function fs_db_upgrade_10(&$fsdb, $db_version) { $version_table = fs_version_table(); // a nice little convert loop. $useragents = fs_useragents_table(); $hits = fs_hits_table(); // upgrade to version 2 if ($db_version < 2) { if (!fs_create_options_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 2)) { return false; } } // convert charsets, this is instead of collate which does not work on mysql 4.0 if ($db_version < 3) { if (ver_comp("4.1.0", fs_mysql_version()) < 0) { $sqls = array("ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` DROP INDEX `unique`", "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `useragent`", "UPDATE `{$useragents}` SET `md5` = MD5( `useragent` )", "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", "ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` CHANGE `timestamp` `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL"); foreach ($sqls as $sql) { if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } } // deprecated table, function no longer exists. $referers = fs_table_prefix() . 'firestats_referers'; // convert tables charset to utf-8 $tables = array(fs_excluded_ips_table(), fs_hits_table(), fs_bots_table(), fs_options_table(), $referers, fs_urls_table(), fs_version_table(), fs_useragents_table()); foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` CONVERT TO CHARSET utf8"; if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } } } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 3)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 4) { /*no longer recalculates bots count*/ if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 4)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 5) { if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD `country_code` BLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `user_id`") === false) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 5)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 6) { require_once FS_ABS_PATH . '/php/rebuild-db.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db-sql.php'; $res = fs_botlist_import(dirname(__FILE__) . '/botlist.txt', true); if ($res != '') { echo $res; return; } // bots are now matched using regular expressions. need to recalculate. fs_recalculate_match_bots(); if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 6)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 7) { if (fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $hits, 'site_id')) { if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD `site_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `id`") === false) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } } if (fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $hits, 'site_id')) { if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD INDEX (`site_id`)") === false) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 7)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 8) { if (!fs_create_sites_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 8)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 9) { if (!fs_create_archive_tables($fsdb)) { return false; } $urls = fs_urls_table(); $refs = fs_table_prefix() . 'firestats_referers'; // deprecated table, function no longer exists. $sqls = array(fs_index_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'url'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` DROP INDEX `url`", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $urls, 'url', 'Text'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` CHANGE `url` `url` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `url`", true, "UPDATE `{$urls}` SET `md5` = MD5( `url` )", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", fs_index_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'referer'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` DROP INDEX `referer`", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'referer', 'Text'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` CHANGE `referer` `referer` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `referer`", true, "UPDATE `{$refs}` SET `md5` = MD5( `referer`)", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'search_engine_id', 'SMALLINT(6)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `search_engine_id` SMALLINT(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search engine ID'), fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'search_terms', 'VARCHAR(255)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `search_terms` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search terms'), fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'search_engine_id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD INDEX ( `search_engine_id` )", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'host', 'VARCHAR(40)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `host` VARCHAR(40) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `md5`", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'host'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD INDEX (`host`)", true, "UPDATE `{$refs}` SET `host`=substring_index(substring_index(`referer`,'/',3),'/',-1) WHERE `referer` REGEXP 'http://.*'", fs_column_exists($fsdb, $useragents, 'count'), "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` DROP `count`"); if (!fs_apply_db_upgrade($fsdb, $sqls)) { return false; } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 9)) { return false; } } if ($db_version < 10) { // This is a special case. // Version 9 was a short lived version that already includes this change. // I moved it to version 10 to eliminate the problem of users not completing the upgrade and // getting stuck with version 9.5 (This operation is the longest in 8->9 upgrade and is the most likely cause for things like that). //Converts country code from blob to int. $sqls = array(fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $hits, 'country_code', 'INT(4)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` CHANGE `country_code` `country_code` INT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL"); if (!fs_apply_db_upgrade($fsdb, $sqls)) { return false; } if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 10)) { return false; } } return true; }
