( $order_dates_filter ) { case 'manual': $order_filter_dates_from = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_dates_from', false ); $order_filter_dates_to = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_dates_to', false ); $export->args['order_dates_from'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_dates_from ) ? sanitize_text_field( $order_filter_dates_from ) : false ); $export->args['order_dates_to'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_dates_to ) ? sanitize_text_field( $order_filter_dates_to ) : false ); break; case 'variable': $order_filter_date_variable = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_date_variable', false ); $order_filter_date_variable_length = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_date_variable_length', false ); $export->args['order_dates_filter_variable'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_date_variable ) ? absint( $order_filter_date_variable ) : false ); $export->args['order_dates_filter_variable_length'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_date_variable_length ) ? sanitize_text_field( $order_filter_date_variable_length ) : false ); break; } } // Product $order_filter_product = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_product', '' ); $export->args['order_product'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_product ) ? (array)$order_filter_product : array() ); // Billing Country $order_filter_billing_country = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_billing_country', false ); $export->args['order_billing_country'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_billing_country ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $order_filter_billing_country ) : false ); // Shipping Country $order_filter_shipping_country = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_shipping_country', false ); $export->args['order_shipping_country'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_shipping_country ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $order_filter_shipping_country ) : false ); // Payment Gateway $order_filter_payment = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_payment', array() ); $export->args['order_payment'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_payment ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $order_filter_payment ) : false ); // Shipping Method $order_filter_shipping = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_order_shipping', array() ); $export->args['order_shipping'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_shipping ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $order_filter_shipping ) : false ); } else { // CRON export engine // Order Status if( isset( $_GET['order_status'] ) ) { $order_filter_status = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_status'] ); $order_filter_status = explode( ',', $order_filter_status ); $export->args['order_status'] = $order_filter_status; } // Product if( isset( $_GET['order_product'] ) ) { $order_filter_product = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_product'] ); $order_filter_product = explode( ',', $order_filter_product ); $export->args['order_product'] = $order_filter_product; } // Order Date if( isset( $_GET['order_date_from'] ) && isset( $_GET['order_date_to'] ) ) { $order_filter_dates_from = $_GET['order_date_from']; $order_filter_dates_to = $_GET['order_date_to']; $export->args['order_dates_filter'] = 'manual'; $export->args['order_dates_from'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_dates_from ) ? sanitize_text_field( $order_filter_dates_from ) : false ); $export->args['order_dates_to'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_dates_to ) ? sanitize_text_field( $order_filter_dates_to ) : false ); } // Billing Country if( isset( $_GET['billing_country'] ) ) { $order_filter_billing_country = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['billing_country'] ); $order_filter_billing_country = explode( ',', $order_filter_billing_country ); $export->args['order_billing_country'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_billing_country ) ? $order_filter_billing_country : false ); } // Shipping Country if( isset( $_GET['shipping_country'] ) ) { $order_filter_shipping_country = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['shipping_country'] ); $order_filter_shipping_country = explode( ',', $order_filter_shipping_country ); $export->args['order_shipping_country'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_shipping_country ) ? $order_filter_shipping_country : false ); } // Payment Gateway if( isset( $_GET['payment_gateway'] ) ) { $order_filter_payment = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order_payment'] ); $order_filter_payment = explode( ',', $order_filter_payment ); $export->args['order_payment'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_payment ) ? $order_filter_payment : false ); } // Shipping Method if( isset( $_GET['shipping_method'] ) ) { $order_filter_shipping = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['shipping_method'] ); $order_filter_shipping = explode( ',', $order_filter_shipping ); $export->args['order_shipping'] = ( !empty( $order_filter_shipping ) ? $order_filter_shipping : false ); } } break; case 'subscription': $export->args['subscription_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['subscription_order'] = $order; break; case 'product_vendor': $export->args['product_vendor_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['product_vendor_order'] = $order; break; case 'commission': // Commission Date $commission_dates_filter = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_commission_date', false ); if( $commission_dates_filter ) { $export->args['commission_dates_filter'] = $commission_dates_filter; switch( $commission_dates_filter ) { case 'manual': $commission_filter_dates_from = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_commission_dates_from', false ); $commission_filter_dates_to = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_commission_date_to', false ); $export->args['commission_dates_from'] = ( !empty( $commission_filter_dates_from ) ? sanitize_text_field( $commission_filter_dates_from ) : false ); $export->args['commission_dates_to'] = ( !empty( $commission_filter_dates_to ) ? sanitize_text_field( $commission_filter_dates_to ) : false ); break; case 'variable': $commission_filter_date_variable = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_commission_date_variable', false ); $commission_filter_date_variable_length = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_commission_date_variable_length', false ); $export->args['commission_dates_filter_variable'] = ( !empty( $commission_filter_date_variable ) ? absint( $commission_filter_date_variable ) : false ); $export->args['commission_dates_filter_variable_length'] = ( !empty( $commission_filter_date_variable_length ) ? sanitize_text_field( $commission_filter_date_variable_length ) : false ); break; } } break; case 'shipping_class': $export->args['shipping_class_orderby'] = $orderby; $export->args['shipping_class_order'] = $order; break; } $export->filename = woo_ce_generate_filename( $export->type ) . '.' . $file_extension; // Let's spin up PHPExcel for supported Export Types and Export Formats if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx' ) ) ) { // Check if we are using PHPExcel or not for supported Export Types $dataset = woo_ce_export_dataset( $export->type ); if( !empty( $dataset ) ) { // Check that PHPExcel is where we think it is if( file_exists( WOO_CD_PATH . 'classes/PHPExcel.php' ) ) { // Check if PHPExcel has already been loaded if( !class_exists( 'PHPExcel' ) ) { include_once( WOO_CD_PATH . 'classes/PHPExcel.php' ); } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Warning: %s', $export->filename, __( 'The PHPExcel library was already loaded by another WordPress Plugin, if there\'s issues with your export file you know where to look.', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); } $excel = new PHPExcel(); $excel->setActiveSheetIndex( 0 ); $excel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle( ucfirst( $export->type ) ); $row = 1; // Skip headers if Heading Formatting is turned off if( $export->header_formatting ) { $col = 0; foreach( $export->columns as $column ) { $excel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow( $col, $row, $column ); $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->getStyle()->getFont()->setBold( true ); $excel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimensionByColumn( $col )->setAutoSize( true ); $col++; } $row = 2; } foreach( $dataset as $data ) { $col = 0; foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $field ) { $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->getStyle()->getFont()->setBold( false ); if( $export->encoding == 'UTF-8' ) { if( woo_ce_detect_value_string( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? $data->$field : null ) ) ) { // Treat this cell as a string $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->setValueExplicit( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? wp_specialchars_decode( $data->$field ) : '' ), PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING ); } else { $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->setValue( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? wp_specialchars_decode( $data->$field ) : '' ) ); } } else { // PHPExcel only deals with UTF-8 regardless of encoding type if( woo_ce_detect_value_string( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? $data->$field : null ) ) ) { // Treat this cell as a string $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->setValueExplicit( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? utf8_encode( wp_specialchars_decode( $data->$field ) ) : '' ), PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING ); } else { $excel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow( $col, $row )->setValue( ( isset( $data->$field ) ? utf8_encode( wp_specialchars_decode( $data->$field ) ) : '' ) ); } } $col++; } $row++; } switch( $export->export_format ) { case 'csv': // We need to load this after the PHPExcel Class has been created woo_cd_load_phpexcel_sed_csv_writer(); break; } $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter( $excel, $php_excel_format ); switch( $export->export_format ) { case 'csv': $objWriter->setUseBOM( true ); // Check if we're using a non-standard delimiter if( $export->delimiter != ',' ) $objWriter->setDelimiter( $export->delimiter ); break; case 'xlsx': $objWriter->setPreCalculateFormulas( false ); break; } if( in_array( $gui, array( 'raw' ) ) ) { $objWriter->save( 'php://output' ); } else { // Save to file and insert to WordPress Media $temp_filename = tempnam( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_sys_get_temp_dir', sys_get_temp_dir() ), 'tmp' ); // Check if we were given a temporary filename if( $temp_filename == false ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'We could not create a temporary export file in %s, ensure that WordPress can read and write files here and try again.', 'woo_ce' ), apply_filters( 'woo_ce_sys_get_temp_dir', sys_get_temp_dir() ) ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $message ) ); } else { $objWriter->save( $temp_filename ); $bits = file_get_contents( $temp_filename ); } unlink( $temp_filename ); } // Clean up PHPExcel $excel->disconnectWorksheets(); unset( $objWriter, $excel ); } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, __( 'We couldn\'t load the PHPExcel library, this file should be present.' ) ) ); } } // Run the default engine for the XML and RSS export formats } else if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) { // Check if SimpleXMLElement is present if( class_exists( 'SED_SimpleXMLElement' ) ) { if( $export->export_format == 'xml' ) { $xml = new SED_SimpleXMLElement( sprintf( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_first_line', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?