function fs_recalculate_search_engine_terms($value, $chunk = 1000) { require_once FS_ABS_PATH . '/php/db-common.php'; $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn(); $urls = fs_urls_table(); if ($value == 0) { if (false === $fsdb->get_results("UPDATE `{$urls}` SET `search_engine_id` = NULL, `search_terms` = NULL")) { return fs_db_error(); } } $value = $fsdb->escape($value); $res = $fsdb->get_results("SELECT id,url from {$urls} LIMIT {$chunk} OFFSET {$value}"); if ($res === false) { return fs_db_error(); } if (count($res) > 0) { foreach ($res as $r) { $id = $r->id; $ref = $r->url; $engine = null; $p = array(); $terms = fs_get_search_terms3($ref, $p, $engine); if ($terms !== false && $terms != '') { $terms = $fsdb->escape($terms); $r2 = $fsdb->query("UPDATE `{$urls}` SET `search_engine_id`='{$engine->id}', `search_terms` = {$terms} WHERE `id` = '{$id}'"); if ($r2 === false) { return fs_db_error(); } } } } return count($res); }
function fs_db_install(&$fsdb) { $fsdb->hide_errors(); $version_table = fs_version_table(); $hits_table = fs_hits_table(); $useragents_table = fs_useragents_table(); $sql = "\n\t\tCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$hits_table}\n\t\t(\n\t\t\t`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT " . fs_comment('Primary key') . ",\n\t\t\t`site_id` INTEGER default 1 " . fs_comment('Source site ID, defaults to site 0') . ",\n\t\t\t`ip` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown' " . fs_comment('IP Address of hit source') . ",\n\t\t\t`timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL " . fs_comment('Hit timestamp') . ",\n\t\t\t`url_id` INTEGER " . fs_comment('Hit URL ID') . ",\n\t\t\t`referer_id` INTEGER " . fs_comment('Referer URL id') . ",\n\t\t\t`useragent_id` INTEGER " . fs_comment('UserAgent ID') . ",\n\t\t\t`session_id` VARCHAR(30) " . fs_comment('Client session ID') . ",\n\t\t\t`user_id` INTEGER default NULL " . fs_comment('User ID in the enclosing system, NULL for unknown user') . ",\n\t\t\t`country_code` INT(4) default NULL " . fs_comment('Country code of IP address or NULL if unknown') . ",\n\t\t\t`excluded_by_user` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 " . fs_comment('1 if user explicitly excluded record, 0 otherwise') . ",\n\t\t\t`excluded_ip` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 " . fs_comment('1 if the ip is in the excluded ips table, 0 otherwise') . ",\n\t\t\t`excluded_user` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 " . fs_comment('1 if the user id is in the excluded users table, 0 otherwise') . ",\n\t\t\tINDEX (`site_id`)\n\t\t)\n\t\t" . fs_comment('Hits table') . fs_engine("InnoDB"); if ($fsdb->query($sql) === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } $r = $fsdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$useragents_table}`\n\t\t(\n\t\t\tid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT " . fs_comment('Primary key') . ", \n\t\t\tuseragent TEXT " . fs_comment('Useragent string') . ",\n\t\t\tmd5 CHAR(32) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\tmatch_bots INTEGER DEFAULT 0 " . fs_comment('Number of matching bots (useragent wildcards), if 0 the useragent is not exluded') . ",\n\t\t\tUNIQUE(`md5`)\n\t\t) " . fs_comment('User-Agents table') . fs_engine("InnoDB")); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } $urls_table = fs_urls_table(); $r = $fsdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$urls_table}\n\t\t(\n\t\t\t`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT " . fs_comment('Primary key') . ",\n\t\t\t`url` TEXT,\n\t\t\t`site_id` INT NULL,\n\t\t\t`md5` CHAR(32) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`host` VARCHAR( 40 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL, \n\t\t\t`search_engine_id` SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search engine ID') . ",\n\t\t\t`search_terms` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search terms') . ",\n\t\t\t`title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Optional title, or NULL for unkown') . ",\n\t\t\t`type` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Optional type, or NULL for unkown') . ",\n\t\t\t`add_time` DATETIME NOT NULL " . fs_comment('Time this url was added') . ",\n\t\t\tUNIQUE(`md5`),\n\t\t\tINDEX (`search_engine_id`),\n\t\t\tINDEX (`host`),\n\t\t\tINDEX (`type`)\n\t\t) " . fs_comment('Referers table') . fs_engine("InnoDB")); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } $excluded_ip_table = fs_excluded_ips_table(); $r = $fsdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$excluded_ip_table}\n\t\t(\n\t\t\tid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT " . fs_comment('Primary key') . ",\n\t\t\tip VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL\n\t\t) " . fs_comment('List of excluded ips') . fs_engine("InnoDB")); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } $bots_table = fs_bots_table(); $r = $fsdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$bots_table}\n\t\t(\n\t\t\tid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT " . fs_comment('Primary key') . ",\n\t\t\twildcard VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL " . fs_comment('Bots wildcard') . "\n\t\t) " . fs_comment('Bots table') . fs_engine("InnoDB")); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } if (!fs_create_options_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_sites_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_archive_tables($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_users_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_pending_data_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_url_metadata($fsdb)) { return false; } $r = $fsdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$version_table}`\n\t(\n\t\t\tversion INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY\n\t)" . fs_comment('FireStats datbase schema version') . fs_engine("InnoDB")); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } $r = $fsdb->query("INSERT INTO `{$version_table}` (`version`) VALUES('" . FS_REQUIRED_DB_VERSION . "')"); if ($r === FALSE) { $fsdb->debug(); return false; } return true; }
function fs_db_upgrade_11(&$fsdb, $db_version) { $r = fs_create_users_table($fsdb); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(); return false; } $options = fs_options_table(); $referers = fs_table_prefix() . 'firestats_referers'; // deprecated table, function no longer exists. $urls = fs_urls_table(); $hits = fs_hits_table(); $archive_pages = fs_archive_pages(); $archive_ranges = fs_archive_ranges(); $user_id_missing = fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $options, 'user_id'); $sqls = array(fs_index_exists($fsdb, $options, 'option_key'), "ALTER TABLE `{$options}` DROP INDEX `option_key`", fs_column_exists($fsdb, $options, 'id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$options}` DROP `id`", $user_id_missing, "ALTER TABLE `{$options}` ADD `user_id` INT NOT NULL FIRST", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $options, 'user_id_option_key_unique'), "ALTER TABLE `{$options}` ADD UNIQUE `user_id_option_key_unique` ( `user_id`,`option_key`)", fs_column_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'referer'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` CHANGE `referer` `url` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'site_id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` ADD `site_id` INT NULL AFTER `url`", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'site_id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD `site_id` INT NULL AFTER `url`", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'new_url_id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD `new_url_id` INT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'title'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` ADD `title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'type'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` ADD `type` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'type'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` ADD INDEX `type` (`type`)", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $referers, 'add_time'), "ALTER TABLE `{$referers}` ADD `add_time` DATETIME NOT NULL"); if (!fs_apply_db_upgrade($fsdb, $sqls)) { return false; } // if created user id, change the following options to system options. if ($user_id_missing) { $system_options = array('firestats_id', 'first_run_time', 'archive_method', 'botlist_last_version_check_time', 'botlist_last_version_info_on_server', 'botlist_version_check_enabled', 'botlist_version_hash', 'firestats_last_version_check_time', 'firestats_last_version_info_on_server', 'firestats_version_check_enabled', 'ip-to-country-db_last_version_check_time', 'ip-to-country-db_last_version_info_on_server', 'ip-to-country-db_version_check_enabled', 'archive_method', 'archive_older_than', 'auto_bots_list_update', 'last_sent_sysinfo', 'user_agreed_to_send_system_information', 'last_version_check_time'); foreach ($system_options as $opt) { $sql = "UPDATE `{$options}` SET `user_id` = '-1' WHERE `option_key`= '{$opt}'"; if (false === $fsdb->query($sql)) { echo fs_db_error(); return false; } } } if (!fs_create_pending_data_table($fsdb)) { return false; } if (!fs_create_url_metadata($fsdb)) { return false; } $fsdb->query("START TRANSACTION"); if (fs_mysql_newer_than("4.1.0")) { // pupulate current urls table with site ids based on urls in the hits table. $sql = "UPDATE `{$urls}` u,\n\t\t\t\t (SELECT DISTINCT( url_id,h.site_id FROM `{$urls}` u,`{$hits}` h WHERE = h.url_id ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC) k \n\t\t\t\tSET u.site_id = k.site_id \n\t\t\t\tWHERE = k.url_id"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // pupulate current urls table with site ids based on urls in the archive pages table. // this step is not needed for mysql < 4.1.0 because we only support archving for mysql > 4.1.14 $sql = "UPDATE `{$urls}` u,(SELECT site_id, url_id, max(range_start) from `{$archive_pages}` p, `{$archive_ranges}` r WHERE p.range_id = r.range_id GROUP BY url_id) k \n\t\t\t\tSET u.site_id = k.site_id WHERE = k.url_id"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } else { // mysql 4.0 does not support nested update-selects. need to update them one by one. // get site ids of urls $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT( url_id,h.site_id FROM `{$urls}` u,`{$hits}` h WHERE = h.url_id ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC"; $res = $fsdb->get_results($sql); if ($res === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // pupulate current urls table with site ids. foreach ($res as $u) { $sql = "UPDATE `{$urls}` u SET u.site_id = '{$u->site_id}' WHERE = {$u->url_id}"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } } // insert all urls in urls table into referrers table, along with their corrosponding site_id $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$referers}` (`url`,`md5`) SELECT url,MD5(url) FROM `{$urls}`"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // set the site id in the referrers table for urls that were in the urls table. $sql = "UPDATE `{$referers}` r, `{$urls}` u SET r.site_id = u.site_id WHERE u.md5 = r.md5"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // update host column of referrers table (lines inserted from urls table does not contain them). $sql = "UPDATE `{$referers}` SET `host`=substring_index(substring_index(`url`,'/',3),'/',-1) WHERE `url` REGEXP 'http://.