><%s/>' ), esc_attr( $export->encoding ), esc_attr( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_store_node', 'store' ) ) ) ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_url', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'url', get_site_url() ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_date', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'date', date( 'Y-m-d' ) ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_time', 0 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'time', date( 'H:i:s' ) ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_title', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'name', htmlspecialchars( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_export', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'export', htmlspecialchars( $export->type ) ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_orderby', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'orderby', $orderby ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_order', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'order', $order ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_limit', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'limit', $export->limit_volume ); if( woo_ce_get_option( 'xml_attribute_offset', 1 ) ) $xml->addAttribute( 'offset', $export->offset ); $xml = woo_ce_export_dataset( $export->type, $xml ); } else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' ) { $xml = new SED_SimpleXMLElement( sprintf( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_rss_first_line', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?><rss version="2.0"%s/>' ), esc_attr( $export->encoding ), ' xmlns:g=""' ) ); $child = $xml->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_rss_channel_node', 'channel' ) ); $child->addChild( 'title', woo_ce_get_option( 'rss_title', '' ) ); $child->addChild( 'link', woo_ce_get_option( 'rss_link', '' ) ); $child->addChild( 'description', woo_ce_get_option( 'rss_description', '' ) ); $bits = woo_ce_export_dataset( $export->type, $child ); } $bits = woo_ce_format_xml( $xml ); } else { $bits = false; error_log( '[store-exporter-deluxe] Error: The SimpleXMLElement class does not exist for XML file generation' ); } } if( !empty( $bits ) ) { $output = '<p>' . __( 'Export completed successfully.', 'woo_ce' ) . '</p>'; if( $gui == 'gui' ) $output .= '<textarea readonly="readonly">' . esc_textarea( str_replace( '<br />', "\n", $bits ) ) . '</textarea>'; } else { if( $gui == 'gui' ) { $output = sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', __( 'No export entries were found.', 'woo_ce' ) ); } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Warning: %s', $export->filename, __( 'No export entries were found', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); return false; } } } } // Return raw export to browser without file headers if( $gui == 'raw' && !empty( $bits ) ) { return $bits; // Return export as file download to browser } else if( $gui == 'download' && !empty( $bits ) ) { woo_ce_generate_file_headers( $post_mime_type ); if( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || get_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_single_export_format' ) !== false ) echo $bits; else return $bits; // HTTP Post export contents to remote URL } else if( $gui == 'post' && !empty( $bits ) ) { $args = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_cron_export_post_args', array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 60, 'redirection' => 0, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'sslverify' => false, 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array( 'accept' => $post_mime_type, 'content-type' => $post_mime_type ), 'body' => $bits, 'cookies' => array(), 'user-agent' => sprintf( 'WordPress/%s', $GLOBALS['wp_version'] ), ) ); $response = wp_remote_post( $export->to, $args ); if( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $response->get_error_message() ) ); return false; } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Success: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Remote POST sent to %s', 'woo_ce' ), $export->to ) ) ); } // Output to screen in friendly design with on-screen error responses } else if( $gui == 'gui' ) { if( file_exists( WOO_CD_PATH . 'templates/admin/cron.php' ) ) { include_once( WOO_CD_PATH . 'templates/admin/cron.php' ); } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, __( 'Could not load template file within /templates/admin/cron.php', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); } if( isset( $output ) ) echo $output; echo ' </body> </html>'; // Save export file to WordPress Media before sending/saving/etc. action } else if( in_array( $gui, array( 'gui', 'archive', 'url', 'file', 'email', 'ftp' ) ) ) { $upload = false; if( $export->filename && !empty( $bits ) ) { $post_ID = woo_ce_save_file_attachment( $export->filename, $post_mime_type ); $upload = wp_upload_bits( $export->filename, null, $bits ); if( ( $post_ID == false ) || $upload['error'] ) { wp_delete_attachment( $post_ID, true ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $upload['error'] ) ); return false; } if( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ) ) { include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $post_ID, $upload['file'] ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_ID, $attach_data ); update_attached_file( $post_ID, $upload['file'] ); if( !empty( $post_ID ) ) { woo_ce_save_file_guid( $post_ID, $export->type, $upload['url'] ); woo_ce_save_file_details( $post_ID ); } } else { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, __( 'Could not load image.php within /wp-admin/includes/image.php', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); } } // Return URL to export file if( $gui == 'url' ) return $upload['url']; // Return system path to export file if( $gui == 'file' ) return $upload['file']; // E-mail export file to preferred address or WordPress site owner address if( $gui == 'email' ) { global $woocommerce; $mailer = $woocommerce->mailer(); $subject = woo_ce_cron_email_subject( $export->type, $export->filename ); $attachment = $upload['file']; $email_heading = sprintf( __( 'Export: %s', 'woo_ce' ), ucwords( $export->type ) ); $recipient_name = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_email_recipient_name', __( 'there', 'woo_ce' ) ); $email_contents = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_email_contents', wpautop( __( 'Please find attached your export ready to review.', 'woo_ce' ) ) ); // Buffer ob_start(); // Get mail template if( file_exists( WOO_CD_PATH . 'templates/emails/scheduled_export.php' ) ) { include_once( WOO_CD_PATH . 'templates/emails/scheduled_export.php' ); } else { echo wpautop( sprintf( __( 'Hi %s', 'woo_ce' ), $recipient_name ) ); echo $email_contents; error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Could not load template file %s within %s, defaulted to hard coded template.', 'woo_ce' ), 'scheduled_export.php', '/templates/emails/...' ) ) ); } // Get contents $message = ob_get_clean(); // Send the mail using WooCommerce mailer if( function_exists( 'woocommerce_mail' ) ) { woocommerce_mail( $export->to, $subject, $message, null, $attachment ); } else { // Default to wp_mail() add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'woo_ce_set_html_content_type' ); wp_mail( $export->to, $subject, $message, null, $attachment ); remove_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'woo_ce_set_html_content_type' ); } // Delete the export file regardless of whether e-mail was successful or not wp_delete_attachment( $post_ID, true ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Success: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Scheduled export e-mail of %s sent to %s', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $export->to ) ) ); } if( $gui == 'ftp' ) { // Load up our FTP/SFTP resources $host = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_host', '' ); if( !empty( $host ) ) $host = woo_ce_format_ftp_host( $host ); $port = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_port', '' ); $port = ( !empty( $port ) ? absint( $port ) : false ); $user = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_user', '' ); $pass = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_pass', '' ); $path = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_path', '' ); $filename = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_filename', '' ); // Switch to fixed export filename if provided if( !empty( $filename ) ) $export->filename = woo_ce_generate_filename( $export->type, $filename ) . '.' . $file_extension; // Check what protocol are we using; FTP or SFTP? $protocol = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_protocol', 'ftp' ); switch( $protocol ) { case 'ftp': default: // Check if ftp_connect() is available if( function_exists( 'ftp_connect' ) ) { $passive = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_passive', '' ); $timeout = woo_ce_get_option( 'auto_ftp_method_timeout', '' ); if( $connection = @ftp_connect( $host, $port ) ) { // Update the FTP timeout if available and if a timeout was provided at export $remote_timeout = ftp_get_option( $connection, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC ); $timeout = absint( $timeout ); if( $remote_timeout !== false && !empty( $timeout ) ) { // Compare the server timeout and the timeout provided at export if( $remote_timeout <> $timeout ) { if( ftp_set_option( $connection, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, $timeout ) == false ) error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Warning: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Could not change the FTP server timeout on %s', 'woo_ce' ), $host ) ) ); } } unset( $remote_timeout ); if( ftp_login( $connection, $user, $pass ) ) { // Check if Transfer Mode is set to Auto/Pasive and if passive mode is available if( in_array( $passive, array( 'auto', 'passive' ) ) ) { $features = ftp_raw( $connection, 'FEAT' ); if( !empty( $features ) ) { if( in_array( 'PASV', $features ) ) { if( ftp_pasv( $connection, true ) == false ) error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Warning: %s', 'woo_ce', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Could not switch to FTP passive mode on %s', 'woo_ce' ), $host ) ) ); } } } // Change directory if neccesary if( !empty( $directory ) ) { $current_directory = ftp_pwd( $connection ); if( $current_directory !