*'"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // populate new_url_id row in urls table based on the url id in the referrers table $sql = "UPDATE `{$urls}` u,`{$referers}` r SET `new_url_id`= WHERE MD5(u.url) = r.md5"; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // update add_time for existing urls. if (fs_mysql_newer_than("4.1.0")) { // set add_time to urls in the urls table $select = "SELECT id,MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM (SELECT url_id AS id, MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM `{$hits}` GROUP BY `url_id` UNION SELECT `referer_id` AS `id`, MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM `{$hits}` GROUP BY `referer_id`) `u` GROUP BY id"; $sql = "UPDATE `{$referers}`,({$select}) k SET `add_time` = k.`timestamp` WHERE {$referers}.id ="; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } $select = "SELECT id,MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM (SELECT url_id AS id, MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM `{$hits}` GROUP BY `url_id` UNION SELECT `referer_id` AS `id`, MIN(`timestamp`) `timestamp` FROM `{$hits}` GROUP BY `referer_id`) `u` GROUP BY id"; $sql = "UPDATE `{$referers}`,({$select}) k SET `add_time` = k.`timestamp` WHERE {$referers}.id ="; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } else { $sql = "SELECT referer_id id, MIN(timestamp) `timestamp` FROM `{$hits}` GROUP BY referer_id LIMIT 10"; $res = $fsdb->get_results($sql); if ($res === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } foreach ($res as $ref) { $r = $fsdb->query("UPDATE {$referers} r set r.add_time = '{$ref->timestamp}' WHERE = '{$ref->id}'"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } } // if unique index 'ip' exists in hits table, drop it if (fs_index_exists($fsdb, $hits, 'ip')) { // drop unique index. // in fact, some tests shows that we don't really need it from the performance pov, and I really don't understand why we need // it from the uniqueness pov. $r = $fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` DROP INDEX `ip`"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } // update hits table with new url ids. $sql = "UPDATE `{$hits}` h,`{$urls}` u SET h.url_id = u.new_url_id WHERE h.url_id ="; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // if unique index exists in archive pages table, drop it if (fs_index_exists($fsdb, $archive_pages, 'index')) { // drop unique index for the duration of the update. $r = $fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$archive_pages}` DROP INDEX `index`"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } // update pages archive table table with new url ids. $sql = "UPDATE `{$archive_pages}` h,`{$urls}` u SET h.url_id = u.new_url_id WHERE h.url_id ="; $r = $fsdb->query($sql); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } // re-establish unique index $r = $fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$archive_pages}` ADD UNIQUE `index` ( `range_id` , `site_id` , `url_id` )"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } $fsdb->query("COMMIT"); if (fs_table_exists($fsdb, $referers)) { $r = $fsdb->query("DROP TABLE `{$urls}"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } $r = $fsdb->query("RENAME TABLE `{$referers}` TO `{$urls}`"); if ($r === FALSE) { echo fs_db_error(true); return false; } } fs_add_pending_maintanence_job('recalculate_search_engine_terms'); if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 11)) { return false; } return true; }
function fs_get_url_id($url) { $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn(); $urls = fs_urls_table(); $url = $fsdb->escape($url); $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `{$urls}` WHERE `md5` = MD5({$url})"; return $fsdb->get_var($sql); }
function fs_get_tables_list() { $a = array(fs_version_table(), fs_hits_table(), fs_useragents_table(), fs_urls_table(), fs_excluded_ips_table(), fs_bots_table(), fs_options_table(), fs_sites_table(), fs_archive_ranges(), fs_archive_sites(), fs_archive_pages(), fs_archive_referrers(), fs_archive_useragents(), fs_archive_countries(), fs_users_table(), fs_pending_date_table(), fs_url_metadata_table()); return $a; }