== false && @ftp_chdir( $connection, $path ) ) ftp_chdir( $connection, $path ); } if( ftp_put( $connection, sprintf( '%s/%s', $path, $export->filename ), $upload['file'], FTP_ASCII ) ) { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Success: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Scheduled export of %s to %s via FTP uploaded', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $path ) ) ); } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'There was a problem uploading %s to %s via FTP, response: %s', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $path, woo_ce_error_get_last_message() ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'Login incorrect for user %s on FTP server at %s, response: %s', 'woo_ce' ), $user, $host, woo_ce_error_get_last_message() ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'There was a problem connecting to %s via FTP', 'woo_ce' ), $host ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = __( 'The function ftp_connect() is disabled within your WordPress site, cannot upload to FTP server', 'woo_ce' ); error_log( __( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $export->error ); } break; case 'sftp': // Check if ssh2_connect() is available if( function_exists( 'ssh2_connect' ) ) { if( $connection = @ssh2_connect( $host, $port ) ) { if( ssh2_auth_password( $connection, $user, $pass ) ) { // Initialize SFTP subsystem if( $session = ssh2_sftp( $connection ) ) { if( $handle = fopen( sprintf( 'ssh2.sftp://%s/%s/%s', $session, $path, $export->filename ), 'w+' ) ) { error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Success: %s', $export->filename, sprintf( __( 'Scheduled export of %s to %s via SFTP uploaded', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $path ) ) ); } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'There was a problem uploading %s to %s via SFTP', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $path ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'Could not initialize SFTP subsystem on SFTP server at %s', 'woo_ce' ), $host ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'Login incorrect for user %s on SFTP server at %s', 'woo_ce' ), $user, $host ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = sprintf( __( 'There was a problem connecting to %s via SFTP', 'woo_ce' ), $host ); error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } } else { $export->error = __( 'The function ssh2_connect() is disabled within your WordPress site, cannot upload to SFTP server', 'woo_ce' ); error_log( sprintf( __( '[store-exporter-deluxe] %s: Error: %s', 'woo_ce' ), $export->filename, $export->error ) ); } break; } // Delete the export file regardless of whether upload was successful or not wp_delete_attachment( $post_ID, true ); } } // Only include scheduled exports to the Recent Scheduled Exports list if( $export->scheduled_export ) { $recent_exports = woo_ce_get_option( 'recent_scheduled_exports', array() ); if( empty( $recent_exports ) ) $recent_exports = array(); $size = count( $recent_exports ); // Get the limit from the WordPress Dashboard widget if( !$widget_options = get_option( 'woo_ce_recent_scheduled_export_widget_options', array() ) ) { $widget_options = array( 'number' => 5 ); } // Check if we have maxed out our recent scheduled exports if( $size >= $widget_options['number'] ) array_shift( $recent_exports ); $post_ID = ( isset( $post_ID ) ? $post_ID : 0 ); $recent_exports[] = array( 'post_id' => ( empty( $export->error ) ? $post_ID : 0 ), 'name' => $export->filename, 'date' => time(), 'method' => $gui, 'error' => $export->error ); woo_ce_update_option( 'recent_scheduled_exports', $recent_exports ); } delete_option( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_exported' ); // If the CRON process gets this far, pass on the good news! return true; }
/** * Sets FTP option value * * @param int $option Option id. Supported are: <code>FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC</code>, <code>FTP_AUTOSEEK</code> * @param type $value Value to set * @throws cFTP_Exception * * @return cFTP_Session This */ public function setOptionValue( $option, $value ) { $success = @ftp_get_option($this->handle, $option, $value); if( $success === false ) throw new cFTP_Exception( "Could not set option value", 10 ); return $this; }
/** * Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream * TIMEOUT_SEC | AUTOSEEK * * @param mixed $option * * @return mixed */ public function getOption($option) { switch ($option) { case FTPClient::TIMEOUT_SEC: case FTPClient::AUTOSEEK: $result = @ftp_get_option($this->connection, $option); return $result; break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported option'); break; } }
<?php $ftp = null; var_dump(ftp_connect(array())); var_dump(ftp_connect('', 0, -3)); var_dump(ftp_raw($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_mkdir($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_rmdir($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_nlist($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_rawlist($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_fget($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_nb_fget($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_nb_get($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_pasv($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_nb_continue()); var_dump(ftp_fput()); var_dump(ftp_nb_fput($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_put($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_nb_put($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_size($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_mdtm($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_rename($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_site($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_set_option($ftp)); var_dump(ftp_get_option($ftp));
/** * 获取FTP选项 * * @author Garbin * @param string $option * @return mixed */ function get_option($option) { return ftp_get_option($this->_connection, $option); }
public function getOption($option, $value) { if (!$this->getConn()) { throw new \Exception('No etablished connexion ...'); } if ($option !== FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC && $option !== FTP_AUTOSEEK) { throw new \Exception('Invalid option'); } ftp_get_option($this->getConn(), $option, $value); }