function fs_add_hit_immediate__($user_id, $site_id, $time = null) { if (!fs_db_valid()) { return fs_get_database_status_message(); } $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn(); $d = fs_get_hit_data($fsdb, $user_id, $site_id); $user_id = $d->user_id; $site_id = $d->site_id; $remoteaddr = $d->remoteaddr; $useragent = $d->useragent; $url = $d->url; $referer = $d->referer; if ($time === null) { $time = "NOW()"; } else { $time = $fsdb->escape($time); } $useragents = fs_useragents_table(); $urls = fs_urls_table(); $excluded_ips = fs_excluded_ips_table(); if ($fsdb->query("START TRANSACTION") === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // insert to user agent table (no duplicates) $ret = $fsdb->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$useragents}` (`useragent`,`md5`) VALUES ({$useragent} ,MD5(`useragent`))"); if ($ret === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // if we actually inserted a new useragent, we need to match it against existing filters. if ($ret > 0) { $bots = fs_bots_table(); $ret = $fsdb->get_row("SELECT id,count(wildcard) c\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$bots} RIGHT JOIN {$useragents} ua \n\t\t\t\tON useragent REGEXP wildcard \n\t\t\t\tWHERE useragent = {$useragent}\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY useragent"); if ($ret === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } $ret = $fsdb->query("UPDATE {$useragents} SET match_bots='{$ret->c}' WHERE id='{$ret->id}'"); if ($ret === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } } $save_excluded = fs_get_save_excluded_records() === 'true'; $c = $fsdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM `{$excluded_ips}` WHERE `ip` = " . $remoteaddr); if ($c === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } $c = (int) $c; $excluded_ip = $c > 0 ? 1 : 0; $excluded_users = fs_get_local_option('firestats_excluded_users'); if ($excluded_users === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } $excluded_user = $user_id && $excluded_users && in_array($user_id, explode(",", $excluded_users)) ? 1 : 0; // get index of useragent in table, can't use LAST_INSERT_ID() here because of the no-dups policy $ua_info = $fsdb->get_row("SELECT id,match_bots from `{$useragents}` WHERE `useragent` = {$useragent}"); $excluded_useragent = $ua_info->match_bots > 0; // check if we want to save this if (!$save_excluded && ($excluded_useragent || $excluded_user || $excluded_ip)) { return true; } $useragent_id = $ua_info->id; if ($useragent_id === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // insert to urls table (no duplicates) $url = $url ? "{$url}" : "''"; if ($fsdb->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$urls}` (`url`,`md5`,`add_time`,`host`) \n\t\t\t\t\t VALUES ({$url},MD5(url),{$time},substring_index(substring_index(`url`,'/',3),'/',-1))") === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // get index of url in table, can't use LAST_INSERT_ID() here because of the no-dups policy $url_id = $fsdb->get_var("SELECT id from " . fs_urls_table() . " WHERE `url` = {$url}"); if ($url_id === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } if ($url_id == null) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // update site id of url to current site id. // this is only done for the url and not for the referrer: // we don't know the site id of the referrer. if it will appear as a url it will be assigned the site_id. if (false === $fsdb->get_var("UPDATE `{$urls}` SET `site_id` = {$site_id} WHERE `id` = {$url_id}")) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // insert referers into urls table (no duplicates) $referer = $referer ? "{$referer}" : "''"; require_once FS_ABS_PATH . '/php/searchengines.php'; $search_engine_id = "NULL"; $search_terms = "NULL"; $referrer_breakdown = null; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $search_params = fs_get_search_terms_and_engine($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $referrer_breakdown); if ($search_params) { $id = $search_params->engine_id; $terms = $search_params->search_terms; if (!empty($id)) { $search_engine_id = $fsdb->escape($id); } if (!empty($terms)) { $search_terms = $fsdb->escape($terms); } } } $has_scheme = isset($referrer_breakdown['scheme']); $optional_host = $has_scheme ? ",`host`" : ""; $optional_host_query = $has_scheme ? ",substring_index(substring_index(`url`,'/',3),'/',-1)" : ""; if ($fsdb->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$urls}`(`url`,`md5`,`add_time`,`search_engine_id`,`search_terms` {$optional_host}) VALUES ({$referer},MD5(url),{$time},{$search_engine_id} ,{$search_terms} {$optional_host_query})") === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } // get index of url in table, can't use LAST_INSERT_ID() here because of the no-dups policy $referer_id = $fsdb->get_var("SELECT id from {$urls} WHERE `url` = {$referer}"); if ($referer_id === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } if ($referer_id == null) { echo "FireStats : Error getting referrer id "; return fs_debug_rollback(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ip2country.php'; $ip2c_res = fs_ip2c($d->ip_address, true); $ccode = $ip2c_res ? $fsdb->escape($ip2c_res) : "NULL"; // insert to database. $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO " . fs_hits_table() . "\n\t\t\t(site_id,ip,timestamp,url_id,referer_id,useragent_id,session_id,excluded_ip,excluded_user,user_id,country_code) \n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$site_id},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$remoteaddr},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$time},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$url_id},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$referer_id},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$useragent_id},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (isset($session_id) ? "{$session_id}" : "NULL") . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$excluded_ip},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$excluded_user},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($user_id ? "{$user_id}" : "NULL") . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$ccode}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"; if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } if ($fsdb->query("COMMIT") === false) { return fs_debug_rollback(); } return true; }